Hate Manual de Regras 107431 PDF

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GAME COMPONENTS............................................ 2
THE CHRONICLES OF HATE.................................... 5
STARTING A CHRONICLE............................................................. 6
PLAYING A CLASH............................................... 7
CHOOSING A SCENARIO TO PLAY................................................. 7
BATTLE.............................................................. 8
SETTING UP THE BATTLEFIELD..................................................... 8
SCENARIO DASHBOARD ANATOMY............................................... 9
Environment Set Up........................................................... 9
PLAYING A BATTLE.................................................................... 9
SAVAGERY............................................................................... 9
THE GAME ROUND..............................................10
REPLENISH PHASE...................................................................10
ACTIVATION PHASE..................................................................10
Player Turn.......................................................................10
FIGURE CARD ANATOMY............................................................12 1 Rulebook
RANGED ATTACKS....................................................................12
HIGH GROUND.........................................................................14
TRIBE CARDS..........................................................................15
TRIBE CARD ANATOMY..............................................................15
THE FORGE AND FEATS OF SAVAGERY..........................................16
THE FEAST TOKEN.....................................................................16
END OF TURN, ROUND, AND BATTLE............................................17 10 Hut Tiles 8 Tree Tiles
COOK OR TORTURE CAPTIVES....................................................17
VISIT CHIURGEON....................................................................18
ROLL FOR SCARS.....................................................................18
GAINING SCARS.......................................................................18 20 Resource Tokens 8 Pillaged Tokens 40 Savagery Tokens
UPDATE CHRONICLE TRACK.......................................................19
GAIN UPGRADES......................................................................19
THE VILLAGE........................................................................... 20
MERCENARIES........................................................................ 20
THE TYRANT............................................................................21
END OF THE INTERMISSION........................................................21 20 Hate Tokens 3 Innocent Tokens 5 Tracker Tokens
END OF THE CHRONICLE......................................21
SKILLS & SCARS................................................22
BATTLE SCARS TABLE..........................................23
CLASH SUMMARY..............................................24
1 Feast Token 4 Interest Tokens 6 Custom Dice

12 Plateau Tiles

1 Game Board

1 Village Sheet Pad

5 Scenario Dashboards 13 Black Counter Bases

1 Chronicle Sheet Pad

24 Transparent Scar Cards 64 Transparent Upgrade Cards 32 Tribe Cards

44 Plastic Card Sleeves 51 Figure Cards

WORK IN PROGRESS 51 Highly Detailed Figures
11 Tribe of 11 Tribe of 11 Tribe of 11 Tribe of
Um’Gra Figures Um’Cal Figures Um’Kator Figures Um’Rak Figures

1 Tyrant Figure 6 Mercenary Figures

They ravaged their Mother, the Earth, and bound Her with sorcerous
chains. The moon caught fire; the sun froze. In the veins of the world her
lifeblood choked to dust. The oceans boiled to miasmas that clotted the
skies. Rocks fanged up from the stubble of dying forests. As She began
to rot, Her creatures, Her children, survived as best they could. Tearing
at each other, prowling in Her fetid hollows, breeding abominations.

And, as the ages passed, some lineages of men grew monstrous as

others diminished, weakened and became easily their captives. These
“higher” men fed on the lesser, growing in strength, and hurled their
tribes one upon the other in terrible truce-less wars. Until one tribe
crushed the others into kneeling submission under a lord, nameless
save for his title, Tyrant.


In HATE, 2 to 6 players take leadership of their own unique tribes of savage warriors
and engage in a chronicle of battles to conquer the wastelands, becoming the Tyrant
ruler of the world.

The Chronicle is resolved over a series of one-versus-one Clashes, in which 2 players

pit their tribes against each other. In each Clash, they battle twice for domination of
new territories, taking turns over who’s the invader and who’s the defender. During
the battles, players not only try to accomplish objectives to be victorious, but find
various ways of accumulating Hate and Resources. These will make their tribes
stronger, by granting new permanent upgrades to their warriors (until death, that is)
and expanding their villages in order to be more resourceful. Once the chronicle is
over, the tribe that has gathered the most Hate and Resources, as well as conquered
the best territories, will rule the ashes of the world!

While HATE is meant to be played primarily as a Chronicle, you may choose to simply
play a standalone battle. Just pick a scenario, choose your tribes, decide whether
you want to give yourselves a few upgrades, and go crush some skulls!

Then, players schedule their Clashes based on the number of players:
2p - 5 Clashes between the players.
First, determine how many players will participate in the Chronicle, between 2 and 3p - 3 Clashes between each pair of players.
6. Once established, new players may not enter this Chronicle, and all players must 4p - 2 Clashes between each pair of players.
see the Chronicle through to the end; if you wish to add or remove players, it is best 5p - 1 Clash between each pair of players.
to start a new Chronicle. 6p - 1 Clash between each pair of players.

