Rural Work Department

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About rural work department


Rural roads are the tertiary road system in total road network which
provides accessibility for the rural habitations to market and other facility
centers. In India, during the last five decades, rural roads are being
planned and programmed in the context of overall rural development,
and tried to provide all- weather connectivity with some level of
achievement. The long term road development plans for the country
provided policy guidelines and priorities for rural roads, while the funds
for rural roads were allocated in
the Five Year Plans.

Recently, during the last five years Government of India has undertaken a
dedicated program known as ‘Pradhan Mantra Gram Sadak Yojana
(PMGSY)’ to provide rural connectivity to all habitations under the
Ministry of Rural Development. More recently, Bharat Nirman, a time
bound business plan adapted to provided rural infrastructure during
2005-09, rural roads have been taken as one of the components and
blended with PMGSY program. . It targeted to provide connectivity to all
habitations having population of 1000 and above (500 and above in hilly,
desert and tribal areas) by 2009 and also aimed to upgrade the existing
rural roads for overall network development, which is a more objective
And the government of bihar launched the mukhya mantra gram sampark
yojna (MMGSY) in year 2013 to concert with all weather to all rural
habitation to connect with market and district centre.
The program is funded by the govt of bihar through its own source.
Table of Contents
 Rural road
1. Planning and design
1.1 District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) and Core Network (CN)
1.2 Optimal Network Planning including Multiple Connectivity
1.3 Intra-village Roads
1.4 Detailed project report
1.5 Pavement design

2. Construction
1.1 Rural road
Rural roads are roads connecting villages or cluster of villages with each other to
the nearest road of a higher category. These roads are under the Control of Rural
Development and Panchayat Raj Department.
Classification of rural road
The rural roads are commonly classified as:
1. Other District Roads (ODR)
2. Village Roads (VR), which is further classified as
 Panchayat Union roads
 Panchayat roads
Other District Roads (ODR)
Other District roads are the roads serving rural areas and providing them
with outlet to market centers, Taluk head quarters, block head quarters or major district
roads, and would serve to connect villages with a population of 1000 and above or a
cluster of villages. These roads are owned by Highways Department.
Village Roads (VR)
Village roads are roads connecting villages or cluster of villages with each other to the
nearest road of a higher category. These roads are under the Control of Rural
Development and Panchayat Raj Department.

1.2 District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) and Core Network (CN)
Under MMGSY and PMGSY program, the investment for new construction and up
gradation is being assessed by preparing a district level rural road plan and core
network of rural roads. The District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) is a compendium of
the existing and proposed road network system in the district which clearly
identifies the proposed roads for connecting the yet unconnected habitations to
already connected habitations/all-weather roads in an economic and efficient
way in terms of cost and utility. It is also known as Master Plan for Rural Roads for
the district. Preparing maps and database on habitations and road details for each
Block, such maps are integrated at District level to form the District Rural Road
Plan. Detailed guidelines were prepared by the Ministry of Rural Development
and circulated to the State agencies. The Core Network (CN) is a subset of DRRP
which provides the ‘basic access’ to all villages/habitations with one all-weather
road to the near by market centre or rural business hub and essential social and
economic services. It comprises of Through Routes and Link Routes. Through
routes are the ones which collect traffic from several link roads or a long chain of
habitations and lead it to a market centre or a higher category of roads. Link
routes are the roads connecting a single habitation or a group of habitations to
Through Roads or Major Road leading to market centre. Links routes generally will
have dead ends terminating on habitations, while through routes arise from the
confluence of two or more link routes and emerge on to a major road or to a
market centre. All State agencies have already prepared the DRRP and Core
Network and currently, funds are being allocated based on these plans.

