Rural Work Department
Rural Work Department
Rural Work Department
Rural roads are the tertiary road system in total road network which
provides accessibility for the rural habitations to market and other facility
centers. In India, during the last five decades, rural roads are being
planned and programmed in the context of overall rural development,
and tried to provide all- weather connectivity with some level of
achievement. The long term road development plans for the country
provided policy guidelines and priorities for rural roads, while the funds
for rural roads were allocated in
the Five Year Plans.
Recently, during the last five years Government of India has undertaken a
dedicated program known as ‘Pradhan Mantra Gram Sadak Yojana
(PMGSY)’ to provide rural connectivity to all habitations under the
Ministry of Rural Development. More recently, Bharat Nirman, a time
bound business plan adapted to provided rural infrastructure during
2005-09, rural roads have been taken as one of the components and
blended with PMGSY program. . It targeted to provide connectivity to all
habitations having population of 1000 and above (500 and above in hilly,
desert and tribal areas) by 2009 and also aimed to upgrade the existing
rural roads for overall network development, which is a more objective
And the government of bihar launched the mukhya mantra gram sampark
yojna (MMGSY) in year 2013 to concert with all weather to all rural
habitation to connect with market and district centre.
The program is funded by the govt of bihar through its own source.
Table of Contents
Rural road
1. Planning and design
1.1 District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) and Core Network (CN)
1.2 Optimal Network Planning including Multiple Connectivity
1.3 Intra-village Roads
1.4 Detailed project report
1.5 Pavement design
2. Construction
1.1 Rural road
Rural roads are roads connecting villages or cluster of villages with each other to
the nearest road of a higher category. These roads are under the Control of Rural
Development and Panchayat Raj Department.
Classification of rural road
The rural roads are commonly classified as:
1. Other District Roads (ODR)
2. Village Roads (VR), which is further classified as
Panchayat Union roads
Panchayat roads
Other District Roads (ODR)
Other District roads are the roads serving rural areas and providing them
with outlet to market centers, Taluk head quarters, block head quarters or major district
roads, and would serve to connect villages with a population of 1000 and above or a
cluster of villages. These roads are owned by Highways Department.
Village Roads (VR)
Village roads are roads connecting villages or cluster of villages with each other to the
nearest road of a higher category. These roads are under the Control of Rural
Development and Panchayat Raj Department.
1.2 District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) and Core Network (CN)
Under MMGSY and PMGSY program, the investment for new construction and up
gradation is being assessed by preparing a district level rural road plan and core
network of rural roads. The District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) is a compendium of
the existing and proposed road network system in the district which clearly
identifies the proposed roads for connecting the yet unconnected habitations to
already connected habitations/all-weather roads in an economic and efficient
way in terms of cost and utility. It is also known as Master Plan for Rural Roads for
the district. Preparing maps and database on habitations and road details for each
Block, such maps are integrated at District level to form the District Rural Road
Plan. Detailed guidelines were prepared by the Ministry of Rural Development
and circulated to the State agencies. The Core Network (CN) is a subset of DRRP
which provides the ‘basic access’ to all villages/habitations with one all-weather
road to the near by market centre or rural business hub and essential social and
economic services. It comprises of Through Routes and Link Routes. Through
routes are the ones which collect traffic from several link roads or a long chain of
habitations and lead it to a market centre or a higher category of roads. Link
routes are the roads connecting a single habitation or a group of habitations to
Through Roads or Major Road leading to market centre. Links routes generally will
have dead ends terminating on habitations, while through routes arise from the
confluence of two or more link routes and emerge on to a major road or to a
market centre. All State agencies have already prepared the DRRP and Core
Network and currently, funds are being allocated based on these plans.
1. Camber - a gradual curved slope from the centre of road down to its both side.
e= tanθ
Governing Equation e+f = V2/gR
Transition curve:
Spiral curve should be used for transition. This is necessary for a vehicle to have
smooth entry from a straight section into a circular curve. The transition curve
also improves aesthetic appearance of the road besides permitting gradual
application of the super elevation and extra widening of carriageway needed at
the horizontal curve. Transition curve is provided at both ends of horizontal curve.
Minimum length of transition curves for various radii are given in Table.
Different types of transition curves:
1) Spiral ( also called as clothoid)
2) Lemniscates
3) Cubic parabola
The ideal shape of transition curve should be such that the rate of introduction
of centrifugal force or the rate of change of centrifugal acceleration should be
consistent. The IRC recommends the use of spiral curve as transition curve due to
the following reasons;
1) The spiral curve satisfies the requirement of an ideal transition curve.
