Transformer Ratio Test

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2018 Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), San Antonio, TX, USA, 17-20 June 2018

The Art and Science of

Transformer Ratio Measurement
Oleh W. Iwanusiw, P.Eng.
Mikro-Kod Consulting Ltd.
on behalf of Megger Corporation.

Abstract - The principle which allows one to measure voltage reading. One of the first such instruments was the Olman TR700
ratio and convert this reading to transformer turns ratio sounds Ratiometer. All current instruments provide a phase as well as
very simple. In practice, however, the conversion is influenced by ratio reading.
practical issues, such as cores whose permeability and loss changes The next step in the evolution of the transformer ratiometer
with applied voltage and causes conversion errors. This is
or transformer turns ratiometer is three-phase excitation for the
especially troublesome when testing three-phase transformers
using single-phase excitation. Three-phase transformers use cores measurement of turns ratios of three-phase transformers. Such
more efficiently than do single-phase transformers, thus the loss instruments provide improved tools for identifying problems on
and permeability effects are reduced, provided three-phase three-phase transformers. These tools are more sensitive,
excitation is employed. excitation voltage independent and are not available for single-
The advantages of using three-phase excitation for ratio phase excitation test equipment.
measurement of three-phase transformers include: The discussion in this paper deals with errors of determining
* reduced dependence on test voltage. turns ratio based on the measurement of voltage ratio. Such
* ability to identify transformer’s configuration. errors may be introduced by the characteristics of the test
* ability to measure directly the ratio and phase shift of
specimen and by its configuration or connection to the
phase shifting transformers.
* ability to provide additional information regarding the measuring instrument. These errors can be viewed as
balance of the phases, shorted turns and excessive core “systematic errors” and will be present in addition to any errors
loss. that the test set itself may introduce.

Keywords – transformer, turns ratio, single-phase excitation,

three-phase excitation, ratio error, phase error. ȱȱ. THE BASIC PRINCIPE AND CONNECTION.

ȱ. INTRODUCTION The basis for transformer turns ratio measurement is the

assumption that all of the magnetic flux within the transformer
The measurement of turns ratios is used as a tool during will be linking the windings being measured. Using this
manufacturing as well as planned maintenance procedures for assumption, one can show that the transformer turns ratio will
identifying problems with power and distribution transformers. be equal to the voltage ratio as measured on the windings in
Changes in ratios can be indicative of problems within the question.
transformer such as turn-to-turn insulation failure, interwinding As the above assumption is in error due to leakage flux, only
insulation failure, or core structure insulation failure. To an approximate turns ratio of a transformer can be determined
identify such failures, it is important to measure transformer by exciting the core of the transformer and measuring the
turns ratios consistently and accurately. voltages of the two windings. Such a measurement will be in
Traditionally, transformer turns ratios were measured using error that is inversely proportional to the coupling coefficient
transformer ratio-arm bridges such as the H&B Trafo- between the windings. Also, such a measurement assumes that
Ubersetzungsmesser, METK-3, which was measuring the ratio the windings are not loaded, that is – carry no current.
in the traditional European “Step-Down” connection, or Practical measuring circuits require the core to be excited.
perhaps the Biddle “TTR” Transformer Turns Ratio Test Set, Such excitation may be provided by applying excitation to any
which was measuring the ratio in the traditional American winding on the transformer. The excited winding may be the
“Step-Up” connection. These manual instruments would be high voltage winding, in which case the circuit works in a
using a phase sensitive null detector which allows for an easy “Step-Down” mode. If the excited winding is the low voltage
way to balance the ratio dials. No phase reading was provided winding, then the circuit works in the “Step-Up” mode. Such
by these original instruments. practical connections may present loading on the winding. The
As practice would show that phase readings are just as effect of various connections will be examined below.
important in identifying problems with transformers as are ratio
readings, thus subsequent instruments would provide a phase