1.2 Optimal Network Planning with Multiple Connectivity

The Core Network based on the DRRP database prepared at the beginning of the
MMGSY AND PMGSY program to provide single connectivity to the habitations
needs to be reviewed. Core Network maps basically result in spanning tree
structure for the network, particularly when basic access is the target. This type of
network, though provides connectivity, may result in constrained access which
leads to detouring and making circuitous travel. There for the procedure for
preparing the core network requires a review, particularly in those districts which
have achieved the basic connectivity. It is a case for providing multi-connectivity
for selected habitations having higher levels of economic activity that may require
access from more than one direction, in order to cut down the total
transportation cost. Though providing basic access is a social obligation, the
multiple accesses are to be fully justified.
Core network provides basic access to all habitations;
however, the multiple links proposed may serve additional facilities or service
centers. Integrated functional accessibility criteria may be used to select the best
link options for provision of multiple connectivity strictly based on social and
economic criteria.
1.3Intra-village Roads
Generally, it is known that travel needs of the different segment of rural
population are different, and for poor and women the travel needs are mostly
concentrated with the village/habitations to fulfill their basic requirements. These
movements can be classified as intra-habitation and intra village movements. The
intra village/habitation road serves these purposes. Intra village road include the
roads/tracks connecting different habitations within a revenue/census village,
roads in the built up areas of a habitation and road leading to a facility location
such as school, dispensary, drinking water, community centre, etc located in the
village. Therefore, the rural roads network development should also consider this
component. Appropriate techniques and standardization for network planning,
design, standards, specifications and quality assurance system should be
separately identified since these roads are expected to carry very low traffic. In
some of the States, the Panchayat institutions are developing these roads under
various wage employment/rural development program without adopting proper
standards and design procedures. It is necessary to develop appropriate
standards and specifications by keeping in mind that the roads constructed are
amenable for stage constructing facilitating upgrading them at a future date.
It is suggested that the intra-village/habitation roads should be given priority in
11th Five Year Plan, starting the villages having more than 1000 population. The
carriage way could be limited to 3 m with preferably cement concrete/brick
pavement/block pavement depending upon the local conditions. Drainage should
be give primary importance while constructing of these roads. On an average 3
km length may be taken per village with a cost of Rs.10-15 lacs per km for macro
level estimation of resources.

1.4 Detailed Project Report (DPR)

Each rural road project, whether new construction or upgradation of an existing
road should have a separate feasibility and Detailed Project Report (DPR). The
DPR should be based on the detailed survey and investigations and designed with
choice of technology. The guidance for preparation of the DPR may be taken from
IRC:SP:19, and other relevant IRC Codes of Practices along with all data supported
by necessary investigations and the maps/drawings. The cost and quantity
estimates should be based on the Schedule of Rates, which will be prepared using
the MORD specifications and Standard Data Book (SDB) for Analysis of Rates for
Rural Roads. Under MMGSY and PMGSY, the DPR prepared by the executing
agencies are being scrutinized by the State technical agencies(RWD) before it is
being approved. The system should also continue during the 11th Five year Plan
Period not only for proposals under PMGSY but also for other major programs
and schemes under taken by the GOVT of BIHAR (MMGSY).
1.5 Pavement Design
The IRC Rural Roads Manual gives pavement thickness based on, (i) 4-day soaked
CBR(California bearing ratio) value of soil and (ii) traffic in terms of commercial
vehicles per day (CVPD). As regards the type of surfacing, all rural roads except
those (i) in an arid region with annual rainfall less than 500 mm and traffic upto
150 motorized vehicles per day and (ii) in a region with an annual rainfall less than
1000 mm and traffic upto 50 motorized vehicles per day (except two-wheelers)
were required to be provided with a bituminous treatment.
Indian Roads Congress has already revised the manual and is being published as
special publication. It recommends the design of flexible pavements for rural
roads using the concept of performance based designs (American Association of
State Highway and Transportation Official (AASTHO) ) with Equivalent standard
Axle Loads (ESAL) which will optimize the pavement structure and the cost of
construction. The design of rigid pavement of rural roads including that of block
pavements and roller compacted cement concrete have been brought by the
Indian Roads Congress is being recommended for implementation of rural road