2) The geometric property of spiral may is such that the calculations and
setting out the curve in the field is simple and easy.
Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration:
Ls= 0.0215V³/CR
Ls= length of transition curve, m
V= design speed in kph
C= allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration m /sec ³,
C=80/(75+V) R = radius of circular curve in m.
a part of a road added to the existing one.
a place where you can change from a motorway to a main road using a system
of smaller roads.
a place where roads join or cross each other.
a place where the level changes in a road surface.
the part of a road that you drive on
Speed bump
a raised area across the width of a road that forces drivers to drive more
A road line or canal is normally raised onto an embankment made of compacted
soil (typically clay or rock-based) to avoid a change in level required by the terrain,
the alternatives being either to have an unacceptable change in level or detour to
follow a contour.
2.2.2 Earthwork
is one of the major works involved in road construction. It involves the removal
of topsoil, along with any vegetation, before scraping and grading the area to the
finished ‘formation level’. This is usually done using a tractor
shovel, grader or bulldozer. Below the formation level, the soil is known as the
‘sub grade’. It is essential that the strength of the sub grade is tested prior
to earthwork beginning.
Most earthworks are formed by cut-and-fill, and the type of ‘fill’ material must be
considered, not only in terms of its physical properties, but on the conditions in
which it is to be used, and the methods of compaction.
As per MORD specification for rural roads, sub grade can be defined as
compacted layer , generally of naturally occurring local soil, assumed to be
300mm in thickness (for low volume road) just beneath the pavement crust, and
is made up in-situ a suitable foundation for the pavement. The sub grade in
embankment is compacted in two layers usually to higher standard than the
lower part of the embankment.
Depending on its quality, compressible subsoil may
be removed or stabilized. If the cost of full or partial excavation of subsoil is
uneconomical and would be likely to result in consolidation, sand wicks
or sand drains may be used. Sand wicks are sand-filled boreholes beneath
the road embankment that give greater stability to the soil by decreasing the
length that water has to travel in a drainage path, so
dissipating water pressure. Sand drains alongside the road are used to
intercept ground water.
For the pavement design of new roads, the subgrade strength needs to be evaluated in
terms of CBR value.
The CBR of the sub grade can be estimated by any of the following methods:
The required thickness of the pavement is determined by the sub grade strength,
so it is desirable to make the sub grade as strong as possible.
2.3 Sub base course
A sub base course is a layer designed of carefully selected materials that is located
between the sub grade and base course of the pavement. The sub base thickness
is generally in the range of 100mm in rural road, and it is designed to withstand
the required structural capacity of the pavement section. Common materials used
for a road sub base include gravel, crushed stone, or sub grade soil that is
stabilized with cement, fly ash, or lime. Permeable sub base courses are becoming
more prevalent because of their ability to drain infiltrating water from the
surface. They also prevent subsurface water from reaching the pavement surface.
When local material costs are excessively expensively or the material
requirements to increase the structural bearing of the sub-base are not readily
available, highway engineers can increase the bearing capacity of the underlying
soil by mixing in Portland cement, foamed asphalt, or with emerging technologies
Obtain materials from approved sources. The material should be natural
sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag, granulated slag, crushed
concrete, brick metal and kankar etc.
Immediately prior to the laying of sub-base, sub grade shall be prepared
with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity. The granular material
for sub base shall preferably be natural. Mixing of ingredients to make
granular sub base may be undertaken as per gradation requirement under
strict quality control. Manual methods shall be permitted only where the
width of laying is not adequate for mechanical operations or in small sized
jobs. Moisture content of loose material shall be checked in accordance
with IS: 2720(Part 2). After water has been added+1 percent to -2 percent
of OMC as per IS : 2720 (Part 8) – 1993), the material shall be processed by
mechanical or other approved means like disc harrows, motivators, until
the layer is uniformly wet. Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. The
sub-base material should be spread in layers not exceeding 100 mm
compacted thickness. (If suitable vibratory rollers are available, the
thickness of layer can be up to a maximum of 225 mm). Each layer should
be thoroughly compacted with rolling commencing from edge to centre for
portions having cross fall on both sides (for portions having unidirectional
super elevation, rolling should commence at the lower edge and
proceeding towards the upper upper edge). Each pass should overlap by
one-third of the track made in the preceding pass. Speed of roller should be
less than 5 kmph. The rolling should continue until density achieved is at
least 100 percent of the maximum dry density determined as per IS : 2720
(Pt.7). The surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction
shall be well closed, free from movement under compaction equipment
and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material.
