Access To Water-: A Pattern Language
Access To Water-: A Pattern Language
Access To Water-: A Pattern Language
By Christopher Alexander
Access to Water-
Water is always precious. Among the special natural places covered by sacred sites, we single out the
ocean beaches, lakes & river banks, because they are irreplaceable. Their maintenances & proper use
require a special pattern.
People have a fundamental yearning for great bodies of water. But the very movement of the people
toward the water can also destroy the water.
For most of the cases the water edges tend to become very dirty if care is not taken. Either it be roads,
freeways, or normal passing by stream, the water gets dirty until & unless it gets to any Govt. or Pvt.
hands. The fact that people need water is very vital & profound. This problem can be solved only if it is
understood that people will build places near to it which will be very natural or allow them to feel the
naturalness of it.
The width of the belt of land along the
water may vary with the type of water, density of
area development (say be a promenade or a
common parkland extending hundreds of yards
beyond a beach.