2.1 Some basic parts of roads and road system

1. Camber - a gradual curved slope from the centre of road down to its both side.

Why camber is provided

1. To protect the road by preventing the entry of surface water into the sub grade
soil through pavement.
2. To prevent the entry of water into the bituminous pavement layers.
3. To remove the rainwater from the pavement surface as quickly as possible and
to allow the pavement to get dry soon after the rain.
Advantage of camber
1. Camber provides quick drainage of rainwater and thus saves the foundation
course of the road structure from weakening by percolation of rainwater to
it through the road surface.
2. 2. This prevents rainwater to accumulate in local shrinkages or depressions
and forming water pool on the road surface, which are disagreeable to the
public as well as to the road structure.
Camber for Different Surface Types (IRC SP : 20 - 2002, Page No. 35)

Recommended value of camber for different types of rural road

surface by IRC:
2. Super elevation
Super elevation is provided to counteract the effect of centrifugal force and to
minimize the tendency of the vehicle to overturn or skid by raising the outer edge
of pavement with respect to the inner edge, providing a transverse slope
throughout the length of the horizontal curve.
It is expressed as the ratio of elevation of the outer edge above the inner edge to
the horizontal width of carriageway or as the tangent of the angle of slope of the
road surface. It is generally denoted by ‘e’ or S.E.

Objects of providing super elevation

1. To counteract the effect of centrifugal force acting on the moving vehicle to
pull out the same outward on a horizontal curve.
2. To help a fast moving vehicle to negotiate a curved path without overturning
and skidding.
3. To ensure safety to the fast moving traffic.
4. To prevent damaging effect on the road surface due to improper distribution of
Design of super elevation
IRC suggest following following design procedure for rural roads
According to IRC the Maximum Super elevation in Areas

Which Are Bound by Snow fall – 7%

Which are not bounded by Snowfall – 10%

Minimum super elevation = camber or cross slope

Calculate the super elevation necessary for 75% design speed and assume No
lateral friction is developed.

e = rate of super elevation in %

f = lateral friction factor = 0

V = velocity of vehicle in m/s

R = radius of circular curve in meters.

If e value is less than emax = 0.07, provide calculated e value

Super elevation obtained from the above expression should, however be kept
Limited for the following values:
Plain and rolling terrain 7 percent
Snow bound area 7 percent and
Hilly area but not snow bound 10 percent
Analysis of Super elevation

e= tanθ
Governing Equation e+f = V2/gR
Transition curve:
Spiral curve should be used for transition. This is necessary for a vehicle to have
smooth entry from a straight section into a circular curve. The transition curve
also improves aesthetic appearance of the road besides permitting gradual
application of the super elevation and extra widening of carriageway needed at
the horizontal curve. Transition curve is provided at both ends of horizontal curve.
Minimum length of transition curves for various radii are given in Table.
Different types of transition curves:
1) Spiral ( also called as clothoid)
2) Lemniscates
3) Cubic parabola
The ideal shape of transition curve should be such that the rate of introduction
of centrifugal force or the rate of change of centrifugal acceleration should be
consistent. The IRC recommends the use of spiral curve as transition curve due to
the following reasons;
1) The spiral curve satisfies the requirement of an ideal transition curve.
2) The geometric property of spiral may is such that the calculations and
setting out the curve in the field is simple and easy.
Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration:
Ls= 0.0215V³/CR
Ls= length of transition curve, m
V= design speed in kph
C= allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration m /sec ³,
C=80/(75+V) R = radius of circular curve in m.

Minimum length of Vertical curve (IRC SP : 20 - 2002, Page No. 42)

a part of a road added to the existing one.
a place where you can change from a motorway to a main road using a system
of smaller roads.
a place where roads join or cross each other.
a place where the level changes in a road surface.
the part of a road that you drive on
Speed bump
a raised area across the width of a road that forces drivers to drive more
A road line or canal is normally raised onto an embankment made of compacted
soil (typically clay or rock-based) to avoid a change in level required by the terrain,
the alternatives being either to have an unacceptable change in level or detour to
follow a contour.