Next, each player will choose a Tribe that they wish to play for the entire Chronicle. After the total number of Clashes has been determined, players should determine
Each Tribe has unique powers and abilities that affect how they play, so choose wisely! the order of these Clashes, as well as schedule all Clashes for the entire Chronicle.
Clashes can be played in any order as long as the number of Clashes against each
Take that Tribe’s figures, Figure cards, Tribe deck and 1 Village sheet. Make sure all player is respected.
Figure cards are inside a plastic card sleeve.
Finally, take a single Chronicle sheet. In the Track side, record each player’s name and
tribe. On the Map side, each player choses one home territory and writes their tribe
name there. The home territories are the 6 outermost ones, with a different outline.

Clashes determine if a player will succeed in claiming additional Territories, Each territory gives the attacker different options when choosing the battle scenario.
expanding their power and influence over the board and gaining Conquest Points, There are 3 types of scenarios. The Outer Ring Scenarios, The Inner Ring Scenarios,
which contribute to their Final Score at the end of the Chronicle. When two players and the Capital Scenarios.
begin a Clash randomly determine who will be the Attacker first, then the following The attacker chooses one Scenario to set up for this battle. The challenger will play as
steps are taken, in order: the attacker while the other player will play as the defender.

P layer #1 (Attacker) designates a target Territory. Player #2 Defends: Player If playing a One-Shot Game, randomly determine attacker and defender, with the
#1 (the player who initiated the Clash) nominates 1 Territory as their target for attacker choosing the Scenario.
conquest. When nominating a Territory, the following rules apply:
• T he Territory must either be controlled by the Defender or be an Unclaimed
• Inner Ring Territories can only be nominated if the Attacker controls at
least one Outer Ring territory.
• T he Capital can only be nominated if the Attacker controls at least one
Inner Ring territory.
• H ome Territories may never be nominated as a target (not even those not
picked by any Tribe).
B attle #1: The first Battle in the Clash takes place (See Battles, Pg. XX)
I ntermission #1: Once the first Battle has been completed, the first Intermission
takes place (See Intermission, Pg. XX)
P layer #2 (Attacker) designates a target Territory. Player #1 Defends: The
roles of the players now reverse, with the original Attacker becoming the new
Defender, and vice-versa. Player #2 (Attacker) will select a Territory to attempt to
conquer (following the same rules outlined above), Player #1 Defends, and Battle
#2 will begin.
B attle #2
I ntermission #2
P articipants Collect Territory Bonuses During this step both players will collect
any bonus Resources and Hate generated by all Territories they currently control
(not only those Territories involved in the Clash). Note that Stronghold bonuses are
only collected at the end of the Chronicle- not at the end of each Clash!

Once these steps have been played, the Clash is complete and the next Clash between
players may begin.


- Unfold the Game Board and place it in the middle of the table.

2 - Place the chosen Scenario 3 - Take your Figure Cards, Tribe 4 - Deploy your figures as shown 5 - Take all Savagery tokens, Hate
Dashboard next to the board, Deck and Village and place them in the Scenario dashboard. Make tokens, Resource tokens, Pillaged
between the players. Then place near your respective side of the sure to attach black counter tokens , Innocents tokens, Feast
Plateaus, Huts, Trees and Interest Main Board (Attacker or Defender). bases to all of the attacker’s token, as well as the dice, and
Tokens on the board according figures, so they can be more easily place them near the Board.
to the Scenario instructions. distinguished from the defender’s.

6 - On the Scenario dashboard,

place one Tracker token in the
number “1” in the Round Track and 7 - Shuffle your Tribe deck and place it near your Village.
1 token in the number ‘”0” of each
Mission that has a Progress Track. Once these steps are completed the Battle is ready to begin.


Scenario Type and Name:

The Scenario Type defines for which
territories this scenario is available.


Scenario Special Set Up and

Special Rules: Each Scenario has Round Track:
its own special Set Up and Special Keep track of Rounds.
Rules. If any special rule breaks any
rule of the game it takes priority.

Missions: Each Scenario has its own

Missions. Some are Main Missions, Mercenary: Some Missions contain
some are Side Missions. Each Mercenary Missions. Shuffle all
Mission has its own Name, Objective mercenary cards, draw 1 and
and Reward. Some Missions have place it here. Place the respective
a Progress track to help players figure in the deployment space
track their progressions over those according to the Set Up image.
Missions. Side missions can be
achieved by both players, while Board Set Up Image: This image
Attacker and Defender missions can shows how to set up the scenario
be completed only by the respective plateaus, trees, huts and interest
player. Most Missions have rewards tokens, as well as figure deployment.
for the player that completes them.

