Kindergarten Lesson Plan Week 7
Kindergarten Lesson Plan Week 7
Kindergarten Lesson Plan Week 7
Teacher-Supervised: Who Has More? (quantities Teacher-Supervised: Pictograph: What‟s Your
of 4) Comparing Quantities: A Favorite Color
Game for Partners – Red, Blue or Yellow? (3
Independent: categories)
Color Patterns (cubes) Independent:
Playdough Numerals (0-4) Comparing quantities: A Game for Partners
Number Books (1-4) It‟s A Match/ Number Concentration (1-4)
Number Concentration (1-4) Border Patterns
Cover All: 2-dimensional shapes in the Number Fishing Game (1-4)
environment Tapatan
INDOOR/OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: People INDOOR/OUTDOOR ACTIVITY: Feelings Hopscotch Indoor/Outdoor Activity: Walk, Hop, Jump
Counting Games
(counting up to 4)
MEETING TIME 3: Dismissal Routine MEETING TIME 3: Dismissal Routine MEETING TIME 3: Dismissal Routine
FRIDAY Content Focus: I have needs and feelings. My family provides my needs.
MEETING TIME 1: Message: My family provides for my needs. Some family members earn a
Message: I have needs. My basic needs are food, clothing and shelter. My living so they can help provide for the needs of the family.
family provides for my needs Question: What do your parents do to provide for your needs?
Question: What does your family need ?
Teacher-Supervised: Oral Blending Activities (syllables, onset and rime) Teacher-Supervised: Poster: Family members earn a living in different ways.
Independent: Independent:
Name Designs: Whose name begins with N? Name Designs: Whose name begins with Nn?
Letter Poster : Cut out words that begin with N Letter Poster : Cut out pictures that begin with N
Individual: N Designs Individual N designs
Dramatic Play (jobs of parents) Dramatic Play (jobs of parents)
Block Play (block work places) Block Play – work places
Stick Puppets: When I grow up…
Sing the song “What‟s the Sound?“ (substitute with Mm words) Show the food chart – talk about the food that comes from animals and food
that comes from plants
Activity: Where‟s the Sound ? Have children think of words that have a /m
sound in it. List them down on the board. Sort the words according Activity: Where‟s the sound ?
to where the /m/sound can be heard
Independent: Independent:
Block Play Block Play
Comparing Quantities: A Game for Partners Number Stations (up to 4)
Writing Papers (4) Number Mobile (quantities of 4)
It‟s A Match/ Mixed Up Numbers (1-4) Writing Papers (4)
Number Snap/ Number Concentration (0-4
Houses!Houses! - PEHT p. 71
Objectives: to identify different types of houses
to identify shapes of objects or things Materials: Pictures of different types of houses, blocks
1. Present pictures of different types of houses – small houses, big houses, apartments, nipa hut in the block
center where children can see and touch.
2. Discuss with the children about the shapes they see in each picture.
3. Let them tell what they know about the different types of houses.
4. Let the children build houses using their blocks.
5. Discuss with the children about what they build with their blocks. See if they try to use any of the ideas they
have seen in the pictures as they build their own creations.
Materials: 20 pieces of community
helpers cards Number of
Players/Participants: 6-8 children
1. Sixteen cards are placed in the middle of the table, face down, in a 4 x 4 arrangement. The remaining cards are
placed faced-down in a stack.
2. The players take turns turning over two cards, trying to turn a pair that totals 10. If a pair can be made, the
player keeps it and continues to play as long as he is successful. If he is not successful, he returns the two cards
to their original face-down positions and replaces
any cards he took with new ones from
the deck.
3. With 16 face-down cards on the table, the turn passes to the next player to the left.
4. The person who collects the greatest number of pairs is the winner.
Variation: This game can be varied by increasing the number of cards placed on the table. A 5 x 5 or 6 x 6
arrangement may be more interesting.
3. Ask one child to toss the bean bg to any section of the path, then hop from the starting point to the letter where
the bean bag fell.