Embankment on rural road

A carriageway or roadway consists of a width of road on which a vehicle is not
restricted by any physical barriers or separation to move laterally. A carriageway
generally consists of a number of traffic lanes together with any associated
shoulder, but may be a sole lane in width.
Carriageway width
The standard width of the carriage for both plain and rolling as well as
mountainous and steep terrain shall be 3.75 m. For rural roads, the carriageway
width may be restricted to 3.0 m, where the traffic intensity is less than 100
motorized vehicles per day and where the traffic is not likely to increase due to
situation, like, dead end, low habitation and difficult terrain conditions.
The shoulder is usually slightly narrower than a full traffic lane. In some cases,
particularly on older rural roadways, shoulders that initially existed were
hardened with gravel rather than being paved with asphalt or concrete.
Shoulder width
The width of the shoulder for rural roads in different terrain will be one half the
differences between the roadway width and carriageway width.
Side slopes
Side slope for rural road where embankment height less than 3.0 m is given in
Side Slope For Rural Roads (IRC SP : 20 - 2002, Page No. 34)
2.2 Earth work

2.2.1 Soil survey

It is necessary that a soil survey along and around the road alignment is carried
out following the laid out down-procedures and that the result of the all field and
laboratory investigation are made available to the designer. During the soil
surveys, the depth of fluctuations of GWT (ground water table) must be recorded.
All the representative samples of sub grade soils must be subjected to the simple
classification tests ( wet sieve analysis , liquid and plastic limits) and the soil group
shown representative samples, ensuring that the at least 3 samples are taken per
KM length even if the same soil type continues.

2.2.2 Earthwork
is one of the major works involved in road construction. It involves the removal
of topsoil, along with any vegetation, before scraping and grading the area to the
finished ‘formation level’. This is usually done using a tractor
shovel, grader or bulldozer. Below the formation level, the soil is known as the
‘sub grade’. It is essential that the strength of the sub grade is tested prior
to earthwork beginning.

Most earthworks are formed by cut-and-fill, and the type of ‘fill’ material must be
considered, not only in terms of its physical properties, but on the conditions in
which it is to be used, and the methods of compaction.

The sub grade


As per MORD specification for rural roads, sub grade can be defined as
compacted layer , generally of naturally occurring local soil, assumed to be
300mm in thickness (for low volume road) just beneath the pavement crust, and
is made up in-situ a suitable foundation for the pavement. The sub grade in
embankment is compacted in two layers usually to higher standard than the
lower part of the embankment.
Depending on its quality, compressible subsoil may
be removed or stabilized. If the cost of full or partial excavation of subsoil is
uneconomical and would be likely to result in consolidation, sand wicks
or sand drains may be used. Sand wicks are sand-filled boreholes beneath
the road embankment that give greater stability to the soil by decreasing the
length that water has to travel in a drainage path, so
dissipating water pressure. Sand drains alongside the road are used to
intercept ground water.

Sub grade Strength

Design for New Roads

For the pavement design of new roads, the subgrade strength needs to be evaluated in
terms of CBR value.

The CBR of the sub grade can be estimated by any of the following methods:

i) Based on soil classification tests.

ii) Using two sets of equations, based on classification test data, one for plastic
soils and the other for non-plastic soils for estimating soaked CBR values on
samples compacted to proctor density.
iii) By conducting actual CBR tests in the laboratory.

Earth work on rural road

The required thickness of the pavement is determined by the sub grade strength,
so it is desirable to make the sub grade as strong as possible.
2.3 Sub base course
A sub base course is a layer designed of carefully selected materials that is located
between the sub grade and base course of the pavement. The sub base thickness
is generally in the range of 100mm in rural road, and it is designed to withstand
the required structural capacity of the pavement section. Common materials used
for a road sub base include gravel, crushed stone, or sub grade soil that is
stabilized with cement, fly ash, or lime. Permeable sub base courses are becoming
more prevalent because of their ability to drain infiltrating water from the
surface. They also prevent subsurface water from reaching the pavement surface.
When local material costs are excessively expensively or the material
requirements to increase the structural bearing of the sub-base are not readily
available, highway engineers can increase the bearing capacity of the underlying
soil by mixing in Portland cement, foamed asphalt, or with emerging technologies

GSB (Granular sub base)

Granular-Sub-base is often the main load-bearing layer of the pavement. Its role is
to spread the load evenly over the sub grade. The materials used may be either
unbound granular, or cement-bound. The quality of sub base is very important for
the useful life of the road.