Environment Set Up PLAYING A BATTLE

Trees are a font of Resources. During Set Up place the indicated number of Resource Each battle is divided into up to 4 Rounds. In each Round players will alternate
tokens on each Tree as shown on the Scenario Dashboard. between taking Turns until one of them is out of Savagery Tokens (the main currency
players use to perform various actions and activate abilities and cards), does not
Huts have any unactivated figures left, or one of them fulfills the Victory Conditions of the
Huts can be pillaged. Each Hut may give players Resource, Hate or other advantages chosen Scenario, which is always related to one or more Missions.
(See page XX). During Set Up shuffle all Huts and randomly place Huts as shown on
the Scenario Dashboard (making sure their entrance is on the corner shown).
Plateaus are raised rock formations that give figures combat advantages and movement
penalties. Plateau tiles may be placed one on top of the other, creating 2 or 3 different
levels. Each type of plateau is represented by a color in the Scenario Dashboard.

Savagery tokens are the main currency in Hate and are kept in a collected
pool by their owner, known as their Savagery Token Pool. They are spent for a
number of different things:
• Activating figures.
• Activating some Skills.
• Activating some Tribe Cards.
• Activating Forge Abilities (Feats of Savagery).



When a figure performs a Move, it gains 3 Movement Points, which the figure uses to
transverse the board and its various terrain.
Each Round is divided into 2 phases, taken in order: • F igures may move diagonally or orthogonally in any direction. Moving to each
• Replenish Phase adjacent space costs them 1 Movement Point. If players do not want to spend all 3
• Activation Phase Movement Points, they do not need to.
• Figures may never move through spaces containing an enemy figure.
• F igures may pass through spaces containing friendly figures or a Body (See Pg. XX),
REPLENISH PHASE but may not end their move in a space containing a friendly figure or a Body.
• T rees do not block movement; figures can freely stand in spaces containing Trees
During Replenish phase players will take the following steps, in order: (noting that it does not count as higher ground like a Plateau).
• Remove all Savagery tokens from figures on the Board • F igures may only move into a Hut by one of the 3 spaces adjacent to its entrance. A
• Remove all Savagery Tokens from your Forge in the Village sheet. figure ending its Move on a Hut entrance space reveals the interior of the Hut (See
• Discard any unused Savagery tokens, then gain 5 Savagery tokens. Pg. XX). Flip the Hut tile, making sure the entrance remains in the same corner.
• D iscard any unused Tribe cards, then draw 2 from the top of your Tribe Deck, placing
them face-up on the table.

Once these steps are done, the Replenish Phase ends and the Activation Phase begins.

The Activation Phase is where players will activate their figures, killing enemies,
harvesting trees, pillaging huts and working to complete the scenario Missions.
Starting with the attacking player, the Activation Phase consists of players taking
alternating Turns until one of them is out of Savagery Tokens , does not have any
unactivated figures left, or one of them fulfills the Victory Conditions of the chosen
Scenario, which is always related to one or more Missions.

As soon as one player starts their Turn and has no more Savagery Tokens, or they have • I f a figure wants to move into a space on a plateau that is higher than where they
no figures left to activate, they must pass. Once a player passes, their opponent will currently stand, that figure must spend 1 additional Movement Point per level of
take 1 more Turn and then the Round ends and a new one begins. how much higher the destination space is. Moving down a Plateau doesn’t cost any
extra Movement Points.
Player Turn
On a player’s Turn, they will select 2 friendly figures to activate, performing various
actions, attacks, and working to complete Missions with those figures. Each figure may
only be activated once per Round unless done by a special effect or ability.

Once a player has determined which figures they intend to activate, they must spend
1 Savagery token from their Savagery Token Pool for each of those figures (The
exception to this is The Prince, who requires 2 Savagery Tokens to be activated). Place
the token(s) next to the figure to show it is being activated. If the player doesn’t have
enough Savagery to activate both figures, they activate only one.

Next, the activated figures perform 1 Move. Once this is done, each figure may then
perform 1 Action. Note that a figure may choose to perform no Action at all if it wishes Example: The Champion spends 1 point to move to an adjacent space, and another 2
(or cannot, for whatever reason). points to climb the Plateau.

When a figure performs an Action, it selects 1 of the following actions. Once that
action is completed, the figure’s activation ends. Once both figures have activated,
that player’s Turn ends.
• Harvest a Tree
• Pillage a Hut
• Grab a Body
• Attack

Harvest a Tree
Any figure standing in the same space as a Tree may spend their action to gather one
of the Resources on that Tree. If a Tree has no more Resources, this action is no longer
possible on that respective Tree.
Example: The Champion must spend all of its 3 points to climb this plateau, since it’s
two levels higher than where he stands. Pillage a Hut
A figure standing on an entrance space of a Hut may spend their action to Pillage that
Hut. There are 4 types of Huts:

Family Huts: These huts have a Neutral Warrior protecting

it. If the player succeeds in killing the Neutral Warrior
(See Combat on Page XX) the Hut is pillaged and the
player receives the rewards listed on the Hut tile. If
not, then the Neutral Warrior attacks the pillaging
figure. In that case, the opponent player rolls for the
Neutral Warrior. If the Neutral Warrior is not slain, the
Hut remains Unpillaged. The attacker may attempt
to slay the Neutral Warrior in subsequent turns.

