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Practice Tests
Level 4

Michael W Priestley

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Text copyright © 2002, 2010 by Michael W Priestley
Copyright © 2013 Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Private Limited
All rights reserved.

Previously published as Scholastic Success With Math Tests Grade 3 to Grade 6

by Scholastic Inc.

This edition published by Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Private Limited

A division of Scholastic Inc.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher. For information
regarding permission, write to:
Scholastic Education International (Singapore) Private Limited
81 Ubi Avenue 4 #02-28 UB.ONE Singapore 408830

First edition 2013

ISBN 978-981-07-3235-6

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Welcome to !
Mathematics Practice Tests is designed to help your child
prepare to take mid-year and end-of-year tests.

Each practice test has 15 multiple-choice problems, 17–20 short

response problems and 7–11 extended response problems.
Your child should take 80–90 minutes to complete each
practice test.

The questions in each test assess

• Knowledge: the ability to recall mathematical facts,
concepts, rules and formulae, and to perform straightforward

• Comprehension: the ability to interpret data and use

mathematical concepts, rules or formulae and to solve routine Mid-Y
ear Te
and S
mathematical problems
st A
WHOLE Skills gies In
1 Nu
ERS dex
mber no Know
2 Ap tation an ledge
proxim d place Comp
3 Fa ation an value rehens
ctors an d estim Q1, Q1 ion
d multip ation 6 Appli
4 Pa les cation
tterns Q2
5 Mu
Q9, Q1

• Application and Analytical Skills: the ability to analyze data

digits tion by 7
a numb Q1
6 Div er up to 2 2, Q26,
ision by Q3 Q40
7 W a 1-digi , Q18 Q34
ord pro t numb
blems er

and/or apply mathematical concepts, rules or formulae in STATIST

8 Ta
9 Co
bles an
d line gra
Q1 4, Q1
Q37, Q3 5, Q29,
te geom

complex situations
9 Q41
etry Q7, Q2
NS Q5, Q6 Q25, Q3
10 Ad , Q20, 5
dition an Q21
11 Fra d subtra
ction of ction of
12 Mi a set fra ctions
xed nu Q4
fractions mbers and im
proper Q8 Q32
13 W
ord pro Q13

At the back of this book you will ind a Skills and Strategies 15
t comp

Q30, Q3
Q36, Q3 1, Q33,

Index and an Answer Key.

16 Pe ass 8
rpendicu Q10, Q1
17 Pro lar and 9
pertie parallel Q11
rectangle s of a square
and a Q22 Q28
Str Q23
1 Dr at egies
aw a mo
2 W de l
ork ba Know
3 Dr ckward ledge
aw a dia s

The Skills and Strategies Index

Q37, Q3 ion
9 Appli

• categorizes the problems according to Knowledge,


Comprehension, and Application and Analytical Skills

categories, 109

• lists the mathematical concepts and skills measured and the

test problems that measure each skill, and Answer Key
Mid-Year Test A

• lists suggested problem-solving strategies for some extended Section A

1. a
5. b
2. b
6. d
3. d 4. d
Sally’s total score

Tim’s total score

57 + 62
= 119
83 + 77
= 160
7. d

response problems.
8. a
9. c 10. c 11. d Joe was the top scorer in the
12. b exam.
13. a 14. c 15. d
36. a. 3 × 25 = 15
Section B 5
16. 300 He gives away 15 guppies.
17. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
18. 10 000
19. b. 25 – 15 = 10
20. He has 10 guppies left.

This index may be helpful to you in determining what kinds of

37. a. Strategy: Draw a model

980 g

problems your child answered incorrectly, what skills he may

21. (E, 2)
22. Line QT
23. WZ and XY or WX and ?
24. 35 Mass of pear 980 ÷ 7
25. 10
26. 27 = 140
27. 16
28. 90 The mass of the pear is 140

be having trouble with, and which areas he may need further

29.100 × 10 = 1000
30. 4
b. 980 + 140 = 1120
31. 12
32. 6 7 The total mass of the two fruits
10 is 1120 grams.
33. a. 4 1

instruction in.
b. 1 1
2 38. 1 – 1 = 2
34. 12 3 3
× 360 = 240
Section C 3
35. a. 240 passengers inally
Name English reached Penang.
Joe 96 points 39. a. Strategy: Draw a model
78 points
Sally 57 points Girls
62 points

To score a test, please refer to the corresponding Answer Key,

Tim 83 points ?
77 points
b. Joe had the best score 34 740
in Mathematics.
c. Joe scored 78 points. Adults

which lists the correct response to each problem and provides

Sally scored 62 points.
78 − 62 = 16 Total units 1+9+5
Joe scored 16 points more = 15
than Sally. 15 units 34 740
1 unit 34 740 ÷15

worked solutions to extended response problems.

d. Joe’s total score 96 + 78
= 2316
= 174


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
How to use this book
1. Ensure your child has the necessary tools such as a ruler, protractor,
set-square etc.

2. Tell your child how much time he has to complete the practice test.
Encourage him to work quickly and carefully, and to keep track of
the remaining time — just as he would in a real testing session.

3. Do not allow your child to use a calculator.

4. To score a practice test, go through the test and mark each problem
answered correctly. Add the number of correct answers to ind your
child’s test score. Record the score on the contents page to keep track
of your child’s progress.
You might want to have your child correct his own tests. This will give
him a chance to see where he made mistakes and what he needs to do
to improve his scores on the next test. Provide remediation as necessary.

5. Parallel problems across tests allow you to assess if remediation has

been successful.

36. Mr Bunker fell asleep in the afternoon at the time 38. Jimmy’s swimming lesson started at the time shown
shown. He woke up 1 hour and 30 minutes later. on the clock. His lesson ended 1 hour 30 minutes later.
At what time did he wake up? Give your answer
using the 24-hour clock. 11
10 2
12 9 3
11 1
10 2 8 4
9 3 7 5
8 4
7 5
a. At what time did the lesson end?
b. If Jimmy’s watch was 10 minutes fast, what time
would the watch show when the lesson ended?
Give your answer using the 24-hour clock.

37. Kelly gave 3 of her stickers to Charlie. She had

Parallel problems
6 stickers left. How many stickers did she
give Charlie? 3
39. A box had 60 biscuits. of them were wholegrain
biscuits and were rolled biscuits. The rest were
cheese biscuits.
a. How many wholegrain and rolled biscuits were there?
b. How many cheese biscuits were there?

78 92

On the next page of this book, you will ind test-taking tips. You may want to
share these tips with your child before he begins working on the practice tests.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
A Note to Parents
Dear Parents

Children are more likely to be successful learners of mathematics when parents

actively support their learning. By playing an active role in your child’s learning,
you will reinforce his skills and nurture a positive attitude towards mathematics.

Take some time to go through these test-taking strategies with your child so that he
becomes familiar with them. Help your child apply these strategies when taking
mathematics tests.

• Learn the vocabulary

Become familiar with all mathematical terms that may appear in the test
(for example area, remainder, speed, etc.) so that you understand what you
are being asked to do.

• Underline key words

Underline the key words after reading the problem carefully. Are you asked to
ind the sum? The angle measure?

• Choosing the right option in a multiple-choice problem

Read the problem carefully then read all the answer options. Eliminate the
options that you know are incorrect. If you are still unsure of the inal answer,
substitute the unknown in the problem with the remaining options and check if
the answer is correct.

• Identify the unnecessary information

Word problems sometimes give you more information than you need to solve
the problem. Seek what you need and ignore the unnecessary information.

• Use problem-solving strategies

Often there is more than one way to solve a problem. Apply a strategy that
works best for a problem, e.g. drawing a picture, making a list, etc.

• Use your time wisely

Plan how much time you should spend on each problem. This helps ensure that
you have ample time to complete the test and do a thorough check of your work.

• Check your work

When you have completed the test, go over as many problems as you can,
making sure your answers are correct. Never rush through a mathematics test.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Topics Tested Pages Score
1. Number Notation and Place Values Up to 100 000
2. Approximation and Estimation Test A 7–18
3. Factors and Multiples
4. Number Patterns
5. Multiplication and Division
6. Tables and Line Graphs Test B 19–30

7. Coordinate Geometry
8. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
9. Fraction of a Set
10. Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions Test C 31–42
11. Angles and 8-Point Compass 50
12. Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
13. Properties of a Square and a Rectangle
Test D 43–54

Topics Tested Pages Score
1. Number Notation and Place Values Up to 100 000
2. Approximation and Estimation Test E 55–68
3. Factors and Multiples
4. Multiplication and Division 50
5. Tables and Line Graphs

6. Coordinate Geometry
Test F 69–82
7. Fractions
8. Angles and 8-Point Compass 50
9. Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
10. Properties of a Square and a Rectangle
11. Decimals Test G 83–94
12. Time: Seconds and the 24-hour Clock 50
13. Area and Perimeter
14. Symmetry
15. Tessellations Test H 95–108
16. Patterns 50
Skills and Strategies Index ................................................................................. pages 109–116
Answer Key ..................................................................................................... pages 117–128

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Mid-Year Test A

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. 40 000 + 500 + 6 = Use the grid to answer questions 5

a. 40 506 and 6.
b. 45 600
c. 40 000 506 Jarvis is located at (8, 4) on the grid.
d. 40 500 006 ( ) 10
2. Mr Barnes drove 4237 kilometers Creek
in his truck. What is 4237 8
rounded off to the nearest 7
hundred? 6
a. 4000 b. 4200 Pocono
c. 4300 d. 5000 ( ) Jarvis
3. 27 3
× 40 2
a. 360 b. 828 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c. 1010 d. 1080 ( )
5. Which city is located at (2, 5)?
5 2 a. Keene b. Pocono
4. − =
9 9 c. Howell d. Jarvis ( )
7 10
a. b.
9 18 6. Where on the grid is
6 1 Creek located?
c. d. ( )
18 3 a. (8, 4) b. (5, 6)
c. (6, 8) d. (7, 8) ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The table shows the rates for 10. The igure is made up of
overnight delivery of packages. perpendicular lines. How many
right angles are within the igure?

Mass step
not over
1 kilogram A
2 kilograms B
5 kilograms C a. 2 b. 4
10 kilograms D c. 6 d. 8 ( )
15 kilograms E
11. What is the measure of the
7. Which rate applies to a package angle formed by the hands on
1 the clock?
weighing 11 kilograms?
a. Rate B 11 1
10 2
b. Rate C
9 3
c. Rate D
8 4
d. Rate E ( ) 7 5

8. Which number sentence is true? a. 30° b. 90°

1 c. 150° d. 180° ( )
a. 9 × =1
1 12. What is the greatest common
b. ×5=5
5 factor of 8, 12, and 24?
1 a. 2 b. 4
c. 3× =3
3 c. 6 d. 24 ( )
d. 1× =7 ( )
7 1
13. 0 × =
9. Which pair of numbers are 1
factors of 42? a. 0 b.
a. 4, 8 b. 5, 15 c. 1 d. 4 ( )
c. 6, 7 d. 9, 13 ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
14. Kim needs to collect 198 stamps 15. On Monday, 715 people went
to redeem a prize. She has to the mall. On Tuesday, 892
collected 47 stamps. About how people went to the mall. About
many more stamps does she need how many people went to the
to collect? mall in those two days?
a. 50 b. 100 a. 1200 b. 1400
c. 150 d. 200 ( ) c. 1500 d. 1600 ( )

For questions 16 to 34, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. 60 348 = 60 000 + + 40 + 8


17. List all the factors of 16.


18. 1250 × 8 =


19. Construct /PQR using a protractor such that the

measure of /PQR = 55°. Mark and label the angle.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Use the grid to answer questions 20 and 21.


