Nurs 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Nurs 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Nurs 3020 Clinical Evaluation
The Mid-Term Evaluation will be completed by students at the mid-point of the clinical placement to assist students to take inventory of their
current development and assist them to make plans for future clinical practice. The student will use a reflective process to help assess progress in
meeting established program, year, and course objectives. The student will submit an electronic copy of the Mid-Term Evaluation document to the
clinical instructor prior to the formal mid-term student evaluation. Because the document is to be completed electronically, the student and instructor
can take as much space as they need to provide appropriate evidence and feedback.
After receiving the student’s Mid-Term Evaluation, the clinical instructor will complete the comment section providing feedback and evaluation of
the student’s progress. The clinical instructor will provide suggestions for improvement. The instructor will place a check in the “S” column if
progress is satisfactory, and in the “U” column if progress is unsatisfactory. If a student demonstrates unsatisfactory progress at mid-term, the student
and instructor will develop a Learning Plan outlining strategies in which the student will engage, along with clear expectations that must be met for
the successful completion of the course. The course professor may be involved in developing the learning plan.
The student and instructor should save and print a copy of the mid-term evaluation. Printed copies must be submitted to the course professor within a
week of completion.
At the end of the rotation, students will complete a Final Evaluation. Students will use a new copy of the evaluation template to archive their
achievements and areas for future development. The student will submit an electronic copy of their final evaluation to the instructor; this will help the
instructor complete an assessment of the student.
In order to complete the final evaluation, the clinical instructor will provide additional evidence by completing the comment section, providing
feedback and evaluating the student’s progress. The clinical instructor will collect evidence in the form of the student self-assessment, comments of
the health care team members, patient input, student submissions (including portfolios) and observations. A summary of achievement as well as
implications for future learning should be included in this document. The attendance section and record of completed hours is to be filled in
completely. The completed document is to be printed, shared with the student and signed. The signed copy must be returned to the TFSON within 10
The Year Lead, lab instructor, and/or course professor will assess the completion of the Learning Center Component, if applicable.
Students and instructors will complete both the mid-term and final clinical evaluation documents electronically. An electronic copy of the
completed (student and instructor) final evaluation should be submitted to the course professor within 48 hours of the final evaluation
delivery. A printed and signed copy should follow within 10 days of the evaluation meeting.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
NURS 3020H
Clinical Evaluation
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Program Goals
Graduates are generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness.
Graduates are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) in a variety
of settings.
Graduates continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing knowledge in their
Graduates will demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care contexts.
Graduates will contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and mitigating risk for
patients and other health care providers
Graduates will establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health care team members based
upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.
Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.
Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed interventions
and outcome measures.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Objectives Developing Needs Does not meet
Indicators/Evidence as Improvement expectations
1 Prepared to provide Prior to starting my clinical shift for the day, I am given my
nursing care that includes patient assignment along with diagnosis, medications and any
comprehensive, special nursing implications. This is extremely helpful beginning
collaborative assessment, as a student because it allows me to become as familiar as I can
evidence-informed with the conditions and medications for my patient and prepared
interventions and before I start for the day.
outcome measures.
So far, I have been able to provide a lot of comprehensive
nursing care to my patients. A big learning opportunity has been
recognizing abnormal vital signs and connecting them to the
underlying cause related to my patient. I also feel very confident
performing a full head to toe assessment on my patients,
recognizing abnormal findings and understanding the underlying
disease process to cause these abnormal findings.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
2 Establishes and maintains Throughout the clinical shifts I have had so far, I feel as if I have
therapeutic, caring and made a great therapeutic relationship with my patients who are
culturally safe acutely ill. I recognize that being in hospital is uneasy and scary
relationships through for a lot of patients, so I hope to make their treatment as least
effective communication. stressful as possible. I try to ensure that I am there to listen to my
patient and help them with whatever they need. I ensure that their
care is my priority.
3 Applies the four ways of With any procedure I am doing on a patient, I have made sure to
knowing and look up the policy in the computer before doing it. This ensures
informational that I am providing safe care to my patients that also follows the
technologies to policy of the hospital I am currently in. This included such
effectively care for procedures such as a subcutaneous heparin injection and removal
diverse, acutely ill of a foley catheter. This ensures that I am following best practice
patients. guidelines and am using the knowledge I have gained in lab and
applied it to practice to support patient care.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment)
NURS 3020H
Clinical Evaluation
Final Evaluation
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Program Goals
Graduates are generalists entering a self-regulating profession in situations of health and illness.
Graduates are prepared to work with people of all ages and genders (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) in a variety
of settings.