Gradation requirement for Coarse Graded Granular Sub-Base

 Obtain materials from approved sources. The material should be natural
sand, murrum, gravel, crushed stone, crushed slag, granulated slag, crushed
concrete, brick metal and kankar etc.
 Immediately prior to the laying of sub-base, sub grade shall be prepared
with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity. The granular material
for sub base shall preferably be natural. Mixing of ingredients to make
granular sub base may be undertaken as per gradation requirement under
strict quality control. Manual methods shall be permitted only where the
width of laying is not adequate for mechanical operations or in small sized
jobs. Moisture content of loose material shall be checked in accordance
with IS: 2720(Part 2). After water has been added+1 percent to -2 percent
of OMC as per IS : 2720 (Part 8) – 1993), the material shall be processed by
mechanical or other approved means like disc harrows, motivators, until
the layer is uniformly wet. Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. The
sub-base material should be spread in layers not exceeding 100 mm
compacted thickness. (If suitable vibratory rollers are available, the
thickness of layer can be up to a maximum of 225 mm). Each layer should
be thoroughly compacted with rolling commencing from edge to centre for
portions having cross fall on both sides (for portions having unidirectional
super elevation, rolling should commence at the lower edge and
proceeding towards the upper upper edge). Each pass should overlap by
one-third of the track made in the preceding pass. Speed of roller should be
less than 5 kmph. The rolling should continue until density achieved is at
least 100 percent of the maximum dry density determined as per IS : 2720
(Pt.7). The surface of any layer of material on completion of compaction
shall be well closed, free from movement under compaction equipment
and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material.

2.4 Base course construction

The base course is the region of the pavement section that is located directly
under the surface course. If there is a sub base course, the base course is
constructed directly about this layer. Otherwise, it is built directly on top of the
sub grade. Typical base course thickness ranges from 4 to 6 inches and is
governed by underlying layer properties. Heavy loads are continuously applied to
pavement surfaces, and the base layer absorbs the majority of these stresses.
Generally, the base course is constructed with an untreated crushed aggregate
such as crushed stone, slag, or gravel. The base course material will have stability
under the construction traffic and good drainage characteristics.
The base course materials are often treated with cement, bitumen, calcium
chloride, sodium chloride, fly ash, or lime. These treatments provide improved
support for heavy loads, frost susceptibility, and serves as a moisture barrier
between the base and surface layers.

For rural roads designed for cumulative ESAL repetitions more than 100,000
unbound granular bases which comprise conventional Water Bound Macadam
(WBM), Wet Mix macadam (WMM) or Crusher Run Macadam Base are adopted
as per Clauses 405,406 and 411 of the MORD Specifications for Rural Roads.
Where hard stone metal is not available within economical leads, a cement
stabilized base can be provided as per Clause 404 of the MORD Specifications for
Rural Roads.
 Once the Sub-Base is prepared, the base course is required to provide the
strength to the road. Generally, the base course is constructed with the
help of stone metal and other suitable materials.

Water Bound Macadam (WBM)

WBM Consist of clean, crushed aggregates mechanically interlocked by rolling and
bonding together with screening, binding material where necessary, and water
laid on a properly prepared sub grade/sub-base/base or existing pavement, as the
case may be and finished in accordance with the requirements of these
Specifications and in close conformity with the lines, grades, cross-sections and
thickness as per approved plans or as directed by the Engineer.
Coarse aggregates shall be either crushed or broken stone, crushed slag, over burnt
(Jhama) brick aggregates of any other naturally occurring aggregates, such as, kankar and
laterite of suitable quality. Materials obtained from rocks, such as, Phyllites, Shale’s or
Slates, etc, shall not be permitted in WBM construction. Materials other than crushed slags
shall be used in sub-base courses only. If the water absorption value of the coarse
aggregate is greater than 2 per cent, the Soundness test shall be carried out on the material
delivered to site as per IS:2386.

