Amaartya Ghosh Thesis
Amaartya Ghosh Thesis
Amaartya Ghosh Thesis
Submitted to
We have the greatest pleasure in submitting the project report titled “Electronic
card lock system”. the success and final outcome of this project requrired a lot of
guidance and assistance from many people and we are extremely fortuante to have
got this all along the completion of our project work. we take this opportunity to
express our profound gratitude to our project guide, Mr. Subhajit kar ,Assistant
Professor,who took keen interest on our project work and guided us all along ,by
providing all the necessary information and timely kind co-operation. we are also
thankful toand fortunate enough to get great support and guidance from all our
teacher Dr. Pradipta kr. Banarjee, Dr. partha kayal , Mr. Avijit saha , Mr.
Dipayan nath , Mrs. Debosmita chtarjee , Mr. Arnab roy, which helped us in
sucessfully completing our project work.we would also like to acknowledge with
much appreciation the crucial role of all the non teaching staff of department of
electrical engineering. we are obliged to our college and our department for giving
us the opportunity to work on this project.
Certificate i
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Abstract ix
Chapter 1 Introduction xi
Chapter 2 DESIGN 3
2.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Bibliography 49
List of Figures
2.1 design1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 design3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 design4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 curcuit digram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 modified circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.1 result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2 result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.3 result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 card lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Electronic card lock system works with the help of punched cards. When a card is
inserted into the system, depending upon the punched hole on the card, a particular
appliance will be switched on. By using our electronic card lock system we can
control only up to seven appliances and each appliance is controlled by a punched
card. We used three phototransistors , three npn transiators and IC 74LS 244 and
IC ULN2003 and IC 4017 in the project. Here phototransistors works as a sensing
device, when light fall on phototransistors it will working state. IC 74 LS244 work
as a buffer circuit and IC ULN 2003 work as a relay driver, and IC 4017 work
as a decade counter, here we will use 12 v DPDT RELAY, we can use various
appliances in output. We can use “Electronic card lock system” in industries
where large amount of electricity is required. Electronic card lock system Provide
securities in electronic or electrical devices. Save electricity by controlling the use
of devices. The devices can be easily controlled. The circuit can be implemented
easily. By using this system we can control up to seven appliances at a time. This
can be increased by increasing the number of phototransistor and replacing the
Chapter 1
Electric locks use magnets, solenoids, or motors to actuate the lock by either
supplying or removing power. Operating the lock can be as simple as using a
switch, for example an apartment intercom door release, or as complex as a bio-
metric based access control system. There are two basic types of locks: ”preventing
mechanism” or operation mechanism.
Electromagnetic lock:-
The most basic type of electronic lock is a magnetic lock (informally called a
”mag lock”). A large electro-magnet is mounted on the door frame and a corre-
sponding armature is mounted on the door. When the magnet is powered and the
door is closed, the armature is held fast to the magnet. Mag locks are simple to
install and are very attack-resistant. One drawback is that improperly installed or
maintained mag locks can fall on people, and also that one must unlock the mag
lock to both enter and to leave. This has caused fire marshals to impose strict rules
on the use of mag locks and access control practice in general. Additionally, NFPA
101 (Standard for Life Safety and Security), as well as the ADA (Americans with
Disability Act) require ”no prior knowledge” and ”one simple movement” to allow
”free egress”. This means that in an emergency, a person must be able to move to
a door and immediately exit with one motion (requiring no push buttons, having
another person unlock the door, reading a sign, or ”special knowledge”). Other
problems include a lag time (delay), because the collapsing magnetic field holding
the door shut does not release instantaneously. This lag time can cause a user to
collide with the still-locked door. Finally, mag locks fail unlocked, in other words,
if electrical power is removed they unlock. This could be a problem where security
is a primary concern. Additionally, power outages could affect mag locks installed
on fire listed doors, which are required to remain latched at all times except when
personnel are passing through. Most mag lock designs would not meet current fire
codes as the primary means of securing a fire listed door to a frame. Because of
this, many commercial doors (this typically does not apply to private residences)
are moving over to stand-alone locks, or electric locks installed under a Certified
Personnel Program. The first mechanical recodable card lock was invented in 1976
by Tor Sørnes, who had worked for VingCard since the 1950s. The first card lock
order was shipped in 1979 to Westin Peachtree Plaza HoteL, Atlanta, US. This
product triggered the evolution of electronic locks for the hospitality industry
Electronic strikes:-
Electric strikes (also called electric latch release) replace a standard strike
mounted on the door frame and receive the latch and latch bolt. Electric strikes
can be simplest to install when they are designed for one-for-one drop-in replace-
ment of a standard strike, but some electric strike designs require that the door
frame be heavily modified. Installation of a strike into a fire listed door (for open
backed strikes on pairs of doors) or the frame must be done under listing agency
authority, if any modifications to the frame are required (mostly for commercial
doors and frames). In the US, since there is no current Certified Personnel Program
to allow field installation of electric strikes into fire listed door openings, listing
agency field evaluations would most likely require the door and frame to be de-
listed and replaced. Electric strikes can allow mechanical free egress: a departing
person operates the lockset in the door, not the electric strike in the door frame.
