Weight and Balance Questions

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The centre of gravity of an aircraft

A is in a fixed position and is unaffected by aircraft loading.
B must be maintained in a fixed position by careful distribution of the load.
C can be allowed to move between defined limits.
D may only be moved if permitted by the regulating authority and endorsed in the aircraft's
certificate of airworthiness.
2. During take-off you notice that, for a given elevator input, the aeroplane rotates much more
rapidly than expected. This is an indication that:
A the aeroplane is overloaded.
B the centre of gravity may be towards the aft limit.
C the centre of pressure is aft of the centre of gravity.
D the centre of gravity is too far forward.
3. The floor limit of an aircraft cargo hold is 5 000 N/m2. It is planned to load-up a cubic container
measuring 0,4 m of side. It's maximum gross mass must not exceed:
(assume g=10m/s2)
A 80 kg
B 800 kg
C 32 kg
D 320 kg
4. An aeroplane is weighed and the following recordings are made:
nose wheel assembly scale 5330 kg
left main wheel assembly scale 12370 kg
right main wheel assembly scale 12480 kg
If the 'operational items' amount to a mass of 1780 kg with a crew mass of 545 kg, the empty
mass, as entered in the weight schedule, is
A 32505 kg
B 31960 kg
C 28400 kg
D 30180 kg
5. The take-off mass of a helicopter is 8600 kg which includes a traffic load of 1890 kg and a
usable fuel load of 1230 kg. If the standard mass for the crew is 190 kg the dry operating
mass is
A 5290 kg
B 5480 kg
C 8410 kg
D 6710 kg
6. The zero fuel mass of an aeroplane is always:
A The maximum take-off mass minus the take-off fuel mass.
B The take-off mass minus the fuselage fuel mass.
C The take-off mass minus the wing fuel mass.
D The take-off mass minus the take-off fuel mass.

7. The Traffic Load is defined as:

A The total mass of flight crew, passengers, baggage, cargo and usable fuel
B The total mass of crew and passengers excluding any baggage or cargo
C The total mass of passengers, baggage and cargo, including any non revenue load
D The total mass of passengers, baggage, cargo and usable fuel
8. In centre of gravity calculations the datum is
A The fixed reference about which moments are taken to calculate the position of the
centre of pressure
B The fixed reference about which moments are taken to calculate the position of the
centre of gravity
C The horizontal reference used to calculate the helicopter's empty centre of gravity
D The point through which the centre of gravity acts

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