20. Draw the shape located at (C, 5).


21. Where on the grid is located?


22.Which line is parallel to Line RS?




Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
23. WXYZ is a square. Which two line segments are parallel?




The graph shows the daily temperature of a desert at

1.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Use the graph to
answer questions 24 and 25.

Daily Temperature at 1.00 p.m.


Temperature (°C)






Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

24. What was the temperature on Tuesday?

Ans: °C

25. What was the difference in temperature between

Wednesday and Thursday?

Ans: °C

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
26. What is the least common multiple of 9 and 27?

27. How many sixths are there in 2 ?


28. You are facing south. You need to turn through °

in a clockwise direction to face west.

Ans: °

29. There are 98 crates of orange juice in a truck.

Each crate has 12 bottles of orange juice.
Write a number sentence to show the best estimate
of the total number of bottles of orange juice in
the truck.

30. Mr Breen bought 1 kilograms of cake lour and
2 kilograms of bread lour. How much lour did
he buy altogether?

Ans: kg

31. The 20 members of a soccer team voted on a new

mascot. of them voted for the giraffe. How many
votes were for the giraffe?
Ans: votes

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
32. The board shows the distance of four trails.

Slimy Slope 3 kilometers
Hidden Hollow 3 kilometers
Mosquito’s Misery 3 kilometers
Mucky Way 3 kilometers

What is the total distance of Mosquito’s Misery

and Mucky Way?
Ans: km

33. Joan bought 3 jugs of milk. Each jug contained 2 liters

of milk. She drank of the milk during the week.

a. How much milk did Joan drink?

Ans: L

b. How much milk was left?

Ans: L

34. Jamie went to a fair and bought a book of 50 tickets.

Some rides needed 4 tickets while other rides needed
5 tickets. What was the maximum number of rides
he could take?

Ans: rides

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
For questions 35 to 41, each answer carries 1 point.
Show your work clearly in the space provided.
Write your answer in the space provided.

35. Joe, Sally, and Tim took an exam where they were
tested in English and Mathematics. Their scores
are shown.

Joe’s scores Sally’s scores Tim’s scores

English: 96 points English: 57 points English: 83 points
Mathematics: 78 points Mathematics: 62 points Mathematics: 77 points

a. Complete the table.

Name English Mathematics

Joe 78 points
Sally 57 points

b. Who had the best score in Mathematics?

c. How many more points did Joe score than Sally
in Mathematics?
d. Who was the top scorer in the exam?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
36. Alex has 25 guppies. He gives of the
guppies to his friend.
a. How many guppies does he give away?
b. How many guppies does he have left?

37. A pawpaw has a mass of 980 grams. It is 7 times as

heavy as a pear.
a. What is the mass of the pear?
b. What is the total mass of the two fruits?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
38. There was a total of 360 passengers on a few buses
traveling from Singapore to Penang. Midway, one
of the buses broke down, leaving behind 1 of the
passengers. How many passengers inally
reached Penang?

39. At a concert, there are 9 times as many boys as girls.

There are 5 times as many adults as girls.
If there is a total of 34 740 people,
a. how many boys are there?
b. how many adults are there?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. I think of a ive-digit whole number which is divisible by 5.
There are 8 hundreds. The digit in the ten thousands
place is 9. The digits in the thousands place and in the
tens place are 1.
a. What could the number be?
b. If the number is also divisible by 10, what is
the number?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
41. Some workers installed streetlights along a straight
road which was 80 meters long. The distance
between two streetlights was 5 meters. A streetlight
was installed at each end of the road. How many
streetlights did the workers install along the road?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Mid-Year Test B

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. 70 000 + 400 + 8 = Use the grid to answer questions 6

and 7.
a. 7480 b. 70 048
Point P is located at (2, 8).
c. 70 408 d. 70 480 ( )
2. Miss Falco collected 8675 9
buttons for her collection last P Q
year. What is 8675 rounded to 8
the nearest hundred? 7
a. 8000 b. 8600 R
c. 8700 d. 9000 ( ) 5

3. 7896 ÷ 4 = 4
a. 1479 b. 1874 S
c. 1964 d. 1974 ( ) 2
4. The number 40 is a multiple 0
of . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. 3 b. 4
c. 6 d. 7 ( ) 6. What is the location of Point R?
a. (2, 8) b. (8, 3)
5. Which pair of numbers are c. (8, 6) d. (9, 6) ( )
factors of 56?
a. 7, 8 b. 4, 12 7. Which point is located at (7, 8)?
c. 9, 6 d. 5, 11 ( ) a. P b. Q
c. R d. S ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
8. 5 + 5 = 13. The igure is made up of unit
6 6 squares. What fraction of the
a. 1 2 b. 10 igure is shaded?
3 12
c. 1 3 d. 10 ( )
6 36

9. Which fraction is equivalent

to 3 1 ?
a. 8 b. 8
a. 7 b. 4 8 16
2 2
c. 5 d. 5 ( )
c. 2 d. 6 ( ) 16 8
3 2
14. Lonnie bought 4 packs of buttons.
10. Which shape has no
Each pack has 52 buttons. About
parallel sides?
how many buttons did he buy
a. b.
a. 50 b. 100
c. 150 d. 200 ( )
c. d.
( ) 15. A Grade 4 class went to the
Nature Center. They bought 124
11. Of the 72 students in a school entrance tickets. What other
band, 3 are boys. How many information do you need to know
4 to ind the cost of each ticket?
band members are boys? a. where the Nature Center was
a. 18 b. 48 b. what the exhibits in the
c. 54 d. 60 ( ) Nature Center are
c. the name of the Nature Center
12. Dolly’s bakery sold 512 mufins d. the total amount of money
on Friday and 684 mufins on spent on the tickets ( )
Saturday. About how many
mufins were sold in those
two days?
a. 1200 b. 1400
c. 1600 d. 1800 ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Section B
For questions 16 to 35, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. Write the number 60 412 in words.


17. 87 625 = 80 000 + 7000 + + 25


18. Mr Evans drove 3295 kilometers last month.

What is 3295 rounded to the nearest hundred?


19. 2372 × 4 =


20. What are the next three multiples of 5 in the pattern?

6140, 6145, 6150, , ,


21. 2 – 3 =

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
22. Construct /ABC using a protractor such that the
measure of /ABC = 70°. Mark and label the angle.


23. What is the measure of the angle formed by the hands

of the clock?

11 1
10 2
9 3

8 4
7 5

Ans: °

24. In 26 375, the difference between the value of the digit 2

and the value of the digit 7 is .


25. What are the common factors of 9, 12, and 27?


26. What are the irst two common multiples of 4 and 6?


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Richard asks students from three classes which
lavor of ice cream they like. He puts this information in
a table. Use the table to answer questions 27 to 31.

Class Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry

4A 17 5 18
4B 9 19 12
4C 12 6 21

27. Which is the most popular lavor?


28. How many more students in Class 4B like vanilla

lavor than chocolate lavor?
Ans: students

29. How many students in all like strawberry lavor?

Ans: students

30. Which class has the least number of students?


31. How many students are there altogether?

Ans: students

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
32. Charlotte created a number pattern. What is the
next number in the pattern?

2, 6, 18, 54,

33. Jill is facing north-west. If she turns clockwise

through 135°, she will face .


34. ABCD is a square. Find the measure of /x.



Ans: °

35. 2 1 × 1 = A × 1 + 1 × 1
2 5 5 2 5
What is the value of A?


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Section C
For questions 36 to 44, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Show your work.

36. a. Draw Line CD parallel to Line AB, passing

through Point X.


b. Draw Line GH perpendicular to Line EF, passing

through Point Y.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
37. The graph shows the destinations visited by a number
of students on their holidays.

Holiday Destinations of Students



Number of students






Africa Europe Asia America

a. How many students visited Africa?

b. Which was the most popular destination?
c. How many more students visited Asia than

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
38. A bag had 271 beads.
Mrs Clark bought 16 such bags.
Mrs Thomson had 240 more beads than Mrs Clark.
a. How many beads did Mrs Clark buy?
b. How many beads did Mrs Thomson have?

39. Nathan packed 2400 commemorative coins into

small cases. Each case had 8 coins. Nathan then
packed the cases into boxes with 12 cases in each
box. How many boxes did Nathan use to pack all
the cases of coins?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. Timmy scored 76 points out of 100 points in his
Science test. He scored 12 fewer points in his
English test than in his Science Test. He scored
19 more points in his History test than in his
English test.
a. What was Timmy’s score for his History test?
b. Complete the table.

Test Score

c. Timmy wanted to do better in his English test so

that his total score would be 230 points. How
many more points would he need to score in his
English test?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
41. At King’s Cross Station, there were 644 passengers
on the train. There were 3 times as many passengers
on the train at Hanslow Station as at King’s Cross
Station. At Heathrow Station, there was a quarter
of the number of passengers at Hanslow Station.
How many passengers were on the train at
Heathrow Station?

42. Hope used 1 of a piece of fabric to sew a dress.

She then used 1 of the piece of fabric to sew a
cushion cover. She had 70 meters of fabric left.
What was the original length of the piece of fabric?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
43. A four-digit whole number is divisible by 4 and is greater
than 5000. The thousands digit is a multiple of 4. The digits
in the thousands place and the tens place are the same.
The sum of the digits in the ones and hundreds place is 9.
The ones digit is greater than the hundreds digit.
What is the four-digit number?

(Hint: For a number to be divisible by 4, the sum of

the last two digits must be divisible by 4.)