978-1-5386-4176-7/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 390
A. HV Excitation Connection. increases with an increase with excitation voltage, there is a
tendency to use a higher test voltage for determining the turns
This is the “Step-Down” connection. The excitation is ratio from the voltage ratio.
applied to the HV winding and the turns ratio is determined
from the voltage ratio as measured on the HV and the LV D. Discussion on Single-Phase Ratio Measurements.
As the HV winding carries magnetizing current, there will As the ratio errors due to excitation and coupling discussed
be an error in the measurement. The error is proportional to the above are positive for HV excitation and negative for LV
excitation current multiplied by the HV winding resistance. The excitation, one might conclude that these would cancel if the
in-phase component of the excitation current will cause a HV excited reading was averaged with the LV excited reading.
positive ratio error, while the quadrature component will cause Unfortunately, this cancellation is only partially effective.
a negative phase error. Cancellation is only partial because the HV excitation losses
The other important factor is the coupling coefficient. As may not be the same as the LV excitation losses. Also, the
the coefficient is always less then 1, it will case a positive ratio coefficient of coupling between the HV and the LV winding is
error. not the same as the coupling between LV and the HV windings.
The last item to be concerned about here, are the eddy This is due to the different positioning of the windings with
currents within the core or shorted turns on the core. These will respect to the core.
cause a negative phase error. As mentioned above, the voltage ratio errors due to
excitation losses are influenced by the test voltage. For
B. LV Excitation Connection. efficient transformers, such as those meeting the DOE Standard
Efficiency Levels (2007), the errors due to excitation losses are
This is the “Step-Up” connection. The excitation is applied estimated at ~0.005% at rated voltage, increasing to ~0.02% at
to the LV winding and the turns ratio is determined from the 1% of rated voltage, and ~0.04% at 0.1% of rated voltage.
voltage ratio as measured on the HV and the LV winding. What is more important than the influence of excitation
As the LV winding carries magnetizing current, there will losses on turns ratio accuracy is the influence of the coupling
be an error in the measurement. The error is proportional to the coefficient on the accuracy of the voltage ratio measurement.
excitation current multiplied by the LV winding resistance. The The coupling coefficient depends on the geometry of the
in-phase component of the excitation current will cause a windings and the permeability of the core. As the permeability
negative ratio error, while the quadrature component will cause of the core decreases with a reduction in the excitation voltage,
a negative phase error. so does the coupling coefficient. The coupling coefficient is
The other important factor is the coupling coefficient. The also smaller for high voltage transformers due to the
coupling coefficient between the HV and LV windings is not requirement of providing adequate space for insulation.
the same as between the LV and HV windings. As the Measurements have shown that the ratio error for power
coefficient is always less then 1, it will case a negative ratio transformers typically increases by ~0.03% when testing at 1%
error. of rated voltage, and by ~0.06% when tested at 0.1% of rated
The last item to be concerned about here, are the eddy voltage as compared to a test at rated voltage. Combining the
currents within the core or shorted turns on the core. These will two effects that depend on excitation voltage one can expect the
cause a negative phase error. ratio error to increase by ~0.05% when testing at 1% of rated
voltage and ~0.1% when testing at 0.1% of rated voltage. A
C. Excitation Voltage and Frequency. word of caution, there are transformers that are labelled “high
impedance”. These are usually high voltage transformers used
The standards specify the use of a voltage no higher than the on power networks to limit short circuit currents. These
rated voltage and a frequency no lower than the rated frequency transformers have a lower coefficient of coupling and will
of the test specimen. There is no mention as to the wave shape exhibit larger ratio error influences due to excitation voltage.
of the excitation signal. Knowing the rating of the transformer under test one can readily
Practice has shown that using a frequency higher than the apply corrections to improve the accuracy of the voltage ratio
rated frequency is advantageous as it typically reduces measurement being converted to the transformer turns ratio.
excitation losses and improves coupling between the windings As pointed out above, in addition to the phase error caused
thus reducing errors. There is also no real reason for limiting by excitation loss, there may be additional phase error present
the excitation to a sinusoidal voltage, other wave shapes will in the ratio determination. These additional phase errors are due
work equally well especially a square wave. If good accuracy to the eddy currents within the core. The better the core, the
in ratio and phase departure are desired, excitation other than a lower the eddy currents, the lower the phase shift. Typically,
sine wave require signal processing in order for the results to be this phase shift is in the range of 0.03 to 0.10 degrees. The
responsive only to the fundamental of the excitation voltage. phase shift may also be caused by other eddy currents within
High accuracy turns ratio measurements requires tight the assembly. Being sensitive to shorted turns, grounded core-
coupling between windings, and tight coupling depends, in part, bolts, and similar, the phase shift is a good indicator of
on the permeability of the core. As the permeability of the core problems within a transformer.

