Overview of Electric Vehicle Concept and Power Management Strategies
Overview of Electric Vehicle Concept and Power Management Strategies
Overview of Electric Vehicle Concept and Power Management Strategies
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3 authors:
Chokri Mahmoudi
University of Gabès
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Fig.2: Simplified drivetrain architectures of main Electrical Vehicles: (a): Battery Electric Vehicle (b): Hybrid Electrical Vehicle (c): Range Extended
Electric Vehicle (d): Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
Solar electric vehicle (SEV) is an electric vehicle powered energy management system (EMS) with electric power through a
importantly or completely by direct solar energy. Through solar charge controller.
arrays installed on top of the vehicle, often photovoltaic (PV) cells,
solar energy is converted directly into electric energy. Since SEVs structure has been exploited in Solar Buses. Both all-solar
converted solar energy is the only source, it powers all or part of bus such as the TINDO project that is operating as free public
SEV's propulsion, electronics, communication, navigation, security transport service in Australia and Hybrid Solar Bus that uses solar
and other auxiliary features [2]. Sensors provide assistance to the energy to power electronics, video monitoring system, air
driver similar to conventional vehicles. Here, gathered conditioning and auxiliary functions, meanwhile, traction is
informations allows monitoring the car's energy consumption, solar ensured by a HEV structure [25].
energy capture and other parameters. SEVs can be equipped with a
battery pack assistance to ensure continuous driving during shaded
days or night use giving an extended range of autonomy to the
Practically, SEV can reliable in some uses when vehicle operates
relatively little but spends most of the time parked in the sun, such
as golf carts, Single-track vehicles or specific target; Solar Race
Challenges: competitions taking place in all over the world are to
promote research on solar-powered cars. The German Power Core
Suncruiser, Japanese Kaitu II and the Australian eVe are most
remarkable solar race cars.
Power management:
Control strategies for hybrid-electric vehicles generally target Major challenge of energy management system (EMS) in an
several simultaneous objectives. The primary one is the electric vehicle is to assure optimal use and regeneration of the
minimization of the vehicle fuel consumption, while also total energy in the vehicle. Regardless of number of sources, the
attempting to minimize emissions and to maintain or enhance powertrain configuration, at any time and for any vehicle speed, the
drivability. To date, the power management (PM) system in EVs is control strategy has to determine the power distribution between
basically formed by two layers; High level software-based different energies. When two storage systems or two fuel
supervision and low level hardware-based control which can be converters are available additional power distribution between the
divided into two control layers low level component and low level RESSs and between the fuel converters has to be determined.
control. Both hardware and software control layers works together These decisions are constrained by two factors. First of all, the
to optimize PM system in EVs [3,4]. motive power requested by the driver must always be satisfied up
to a maximum power demand already known. Then, charge status management results, increase vehicle performance and robustness,
must be maintained within, allowing the vehicle to be charge and reduce energy loss in transmission [2,4,6].
continuously. [15-17]
Fig.7 Main drivetrain architectures of BEV: (a): Conventional Drive train (b): Single-gear transmission architecture (c): Integrated single-gear and
differential architecture (d): Separated EM and fixed gearing architecture, (e): Fixed EM and gearing architecture, (f): in-wheel drive architecture.
For HEV, mainly 4 architectures are available and aiming different By combining the previous configurations (Fig5.c), the Parallel-
vehicle purposes; Parallel Drive Train configuration (Fig5.a) Series Drive Train is figured out; the ICE supports the EM in
allows both ICE and EM to access transmission in parallel via similar way to parallel mode, however, it keeps providing electric
couplers [2]. Thus, electric vehicle is equipped by two separated power through linked generator [8].
propulsion powers in two different drive lines. The way motor and In final architecture (Fig4.d), by replacing the generator in previous
engine participate will be discussed later in further details. vehicle structure and adding a second power converter to store
The second architecture is Series Drive Train (Fig5.b). Only the electrical energy in-car produced in battery, HEV become more
EM accesses the transmission shaft. Meanwhile, the ICE is to controllable and efficient[2].
generate electrical power but not to support the EM in
transmission. The generated electric power is led to power Both, HEV and BEV architectures use DC/AC converters to
converter before reaching Battery Pack and EM [6]. control electric motors feeding and DC/DC converters to manage
two way energy transfer for battery charging or use [1,9].
