Digital Human Modeling: This Chapter Provides
Digital Human Modeling: This Chapter Provides
Digital Human Modeling: This Chapter Provides
© 2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Reprinted with permission.
• A brief overview of the function of digital human modeling (DHM) and ergonomic simulations
in the design of healthy workplaces.
• A walkthrough of ergonomics analysis functions commonly found in DHM software.
Simulations are used in many different sectors to test solutions before they are fully implemented
and the discipline of ergonomics is no exception. Digital human modeling (DHM) is a term that
designates a software tool that enables digital models of humans to interact with virtual workplaces or
products in a digital CAD environment. The workplace can be built up in CAD and a number of tests
done to determine its ergonomic suitability by importing a digital human, thus providing a visual
representation of the workplace design in use. The size measurements of the digital human model are
based on anthropometric databases, enabling a number of different models of different percentiles
Digital Human Modeling 163
to be used in the same virtual workplace. There are a number of benefits provided by DHM for the
production engineer:
Given the high costs and large amount of space required to build full-scale models during the
design and development stage, it can be difficult and costly to identify work tasks that may involve
awkward postures or potential damaging body positions early on. Especially in the production
environment where meaningful tests can only be conducted when the assembly line is shut down.
Through the use of ergonomic simulations it is possible to make informed design decisions early
on. Rather than only realizing there is an issue once the system has been implemented and injuries
have started to occur, adopting a proactive approach and thoroughly testing and analysing design
options early on through simulation can reduce injury risks and save time and money later in the
implementation process.
As we have discussed throughout this book, production environments need to suit a diverse range
of people with different sizes and strengths. Finding such a diverse range of people with enough
time to conduct workplace testing can be difficult. However, with access to numerous databases
and measurement sets, it is possible to import a range of different sized human models, of different
genders and nationalities with varying percentiles using DHM. Care should be taken when using
preloaded anthropometric databases, to ensure that the data is a true representation of the desired
population. In addition to these testing functions, DHM can also be used as a training aid, so long
before the workplace has been completed and implemented, operators can visually see what their
tasks will look like.
A number of ergonomic simulation packages have been developed the last two decades, some of
which are research projects and some of which are commercially available. Some noteworthy exam-
ples are:
While the functionality and usability vary across the board, ultimately they all provide a method
to test scenarios in a virtual environment using digital human models. Given that Siemens’s soft-
ware, Jack, is a well-known digital ergonomics evaluation tool that is easily researched online – and is
164 Production Ergonomics
offered with a free 30-day trial version – the majority of the terms used in this chapter will be exempli-
fied with that software. However, many of the functions can typically be found within other programs
(albeit with a different name).
The human models used in ergonomic simulations are known as computer manikins and are a
geometrical models of the human body that obey a set of biomechanical rules, with similar functional
behaviour and capabilities as a real human. Given the complexity of the human body, with high levels
of variation between individuals, it is impossible to create a truly accurate representation, so most
manikins appear somewhat robotic in their movements. The computer manikins used in Jack are
made up of 70 segments, 69 joints and 135 degrees of freedom. The manikins can be viewed as skel-
etons or as human representations as shown in Figure 9.1. Both female and male human representa-
tions exist within Jack software, Figure 9.2. Within the software it is possible to select a multitude of
different sized models representing different percentile groups, Figure 9.3.
It is possible to move the manikins around to position them in certain ways, so that human postures
and movements under certain task and environmental conditions can be simulated. In Jack this can
be done in four different ways:
Figure 9.1: Computer manikin (skeleton and Figure 9.2: Male and female digital human
render) (Siemens, 2014). models (Siemens, 2014).
© 2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software © 2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
Inc. Reprinted with permission. Software Inc. Reprinted with permission.
Digital Human Modeling 165
Figure 9.3: Digital human models with different percentile measurements (Brolin, 2013).
© 2016 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Reprinted with permission.
The simplest way to move and position manikins is to select the individual joint and drag it in the
desired distance in the x, y or z axis (Figure 9.4). Ranges have been set within the software so theo-
retically the limbs can’t be positioned outside the capabilities of the human body. However this is the
most laborious method and achieving specified body postures can be very difficult.
Inverse kinematics
This is a mathematical method for controlling the movement of joints and position of the human body.
While kinematics concerns calculating the position in space of the end of a linked structure, based
all the different joint angles, inverse kinematics does the opposite. So the end point of the structure
is known, e.g. the right thumb should be touching a button while the shoulder remains fixed, so the
software will calculate what angle the joints should be at to allow this. However, given that in reality
there is a range of possible solutions, in some instances the simulation might generate non-humanly
possible movements based on the mathematical algorithm. Since this method can have a degree of
error, combining it with manipulating individual joints can provide an accurate simulation.
Pre-recorded data
A number of common postures such as sitting and driving postures are stored within the program
itself, so the user simply has to select the desired posture from a list and the manikin will automati-
166 Production Ergonomics
cally adopt this position. The library of pre-recorded data is fairly extensive, with a range of different
postures as shown in Figure 9.5; however, there will be some scenarios when the human model posi-
tion needs to be set manually.
Posture Wizard
In this method, users set certain rules and constraints and the software creates postures accordingly.
For example, in the case where an operator is leaning into a car exterior to attach the gear stick during
assembly, constraints can be set regarding where both the feet and arms should be positioned so the
operator can keep in balance without touching the shell. This method is considered faster and less
fidgety than directly manipulating each individual joint of the manikin.