44. Smith Street is 200 meters long. There are 51 trees

from the start to the end of the street. All the trees are
planted at an equal distance from one another. What
is the distance between every two trees?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Mid-Year Test C

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. Claire collected 587 special 3. What shape is located at (6, 3)?

edition dolls. What is 587 a. b.
rounded to the nearest hundred?
c. d. ( )
a. 500 b. 580
c. 590 d. 600 ( )
4. Where on the grid is located?
2. 501 a. (7, 2) b. (3, 6)
× 39 c. (2, 3) d. (2, 7) ( )

5. +1=
a. 1509 b. 6012 10 5
c. 12 539 d. 19 539 ( ) a. 4 b. 2
15 15
Use the grid to answer questions 3 c. 3 d. 1 ( )
and 4. 5 2

is located at (5, 7). 6. 2 1 written as an improper

fraction is .
6 a. 9 b. 3
4 4
c. 7 d. 8 ( )
4 2 4


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Use the diagram to answer questions 12. Which of the following angles
7 and 8. formed has a measure that is
greater than 90° but less than
11 1
L 10 2
M N a. 9 3
8 4
7 5
7. Which line is parallel to Line KL?
a. PL b. LN
c. PM d. LM ( )
8. Which angle is less than 90°?
a. /NPM b. /KPN
c. /KLM d. /LMP ( )
9. Which number has no other
factors except 1 and itself?
a. 9 b. 10
c. 14 d. 17 ( )
( )
10. Which number is a common
multiple of 4, 5, and 10?
13. Mrs Lopez is making 205 cookies
a. 10 b. 20
for a bake sale. She has made
c. 30 d. 50 ( )
68 cookies so far. About how
many more cookies does she
11. There are 24 students in
have to make?
Ms Granger’s class. 12 of them
a. 70 b. 90
are girls. What fraction of the
c. 130 d. 170 ( )
students are girls?
a. 1 b. 1
2 3
c. 3 d. 2 ( )
5 3

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The table shows the number of 14. What is the total number of
Grade 4 students who passed or Grade 4 students?
failed the exams. Use the table to a. 124 b. 200
answer questions 14 and 15. c. 276 d. 400 ( )

Mid-term Final 15. What is the increase in the

exam exam number of students who passed
their exam?
Number of a. 36 b. 40
students who 120 156 c. 46 d. 112 ( )
Number of
students who 80 44

 !"# $
For questions 16 to 31, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. Write the number 98 605 in words.


17. What is the value of the digit 1 in 71 225?


18. Arrange the numbers in descending order.

41 708, 47 108, 58 017, 51 087


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
19. The table shows the number of people who had
bought bus tickets to various destinations in India.
Which destination was the most popular?

Destination Number of people

Mumbai 2556
Goa 3278
New Delhi 1372
Jaipur 5290


20. 4058 × 7 =


21. The diagram shows two angles.


a. Find the measure of /a with a protractor.

Ans: °

b. Find the measure of /b.

Ans: °

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
22. a. How many right angles are there in a 3 -turn?

Ans: right angles

b. How many right angles are there in 3 3 turns?


Ans: right angles

The line graph shows the number of mountain bikes sold

by Adventure X Store in ive weeks. Use the graph to answer
questions 23 and 24.

Mountain Bikes Sold

by Adventure X Store
Number of mountain bikes




1 2 3 4 5

23. In which week did the store not sell any mountain bike?


24. In which week was the increase in sales greater

than any other week?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

25. What are the common factors of 7 and 35?


26. What are the next two numbers in the pattern?

10, 19, 28, 37, ,


27. Amy bought 8 boxes of tiles. Each box has 1108 tiles.
How many tiles did she buy in all?

Ans: tiles

28. Bob is facing north-east. He turns two right angles

clockwise. He is now facing .


29. On Sunday, 715 people went to the mall. On

Monday, 532 people went to the mall. About how
many people went to the mall in the two days?
Give your answer to the nearest hundred.

Ans: people

30. Chip spent 3 hour playing football and 3 hour

4 8
on his homework. How much more time did he
spend playing football than doing his homework?

Ans: hour

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
31. Look at the sum. The symbols , , and represent different
even digits.

8 8 8

What are the possible values of the symbols?

Ans: =

%&'()*+ ,
For questions 32 to 40, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Show your work.

32. Using a set square and a ruler, draw a line

perpendicular to Line ST passing through Point Q.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
33. Janelle bought a tool kit at a store. It has a mass of
20 kilograms.

She removed two wrenches that had a mass of

3 1 kilograms each.
a. What was the total mass of the two wrenches?
b. What was the mass of the tool kit in the end?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
34. David, John, and Susy collected insects for a Science
project. The number of each type of insects collected
are shown.

David John Susy

Ants — 50 Ladybugs — 16 Ants — 65
Ladybugs — 16 Crickets — 28 Ladybugs — 28
Crickets — 25 Crickets — 17

a. Complete the table.

Name Ants Ladybugs Crickets


b. How many more crickets than ladybugs did

they collect?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
35. There are 45 apple trees in an orchard. 5 of the
trees are lowering.
a. What fraction of the apple trees are not lowering?
b. How many apple trees are not lowering?

36. Blinky had 12 boxes of pressed lowers. Each box

contained 25 pressed lowers.
a. How many lowers did Blinky have altogether?
b. Blinky put the lowers into albums. Each album
had 9 lowers. How many lowers were left over?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
37. Before a party, Janice mixed 1 1 liters of syrup with
2 liters of soda. During the party, her guests drank
1 1 liters of the drink.
a. What is the volume of the drink Janice made?
b. How much of the drink was left over in the end?

38. A contractor used 26 700 tiles to cover the loor of

Ofice A. He used 2400 fewer tiles for Ofice B than
Ofice A. 3500 more tiles were used for Ofice C than
for Ofice B.
a. How many tiles were used for Ofice B?
b. How many tiles were used altogether?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
39. Smith Road has 61 identical homes built at an equal
distance from one another. The length of each house is
30 meters. What is the distance between every two
houses, if Smith Road is 3570 meters long?

40. I am a two-digit whole number. I am between 80 and

100. Two of my factors are 6 and 8. What number am I?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Mid-Year Test D

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. 80 000 + 600 + 1 = Use the grid to answer questions 4

and 5.
a. 8610
b. 80 601 8
c. 80 661 7
d. 86 001 ( ) W
2. Stella drove 607 kilometers last 5
week. What is 607 rounded to 4
the nearest ten? Z
a. 600 X
b. 610
c. 650 1
d. 700 ( ) 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3. 58
× 43 4. Which point is located at (4, 2)?
a. W b. X
c. Y d. Z ( )
a. 2194
b. 2474 5. Where on the grid is Point Y
c. 2494 located?
d. 3558 ( ) a. (6, 5) b. (7, 3)
c. (2, 4) d. (3, 6) ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
6. 5 − 3 = 9. How many angles in the igure
8 8 have measures that are greater
a. 1 b. 1 than a right angle?
8 2
c. 1 d. 1 ( )
3 4

7. Write 4 1 as an improper fraction.

a. 5 b. 9
9 5
a. 1 b. 2
c. 20 d. 21 ( )
5 5 c. 3 d. 4 ( )

8. Mr James wanted to buy a barrel. 10. Which pair of numbers are

He compared the amount of factors of 39?
water each barrel could hold. a. 6, 7 b. 3, 13
c. 5, 8 d. 4, 9 ( )
Barrel Capacity (liters)
11. Which is a common multiple of 3,
A 18 3 6, and 10?
4 a. 10 b. 18
c. 33 d. 60 ( )
B 17 9
12. When Emily rounded off the
C 18 1 number of sew-on patches in her
collection to the nearest hundred,
D 17 7 she had 2500 patches. Which
8 could be the actual number of
patches in her collection?
Which barrel can hold the a. 2449 b. 2461
most water? c. 2550 d. 2599 ( )
a. Barrel A b. Barrel B
c. Barrel C d. Barrel D ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
13. In 2010, the population of 15. 7325 people went to the county
Seychelles was 90 945. The fair on Saturday. 4190 people
population of the Cayman Islands went to the fair on Sunday.
was 54 878. About how many 1
of the people on Saturday
more people lived in Seychelles 5
than in the Cayman Islands? and 1 of the people on Sunday
a. 20 000 b. 30 000 2
were children. How many
c. 40 000 d. 50 000 ( )
children were at the fair on
Saturday and Sunday?
14. The mass of a box of persimmons
is 1 9 kilograms. About how a. 1 × 7325 + 1 × 4190
10 5 2
much would the mass of 300 b. 1 × 7325 + 1 × 4190
such boxes be? 2 5
a. between 30 kg and 40 kg c. 1 × 7325 + 4 × 4190
b. between 50 kg and 60 kg 2 5
c. between 300 kg and 400 kg d. 4 × 7325 + 1 × 4190 ( )
d. between 500 kg and 600 kg 5 2
( )

Section B
For questions 16 to 35, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. Write sixty-seven thousand, nine hundred and nine

as a numeral.


17. 30 000 + 7000 + 8 =


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
18. Some of the factors of 20 are 1, 5, 10. What are
the other three factors of 20?


19. Find the measure of the angle using a protractor.

Ans: °

20. There are 3722 people living in the town of Wingate.

What is 3722 rounded to the nearest hundred?


21. 2907 × 4 =


22. 3 + 7 =
5 10

23. 6328 ÷ 4 =


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
24. Using a protractor, draw /ABC such that the measure
of /ABC =135°. Mark and label the angle.


Use the grid to answer questions 25 and 26.

1 step
1 step



25. Pete starts out at Point A. At which point will he be

if he moves 3 steps west and then 1 step south?


26. Pete is now at Point E. He needs to reach Point H.

What is the shortest route he can take?


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
27. I am facing east. If I turn 270° clockwise, I will
face .


28. Write the irst two common multiples of 6 and 8.


29. What are the missing numbers in the pattern?

, 21 160, 21 020, 21 120, 20 980,


30. What is the value of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8?


A survey was carried out on a group of students to ind

out their residential types. Use the table to answer
questions 31 to 33.

Residential type Number of students

1-room apartment 5

2-room apartment 7

3-room apartment 15

Terraced house 13

Bungalow 10

31. How many students took part in the survey?

Ans: students

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
32. How many fewer students live in 2-room apartments
than in 3-room apartments?

Ans: students

33. What is the difference between the number of students

who live in the most common residential type and
the number of students who live in the least common
residential type?

Ans: students

34. A car park has 12 rows of parking lots. There is an

equal number of parking lots in each row. If there
are 168 parking lots, how many cars can park in
each row?

Ans: cars

35. The igure is made up of a square and a rectangle.

How many right angles are within the igure?

Ans: right angles

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Section C
For questions 36 to 41, each answer carries
1 point. Write your answer in the space
provided. Show your work.

36. Using a set square and a ruler,

a. draw a line parallel to the given line passing
through Point A.
b. draw a line perpendicular to the given line
passing through Point A.

37. There are 40 birds in a tree. 12 of the birds are sparrows.

a. How many birds are not sparrows?
b. What fraction of the birds are not sparrows?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
38. There are 23 500 residents in Town X, 63 450 residents
in Town Y, and 15 701 residents in Town Z.
a. Complete the table.

Town Number of residents


b. How many more residents are there in Town Y

than in Town Z?

