XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn

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A One-Round Dungeons & Dragons® Adventure for 5th-
Level Characters
Gen Con 2005 Version

Design: David Lotempio, Kevin Lawson, Shawn Merwin, William Muench, and Chuck Peacock
Development: Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Playtesters: Alex Harn, Steve Lorenz, Rich Marflak, Craig Nakashian, Chad Valdez, and Sean
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. The Eberron setting
created by Keith Baker. Eberron game design by Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of
Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit

This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.rpga.com.

Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Visit the MARK OF HEROES website at www.rpga.com

big convention, or as simple as a group of friends meeting
Introduction at the DM’s house.
This adventure is optimized for 4th-level characters. This To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
means that it is designed and balanced for a group of four HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions
to five 4th-level characters. If your group deviates from the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in charge
this size and strength, each encounter features a section of making sure the event is sanctioned before play, runs
titled “Scaling the Encounter” so that you, the Dungeon smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then reported back
Master (DM), can create a more balanced encounter. If to the RPGA in a timely manner. The person who runs
there are only four or five PCs of the same level, it is easy the game is called the table DM (or usually just DM).
to use this section: just use the level entry that Sometimes (and almost all the time in the cases of home
corresponds with the PCs’ level (the optimized entry is events) the senior gamemaster is also the table DM. You
given in the main adventure text). For groups of mixed don’t have to be a HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this
levels and groups with six PCs, determine the average adventure if you are not the senior GM.
level of the PCs, and increase that average by one for
groups of six PCs. Treat that level as the group level. That By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
said, as DM you have discretion when it comes to fitting accomplish a few things. First, it allows the PCs
the challenges of the adventure. If the PCs are having too participating in play to accumulate experience points (XP)
hard or too easy of a time, feel free to increase or and gold pieces (gp) to advance their MARK OF HEROES
decrease the level of challenge. The goal is to challenge characters. Second, it allows the RPGA to track and
the PC and entertain the players, not to overwhelm or fail record what character did during the adventure, and
to leave them feelings uninspired by their easy victories. future adventures a written with what the majority of
The most enjoyable D&D games are the ones where player did in mind—in this way characters’ action shape
failure and character death are possible, but success and the future of the campaign. Lastly, player and DMs gain
reward are attainable through daring and smart play. rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members
This adventure has been designed to be part of the of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program.
RPGA DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: CAMPAIGNS— Playing this adventure is worth four (4) points.
MARK OF HEROES program. Like all DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS adventures, it’s This adventure retires from RPGA sanctioned play on
recommended that parties undertaking its challenges have October 1, 2005.
at least one arcane spellcaster, a divine spellcaster To learn more about the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
(preferably a cleric), a strong warrior, and a rogue. Parties CAMPAIGNS: MARK OF HEROES character creation and
missing these valuable adventuring components may find development, RPGA event sanctioning, and DUNGEONS
Fallen of Sharn very challenging, and the percentages of & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit the RPGA website at
character deaths higher. Please warn the players of this www.rpga.com.
before play starts. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
CAMPAIGNS allow players to “take one for the team;”
that is to play a fastplay wizard, fighter, rogue, or cleric in Players Read No Farther
place of one of their characters, and gain experience If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
points and equipment value (gold pieces) for their reading now. The rest of the information in this
character. If the group lacks on of these vital four classes, adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
suggest to your players to take advantage of this option. this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges,
which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond
this point makes you ineligible to do so.
RPGA-Sanctioned Play
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an Preparing for Play
RPGA even from the RPGA website, or as part of the To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS retail program. To the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
play Reflections of the Multiverse as part of the MARK OF Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and the Eberron Campaign
HEROES campaign—a worldwide, ongoing D&D Setting. It is also a good idea to have a copy of the RPGA
campaign set in EBERRON—you must sanction it as part Extend Psionics Handbook Primer, a PDF document that you
of an RPGA event. This event could be as elaborate as a can find on the RPGA website (www.rpga.com) as it is

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 2

possible that some character playing in this adventure will Unfortunately, spies and other organization learned vague
be kalashtar utilizing the psionics rules. details of the project.
The experiences during the Last War left Essa
Throughout this adventure, shaded boxes provide spiritless. She disappeared two months ago without a
player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud trace. Within the last two weeks, her family found a note
when appropriate. Sidebars contain important that saying that she had decided to join “those like her.”
information for you, including special instruction on Martra believes that Essa has descended into the
running the adventure. Information on nonplayer district of Fallen, a place where Sharn traditionally
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated abandons its mentally ill. Within Fallen, Martra has heard
form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs there is an old temple that has been converted to an
and monsters are given in a section directly after each asylum named the Shamballan School—also known as
encounter, or can be found in the Monster Manual. the Shambles. It has gained a guarded reputation for
Attached to this adventure, you’ll find a special RPGA welcoming unhinged Brelish soldiers into its halls for care
Table Tracking sheet tailored for this adventure. If you’re and study since their return from the Last War.
playing this adventure as part of an RPGA-sanctioned Martra wants the PCs to investigate this lead. They are
event, complete and turn in this sheet to your senior GM to retrieve Essa or any further evidence they can find as
directly after play. to her whereabouts. She instructs them to keep this
matter confidential. She implies they should do this as a
favor to her, but Martra is aware that Essa did some
secret work for Breland in the war, and she understands
Adventure Background that Essa’s disappearance has drawn the attention of
The Last War may have left Sharn physically untouched, forces with ill intent.
but its tribulations have left deep emotional scars among Martra is correct in her assumption that Essa
its survivors. It is not uncommon to find veterans journeyed to the Shambles, but few people are aware of
shattered by their experiences among the harems and the situation there. The asylum was secretly operated by
drug houses in Sharn’s seedier districts. A veritable lost clerics of the Fury, who studied and even enhanced the
generation has been conceived in the womb of war—a madness in the asylum inmates, often through cruel
generation swinging back and forth between anger and means. Recently the situation has become much worse.
depression. Foul vermin, led by a puppeteer called Quarquiz have
Few families have been spared the pain, and one infiltrated the asylum. These aberrations seek to use the
person dealing with the consequences of the Last War is Fury’s acolytes and the torment of the veterans for their
Matron Martra of the Diggers’ Union. Martra is a matron own inhuman ends.
of Grea Tower in Wroat and an emissary of the Diggers’ Quarquiz has taken control of the Fury high priest
Union. Normally, she directs her contacts across and marshaled the mental suffering and life forces of the
Khorvaire to recover artifacts to fill the University’s inmates to grow a vasuthant. Quarquiz’s burrowmates
archives and coffers, but recently a grave situation has have sent it as an agent provocateur to expand their influence
forced her to use the Diggers’ Union to retrieve in Sharn. It has allied itself with roach thralls who
something quite personal—her niece Essa. masquerade as the acolytes and masters in exchange for
Martra’s sister married a member of the House fresh host bodies. The Shamballan School has become a
Cannith. She bore three children, and each served in the tumor of horror ready to leak its madness into the
Brelish military during the Last War: only Essa returned defenseless streets of Fallen, and possibly into Sharn as
alive. Essa was a member of an elite Brelish corps of well.
engineers called the Third Company, an organization of
engineers, alchemists and artificers responsible for
developing the Plaguewind. The deadly magics of this
Adventure Summary
project proved impossible for the arcanists of the Third Matron Martra requests the presence of the PCs, and she
Company to control. gives them their mission. PCs are asked to infiltrate an
The Plaguewind escaped and spread through a division asylum in Fallen to find Martra’s missing niece Essa.
of Brelish soldiers like wildfire, blistering their skin and In addition to their main mission, PCs receive short
finally liquefying it. These soldiers lived brief, agonized personal hooks dependent on their affiliation: race,
lives before succumbing to an excruciatingly painful dragonmark house, group, or class archetype. Events
death. No healing could restore them or return them to rarely occur unnoticed in Sharn, and several other groups
life. have heard that the PCs are venturing into Fallen on a
Though word of the Plaguewind horror and the personal mission for Martra. These groups approach the
involvement of the shadowy Third Company was individual PCs for favors or missions.
contained by Breland and the organization disbanded, PCs begin the adventure at the edge of the map in the
their identities became closely guarded secrets. pre-marked squares. This area is in the center of Fallen.
Before reaching the doors of the asylum, they are beset by

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 3

ravers who have been torturing a captured inmate for fun. Thurm – An escaped inmate from the Shambles who
If the PCs can rescue the inmate and calm him, he can is being tortured by ravers as the PCs approach the
confirm in his own incoherent manner that a woman asylum.
matching Essa’s description is inside. He can also give Nura and Thurrannon – Two citizens of Sharn who
some clues about what is happening inside the Shambles. have heard that the masters of the Shambles allow people
As PCs venture into the asylum, they first encounter to enter the asylum and watch the experiments.
roach thralls disguised as acolytes who attempt to trap Mistress Channa– A former follower of the Fury
them in one of the patient wards. PCs who survive the who helped the priests run the asylum. She was infested
battle with the inmates and the roach thralls find with a roach thrall, and now she acts the part of an
confirmation that Essa is somewhere in the asylum, as asylum master while guarding the entrance to the place
well as evidence of her involvement with the Third against invasion by ravers or other forces.
Company. There are two hallways that lead further into Vorj and Ressir – Two former residents of Fallen,
the asylum. Depending on which direction they take, PCs these two were infested with roach thralls. They now act
encounter a variety of trapped rooms that hold details of as keepers of the inmates, as well as assistants to the
Essa’s condition and the puppeteer’s plot. Details puppeteer.
provided along the way also allow PCs to complete their Xantomorkal – A cleric of the Fury who was in
personal hooks. charge of overseeing the treatment of the inmates at the
Both hallways eventually lead to the main chamber in Shamballan School since the end of the Last War. He
which the Fury cleric and his puppeteer master have healed some, tortured others to death, and performed
constructed the vasuthant. PCs may then confront the unspeakable acts in order to better study the madness and
puppeteer and the vasuthant. passion of those who came to the Shambles. He was
Unbeknownst to the PCs, two forces have also growing the vasuthant as a personal pet and guard, but
arrived at the asylum looking for Essa: the King’s Citadel now he is under the domination of the puppeteer
of Breland and the Trust of Zilargo. The King’s Citadel Quarquiz.
has been keeping close watch of the members of the Quarquiz – A puppeteer who has stumbled into a
Third Company to ensure that no details of the Plaguewind great situation. He is using the cleric Xantomorkal to
reach outside forces. Essa’s disappearance has brought grow the vasuthant larger and larger. The puppeteer has
them to this place. Their mission is to capture Essa and little interest in madness and passion, except to feed his
return her to the Brelish capital. If her capture is not pet.
possible, she is to be neutralized with extreme prejudice.
PCs can deal with the King’s Citadel agents in a variety of Troubleshooting the Adventure
ways: combat, diplomacy, hiding, subterfuge, etc. The main challenge of running this adventure is most
The Zilargo Trust had a loose affiliation with the Fury likely the dynamic nature of the encounters with the
clerics, who used the asylum to cull sensitive information King’s Citadel and the Zilargo Trust. Based on the actions
from the minds of veterans. The Trust is aware Essa was of the PCs and they way the encounters play out, the
involved with creating a powerful magical weapon and judge must show flexibility.
want her knowledge. Where the Citadel is willing to talk, There is a chance that the final encounter could
the Trust prefers to kill all witnesses. Assuming the PCs end in a three-way battle between the PCs, the King’s
are leaving the asylum with Essa, the Trust ambushes the Citadel, and the Zilargo Trust over possession of Essa.
PCs and attempts to kidnap Essa and retrieve her Try to challenge the PCs without overwhelming them
knowledge of the Plaguewind. with too many foes at once.
Finally and most importantly, this is a Special
Personalized Hooks Delve event. As such, the event is meant to be very
Each PC can have only one hook. If a PC is eligible for difficult. While you are encouraged to tailor the encounter
more than one hook, the DM has the authority to choose a bit to fit the needs of the party through the tactics of
the appropriate hook. Hooks are detailed in Appendices 1 the combatants, the you must also be willing to let the
and 2. chips fall where they may. If the PCs do perish, make the
deaths memorable.
Cast of Characters
Matron Martra – A matron of the Diggers’ Union.
She hires the PCs to find her niece Essa in Fallen. Prologue: Martra’s Softer Side
Essa – Matron Martra’s niece. Essa was a member of Your summons to the Hall of Messengers was
a secret military unit that created The Plaguewind, a magical typical: a terse and commanding note telling you to
disease that was going to be used against Breland’s meet Martra in the hall for your next mission on
enemies in the Last War. The Plaguewind was accidentally behalf of the Diggers’ Union.
released and killed many Breland soldiers.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 4