For rural roads designed for cumulative ESAL repetitions more than 100,000
unbound granular bases which comprise conventional Water Bound Macadam
(WBM), Wet Mix macadam (WMM) or Crusher Run Macadam Base are adopted
as per Clauses 405,406 and 411 of the MORD Specifications for Rural Roads.
Where hard stone metal is not available within economical leads, a cement
stabilized base can be provided as per Clause 404 of the MORD Specifications for
Rural Roads.
Once the Sub-Base is prepared, the base course is required to provide the
strength to the road. Generally, the base course is constructed with the
help of stone metal and other suitable materials.
WBM base course shall be constructed in conformity with line, grades and
cross sections shown in the drawings of tender document. The existing
surface of sub grade or sub base to receive WBM course shall be prepared
to the specified grade and camber and cleared of all dust. Any ruts or soft
yielding places that have appeared due to improper drainage of surface
under traffic or season shall be corrected and rolled. Any sub
base/base/surface irregularities, where predominant, shall be made good
by providing appropriate type of profile corrective course (leveling
Prime Coat
Prime coat is a spray application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
Material on top of the top most granular layer of the base course. Prior to
applying the primer, the surface shall be carefully swept or brushed clean of dust
and loose particles.
Bituminous primer should be slow setting bitumen emulsion, use of cutback being
Restricted to areas having subzero temperature or for emergency operations.
Specifications for rural roads of MORD give details of prime coat. Bitumen
emulsion shall be used as prime coat. Use of cutback bitumen should be
restricted. The requirement of the prime coat for different types of base course is
given in Table
The Requirement of Viscosity and Quantity for Priming
Bituminous primer shall not be applied to a wet surface or during a dust storm or
When the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature in the shade is
less than 10oC. Surfaces which are to receive emulsion primer should be damp, but
no free or standing water shall be present.
The need:
Bituminous surfacing is a relatively expensive item, and its use should be made
Judiciously. Even when used, the specification will not generally be higher than
one/two-coat surface dressing provided as per Clause 507 of MORD Specification
for Rural Roads or 20 mm thick open-graded premix carpet as per Clause 508. A
thin bituminous surfacing serves the following purposes:
Improves the riding quality
A Seals the surface, thus preventing the entry of water which would
otherwise weaken the pavement structure.
Protects the granular base from the damaging effects of traffic
Quality control
Need of Quality Control in Rural Roads
Quality control refers to the practice of checking the quality of a product by testing
samples. Since large investments are being made in the rural roads now, it is
desirable that good quality roads are constructed meeting the laid-down standards
and specifications for durable assets. State Governments should develop a Quality
Assurance system covering all the aspects of Rural Roads. Over a period of time,
the sector should move towards Total Quality Management (TQM) as practiced
In order to get a rural road of good quality, it is necessary to plan for quality
right from the stage of surveys, investigations, design and preparation of Detailed
Project Report (DPR). The engagement of the right personnel trained for the job
and the use of the right survey and investigation equipment is a pre-requisite for
obtaining a good quality DPR. As a part of the quality check, the DPRs prepared
are thoroughly scrutinized by the State Technical Agencies and are assured in
convenience with the set guidelines, design standards and procedures. The
construction of rural roads is generally taken up in stages depending upon
different layers designed. In each stage the designated authorities are carrying
out the quality control.
Quality Control System
The Ministry of Rural Development has given a push to quality culture in rural
roads construction by establishment of a three-tier system of quality control for the
PMGSY roads during construction detailed as under:
First Tier: At the local level, involving the contractor and the supervisory
staff of Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
Second Tier: An independent check of the quality through periodic checks
by State Quality Monitors (SQM), officers and agencies engaged by the
State Government, independent of the PIU.
Third Tier: Independent inspection of works by National Quality Monitors
(NQM), appointed by the Central Government out of experienced retired
Engineers from the states.
For checking the quality of works, the standard bidding document clearly specifies
establishment of field laboratories by the contractor, with the specified minimum
testing equipment and facilities. Most of States have established the field
laboratory, quality control laboratory and district level laboratories as per the
provisions of the Rural Roads Manual. These laboratories are to be used
hierarchically at district, region and state level for strict quality control regime.
However, these laboratories are required to be strengthened with proper trained
manpower and modern testing equipments.
Quality control, quality assurance and
third party quality audit are to be systematically adopted with streamlined
institutional arrangements with an objective of achieving Total Quality
Management (TQM) in rural roads. It may be mentioned that quality product (i.e.
rural road) is dependent firstly on planning itself, i.e. a quality Detailed Project
Report (DPR). Thus, State level quality assurance system will have to facilitate
higher level of technical inputs including project planning technique, material
characterization and design for rural roads.
Some test on rural road with SQM(state quality monitor)