Ambush Huts: Ambush Huts work just like

the Family Huts except that, when Pillaged,
the Neutral Warrior attacks first.

Innocents Huts: The figure pillaging that Hut simply

gathers the amount of Hate shown on the tile, and
places the amount of Innocent tokens on the tile. The
player may then choose to Kill any of the Innocents
to gain 1 Savagery token per Innocent killed. They
may also choose to grab one of the Innocents,
placing it on that figure’s card. It works just like
carrying a body for the Intermission Phase. There
is no Combat and the Hut is considered Pillaged.

Supply Huts: The figure pillaging simply gathers the

amount of Resources and Savagery displayed on the tile.
There is no Combat and the Hut is considered Pillaged.

In any case, if the figure successfully pillages the Hut,

place a Pillaged token on the Hut to represent that the hut
has been pillaged and it cannot be pillaged again.

Each Tribe is composed of 11 Figures. 1 Prince, 1 Shaman, 1 Champion, 6 Warriors and 2
Youngbloods. At the start of the Chronicle each type of figure has the same stats and same
starting skills (except for the Shaman). But, as the Chronicle progresses, each figure will
become unique as they acquire Upgrades (See Upgrades, Pg. XX)

Figure Type: Figure Color: Your figures on the board have their base
Shows which group color printed on each respective card. This color is the
that figure belongs to. same between Tribes so you can easily recognize enemies’
figures too. Ex: All Shaman have a white base.

Figure Image:
Respective image
of that figure

Upgrade Slots: Each

figure has 4 Upgrade
slots. Throughout a
Chronicle individual
figures may acquire
Upgrades and
Scars which take
up these slots.

Starting Skill: Each

figure begins with 1
unique skill, depending
on their type.

Base Attack: This

indicates how many
dice the figure rolls
when attacking.

Base Defense: This

indicates how many
dice the figure rolls
when defending.

Attack is probably the most used Action and the most useful one, since is the main way you will
take enemies out of the battle.

Any Figure standing adjacent to an enemy figure may spend an action to attack that figure. Then
both figures will engage into a Combat.
Grab a Body
When a figure is KO’d (See Combat on Page XX) their body stays on the
battlefield. Lay down the figure to represent it.
Some figures have access to Ranged Attacks (as shown by their skills). Ranged Attacks
Any figure (friendly or enemy) adjacent to a Body may spend one action to follow all the rules for normal attacks except they may target any enemy figure within 5
Grab that Body. Remove the Body from the board and place it on the active spaces (orthogonally or diagonally). Other figures and terrain does not interfere with this in
figure card. Each figure can only carry one Body, including Innocent tokens. any way - a figure may always be targeted if it is within range.
If one of your figures grabs an enemy Body, move any Savagery tokens
from that figure to your Savagery Pool.
If a figure carrying a Body is KO’d, it drops that Body into an adjacent,
unoccupied, space (chosen by the figure carrying the Body).

COMBAT In HATE, the dice have 4 different faces:

– Hit: A success when Attacking

First, the attacking player gathers their pool of dice and rolls it. This consists of the
figure’s Attack Value, as show on the Figure card, plus any bonus attack dice that – Save: A success when Defending
may come from Tribe cards, upgrades, Support or the Forge (See Tribe cards and Forge
on page XX). – Savagery: Gain 1 Savagery Token

Then, the defending player does the same, except that their pool of dice come from –W
 ild: The players may turn this into any result they wish (Hit, Save, or
the targeted figure’s Defense Value plus any Bonuses. Savagery).

To resolve an attack, the players take the following steps, in order:

• Attacker determines Support.
• Attacker rolls dice.
• Attacker resolves any abilities/effects.
• Attacker selects faces for Wild results.
• A ttacker generates results from dice (number of Hits, Saves, Savagery tokens
gained, etc).
• The Defender then performs the above-listed steps in the same order.

Note that certain effects and abilities (such as the Forge’s Feats of Savagery) can add
dice or cause additional re-rolls. A player may activate these effects at any time during
their attack before they generate results from their dice, meaning a player may roll
their dice before deciding whether to trigger re-roll effects, add additional dice, etc. If
they have multiple effects they can trigger, they may freely choose the order of those
effects and resolve them before selecting another effect to activate.