What you found when you arrived, along with a tongue in Breland. You will be compensated at the
few of your fellow Diggers’ Union members, was usual rates.
highly unusually. Matron Marta was crying. She tried
to pull herself together quickly, and she asked you all Martra knows that Essa was not a healer in the war, but
to have a seat and wait patiently while she excused instead was involved in something highly secret and
herself. possibly dangerous. A Sense Motive check (DC 18)
reveals that Martra might be hiding something when she
This is an opportunity for the PCs to introduce talks about Essa’s role in the Last War and the reasons
themselves or at least describe their characters to one Martra wants to keep things quiet.
another. If the party is lacking one of the core classes
(cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard), now is the chance for one Interlude: Agendas
of the players to “take one for the team.” After the PCs receive their briefing from Martra, they
After a brief time, Marta returns. She again looks have a few hours to pack their belongings before leaving
more like her old self: composed, cold, severe, and via lightning rail for Sharn. While they do this, some
matter-of-fact. group or individual contacts each PC. These people ask
the PCs to perform some small side mission while in
“Thank you for waiting. I have called you here Sharn. These “personal hooks” can be found in Appendix
because you are somewhat more experienced than 1. The hooks have been created to match the class, race,
many of the other Diggers here, and this mission house affiliation, and other backgrounds of the PC. Make
requires discretion. What I ask you to do now is a every attempt to give each PC a unique hook, but make
personal favor for me.” Martra’s voice begins to sure every PC gets one.
crack a bit. She clears her throat, glares at you all as
if daring you to notice her show of emotion, then
continues. “My sister married a member of House Part 1: How the Mighty Have Fallen
Cannith. Her three children all served Breland (Area A) [EL 6]
proudly in the Last War. The only one to survive was Light: Overcast skies give filtered light through the
her youngest, a daughter named Essa. Essa was a tumbled buildings.
healer in the war, and what she saw during that time Sound: Raised voices shout in anger.
caused her much grief. My sister talked to me often Auras: None
about my niece’s nightmares and hours spent alone Reaction: The ravers become enraged at the party’s
crying. We all knew she was suffering, but—” intrusion on their sport.
Matron Martra stops here and composes herself.
“Essa has been missing for two months. Just two The PCs begin “Part 1” in the squares indicated on the
weeks ago, my sister found a note from Essa that “DM’s Map”, in the lower right-hand corner.
was hidden among Essa’s possessions she left
behind. The note said that Essa was going to search As the PCs approach the asylum through the twisted
out help in the presence of ‘others like her.’ Essa maze of collapsed buildings, they come upon a group of
talked to me of a place in Sharn where some of the humans surrounding a lone man trapped in a cage near
soldiers she served with had gone to have their the Shamballan School. The party witnesses the following
psychic wounds healed. This place was called the scene as they set foot onto the map on the squares
Shamballan School in the district called Fallen. marked for the party starting position.
Priests supposedly run this place. Fallen, if you are
not aware, was once a reputable, if poor, district. The district of Fallen is aptly named. The jumble of
However, a glass tower fell on that district on the 9th broken-down buildings and ramshackle towers
of Olarune in 918 YK. The city never cleaned up the which you wind your way through makes the dingy
devastation caused by the tower, and to this day the adventurer’s quarter of Clifftop appear princely and
area has been called Fallen. To say it is dangerous opulent in comparison. The streets are littered with
and lawless is an understatement. the detritus of the upper levels, as well as
I want you to go to Fallen and find Essa. If she is unrecognizable filth. Already you have seen things in
at the Shamballan School, bring her back to me. If this slum to twist your soul, but as you approach the
you cannot find her, question anyone you can who Shamballan School you come upon a horrific
might know of her whereabouts. I fear the danger of example of the depravities possible in this abysmal
Fallen, combined with Essa’s fragile mental state, place.
may lead to one more terrible loss to my sister. A group of five snarling humanoids—likely the
Please hurry. And please be discrete. I do not want districts dangerous ravers—have surrounded a cage
my family’s business wagging off the end of every left sitting in the middle of the road. The group of
raving lunatics paws at caged unfortunates. As the

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 5

ravers in an attempt to get the most advantageous Thurrannon (non-combatant): Male human
angle to strike a blow, you notice the poor caged aristocrat 2; hp 13; Wis 11. Suggested Miniature – Sharn
person—a lone man dressed in a dirty smock— Cutthroat (ABERRATIONS 20/60).
cannot avoid the assault. He cries pitifully as blow Tactics: The ravers fight to the death, like the
after blow lands on his huddled form. animals that they are. Their madness has made them
fearless, and they continue to fight until they or the PCs
All PCs can make Spot checks (DC 10) to notice a pair of are finished. The raver thugs rage and use their Reckless
individuals observing the torture from hiding. These Rage and Reckless Offense feats immediately, charging
individuals are Nura and Thurrannon, a pair of aristocrats whenever possible. They have no concept of self-
from the Upper Levels who enjoy observing the antics preservation, so their AC does not matter. This means
and misery of the mentally ill. They are cowards and that their ACs can be as low as 1 without much effort.
avoid any combat. See below for more information on The raver swordsman seeks out someone he considers to
Nura and Thurrannon. be a worthy adversary and engages that person. The raver
At this point, the party may decide to intervene. Any wilder begins by targeting obvious warriors with her mind
attempt to parley with the ravers is unsuccessful and blast power, wild surging every time she manifests a
results in an immediate attack upon the party by the power. If she runs out of power points, she attacks with
ravers. Even if the PCs decide not to interfere, they are her longspear.
attacked as they pass the cage, as they must go around Developments: Once the PCs have overcome the
this area to reach the asylum they were sent to investigate. ravers, they can converse with Thurm. He is quite
unnerved by his experience with the ravers and is softly
The band of ravers appear to have forgotten their moaning and rocking frantically in the center of the
current plaything and found another source for there locked cage (very simple lock, DC 20). To get
demented amusement—you! Eyes filled with the information from Thurm, the PCs must first calm him. A
madness of utter depravity and desperation turn successful Diplomacy check (DC 20) brings him to the
toward you. Hooting and howling the ravers point of being able to verbalize certain things. Spells such
advance. as calm emotions or remove fear also put Thurm in the proper
frame of mind to answer questions. No effort by the PCs
Creatures: The occupant of the cage is a patient from the restore Thurm’s sanity or make him truly coherent.
asylum who managed to sneak out. His name is Thurm, • If asked about the Asylum, he replies, “The
and he is a former Brelish warrior who was abandoned in bugs, the bugs. They’re everywhere!” Further
Fallen by his heartless family. The war, and his questioning causes him to say “Sticky,
subsequent treatment, has left deep mental and physical slimy…no good, no good” or “The buzzing
scars. fingers dig into my brain!”
These ravers are but one small group of the roving • If the party asks about Essa or gives a
bands of mentally unbalanced that inhabit Fallen. It is description of her, Thurm says, “Pretty lady. She
next to impossible to deal with them peacefully, so even so nice. Pretty lady. So sad. Miss her already.”
the masters and acolytes of the asylum avoid contact with Any other questions not pertaining to the above
them. The ravers are always hostile, and their crazed state information elicits random babbling.
foils any form of diplomacy. It is possible that the PCs may attempt to interrogate
Raver Thugs (3): hp 15, 15, 15 (21 each when ravers not killed outright in the battle. Any such attempts
raging); see “Combat Statistics” below; Suggested fail: the ravers are even more incoherent than the escaped
Miniature – Carrion Tribe Barbarian (ABERRATIONS patient and know nothing of the happenings inside the
46/60). Shamballan School regardless.
Raver Wilder: hp 23; see “Combat Statistics” If the party chooses to bring Thurm along with them
below. Suggested Miniature – Githzarai (ARCHFIENDS to the asylum, he does not object. If the party wishes to
23/60). deliver Thurm to a third party to be healed of his wounds
Raver Swordsman: hp 40 (48 when raging); see or to care for him, then a passerby can be convinced to
“Combat Statistics” below; Suggested Miniature – fetch Faela, a follower of the Silver Flame who tends to
Barbarian Mercenary (DRAGONEYE 46/60). the only church still active in Fallen—Blackstone Church.
Thurm (non-combatant): Male human warrior She arrives very quickly to take custody of Thurm. If
1; hp 6 (currently at 2 hp). Suggested Miniature – Village pressed, she can provide non-magical healing and up to a
Priest (ANGELFIRE 12/60). single cure light wounds spell (as a second level caster) to a
Nura (non-combatant): Female half-elf worshipper of the Silver Flame. Do not spend a lot of
aristocrat 1; hp 7; Wis 10. Suggested Miniature – Ember time with this situation if the party decides not to take
(HARBINGER 4/80). Thurm with them.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 6

