WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Deee-Fifth Semester Examination
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Deee-Fifth Semester Examination
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Deee-Fifth Semester Examination
* 6637* 6637
Board Diploma Examination, (C–16)
PART—A 3×10=30
Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.
(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point
and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
* 7. State the need of a register and list any four types of special
function registers of 8051.
/6637 1 [Contd...
PART–B 10×5=50
Instructions : (1) Answer any f ive questions.
(2) Each questions carries ten marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and the criteria
for valuation are the content but not the length of
the answer.
11. Explain AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR gates with truth table.
* * *
/6637 2 [AA8