In addition to manikin manipulation there are a number of other analysis tools within ergonomic
simulation software that can aid in detecting risk areas early on. It is not possible or reasonable to
Digital Human Modeling 167
cover all the features of ergonomic simulation tools in this chapter, so instead a brief overview of
key features will be provided, to enable production engineers to grasp the bigger picture and better
understand the possibilities that exist within DHM for carrying out ergonomic tests during the design
phase. The following analysis tools will briefly be discussed:
• animation
• lower back analysis
• static strength prediction program
• comfort analysis
• field of View
• space and reach
(However, it is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list.)
This feature allows users to make short animations, showing the human model carrying out the work
tasks, enabling potential hazards to be identified. This can either be done as a key frame animation,
where the user sets up the manikin posture for each phase and the software connects the phases,
creating movements and the animation. Alternatively, motion capture tools (similar to those used in
animated movies) can be used. In this case a real human conducts the task while wearing a special
suit and data is collected to form an algorithm enabling a digital model and animation to be made.
168 Production Ergonomics
This application forms a biomechanical model of the upper body of the manikin so that the static
forces and torque present in the lumbar spine can be quantified. By comparing the simulated value
with stored data the software can indicate whether the position is a risk or not. By having a value for
the forces present in the lower back it is possible to compare alternative solutions and identify which
presents the lowest level of risk. Figure 9.6 shows the output information provided by the software
highlighting areas of high loading and which lumbers are experiencing the highest load.
This application uses biomechanical research to predict whether or not specified tasks are suitable for
a certain population. This is particularly relevant for the production industry with a diverse working
population of varying strength.
Comfort analysis
Another feature within DHM is comfort analysis. Given that quantifying something relatively subjec-
tive such as comfort is very dependent on posture and the environment, care should be taken when
using this tool. A postural comfort metric had been established through a series of observations and
empirical surveys. Responses from participants concerning comfort where collected while they were
certain postures while carrying out specific tasks. These responses were then combined with joint
angles measurement to create the postural comfort metric.
Digital Human Modeling 169
By comparing these stored values with the simulated human model it is possible for the software to
allocate each body section with a comfort-based score. The output of this analysis tool is shown in Figure
9.7, using colour coding to highlight instances and body parts that are regarded as uncomfortable.
DHM software also incorporates a number of ergonomic methods, some of which have been intro-
duced in Chapter 6. For example, the built-in RULA tool can be used to identify the risk of triggering
upper limb disorders in certain working postures. By inputting certain information, such as static
loads along with the manikin posture the software can allocate a RULA score, indicating whether
or not changes should be made to the work sequence (Figure 9.8). It is important to remember that
observation-based methods, such as RULA, may be a bit “oversensitive” in DHM software, since joint
angles are very exactly measured; this can sometimes result in dramatic changes in risk ratings based
on very small changes in joint angles when they are near a specified angle threshold.
Another ergonomic evaluation method that is built into the software is the NIOSH lifting equation.
By providing input data about loads, frequency and posture of lifting tasks the tool uses the NIOSH
lifting equation to determine whether the lifting load is acceptable. Providing the user with an analy-
sis summary similar to that of the above RULA analysis.
170 Production Ergonomics
Field of view
This tool provides information about the manikin’s field of view, using coloured cones and boundary
surfaces, a visual representation of the field of view for both eyes, the manikin’s peripheral vision,
their blind spot and what both the right and the left eye individually can see. Colour discrimination
is also possible using this tool, so the tool gives information about areas where green, red, yellow or
blue can be detected by the eye (Figure 9.9). This is particularly important when positioning warning
signs. This tool makes it easy to check if screens or other necessary objects are directly in the manikin’s
field of vision, or if an alternate posture has to be adopted to see something.
The reach tool enables the areas of maximum and comfortable reach for each manikin to be eas-
ily visualized. This tool is particularly useful when ensuring the design is suitable for a diverse
population and checking that all workers can components such as controls, pedals and levers. It
can also be used to conduct accommodation studies to check that all the joints are provided with
sufficient clearance zones.
Digital Human Modeling 171
Study questions
Q9.1) Name three reasons to use ergonomic simulation with DHMs before implementing
a change to a workplace.
Q9.2) Name some common functionalities in DHM that can be useful as decision support
in workplace design.
Q9.3) How are workforce populations represented in DHM?
Q9.4) The next time you encounter a 3D digital representation of a work environment
or factory, determine if there is a human representation in it to indicate scale, and
possibly usage scenarios (e.g. a story of what the operator needs to do and how that
action proceeds). Does the human representation succeed in illustrating potential
demands or problems in the workplace? Is it possible to assess the safety and suita-
bility of the workplace to different worker sizes?
172 Production Ergonomics
• DHM tools enable a proactive approach to ergonomics by enabling virtual testing of designs
early on.
• Using human manikins with various sizes and characteristics saves companies both money
and time when considering various design alternatives.
• A range of different analysis methods can be conducted within the software to test the
design’s suitability, including injury risk, user comfort, reachability and line of sight.
• It is important to remember that observation-based methods, such as RULA, may be a bit
“oversensitive” in DHM software due to the exact interpretation of the joint angles, meaning
that some postures may be rated too severely, as the rating scales are discrete rather than
Digital Human Modeling 173
9.5. References
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