4. While the child is hopping, let the children say:
5. Ask the child on the path to name the community helper whose name begins with letter G.
Community Helpers
a. Ako ay gingamit pag
Upang kayo‟y protektahan sa
ginaw. b. Damit pambabae
Maaaring mahaba o
Ingat lang kung
At baka ito‟y
c. Damit na
May tatlong butas
Lagusan ng
At ng ulong mahusay.
d. Suot na karaniwang
panloob, Pandoble sa
damit na manipis.
e. Maikling gamit na pang-
Karaniwang suot ng mga bata
Dalawang paa‟y ditto isinusuot
Nang makakilos nang mas
maayos. f. Maliit man ako‟y
mahalaga sa iyo
May pambabae at may panlalaki
Isinusuot ako
Na panloob na damit mo.
1. Tell the children that they will dress up their puppets.
2. Distribute pre-cut cardboard puppets to each child.
3. Ask each child to design his/her own puppet using the scrap cloth and colored markers available.
4. Attach each puppet to a popsicle stick using masking tape.
5. Display the puppets.
Clothes Connect
Objectives: to recognize different kinds of clothing that are alike
Materials: set of 28 clothes dominoes
Number of Players/Participants: 6 children
1. All dominoes are placed face down.
2. Each player draws 7 dominoes.
3. A player with a “double” begins play.
4. Each player in turn says the shape names and then plays as in a regular domino game.
5. The winner is the player who has played all dominoes or the player with the smallest number of dominoes when
all players must pass.
Variation: Glue the designs from the Number Stations activity on sheets of paper. Bind the paper to make a book.
Go 4
Objective: to explore different combinations that makes 4
Materials: 4 sets of numeral cards
(0-4) Number of
Players/Participants: 1-5 children
1. All the cards are dealt.
2. The players take turns asking specific people for specific cards in a way similar to the card game Go Fish. For
example, John may say to Carol do you have a 1 ? If Carol has a 1, she has to give it up to John. John then
lays this 1 and a 3 in front of himself, face up. 86
A player can continue asking for a card as long as he gets the card he requested. If he does not get the card
he asked for, the turn passes to the person who said, "I don't have it."
3. The person who makes the greatest number of pairs is the winner.
Draw 4
Objective: to explore different combinations that makes 4
Materials: 4 sets of numeral cards (0
–4) Number of Players/Participants:
3- 5 children Procedure:
1. One card is drawn from the deck and is set aside throughout the game, so that there will be an odd card without a
mate at the end of the
game. All the other cards are dealt.
2. Each player goes through the cards received trying to find pairs that make 4. All the pairs thus made are
discarded in the middle of the table.
3. The players then take turns, each holding his/her cards like a fan and letting the person to her left draw one of
them without looking at them. If the person who draws the card can use it to make 4 with one of the cards in
he/her hand, he/she discards the pair in the middle
of the table. If he/she cannot use it, he/she has to keep it. He/she then holds all his/her cards like a fan so that
the person to his/her left can draw one of them by chance.
4. Play continues until one person is left holding the odd card and loses the game.
Find 4
Objective: to collect pairs of cards
Materials: 4 sets of numeral cards
(0-4) Number of
Players/Participants: 3-5 children
1. All cards are dealt. Last card is turned face up. Each player keeps the cards dealt to him/she in a stack, face-
down, without looking at them.
2. By turns, players turn over the top card of his/she stack. If this card can be used with one on the table to make
a total of 4, the player can take it and keep the pair. If there are no cards that can be used, he/she has to
discard his/her card in the middle of the table, face
3. The player who collects the most number of pairs wins.
4 Concentration
Objective: to explore different combinations that makes 4
Materials: 4 sets of numeral cards
(0-4) Number of
Players/Participants: 3-5 children
1. Sixteen cards are placed in the middle of the table, face down in a 4 x 4 arrangement. The remaining cards are
placed faced-down in a
2. The players take turns turning over two cards, trying to turn a pair that totals 4. If a pair can be made, the player
keeps it and continues to play as long as he/she is successful. If he/she is not successful, he/she returns the two
cards to their original face-down positions and replaces any cards he took with new ones from the deck.
3. With 16 face-down cards on the table, the turn passes to the next player to the left.
4. The player who collects the greatest number of pairs is the winner.
It ’s A M at ch
Objective: to match numeral to set of objects/ dots
Materials: one set of cards with numerals – 0 -5, one set of cards with dots
(corresponding to the numerals) Number of Players/Participants: pairs or small group
1. Place the numeral cards face down in a box.
2. Place the corresponding dot pattern cards in the chalk tray.
3. Call on a child to get a card form the box and place it over the equivalent card in the chalk tray.
4. If correct, the child may choose the next player.
Mixed Up Numbers n r s er of Players/Participants:
Objectives: to read and recognize number u w (1- small group Procedure:
words m o 4) 1. Place the word
to recognize the sequence of b r Nu cards at random in the
numbers Materials: vocabulary cards of e d mb tray.