Electric strikes can also be either ”fail unlocked” (except in Fire Listed Doors,
as they must remain latched when power is not present), or the more-secure ”fail
locked” design. Electric strikes are easier to attack than a mag lock. It is simple
to lever the door open at the strike, as often there is an increased gap between the
strike and the door latch. Latch guard plates are often used to cover this gap.
Electric mortise and cylindrical locks are drop-in replacements for door-mounted
mechanical locks. An additional hole must be drilled in the door for electric power
wires. Also, a power transfer hinge is often used to get the power from the door
frame to the door. Electric mortise and cylindrical locks allow mechanical free
egress, and can be either fail unlocked or fail locked. In the US, UL rated doors
must retain their rating: in new construction doors are cored and then rated.
but in retrofits, the doors must be re-rated. Electrified exit hardware, sometimes
called ”panic hardware” or ”crash bars”, are used in fire exit applications. A per-
son wishing to exit pushes against the bar to open the door, making it the easiest
of mechanically-free exit methods. Electrified exit hardware can be either fail un-
locked or fail locked. A drawback of electrified exit hardware is their complexity,
which requires skill to install and maintenance to assure proper function. Only
hardware labeled ”Fire Exit Hardware” can be installed on fire listed doors and
frames and must meet both panic exit listing standards and fire listing standards.
Motor-operated locks are used throughout Europe. A European motor-operated
lock has two modes, day mode where only the latch is electrically operated, and
night mode where the more secure deadbolt is electrically operated.
1.3 SCOPE OF WORK:- A feature of electronic locks is that the locks can
deactivated or opened by authentication, without the use of a traditional physical
Perhaps the most common form of electronic lock uses a keypad to enter a
numerical code or password for authentication. Such locks typically provide, and
some feature an audible response to each press. Combination lengths are usually
between 4 and 6 digits long. Security tokens Another means of authenticating
users is to require them to scan or ”swipe” a security token such as a smart card
or similar, or to interact a token with the lock. For example, some locks can access
and resetting the active low pins of buffer IC. It also consists of phototransistor
and resistors.
5.Relay driver :-
This block is performing the function of driving the relays. The device used
here to drive the relay is ULN2003 IC.
6.Relay :-
A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current flowing through the coil of
the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch
contacts. The coil current can be on or off so relays have two switch positions and
most have double throw (changeover) switch contacts.
7.Power supply:-
This section mainly consist of a transformer, rectifier circuit voltage regulators.
This section provides 5V and 12V to the circuit elements.
This is the last stage that is, the output stage. This block consists of various
appliances to be controlled.
The circuit presented here can be used as a lock for important electrical or
electronic appliances.When card is inserted inside its mechanism, depending upon
the position of punched hole on the card, a particular appliance would be switched
on. The card is inserted just like a floppy disk inside the disk drive. This card
should be rectangular in shape with only one punched hole on it. The circuit
uses four phototransistors when there is no card is inserted in the lock, the light
from incandescent lamp (40watt, 230V) falls on all phototransistor detectors. The
fourth photo transistor is used as an enable detector for the buffer IC 74LS244.