Nura and Thurrannon are well-to-do barrister clerks Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
from Little Barrington within the Tavick’s Landing Melee greatclub +6 melee (1d10+6)
Base Atk +2; Grp +6
district of Sharn. Entering Fallen and viewing the bawdy, Atk Options Reckless Offense, rage 1/day (7 rounds)
depraved antics of the ill has become a fashionable Abilities Str 18, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
activity among so-called polite society. They intended to Feats Reckless Offense, Reckless Rage
visit the Shambles and pay the attendants for the privilege Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +4, Jump +13
of observing inmates through one-way reflective glass. Possessions combat gear plus padded armor, greatclub
When the raver thugs are not raging, the following changes
The ravers prevented them from entering the Shambles apply to the above statistics: AC 11, touch 10, flat-footed 11;
but still offered them a show. Nura and Thurrannon hp 15 (2 HD); Fort +5, Will +0; Melee greatclub +3 (1d10+1);
freely discuss why they came to Fallen but won’t openly Grp +3; Abilities Str 12, Con 13
reveal the one-way glass arrangement within the
Shambles. It’s considered a secret among the privileged. RAVER WILDER CR 3
Female human wilder3 / warrior 1
That said, either money (at least 50 gp) or intimidation CN Medium humanoid (humanoid)
(DC 13 for Nura and 14 for Thurrannon – the DC has a This filthy young woman has a presence that shines through
+2 circumstance bonus due to the secretive nature to the the grime. She clutches a pike in both hands and wears a rusty
information; failure by 5 or more means the subject will chain shirt. Her eyes are wide with a terror that isn’t reflected in
the rest of her mannerisms.
never willingly reveal this information to the PCs) is a
Init +1
good incentive for them to spill the secret. They do know Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
that families occasionally hide their disturbed relations in Languages Common
the Shambles. They also know about the lightning AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 14
treatment and library, but they are not familiar with any hp 23 (4 HD)
traps. They haven’t visited the Shambles since its Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
infestation by the roach thralls and are not aware of them. Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee longspear +5 melee (1d8+3/×3)
If any PC has the Hook: Seek the Psychic Well, they may Base Atk +3; Grp +5
be able to complete at least part of it by figuring out that Atk Options Psionic Weapon
the raver wilder is just that: a wilder. You should not Special Actions wild surge +2
provide this information unless they figure it out Psionic Powers Known (ML 3; PP 15)
themselves. A
1st – mind thrust (DC 14), vigor

Treasure: Each raver has one vial of acid that they do Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
not use during the combat, and the raver swordsman and SQ elude touch, psychic enervation
raver wilder each also have 2 flasks of alchemist’s fire. Feats Combat Reflexes, Psionic Weapon, Iron Will
They were hoping to use the substances on the inmate. Skills Autohypnosis +5, Bluff +9, Concentration +8, Intimidate
+10, Tumble +7
They do not consider the idea of using them against the Possessions combat gear plus longspear, chain shirt
PCs. Wild Surge (Su): When she chooses to invoke a wild surge
when manifesting a power, she gains +2 to her manifester
Scaling the Encounter level with that manifestation of the power. Can augment
6th-level characters (EL 7): There are 3 elite raver her power more than she otherwise could and pays no
extra power points for this wild surge. Level-dependent
thugs (hp 24, 24, 24; 33 each when raging) instead of 3
power effects are also improved. Only the unaugmented
taver thugs; see “Combat Statistics”, below. power point cost is subtracted from the wilder’s power
7th-level characters (EL 8): There are 3 elite raver point reserve.
thugs (hp 24, 24, 24; 33 each when raging), an elite raver Elude Touch (Ex): She gains a bonus to Armor Class against
wilder (hp 33), and an elite raver swordsman (hp 50; 60 all touch attacks equal to her Charisma bonus; however,
her touch AC can never exceed her Armor Class against
when raging); see “Combat Statistics”, below. normal attacks.
Psychic Enervation (Ex): Immediately following each wild
Combat Statistics surge, there is a 5% per manifester level chance of being
RAVER THUG (RAGING) (3) CR 1 dazed until the end of her next turn and losing a number
Male human warrior 1/barbarian 1 of power points equal to her wilder level.
CN Medium humanoid (human)
This degenerate wears the tattered remains of a Brelish military RAVER SWORDSMAN (RAGING) CR 4
uniform and carries a great club studded with glass and nails Male half-elf barbarian 2 / fighter 2
across one shoulder. Bloody streaks line his arms where he NE Medium humanoid (elf)
has cut himself on his own weapon, although he doesn’t seem This half-elf wears a breastplate covered in grime and dried
to have noticed. blood that seems to be engraved with equine designs. He
Init +0; caresses a finely made falchion with a streamer of horsehair
Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 that trails from the pommel that looks very out of place in his
Languages Common hands.
AC 7, touch 6, flat-footed 7 Init +1;
hp 21 (2 HD) Senses Low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +2
Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +2 Languages Common, Elven
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 7

hp 48 (4 HD) Possessions combat gear plus longspear, chain shirt
Immune sleep spells and effects Wild Surge (Su): When she chooses to invoke a wild surge
Resist +2 against enchantment spells and effects when manifesting a power, she gains +2 to her manifester
Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +3 level with that manifestation of the power. Can augment
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) her power more than she otherwise could and pays no
Melee masterwork falchion +11 melee (2d4+7/18-20) extra power points for this wild surge. Level-dependent
Base Atk +4; Grp +9 power effects are also improved. Only the unaugmented
Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, rage 1/day (7 rounds) power point cost is subtracted from the wilder’s power
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 point reserve.
SQ fast movement, uncanny dodge Surging Euphoria (Ex): When she uses her wild surge ability,
Feats Cleave, Power Attack , Raging Luck, Weapon Focus she gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage
(falchion) rolls, and saving throws for 2 rounds. She does not get
Skills Intimidate +6, Listen+7, Ride +7 this ability if overcome by psychic enervation.
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork falchion, Elude Touch (Ex): She gains a bonus to Armor Class against
breastplate, alchemist’s fire (2), flask of acid (2) all touch attacks equal to her Charisma bonus; however,
When the Raver swordsman is not raging, the following her touch AC can never exceed her Armor Class against
changes apply to the above statistics: AC 16, touch 11, flat- normal attacks.
footed 16; hp 40 (4 HD); Fort +8, Will +1; Melee masterwork Psychic Enervation (Ex): Immediately following each wild
falchion +9 (2d4+4/18-20); Grp +7; Abilities Str 16, Con 14 surge, there is a 10% per manifester level chance of being
dazed until the end of her next turn and losing a number
ELITE RAVER THUG (RAGING) (3) CR 2 of power points equal to her wilder level.
Male human warrior 1 / barbarian 2
CN Medium humanoid (human) ELITE RAVER SWORDSMAN (RAGING) CR 5
Init +0; Male half-elf barbarian 3 / fighter 2
Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 NE Medium humanoid (elf)
Languages Common Init +1;
AC 7, touch 6, flat-footed 7 Senses Low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +2
hp 33 (3 HD) Languages Common, Elven
Fort +9, Ref +0, Will +2 AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) hp 60 (5 HD)
Melee greatclub +7 melee (1d10+6) Immune sleep spells and effects
Base Atk +3; Grp +7 Resist +2 against enchantment spells and effects
Atk Options Reckless Offense, rage 1/day (7 rounds) Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +4
Abilities Str 18, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8 Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
SQ fast movement, illiteracy Melee masterwork falchion +12 melee (2d4+8/18-20)
Feats Reckless Offense, Reckless Rage Base Atk +5; Grp +10
Skills Climb +7, Intimidate +4, Jump +14 Atk Options Cleave, Power Attack, rage 1/day (7 rounds)
Possessions combat gear plus padded armor, greatclub Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
When the Elite Raver Thugs are not raging, the following SQ fast movement, uncanny dodge
changes apply to the above statistics: AC 11, touch 10, flat- Feats Cleave, Power Attack , Raging Luck, Weapon Focus
footed 11; hp 24 (3 HD); Fort +6, Will +0; Melee greatclub +4 (falchion)
(1d10+1); Grp +4; Abilities Str 12, Con 13 Skills Intimidate +7, Listen+7, Ride +8
Possessions combat gear plus +1 falchion, breastplate
ELITE RAVER WILDER CR 5 When the Elite Raver Swordsman is not raging, the
Female human wilder 5 / warrior 1 following changes apply to the above statistics: AC 16, touch
CN Medium humanoid (human) 11, flat-footed 16; hp 50 (4 HD); Fort +8, Will +2; Melee
Init +1; masterwork falchion +10 (2d4+5/18-20); Grp +8; Abilities Str
Senses Listen -1, Spot -1 16, Con 14
Languages Common
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 14
hp 33 (6 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
Part 2: The Shamballan School
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) 1. Entry (EL 6)
Melee longspear +6 melee (1d8+3/×3) After the party leaves the raver encounter, they can
Base Atk +4; Grp +6 approach the Shamballan School. Once a temple to Fury,
Atk Options Psionic Weapon
Special Actions wild surge +2
when the Glass Tower crashed, a large piece decimated
Psionic Powers Known (ML 5; PP 35) the complex. Recent attempts to rebuild the structure
resulted in a bizarre amalgam of salvaged stone and glass
from the wreckage.
2nd – id insinuation (DC 15)
This place is the school’s entrance, guarded by the
1st – mind thrust (DC 14), psionic charm (DC 14), vigor
A oddly inviting and bureaucratic Mistress Channa. Once
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16 the entrance’s real mistress, Channa’s recently been
SQ elude touch, psychic enervation, surging euphoria replaced by a roach thrall.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Psionic Weapon, Iron Will Light: Outside, refer to Part 1. Several lanterns light
Skills Autohypnosis +5, Bluff +9, Concentration +8, Intimidate
+10, Tumble +7
the inside of the building.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 8