Fig.8: Main drivetrain architectures of HEV: (a): Parallel structure HEV (b): Series structure HEV (c): Series-Parallel structure HEV (d): Complex
structure HEV
B-Software Level:
Although DP can yield a global optimal solution in closed form,
In high supervisory Power Management Layer (PML), many for many problems, a complete solution by DP is impossible [19,
algorithms have been developed. Depending on powertrain 34, 36].
architecture, mainly five techniques proved reliability and
delivered intended results Offline Power Management Control Online Power Management Control Algorithms
(PMC) Algorithms, Online PMC Algorithms, Rule-Based PMC
Algorithms and Learning PMS Algorithms and GPS-Enhanced MPC: Model predictive control (MPC) relies on prediction models
PMC Algorithms [16, 19, 21]. to obtain a control action by solving an online optimization
problem over a finite horizon. It is often used in constrained
Offline Power Management Control Algorithms regulatory related control problems of large scale multivariable
systems, where the objective is to operate the system in a certain
Optimization Criteria: Stochastic optimal control of complex desired way[19, 24].
dynamic systems is a present fact in engineering. The problem is
formulated as sequential decision making under uncertainty, where Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle and ECMS: One of the principal
a controller is faced with the task of selecting actions in several procedures in solving optimization problems is to derive a set of
time steps to efficiently achieve the system’s long-term goals [19, necessary conditions that must be satisfied by any optimal solution.
24, 28]. These conditions become sufficient under certain convexity
DP: Dynamic programming (DP) has been generalized as the main conditions on the objective and constraint functions. Optimal
method to analyze sequential decision-making problems, such as control problems may be regarded as optimization problems in
deterministic and stochastic optimization and control problems, infinite-dimensional spaces, and thus, they are substantially
mini-max problems, and other varied problems. While the nature of difficult to solve [12, 19].
these problems may vary widely, their underlying structure is
similar to each other and has two principal features: an underlying Rule-Based Power Management Control Algorithms
discrete time dynamic system whose state evolves according to
given transition probabilities that depend on the decision taken at Rules Based (RB) method relays on expert experience base to
each time and a cost function that is additive over time [19, 30, determine fine adjustments to be applied in PMC algorithm. The
34,35]. PMC strategy can be based on fuzzy logic, decentralized adaptive
logic, or even new set of rule based PMC algorithms [19, 20, 22].
Smart / Learning Power Management Control Algorithms
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EV Electric Vehicle
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intelligent transportation systems. Digital Object Identifier HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
10.1109/TITS.2014.2309674. Manuscript accepted for inclusion in a future PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
issue of this journal. FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
SEV Solar Electric Vehicle
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Stochastic Optimal Control of Advanced Powertrain Systems. Ann Arbor, PM Power Management
MI, USA: ProQuest, Sep. 2011. PEM Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
PMC Power Management controller
[21] H. Xu, D. Feng, Z. Yan, L. Zhang, N. Li, L. Jing, and Jianhui Wang GPS Global Positioning System
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[24] N. Chen, T.Q.S. Quek, Chee Wei Tan "Optimal Charging of Electric
Vehicles in Smart Grid: Characterization and Valley-Filling Algorithms"
IEEE SmartGridComm 2012 Symposium - Architectures and Models.pp.13
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[27] L. –F. Xu, J. –F. Hua, X. –J. Li, Q. –R. Meng, J. –Q. Li, and M.
G. Ouyang, “Control strategy optimization of a hybrid fuel cell vehicle with
braking energy regeneration,” IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion
Conference, Sept. 3-5, Harbin, China, 2008.