When light is incident on it, it conducts and its collector voltage goes low. This
makes transistor T16 to cutoff, and its collector voltage goes high. This logic high
on its collector terminal will inhibit the buffer IC as long as the light is incident on
phototransistor T8. Buffer IC will get enabled only when the card is completely
inserted the lock mechanism. This arrangement ensures that only the selected
appliance is switched on and prevents false operation of the system. You can make
these cards using a black, opaque plastic sheet. A small rectangular notch is made
on this card to indicate proper direction for insertion of the card. If an attempt is
made to insert the card wrongly, it will not go completely inside the mechanism
and the system will not be enabled. When card for any appliance (say appliance 1)
is completely inserted in the mechanism, the light will fall only on phototransistor
T1. So only T1 will be on and other phototransistors will be in off state. When
transistor T1 is on, its collector voltage falls, making transistor T9 to cutoff. As
a result, collector voltage of transistor T9 as also pin 2 of IC1 go logic high. This
causes pin 18(o/p Q1) also to go high, switching LED1 on. Simultaneously, output
Q1 is connected to pin 1 of IC2 for driving the relay corresponding to appliance
1. Similarly, if card for appliance 2 is inserted, only output pin 16 of IC1 will go
high, making LED2 on while at the same time energizing the relay for appliance
2 via ULN2003. The same is true for other cases or appliances also. By using this
system we can control up to seven appliances at a time. This can be increased by
increasing the number of phototransistor and replacing the ICs.
The present chapters the operation of power supply circuit built using filter,
rectifier, and then voltage regulators. Starting with an ac voltage, a steady dc
voltage is obtained by rectifying the ac voltage, then filtering to a dc level, and
finally, regulating to obtain a desired fixed dc voltage .The regulator is usually
obtained from an IC voltage regulator unit, which takes a dc voltage, which remain
the if the input dc voltage varies, or the output load connected to the dc voltage
changes. The ac voltage, typically 220V RMS is connected to a transformer, which
step that ac voltage down to the level for the desired dc output. Diode rectifier then
provides a full wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by simple capacitor
filter to produce a dc voltage. This resulting dc voltage usually has some ripple
or ac voltage variation. The regulated circuit can use this dc input to provide a
dc voltage that not only has much less ripple voltage but also remain the same dc
value even if the input voltage vary somewhat, or the load connected to the output
dc voltage changes. This voltage regulation is usually obtained using regulator IC.
which the input voltage can vary to maintain a regulated output voltage. Over
a range of load,current .The specifications also list the amount of output voltage
change resulting from a change in load current (load regulation) or input voltage
(line regulation).
WORKING:- The power supply is used to give required voltage to the circuit.
The power supply used here is of 12 volt dc. First the AC voltage is fed into a
step-down transformer. This is used to step-down the AC voltage to into approx
12 volt. Then this voltage is fed into a rectifier which converts the AC voltage into
DC supply. A capacitor is used in the circuit to rectify the ripples of rectified DC.
The capacitor is used parallel in the circuit. Then a voltage regulator IC 7805 is
used to convert this HIGH DC supply into the LOW DC supply of 5volt. Then at
the last there is coupling capacitor connecting parallel in the circuit. This is used
to couple the circuit to the load.
To remove the nosiy effect we can eleminate the IC UM 66, Which produces
the musical tone in the loud speaker, here we can replace the enable detector to
IC 4017, which can work as a decade couter in the circuit. IC 4017, It is a CMOS
decade counter cum decoder circuit which can work out of the box for most of our
low range counting applications. It can count from zero to ten and its outputs are
decoded. This saves a lot of board space and time required to build our circuits
when our application demands using a counter followed by a decoder IC. IC 4017
takes a clock pulse in and then steps the output from negative to positive in a series
of ten steps, with only one pin being on at a time. Anti-lock gating is provided,
thus assuring proper counting sequence. The decoded outputs are normally low
and go high only at their respective decoded time slot. It has the unique capability
of counting up to a certain number and then restarting the count, counting up to
a certain number and halting, or it can be cascaded to more 4017’s for a higher
count. The outputs are labeled 0 through 9.
R3,R12,R15,R16 ————–100K ———–4No.
R18,R24,R30,R32 ————–22K ————4No.