Sound: The sound of rustling papers and the is certainly true for the roach thrall). Vorj refuses to
scribbling of notes as Mistress Channa works at the front accompany the PCs when they leave Fallen. Malkfar was
desk. taken over by a roach thrall and is now unrecoverable. He
Auras: Faint evil (Mistress Channa) does wear a ring that proves his identity as Malkfar, and
Reaction: Channa’s demeanor is inscrutable, this ring is enough to offer proof to his family of his
although she may be more animated if the party is demise.
returning Thurm to the asylum. If the PCs confront her The alcolytes take Thurm to Room 3a and then return
with evidence of the goings-on here, she drops the ruse to Room 2. The nurse then continues her conversation
and attacks, shedding her skin and calling the nearby with the party.
acolytes to assist her.
“The Shamballan School is most grateful for
At one time, this building must have been a assistance in helping retrieve one of our poor
magnificent house of worship when Fallen was still unbalanced souls. If we can be of any help to you as
known as Godsgate. Neglect and disaster have left a token of our gratitude, you have but to ask.”
their mark, and all that is left is a twisted wreck. The
whole building looks as if it has been hobbled Should the party enter the building without Thurm in
together with chucks of smashed rock and huge tow, continue with the following text instead:
shards of glass. On the lintel above the door a
crudely written sign proclaims the current name of The woman barely looks up at you as she intones,
this complex: “THE SHAMBALLAN SCHOOL”. “Welcome to the Shamballan School. Fill out these
The door is currently open. forms in triplicate for each person to be committed.”
She drops a ream of forms onto the counter.
Upon entering the structure, the PCs’ greeting depends
on whether Thurm is accompanying them. In both cases Mistress Channa: Roach Thrall Rog6; hp 66, see
read the following: “Combat Statistics”, below; Suggested Miniature – Drow
Wizard (DRAGONEYE 50/50)
Inside the building a spinsterish-looking woman Developments: Regardless of whether the PCs
with a pinched face rises from behind a desk facing return Thurm or not, the roach thrall is more than willing
the door. She is wearing a faded white doublet with to allow the PC to venture further into the asylum, liking
matching white hose. A threadbare shawl is pulled nothing more than to have new bodies to inhabit or to
around her shoulders. Her gray hair is pulled back in give their partner in crime a group of skilled adventures
a bun. The room must have been, at one time, a to exploit.
vestibule for the temple. Now it looks like a mockery If the PCs brings up the question about whether Essa
of a scriber’s office, but better fit for vermin than civil is residing here or provide a description of Essa if they do
society. A deep, unhealthy moaning undulates not wish to name her outright, the roach thrall politely
through the air from the corridors heading to the informs them woman fitting that description or name is
north and east. currently receiving treatment in this facility, and she
offers a visit with her.
If Thurm is among the PCs continue with the following: Mistress Channa and the acolytes are willing to
provide information about the types of procedures
“Ah, the wayward child has returned,” she says in a developed at the Shambles.
high-pitched, cracking voice. “I cannot thank you
enough for returning our lost little lamb. We were “Surgical removal of cranial nodes, lightning
about to send out acolytes to find poor Thurm, and stimulation, cathartic painting, alchemical
we feared that the unsavory elements of this quarter regression… few dare to use our techniques but then
may have already harmed him.” few know as much as we do about how madness is
entwined with passion. We try to encourage both
At this point, the Channa calls out through a doorway traits in our patients and not suppress it. Only by
behind her, and two alcolytes (Vorj and Ressir) in white unleashing our obsessions can we unravel our own
but dirty tunics come to collect Thurm. PCs with Hook: secrets.”
Finding Malkfar of House Deneith can make a Spot check
(DC 10) to identify Vorj as the missing member of House PCs may find a variety of information if they have the
Deneith. If questioned, Vorj suggests the PCs have opportunity to search the room. Anyone who makes a
mistaken him for someone else using his Bluff skill (+15; Search check (DC 15) on the desk finds papers related to
+19 for 5th- and 6th-level characters). Vorj does not patients. The papers indicate the date of intake, the
make up an elaborate story. He simply claims that he’s inmate’s initials, sex, race, nationality, and possible illness.
never lived or worked outside of Fallen in his life (which Several inmate papers are stamped as cured and released,

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 9

but none within the last month. Essa’s intake papers can Init +9
be found among the papers, and they confirm she entered Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +13
Languages Common
the asylum two months ago. If the searching PC has
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 21; uncanny dodge
Hook: Finding Artificer Hurn Lond Phoroeth they find his hp 66 (9 HD)
intake as well. PCs who search the general room (DC 15) Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +6; evasion
find the faint image of a half-elven woman on the wall. A Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect)
Knowledge (religion) check DC 20 indicates the image is Melee 2 or 4 claws +11 melee (1d6+1)
associated with the Fury, one of the Dark Six gods. A Base Atk +6; Grp +7
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, sneak attack
Knowledge (religion) check (DC 15) indicates the Fury is +3d6
a neutral evil goddess associated with passion and Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
madness. SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs, trapfinding, trap sense +2
If the PCs are open in their intention to abscond with Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative ,

Essa, Channa politely but firmly informs them that Essa’s Improved Natural Attack (claw), Weapon Finesse
Skills Balance +7, Bluff +12*, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +12*
mental state precludes release. She also informs them that (+14* acting), Escape Artist +17, Jump +3 (+7 as insect),
the Essa south the school’s aid of her own free will, and Sense Motive +13, Spot +13, Tumble +17, Use Rope +5
the paperwork can be displayed to prove it. (+7 with bindings).
The roach thrall has no intention of starting a fight at *While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
this time, but will do so to protect the school, her
when attempting to pass itself off as its human host.
master’s plans or if she thinks that the PCs can’t be Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall
dissuaded from taking Essa. can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body
If the PCs do not dispatch Channa, the PCs discover has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the
on their way out of the building that the Citadel agents roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
killed her on their way in. As the party leaves, read this emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action.
brief description: Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach
thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the
Lying behind the desk is the carcass of a multi- gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate;
legged, insectoid creature that has been torn apart. the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not
once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall
Lying next to the bug is the fleshy shell that was has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack.
once Mistress Channa, piled in a disjointed heap. Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two
limbs to attack.
Additionally, the Zilargo spies have placed an alarm
spell inside the reception area to alert them to the return MISTRESS CHANNA CR 7
Roach thrall rogue 7
of the PCs or the Citadel Agents. It has been set to alert NE Medium aberration
the gnome diplomat mentally. Init +9;
Tactics: The roach thrall leader fully intends to keep Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +14
up her ruse and does not attack the PCs unless absolutely Languages Common
necessary. If combat is unavoidable, however, she fights AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 21; uncanny dodge
to the death and also calls the other two roach thralls hp 73 (10 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +6; evasion
from Area 2 to join her, if available, in an attempt to Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect)
dispatch the party as quickly as possible. If she does call Melee 2 or 4 claws +12 melee (1d6+1)
for the acolytes, it takes them 3 full rounds to arrive from Base Atk +7; Grp +8
their posts. Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, sneak attack
Scaling the Encounter Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs, trapfinding, trap sense +2
6th-level Characters (EL 7): Mistress Channa is a Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative ,

Roach Thrall Rog7; hp 73, see “Combat Statistics”, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Weapon Finesse
below. Skills Balance +7, Bluff +13*, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +13*
7th-level Characters (EL 9): Mistress Channa is a (+15* acting), Escape Artist +18, Jump +6 (+10 as insect),
Sense Motive +14, Spot +14, Tumble +18, Use Rope +5
Roach Thrall Rog9; hp 87, see “Combat Statistics” below. (+7 with bindings).
*While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
Combat Statistics racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
MISTRESS CHANNA CR 6 when attempting to pass itself off as its human host.
Roach thrall rogue Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall
NE Medium aberration can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body
This elderly woman is dressed in a white doublet and has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the
hose, and wears a threadbare shawl around her shoulder. Her roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
pinched face and bun of gray hair gives the impression of a emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
stern but kindly aunt. voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 10

Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach food, and junk cover the floor. It smells ripe, like
thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the garbage sitting for days.
gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate;
the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not
once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall Creatures: Ressir and Vorj are both roach thralls. They
has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack. inhabit the Shamballan School to implant eggs into a
Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two steady stream of unfortunate victims.
limbs to attack.
Ressir: hp 16; see “Combat Statistics” below;
MISTRESS CHANNA CR 9 Suggested Miniature – City Guard (GIANTS OF LEGEND
Roach thrall rogue 9 23/72)
NE Medium aberration Vorj: hp 16; see “Combat Statistics” below; Suggested
Init +9; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +16 Miniature – Undying Soldier (DEATHKNELL 23/72)
Languages Common Tactics: Ressir and Vorj keep up their ruse and
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 21; uncanny dodge, improved
uncanny dodge
remain in their host bodies until it is obvious the PCs
hp 87 (12 HD) know their or suspect their true nature, or the PCs
Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +7; evasion threaten their plans within the school. Then they shed
Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect) their host bodies quickly except in those situations noted
Melee 2 or 4 claws +14 melee (1d6+1) otherwise.
Base Atk +8; Grp +9
Developments: Ressir and Vorj are awaiting the PCs
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, sneak attack
+5d6 here unless they joined any combat started in in area 1.
Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10 Before they’re sussed, the pair is respectful and even
SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs, trapfinding, trap sense +3 pleasant toward the PCs, agreeing to escort the PCs to
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative , Essa, and even leading them to area 3a.
Improved Natural Attack (claw), Weapon Finesse, It’s a ruse. One female inmate there is always huddled
Weapon Focus (claw)
Skills Balance +7, Bluff +15*, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +15* in the corner, face hidden. The disguised thralls lead the
(+17* acting), Escape Artist +20, Jump +12 (+14 as PCs there, lock the door, and incite inmate attacks.
insect), Sense Motive +16, Spot +16, Tumble +22, Use If asked about the filth, Vorj meekly mumbles
Rope +5 (+7 with bindings). something about the Shambles being understaffed. The
*While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
reality is this filth is exactly how roach thralls like it. A
when attempting to pass itself off as its human host. DC 28 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check realizes this.
Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall PCs who pass through or look around the room are
can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body also allowed a Knowledge (arcana), bardic knowledge
has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the check, or—if they are members of House Sivis—an
roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
Intelligence check (DC 20) to notice one of the smashed
emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action. tables is actually a broken section of a House Sivis
Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach speaking stone housing. This is confirmation to anyone
thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the with the Hook: Sivis Speaking Stone that they are moving in
gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate; the right direction.
the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not
once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall If asked, Vorj recalls that the head acolyte was
has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack. examining the stone in the library.
Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two If the PCs somehow bypass area 1 without being
limbs to attack. detected, they find Ressir and Vorj relaxing around the
table. If undetected by this pair, the PCs eavesdrop, they
2. Strange Acolytes (EL 4) hear talking about the patients of the asylum, but only
To reach the inner wards, the PCs must pass by the speak in general terms, and do not discus Essa.
acolytes’ station room. This room, and every room that shares a wall with the
Light: Lanterns dimly light the room. secret passage within the walls (area 10) is made of
Sound: None. alternating slabs of stone and reflective glass. The glass
Auras: Faint evil (Ressir and Vorj, the roach thrall acts as a one-way mirror, so anyone in the secret passage
acolytes). can see into the rooms of the asylum that share a wall
Reaction: Ressir and Vorj are glad to escort the PCs with the secret passage.
to the inner wards if asked. PCs with the Hook: Finding Malkfar of House Deneith
who make a search check DC 20 find the personal papers
While the Fallen Quarter is known for being a of Malkfar among the trash. They include a small pencil
jumbled mess, this is extreme. If it weren’t for the picture of his visage.
furniture scattered about the room, you’d suspect the Treasure: PCs who search the room find a box with
room was a trash heap. Piles of garbage, leftover one component of covadish leaves (Eberron Campaign
Setting page 91: “The covadish plant grows on the island

