CSR Assignment

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Table of Contents

1.0 Background of ViTrox..........................................................................................................2


2.1 CSR Policy.......................................................................................................................3

2.2 Corporate Social responsibility Report...........................................................................3

2.3 Objective and vision.......................................................................................................3

2.4 CSR initiatives.................................................................................................................3

2.5 Programme taken...........................................................................................................3

2.6 Why chosen CSR............................................................................................................5

2.7 Future Plan.....................................................................................................................5


References ...............................................................................................................................8
1.0 Background of ViTrox
Since its establishment in 2000, ViTrox designs and manufactures innovative, leading,
cost-effective automated vision inspection equipment and on-chip embedded
electronics for the semiconductor and electronics packaging industries. The core
products of ViTrox are Machine Vision System (MVS), Automatic Board Detection
(ABI) and Electronic Communication System (ECS).
ViTrox is a supplier of semiconductor packaging and testing (OSAT) companies,
printed circuit board manufacturers, electronic assembly companies, original
equipment manufacturers (OEMs), original design manufacturers (ODMs), electronic
manufacturing services (EMS) providers and contract manufacturers (CM) around the
On June 24, 2004, ViTrox became a public company and adopted the name of ViTrox
Corporation Berhad. Currently ViTrox is listed on Bursa Malaysia's Main Board
under the ticker symbol 0097.
ViTrox has won many domestic and international recognitions and rewards due to its
outstanding performance in product development and business performance as well as
human resource development.
Currently, ViTrox has a large customer base in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia,
Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, India and Australia
and is one of the world's leading providers of automated machine vision inspection
solutions. Europe, Brazil, Mexico, the United States and many more.
2.1 CSR Policy
ViTrox company policy on CSR is that the Group believes that the pursuit of business
objectives needs to be in line with the social and environmental responsibilities of any
enterprise in order to maintain sustainable development. As a result, the Group will
continue its best efforts to incorporate corporate social responsibility practices into its
day-to-day business. These measures include the design of employee benefit programs
to enhance the quality of life of employee or employer, to provide care to the
community through donations to schools and other charities, to encourage employees
to donate blood and take environmental protection measures such as minimizing the
use of harmful compounds in their manufacturing processes surroundings.

2.2 Corporate Social responsibility Report

ViTrox does not establish a corporate social responsibility report but we does talk
about corporate conscience in our annual report.

2.3 Objective and vision

ViTrox is resolved to have a positive social effect in the community we work in with
adoring graciousness through our corporate conscience program.

2.4 CSR initiatives

ViTrox had organized different programme in different areas, including providing
education, helping the community and protecting the environment.

2.5 Programme taken

ViTrox applied Philanthropic Responsibilities in their organization as the type of
corporate social responsibility. Philanthropic responsibilities are obligations that go
well beyond what is basically required or what the company believes is right.
Charitable duties include tried to benefit the society. For example, by donating money
and services to the community organizations, or engaging in projects to help the
ViTrox had worked together with Dale Carnegie Training Malaysia to organize a free
public happiness talk titled ‘Happy & Vibrant Penang’. For charity, we independently
raised RM50, 000 and RM60, 000 separately for the Kelantan surge help and to pay
for the therapeutic costs of one of our worker's relative. On the training front, we
routinely have industry learning visits to the ViTrox grounds for understudies from
primary, secondary and tertiary schools.
Volunteerism as a fundamental piece of ViTrox's employee engagement approach to
make an interesting and harmonious working society. There are nine unique intrigue
clubs set up in ViTrox to develop the spirit of volunteerism among representatives.
For the year under survey, there are around 105 ViTroxians on the whole, contributed
1,068.5 hours of volunteer time in different group and social activities.
Vitrox had implement few program such as V-Meal Green Monday Lunch, V-Sell, V-
Serve to carry out the corporate social responsibility.
ViTrox had started 'V-Meal Green Monday Lunch' program to serve and sponsor
vegetarian meal for all ViTroxians. By protecting our mother nature, this program act
as to advance great wellbeing and save our future generation. ViTrox sponsors RM3
for each meal and donates RM1 for each dinner which ordered by representatives for
charity reason, the reason that ViTrox subsidizes and donates are to encourage more
employees take part in this program.
Additionally, ViTrox also encourage each worker to practice the concept for 5Rs
which is Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle in their daily routine. The
employee can saw recycle bins or recycle center in the various corner of ViTrox, to
gather recyclable things acquired by ViTroxians from their working environment and
home. All the collect recyclable things were donated to NGO on regular basis. 'V-Sell'
Program was additionally propelled to give a stage to workers to offer or buy second
hand things with the reason to drag out thing's life cycle. An aggregate of 98 used
things were sold in year 2016.
Other than environmental protection, ViTrox additionally encourage representatives to
performed volunteerism as contributed to the community. ViTrox presented 'V-Serve'
program with the purpose of develop the spirit of serving, giving and loving for the
advancement of our communities. ViTrox also donated RM50 for consistently
contributed by volunteers to NGOs. There are around 45 representatives took an
interest in this program and contributed aggregate of 197 volunteer hours in year 2016
in different community activities which incorporate World Vision, Eden Charity Fair
or Tzu-Chi dialysis center’s' learning visit, school fund raising occasions , blood
donation and also open talks.
ViTrox also carried out welfare activities which rooted in local community which to
provide knowledges and insights to the students. ViTrox had supported the events
which organized by universities or private colleges by sponsoring on the education
front. ViTrox is to support or help the initiative of nurturing local young talents in
Engineering & Science. These sponsored events included Innaugural Young
Leadership Accelerator Programme at KDU, Intercampus Robotics Competition at
UTAR, RoboArms Challenge in University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and
Robofest Competition in USM.
ViTrox had sponsered and led another new plan track are to advance creative culture
in engineering design work, produce brightest talents for product development,
additionally research, and commercialization, or handle genuine issues with pratical
engineering solutions in a standout amongst the most prestigious undergraduate
engineering design competition, the Innovate Malaysia 2016, where the program
effectively attracted 16 groups from different local universities to take part in the
ViTrox's track to outline and create machine vision answer to answer the true issues .
Apart from that, our team consistently has industry learning visits to the ViTrox
campus for understudies from secondary and colleges, with the intend to inspire them
on how science and innovation have had an incredible effect on our reality today.
2.6 Why chosen CSR
ViTrox have faith in improving the world a place for ourselves as well as for our next

2.7 Future Plan

ViTrox sees himself as an organization that cares for its community, and will not stop
the corporate conscience programme but making more programme in the focus area to
make a positive social effect.
vitrox.com (2016), “vitrox_ar2016”
Available from:http://www.vitrox.com/pdf/investor/annual-report/vitrox_ar2016.pdf
[Accessed 30/10/2017]
vitrox.com (2016), “World leading automated machine vision inspection solution
Available from :http://www.vitrox.com/company/background.php
[Accessed 30/10/2017]

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