III. SINGLE-PHASE MEASUREMENTS OF THREE-PHASE closer, we find that the single excited winding within the delta
TRANSFORMERS. is supplying excitation to the other two windings. The situation
is different with line-to-line excitation, where two of the delta
Three-phase power transformers present numerous turns windings are supplying excitation to the third winding. As there
ratio measuring challenges. The main challenge being that there is current circulating within the delta, this causes loading and
are a variety of transformer configurations, namely Y, Yn, D, therefore errors due to loading. The loading with the line-to-
Z, Zn and various combinations between them. Not all of these line excitation is considerably less than the loading with line-
configurations are used on a power system, but the to-neutral excitation, thus the line-to-line excitation provides a
combinations of the above amount to 25 distinct configurations. more accurate voltage ratio reading. It should also be pointed
In addition to this, there are the transformers with tertiary out that the loading on the delta winding make the connections
windings which present a challenge of their own. Each more sensitive to excitation voltage, with the line-to-neutral
configuration has an OPTIMAL or correct method that should excitation being considerably more sensitive.
be used to measure their turns ratio. The alternative to dealing with the “loaded delta”
Until recently, the turns ratio of all of these transformers connection, would be to test the transformer using the “Step-
were measured using single phase excitation. Due to their very Up” connection, namely treat the Yd transformer as a Dy
nature, some of the configurations can have their turns ratio transformer. As explained later on, this connection does not
measured using only one connection, while other load the delta, thus its accuracy is not influenced as much by
configurations can have their turns measured using two the excitation voltage.
different connections. The latter results in two different answers Summarising, when encountering a Yd transformer, one
and presents a problem of deciding which of them is the correct should test it as a Dy transformer in the “Step-U” connection
one. To illustrate the problems of single phase excitation for accurate voltage ratio measurement. Alternatively, the line-
measurements, the measurements of the more popular to-line excitation, with a line-to-line short, of the transformer
configurations are analysed below. should be used. The line-to-neutral excitation should not be
used as it loads the delta winding, and as a result is rather
A. Yy Transformers. excitation voltage dependent.

When measuring the ratio of a three-phase transformer, the C. Yz Transformers.

normal idea is to pick a connection that energizes one phase of
the transformer and then measure the voltage ratio of the turns When one encounters a Ynzn, Yzn transformer, the problem
associated with that phase. For example, this is rather easy to of turns ratio measurement is similar to that of the Ynd
accomplish on a Ynyn configuration. One could pick the phase- connection. As each phase of the Z winding consists of
to-neutral connection of each winding to be measured. Such a components from two phases, one can not test its ratio using
connection would provide a ratio for each phase - A, B, C. line-to-neutral excitation, line-to-line excitation is a necessity.
There is also the possibility of measuring the ratio using the Thus, exciting the transformer line-to-line, automatically
line-to-line connection of each winding, which would provide excites two phases similarly to that of a Yy transformer. The
a ratio for a combination of phases, namely - AB, BC, CA. voltage ratio in this connection is an accurate measure of the
The difference in ratio readings between these connections is turns ratio, very similar to the voltage ratio of a Yy transformer
typically not very large and is due to the differences in the connected line-to-line.
excitation losses and coupling between all the windings. When During manufacturing, there is a need to measure separately
connected phase-to-neutral the test set energises only one leg of each of the windings of a Z connection. This again can be
the core assembly at 100%, while the other two legs are accomplished by using the line-to-neutral connection, or the
energized at approximately 50% each. This can be compared to line-to-line connection with a line-to-line short. Similarly to
the line-to-line excitation, where two of the phases are other connections, the line-to-line connection is preferred as it
energized at 100%, with the third phase sitting idle at ~0%. The excites two limbs of the transformer under test and is much less
voltage ratio measurement using the line-to-line excitation voltage dependent.
provides a more accurate representation of the turns ratio and is
less sensitive to excitation voltage than the line-to-neutral D. Dy and Dz Transformers.
excitation connection.
Measuring turns ratio on Delta high voltage transformers,
B. Yd Transformers. be they Dy, Dyn, or Dzn, presents only one choice when
exciting the transformer, that is line-to-line excitation with line-
When one encounters a Ynd transformer, this presents a to-line shorting. The shorting can be also applied on the
more serious challenge. The challenge is due to the Delta secondary side, but this should be avoided, as shorting on the
connection which will carry current when the transformer is secondary side presents a load on the measured winding, thus
excited single-phase, be it line-to-neutral or line-to-line. This affecting the accuracy of the measurement. It should be noted
condition breaks one of the rules for determining the proper that with the delta being on the high side, and using the step-
turns ratio by measuring the voltage ratio – the winding is down connection, the delta is not loaded and good accuracy
loaded. Examining the line-to-neutral excitation situation between the voltage ratio and the turns ratio can be obtained.