39. In a gym class, 1 of the students wear red jerseys,

of them wear blue jerseys, and the rest wear green
jerseys. There are 32 students in the class. How many
students wear green jerseys?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. Shelly builds bird houses to sell. She takes 1 1 hour
to build and 1 hour to paint each bird house.
a. How long does it take Shelly to complete
1 bird house?
b. How long will Shelly take to complete 15 bird houses?

41. Susan had 5 kilograms of butter. She used 1 of it

to bake scones. She then bought another 1 kilogram
of butter. How much butter did she have in the end?

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42. The line graph shows the number of people who
owned the mobile phone model Ringping between
2006 and 2012.
Number of People who
Owned Ringping

of people




2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

a. Between which two years was there a decrease in

the number of people who owned the Ringping?
How much was the decrease?
b. In which year was the Ringping probably irst

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
43. There were 300 boys and 372 more girls than boys
on a ield trip. After the ield trip, the students boarded
buses to take them back to school. Each bus could
carry 40 students.
a. How many students were on the ield trip altogether?
b. How many buses were needed to bring all the
students back to school?

44. A two-digit whole number is between 10 and 50. The number

can be divided by both 4 and 5 without any remainder.
The sum of its digits is 4. What is the number?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

End-of-Year Test E

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. Which number has no other 5. Which letter is symmetric?

factors except 1 and itself?
a. 8
c. 13
b. 9
d. 15 ( )
H b.
2. An oil tank can hold 250 liters
of oil. The tank has 100 liters of
G d.
F ( )

6. Which decimal is equivalent to

oil in it now. What fraction of the 2
tank is illed with the oil? ?
a. 1 b. 2 a. 0.10 b. 10.20
2 5 c. 0.30 d. 0.40 ( )
c. 3 d. 2 ( )
5 3 7. 25 × 2.40 =
a. 6.00 b. 15.00
3. Janice recorded on a piece of
c. 51.00 d. 60.00 ( )
paper the mass of four cats.
Which is the largest mass she ?
a. 2.69 kg b. 2.84 kg 0 1 2
c. 2.75 kg d. 2.96 kg ( )
a. 1 5 b. 1.8
4. 8 × 0.6 = c. 1.5 d. 2 1 ( )
a. 0.48 b. 4.8 6
c. 48 d. 480 ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The line graph shows the number 12. Two parking lots are joined to
of cars sold in four months. Use the form a big parking lot as shown.
graph to answer questions 9 and 10. What is the perimeter of the new
parking lot?
Number of Cars Sold
Number of cars

80 80 m
40 25 m
Jan Feb Mar Apr
Month 80 m

9. Which two months had the same

number of cars sold?
a. January and February 25 m
b. February and March
c. March and April a. 105 m b. 370 m
d. January and April ( ) c. 420 m d. 2000 m ( )

10. How many cars were sold from 13. Kelly poured 3.94 liters of milk
January to April? into a 5-liter container. How
a. 60 b. 80 much more milk can the
c. 120 d. 160 ( ) container hold?

11. On Saturday, 6120 people went

to the zoo to see the pandas. On 3.94 L
Sunday, 8870 people went to see 5L
the pandas.
Which number sentence should
be used to ind the best estimate
of the total number of people who a. 0.06 L b. 0.60 L
went to the zoo on both days? c. 0.96 L d. 1.06 L ( )
a. 6000 + 8000 = 14 000
b. 7000 + 8000 = 15 000
c. 6000 + 9000 = 15 000
d. 7000 + 9000 = 16 000 ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
14. Cal bought these items at a store. 15. Nina fell asleep on the sofa at
About how much was the total 16 15. She woke up at 17 45.
mass he had to carry? For how long did she sleep?
a. 1 h 15 min
b. 1 h 30 min
c. 1 h 45 min
d. 2 h ( )

2.05 kg 1.98 kg 1.10 kg

a. 2 kg b. 5 kg
c. 8 kg d. 10 kg ( )

Section B
For questions 16 to 34, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. 2 3 turns make right angles.


17. Which of the igures shown are symmetric?



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Use the grid to answer questions 18 to 20.

5 N
1 Z


18. Which point is located at (F, 5)?


19. Where on the grid is Point Z located?


20. Which point is north-west of Point W?


21. State if the given line is a line of symmetry of each

igure. Write Yes or No.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources


22. Complete the igure given that Line AB is a line of



23. Color one unit shape of the tessellation.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
24. State if the shape can tessellate. Write Yes or No.


The table shows the number of juice boxes sold by

Aunt Minah in a school canteen. Use the table to
answer questions 25 to 27.

Day Number of juice boxes sold

Monday 421
Tuesday 311
Wednesday 414
Thursday 335
Friday 215

25. On which day did she sell about 420 juice boxes?


26. What is the total number of juice boxes she sold

from Monday to Wednesday?

Ans: juice boxes

27. What is the difference between the greatest number

of juice boxes sold and the smallest number of juice
boxes sold?

Ans: juice boxes

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
28. A new book weighs 19.95 grams. About how much
is the mass of 50 such books? Round your answer to the
nearest whole number.

Ans: g

29. John started doing his homework at 09 35. He took

2 hours 45 minutes to do his homework. At what
time did he inish his homework?


30. A crate containing gym equipment and books has a

mass of 100 kilograms. 15.75 kilograms of gym
equipment and 25.5 kilograms of books were
removed from the crate. What was the total mass
of the crate and the remaining gym equipment
and books?

Ans: kg

31. Lily pasted a ribbon along the edges of the square card
shown. She then tied the ends of the ribbon into a
bow. If she used 20 centimeters to tie the bow, what
was the total length of the ribbon Lily used?

Area = 25 cm2

Ans: cm

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
32. Complete the pattern given that Line AB is a line of symmetry.

33. The line in the igure is a line of symmetry.

Draw and shade the igure correctly to make
a symmetric pattern.

34. Greg made this pattern with grey and white tiles.
Complete the pattern by drawing the missing tile in the
box given.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Section C
For questions 35 to 44, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Show your work.

35. Use the given shape to make a tessellation in the

space provided by drawing 5 more unit shapes.

36. A barrel had 12 liters of grape juice. 1 of the juice

was sold.
a. How much grape juice was left in the barrel?
b. If 2 liters of grape juice were added to the barrel,
how much grape juice was in the barrel inally?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
37. The table shows the time taken by three friends to
complete a race.

Name Time taken

Joe 1 minute 6 seconds
Min 1 minute 15 seconds
Carl 57 seconds

a. Who won the race?

b. How much longer did Min take to complete the
race than Joe?

38. Abby’s soccer game started at the time shown.

11 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5

a. At what time did the game start if the clock was

10 minutes slow?
b. If the game lasted 1 hour 15 minutes, at what
time would the game end using the 24-hour clock?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
39. a. What are the next two numbers in the pattern?
Explain your answer.

82, 90, 106, 130

b. If the pattern continues, draw the 10th shape.

Explain your answer.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. The igure shows the new deck that Mr Cohn plans
to build. What is the area of the deck?
20 m

15 m


12 m

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
41. Jack is 1.63 meters tall. Kate is 0.25 meter taller
than Jack. If Sam is half as tall as Kate, how tall is Sam?

42. John dug a square pond in his garden as shown.

a. What is the length of the pond?
b. What is the perimeter of his garden now?
15 m

64 m2
12 m Pond

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
43. Grandpa had fewer than 20 inger puppets. If he gave
each of his grandchildren 3 inger puppets, he would
have 2 inger puppets left. If he gave each grandchild
4 inger puppets, he would be short of 3 inger puppets.
How many inger puppets did he have?

44. I am a four-digit even number. My hundreds digit is

3 times my ones digit. My tens digit is 2 more
than my hundreds digit. My thousands digit is
divisible by 5. What number am I?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

End-of-Year Test F

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. Darey earned 14 685 points on 5. Suppose that each igure can be

his membership card at a game folded along the given line. In
center. What is the value of the which igure will the two folded
digit 6 in 14 685? parts match exactly?
a. 60 b. 600
c. 6000 d. 60 000 ( )
a. b.
2. =
a. 0.065 b. 0.65 c. d.
c. 6.5 d. 65 ( )
( )
3. At a grocery store, Mara found
four watermelons of different 6. Which decimal is equivalent
masses. Which is the greatest to 1 ?
mass? 4
a. 2.48 kg b. 2.55 kg a. 0.20 b. 0.25
c. 2.69 kg d. 2.63 kg ( ) c. 0.45 d. 0.50 ( )

4. 13.28 + 9.7 = 7. Which pair of numbers are

factors of 45?
a. 21.98 b. 22.35
a. 4, 11 b. 5, 9
c. 22.98 d. 23.08 ( )
c. 6, 7 d. 8, 10 ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The diagram shows Jimbo facing the 11. Line AB is the line of symmetry.
park. Use it to answer questions 8 Which of the following completes
and 9. the symmetric pattern?
Main road


Home Park

Playground a.

8. If Jimbo turns 180° clockwise,

where will he face? b.
a. main road
b. park
c. playground
d. home ( )

9. In which direction should Jimbo

turn so that he faces the main
road in the quickest way?
a. 90° clockwise
b. 90° anticlockwise
c. 180° clockwise
d. 180° anticlockwise ( )
( )
10. Of 160 students, 32 students
have two brothers in the family.
What fraction of the students have
two brothers in the family?
a. 1 b. 1
5 3
c. 1 d. 1 ( )
4 6

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
12. Kerry has a yard for her bunnies. 14. Hannah had 100.65 milliliters
It is made up of a square and a of paint. She used 64.8 milliliters
rectangle. What is the perimeter of paint on a poster and
of the yard? 28.65 milliliters of paint on a
card. How much paint did she
have left?
a. 7.2 ml
30 m
b. 35.85 ml
c. 72.00 ml
d. 93.45 ml ( )
20 m
15. Louis made this pattern with some
a. 50 m b. 80 m tiles. Which tile its the empty
c. 130 m d. 600 m ( ) space to complete the pattern?

13. To participate in a contest, each

adult needs 7 points and each
child needs 5.5 points. If
25 adults and 10 children
participate in the contest, how
many points will be needed? ?
a. 55 b. 175
c. 225 d. 230 ( )
a. b.

c. d.
( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
-./0123 4
For questions 16 to 33, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. 14.85 + 7.7 =


17. Color one unit shape of the tessellation.

18. State if the shape can tessellate. Write Yes or No.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
19. David reached home after school and his digital
watch displayed 15 45. What time is this using the
12-hour clock?


The bar graph shows the number of books sold by

Famous Book Store from Monday to Friday. Use the
graph to answer questions 20 and 21.
Books Sold by Famous Book Store
Number of books

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

20. Complete the table.

Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

of books

21. On which days were an equal number of books sold?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
22. A bottle of milk contained 2.695 liters of milk.
Round 2.695 to one decimal place.


23. State if the igure is symmetric. Write Yes or No.


24. Mrs Dolan drove 285 kilometers on Monday,

390 kilometers on Tuesday, and 205 kilometers on
a. About how much further did Mrs Dolan drive on
Tuesday than on Wednesday? Round your answer
to the nearest hundred kilometers.

