A Low Cost Wireless Sensor For Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System

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A Low Cost Wireless Sensor for Indoor Air Quality

Monitoring System

Abstract – With increase in time spent indoors, and was ranked as the top occupational disease by the
poor air quality, there has been an alarming increase in National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
the number of people affected by Sick Building (NIOSH). According to medical reports and studies [1-
Syndrome (SBS) and Building Related Illness (BRI). 6], there has been an alarming increase in the rate of
The main reason being our inability to view or feel the indoor-air quality related diseases commonly referred
presence of air pollutants. Our system uses multiple gas to as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and Building
sensors interfaced with ESP32 MCU to analyse the air Related Illness (BRI). SBS and BRI are related and can
and detect the concentration of the individual gases. be defined as sickness and uneasiness experience by
This data is stored in the cloud and the user can view it occupants caused by the poor indoor air environment.
from anywhere in the world. When concentration of Symptoms such as asbestosis, asthma, headaches,
certain harmful gases crosses the safety limit as mesothelioma, sore throats, itchy eyes, breathing
specified by the health department of the respective difficulties, lung cancer, skin irritation and allergic
regions, an SMS notification will be sent to the user, reactions are among the reported health effect of poor
warning the user about the presence of harmful air air environment according to medical report and study
pollutants. [1-6].

Index Terms- IAQ, Ubidots, esp32.

A list of major indoor air pollutants and their
sources is shown in the Table 1.1. The list cannot
completely cover all the pollutants because of the nearly
infinite number of contaminants present in the air and
that each contaminant may have multiple sources
An average adult human being consumes which can be either indoor or outdoor in nature. The
about 550 litres of pure oxygen every day [1]. The list includes some of the most common air pollutants
quality of air that we breathe has a huge impact on our present in the indoor air and high concentrations of
mental and physical health. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), these pollutants may cause eye irritation, headache,
as the name implies, is the measure of the quality of air cough, allergic reactions [2].
present in the indoor environment. The concentration
of pollutants, humidity and temperature of the air are
the three main indicators of IAQ. It is becoming a
major concern owing to the ongoing industrialisation
and changing nature of work which involves more time Contamination
(Examples) Typical sources
indoors than outdoors. Senior citizens and infants
spend a substantial amount of time indoors compared
to the workforce. As seen in [2], the concentration of
air pollutants present in the indoors can be two to five • Insulation materials
times and occasionally more than 100 times greater • Ceiling and floor tiles
than in the outdoors. This is alarming because people
in industrialized countries spend more than 90% of
their time indoors. We are seeing a gradual reduction Biological • Indoor plants
in ventilation rate and subsequent increase in the use of contaminants • Animals
chemical products, as the urge to reduce energy (Allergen, mold, • Human beings
dust mite) • Bedding for animals
consumption grows. This, along with the prolonged
exposure to air pollutants can cause diseases like lung
dysfunction [3], lung cancer, nasopharyngeal and
laryngeal cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, infant • Open fire cooking
mortality, cataract [4]. Combustion • Heating
related • Tobacco smoking
According to [3], lung dysfunction (caused by contaminants • Incense
lung cancer, pneumoconiosis, and occupational • Candle
health and well-being. Most people usually spend more
than 90% of their time indoors whether at home or at
• Engineered board: workplace . These contaminants have a significant
Dry wall, interior-grade influence on the occupant’s health. The disease that
plywood, cabinetry and furniture, can caused high exposure to indoor air pollution is
foam insulation, fabrics shown in the Figure 1.1.
Formaldehyde • Building materials:
Adhesives, glues, furniture
finishing, sealants, paints, stains,
varnishes, wood preservatives,
new carpet dyes and fibres, plastics

• Cooking
• Printer
Nano aerosol
• Photocopy machine
• Nano spray
Figure 2.1: Diseases caused by Indoor Air Pollution

Volatile organic
• Daily consumable products “Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)” is known as
• Building materials a silent killer of the indoor atmosphere and has been
defined by The World Health Organization (WHO) [7].
SBS refers to situation or condition of the indoor
building atmosphere that affects the occupant's health.
• Dust
None-combustion Most of the occupants expressed the symptoms of acute
• Hair
particulates discomfort such as a headache, dry cough, eye, nose, or
• Skin
throat irritation [8]. The cause of these symptoms are
undefined but, once the occupants leave the building
these symptoms gradually gets reduced [8].

Table 1. 1: Some sources of indoor air pollutants “Building Related Illness (BRI)” is also a
[3]. major concern to the occupants and the affected the
occupants expressed the symptoms of irritation to eyes,
noses, or throat, fatigue, and nausea. According to [6],
The proposed system uses a real-time Micro approximately one million homes with 70 million
Controller Unit (MCU) with built-in WiFi, connected to occupants are sick buildings. The development of
the Internet of Things (IoT) platform through the built- technology like IoT has enabled us to view real time
in WiFi modem. The standards and protocols data of remote devices from anywhere in this world.
associated with IoT are defined by [5]. Multiple Thus, by using this technology, this project will enable
electronic gas sensors interfaced to the MCU are used the user to know accurately the IAQ of their home even
to measure the concentration of gases like Carbon if they are not physically present there and take the
Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Volatile necessary steps.
Organic Compounds (VOC), Liquified Petroleum Gas
(LPG) etc. The wireless MCU transfers the data to A. Selection of IAQ parameters
Ubidots IoT platform, where the data is analysed and The selection of indoor air quality
used for Short Message Service (SMS) based parameters is based on conventional IAQ parameter of
notification service. hazardous gases (including the concentration of gases
and Dust Particle). The air quality guidelines has been
referred under the Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981 that provides the standard
Guidelines which provide an acceptable and minimum
II. RELATED WORK: concentration of indoor air pollutions [9].