2. Ask the child to say each word with
3. Ask the children to help you place them in correct sequence.
4. Tell the children to hide their eyes while a mischievous kitten (you) comes and change the order of the cards.
5. The children close their eyes and lower their heads on their desk.
6. The teacher switches cards and then calls on a pupil to return them to the correct places.
Variation: Distribute the cards to the children. Call one of the word names. A child with the corresponding card is
invited to stand. “Neighbors” – those whose numbers are one less or one more than this student‟s – are then
invited to join in. Continue until all are standing in the appropriate number.
Block Play
Objectives: to explore the attributes of 3-dimensional or
space figures to understand the relationship
between figures
to build structures using blocks
Materials: table or floor blocks 90
Number of Players/Participants: 1-4 children
1. Children use table or floor blocks to build structures.
2. While building structures children are encouraged to talk about attributes of block (e.g. long/ short, heavy/light)
and the relationship of each block to another (e.g. 2 of these blocks make 1 of these blocks).
3. Children can also be encouraged to build structures based on the theme of the week (e.g. building homes, schools,
establishments in the
Ex: Three fish were swimming. Three more came. That makes six fish swimming.
I saw seven mangoes in the tree. I climbed the tree and got two mangoes. Five
mangoes were left.
Subtraction Cards
Objective: to subtract quantities up to 4
Materials: subtraction cards,
counters Number of
Players/Participants: 1-4 children
1. Teacher reads the total on the card, in this case 4.
2. Children get 4 counters.
3. Teacher says "take away one" while lifting the right hand flip.
4. Children take away 1 counter, count remaining counters and say "Three".
5. Teacher shows the group of the three remaining dots on the subtraction card.
Variation: Children can explore other materials such pebbles, popsicle sticks, and blocks.
Do n ’t Ro ck t h e Bo at
Objective: to practice counting
Materials: playing board,
counters, dice
Number of Players/Participants: 1-5 children
1. Players roll the dice to travel back and forth inside the “boat”.
2. The player who lands in the center with an exact roll is the winner.
5. When the time is up or the children decide to end the game, they snap together all the clothespins. They turn the
spinner to see if the person who has accumulated more or less clothespins is the winner.
Objective: to identify the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Materials: playdough
Number of Players/Participants: 6 children
1. Give each child a medium-sized ball of playdough.
2. Let them form the numerals 0,1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 and 6.
3. Then ask each child to create the number of objects for each numeral, Example: 2 hearts – numeral 2.
Variation: Glue the designs from the Number Stations activity on sheets of paper. Bind the paper to make a book.
Variation: One person is a caller as in a bingo game. He/she holds the number cards and players have to shout out
the name of the number in order to claim it to put on their board.
Materials: 2 sets of number
cards, 0-6
Number of Players/Participants: 2-4 children
1. Lay the cards down, either in rows or just anyhow.
2. Take turns turning over 2 cards.
3. If the cards match, you win them. If not, turn them face down again.
4. Player with most number of
cards win.
Number of Players/Participants: small group
1. Ask children to check if they have zippers, buttons or pockets. Discuss what each looks like.
2. Show the graph drawn on Manila paper and say, “Now look at the chart and choose which among these is present
in your clothing today.”
3. Call each child. The child then gets a cut-out and pastes this on the appropriate box.
4. After the children have pasted their cut-outs, ask the following questions:
Who has the most zippers? buttons?
Who has the least zippers? buttons?
Measure It
Objectives: to measure the length of objects
Materials: assorted objects with varying lengths, popsicle sticks, paper, pencil
Number of Players/Participants: 4-6 children
1. Ask children to measure the length of the following: blackboard, shelf, table, blocks
(Note: you may also substitute these items with other things in the classroom)
2. Use different non-standard tools such as popsicle sticks, straw. You may use inch cubes to measure length of
smaller objects such as pencil, table block, crayons landing in the center.