Warriors and Champions have the Support skill (and other figures may gain
the skill as well via Upgrades), which means they can help an ally attack an
enemy, or distract an enemy who’s attacking them. Support grants additional
dice when an ally figure is attacking or defending:

Attacking: When a figure attacks, it rolls +1 die for each friendly figure with
the Support skill adjacent to its target (or +2 dice in the case of the Champion’s
Support skill).

Defending: When defending against an attack, the defending figure rolls +1

die for each friendly figure with the Support skill adjacent to the Attacker (or
+2 dice in the case of the Champion’s Support skill).

Example: The attacker has 2 friendly Warriors adjacent to its target, so they
roll +2 attack dice. Meanwhile, the defender has its Champion adjacent to the
attacker, so they roll +2 defense dice.


• I f the Attacker generates more Hits than the Defender did Saves, the defending figure
HIGH GROUND is KO’d and becomes a Body. Lay the figure on its side to represent this. Note that
Holding the high ground is a big advantage in any combat. If a figure is on a this means Saves are useless for the Attacker, and Hits are useless for the Defender!
plateau that is higher than where their enemy stands, they get 1 bonus die. • I n addition, if the attacker KO’d the defender, the attacking player gains 1 Hate,
Note that it doesn’t matter how much higher the figure is, you either have the and 1 Savagery token is placed on the attacking figure’s card. This token is used
+1 die bonus or you don’t. If the higher figure is defending, they get +1 die for to represent that the figure is now eligible to gain Upgrades during the next
defense, and if they’re attacking they get +1 die for attack. Intermission (See Intermission, Pg. XX)

Example: Using his Ranged skill, the Youngblood attacks an enemy 4 spaces
away. Since he’s standing on a plateau and the target’s on the ground, the
attack gains +1 die.

Example: The Um’Kator Champion is attacking the Um’Rak Warrior.

Since the defender has the High Ground, he will roll +1 die on defense.
The attacker has 2 allies adjacent to the target. However, one of them is a Youngblood
who doesn’t have the Support skill, so the attacker only gets a Support bonus of +1 die.
While the defender has his allied Champion adjacent to himself, that doesn’t grant a
Support bonus, as the Champion would need to be adjacent to the attacker in order to
give defensive Support.

Example: The Youngblood is attacked by a Warrior. While they’re both on

plateaus, the Youngblood is 2 levels above his attacker, so his defense gets
the High Ground bonus of +1 die.

Every Round, players will have access to 2 unique Tribe cards. These cards are drawn
during the Refresh Phase and are kept face-up on the table, in view of all players.
These cards can only be used once during that Round and will be discarded when used
or during the next Replenish Phase if they are not used.


Name of the Tribe card

Image of the Tribe card

The attacker gathers his dice: 2 for his base attack stat, +1 for his “+1 ” Upgrade, Savagery cost
and +1 for the Warrior’s Support. So he rolls a total of 4 dice, resulting in ,  ,  
 , and . While he would like to use one of his Forge’s Feats of Savagery, he has
no Savagery left to do that (and he cannot use the Savagery obtained by this roll). He
then decides to turn the into another , for a total of 3 Hits and 1 Savagery token
which he collects. Trigger


In order to use a Tribe card, check the Trigger. Cards can only be used in the
moment specified in the Trigger. Then, the player must spend the indicated
number of Savagery tokens (some cards have no cost). Then the effect of the
card is applied, and it is discarded.

The defender then gathers his dice: 2 for his base defense stat, +1 for having the
High Ground. He rolls a total of 3 dice, resulting in , , and : only 1 Save. He
decides to use his Forge, so he places one of his Savagery tokens on the enabled “Roll
+1 Die” slot of his Village Sheet.

This extra die results in . So the player decides to use his Warrior’s “Reroll Defense
Dice” Upgrade, rerolling the 2 Hits and the Savagery. This results in , , and  .
Even turning the into a would only achieve a total of 2 Saves. Not enough to
block the attacker’s 3 Hits. So the defender decides to turn it into a  , collecting 2
Savagery tokens, and losing the Combat.
The Um’Gra Warrior is KO’d, and his figure is laid down on its space.The Um’Kator player
gains 1 Hate token, and places a Savagery token on their Champion’s card, to mark him
as eligible for an Upgrade!

The Forge is part of your Village (See Pg. XX) and grants beneficial abilities that are
used during a Battle via Feats of Savagery - powerful, but limited, boosts that a
player may utilize.

At the start of the Chronicle, players have access to only one slot of each Feat of
Savagery. Players may spend 1 Savagery token on any of the Feats of Savagery slots
to gain benefits from it.