Graduates continuously use critical and scientific inquiry and other ways of knowing to develop and apply nursing knowledge in their
Graduates will demonstrate leadership in professional nursing practice in diverse health care contexts.
Graduates will contribute to a culture of safety by demonstrating safety in their own practice, and by identifying, and mitigating risk for
patients and other health care providers
Graduates will establish and maintain therapeutic, caring and culturally safe relationships with clients and health care team members based
upon relational boundaries and respect.
Graduates will be able to enact advocacy in their work based on the philosophy of social justice.
Graduates will effectively utilize communications and informational technologies to improve client outcomes.
Graduates will be prepared to provide nursing care that includes comprehensive, collaborative assessment, evidence-informed interventions
and outcome measures.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Indicators/Evidence Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1 Prepared to provide I have continued to come prepared to clinical with the patient assignment I was
nursing care that includes given the night before. As I have become increasingly comfortable with many of
comprehensive, the conditions that are present on the unit, I am able to focus more of my time on
collaborative assessment, making deeper connections between abnormal findings and interventions used to
evidence-informed treat the patient.
interventions and
outcome measures. I have continued to develop the nursing tasks outlined in my previous midterm
evaluation, but with more confidence and in a timelier manner. My head to toe
assessments are becoming more focused (if required), and I am able to put all of
the pieces together more effectively than a few months ago. I am able to make
justified recommendations to the primary nurse about the patient’s condition, such
as oxygen therapy, repositioning and monitoring.
I have also demonstrated my ability to work with patients and families to create
reasonable and effective solutions. A patient I was caring for had his daughters
and sons in the room at all times, and they wanted to be in charge of his personal
care as well as monitoring vital signs. They were extremely involved, so I had to
work with them to ensure that the patient was receiving adequate care and
monitoring. I had to reason with them that I would also check the vital signs to
ensure validity. Together, we were able to make sure the patient was well taken
care of, without taking the family out of the circle of care, even if they were being
overly involved.
2 Establishes and maintains I have continued to develop therapeutic relationships with the patients I am caring
therapeutic, caring and for. I have provided care for two patients who have come back on the unit and
culturally safe they both remembered me from when I cared for them weeks prior.
relationships through
effective communication. I have also had a couple patients break down with emotion due to their illness.
Both of these individuals had chronic conditions, but required acute care. For
example, recently when I went in to do my morning assessment, the patient started
to cry about how upset he was after his palliative consult and how frustrating it
was to have expressive aphasia and not be able to say the words he wants to. I was
there to listen and provide comfort to him. This made me realize that even if I
practice in an acute care setting, there will still be patients with chronic conditions
and I need to be aware of the bio-psycho-social needs of the patient.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
I have also made a great relationship with the mother of a patient who was on the
unit for over a month. Often, as nurses we are focused so much on the patient that
we can forget about the care that needs to be given to family members as well. I
was assigned to her daughter when she first came to the unit, and stayed with her
during a procedure and ever since then I have always made an effort to check on
her and ask her how she is doing, and of course how her daughter (the patient) is
doing as well.
3 Applies the four ways of I continue to follow best practice guidelines when doing a procedure on a patient.
knowing and This allows me to provide effective care and follow facility specific guidelines.
informational I have also continued to demonstrate therapeutic use of self as I am providing care
technologies to for my patients. At the beginning of the semester, I was extremely task focused.
effectively care for While I still am, I am becoming increasingly comfortable in my skills and am able
diverse, acutely ill to put more of an effort towards being an active listener and providing comfort to
patients. my patients, while still performing the task appropriately. This comes with things
as simple as bed baths, to complicated dressing changes.
One of the ways of knowing that I have demonstrated is the ethical way of
knowing. A patient that I was caring for during a morning shift was stable, but
ended up declining very quickly that evening and eventually coding and passing
away around midnight that night. In the morning, it was to the nurses’ knowledge
that the patient had cancer and it had metastasized to the bone and her condition
was declining. However, she had not had the meeting with the oncologist yet so
she was unaware of this information. She was also having ethical issues with her
sons demanding information that we could not give over the phone. Despite
knowing the degree of her situation, I had to provide care to her knowing this
information that she wasn’t aware of yet. With the help of my primary nurse, we
showered her and put a French braid in her hair. It took self-refection for myself
after learning about her death the next day to cope with the fact that I wasn’t even
sure if she found out she had cancer before she passed.
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
NURSING 3020 Clinical Evaluation
Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment)
1. Therapeutic relationships and good rapport with all staff and patients and families.
3. Certain tasks/skills, such as foley catheter insertion, infusion pump programming (just d/t lack of experience so far)
Clinical Instructor Comments (All areas marked as unsatisfactory must have a comment)