ALessonPlan Monday Week 34
ALessonPlan Monday Week 34
ALessonPlan Monday Week 34
Activities 1. Teacher generates discussion about the play using WH-questions technique.
2. Teacher selects several students to respond to the questions orally.
3. Teacher distributes Worksheet 1 to students.
4. Teacher asks students to complete Worksheet 1 with the character traits of
each characters
5. Teacher asks each group to present their findings in front of the class.
6. Teacher provides feedback to students.
Teaching Aids Handouts , literary text Moral Values Rationality
i-Think Bubble Map CCTS Analyzing PBS Band5
Reflection 2a7 _____/_____ of the pupils were able to understand the lesson taught.
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to complete the assigned task(s).
_____/_____ of the pupils needed extra guidance/reinforcement.
2a9 _____/_____ of the pupils were able to understand the lesson taught.
_____/_____ of the pupils were able to complete the assigned task(s).
_____/_____ of the pupils needed extra guidance/reinforcement