C3 ————-1000Micro F —————–1No.
T1,T4,T7,T8 ————2N5777————– 3No.
T9,T12,T15, ————BC109 —————3No.
D1,D2,D3 —————1N4007—————–3No.
RL1,RL2,RL3 ————12V,200ohm————–3No.
the collector within a phototransistor, although this practice is less common these
days because other structures offer better levels of performance.
Phototransistor symbol:- The phototransistor symbol for use in electronic cir-
cuit diagrams is very straightforward. It is formed from the basic transistor symbol
with arrows point in to it to indicate that it is light sensitive. The phototransis-
tor symbol often has two arrows pointing towards it, but other phototransistor
symbols show a jagged arrow. Both versions of the phototransistor symbol are
acceptable and understood.
PHOTOTRANSISTOR SYMBOLS The circuit symbol also has the conven-
tion arrow and directions on the emitter connection. It points inwards on a PNP
phototransistor circuit symbol and outwards on an NPN phototransistor symbol.
It can be seen that the phototransistor symbol shown does not give a base connec-
tion. Often the base is left disconnected as the light is used to enable the current
flow through the phototransistor. In some instances the base may be biased to set
the required operating point. In this case the base will be shown in the normal
way on the phototransistor symbol.
neous output.
1.Punch-card readers.
2.Security systems
3.Encoders – measure speed and direction
4.IR detectors photo
5.electric controls
6.Computer logic circuitry.
8.Lighting control (highways etc)
9.Level indication
10.Counting systems
The construction and terminal voltages for a bipolar NPN transistor are shown
above. The voltage between the Base and Emitter (V ), is positive at the Base
and negative at the Emitter because for an NPN transistor, the Base terminal is
always positive with respect to the Emitter. Also the Collector supply voltage
is positive with respect to the Emitter ( V ). So for a bipolar NPN transistor to
conduct the Collector is always more positive with respect to both the Base and the
IC = βIB (3.2)
α= (3.3)
Then we can see that the transistor is a current operated device (Beta model)
and that a large current ( Ic ) follows freely through the device between the collector
and the emitter terminals when the transistor is switched “fully-ON”. However,
this only happens when a small biasing current ( Ib ) is following into the base
terminal of the transistor at the same time thus allowing the Base to act as a sort
of current control input. The transistor current in a bipolar NPN transistor is the
ratio of these two currents ( Ic/Ib ), called the DC Current Gain of the device and
is given the symbol of hfe or nowadays Beta, . The value of beta can be large up
to 200 for standard transistors, and it is this large ratio between Ic and Ib that
makes the bipolar NPN transistor a useful amplifying device when used in its active
region as Ib provides the input and Ic provides the output. Note that Beta has no
units as it is a ratio. Also, the current gain of the transistor from the Collector
IC ULN 2003:-
The relay driver uln2003 ic is a high voltage and current darlington array ic,
it comprises of 7-open collector darlington pairs with common emitters. A pair of
darlington is an arrangement of two bipolar transistors. This IC belongs to the
family of ULN200x ICs and various types of this family interface to various logic
families. This ULN2003 IC is for 5V TTL and CMOS logic devices. These ICs
are used as relay drivers as well as to drive a wide range of loads, line drivers,
display drivers etc. This IC is also normally used while driving Stepper Motors.
The pairs of darlington in ULN2003 is esteemed at 500mA and can withstand peak
current of 600mA.In the pin layout, the i/ps o/ps are provided reverse to each
other. Each driver also has a suppression diode to dissipate voltage spikes while
driving inductive loads. ULN2003 is high voltage, high current darlington arrays
each containing seven open collector darlington pairs with common emitters. Each
channel rated at 500mA and can withstand peak currents of 600mA. Suppression
diodes are included for inductive load driving and the inputs are pinned opposite
the outputs to simplify board layout. These versatile devices are useful for driving
a wide range of loads including solenoids, relays DC motors, LED displays filament
lamps, thermal printheads and high power buffers
IC 74LS244:-
The SNx4LS24x, SNx4S24x octal buffers and line drivers are designed specifi-
cally to improve both the performance and density of three-state memory address
drivers, clock drivers, and bus-oriented receivers and transmitters. The designer
where several circuits must be controlled by one signal. A type of relay that can
handle the high power required to directly drive an electric motor is called a con-
tactor. Solid-state relays control power circuits with no moving parts, instead us-
ing a semiconductor device to perform switching. Relays with calibrated operating
characteristics and sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical
circuits from overload or faults; in modern electric power systems these functions
are performed by digital instruments still called ”protective relays”. DPDT –Dou-
ble pole double throw,these have two rows of change over terminal,equivalent to
two spdt switches by a single coil.Such a relay has eight terminal including coil.