Name Designs
Objectives: to develop letter
recognition to fine-
motor coordination
Materials: strips of oslo or bond paper, glue, art paper, scissors, yarn, junk materials
Number of Player/Participants: 6-8 children
1. Have children think of names that begin with letter N.
2. Teacher writes down each name on a strip of paper.
3. Children decorate/design the name using various art and junk materials.
Nn Words Poster
Objective: letter recognition
Materials: craft paper, old magazines or newspapers, scissors, paste or glue
Number of Players/Participants: 1-5 children
On a piece of 2‟ x 3‟ of craft paper, write the outline of the letter for the day in upper and lowercase.
1. Have children cut out words that begin with Nn.
2. Let them paste the words inside the outline of the letter.
“T h e Sad Prin ce ss ”
(Fim Strip) Objective:
identify story details
Materials: manila paper
Number of players/participants: 4-6 children
1. Pre-cut the manila paper in the shape of a banner.
2. Ask children to recall details of the story just read. e. g. characters, setting, major events, title.
3. Write the title at the top or center of the manila paper.
4. Each child draws a story detail in a separate paper (construction or bond paper).
5. He/she cuts this out and paste this on the story banner.
Sand Paper Letters; Letter Ss, Mm, Aa, Tt, Ff, Ee, Nn
Objective: to form a letter
Materials: sand paper letter cut-outs
Preparation: Prepare sand paper letter-cuts of upper and lower case forms of
letters M, A , T and F Number of Players/Participants: 6-8 children
Have children explore each sand paper letter, feeling its shape as they form the letter
with their fingers.
CVC Cover All (same as Letter Cover All but replace with CVC words that can be formed from the letters m,a,t,f,e,n)
Word Call Out ( same as Letter Cover All but replace with CVC words that can be formed from the letters m,a,t,f,e,n
Writ ers’ Wo rks h o p - “What did you do during the summer vacation?”
Objective: to represent experiences through drawing
Materials: ½ lengthwise bond paper, pencils, crayons
Number of Players/Participants: 8 children
1. Ask each child to draw a particular experience he/she had last summer and write about it.
Take down dictation if the child cannot write his own words or
sentences yet.
2. Compile the stories and make it into a book. Write the title of the book – “Our Summer Vacation Experiences”.
Wha t ’s t h e Sou n d ? Sing “ Who are the people in the neighborhood?”
(to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Who are the people in your neighborhood?
Who are the people in your
What‟s the sound that these words neighborhood? In your
share? neighborhood? (2x)
Listen to these words. Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood?
Mat and Mini are these two They‟re the people that you meet
words. Tell me what you‟ve When you‟re walking down the
heard. (mmmmm) With a /m/, /m/ street They‟re the people that you
here, and a /m/,/ m/ there, meet each day.
Here a /m/, there a /m/, everywhere a
/m/, /m/.
/m/ is the sound that these words
share. We can hear that sound!
4. When the children have understood how the relay game is played, you may now start the game.
5. At the signal “Go!” the first child of each group, does the action demonstrated by the teacher and the game
continues until everybody had taken his turn.
Line Up
Objective: to sort the class into 3 groups based on similarities and differences
Materials: none
Number of Players/Participants: whole group
- Tell the children that they are to make three lines based on the descriptions you give.
- Make 2 lines: boys, girls
- Make 3 lines: favorite drink: juice, chocolate drink, milk
- Make 3 lines: favorite place: McDonald‟s, Jollibee, KFC
- Make 3 lines: favorite activity: playing, watching TV, drawing/coloring pictures
Variations: Direction of the movement varies ( up and down, back and forth, etc) The quality of movement can also be
varied (slow and fast , quiet and loud, light and heavy, happy and sad). Different kinds of music should be used
in various movements.
Clothes Relay
Players are divided into 3 equal teams. Each team forms a line. One sack of clothing is set at least 4 yards in front o of each
The first player on each team runs to the sack of clothing, putting on each article of clothing in any order. Clothes need not
be tied or buttoned. Player then runs back to his team, takes clothes off and helps the next player get dressed. The next
player runs to the other end and back to the
finish line. He then takes each particle of clothing off and help the next player get dressed. The next player takes his turn in
the same fashion. The
game continues until all players of one team have had a turn and thus win.