Resume Theresabaldwin

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Theresa Baldwin


Wells Academy
(443) 266-3431 Steubenville, OH / Kindergarten Student Teacher / JANUARY 2019 – PRESENT
Implement lesson plans for all academic areas based on Common Core curriculum.
Integrate technology including a SmartBoard and iPad into lessons. Manage classroom of 24 students independently using positive behavior management strategies.

Child Caregiver
Woodstock, MD / OCTOBER 2011 - PRESENT
EDUCATION Provide childcare for multiple different families with children ranging from newborns to
eleven years old. Supervise children during play time and handle their nutrition needs,
Franciscan University of communicate with parents, and manage time and organization.
Steubenville, Steubenville, OH
St. Alphonsus Preschool
43952 / Woodstock, MD / Preschool Summer Camp Leader / JANUARY 2016 - JULY 2016
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Performed a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, cleaning tables and sweeping
Education / Expected May 2019 floors, preparing snacks, leading games, leading crafts, supervising children on
playground, on blacktop, in water, and in bathroom, applying sunscreen, reading stories,
Licensure: Pre K-3 singing songs, playing with children, and ensuring children maintain good behavior.
GPA: 3.74
Baltimore, MD / JUNE 2014 – AUGUST 2015

Provided care for three elementary aged girls: played with them, planned, prepared and
arranged three nutritious meals for them, and helped them with homework.
Kienberg Kindergarten, Kienberg, Ave Maria Academy
Austria / Catonsville, MD / Preschool Teacher / SEPTEMBER 2014 - MAY 2015
Assistant English Teacher Prepared and presented lesson plans, snacks, games, and activities for six preschoolers
SEPTEMBER 2017 – DECEMBER 2017 twice a week.
Assisted lead teacher in lesson delivery
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Parish
and presentation, managed behavior
Woodstock, MD / CCD Teacher / SEPTEMBER 2011 – MAY 2014
of students to create a safe classroom
environment, and maintained a clean, Prepared and presented lesson plans, games, and activities for the 1st grade Religious Ed
safe, and organized classroom. class.

Woodstock, MD / Deli Associate / JULY 2016 - PRESENT
Ministry to Moms, Steubenville, OH Serve many customers daily with professional and effective customer service, carefully
& Kienberg, Austria / Mother’s Helper take customer orders by phone and in person, resolve customer concerns in a positive
SEPTEMBER 2016 - DECEMBER 2017 and constructive manner, prep, store, rotate, and stock product, and routinely clean and
Volunteered through a school ministry maintain kitchen equipment and appliances.
to look after children ranging from St. John Paul II Library
newborn to age six. Played with and Steubenville, OH / Circulation Desk Clerk / JANUARY 2017 – PRESENT
supervised children; took children to Provide friendly service to patrons and guests, locate requested reading materials,
parks and on walks. Taught Austrian organize library materials, ensure timely check-out, check-in, and reshelf of all library
children everyday English vocabulary, materials, and provide technical assistance to patrons using computers for internet
songs, and games. searches and Microsoft Office applications, fax machine, and copier/scanner.

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