into some of the basic ratings to get an overview. The power supply is used to give
required voltage to the circuit. The power supply used here is of 12 volt dc. First
the AC voltage is fed into a step-down transformer. This is used to step-down
the AC voltage to into approx 12 volt. Then this voltage is fed into a rectifier
which converts the AC voltage into DC supply. A capacitor is used in the circuit
to rectify the ripples of rectified DC.The capacitor is used parallel in the circuit.
Then a voltage regulator IC 7805 is used to convert this HIGH DC supply into the
LOW DC supply of 5volt.Then at the last there is coupling capacitor connecting
parallel in the circuit. This is used to couple the circuit to the load. IC 7805
required to to step down the voltage to 12 v to 5v DC Voltage.
7805 a.jpg
forward direction) while blocking current in the opposite direction (the reverse
direction). This unidirectional behavior is called rectification, and is used to con-
vert alternating current to direct current, and to extract modulation from radio
signals in radio receivers. However, diodes can have more complicated behavior
than this simple on-off action. This is due to their complex non-linear electrical
characteristics, which can be tailored by varying the construction of their P-N
junction. Today most diodes are made of silicon, but other semiconductors such
as germanium are sometimes used.
the transformer’s core and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary
winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF)
or ”voltage” in the secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction. If a
load is connected to the secondary, an electric current will flow in the secondary
winding and electrical energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through
the transformer to the load. In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the
secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the primary voltage (Vp), and is given
by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to the number of turns
in the primary (Np) as follows: Vs/Vp=Ns/Np By appropriate selection of the
ratio of turns, a transformer thus allows an alternating current (AC) voltage to be
”stepped up” by making Ns greater than k, or ”stepped down” by making Ns less
than Np.
IC 4017:-
Most of us are more comfortable with 1, 2, 3, 4. . . rather than 001, 010, 011,
100. We mean to say that we will need a decimal coded output in many cases
rather than a raw binary output. We have many counter ICs available but most of
them produce binary data as an output. We will again need to process that output
by using decoders or any other circuitry to make it usable for our application in
most of the cases. Let us now introduce you a new IC named IC 4017. It is a
CMOS decade counter cum decoder circuit which can work out of the box for
most of our low range counting applications. It can count from zero to ten and its
outputs are decoded. This saves a lot of board space and time required to build
our circuits when our application demands using a counter followed by a decoder
IC. This IC also simplifies the design and makes debugging easy. It has 16 pins
and the functionality of each pin is explained as follows: It has 16 pins and the
functionality of each pin is explained as follows: 1. Pin-1: It is the output 5. It
goes high when the counter reads 5 counts.
2. Pin-2: It is the output 1. It goes high when the counter reads 0 counts.
3. Pin-3: It is the output 0. It goes high when the counter reads 0 counts.
4. Pin-4: It is the output 2. It goes high when the counter reads 2 counts.
5. Pin-5: It is the output 6. It goes high when the counter reads 6 counts.
6. Pin-6: It is the output 7. It goes high when the counter reads 7 counts.
7. Pin-7: It is the output 3. It goes high when the counter reads 3 counts.
8. Pin-8: It is the Ground pin which should be connected to a LOW voltage (0V).
9. Pin-9: It is the output 8. It goes high when the counter reads 8 counts.
10. Pin-10: It is the output 4. It goes high when the counter reads 4 counts.
11. Pin-11: It is the output 9. It goes high when the counter reads 9 counts.
12. Pin-12: This is divided by 10 output which is used to cascade the IC with
another counter so as to enable counting greater than the range supported by
a single IC 4017. By cascading with another 4017 IC, we can count up to 20
numbers. We can increase and increase the range of counting by cascading it with
more and more IC 4017s. Each additional cascaded IC will increase the counting
range by 10. However, it is not advisable to cascade more than 3 ICs as it may
reduce the reliability of the count due to the occurrence glitches. If you need a
counting range more than twenty or thirty, I advise you to go with conventional
procedure of using a binary counter followed by a corresponding decoder.