 WBM base course shall be constructed in conformity with line, grades and
cross sections shown in the drawings of tender document. The existing
surface of sub grade or sub base to receive WBM course shall be prepared
to the specified grade and camber and cleared of all dust. Any ruts or soft
yielding places that have appeared due to improper drainage of surface
under traffic or season shall be corrected and rolled. Any sub
base/base/surface irregularities, where predominant, shall be made good
by providing appropriate type of profile corrective course (leveling

 Spread the coarse aggregate uniformly on the prepared base to proper

profile by using templates placed for specified compacted thickness. The
thickness of one compacted layer should be 100 mm for grading 1 and 75
mm for grading II & III. (In no case metal shall be dumped in heaps
directly on a partly compacted base). The coarse aggregate as spread
shall be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine material. The
aggregate shall be hand packed properly to ensure inter locking.
Immediately after spreading aggregates rolling is started with 3 wheeled
power roller of 8 – 10 tonne capacity of tandom or vibratory roller of 80
to 100 KN static weight. On superelevated portions the rolling shall be
proceed from inner to the outer edge. On normal straight portions rolling
shall begin from the edge gradually progressing towards centre. First the
edge shall be compacted with roller running forward and backward. The
roller shall then move inward parallel to centre line of the road, in
successive passes uniformly overlapping preceding tracks by at least one
half of the width. Rolling shall be discontinued when the aggregates are
partially compacted with sufficient void space in them to permit
application of screenings.
 After coarse aggregates have been rolled, the screening shall be applied
gradually over the surface to fill the interstices. These shall not be damp
or wet at the time of application. Dry rolling shall be done while the
screenings are being spread so that vibration of the roller causes them to
settle into voids of the aggregates. The screening shall not be dumped in
piles but applied uniformly in successive their layers either by spreading
motion of hand shovels or mechanical spreaders. The screenings shall be
applied at slow rate in three or more application as necessary. Rolling and
booming shall accompany this. After application of screenings, the
surface shall be sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. The sprinkling,
sweeping and rolling operations shall be continued and additional
screenings should be applied where necessary until the coarse aggregates
are well bounded and firmly set. The coarse aggregates shall not normally
be spread more than 3 days in advance of the subsequent construction
Grading Requirements of coarse aggregates for WBM

Grading of coarse to medium for Sub base

Screenings (Filler Material)

Screening to fill voids in the coarse aggregate shall generally consist of the same
material as the coarse aggregate. However, where economic considerations so
warrant, predominantly non-plastic material (other than rounded river borne
material) may be used for this purpose provided liquid limit and plasticity index of
such material are below 20 and 6 respectively and fraction passing 75 micron
sieve does not exceed 10 per cent. The Screenings shall not contain any of the
undesirable constituents listed in 1.1.2 of the which would render it unsuitable as
a filler material.
Grading requirements for screening for WBM

Prime Coat
Prime coat is a spray application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
Material on top of the top most granular layer of the base course. Prior to
applying the primer, the surface shall be carefully swept or brushed clean of dust
and loose particles.
Bituminous primer should be slow setting bitumen emulsion, use of cutback being
Restricted to areas having subzero temperature or for emergency operations.
Specifications for rural roads of MORD give details of prime coat. Bitumen
emulsion shall be used as prime coat. Use of cutback bitumen should be
restricted. The requirement of the prime coat for different types of base course is
given in Table
The Requirement of Viscosity and Quantity for Priming
Bituminous primer shall not be applied to a wet surface or during a dust storm or
When the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature in the shade is
less than 10oC. Surfaces which are to receive emulsion primer should be damp, but
no free or standing water shall be present.