Accumulating Hate has a big influence as the Chronicle progresses. During

individual Battles, however, Resources have another important role. In a
Battle, if you have collected more Resources than your opponent (during that
Battle, not the overall Chronicle!), you gain the Feast token. The player holding
this token may activate 1 additional figure each Turn (spending Savagery as
normal, and still limited to unactivated figures). If your opponent gains more
Resources, they immediately gain control of the token. In case of a tie for
Resources, neither player controls this token.

 +1 Movement: Gain +1 Movement Point during the movement phase of a friendly
 +1 Die: Roll +1 Die when rolling for Attack or Defense.
 +1 Reroll: Reroll once any/all dice when rolling for Attack or Defense.
+1 Activation: Immediately activate a friendly figure that has previously activated
this round (paying the Savagery cost as usual).

After you have spent the Savagery token on the respective slot for Feats of Savagery,
the Token stays there to represent that this slot cannot be used again to gain that
benefit. The Forge is cleaned up during the Replenish phase, which means that next
Round all slots you have access to are available again.

Example: This player has already used their enabled “+1 Die” and “Reroll” slots. Now
they only have access to one “Move +1 space” and “Reactivate 1 figure”.

A player’s Turn ends once they have completed all Actions with their activated As soon as the Battle ends, the Intermission begins. Players should take the following
figures, then their opponent’s Turn begins. Play continues, back and forth, until a steps, in order:
player begins their turn with no Savagery tokens in their Savagery Pool, or has no • Cook or Torture Captives
figures left to activate (they are all either activated or KO’d). Once this happens, they • Visit the Chiurgeon
must pass their Turn. Their opponent gets 1 more Turn, and then the Round ends. • Roll for Scars
Check for End of Game Conditions and, if they have not been met, begin a new Round. • Update Chronicle Track
• Gain Upgrades
The Battle ends immediately if one of the players fulfills the victory conditions
described on the Scenario dashboard, or if the Battle has reached the end of Round 4 Each step is first taken by the player who won the Battle, and then by their opponent.
without either player fulfilling their victory conditions.

The winner is the player who fulfilled their Scenario victory conditions. If neither
player completed these conditions, then players should count the total Resources
and total Hate they accumulated during the Battle, taking the lower of these two Players now benefit from the Bodies they have been carrying during the game. They
totals. The player with the highest total is the winner. If there’s a tie, compare the may choose to cook those bodies in their Village’s Oven to gain Resources, or place
higher of those totals. If there is still a tie, then the Defender wins. them in the Torture Pit to gain Hate. Those figures are now dead - Remove all Upgrades
and Scars from their Figure cards and return their figures to their owner (representing
Example: A battle ends with no player fulfilling their victory conditions. a fresh figure replacing the fallen one).
Player #1 has 10 Hate and 5 Resources.
Player #2 has 5 Hate and 7 Resources. Players may only place bodies in the Oven or Torture Pit equal to the number of
They are tied for their lowest total (5), but Player #1 wins since their highest total (10) slots opened on those buildings. Players start with 1 Oven slot and 1 Torture Pit slot
is higher than Player #2’s (7). available, but may increase those buildings over the course of the Chronicle (See
Pg. XX). All Bodies that cannot be cooked or tortured eventually escape back to their
tribe. Nothing happens to them, simply return their figures to their owner.

When a figure gains a Scar, it takes the matching Scar card and slots it onto its
For each slot enabled on their Village’s Chiurgeon, a player may discard 1 Scar from a Figure card, applying its effects to that figure until the Scar is removed. Scars
friendly figure (See Scars on Page XX). occupy one Upgrade slot (but are not Upgrades themselves!) and deny any Skills
in that slot from being used. If a figure ever gains a Scar that would occupy a
slot already containing a Scar, that figure is killed (discard all of its Scars and
ROLL FOR SCARS Upgrades). In the off chance that there are no copies left of the type of Scar a
figure should receive, they got a lucky break and nothing happens to them.
All Figures that have been KO’d and are still alive must roll to see what happened to
them during the battle (this includes captives that have escaped).

In order to do that, roll 3 dice and check the Battle Scars Table at the end of the Rulebook,
applying the listed result to that figure. In most cases, the figure will gain a Scar.

Example: This Warrior became Paranoid and is now incapable of lending

support to his allies.

Both players now count how many Hate and Resource Tokens they have acquired from When a player reaches a milestone on the Hate Track, they gain access to 1 Upgrade.
the last Battle and mark it on the Chronicle Track sheet. When selecting Upgrades during Intermission, the winner of the Battle selects first.
Once both players have chosen their Upgrades, they may assign them to their figures.
• F or each milestone reached in the Hate Track, the player will gain 1 Upgrade for To be eligible to gain an Upgrade, a figure must have KO’d at least one enemy during
their figures. the last Battle (remembering that these figures were marked with a Savagery token to
• F or each milestone reached on the Resource Track, the player gains 1 additional track this). Also keep in mind that the number of Upgrades each of your figures may
slot on any 1 Building of their Village. have is limited by the number of enabled slots on your Village’s Training Ground.
There are Three type of Upgrades a figure can get:

 G eneric Upgrades: These are the most common Upgrades gained during the
Chronicle and are available to all Tribes.
 T ribe-Specific Upgrades: Upgrades only available to your unique Tribe. Those are
unique and are awarded to your Tribe for completing Hate milestones.
 M  ission Upgrades: These Upgrades can only be acquired by completing specific
Missions. They are awarded to a player as soon as the Mission is completed (if that
Upgrade Card is available), but are only added to figures during the Upgrade step in
the Intermission (see above).

