Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) in Dentistry: A Review of Literature
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) in Dentistry: A Review of Literature
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) in Dentistry: A Review of Literature
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in dentistry: A review
of literature
Chirag Macwan, Anshula Deshpande
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, K. M. Shah Dental College and Hospital, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara,
Gujarat, India
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a unique material with several exciting clinical applications. MTA has potential and one of the most
versatile materials of this century in the field of dentistry. During endodontic treatment of primary and permanent tooth MTA can be
used in many ways. MTA materials have been shown to have a biocompatible nature and have excellent potential in endodontic use. MTA
materials provide better microleakage protection than traditional endodontic repair materials using dye, fluid filtration, and bacterial
penetration leakage models. In both animal and human studies, MTA materials have been shown to have excellent potential as pulp-
capping and pulpotomy medicaments. MTA material can be used as apical and furcation restorative materials as well as medicaments for
apexogenesis and apexification treatments. In present article, we review the current dental literature on MTA, discussing composition,
physical, chemical and biological properties and clinical characteristics of MTA.
on cell viabilities collagen release mechanism. Koh et al. (2001)[27] 2. In Permanent teeth:
concluded that property of MTA to produce interleukin and also i. Pulp capping[2,29]
offers a biologically active substrate for bone cells. ii. Partial pulpotomy[35]
iii. Perforation repair - Apical, lateral, furcation[29]
Tissue regeneration iv. Resorption repair - External and internal[29]
Torabinejad et al. (1995)[28] concluded that MTA is potential to v. Repair of fracture - Horizontal and Vertical
activate the cementoblasts and eventually cementum production. vi. Root end filling[22]
MTA also allows the overgrowth of PDL fiber over its surface. vii. Apical barrier for tooth with necrotic pulps and open
Schwartz et al. (1999)[29] reported that MTA helps in elimination apex[10,22,37]
of clinical symptoms bone healing. These properties of MTA viii. Coronal barrier for regenerative endodontics[38]
determine it as a potential regenerative material. ix. Root canal sealer[39]
Mineralization Conclusion
Myers K (1996)[2] determined that MTA, similar to calcium
hydroxide (CaOH 2), induces formation of dentin bridge. Considering the present literature review, MTA is an excellent
According to Holland et al. (1999) [30] theorized that the biocompatible material. MTA has various exciting clinical
tricalcium oxide content of MTA interacts with tissue fluids applications as it has numerous qualities mandatory for an ideal
and form CaOH2, resulting in hard-tissue creation in a similar dental material. MTA required to be further explored by clinicians
manner to that of CaOH2. Faraco et al. (2001)[31] concluded so that its advantageous properties can be practiced.
that the dentin bridge formed with MTA is relatively faster,
with good structural integrity than with CaOH2. According to References
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Prophylactic treatment of dens evaginatus using mineral trioxide How to cite this article: Macwan C, Deshpande A. Mineral trioxide
aggregate. J Endod 2001;27:540-2. aggregate (MTA) in dentistry: A review of literature. J Oral Res Rev
28. Torabinejad M, Hong CU, Lee SJ, Monsef M, Pitt Ford TR. 2014;6:71-4.
Investigation of mineral trioxide aggregate for root-end-filling in dogs. Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
J Endod 1995;21:603-8.