Chapter 14: Simultaneous Equations
Chapter 14: Simultaneous Equations
Chapter 14: Simultaneous Equations
In this chapter:
1. Generating time series for taxes and net exports using structural equations (UE, p. 477)
2. Estimating CO with least squares (UE, Equation 14.31, p. 481)
3. Estimating two-stage least squares regression using EViews TSLS method (UE, 14.3.3)
4. Estimating two-stage least squares regression using two distinct stages and OLS (UE, 14.3.1)
5. Comparing the OLS, EViews TSLS, and OLS two-stage models
6. The identification problem and the order condition (UE, 14.3.3)
7. Exercises
The naïve Keynesian macroeconomic model of the U.S. economy identified in UE, p. 477 will
be used to demonstrate the two stage-least squares procedure. The data for this model is found in
the EViews workfile named macro14.wf1 and it is printed in UE, Table 14.1, p. 478. Two
variables that are included in the macroeconomic model must be generated from other data series
(see note at the bottom of UE, Table 14.1, p. 478).
Generating time series for taxes and net exports using structural equations (UE, p. 477):
Follow these steps to generate time series values for T (taxes) and NX (net exports) using the
structural equations in the model:
Dependent Variable: CO
Method: Two-Stage Least Squares
Date: 07/10/00 Time: 15:12
Sample(adjusted): 1964 1994
Included observations: 31 after adjusting endpoints
Instrument list: C G T NX CO(-1) R(-1)
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -24.73014 34.90233 -0.708553 0.4845
YD 0.441638 0.153839 2.870773 0.0077
CO(-1) 0.540309 0.163000 3.314782 0.0025
R-squared 0.997890 Mean dependent var 2445.210
Adjusted R-squared 0.997739 S.D. dependent var 642.2594
S.E. of regression 30.53734 Sum squared resid 26110.82
F-statistic 6615.725 Durbin-Watson stat 0.982576
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Step 4. Select Name on the equation window menu bar, enter TSLS_CO in the Name to identify
object: window, and click OK.
Step 5. Select Save on the workfile menu bar to save your changes.
The constant, C, is always a suitable instrument, so EViews will add it to the instrument list if you omit it.
EViews identifies the estimation procedure, as well as the list of instruments in the header. This information is
followed by the usual coefficient, t-statistics, and asymptotic p-values. EViews uses the structural residuals in
calculating all of the summary statistics. These structural residuals should be distinguished from the second-stage
residuals that you would obtain from the second-stage regression if you actually computed the two-stage least
squares estimates in two separate stages.
Estimating two-stage least squares regression using two distinct stages and OLS (UE, 14.3.1):
To estimate the two-stage least squares equation printed in UE, Equation 14.28, using ordinary
OLS and two distinct phases, follow these steps:
Dependent Variable: CO
Method: Least Squares
Date: 07/05/00 Time: 15:44
Sample(adjusted): 1964 1994
Included observations: 31 after adjusting endpoints
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -24.73014 41.09577 -0.601769 0.5522
YDF 0.441638 0.181138 2.438126 0.0214
CO(-1) 0.540309 0.191924 2.815219 0.0088
R-squared 0.997075 Mean dependent var 2445.210
Adjusted R-squared 0.996866 S.D. dependent var 642.2594
S.E. of regression 35.95622 Akaike info criterion 10.09425
Sum squared resid 36199.78 Schwarz criterion 10.23302
Log likelihood -153.4608 F-statistic 4771.906
Durbin-Watson stat 1.485932 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Comparing the OLS, EViews TSLS, and OLS two-stage models:
To compare the coefficients, std. Errors, and t-statistics for the three models discussed in this
chapter, open the equations named OLS_CO, TSLS_CO and TSLS_OLS_CO, by double clicking
their respective icons in the workfile window, and compare the regression output. To facilitate
the process, the output for the OLS, EViews TSLS and OLS TSLS models are printed in this
guide. Look at all three and compare the data printed in the red-boxed area for each regression.
Note that the estimated coefficients are larger in the OLS_CO model compared to the TSLS_CO
and TSLS_OLS_CO models. This supports the hypothesis that OLS estimates of coefficients
have a positive bias in simultaneous equation models (simultaneity bias). Contrarily, TSLS
estimated coefficients tend to have a downward bias. Note that the estimated coefficients are
identical for the TSLS_CO and TSLS_OLS_CO models, but the standard errors (Std. Error in the
EViews output) are smaller in the EViews TSLS estimated model, making the coefficients more
significant (i.e., higher t-statistics). In order to get accurate estimates of standard errors and t-
scores, the estimation should be done on a complete two-stage least squares program (like
EViews TSLS). When OLS is used to estimate the second stage, it ignores the fact that the first
stage was run at all (UE, footnote 11, p. 481).
In order to calculate two-stage least squares using the TSLS – Two-Stage Least Squares (TSNLS
and ARMA) option, your specification must satisfy the order condition for identification, which
states that there must be at least as many instruments as there are coefficients in your equation.
The order condition for identification is easy to assess in EViews. Count, to make sure that the
number of independent variables, not counting the constant, in the Equation Specification:
window (i.e., YD & CO(-1) ) is less than or equal to the number of predetermined variables in the
Instrument list: window (i.e., G, T, NX, CO(-1) & R(-1)). See graphic in the Two-stage least
squares regression using EViews TSLS method section above.
12. Double click the icon in the EViews Macro14.wf1 workfile window to re-
activate the UE, Equation 14.29. Click Estimate on the equation menu bar and click OK.
The reason for this is to make sure that the residuals in the EViews workfile are from the
TSLS_CO equation. If the icon is not in the workfile, you must go back and
follow the steps outlined in Estimating two-stage least squares regression using EViews
TSLS method.
a. Follow the procedures outlined in Chapter 9.
13. Open EViews and open the EViews workfile named Oats14.wf1.
d. Refer to Estimating CO with Least Squares (OLS) and Estimating two-stage least squares
regression using EViews TSLS method.
e. Refer to Comparing the OLS, EViews TSLS, and OLS two-stage models.