Ans: km

b. Estimate the distance she drove altogether. Round

your answer to the nearest hundred kilometers.

Ans: km

25. The time when Maggie woke up in the morning is shown

on the clock. She had slept for 8 hours 30 minutes.
At what time did Maggie go to bed the night before?
Give your answer using the 24-hour clock.

11 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
26. What is the difference in mass between the heaviest
and the lightest objects?

0.39 kg 2.85 kg 0.24 kg

Ans: kg

27. Zack had twice as many cards as Jen. How many

cards did both of them have in all if Jen had
1256 cards?

Ans: cards

28. What is the measure of the angle formed by the hands

of a clock at 5 o’clock as shown?

11 1
10 2
9 ? 3
8 4
7 5

Ans: °

29. ABCD is a square. Find the sum of the measure of /x and /y.

Ans: °

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
30. 3 3 × 1 = P × 1 + 3 × 1
4 2 2 4 2
What is the value of P?


31. Complete the igure given that Line AB is a line

of symmetry.

32. Draw to continue the pattern.


33. What are the values of A and B in the pattern?

5 3 4 8 9
17 19 18 A B

Ans: A =


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
56789:; <
For questions 34 to 44, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Show your work.

34. Complete the tessellation by drawing 4 more unit shapes.

35. a. Color one unit shape of the tessellation.

b. Complete the tessellation by drawing 6 more
unit shapes.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
36. Mr Bunker fell asleep in the afternoon at the time
shown. He woke up 1 hour and 30 minutes later.
At what time did he wake up? Give your answer
using the 24-hour clock.

11 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5

37. Kelly gave 3 of her stickers to Charlie. She had

6 stickers left. How many stickers did she
give Charlie?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
38. Use the given shape to make two different tessellations.

a. b.

39. Jug A has 2 1 liters of orange juice and Jug B has

1.5 liters of orange juice.
a. How much more orange juice does Jug A have
than Jug B?
b. What is the total amount of orange juice in the
two jugs?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. Dennis’ square garden had an area of 49 square
meters. How much fencing would he need if he
wanted to fence up the garden completely?

41. Mrs Li bought 6.28 kilograms of carrots. Mrs Chan

bought 1 of that amount. Mrs Ho bought 2 times
as much carrots as Mrs Chan. How many kilograms
of carrots did Mrs Ho buy?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
42. Amy framed the picture shown and hung it on her wall.
The frame formed a border around the picture.
The area of the square frame is 144 square centimeters.
What is the area of the picture?

3 cm

2 cm 2 cm

3 cm

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
43. a. What is the perimeter of the igure?
b. What is the area of the igure?
4 cm

5 cm
10 cm

44. A baker has fewer than 40 mufins. If he packs 5 mufins

into one box, he will have 4 mufins left. If he packs
7 mufins in each box, he will be short of 6 mufins.
How many mufins does the baker have?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

End-of-Year Test G

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

1. Which number is a factor of 36? 5. Which igure shows a line of

a. 7 b. 8 symmetry?
c. 9 d. 13 ( )
a. b.
2. Of the 120 cars in a parking lot,
24 are blue. What fraction of the
cars in the parking lot are blue?
c. d.
a. 1 b. 1
5 3 ( )
c. 1 d. 1 ( )
4 6 6. Kippy wrote down the mass of
four of his friends. Which is the
3. 9 × 0.7 = lightest mass?
a. 0.63 b. 6.3 a. 34.01 kg
c. 63 d. 630 ( ) b. 42.65 kg
c. 34.10 kg
4. Tina had 0.6 meter of ribbon. d. 45.26 kg ( )
What fraction of a meter of
ribbon did she have? 7. What number is shown on the
number line?
a. 2 m b. 1 m
3 2 ?
c. 3 m d. 3 m ( ) 0 1 2 3
4 5

a. 1 b. 1.5
c. 2 2 d. 2.2 ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
The line graph shows the number of 11. Tailor Smith used 5126.32 meters
students at Camp Adventure for the of fabric on Saturday and
past ive months. Use the graph to 9928.28 meters of fabric on
answer questions 8 and 9. Sunday.
Which number sentence should
Attendance at Camp be used to give the best estimate
Number of students

Adventure of the total length of fabric he

a. 5000 + 9000 = 14 000
b. 6000 + 9000 = 15 000
c. 5000 + 10 000 = 15 000
d. 6000 + 10 000 = 16 000
Mar Apr May Jun Jul ( )
12. Kiki buys 4.38 liters of juice and
Nicky buys 3.29 liters of juice.
8. In which two months was there
How much juice do they buy
an equal number of students at
in all?
the camp?
a. 1.09 L b. 7.57 L
a. March and May
c. 7.67 L d. 8.67 L ( )
b. May and July
c. March and July
13. Jen’s plane took off at 11 35.
d. April and June ( )
The time the plane landed is
shown on the clock. How long
9. What was the greatest increase
was the light?
in the number of students between
two months?
a. 40 b. 60 11 1
10 2
c. 75 d. 120 ( )
9 3
8 4
10. Chet delivers 36 to 43 7 5
newspapers every week on his
paper route. About how many
newspapers does he deliver in a. 1 h 35 min
4 weeks? b. 2 h 25 min
a. 120 b. 140 c. 10 h 25 min
c. 160 d. 180 ( ) d. 10 h 35 min ( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
14. Sharon had 62.75 meters of 15. A square ield has an area of
ribbon. Kayla’s ribbon was 144 square meters. What is the
15.45 meters shorter than hers. perimeter of the ield?
How long was Kayla’s ribbon? a. 12 m b. 24 m
a. 47.30 m c. 32 m d. 48 m ( )
b. 57.30 m
c. 77.30 m
d. 78.20 m ( )

=>?@ABC D
For questions 16 to 35, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. Write 7 thousands 14 hundreds as a numeral.


17. In 24 012 + 15 789 = , what is the place value

of the digit 8 in the answer?


18. State if the shape can tessellate. Write Yes or No.


19. Write 2 4 as an improper fraction.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
20. Color one unit shape of the tessellation.


21. Color more squares to show forty-ive hundredths shaded.

22. How many right angles are there within the shape?

Ans: right angles

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
23. On a certain day, a reservoir holds 36 527 liters of
water. About how many thousands is 36 527?

Ans: thousands

24. At a track-and-ield meet, the top ive runners inished

the 100-meter hurdles race in the times shown.

18.84 seconds 18.63 seconds 18.70 seconds

18.81 seconds 18.74 seconds

Arrange the times in order. Begin with the fastest time.


25. State if Line AB in the igure is a line of symmetry.

Write Yes or No.


26. What are the common factors of 26 and 30?


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
27. Color more squares to show 3 of the igure is shaded.

28. Sheena started baking her pie at 17 30. She inished

baking at 18 45. How long did Sheena take to bake the pie?

Ans: h min

29. Complete the igure given that Line CD is a line

of symmetry.

30. The line in the igure is a line of symmetry.

Draw and shade the igure correctly to make
a symmetric pattern.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
31. A laptop has a mass of about 2.75 kilograms. About
how much is the mass of 86 such laptops?

Ans: kg

32. The rectangular carpet in Simon’s bedroom has an

area of 48 square meters. If the length of the carpet
is 12 meters, what is its breadth?

Ans: m
33. Kumar was facing east. He made a -turn in the
clockwise direction. Then he made a 135°-turn
clockwise. Which direction was he facing after
making the turns?


34. Draw to continue the pattern.

35. In a box, 253 red buttons were mixed with 327 pink
buttons. These buttons were then divided into packets
of 20 buttons each. How many packets of buttons
were there?

Ans: packets

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
For questions 36 to 43, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Show your work.

36. The table shows the number of bottle caps collected

by Ali, Beck, and Cindy.

Name Number of bottle caps

Ali 251
Beck 326
Cindy 125

a. Who collected the most bottle caps?

b. How many fewer bottle caps did Cindy collect
than Ali?
c. How many bottle caps did the three children
collect together?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
37. a. Complete the tessellation by drawing 6 more
unit shapes.

b. Use the unit shape above to make a different


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
38. Jimmy’s swimming lesson started at the time shown
on the clock. His lesson ended 1 hour 30 minutes later.

11 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 5

a. At what time did the lesson end?

b. If Jimmy’s watch was 10 minutes fast, what time
would the watch show when the lesson ended?
Give your answer using the 24-hour clock.

39. A box had 60 biscuits. of them were wholegrain
biscuits and were rolled biscuits. The rest were
cheese biscuits.
a. How many wholegrain and rolled biscuits were there?
b. How many cheese biscuits were there?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. a. What is the area of the igure?
b. What is the perimeter of the igure?

5 cm

2 cm

10 cm

12 cm

4 cm 10 cm

41. There are 6275 adults and children watching a

soccer game at a stadium. There are 3275 more
adults than children. There are 775 fewer male
adults than female adults.
a. How many adults are there at the stadium?
b. How many male adults are there at the stadium?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
42. A photo frame measures 15 centimeters by
10 centimeters. A photograph is placed in it,
leaving a border of 2 centimeters wide all around it.

2 cm

2 cm 2 cm
10 cm

2 cm

15 cm

What is the area of the border?

43. There are 315 children in Group A and 419 children

in Group B. How many children must be moved
from Group B to Group A so that the two groups
have an equal number of children?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

End-of-Year Test H

Section A
Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 point each. For each question,
choose the correct answer and write its letter
in the parentheses ( ) provided.

Use the grid to answer questions 1 3. In June, a factory manufactured

and 2. 27 691 computer parts. What is
the value of the digit 7
10 in 27 691?
9 a. 7 b. 70
8 c. 700 d. 7000 ( )
4. Which of the following shapes
6 can tessellate?
5 B
a. b.
3 c. d. ( )
1 5. Which igure shows thirty-six
0 hundredths shaded?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a. b.

1. What are the coordinates of

Point D?
a. (3, 8) b. (4, 2)
c. (4, 4) d. (8, 3) ( ) c. d.