E. Tertiary Delta Windings. IV. THREE-PHASE TESTING.

The primary function of the tertiary delta winding is to In the discussion on single-phase testing of three-phase
improve the symmetry of the three-phase system, that is to transformers, we have seen how the different connections
reduce amount of negative sequence component. The negative provide voltage ratios that are very close to the turns ratios,
sequence component is typically caused by single-phase loads some with larger errors and some with smaller errors. Analysis
and unequal impedances of line conductors. In practice, all and practice indicates that any voltage ratio measurement which
transmission lines are transposed so that all line conductors will excites only one phase of a three-phase transformer is subject
have the same impedance, resulting in little or no negative to larger errors and is more sensitive to excitation voltage than
sequence component being generated. a voltage ratio measurement that excites two phases of the
The problem with tertiary delta windings is that they are of transformer. This information leads one to conclude that a
reduced capacity, typically 20-30% of the transformer. When voltage ratio measurement that excites all three-phases should
testing the Yd ratio on a typical Ynynd transformer, the tertiary provide even more accurate turns ratio based on the voltage
acts like a normal delta connection. The tertiary is thus loaded ratio and that such a measurement should have the smallest
and being under-powered (presenting a higher impedance), excitation voltage influence.
causes larger errors. In fact, it can be shown that a measurement One reason for this improvement is that, in the case of single
of the Yd ratio on a tertiary winding, with a 20% rating, will phase excitation, the one excited phase has to supply the
have a five times larger test voltage influence than the influence excitation losses for the whole core, while in the case of two-
on a regular Yd transformer. Therefore, it is imperative that phase excitation, the loss is shared by the two phases. The
such tertiary windings be tested using three-phase or line-to- situation is further improved with three-phase excitation, where
line excitation as this connection presents the least loading on each phase supplies its share of the excitation loss. Another
the delta. Here again, the preferred connection to measure the reason for the improvement is that the voltage ratio depends not
turns ratio would be the “Step-Up” configuration, which only on the excitation and coupling between the windings of
presents no loading on the delta winding. one phase. but also on the excitation and coupling between all
A problem with ratio testing of tertiary delta windings may of the windings on all of the phases of the transformer.
crop up when the delta is loaded with another transformer In practice, it is more practical to use a three-wire three-
(typically Zy) to provide station service load. When internally phase source for exciting test specimen, as such a source is
connected to the delta winding, the service transformer draws equally applicable to windings with or without a neutral
excitation current from the delta winding when the HV winding connection. As it turns out, it is also easier to generate a well
is excited for ratio measurement. This causes excessive balanced three-wire source, something that is desirable in a
measurement errors. The only proper connection for ratio three-phase arrangement that involves comparing voltages of
measurement here is to excite the delta for the Yd ratio different phases.
measurement in the step-up configuration and at the same time A three-phase, three-wire, excitation system, when
the Zy ratio in the step-down configuration. combined with a multi-channel measuring system that is
TABLE 1 at the end of the paper presents approximate capable of measuring line-to-line and line-to-neutral voltages,
values of ratio errors as a function of test voltage for different as well as a handful of software, makes a fine three-phase
connections of three-phase transformers. One can readily see transformer ratiometer. Such a system can excite any Delta,
the reduction in voltage influence for transformers excited two- Wye, or Zig-zag transformer and measure all voltages and
phase and three-phase. determine their phase positions with high accuracy. This allows
the instrument to identify any of the many three-phase
F. Rules for Single-Phase Measurements of Three-Phase connections used on three-phase power transformers.
transformers. Something that is not readily evident or appreciated, is that
such a system can perform any of the appropriate single-phase
The accuracy of turns ratio determination based on voltage measurements while being excited three-phase. The system,
ratio measurements is subject to influences and connections as therefore, not only determines the ratios of the various phases,
discussed above. Based on all of this information, one can but also provides a very accurate on-line comparison between
make up a table of voltage influences on different connections. the various phases.
This allows one to select the connection for the most accurate Measurements on a variety of transformer configurations,
measurement. and sizes, indicated that the measurements are not only
For best accuracy of turns ratio determination based accurate, but also less sensitive to excitation voltage than any
on the voltage ratio measurement, one should adhere to the single-phase excitation connections of a three-phase
conditions listed below. transformer. In addition to all of the above, the three-phase
* Excite test specimen three-phase or line-to-line. measurement system is ideal for measuring the ratio and phase
* If required, apply shorts on the excited winding. shift of phase-shifting transformers or of transformers with
* Measure transformers with delta connected secondary variable phase shifts. The precise ratios and phase shifts are
windings in the “Step-Up” configuration. measured quickly and directly.