Nowadays, poor air quality is considered as

one of the major problems by the Indian government
and by the public. Indoor environments are
contaminated by several contaminant present in the air.
Hence, indoor air quality (IAQ) is acknowledged as a
significant factor to be controlled for the occupant’s
a) Carbon Dioxide (CO2): III. SYSTEM MODEL:

Figure 2. 2: Concentration of CO2 and it’s

effect on human health

Concentration of CO2 and Figure 3.1: System Model

Condition of Health Carbon Dioxide
(CO2) gas is a colourless, odourless, and
non-flammable gas. Figure 2.5 shows the The proposed system uses an ESP32 Wireless
acceptable concentration of carbon MCU, a pack of Lithium Ion Batteries, MQ-2 sensor
dioxide which is below 1000ppm (parts (Smoke), MQ-135 sensor (CO) and MQ-7 sensor (CO).
per million). If the concentration is Ubidots IoT platform is used to store the data and send
greater than the permissible limit, the notification to the user when the safety limit of gas
person may experience discomfort [10]. concentration is crossed.
Haemoglobin present in our blood is
used to absorb the oxygen. But,
haemoglobin has a much greater affinity
to CO2.

b) Smoke:
Smoke is one of the most hazardous
gases that is produced by a number of
sources like smoking cigarettes, burning
wood, burning plastic and waste. Smoke
contains a number harmful and heavy
compounds in it and breathing in smoke
causes suffocation [11].
Figure 3.2: Block Diagram
In figure 3.2, as the ESP32 microcontroller
c) CO: receives the data of environmental parameters and it
Carbon Monoxide is an odourless, process the data in real time. The MCU has Wi-Fi
tasteless gas that can kill human beings. which is used to send the processed data to Ubidots IoT
Carbon Monoxide is produced by platform via the internet. The received data in the
burning any form of fossil fuel. Everyone Ubidots IoT platform can also be monitored via a
is at risk for CO poisoning. Infants, the webpage and also through the SMS notification. The
elderly, people with chronic heart output of the processed data will activate the LED that
disease, anaemia, or breathing problems indicates the condition of air quality. The Ubidots IoT
are more likely to get sick from CO. Each platform will then display the sensed data and condition
year, more than 400 Americans die from of the sensors. In order to show the quality of air, the
unintentional CO poisoning not linked to green and red LED is used to signify that the air is safe
fires, more than 20,000 visit the or harmful respectively. When the value of sensors
emergency room, and more than 4,000 exceeds the standard level then it should activate the
are hospitalized [xx]. alerting system which is the SMS notification.
b) MQ 135 Module (CO2)

Figure: 3.4: MQ-135 (CO2).

The MQ-135 gas sensor when subjected to

NH3, NOx, alcohol, Benzene, CO2 produces output in
the form of voltage. We have scaled it to our
requirements where the readings are between 0 to 1000
ppm, where values below 450 ppm indicate better air
1) Hardware Requirement: quality and 1000ppm is in the risky air quality of
carbon dioxide.
a) ESP-32:
c) MQ 2 Module (Smoke)

Figure 3.3: ESP 32

ESP32 is a series of low cost, low

power system on a chip microcontrollers with
integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. The ESP32
series employs a Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor Figure 3.5: MQ-2 (Smoke)
in both dual-core and single-core variations and
includes in-built antenna switches, RF balun, power The MQ-2 gas sensor is when subjected to the
amplifier, low-noise receive amplifier, filters, and power concentrations of combustible gas smoke in the air and
management modules. Memory have 520 KB SRAM outputs reading as an analog voltage. This sensor can
and Wireless connectivity of the board have Wi- measure concentrations of flammable gas of 300 to 600
Fi: 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth: v4.2 BR/EDR and ppm. This sensor can operate at temperatures from -20
BLE.[2] to 50°C and consumes less than 150 mA at 5 V.

ESP-32 board support 34 pins in total that is

used to input or output an electrical signal on the
board. There are 2 digital input or output pins and 11
pins of the analog input.10 pins of the capacitive-
sensing. 4 pins of serial peripheral interface and 2 pins
of the I²S interfaces and 2 pins of the I²C interfaces
and 3 pins of the UART.[3] This board can get started
by simply connect it to the computer by using USB
cable connection and also can use the external power
which is by using battery or the AC-to-DC power
adapter. The software required to program a is an open
source software which is Arduino software (IDE).

1) The Arduino IDE software

[xx] https://www.cdc.gov/co/faqs.htm

Fig 3.5 The Arduino IDE software

The Arduino software is an open-source

platform that is used for building electronic projects.
Arduino consist of both a physical programmable
circuit board and software or IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) that runs on the computer.
This software used to write and upload computer code
to the physical board. Arduino IDE uses a simplified
version of C, making it easier to learn to program.

IV. Results and Discussion:

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