13. Pin-13: This pin is the disable pin. In normal mode of operation, this is
connected to ground or logic LOW voltage. If this pin is connected to logic HIGH
voltage, then the circuit will stop receiving pulses and so it will not advance the
count irrespective of number of pulses received from the clock.
14. Pin-14: This pin is the clock input. This is the pin from where we need to
give the input clock pulses to the IC in order to advance the count. The count
advances on the rising edge of the clock.
15. Pin-15: This is the reset pin which should be kept LOW for normal operation.
If you need to reset the IC, then you can connect this pin to HIGH voltage.
16. Pin-16: This is the power supply (Vcc) pin. This should be given a HIGH
voltage of 3V to 15V for the IC to function.
This IC is very useful and also user friendly. To use the IC, just connect it
according the specifications described above in the pin configuration and give the
pulses you need to count to the pin-14 of the IC. Then you can collect the outputs
at the output pins. When the count is zero, Pin-3 is HIGH. When the count is 1,
Pin-2 is HIGH and so on as described above.
Application circuits of IC4017
Circling LEDs effect In this, we have eight LEDs which glow one after the
otherto form a circling effect. My intention in publishing this circuit is not just to
make some art work with electronics but also to illustrate the working principle
and circuit design using IC 555 in astable mode, 4017 counter and to explain the
related concepts
When card is inserted inside its mechanism, depending upon the position of
punched hole on the card, a particular appliance would be switched on. The card is
inserted just like a floppy disk inside the disk drive. This card should be rectangular
in shape with only one punched hole on it. The circuit uses three phototransistors
when there is no card is inserted in the lock, the light from incandescent lamp
(40watt, 230V) falls on all phototransistor detectors. The IC 4017 is used as an
enable detector for the buffer IC 74LS244. Buffer IC will get enabled only when
the card is completely inserted the lock mechanism. This arrangement ensures
that only the selected appliance is switched on and prevents false operation of the
system. You can make these cards using a black, opaque plastic sheet. A small
rectangular notch is made on this card to indicate proper direction for insertion of
the card. If an attempt is made to insert the card wrongly, it will not go completely
inside the mechanism and the system will not be enabled. When card for any
appliance (say appliance 1) is completely inserted in the mechanism, the light will
fall only on phototransistor T1. So only T1 will be on and other phototransistors
will be in off state. When transistor T1 is on, its collector voltage falls, making
pic 3.jpg
pic 2.jpg
pic 1.jpg
rest of the electronic entry system. Newer keycard systems use radio-frequency
identification(RFID) technology such as the TLJ infinity.
Mechanical keycard locks employ detainers which must be arranged in pre-
selected positions by the key before the bolt will move. This was a mechanical
type of lock operated by a plastic key card with a pattern of holes. There were
32 positions for possible hole locations, giving approximately 4.3 billion different
keys. The key could easily be changed for each new guest by inserting a new key
template in the lock that matched the new key.[ In the early 1980s, the key card
lock was electrified with LEDs that detected the holes.
Magnetic stripe Magnetic stripe (sometimes ”strip”) based keycard locks func-
tion by running the magnetic stripe over a sensor that reads the contents of the
stripe. The stripe’s contents are compared to those either stored locally in the
lock or those of a central system. Some centralized systems operate using hard-
wired connections to central controllers while others use various frequencies of
radio waves to communicate with the central controllers. Some have the feature
of a mechanical (traditional key) bypass in case of loss of power.
Passive RFID
RFID cards contain a small chip and induction loop which the transmitter on
the keycard reader can access. The main advantages with RFID cards is that they
do not need to be removed from the wallet or pass holder - as the keycard reader
can usually read them from a few inches away.
ADVANTAGES: 1. Provide securities in electronic or electrical devices. 2.