2. Which point is located at (3, 7)?

a. Point A b. Point B
c. Point C d. Point E ( )
( )

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
6. Which word has a line of 11. Tim’s clock stopped one
symmetry? afternoon at the time shown.
The correct time was 18 05.
For how long had the clock
stopped working?
11 1
c. OTTO 10 2
9 3
d. CHER ( ) 8 4
7 5
7. Which pair of numbers are
factors of 54? a. 2 h 20 min
a. 1, 26 b. 3, 19 b. 3 h 45 min
c. 4, 18 d. 9, 18 ( ) c. 4 h 25 min
d. 8 h 15 min ( )
8. 24.05 – 16.8 =
a. 7.25 b. 7.70 12. A car travels 68 kilometers on
c. 8.03 d. 8.30 ( ) every liter of gasoline. Its tank
holds 10.6 liters of gasoline.
About how far can the car go on
9. 4  28.12
the tank of gasoline?
a. 6.03 b. 6.93
a. 7 km
c. 7.03 d. 7.3 ( )
b. 70 km
c. 700 km
10. Li Chin came home from
d. 7000 km ( )
school and napped for
2 hours 15 minutes. If she woke
13. Which number sentence is true?
up at 16 05, at what time did
she take her nap? a. 1 + 1 = 2
2 2
a. 01 20 b. 01 50
c. 13 50 d. 14 05 ( ) b. 1 × 0 = 0
c. 3 × 1 = 1
d. 1 × 3 = 1 × 2 ( )
2 4 4 3

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
14. Susy needs to post two parcels 15. Tiki needs to fence up her garden
to her sister in Canada. Parcel A so that her bunnies would not hop
has a mass of 5.62 kilograms. away. How much fencing does
The mass of Parcel B is 3 times she need?
the mass of Parcel A. What is the 15 m
mass of Parcel B?
a. 2.62 kg
b. 8.62 kg 5m
c. 16.86 kg 14 m
d. 22.86 kg ( )

5m 5m

a. 22 m b. 37 m
c. 72 m d. 105 m ( )

Section B
For questions 16 to 32, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the answer blank provided.

16. In a race, four swimmers inished with these times.

Arrange the swimmers in order. Begin with the
swimmer with the fastest time.

James 30.42 seconds

Rosa 30.64 seconds
Lily 30.33 seconds
Rafael 30.71 seconds


17. Write 35 as a mixed number.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
18. Color one unit shape of the tessellation.

19. State if the line in the igure is a line of

symmetry. Write Yes or No.


20. State if the igure is a symmetric igure. Write Yes or No.


21. 5.6 × 0.4 =


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
22. Using a protractor, draw /ABC such that the
measure of /ABC = 45°. Mark and label the angle.


23. The test scores of three students are shown.

Tara May Zoe

30 77 66
Score: Score: Score:
50 100 100

a. Complete the table.

Name Score

b. Who scored the highest?


c. If Zoe wanted to score 80 points in the test, how

many points was she short of?

Ans: points

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
24. Write the irst two common multiples of 9 and 6.


25. Complete the pattern.

7126, 7132, 7138, , ,


26. A tray has 32 brown eggs and 28 white eggs.

What fraction of the eggs in the tray are white?


27. A new magazine has a mass of 199.56 grams.

About how much is the mass of 50 such magazines?

Ans: kg
28. Steve works 7.35 hours a day at a fast food restaurant.
About how many hours does he work in 42 days?

Ans: h

29. Complete the igure given that Line AB is a line

of symmetry.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
30. Cole spent 2 hours 15 minutes mowing a lawn.
He started at 16 30. At what time did he inish
mowing the lawn?


31. Draw to continue the pattern.


32. Zen is standing at Point A. He wants to move to

different points on the grid. Describe the least
number of steps he has to take and the direction for
each move.
Example: To move from Point A to Point C, he moves
3 steps to the east.


1 step
1 step

a. From Point A to Point D


b. From Point F to Point B


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Section C
For questions 33 to 42, each answer carries 1 point.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Show your work.

33. Complete the tessellation by drawing 3 more unit shapes.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
34. JollyBee Primary School has a dental clinic. Every day
a number of students have their teeth checked by the
dental nurse. The nurse checked 68 students in January,
51 students in February, 66 students in March, and
15 fewer students in April than in March.
a. Complete the table using the information provided.

Month Number of students





b. The dental nurse checked an equal number of

students in two of the months. How many students
were checked altogether in those two months?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
35. Derik hammered a quarter of a 8-centimeter nail into
the wall.
a. What fraction of the nail is in the wall? Express
your answer as a decimal.
b. What length of the nail is left to be hammered
into the wall?

36. Jasmine’s puppy has a mass of 8.06 kilograms and

Kera’s puppy has a mass of 5.2 kilograms.
a. How much heavier is Jasmine’s puppy than
Kera’s puppy?
b. What is the total mass of the two puppies?

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
37. Kumar jogged 2.85 kilometers on Monday. He jogged
0.55 kilometers more on Tuesday than on Monday.
On Wednesday, he jogged 2.75 kilometers. If he
wanted to jog a total of 12 kilometers from Monday
to Thursday, how far must he jog on Thursday?

38. Use the given shape to make two different tessellations.

a. b.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
39. The igure is made up of four identical squares and
a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is twice the
length of a square. The breadth of the rectangle is
equal to the length of a square.
a. What is the length of AB?
b. What is the perimeter of the igure?

6 cm

A ? cm B

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. Tiles measuring 10 centimeters by 8 centimeters are
arranged as shown.

10 cm

8 cm

a. What is the perimeter of the igure?

b. What is the area of the igure

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
41. Arrange 16 identical circles to it exactly into a square.
How many circles are there on each side of the square?

42. A square piece of paper of side 14 centimeters has

four identical square corners cut out. What is the area of the
remaining paper?

2 cm

2 cm

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Skills and Strategies Index
Mid-Year Test A
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q1, Q16
2 Approximation and estimation Q2
3 Factors and multiples Q9, Q17 Q12, Q26, Q40 Q34
4 Patterns
5 multiplication by a number up to 2 Q3, Q18
6 Division by a 1-digit number
7 Word problems Q14, Q15, Q29, Q41
Q37, Q39
8 Tables and line graphs Q7, Q24 Q25, Q35
9 Coordinate geometry Q5, Q6, Q20,
10 Addition and subtraction of fractions Q4 Q32
11 Fraction of a set Q8 Q13
12 mixed numbers and improper Q27
13 Word problems Q30, Q31, Q33,
Q36, Q38
14 Angles Q10, Q19 Q11
15 8-point compass Q28
16 Perpendicular and parallel lines Q22
17 Properties of a square and a Q23
Strategies Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a model Q37, Q39
2 Work backwards Q40
3 Draw a diagram Q41

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mid-Year Test B
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q1, Q16, Q17 Q24 Q43
2 Approximation and estimation Q2, Q18
3 Factors and multiples Q4, Q5 Q25, Q26
4 Patterns Q20 Q32
5 multiplication by a number up to 2 Q19
6 Division by a 1-digit number Q3
7 Word problems Q12, Q14, Q15, Q44
Q38, Q39
8 Tables and line graphs Q27, Q28, Q29,
Q30, Q31, Q37,
9 Coordinate geometry Q6, Q7
10 Addition and subtraction of fractions Q8, Q21
11 Fraction of a set Q13, Q35
12 mixed numbers and improper Q9
13 Word problems Q11, Q41 Q42
14 Angles Q22 Q23
15 8-point compass Q33
16 Perpendicular and parallel lines Q10, Q36
17 Properties of a square and a rectangle Q34
Strategies Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a model Q38, Q39, Q41 Q42
2 Work backwards Q43
3 Draw a diagram Q44

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mid-Year Test C
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q16, Q17, Q18
2 Approximation and estimation Q1
3 Factors and multiples Q9 Q10, Q25 Q40
4 Patterns Q26 Q31
5 multiplication by a number up to 2 Q2, Q20
6 Division by a 1-digit number
7 Word problems Q13, Q27, Q29, Q39
Q36, Q38
8 Tables and line graphs Q19, Q23 Q14, Q15, Q24,
9 Coordinate geometry Q3, Q4
10 Addition and subtraction of fractions Q5
11 Fraction of a set
12 mixed numbers and improper Q6
13 Word problems Q11, Q30, Q33,
Q35, Q37
14 Angles Q8, Q21 Q12
15 8-point compass Q22 Q28
16 Perpendicular and parallel lines Q7, Q32
17 Properties of a square and a rectangle
Strategies Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a model Q36, Q38
2 Draw a diagram Q39
3 make a systematic list Q40

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Mid-Year Test D
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q1, Q16, Q17
2 Approximation and estimation Q2, Q20 Q12
3 Factors and multiples Q10, Q18 Q11, Q28 Q44
4 Patterns Q29, Q30
5 multiplication by a number up to 2 Q3, Q21
6 Division by a 1-digit number Q23
7 Word problems Q13, Q34 Q43
8 Tables and line graphs Q31, Q32, Q33,
Q38, Q42
9 Coordinate geometry Q4, Q5
10 Addition and subtraction of fractions Q6, Q22
11 Fraction of a set
12 mixed numbers and improper Q7, Q8
13 Word problems Q14, Q15, Q37,
Q39, Q40, Q41
14 Angles Q9, Q19, Q36
15 8-point compass Q25 Q26, Q27
16 Perpendicular and parallel lines Q36
17 Properties of a square and a rectangle Q35
Strategies Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a model Q39 Q43
2 make a systematic list Q44

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
End-of-Year Test E
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q44
2 Approximation and estimation
3 Factors and multiples Q1
4 Patterns Q39a
5 Word problems Q11 Q43
6 Tables and line graphs Q9, Q25 Q10, Q26, Q27,
7 Coordinate geometry Q18, Q19 Q20
8 Fraction of a set Q2
9 mixed numbers and improper fractions
10 Word problems Q36
11 Angles
12 8-point compass Q16
13 symmetry Q5, Q17, Q21 Q22, Q32, Q33
14 Tessellations Q23, Q24 Q35
15 Patterns Q39b Q34
16 Properties of a square and a rectangle
17 Number notation and place value Q3 Q8
18 Conversion between decimals and Q6
19 Approximation and estimation Q14
20 Four operations of decimals Q4, Q7
21 Word problems Q13, Q28, Q30,
22 Time Q15, Q29, Q38
23 Area and perimeter Q12, Q31, Q40,
Strategies Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 look for a pattern Q39a, Q39b
2 Draw a model Q41
3 make a systematic list Q43
4 Work backwards Q44

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
End-of-Year Test F
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q1
2 Approximation and estimation Q24
3 Factors and multiples Q7
4 Patterns Q33
5 Word problems Q27 Q44
6 Tables and line graphs Q20, Q21
7 Coordinate geometry
8 Fraction of a set Q10
9 mixed numbers and improper fractions Q30
10 Word problems Q37, Q39
11 Angles Q28
12 8-point compass Q8 Q9
13 symmetry Q5, Q23 Q11, Q31
14 Tessellations Q17, Q18 Q34, Q35, Q38
15 Patterns Q32 Q15
16 Properties of a square and a rectangle Q29
17 Number notation and place value Q3
18 Conversion between decimals and Q2, Q6
19 Approximation and estimation Q22
20 Four operations of decimals Q4, Q16 Q26
21 Word problems Q13, Q14, Q39,
22 Time Q19 Q25, Q36
23 Area and perimeter Q12, Q40, Q42,
Strategies Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a model Q37, Q41
2 make a systematic list Q44

