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A WebQuest for 5​th​ Grade Math

Designed by
Brianna Tims

Fractions are mathematical concepts that are applicable to life in many ways.​ Throughout
your whole life, you have been dealing with fractions, even though you may not know that! In
this webquest you are going to learn more about adding fractions!

The Task
We are going to learn about adding fractions using a number of resources.
Your journey through the WebQuest will enable you to answer the following questions:
· ​Which part of the fraction is the numerator and which part of the fraction is the
· ​How do you add two fractions with the same denominator and different numerators?
· ​How are we going to find the least common denominator of a given set of fractions?
· ​How do we add two fractions with different denominators?

Final Project: ​You will look at a recipe to make play dough, but the recipe will be for one
person. You are going to make a personal recipe card which will include the recipe you need
in order to make enough play dough for you and your family.

The Process

1) Use the following websites to learn how to answer the questions that are written in the
task above (these are also on the worksheet).

2) Visit http://www.mathplayground.com/fractions_add.html and press the start button.

There will be ten adding fractions practice problems.
3) Go to
and write down the recipe for play dough on your worksheet.

4) This recipe is for one person to have play dough, but you need enough for your entire
family. Figure out how much of each ingredient is needed to make enough play dough for
each member of your family. Do any and all work in the given space on your worksheet.

5) Lastly, use your new family play dough recipe to create a personal recipe card for you
and your family. Make sure your unique recipe card includes the necessary ingredients your
family will need and don’t forget to include the steps too!


This webquest should have taught you how to add fractions! After completing this
WebQuest, can you identify places that you use fractions outside of math class? When will
you maybe need to know how to add fractions again in life?

Credits & References



3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

The student’s worksheet The student’s worksheet Student’s worksheet did
had all necessary fields has most of the necessary not have all necessary
completed with correct fields completed with fields completed with
answers. Student has correct answers. Student correct responses. Student
worksheet on due date. has worksheet on due date handed in worksheet with
The worksheet has the with majority of answers some information missing
appropriate information, correct or completed. or incorrect responses or
problems, and answers. Student also has family student did not have work
Student also has family recipe card with most of to hand in on due date.
recipe card with all of the the necessary parts. The Student’s family recipe
necessary parts. The student usually stayed on card is not complete, not
student always stayed on task while working on the correct, or has not been
task while on the WebQuest. submitted to the teacher.
computers and followed all

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