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 11

of Aerenal, where it is highly valued by the elves for its Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 7
necromantic properties. When used as a component in a SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs
Feats Alertness, Deceptive, Improved Initiative , Improved
necromancy spell, covadish leaves have a 30% chance of Natural Attack (claw).
increasing the effective caster level by 2.”). A note in the Skills Bluff +9*, Climb +4, Disguise +9*, Jump +4, Listen +10,
box indicates the Shamballan School recently purchased it Sense Motive +5, Spot +10, Swim +4.
for “medicinal purposes.” *While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
when attempting to pass itself off as its human host.
Scaling the Encounter Possessions ring of keys to open Rooms 3a & 3b
6th-level characters (EL 5): 7-HD roach thrall (2) Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall
(hp 38, 38); see “Combat Statistics”, below. can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body
7th-level characters (EL 6): Elite 7-HD roach thrall has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the
(2) (hp 45, 45); see “Combat Statistics”, below. roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action.
Combat Statistics Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach
ROACH THRALL CR 2 thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the
NE Medium aberration gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate;
What seemed a normal human now sheds its human flesh the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not
like a soiled garment, and a massive cockroach emerges from once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall
the husk. It has six limbs topped with sharp-looking claws, has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack.
whiplike antennae, and a thick carapace of mulky white color. It Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two
continues standing upright while waving four limbs menacingly. limbs to attack.
Init +6;
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +6, Spot +6 ELITE 7-HD ROACH THRALL CR 4
Languages Common NE Medium aberration
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 Init +8;
hp 16 (3 HD) Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +10, Spot +10
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 Languages Common
Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect) AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16
Melee 2 or 4 claws +2 melee (1d4) hp 45 (7 HD)
Base Atk +2; Grp +2 Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 7 Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect)
SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs Melee 2 or 4 claws +8 melee (1d6+3)
Feats Alertness, Deceptive, Improved Initiative .
B Base Atk +5; Grp +6
Skills Bluff +5*, Climb +4, Disguise +5*, Jump +4, Listen +6, Abilities Str 16, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6
Sense Motive +5, Spot +6, Swim +4. SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs
*While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10 Feats Alertness, Deceptive, Improved Initiative , Improved
racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks Natural Attack (claw).
when attempting to pass itself off as its human host. Skills Bluff +9*, Climb +4, Disguise +9*, Jump +4, Listen +11,
Possessions ring of keys to open Rooms 3a & 3b Spot +11, Swim +4.
Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall *While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the when attempting to pass itself off as its human host.
roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action Possessions ring of keys to open Rooms 3a & 3b
emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall
voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action. can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body
Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the
thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate; emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action.
once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach
has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack. thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the
Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate;
limbs to attack. the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not
once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall
7-HD ROACH THRALL CR 3 has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack.
NE Medium aberration Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two
Init +6; limbs to attack.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +10, Spot +10
Languages Common
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 3a and 3b. Rooms Beyond Madness (EL 3)
hp 38 (7 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
Their search has brought the PCs to some of the inner
Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect)
Melee 2 or 4 claws +6 melee (1d6+1) Light: Lanterns light the hallways. Everburning torches
Base Atk +5; Grp +6 fastened to the walls light the patient wards.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 12

Sound: The incessant babbling of many voices huddled form in the southeast corner, saying they believe
holding conversations that seems to make no sense that is Essa. It is not, and a PC standing in a square
whatsoever. adjacent to it can make a Spot check (DC 8) to see the
Auras: Faint good (the patients) face is not Essa’s. If any PCs remain in the hallway, the
Reaction: The patients of the ward take little notice thralls recommend they enter the room to limit patient
of the characters until given direction by the alcolytes. escape. If any PCs insist on staying in the hall, the thralls
The roach thrall alcolytes simply want to get the party don’t press the issue. They are willing to lock a few PCs
into the room in order to spring the ambush. in and leave a few PC outside to divide and attack.
Once the PCs are in the place, the thralls shut and
These two rooms serve different functions. Room 3a is lock the door. Roll separate initiative for each thrall.
where the patients are kept while they are awake and Locking the door is a standard action that provokes
where they are served their meals. Room 3b is the attacks of opportunity. During the first round one of the
patients’ sleeping quarters and also where what few thralls yells to the patients:
possessions they own are kept. Inmate possessions are
kept in lockboxes bolted to the floor in Room 3b, next “No lightning treatment for a month if you kill the
the beds that are similarly bolted to the floor. intruders!”
If accompanied by the acolytes, he PCs are
brought directly to Room 3a. This room has a strong, This brings the patients into initiative during the second
wooden door at the entrance. The door is locked from round. Any PC inquires as to whether these patients seem
the outside. sinister and truly evil, allow a Sense Motive check (DC
Locked Wooden Door: 2 inches thick; hardness 5, 15). A successful suggests their attack is only to please the
hp 20; Break DC 25; Average lock (open lock DC 25). acolytes.
The acolytes have the keys and unlock the door to
allow the PCs to gain access to the patients. Regardless of their position, in the second round of
initiative the thralls shed their host bodies. This is a full-
The rank odor of unwashed bodies and stale, fetid round action. Describe this event as follows:
air assails your senses. The ward is occupied by a
group of men and women wearing simple smocks The bodies of the acolytes begin to tremble and
that have seen better days. Several of the patients shudder. With a sickening tearing sound, their
mill around the room in animated conversations with bodies split apart as a grotesque insect creature
themselves while the others simply sit or stand in emerges from the ruined shell of flesh.
blank contemplation of the walls or the floor. One
inmate greedily licks liquid from a thin channel cut Once the thralls are defeated, the PCs have the
into the floor. Another barks orders to a pile of opportunity to question the patients, assuming that they
roaches, “I said follow my orders, soldier!” The have left any alive. A successful Diplomacy check (DC
deluded commander hobbles the roaches that break 15) convinces any of the patients to talk. The PCs receive
form as their disciplinary penalty. One smaller form a +4 circumstance bonus to the check if the patients
huddles in the corner with its face buried in its know the PCs have defeated the roach thralls. The
hands. It seems these once proud soldiers of Breland patients provide the following information:
have been stripped of everything but their lives. • Essa was part of their group, but she was
recently taken to another section of the asylum
Creature: These patients are mostly warriors of Breland and not seen since. None of the patients can
who ended up here for one reason or another after the give an exact time frame as to when she was
war. Each has some kind of mental illness and they all taken.
have some difficulty communicating due to their current • Essa regularly spoke of her “crimes against
disabilities. good” and she was very sorry for those crimes.
Last War Veterans (6): hp 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9; see Essa was never specific about what she’d done
“Combat Statistics” below; Suggested Miniatures – a Mix other than to say she “helped bring a horror into
of Men at Arms (ABERRATIONS 28/60) Sages existence.”
(ARCHFIENDS 24/60) and Village Clerics (ANGELFIRE • Essa regularly wrote in a journal, and kept it in
12/20) her locker. As far as the patients know the
Tactics: While the patients are unarmed, they are all journal is still in her lockbox in the sleeping
warriors of the recent war and use intelligent tactics quarters (area 3b).
despite their mental illness, such as flanking, disarming,
• If asked about the rest of the asylum, they speak
grappling, aiding another, and so on.
of “therapy” rooms deeper in the complex. If
Developments: The roach thralls allow the PCs enter
the PCs ask for specifics, the patients start
the room and converse with patients. They point at the
babbling “bad place, bad place” over and over

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 13

again and refuse to speak further of them. A Abilities Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Sense Motive check (DC 20) reveals that they Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (various)
Skills Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Jump +5
are traumatized by their experiences in these
4. Isolation Chambers (Room 4)
If the PCs indicate to the patients that they intend to go
A series of five slim wood doors flank the south side
further into the asylum, the patients flatly refuse to
of this passage. Each of the doors has a small shutter
follow. The patients inform the party that they plan to
at its base. A dried, rusty brown pool has slipped
barricade themselves in the patient ward and await the
from beneath the shutter of the middle cell. A wall
PCs’ return to be lead out of the asylum.
rack on the north wall holds a set of manacles and a
If the party is somehow able to reach the patients and
harness made of leather and rope. Old, bloody
have bypassed the roach thralls, provide the information
handprints smear the wall forming savage
above if the PCs are successful with their Diplomacy
hieroglyphs of abuse.
A low bench runs along the wall and you notice
If the party investigates area 3b:
a rat perched at the edge farthest from you. He
casually jumps off it and into a chamber pot. Lusty
A wooden door stands open at the entrance to this chewing noises begin to emanate from within.
section of the patient ward. Inside the room are a
dozen simple beds, most broken. Several rodents Light: No light in the cells, which become pitch
nest on the mattresses that layer the floor. A moldy black when the door is closed.
blanket hangs from the ceiling in a feeble attempt at Sound: None.
privacy. A dozen, plain wooden boxes sit bolted to Aura: Faint illusion magic radiates from the
floor in the room. westernmost cell.
Reaction: PCs who force open the cell doors release
In one of the wooden boxes is a black, leather bound
poison gas.
journal. Give the players Handout 1: Essa’s Journal once
their characters discover the journal.
The Fury acolytes used these cells for solitary
As with the other rooms that share a wall with the
confinement of the inmates. Instead of viewing it as
Secret Passage (Room 10), the walls here are made of
punishment, the acolytes considered it a form of ascetic
stone combined with pieces of reflective glass. This is a
therapy, whereby the patient has the opportunity to focus
one-way mirror that allows people in the Secret Passage
entirely upon their psychosis without distractions. They
to see into the other rooms of the asylum.
encouraged inmates to express their passions on the walls
with wax crayons and paint, which are provided with their
Scaling the Encounter
food. The acolytes cast light spells to provide temporary
6th-level characters (EL 4): There are 9 Last War
illumination. The manacles and chains are standard types
Veterans (hp 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9) instead; see “Combat
and their keys are also located on the wall. The chamber
Statistics”, below.
pot contains dried offal.
7th-level characters (EL 5): There are 9 Last War
The cells are currently being used to house the people
Veterans (hp 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13) instead; see
who are being used to feed the vasuthant. The puppeteer
“Combat Statistics” below. Each one at this tier has a +2
doesn’t want to risk his skilled laborers becoming injured
morale bonus to attack rolls that is not included in the
by the general populace and has separated them. All of
statistics below.
the remaining inmates are currently in Room 9 building
the vasuthant. The cells are trapped to release poison gas
Combat Statistics if the doors are opened incorrectly. The central cell
LAST WAR VETERAN CR ½ contains the dead body of Hurn Lond.
Male and female human warrior 1
N Medium humanoid (human) The cell doors are only about 2 feet wide and slide
These disheveled men and women wear nothing but simple into the adjacent 3-foot wall on its left. The walls are
smocks and alternately ramble to themselves and sit padded to reduce noise. The doors have locks. The Fury
despondently on the floor. acolyte in Room 9 has the key.
Init +0; Good Wooden Doors: hardness 5; hp 15, Break DC
Senses Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common 18, Open Lock DC 30.
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Trap: Each of the doors is trapped with a paralyzing
hp varies (1 HD) gas to keep unauthorized people form entering or leaving.
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1 Tear Gas Trap: CR 3; mechanical; manual reset;
Speed 30 ft. inhaled gas, multiple targets (all targets adjacent to the
Melee unarmed strike +1 melee (1d3+1 nonlethal) trapped door); never miss, giant wasp poison (variant);
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
DC 15 Fortitude save resists, initial 1d4 Dex/Paralysis,