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
End-of-Year Test G
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q16, Q17
2 Approximation and estimation Q23
3 Factors and multiples Q1 Q26
4 Patterns
5 Word problems Q10, Q35, Q41 Q43
6 Tables and line graphs Q8 Q9, Q36
7 Coordinate geometry
8 Fraction of a set Q27
9 mixed numbers and improper fractions Q19
10 Word problems Q2 Q39
11 Angles Q22
12 8-point compass Q33
13 symmetry Q5, Q25 Q29, Q30
14 Tessellations Q18, Q20 Q37
15 Patterns Q34
16 Properties of a square and a rectangle
17 Number notation and place value Q6, Q21, Q24 Q7
18 Conversion between decimals and Q4
19 Approximation and estimation
20 Four operations of decimals Q3
21 Word problems Q11, Q12, Q14,
22 Time Q13, Q28, Q38
23 Area and perimeter Q15, Q32, Q40,
Strategy Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a model Q41 Q43

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
End-of-Year Test H
Skills Knowledge Comprehension Application
Whole Numbers
1 Number notation and place value Q3
2 Approximation and estimation
3 Factors and multiples Q7 Q24
4 Patterns Q25
5 Word problems
6 Tables and line graphs Q23, Q34
7 Coordinate geometry Q1, Q2
8 Fraction of a set Q13, Q26
9 mixed numbers and improper fractions Q17
10 Word problems Q35
11 Angles Q22
12 8-point compass Q32
13 symmetry Q6, Q19, Q20 Q29
14 Tessellations Q4, Q18 Q33, Q38 Q41
15 Patterns Q31
16 Properties of a square and a rectangle
17 Number notation and place value Q5, Q16
18 Conversion between decimals and
19 Approximation and estimation
20 Four operations of decimals Q8, Q9, Q21
21 Word problems Q12, Q14, Q27,
Q28, Q36, Q37
22 Time Q10, Q11, Q30
23 Area and perimeter Q15, Q39, Q40 Q42
Strategy Knowledge Comprehension Application
1 Draw a diagram Q41

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Answer Key
Mid-Year Test A Sally’s total score 57 + 62
= 119
Section A Tim’s total score 83 + 77
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. d = 160
5. b 6. d 7. d 8. a Joe was the top scorer in the exam.
9. c 10. c 11. d 12. b
13. a 14. c 15. d 3
36. a. × 25 = 15

Section B He gives away 15 guppies.

16. 300 17. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
18. 10 000 b. 25 – 15 = 10
19. 20. He has 10 guppies left.
37. a. Strategy: Draw a model
980 g


21. (E, 2) 22. Line QT ?

Mass of pear 980 ÷ 7
23. WZ and XY or WX and ZY
= 140
24. 35 25. 10 The mass of the pear is 140 grams.
26. 27 27. 16
28. 90 b. 980 + 140 = 1120
29.100 × 10 = 1000 30. 4 The total mass of the two fruits is 1120 grams.
31. 12 32. 6 7
38. 1 – 1 = 2
33. a. 4 1 b. 1 1
3 3
2 2
34. 12 × 360 = 240

Section C 240 passengers inally reached Penang.

35. a. Name English Mathematics 39. a. Strategy: Draw a model
Joe 96 points 78 points Girls
Sally 57 points 62 points ?

Tim 83 points 77 points Boys 34 740

b. Joe had the best score in Mathematics.

c. Joe scored 78 points. Total units 1+9+5

Sally scored 62 points. = 15
78 − 62 = 16 15 units 34 740
Joe scored 16 points more than Sally. 1 unit 34 740 ÷15
= 2316
d. Joe’s total score 96 + 78
= 174

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
9 units 9 × 2316 24. 19 930 25. 1, 3
= 20 844 26. 12, 24 27. strawberry
There are 20 844 boys. 28. 10 29. 51
30. 4C 31. 119
b. 5 units 5 × 2316 32. 162 33. east
= 11 580 34. 35 35. 2
There are 11 580 adults.
Section C
40. a. Strategy: Work backwards 36. a. B b. H
The number is divisible by 5 so the last digit must
be 5 or 0. D F
Put the other digits in the correct place.
9 1 8 1

The number could be 91 810 or 91 815. 37. a. 30 students visited Africa.

b. The most popular destination was Asia.
b. The number is divisible by 10 so the last digit c. 40 – 10 = 30
must be 0. 30 more students visited Asia than America.
The number is 91 810.
38. a. Strategy: Draw a model
41. Strategy: Draw a diagram 16 bags

271 ... 271

5m 5m 5m 5m
16 × 271 = 4336
80 m Mrs Clark bought 4336 beads.
Number of spaces 80 ÷ 5
= 16 4336
Number of streetlights 16 + 1 Mrs Clark
= 17
They installed 17 streetlights along the road. Mrs Thomson

Mid-Year Test B
4336 + 240 = 4576
Section A Mrs Thomson had 4576 beads.
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. b
5. a 6. d 7. b 8. a 39. Strategy: Draw a model
9. a 10. a 11. c 12. a 2400
13. d 14. d 15. d
8 ... 8
Section B
? cases
16. Sixty thousand, four hundred and twelve
17. 600 18. 3300 2400 ÷ 8 = 300
19. 9488 20. 6155, 6160, 6165 Nathan used 300 cases to pack all the coins.
21. 1 5 300
22. 23. 270 12 ... 12
? boxes

300 ÷ 12 = 25
Nathan used 25 boxes to pack all the cases
of coins.


Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. a. 76 – 12 + 19 = 83
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
Timmy’s score for his History test was
83 points. 8 0 8 9

b. 8 1 8 8
Test Score
8 2 8 7
Science 76 points
English 64 points 8 3 8 6

History 83 points 8 4 8 5

Only 8188 is divisible by 4.

c. 76 + 64 + 83 = 223 The four-digit number is 8188.
His total score for the three subjects was
223 points. 44. Strategy: Draw a diagram
230 – 223 = 7
He would need to score 7 more points in his 51 trees
English test.

41. Strategy: Draw a model


King’s Cross
? ?

Hanslow 200 m
From the diagram,
Heathrow there is 1 space between 2 trees,
4 units 644 there are 2 spaces between 3 trees,
1 unit 644 ÷ 4 there are 3 spaces between 4 trees, and so on.
= 161 51 – 1 = 50
3 units 3 × 161 There are 50 spaces between 51 trees.
= 483
483 passengers were on the train at 200 ÷ 50 = 4
Heathrow Station. The distance between every two trees is 4 meters.

42. Strategy: Draw a model Mid-Year Test C

Section A
1. d 2. d 3. b 4. d
dress cushion 70 m left 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. a
7 units 70 9. d 10. b 11. a 12. c
1 unit 70 ÷ 7 13. c 14. b 15. a
= 10
12 units 12 × 10 Section B
= 120 16. Ninety-eight thousand, six hundred and ive
17. 1000
The original length of the piece of fabric was 18. 58 017, 51 087, 47 108, 41 708
120 meters. 19. Jaipur 20. 28 406
21. a. 50 b. 130
43. Strategy: Work backwards 22. a. 3 b. 15
The number is greater than 5000 and the thousands 23. Week 2 24. Week 3
digit is a multiple of 4, so the thousands digit must 25. 1, 7 26. 46, 55
be 8. The tens digit is also 8. 27. 8864 28. south-west
Since the sum of the digits in the ones and hundreds 29. 1200 30. 3
place is 9 and the ones digit is greater than the 8
hundreds digit, the possible four-digit numbers are:

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
31. = 2, = 4, = 6, or b. 300 ÷ 9 = 33 R3
3 lowers were left over.
= 6, = 4, =2
5 4
37. a. 1 1 + 2 2 = 3 +
2 10 10
Section C 9
32. 10
Janice made 3 9 liters of the drink.
T 10

9 9 2
b. 3 – 11 = 2 –
10 5 10 10
Q 7
S 7
2 liters of the drink were left over in
the end.
33. a. 3 1 + 3 1 = 6 2
4 4 4
38. Strategy: Draw a model
= 61
2 a. 26 700
The total mass of the two wrenches was
6 1 kilograms. Ofice A
? 2400
b. 20 – 6 1 = 13 1
2 2 Ofice B
The mass of the tool kit in the end was
Ofice C
13 1 kilograms.
26 700 – 2400 = 24 300
34. a. Name Ants Ladybugs Crickets 24 300 tiles were used for Ofice B.

David 50 16 25 b. 24 300 + 3500 = 27 800

John 0 16 28 27 800 tiles were used for Ofice C.

Susy 65 28 17
26 700 + 24 300 + 27 800 = 78 800
78 800 tiles were used altogether.
b. 16 +16 + 28 = 60
25 + 28 + 17 = 70 39. Strategy: Draw a diagram
70 – 60 = 10 30 m ? ?
They collected 10 more crickets than ladybugs.

1 2 3 61
35. a. 1 – 5 = 4
9 9
of the apple trees are not lowering.
9 3570 m

b. 4 × 45 = 20 From the diagram,

9 there is 1 space between 2 houses,
20 apple trees are not lowering. there are 2 spaces between 3 houses,
there are 3 spaces between 4 houses, and so on.
36. a. Strategy: Draw a model
12 boxes
61 – 1 = 60
There are 60 spaces between 61 houses.
25 ... 25
61 × 30 = 1830
12 × 25 = 300 3570 – 1830 =1740
Blinky had 300 lowers altogether. 1740 ÷ 60 = 29
The distance between every two houses is
29 meters.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
40. Strategy: Make a systematic list 37. a. 40 – 12 = 28
Multiples of 6 between 80 and 100 are 84, 90, 28 birds are not sparrows.
and 96 .
28 7
b. =
40 10
Multiples of 8 between 80 and 100 are 80, 88,
and 96 . of the birds are not sparrows.
I am 96.
38. a. Town Number of residents

Mid-Year Test D X 23 500

Y 63 450
Section A
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b Z 15 701
5. a 6. d 7. d 8. a
9. b 10. b 11. d 12. b b. 63 450 – 15 701 = 47 749
13. c 14. d 15. a There are 47 749 more residents in Town Y
than in Town Z.
Section B
16. 67 909 17. 37 008 39. Strategy: Draw a model
18. 2, 4, 20 19. 65 32

20. 3700 21. 11 628

22. 1 23. 1582 ?
24. 8 units 32
C 1 unit 32 ÷ 8
135° 5 units 5×4
A B = 20
20 students wear green jerseys.
25. Point D
26. 2 steps south and 3 steps west
40. a. 1 1 + 1 = 2
Or 3 steps west and 2 steps south 2 2
27. north 28. 24, 48 Shelly takes 2 hours to complete 1 bird house.
29. 21 060, 21 080 30. 36
31. 50 32. 8 b. 15 × 2 = 30
33. 10 34. 14 Shelly will take 30 hours to complete 15 bird
35. 5 houses.
41. 1 – 1 = 7
Section C 8 8
7 35
36. a. and b. ×5=
8 8

= 43
She had 4 3 kilograms of butter after baking scones.
A 4 + = 43 + 4
3 1
8 2 8 8
= 47
She had 4 kilograms of butter in the end.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
42. a. 800 – 500 = 300 22.
The decrease was 300 people. There was a
decrease in the number of people who owned
the Ringping between 2010 and 2012.

b. The Ringping was probably irst introduced in

43. a. Strategy: Draw a model


23. 24. Yes

300 + 372 = 672

300 + 672 = 972 25. Monday 26. 1146
972 students were on the ield trip altogether. 27. 206 28. 1000
29. 12 20 30. 58.75
b. 972 ÷ 40 = 24 R12 31. 40
32. B
25 buses were needed to bring all the students
back to school.

