The document discusses transistors, including:
1) Transistors are semiconductor components mainly used for switching and amplifying, and are found in most electronic devices.
2) The transistor was discovered in 1947 by three American scientists - John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley.
3) There are two major types of transistors - bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). BJTs require the transfer of charge between electrodes, while FETs use an electric field to control current.
The document discusses transistors, including:
1) Transistors are semiconductor components mainly used for switching and amplifying, and are found in most electronic devices.
2) The transistor was discovered in 1947 by three American scientists - John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley.
3) There are two major types of transistors - bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). BJTs require the transfer of charge between electrodes, while FETs use an electric field to control current.
The document discusses transistors, including:
1) Transistors are semiconductor components mainly used for switching and amplifying, and are found in most electronic devices.
2) The transistor was discovered in 1947 by three American scientists - John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley.
3) There are two major types of transistors - bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). BJTs require the transfer of charge between electrodes, while FETs use an electric field to control current.
The document discusses transistors, including:
1) Transistors are semiconductor components mainly used for switching and amplifying, and are found in most electronic devices.
2) The transistor was discovered in 1947 by three American scientists - John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley.
3) There are two major types of transistors - bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and field effect transistors (FET). BJTs require the transfer of charge between electrodes, while FETs use an electric field to control current.
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• Transistor is a semi-conductor base component
• Mainly use for : switching , and amplifying • It can be said that almost all electronics devices use semi- conductor for various needs HISTORY
• The transistor was first discovered by three scientist from
the United States at the end of 1947, a type of bipolar transistor(BJT). They are John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley. TYPE OF TRANSISTOR
In general, transistors can be classified into two major
families: • Bipolar (BJT) • Field Effect Transistor (FET) The main difference between the two groupings is that the Input (or Output) is used. BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR
• BJT are transistors which structure and working principle
require the transfer of carrier charge, namely electrons in negative poles to fill electon or hole defeciency at positive poles • Bipolar is derived from the word "bi" which means "two" and the word "polar" which means "polar" TYPE OF BJT
• NPN transistor is a bipolar transistor that uses a small electric current and positive voltage at the Base terminal to control the flow of current and a larger voltage from the Collector to the Emitter. PNP BJT(ACTICE LOW) • PNP transistor is a bipolar transistor that uses a small electric current and negative voltage WORKING AREA OF BJT
• Saturation Region • Active Region • Cut-Off Region SATURATION REGION
• Daerah Jenuh Transistor (Saturasi) Daerah kerja
transistor saat jenuh adalah keadaan dimana transistor mengalirkan arus secara maksimum dari kolektor ke emitor sehingga transistor tersebut seolah-olah short pada hubungan kolektor – emitor. Pada daerah ini transistor dikatakan menghantar maksimum (sambungan CE terhubung maksimum) ACTIVE REGION
• Daerah Aktif Transistor (Aktif) Pada daerah kerja ini
transistor biasanya digunakan sebagai penguat sinyal. Transistor dikatakan bekerja pada daerah aktif karena transistor selelu mengalirkan arus dari kolektor ke emitor walaupun tidak dalam proses penguatan sinyal, hal ini ditujukan untuk menghasilkan sinyal keluaran yang tidak cacat. Daerah aktif terletak antara daerah jenuh (saturasi) dan daerah mati (Cut off). CUT-OFF REGION
• Daerah Mati Transistor Daerah cut off merupakan
daerah kerja transistor dimana keadaan transistor menyumbat pada hubungan kolektor – emitor. Daerah cut off sering dinamakan sebagai daerah mati karena pada daerah kerja ini transistor tidak dapat mengalirkan arus dari kolektor ke emitor CONLUSION
• Basically the working principle of a trasistor as a switch is
to utilize the saturation and cutoff conditions of a transistor, where both conditions can be obtained by adjusting the amount of current through the transistor base. Transistor NPN & PNP