Tack Coat application

Tack Coat is the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
material to an existing bituminous road surface preparatory to the superimposition
of a bituminous mix.

Rate of application of Emulsion for Tack Coat

The need:
Bituminous surfacing is a relatively expensive item, and its use should be made
Judiciously. Even when used, the specification will not generally be higher than
one/two-coat surface dressing provided as per Clause 507 of MORD Specification
for Rural Roads or 20 mm thick open-graded premix carpet as per Clause 508. A
thin bituminous surfacing serves the following purposes:
 Improves the riding quality
 A Seals the surface, thus preventing the entry of water which would
otherwise weaken the pavement structure.
 Protects the granular base from the damaging effects of traffic

Guidelines for Providing a Bituminous Surface Treatment

Prime coat Methodology
 Prior to applying the primer, the surface shall be carefully swept or
brushed, clear of dust and loose particles. The existing surface shall be
made slightly damp in case of using emulsion.
 The bitumen primer should normally be emulsion (slow setting.) It should
be bituminous emulsion of SS1 type as described in MORD specifications.
Spraying of primer shall be done only with bitumen pressure sprayer. Use
of hand sprayer strictly prohibited.
 Normal temperature range of spraying emulsion should be 200C to 600C .
The rate of application depends upon type of surface to be primed. A very
thin layer of clear and may be applied to the surface of primer to prevent
the primer picking up under the wheels of the paver and the trucks
delivering bituminous material for the construction.
 Primed surface shall be allowed to cure for at least 24 hrs

Track coat Methodology

 The surface on which the tack coat is to be applied shall be clean and free
from dust, dirt, and any extraneous material. Immediately before the
application of the track coat, the surface shall be swept clean with a
mechanical broom.
 The bituminous binder should be bituminous emulsion (Rapid setting). The
use of cutback (BC – 70 or MC – 70) should not be used. The type of
emulsion will be bitumen emulsion of RS1 type as described in MORD
 The surface to be tack coated must be clean, free of loose material and
 The binder should be sprayed uniformly over the surface using suitable
bitumen pressure distributor, spraying bitumen at specified rates and
temperature so as to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of bitumen.
Normal range of spraying temperature should be 200 C -600 C in case of
emulsion and 500 C – 800 C in case of cutback.
 Tack coat shall be left to cure until volatiles have evaporated before any
subsequent construction is started.


Premixing carpet
 The base on which premix carpet (20 mm thick ) is to be laid should be
prepare and shaped to specified lines, grade and cross sections.
 A prime coat should be followed by tack coat and it should be applied over
the base prepared for laying of the carpet.
 The temperature of bitumen at the time of mixing should be in the range of
1500 C to 1630 C and that of aggregate 1550 C to 1630 C provided that the
difference in temperature between the binder and aggregate at no time
exceeds 140 C. Mixing should be thorough to ensure that a homogeneous
mixture is obtained and all particles of aggregates are coated uniform. The
temperature at the time of discharge of the mixture should be between
1300 C and 1600 C.
 The mixed material should be transported quickly to site of work and laid
uniformly by suitable means.
 The rolling should commence with 80-100 KN rollers degree (three wheels
of tandem type), beginning from the edge and progressing towards the
centre longitudinally. (On super elevated portions, rolling should progress
from lower to upper edge parallel to centre line of pavement). Any high
spots or depressions noticed after the roller has passed over the whole
area once should be corrected by removing or adding premixed material.
Rolling should recommence thereafter. Each pass should have en overlap of
at least one-third of the track made in the proceeding pass. Rolling should
continue until entire surface has been rolled to required compaction. The
entire operation of rolling shall be completed before the temperature of
mix falls below 100oC.