Example: The player gained 10 Hate, reaching 3 milestones which will grant their
Tribe 3 Upgrades. The 5 Resources gained reached 1 milestone, so only 1 building in
their Village will be upgraded.


Mercenaries are powerful Neutral Warriors, used in specific Scenarios,

that can be acquired by your tribe. Each Scenario lists the rules for placing
Mercenaries, how they operate during the Battle, and how they can be
acquired. Once acquired, they are permanently added to your Tribe (until they
are Killed) and can be used to replace 1 of your figures (except your Prince)
during Battles if you have the available Hall of Heroes slot to do so.

When you acquire a Mercenary, take its Figure card and add it on top of one of
your Tribe’s Figure cards, discarding any Upgrades and Scars the replaced figure
may have had. If your Mercenary is killed, discard its Figure card, along with any
upgrades and Scars it may have collected; you’re back to the original Tribe figure.

Your village is where you keep track of how developed your tribe’s buildings are. The
more they develop the more benefits your tribe has access to.

Each building gives one specific bonus. In addition, these building may be improved
during the Intermission by reaching Resource milestones, increasing the efficiency
or number of times their specific bonus can be utilized. The bonuses each building
gives are as follows:

Hall of Heroes: For each The Oven: During the

slot enabled on their Hall Intermission, for each slot
of Heroes, the player may enabled in their Oven, the
include 1 Mercenary in their player may cook 1 captive
Tribe (see above). their carried off, gaining 1
Resource per cooked captive
Shaman’s Hut: During (including Innocent tokens).
each Replenish phase of
a Battle, the player draws Chiurgeon: During the
1 additional Tribe Card for Intermission, for each slot
each slot enabled in their enabled in their Chiurgeon,
Shaman’s Hut. They select the players may heal 1 Scar
2 of those cards to place from a friendly figure.
face-up, returning the
others back on top of their
Tribe deck (in any order).

Training Grounds: Each figure in a tribe Torture Pit: During the Intermission, for
may gain 1 Upgrade card per enabled slot in each slot enabled in their Torture Pit,
the player’s Training Grounds (not counting the player may torture 1 captive their
starting skills printed on the card). carried off, gaining 1 Hate per tortured
captive (including Innocent tokens).

As soon as the intermission is done, both players proceed to the next Battle of the
Clash, or proceed to the next Clash scheduled in the Chronicle if they have just
completed the second Battle.


After all determined Clashes are done, it’s time to determine the final winner of the
Chronicle. Each player tallies their total Resources and total Hate, taking the lower
of these two totals. They then add their total Conquest Points (generated by the total
number of Strongholds in territories under their control at the end of the Chronicle)
to this number. This sum is the Final Score they have achieved. The Tribe with the
The Tyrant is the ultimate leader of men, the ruthless despot that will crush all highest Final Score is the Winner of the Chronicle: the only true survivor in the world
other tribes under his boots. The Tyrant does not count as a Mercenary, and of HATE!
cannot be randomly placed in a Scenario. Whichever tribe has control of the
Capital territory gets to replace its Prince for the Tyrant (following the same Example: Player #1 has accumulated 10 Resources, 15 Hate, and 10 Conquest Points
procedure as with a Mercenary). The tribe only loses the Tyrant if they lose during the Chronicle. They will take the 10 Resources (because that is their lowest
control of the Capital, with the Tyrant going to the conquering tribe. total between Resources and Hate) and add their 10 Conquest Points, giving them a
Final Score of 20.


Based on THE CHRONICLES OF HATE graphic novels by Adrian Smith.

Game Design: Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, and Nicolas Raoult

Additional Design & Development: Alexandru Olteanu and Eric M. Lang
Development: Marco Aurélio Portugal
Production: Thiago Aranha
Art: Adrian Smith
Lead Graphic Designer: Mathieu Harlaut
Graphic Design: Marc Brouillon and Louise Combal.
Miniatures Directing: Mike McVey
Sculpting: Remy Tremblay, Jacques-Alexandre Gillois, Patrick Masson,
Jose Roig, Michael Jenkins, Jason Hendricks, Yannick Hennebo, Edgar
Skomorowski, Benoit Cosse, and RN Estudio.
Game Design Director: Eric M. Lang
Publisher: David Preti
Playtesters: XXX

FLESH WOUND Luckily it was just a clean wound, it went right through you. Nothing Happens.