44. Strategy: Make a systematic list

Multiples of 4 between 10 and 50 are 12, 16, 20 ,

24, 28, 32, 36, 40 , 44, and 48.
33. 34.
Multiples of 5 between 10 and 50 are 10, 15, 20 ,
25, 30, 35, 40 , 45, and 50.

Possible numbers Sum of digits Check

20 2 7

40 4 3
Section C
The number is 40.

End-of-Year Test E

Section A
1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b
5. a 6. d 7. d 8. b
9. c 10. d 11. c 12. b
13. d 14. b 15. b
36. a. 1 – 1 = 3
Section B 4 4
16. 11 17. A and B 3
× 12 = 9
18. Point X 19. (E, 1) 4
20. Point V 9 liters of grape juice were left in the barrel.
21. a. No b. No
3 3
b. 9 + 2 = 11
10 10

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
11 3 liters of grape juice were in the 180 + 48 = 228
10 The area of the deck is 228 square meters.
barrel inally.
41. Strategy: Draw a model
37. a. Carl won the race. 1.63 m

b. 15 – 6 = 9 Jack
0.25 m
Min took 9 seconds longer to complete the
race than Joe.

38. a. The clock showed 3.45. Sam

10 minutes after 3.45 is 3.55.
The game started at 3.55. 2 units 1.63 + 0.25
= 1.88
b. 1h 15 min 1 unit 1.88 ÷ 2
= 0.94
15 55 16 55 17 10
Sam is 0.94 meter tall.

The game would end at 17 10. 42. a. 8 × 8 = 64

The length of the pond is 8 meters.
39. a. Strategy: Look for a pattern
Add multiples of 8, starting from 8, to get the b. Method 1:
next number in the pattern. 15 – 8 = 7
82 + 8 = 90 12 – 8 = 4
90 + 16 = 106 7 + 12 + 15 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 54
106 + 24 = 130 The perimeter of his garden is 54 meters.
130 + 32 = 162
162 + 40 = 202 Method 2:
By extending the lines outwards in the direction
The next two numbers are 162 and 202. of the arrows, the perimeter of the garden is the
same as the perimeter of rectangle measuring
b. Strategy: Look for a pattern 15 meters by 12 meters.
The pattern repeats after every 4 shapes.
The third set of pattern starts with the 9th shape.
Hence the 10th shape is the same as the
2nd shape.

The 10th shape is .

40. 20 m 15 + 15 + 12 + 12 = 54
The perimeter of his garden is 54 meters.

A 43. Strategy: Make a systematic list

15 m
9m Multiples of 3: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
+2: 5 , 8, 11, 14, 17 , 20
12 m Multiples of 4: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
Area of A 15 × 12 –3: 1, 5 , 9, 13, 17 , 21
= 180
Grandpa had 5 or 17 inger puppets. If he had
20 – 12 = 8 5 inger puppets, he could only give 1 grandchild
15 – 9 = 6 3 inger puppets with 2 inger puppets left. He was
Area of B 8×6 able to give 3 inger puppets to each of his
= 48

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
grandchildren so he should have more than 5 inger 32. 33. A = 14, B = 13
puppets. So, Grandpa had 17 inger puppets.

44. Strategy: Work backwards

An even number has the digit 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 in the
ones place.
The hundreds digit is 3 times the ones digit so the
ones digit must be 2.
The hundreds digit is 6.
The tens digit is 8.
To be divisible by 5, the thousands digit must be 5.
I am 5682.
Section C
End-of-Year Test F 35. a. and b.

Section A
1. b 2. b 3. c 4. c
5. d 6. b 7. b 8. d
9. b 10. a 11. a 12. c
13. d 14. a 15. d

Section B
16. 22.55 17.
36. 1h 30 min

16 15 17 15 17 45
18. No 19. 3.45 p.m.
20. He woke up at 17 45.
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
37. Strategy: Draw a model
of books 20 16 20 40 28
? 6
21. Monday and Wednesday 1 unit 6
22. 2.7 23. Yes 3 units 3×6
24. a. 200 b. 900 = 18
25. 22 30 26. 2.61
She gave Charlie 18 stickers.
27. 3768 28. 150
29. 77 30. 3
38. a. b.
31. A

39. a. 2 1 = 2.2
2.2 – 1.5 = 0.7

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Jug A has 0.7 liter more orange juice than 44. Strategy: Make a systematic list
Jug B.
Multiples of 5: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40
+ 4: 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 , 34, 39, 44
b. 2.2 + 1.5 = 3.7
The total amount of orange juice in the two jugs
Multiples of 7: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35
is 3.7 liters.
– 6: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
40. 7 × 7 = 49 The baker has 29 mufins.
7 × 4 = 28
He would need 28 meters of fencing. End-of-Year Test G

41. Strategy: Draw a model Section A

6.28 kg 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d
Mrs Li 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. c
9. c 10. c 11. c 12. c
Mrs Chan 13. a 14. a 15. d

Mrs Ho Section B
16. 8400 17. hundreds
4 units 6.28 18. No 19.
1 unit 6.28 ÷ 4 20.
= 1.57
2 units 2 × 1.57
= 3.14
Mrs Ho bought 3.14 kilograms of carrots.
42. 12 × 12 = 144
Length of picture 12 – 2 – 2
= 8
Breadth of picture 12 – 3 – 3
= 6
Area of picture 8×6
= 36
The area of the picture is 48 square meters.
22. 4 23. 37
43. a. 4 + 5 + 4 = 13 24. 18.63 s, 18.70 s, 18.74 s, 18.81 s, 18.84 s
10 + 13 + 10 + 13 + 4 + 4 = 54 25. Yes 26. 1, 2
The perimeter of the igure is 54 centimeters. 27. 28. 1 h 15 min


A B C 29.

Area of A 10 × 4
= 40
10 – 4 = 6
Area of B 5×6
= 30
40 + 30 + 40 = 110 D
The area of the igure is 110 square
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30. 31. 270 40. a. 5 cm

B 2 cm

10 cm

12 cm

32. 4 33. north-east

34. 35. 29 4 cm 10 cm

Length 10 + 4
= 14
Breadth 12 + 2
= 14
Area of square 14 × 14
Section C = 196
36. a. Beck collected the most bottle caps.
Length of A 14 – 10
= 4
b. 251 – 125 = 126
Cindy collected 126 fewer bottle caps Area of A 4×4
than Ali. = 16
Area of B 5×2
c. 251 + 326 + 125 = 702
= 10
The three children collected 702 bottles caps
altogether. Area of the igure 196 – 16 – 10
= 170
37. a. b. The area of the igure is
170 square centimeters.

b. 4 × 14 = 56
The perimeter of the igure is 56 centimeters.

41. Strategy: Draw a model

38. a. 1h 30 min a. ?

17 50 18 50 19 20 6275
Children 3275
The lesson ended at 19 20.
2 units 6275 – 3275
b. 10 minutes after 19 20 is 19 30. = 3000
The watch would show 19 30. 1 unit 3000 ÷ 2
= 1500
39. a. 3 × 60 = 36 1500 + 3275 = 4775
There are 4775 adults at the stadium.
× 60 = 15
4 ?
36 + 15 = 51
There were 51 wholegrain and rolled biscuits. Male
b. 60 – 51 = 9
There were 9 cheese biscuits.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources
2 units 4775 – 775 21. 2.24 22.
= 4000 C
1 unit 4000 ÷ 2
= 2000
There are 2000 male adults at the stadium.
42. Area of photo frame 15 × 10
= 150 23. a. Name Score
Length of photograph 15 – 2 – 2 Tara 60
= 11
Zoe 66
Breadth of photograph 10 – 2 – 2
May 77
Area of photograph 11 × 6 b. May c. 14
= 66 24. 18, 36 25. 7144, 7150, 7156
26. 27. 10
Area of border 150 – 66 15
= 84 28. 280
The area of the border is 84 square centimeters. 29. A

43. Strategy: Draw a model

315 ?

Group A

Group B B

419 30. 18 45
2 units 419 – 315
= 104
1 unit 104 ÷ 2
= 52
32. a. 2 steps to the north and 5 steps to the east
52 children must be moved from Group B to A so Or
that the two groups have an equal of children. 5 steps to the east and 2 steps to the north
b. 4 steps to the south and 3 steps to the east
End-of-Year Test H Or
3 steps to the east and 4 steps to the south
Section A
1. d 2. a 3. d 4. b Section C
5. b 6. c 7. d 8. a 33.
9. c 10. c 11. b 12. c
13. b 14. c 15. c

Section B
16. Lily, James, Rosa, Rafael
17. 4 3 18.

19. No 20. Yes

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34. a. Month Number of students

January 68

February 51

March 66

April 51

b. 51 + 51 = 102 39. a. The length of square is 6 cm.

102 students were checked altogether in those Length of AB 3×6
two months. = 18
The length of AB is 18 centimeters.
35. a. 1 = 0.25
4 b. Perimeter 14 × 6
0.25 of the nail is in the wall. = 84
The perimeter of the igure is
b. 1 × 8 = 2 84 centimeters.
8–2=6 40. 6 × 10 = 60
6 centimeters of the nail are left to be 8 × 8 = 64
hammered into the wall. 60 + 64 = 124

36. a. 8.06 – 5.2 = 2.86 The perimeter of the igure is 124 centimeters.
Jasmine’s puppy is 2.86 kilograms heavier
than Kera’s puppy. b. 10 × 8 = 80
80 × 6 = 480
b. 8.06 + 5.2 = 13.26 The area of the igure is
The total mass of the two puppies is 480 square centimeters.
13.26 kilograms.
41. Strategy: Draw a diagram
37. 2.85 + 0.55 = 3.4
2.85 + 3.4 + 2.75 = 9
12 – 9 = 3
Kumar must jog 3 kilometers on Thursday.

38. a.
There are 4 circles on each side of the square.

42. Area of original piece of paper 14 × 14 = 196

Area of one cut corner 2×2=4
Area of four cut corners 4 × 4 = 16
Area of remaining paper 196 – 16
= 180
The area of the remaining paper is
180 square centimeters.

Scholastic Study Smart: Mathematics Practice Tests (Level 4) © Michael W. Priestley, Scholastic Teaching Resources

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