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 14

secondary 1d4 Dex; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC An Intelligence check (DC 5) notices that the artificer
20. Each door has its own separate trap. A sample area of was trying to scratch the sigils from the wall. A Spellcraft
effect is noted on the DM’s Map, using the right-most check (DC 17) can tell that the sigils are a necromantic
cell as an example. formula of creation. It is incomplete and the scratches
have ruined key passages. A search of his body
Cell a (Easternmost): Ip’Sacco’s Cell immediately finds an arcane signet ring, which PCs can
Light reveals floor-to-ceiling murals on all walls of use to complete the Hook: Finding Artificer Hurn Lond
the cell. The figures are abstract but their faces Phoroeth.
reflect the most perfect expression of horror that you
have ever seen—horses, temples, and farms are Cell d: Essa’s Cell
ravaged by a menagerie of weapons and spells. It This cell is a mess. Arcane sigils are scribed on the
reminds you of carnage you’ve seen or heard of walls, sheets and mattress in grease ink. The script is
during the Last War. graceful but incoherent, as if the occupant were half-
heartedly playing with the sigils.
The room contains a mattress, blanket and worn pastel
sticks. Ip’Sacco was a Cyran wizard with no country and This cell has been Essa’s lodgings since the puppeteer
no home. He was traveling on the edge of Cyre on the separated her from the regular population. A Spellcraft
Day of Mourning, and he wandered out of the dead-gray check (DC 15) can identify the sigils are necromantic in
mists five days later with his mind unhinged. As Cyran nature, but they are a jumble of conflicting runes and
refugees migrated around Breland, one group settled in scrawlings. Many are nonsensical. The puppeteer has
Lower Tavick’s Landing in Sharn. This group cared for been driving Essa to remember the Plaguewind formula but
Ip’Sacco and other infirm soldiers for many years but her fragmented memory is confused and she quickly loses
hard times forced hard decisions; they abandoned interest in it.
Ip’Sacco in Fallen two months ago. Ip’Sacco uses
drawings to convey his true feelings, since he has Cell e (Westernmost): Alid of Aundair
difficulty articulating his desires. These drawings The interior of this cell is incongruous with the
frequently focus on the inhumanity of war and the desire others: a skylight is set in the ceiling, a small four-
for peace. The puppeteer’s abuse has pushed him further poster bed is set up here in a pleasant 5-foot-wide
into his mania. and 5-foot-deep alcove, along with a comfortable
reading chair. Somehow this cell is bigger on the
Cell b: Empty Cell inside than the outside.

Cell c: Dead Artificer Alid is a highly skilled and creative magewright from
A dried pool extends from inside this cell. The smell Aundair. He has lived in the asylum since the end of the
of effluent and death also escape as you open the Last War. He’s quite mad but his lunacy has been
door. Toward the back, you can see a figure whose channeled into productive pursuits. The chair, skylights
head and limbs relax in deep torpidity. It is short in and bed are realistic illusory paintings given more depth
stature. Arcane sigils are written on the walls but by magical pigments crafted by Alid (based upon silent
they are covered by bloody handprints. image spell). PCs who fail a Will save DC 14 takes 1d4
points of nonlethal damage from the wall if they attempt
This is the body of the dwarven artificer Hurn Lond to walk into the alcoves. The puppeteer has removed
Phoroeth. He was the original host of the puppeteer. Alid’s access to the ingredients necessary to making the
Hurn Lond worked extensively with the Karrnath during pigments, which Alid thinks is a beastly, uncivilized thing
the Last War, where he learned some of their secret to do.
codes. He began work with House Kundarak after the If the PCs rest after their encounter in Room 9 then
war. He came to Fallen searching for the House Sivis the King’s Citadel has been through this room. Read the
speaking stone, which is rumored to hold the encrypted following description.
location of stolen Karrnathi gold. During his quest he
encountered the puppeteer Quarquiz. Hurn Lond fought All of the isolation chambers have been smashed
against the dominance of the tiny aberration but the open. A foul odor of chemicals and fire assaults the
mental battle pushed him into schizophrenia. Hurn Lond air. Each of the cells has been sanitized by the King’s
eventually came to the asylum for assistance. Instead of Citadel. Walls that once held graffiti now only hint at
aid, he found only death. A Heal check (DC 10) reveals strange secrets.
that Hurn Lond perished by smashing his head against
the wall. He preferred this to further dealings with the The King’s Citadel has eliminated all secrets in this room
Fury cleric and the vasuthant. with acid and fire. They disabled the gas traps, which are
now inactive.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 15

as convenient body-disposal units. The swarm is immune
5. Library (EL 7) to the glue, as are the roach thralls, although their human
This 15-foot by 20-foot room is a library. Shelves line host bodies are susceptible.
the western wall haphazardly holding books, papers Rancid Roach Swarm: hp 55; see “Combat
and strange tools. You see magnifying lens, metal Statistics” below; Suggested miniature – Ochre Jelly
mesh crowns with compression levers, face masks, (ARCHFIENDS 42/60)
bellows that attach to ears, and other mechanisms The stone on the table is the House Sivis speaking stone
that defy your knowledge. Several bottles and flasks needed to complete the Hook: Sivis Speaking Stone. The
are aligned on a separate shelf: two are labeled stone is a Siberys shard that was once part of a message
“FIRE”. station situated in the Glass Tower. The roach thralls
A chart is tacked beside the shelves and on it are eventually acquired the broken speaking station during
representations of skulls from each of the their foraging in Fallen. The puppeteer cannot access it. A
predominate races of Khorvaire. Warforged are PC who possesses the whispering wind ability of the Least
notably absent from the list. It indicates the optimal Mark of Scribing can access the Stone’s messages, which
cranial size for each race as well as what problems include the encrypted location of a treasure of Karrnathi
are evident if a skull is too big or too small. A set of gold lost somewhere in the Cogs beneath Sharn.
calipers is attached to the chart. PCs can consult the cranial chart if they are curious. A
An old table with two ratty chairs sits opposite PC has to remove any headgear to receive the test. The
the shelves. A variety of junk lay atop the table: PC or DM can roll 1d6 and consult the following chart.
patient files, manuals, coins, a mug growing mold,
broken pieces of wood and a fist-sized stone with 6 The enormous size of this head is symptomatic of a
pulsating gold veins. A doorway exits the room to the severe sociopath. Possible connected conditions
south. The chairs have been chewed by vermin but include delusions and paranoia. Removal of frontal
seem sturdy. lobe and incarceration recommended.
5 Optimal size for dwarves but over-sized for other
Light: Dim light is provided by lanterns. races. Mania is common. Possible connected
Sound: None. conditions include seizures and twitches. Cranial
Aura: None. compression recommended.
Reaction: The rancid roach swarm(s) attacks 2 4 Optimal skull size for human, shifters, half-orcs, and
rounds after the PCs arrive in the room. kalashtar. The picture of perfection and grace. For
other races, the edge of horror and disfigurement
This room is essentially a large trap for intruders. The with intense behavioral problems evident.
books, shelves, calipers, chairs, table and items on the 3 Optimal skull size for elves, half-elves, gnomes, and
table are all coated with a clear adhesive with properties changelings. Mania evident among larger humanoids
similar to a tanglefoot bag (Player’s Handbook page 128). and expansion with cranial bellows is recommended.
The floor, ceiling and walls are not coated. The two flasks Homicidal tendencies among Talenta halflings.
labeled “FIRE” are standard flasks of alchemist’s fire but 2 Optimal skull size for Talenta halflings. Clear link
it is also covered with adhesive. Any character that uses between class 2 skulls and schizophrenia among
the alchemist’s fire can only attack an adjacent square larger races. Recommend removal of skull plate to
unless they scrap off the glue. The glued wielder takes 1 relieve pressure from cerebral gases.
point of fire damage from the splash (Players Handbook 1 Diminished intelligence and wisdom among all
page 128). races. Remedial education worthless. Recommend
Adhesive trap: CR 1, mechanical device, touch permanent institutionalization.
trigger, automatic reset, Reflex save DC 15 or become
glued to the adhesive item. PCs who fail and sit on a chair If the PCs rest after their encounter in Room 9 then the
or grasp the table or shelves become unable to move. PCs King’s Citadel has been through this room. Read the
who fail and grasp a smaller item, such as a book, mug or following description.
caliper, cannot grasp anything else in that hand. PCs can
break free by making a DC 17 Strength check or by The room is even more disheveled after your
dealing 15 points of damage to the goo with a slashing battle with the rancid roach swarm. Judging from the
weapon. A spellcaster who fails must make a DC 15 mess, the King’s Citadel tried to search through the
Concentration check to cast a spell. The glue becomes materials and became adhered to the junk. Their
brittle and fragile after 2d4 rounds. Note: the adhesive frustration with the adhesive is evident in the
does not make the PC sticky, only the item adheres to the wrecked shelves and chairs.
PC. Search DC 20
Creatures: In addition to the adhesive trap, a rancid The rancid roach swarm(s) are destroyed by King’s
roach swarm has taken residence in the old chairs and act Citadel agents if it survived the PCs encounter.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 16