BADASS SCAR It was just a minor cut, but on your face. No one hits your face! Gain 1 Hate.

MISSING FINGERS A few lost fingers will not stop you from wielding an Axe! Nothing Happens.

You can walk and fight just like be before. Unfortunately, your
genitals will never be the same. Gain 2 Hate.

Your left hand’s a mess of crushed bones and flesh. Never mind, as long as
you have your right hand, you’re never alone! Take the Scar-A-03

GOUGED EYE One of your eyes was popped like rotten fruit. Good thing you have two. Take the Scar-C-03

You took a savage blow to the head and your sight is all scrambled.
Just kill any shape you notice. Take the Scar-D-03

TORN OUT LEG Balance yourself on one leg and move on. Take the Scar-C-02.

BROKEN RIBS A few ribs broken. Don’t let them hit you there again, it will hurt like hell! Take the Scar-B-03

How the fuck did you survive, no one knows. You are so deformed you look
like a monster. Hope you scare enemies now. Take the Scar-D-01

TORN MUSCLES You cannot carry bodies with your muscles torn up. Focus on killing them. Take the Scar-D-02.

UNARMED You can fight normally without your left arm, though it is a bit awkward. Take the Scar-A-02

Your left hand is dangling by a piece of skin. Luckily, you’re right-

handed. Just chuck it in the oven and enjoy! Gain 1 Resource.

You tried helping your fellow warriors, and nobody was there when you needed it.
Screw these fuckers, you ain’t helping nobody anymore! Take the Scar-C-01

Losing part of your brain made you forget some useful shit
you had learned. Lose one of your Upgrades.

RIPPED OFF ARM Your main arm is gone. Use your other hand and try not to die! Take the Scar-A-01

The battle and your shitty mistakes gave you an epiphany.

Get a Tribe-Specific Upgrade of your choice.

We cannot remove this knife from your chest, unless you want to
go to the oven. Live with that. Take the Scar-B-02

BROKEN BONES You have broken bones all over your body, they fucking kicked your ass. Take the Scar-B-01

You lost too much blood, and now you’re dead as shit. Just throw the
body in the oven. Gain 2 Resources. Your figure is dead.

Each Clash consists of 2 Battles between 2 players. In the first Battle one player attacks and the other defends, then they switch roles for the second battle.

Attacker selects a valid Territory controlled by the Defender or unclaimed.
Attacker selects a Scenario corresponding to the region of the Territory. Set up the board according to the Scenario.

• Remove all Savagery from figures on the board and from the Village Sheet.
• Discard any unused Savagery and gain 5 Savagery.
• Discard any unused Tribe cards and draw 2 new ones.

Starting with the attacking player, players take Turns back and forth. On their Turn, the player activates 2 of their figures. They must place 1 Savagery on each activated figure (2
if it’s a Prince). First each activated figure Moves, then they each take 1 Action.

The figure has 3 Movement Points to use. • Attacker determines Support.
• 1 MP to move to an adjacent space. • Attacker rolls dice.
• Can’t move through enemy figures. • Attacker resolves any abilities/effects.
• May move through allies and bodies, but not end there. • Attacker selects faces for Wild results.
• Moving up a Plateau costs an extra MP per level. • Attacker generates results from roll.
• Defender then performs these same steps.
Support: Warriors add +1 die (or Champion +2 dice) each to attacker if adjacent
 Harvest a Tree: Take 1 Resource. to their target, or to defender if adjacent to their attacker.
 Pillage a Hut: Reveal tile and pillage it for its rewards. High Ground: In combat, a figure gains +1 die if it’s higher than its enemy.
 Grab a Body: Take an adjacent body, collecting its Savagery tokens if it’s an enemy.
 Attack: Attack an adjacent enemy (or up to 5 spaces away if you have Ranged). If the attacker has more Hits than the defender has Saves, the defender is KO’d. Lay
down its figure. Attacker gains 1 Hate and adds 1 Savagery to the attacker’s card.


Once a player starts their Turn with no Savagery or no figures to activate, they must pass. The
other player takes one turn and the Round ends. A new one then starts.

At the end of the 4th Round, or when a player reaches their Victory Conditions, the Battle ends.

If the attacker has more Hits than the defender has Saves, the defender is KO’d. Lay down its
figure. Attacker gains 1 Hate and adds 1 Savagery to the attacker’s card.

1. Cook or Torture Captives Once both Battles and both Intermissions are
2. Visit the Chiurgeon done, players collect the bonuses for all the
3. Roll for Scars Territories they currently control.
4. Update Chronicle Track
5. Gain Upgrades

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