Manufacturing and Rolling Temperatures

Visit premixing plant with assistant engineer

Premixing at boghajhil road

Seal Coat:
 A seal coat should be applied to the surface immediately after laying the
carpet. The Traffic should not be allowed on the road till seal coat is
properly laid and compacted.
 The mix for the seal coat should be transported quickly to the site of work
and spread uniformly on the premix carpet to be sealed. Rolling operations
should be undertaken and continued till all voids are sealed and a smooth
uniform surface is achieved. The rolling shall start from outer edge and
continued up to center so that camber is not disturbed. In case of type A
seal coat, the road may be opened to traffic after 24 hours of the work of
laying seal coat is completed. In case of seal coat type B or type C the traffic
can be allowed after final rolling is complete and temperature of the
surface has cooled down to the surrounding temperature.

Quality control
Need of Quality Control in Rural Roads
Quality control refers to the practice of checking the quality of a product by testing
samples. Since large investments are being made in the rural roads now, it is
desirable that good quality roads are constructed meeting the laid-down standards
and specifications for durable assets. State Governments should develop a Quality
Assurance system covering all the aspects of Rural Roads. Over a period of time,
the sector should move towards Total Quality Management (TQM) as practiced
In order to get a rural road of good quality, it is necessary to plan for quality
right from the stage of surveys, investigations, design and preparation of Detailed
Project Report (DPR). The engagement of the right personnel trained for the job
and the use of the right survey and investigation equipment is a pre-requisite for
obtaining a good quality DPR. As a part of the quality check, the DPRs prepared
are thoroughly scrutinized by the State Technical Agencies and are assured in
convenience with the set guidelines, design standards and procedures. The
construction of rural roads is generally taken up in stages depending upon
different layers designed. In each stage the designated authorities are carrying
out the quality control.
Quality Control System
The Ministry of Rural Development has given a push to quality culture in rural
roads construction by establishment of a three-tier system of quality control for the
PMGSY roads during construction detailed as under:

 First Tier: At the local level, involving the contractor and the supervisory
staff of Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
 Second Tier: An independent check of the quality through periodic checks
by State Quality Monitors (SQM), officers and agencies engaged by the
State Government, independent of the PIU.
 Third Tier: Independent inspection of works by National Quality Monitors
(NQM), appointed by the Central Government out of experienced retired
Engineers from the states.
For checking the quality of works, the standard bidding document clearly specifies
establishment of field laboratories by the contractor, with the specified minimum
testing equipment and facilities. Most of States have established the field
laboratory, quality control laboratory and district level laboratories as per the
provisions of the Rural Roads Manual. These laboratories are to be used
hierarchically at district, region and state level for strict quality control regime.
However, these laboratories are required to be strengthened with proper trained
manpower and modern testing equipments.
Quality control, quality assurance and
third party quality audit are to be systematically adopted with streamlined
institutional arrangements with an objective of achieving Total Quality
Management (TQM) in rural roads. It may be mentioned that quality product (i.e.
rural road) is dependent firstly on planning itself, i.e. a quality Detailed Project
Report (DPR). Thus, State level quality assurance system will have to facilitate
higher level of technical inputs including project planning technique, material
characterization and design for rural roads.
Some test on rural road with SQM(state quality monitor)

Checking thickness of bituminous surface

Thickness of bituminous surface + grade-3

Grading of grade-3

Sieve analysis report of WBM grade-3

Thickness of BT + grade-3+GSB

Sieve analysis report of GSB materials

Core cutter test

Checking camber checking laboratory

Road Safety Issues in Relation to Rural Roads

Road Safety Issues
Road safety is a multi- disciplinary activity. This involves joint and complementary
inputs by the road agencies, transport, police, health, insurance, educational
institutes, mass media, NGOs, etc. Road safety offers an opportunity to a wide
range of stakeholders to actively engage in addressing the problem. The ABC of
road safety is Attitude, Behavior and Culture of our drivers and other users on the
road. This demands all-round improvement. The government has taken a number
of steps in this direction but it will need support from users. Safety consciousness
has to be cherished as a social value and be viewed as a yardstick to measure the
quality of life.
Rural roads are generally single lane roads with low design speeds
and with low volumes of traffic both motorized and non-motorized. Road safety
should receive increasing attention in planning, design and implementation
process. The engineering measures for road safety may be identified with the
help of traffic and safety specialists and interaction with users.

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