A. Symmetrical components. V. CONCLUSIONS.

Analyzing readings on a number of three-phase The study of ratio measurements on three-phase power
transformers, it was realized that the three-phase measurement transformers indicates that three-phase excitation is a
system is capable of providing valuable additional information prerequisite to conducting accurate ratio measurements on such
pertaining to the health and operation of the transformer under transformers. Three-phase excitation provides designed core
test. Whereas the single-phase excitation tests would provide excitation for proper operation of the transformer and thus is
three ratios and three phase angle errors, the three-phase most suitable for test applications. As accurate ratio
system, in addition to three ratios and phase angle errors, measurements depend not only on the excitation of the phase
provides three primary voltages associated with their phase being tested, but also on the coupling between all of the
angles, as well as three secondary voltages associated with their windings on a transformer assembly, three-phase excitation
phase angles. This information allows one to determine the assures the same inter-winding coupling during ratio
symmetrical components of the transformer’s excitation measurements as would be encountered during service
voltage as well as that of the transformer’s response. conditions.
Once symmetrical components are determined, the “ratio of There-phase excitation can be used to excite the Hi-side
the transformer” is calculated from the ratio of the positive (+) windings of the transformer for step-down measurements, or to
sequence components and the phase error is determined from excite the Lo-side windings for the step-up measurements. In
the difference between the phases of the positive (+) sequence either case, the measurements will provide:
components. • The three-phase ratio and phase shift.
Continuing, with the transformer being a linear device, it • Per-phase ratio and phase shift.
should transform voltage and current linearly according to the • Degree of negative sequence distortion.
laws of physics, all of which are well know. As all of these laws The above measurements provides better information that
apply equally to the symmetrical components, a comparison of relates to the health of the transformer then any single-phase
the symmetrical components on the secondary side with the ratio measurements conducted using sing-phase excitation.
components on the primary side provides valuable information As for single-phase ratio measurements using single-phase
as to the proper functioning of the transformer. Analysis of excitation, such measurements should be conducted only using
three-phase transformers shows that an incorrect number of the line-to-line connection which excites two phases.
turns on any of the windings (incorrect turns ratio) or excessive Single-phase ratio measurements using the line-to-neutral
core loss on one of the phases will result in symmetrical connection, which excites only one phase, should be used with
distortion, generation negative (-) sequence on the secondary cation, as these measurements are test voltage depended.
winding. As it turns out, the generation of negative sequence is Single-phase ratio measurements using the line-to-neutral
much more sensitive and accurate to ratio unbalances than the connection, which excite only one phase, with a delta secondary
comparison of individual ratios and phase errors. This provides test winding should be avoided. Such measurements are quite
the tester with additional valuable information that pertains to test voltage depended as the delta winding is loaded and no
the health of the transformer. longer qualifies for ratio measurements.


V (%) 1Ɏ-1Ɏ 3Ɏ-3Ɏ 2Ɏ-3Ɏ 1Ɏ-3Ɏ 3Ɏ-D 2Ɏ-D 1Ɏ-D
100 0.006 0.004 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.02-0.03 0.04-0.06
10 0.012 0.008 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.04-0.06 0.08-0.12
1 0.024 0.016 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.08-0.12 0.16-0.24
0.1 0.048 0.032 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.16-0.24 0.32-0.48
0.01 0.096 0.064 0.08 0.16 0.16 0.32-0.48 0.64-0.96
0.001 0.192 0.128 0.16 0.32 0.32 0.64-0.48 1.28-1.92
The above table was assembled from measurements using different instruments operating at different voltages and measuring a
variety of transformers.

Legend. V (%) = Excitation voltage in % of rated voltage.

1Ɏ-1Ɏ = Single-phase excitation of a single-phase transformer.
3Ɏ-3Ɏ = Three-phase excitation of a three-phase transformer.
2Ɏ-3Ɏ = Two-phase excitation of a three-phase transformer.
1Ɏ-3Ɏ = Single-phase excitation of a three-phase transformer.
3Ɏ-D = Three-phase excitation of a three-phase transformer with a tertiary delta.
2Ɏ-D = Two-phase excitation of a three-phase transformer with a tertiary delta.
1Ɏ-D = Single-phase excitation of a three-phase transformer with a tertiary delta.


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