blossom spears and swords instead of flowers.
Scaling the Encounter Rainbows swirl into thunderheads of anger, bolts of
6th-level characters (EL 8): Rancid Roach Swarm despair and explosions of fear. The information is
(hp 75); see “Combat Statistics” below. overwhelming your mind.
7th-level characters (EL 9): There are 2 rancid
roach swarms, hp 55, 55; see “Combat Statistics” below. Light: Lantern light the room.
Sound: None.
Combat Statistics Aura: Room radiates strong enchantment.
RANCID ROACH SWARM CR 6 Reaction: After 2 rounds of looking at the room’s
N Fine Vermin (Swarm) walls or looking into the room, PCs must succeed a Will
A thick carped of glistening brown insects pours out of the save (DC 18) or be affected by the confusion trap (see
dilapidated furniture and advances on you in a large mass,
chittering and clicking. It has a dry but sickly odor to it.
Init +8;
Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 The Fury religion values passion and this room was
Languages None designed to give artistic expression to the passions of
AC 26, touch 27 flat-footed 18 madness. Inmates are given free reign with paint and
hp varies (10 HD) pencil to give artistic life to their anxieties. Unfortunately,
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +2
these unfettered passions have infected the room with its
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), climb 20 ft. (4 squares)
Melee swarm (2d6 plus roach rot) own insanity. The layers of crazed images virally infect
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft. the minds of any who view them with a confusion spell.
Base Atk +7; Grp – The Fury acolyte and the roach thralls have learned to
Atk Options distraction (Fort DC 16) travel through this room by walking along the wall edge
Abilities Str 1, Dex 26, Con 13, Int –; Wis 9, Cha 2 with their eyes closed. They haven’t removed the murals
SQ swarm traits, vermin traits
because the room has been a good deterrent against
Distraction (Ex): Any living creature that beings its turn with a
swarm in its square must succeed on a DC 16 Fortitude wayward inmates or intruders. The room is otherwise
save or be nauseated for 1 round. The save DC is empty.
Constitution-based. Confusion Trap: CR 5; proximity trigger, automatic
Swarm Traits: A swarm has no clear front or back and no reset; spell effect (confusion, 8th-level wizard, Will save DC
discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or
flanking. A swarm composed of Fine or Diminutive
18, duration 8 rounds), Search DC 29, Disable Device
creatures is immune to all weapon damage. DC 29.
Reducing a swarm to 0 hit points or lower causes it to break up, The room is unchanged if PCs exit immediately after
though damage taken until that point does not degrade its their fight in Room 9. If they rest and meet the King’s
ability to attack or resist attack. Swarms are never Citadel agents, then the PCs see the following if they re-
staggered or reduced to a dying state by damage. They
cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, and they can’t enter the room:
grapple an opponent.
A swarm is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific The King’s Citadel must have found a store of paint
number of creatures (including single-target spells such as because the walls are rudely coated in large splashes
disintegrate), with the exception of mind-affecting effects
(charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
of color. The pigments cover most of the maddening
effects) if the swarm has an Intelligence score and a hive murals. Now you can only feel a tingle of their
mind. A swarm takes half again as much damage (+50%) influence permeating the room.
from spells or effects that affect an area, such as splash
weapons and many evocation spells.
Swarms made up of Diminutive or Fine creatures are
susceptible to high winds such as that created by a gust of 7. Regression Room
wind spell. For purposes of determining the effects of wind Unlike the other rooms in the asylum, this one is
on a swarm, treat the swarm as a creature of the same clean, orderly, and calming. Shuttered lanterns
size as its constituent creatures. A swarm rendered
unconscious by means of nonlethal damage becomes
provide a subdued lighting that cast a restful light on
disorganized and dispersed, and does not reform until its set of plush furniture. A purple lounge lies beside a
hit points exceed its nonlethal damage. chair with deep cushions. A large codex and writing
Vermin Traits: A rancid roach swarm is immune to all mind- instruments are stationed atop a scriber’s desk
affecting spells and abilities (charms, compulsions, adjacent to the chair. Near the door is a locked
phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). It also has
darkvision (60-foot range). wooden cabinet.

6. Crazed Art Light: Soft light is provided by the lanterns in the

Your senses reel from confusion as you stand at the room.
entrance to this room. A cacophony of rude images
festoons the walls. Dripping weapons hang from The Fury acolyte used this room to regress his patients so
dead trees with dog-headed branches. Plants they can confront past traumas, or at least he did before

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 17

being dominated by the puppeteer. The acolyte dutifully 8. Lightning Treatment
recorded all the information culled from these sessions in The focus of this room is a steel chair with a leather
the codex. While the acolyte had a sincere interest in straps and mesh hood. It seems to dully glow in the
exploring the trauma of his patients, he also caused them crude half-light of the room, and a subtle humming
just as much suffering and used the veterans’ vulnerability radiates from it. Cables run out of the chair’s spine
to plumb their military secrets, which he sold to the Trust and into a metal box in each corner. Several jars
of Zilargo. containing brains are lined along a shelf on the wall.
The cabinet has an average lock (Open Lock DC 25) Their labels indicate a patient name, their psychosis,
and can be opened by force (Break DC 15; hardness 3, 5 and time of death. A few lids have popped off. Inside
hp). It contains a supply of alchemical substances: Aelia’s these open jars, you see vermin slowly devouring the
Tonic and Darkeye. Darkeye is a bitter beverage that contents.
induces paralysis, sensitizes the patient to emanations of You see another doorframe immediately to your
the beyond, and presents visions of the past. Aelia’s right. The door is inconspicuous and has no handle.
Tonic is a foul, murky liquid designed to complement On the wall beside it are three levers set vertically
darkeye, enhancing the visions, but also the risk. The one above each other. You are alone except for that
acolytes use these substances to induce patient infernal hum.
regressions. This particular brew allows the victim to
vocalize their visions so they can be recorded, but is Light: The glow from the chair provides shadowy
otherwise the same as typical darkeye. illumination in a 15-foot radius.
• Darkeye (6 doses): DC 12, initial damage Sound: Humming.
paralysis, secondary damage 1 Con. If the victim Aura: The chair radiates strong evocation.
fails the saving throw against the secondary Reaction: See trap below.
damage, the paralysis continues and the victim
must make another save after a minute has The Fury acolytes have performed experiments on the
passed. If the victim fails, she remains paralyzed, brains of patients to study how passions can be artificially
loses another point of Constitution, and must elevated or diminished. The brain jars preserve former
save again the following minute. This continues subjects for further study. They now serve as occasional
until the victim makes a successful saving throw. pickled snacks for the roach thralls and their vermin
PCs who ingest the concoction gain +1 effective cousins. The electro-shock chair is the asylum’s current
caster level when casting necromantic spells; this experiment. Results indicate that most patients experience
is increased to +5 when casting speak with dead. a loss of memory when subjected to the chair. Some
• Aelia’s Tonic (2 doses): -2 circumstantial patients experienced improvements in their dispositions
penalty on all saving throws against ingested with the loss of traumatic memories.
poisons for the next hour; -4 penalty if to resist Unfortunately, the roach thralls don’t have the
darkeye. expertise to maintain the equipment and the device is
malfunctioning. It is now a trap affecting 4 squares
The codex contains records of regression sessions from around the chair in room 8, controlled by levers near the
the past six months. PCs who research the codex can find hallway. The PCs may mistake the lever as a way to
logs regarding Essa (see Handout 2: Excerpts Regarding Essa operate the one-way secret door. Do nothing to dissuade
from the Regression Codex). them if they think that.
In addition, if the PC researching the tome has the Lightning Treatment “Trap”: CR 4; magic device;
Hook: Finding Artificer Hurn Lond, then they recognize logs lever trigger; automatic reset; special effect (1d4 to 6d4
regarding the dwarf artificer (see Handout 3: Excerpts nonlethal electricity damage [DC 14 Reflex save for half]
Regarding Hurn Lond from the Regression Codex). plus spell loss [DC 14 Will save negates]). Search DC 27;
If the PCs have rested and the King’s Citadel has Disable Device DC 27.
come through this room, read the following:
This isn’t actually a trap; it’s the control mechanism for
This once orderly room is a shambles. The lounge the lightning treatment chair. Unless the PCs activate it by
and chair have been sliced open, bleeding feathers moving the levers on the wall, nothing happens. There
onto the soft carpet. Strange alchemical substances are three levers that can be activated by flipping them
have soaked into the carpet. horizontally. They are arranged one above the other,
starting with 3 at the top, 2 in the middle, and 1 at the
The Citadel destroys any vials of darkeye or Aelia’s Tonic bottom. To activate the electricity, the levers must be
they find. They also take the codex, if left behind, but activated in order. Lever 1 inflicts 1d4 non-lethal electrical
have not fully researched it yet; therefore, they are not damage. When both levers #1 and 2 are flipped, it inflicts
aware of Essa’s missing memory. 3d4 non-lethal electrical damage. When all three levers are
flipped it inflicts 6d4 non-lethal electrical damage. Any

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 18

spellcaster who takes damage from the trap, at any and a nervous evil laughter. The door in the northeast
setting, loses one of their lowest-level prepared spells or corner is a one-way door that can only be opened from
spell slots (if they do not prepare spells) if they fail a Will inside the room. (See Room 8 for more details on this
save (DC 14). Characters with psionic power points lose 1 one-way secret door.)
PP the first time they are affected and fail their save. The The room contains an altar to the Fury in the
second time they lose 2 PP. The third time they lose 3 PP, southeast corner, although it has been covered up with
and so on. paper, trash, torn clothing, and other discarded material.
PCs who attempt to cut the cables or meddle with the In the room, Xantomorkal, an acolyte of the Fury under
equipment without using the Disable Device skill trigger the control of a puppeteer, is offering up the souls of
the lowest voltage of the trap (1d4 non-lethal damage Essa and two other humans to his “pet” vasuthant in
plus spell loss), which affects the normal area plus the PC order to get the creature to grow larger and more
attempting to disable the “trap”. powerful.
The door is a one-way secret door that leads from
Room 9 into the electro-shock therapy room. It cannot This room is completely choked with shadows,
be opened from this side except by force. A successful sucking in and destroying the light from the other
Listen check (DC 5) lets the PCs hear moans of suffering chambers as well as lanterns bolted to the walls at
and a nervous evil laughter. intervals of 10 feet. All light in the room bends
Strong wooden secret door: hardness 5, hp 20, toward the southwest corner, where a large, murky,
Break DC 23. spherical manifestation of pure darkness hovers a
Read the following if the King’s Citadel have been few feet off the floor. Beneath the abomination, three
through this room. humans in chains lay prone. Black tentacles
sprouting from the dark sphere flail violently,
Showers of sparks provide the only light in the room. occasionally striking the humans. Two of the forms
Through the intermittent light you can just make out are still, while one moans and twitches. Another
the twisted wreck of the electro-shock chair. The human, filthy and dressed in the robes of a priest of
sparks arc through the air and land on lumps of gray, the Fury, watches in glee at the action occurring
rumpled flesh on the floor. here, prancing occasionally from foot to foot, then
stopping and staring with academic interest. Heaps
The King’s Citadel has destroyed the experiments in this of discarded trash fester around the edges and
room. The trap is non-functional. corners of the room.

