19 Seperableequations

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Lecture 19 : Separable Equations

A Separable Differential Equation is a first order differential equation of the form

= f (y)g(x)
In this case we have Z Z
dy = g(x)dx
f (y)
We can see this by differentiating both sides with respect to x.
When we perform the above integration, we get an equation relating x and y which defines y implicitly
as a function of x. Sometimes we can solve for y explicitly in terms of x.
Example Solve the following differential equation:

0 x
y =

Example Solve the following differential equation:

xy + y 0 = 100x

Example Solve the following initial value problem:

y(sin x)
y0 = , y(0) = 1
y2 + 1

Example Solve the following Initial value problem:

y 0 = yex , y(0) = 2

Orthogonal Trajectories.
An Orthogonal Trajectory of a family of curves is a curve that intersects each curve in the family of
curves at right angles. Two curves intersect at right angles if their tangents at that point intersect at
right angles. That is if the product of their slopes at the point of intersection is −1.
Example The family of curves x2 + y 2 = a2 is a family of concentric circles centered at the origin.
The family of lines of form y = kx, are a family of orthogonal trajectories. Why?

To find the orthogonal trajectories to a family of curves,

• We find a differential equation satisfied by all of the curves solving for any constants in the
description in terms of x and y.

• We then use the fact that the products of the derivatives of orthogonal curves is −1 to find a new
differential equation whose solution is the family of orthogonal trajectories.

Example Find the orthogonal trajectories to the family of curves y = ax3 .

= 3ax2 .

Mixture Problems
In these problems a chemical in a liquid solution (or gas) runs into a container holding the liquid. The
liquid in the container may already have a specified amount of the chemical dissolved in it. We assume
the mixture is kept uniform by stirring and flows out of the container at a known rate. The differential
equation describing the process is based on the formula

Rate of Change Rate at which Rate at which

of the amount = chemical - chemical
in the container arrives departs

Example A vat at Guinness’ brewery with 500 gallons of beer contains 3% alcohol (15 gallons). Beer
with 5% alcohol per unit of volume is pumped into the vat at a rate of 5 gallons/ min and the mixture
is pumped out at the same rate. What is the percentage of alcohol after one hour?

Extra Examples
Newton’s Law of Cooling.
y 0 = −0.1(y − 90)

= −0.1(y − 90)
Separating variables, we get
dy = −0.1dx
y − 90
Integrating both sides, we get
ln |y − 90| = −0.1x + C
Applying the exponential function to both sides, we get
|y − 90| = Ke−0.1x
Since the value of K may be positive or negative, we get
y − 90 = Ke−0.1x
y = 90 + Ke−0.1x .

Exponential Growth and Decay

Example Solve the following Initial value problem:
y 0 = 2y, y(0) = 10

Separating variables, we get

dy = 2dx
Integrating both sides, we get
ln |y| = 2x + C
applying the exponential function to both sides, we get
|y| = e2x eC = Ke2x
since K can be positive or negative, we can discard absolute value signs and
y = Ke2x .
Using the initial value condition, we get
10 = Ke0 = K
y = 10e2x .

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