Save electricity by controlling the use of devices. 3. The devices can be easily
controlled. 4. The circuit can be implemented easily. 5. The components can be
easily available and cheap.
The circuit presented here can be used as a lock for important electronic and
electrical appliances. When a card is inserted inside its mechanism, depending
upon the positions of the holes punched on the card, a particular appliance is
switched on. The card is inserted just like a CD is pushed inside the disk drive. It
is rectangular in shape with holes punched on it. The electronic lock is connected
to an access control system, which ensures that only the selected appliance is
switched on and prevents false operation of the system. Fig.21 shows the block
diagram of the electronic card lock. The lock has three main parts: Card sensor,
microcontroller and appliance (load). The card sensor senses the code on the card
(holes punched on the card) and provides the signal to the microcontroller. The
microcontroller compares the code and switches on the corresponding device.
Fig. 22 shows the circuit of the electronic card lock. It comprises quad opto-
coupler ILQ74, microcontroller AT89C51, regulator 7805 and a few discrete com-
ponents. The card sensor consists of eight light-dependent resistors (LDRs), eight
LEDs and two switches (S2 and S3). LDR1 through LDR8 and LED1 through
LED8 are placed face to face, respectively. One terminal of all the LDRs is con-
22 (2).png
nected to 5V and the other terminal is connected to the respective LED of optocou-
pler ILQ74. The ILQ74 is a quad optically-coupled pair with a gallium-arsenide
infrared LED and a silicon npn photo transistor. Switches S2 and S3 are used
to provide power to the LEDs for glowing and interrupt signal to the microcon-
troller. Microcontroller AT89C51 is the heart of the card lock. It is an 8-bit
microcontroller with 4 kB of flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 input/output (I/O)
lines, two 16-bit timers/counters, six interrupt sources, a full-duplex serial port,
on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. Power-on reset is provided by the combi-
nation of resistor R9 and capacitor C3. Switch S1 is used for manual reset. A
12MHz crystal along with two 22pF capacitors provides the basic clock frequency
to microcontroller AT89C51. Port pins P2.0 through P2.7 of the microcontroller
are pulled high with resistor network RNW1, which is further connected to the
collectors of optocouplers IC2 and IC3, respectively. Port pins P1.0 through P1.2
are used to drive the relay, green LED and red LED, respectively. The outputs of
the optocouplers are fed to the microcontroller to compare the code. If the code
matches with the code stored in the microcontroller, port pin P1.0 of AT89C51
goes high to drive relay RL1. At the same time P1.1 also goes high, driving the
green LED (LED9) to indicate successful operation. Diode D5 acts as a freewheel-
ing diode for relay RL1. Glowing of the red LED (LED10) indicates that the code
does not match. To derive the power supply for the circuit, the 230V AC mains is
stepped down by transformer X1 to deliver a secondary output of 12V, 500 mA.
The transformer output is rectified by a full-wave rectifier comprising diodes D1
through D4, filtered by capacitor C1 and regulated by IC 7805 (IC4). Capacitor
C2 bypasses the ripples present in the regulated supply. LED11 acts as the power
indicator and R13 limits the current through LED1. An actual-size, single-side
PCB for the electronic card lock is shown in and its component layout in . As-
semble the circuit on a PCB as it minimises time and assembly errors. Carefully
assemble the components and double-check for any overlooked error. Use IC base
for placing the microcontroller on the PCB. Check the supply voltage. Align the
LDRs and LEDs such that these directly face each other. Cover the LDRs with
suitable masking to protect these from other light sources. Insert the card into the
card sensor slot, close switch S2 and then press switch S3. The internal LEDs of
the optocoupler glow depending on the holes on the card. The internal transistors
of the optocoupler drive into saturation and its collector goes low.
Our project “Electronic card lock system” is a humble contribution to the world
of electronics. The present system of controlling the electronic appliances using
switches does not provide much needed security. But, our system provides the
much needed security, the appliances can only be controlled using the particular
punched card. Our system is less expensive, provides more effective security and
is easy to implement. So we hope it will be implemented extensively.
[2] The Japan Reader Imperial Japan 1800-1945 1973: Random House, N.Y.