Creatures: The puppeteer attacked Xantomorkal just

9. Puppets and Nightmares (EL 7) over two months ago. The vasuthant first appeared here
Light: The trap light quality of the vasuthant absorbs when it was spawned from one of the spirits of the dead
all the natural light in the room, plus any light that the resulting from the crash of the Glass Tower into Fallen. It
PCs might bring. This means that PCs without low-light was able to hide for years, occasionally praying on
vision or darkvision have to deal with concealment for passersby exploring the wreckage. Then, Xantomorkal
anyone or anything within 60 feet of the vasuthant found it. And planned to control it, growing the vile thing
(including the creature itself). The vasuthant’s blindsight larger and using it as a weapon of dominance and control.
and darkvision allow it to function normally and ignore The puppeteer has taken over those desires and twisted
the darkness and concealment. them to its own end.
Auras: The vasuthant detects as evil and chaotic The puppeteer is attached to the cleric between his
(strong) and undead (strong), and the priest of the Fury shoulder blades, and thus has full concealment from the
detects as evil and chaotic (strong). PCs.
Sound: If the PCs are able to enter the room quietly, Puppeteer (attached to Xantomorkal): hp 1; see
they hear the moaning of the prisoners and the evil “Combat Statistics” below.
laughter of the Fury cleric. Xantomorkal, Acolyte of the Fury: hp 21; see
Reaction: If the PCs are able to enter the chamber “Combat Statistics” below; Suggested Miniature –
quietly, they may be able to get a surprise round on either Beholder (DEATHKNELL 32/60)
the cleric/puppeteer or the vasuthant. If they make Advanced Vasuthant: hp 105; see “Combat
enough noise to be heard by the occupants, then the Statistics” below. Suggested Miniature – Grim
occupants have time to prepare for the arrival of the PCs, Necromancer (DEATHKNELL 36/60)
as described below. Tactics: Large and with reach, the advanced
vasuthant can maintain grapples with two Medium
The door in the northwest corner of this room (Room 9 creatures or four Small creatures simultaneously. Once it
on the Main Map) is closed but not locked. A successful establishes a grapple or pin, it attempts to suck the
Listen check (DC 5) lets the PCs hear moans of suffering strength out of the opponent until it dies from its

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 19

enervating crush attack. The puppeteer (Xantomorkal) projected brightly onto a section of wall in the
stands within the protection of the vasuthant’s reach and southwest corner of the room.
casts spells or attacks in melee as the situation dictates.
The puppeteer (Xantomorkal) does not surrender. If This circle of colorful light reveals a pressure plate on the
the battle is going extremely poorly for the PCs, the wall, which opens a secret door when pushed. Without
puppeteer does not have to attack. If the PCs seem to be this revelation by the colorful reflection, the secret door is
handling the situation with little problem, the puppeteer almost impossible for find (DC 30 Search check).
can use its psi-like abilities to try to stop the PCs. The Two of the humans bound beneath the vasuthant
puppeteer can also use its telepathy to mess with the were artists, Alid and ip’Sacco, who came to Fallen in fits
heads of the PCs, perhaps choosing one to send a of dementia, hoping to capture the pain of the area into
telepathic message, trying to trick the PC into wasting turn it into art, but they are now dead—drained of their
actions doing strange things. In this case, pass the PC a life force by the undead creature.
note saying something like this: The third human, is still alive, and the PCs recognize
her as Essa from the description given by Mistress
“A voice in your head tells you if you want to survive, Martra, although her current condition and the
move three steps to the right and place a magical tribulations of spending time in the asylum have given her
weapon on the floor there.” the look at an insane vagrant. Essa is disabled (0 hp) and
her current strength score is 1. Thus she can speak, but
This may trick the PC into thinking she is receiving she cannot move on her own unless she is healed of at
some sort of assistance, when in actuality she is just being least one hit point and her strength score is raised to at
manipulated into wasting actions. least 3.
Developments: If the PCs defeat the monsters and Anyone who takes the time to examine Essa’s
search the room, they can easily find the altar to the Fury physical condition finds that she has, in addition to other
(DC 5 Search check). Read or paraphrase the following if small wounds and signs of mistreatment, burn marks on
they find the altar and uncover it from beneath the piles her temples. A PC with the Investigate feat succeeding at
of trash: a DC 15 Search check realizes that these wounds are
caused by a primitive form of electroshock that can wipe
Underneath a heap of discarded trash, a multi- out someone’s memory. This information is valuable if
colored glass statue rests on the floor. The statue is the PCs attempt to parlay with the King’s Citadel agents
carved into the form of a snakelike wyrm with a and make them understand Essa no longer poses a
humanoid head—perhaps the visage of an elf. Now security threat to Breland.
that the light-devouring creature has been destroyed, If the PCs take the time to question Essa, she
the light from the lanterns on the walls plays off this provides them with the following information. Use the
glass statue, reflecting back and shining lights of questions and the corresponding answers as a guide for
every color against the walls. Mirrored pieces of flat roleplaying the conversation. Remember that Essa has
glass adorn the walls, reflecting and intensifying the been greatly weakened by the vasuthant, so her answers
light until you seem awash in an out-of-control should come in short bursts with frequent gasps for
rainbow. breath and choking fits.
• Are you Essa?
After the PCs have uncovered the altar and the light from “Yes, that is my name. How do you know me? Are
the continual light lanterns fixed to the walls of the chamber you here to kill me?”
create the above effect, allow the PCs a DC 15 Spot
check (or a DC 10 Search check if they actively search the • Why would we want to kill you?
altar). Any successful checks reveal that the altar has been “I don’t remember. I did something horrible. People
turned slightly on its base. There are grooves worn into want me dead for what I did. I just don’t remember
the base that match the legs of the glass wyrm. If the PCs what that was.”
move the statue back into its proper position on the base,
read the following: • Why did you come here?
“I wanted to forget the horrible things I did during
When the altar returns to its proper place, the the Last War. And now I have. I know that many
dazzling colored lights that have erupted around the soldiers came here—attempting to regain their
room suddenly disappear, as if reality has come back sanity. But there is only death here now.”
into focus. The chaotic explosion of colors has
imploded, and now there is a single swirling circle of
• What happened here?
light, caught by the glass statue on the altar,
“I’m not sure. I was told the clerics here were
bounced off some of the mirrors in the room, and
conducting experiments in curing insanity. When I
got here, I found only great suffering. Much of it

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 20

caused by the clerics. I began to see that something Host Protection (Ex): A puppeteer in control of a host is
was wrong. I don’t know what happened after that. I treated as an attended magic item for the purpose of
making saving throws, even if the puppeteer is specifically
remember very little. targeted. A puppeteer that is attached to its host is treated
as a creature in a grapple for the purpose of striking at the
• Are these your writings? (if she is shown her puppeteer instead of the host (but the host is not
journal Player Handout A) considered grappled in turn).
Telepathy (Su): Can communicate telepathically with any
“That is my writing. I don’t remember scribing those creature within 20 feet that has a language.
words. And I don’t know what any of this means.”
Trigger: Until this encounter begins, the PCs might Male human cleric 3
CE Medium humanoid (human)
be able to safely rest if they have dealt with the roach This cleric is dressed in purple and red robes and shivers with
thralls. Once the events in Room 9 begin, however, the uncontrollable nervous energy.
events of Part 2 are set into motion. This means the PCs Init +3;
are now going to be forced to escape the asylum and deal Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
with both the King’s Citadel agents and the Zilargo Languages Common
operatives without a chance to rest. There are ways they AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17
hp 21 (3 HD)
can get past the King’s Citadel agents without combat, Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +4
but the Zilargo operatives are not so easily duped or Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
avoided. Melee masterwork morningstar +3* melee (1d8+2)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Scaling the Encounter Atk Options Divine Spell Power
Special Actions rebuke undead 4/day (+3, 2d6+4, 3rd),
9th-level characters (EL 8): Puppeteer (hp 1); see spontaneous casting (inflict spells)
“Combat Statistics” below; Xantomorkal, Priest of the Spells Prepared (CL 3rd):
Fury (hp 39); see “Combat Statistics” below; Elite 10-HD 2nd – silence (DC 14), sound burst (DC 14), Tasha’s
Vasuthant (hp 105); see “Combat Statistics” below. hideous laughter (DC 14)
7th-level characters (EL 9): Puppeteer (hp 1); see 1st – bane (DC 13), cause fear (DC 13), cure light wounds
(DC 13), shield of faith
“Combat Statistics” below; Xantomorkal, Senior Priest of 0 – cure minor wounds (2), guidance, resistance
the Fury (hp 45); see “Combat Statistics” below; Elite 14- D
= Domain spell. Deity: The Fury. Domains: Madness
HD Vasuthant (hp 147); see “Combat Statistics” below. (subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will
saves (already included above); 1/day, add 1 to a single
Wisdom-based skill check or Will save), Passion (act as if
Combat Statistics under the effects of the rage spell for up to 3 rounds per
PUPPETEER CR 1 day as a supernatural ability; these rounds need not be
LE Fine magical beast consecutive).
This four-inch long leech is dark brown, possessing no Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
discernable anatomy or organs. It has attached itself to the SQ aura of evil
cleric between the shoulder blades, well hidden out of view. Feats Divine Spell Power, Improved Initiative, Tower Shield
Init +2; Proficiency
Senses Blindsight 60 ft.; Listen +7, Spot +7 Skills Concentration +7, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge
Languages Common; telepathy 20 ft. (religion) +5, Spellcraft +4
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 18 Possessions puppeteer (see above), masterwork morningstar,
hp 1 (¼ HD) tower shield, cleric’s vestments, unholy symbol of The
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5 Fury (2), ring of keys to open the isolation chambers in
Speed 5 ft. Room 4
Melee bite +4 melee (1d2-5)
Space ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. ELITE 10-HD VASUTHANT CR 6
Base Atk +1; Grp -20 CE Large undead
Atk Options enthrall Init +4;
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 1st) Senses Blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +8, Spot +9
3/day – detect psionics, mental barrier, psionic charm (DC Languages None
13) AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 15
Abilities Str 1, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
SQ hide mind, host protection hp 105 (10 HD)
Feats Iron Will Immune acid, cold, light
Skills Hide +22, Listen +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +7 Resist electricity 5, fire 5; turn resistance +2
Enthrall (Ex): If in physical contact with a person it has Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +9
charmed, the subject acts as if dominated. As long as the Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares); Flyby Attack
puppeteer remains in contact with the victim, the Melee slam +12 melee (1d8+8 plus improved grab) and up to 4
domination remains in effect, even if a check would enervating crushes (1d8+8 plus 1d4 Str)
normally indicate that the effect is broken. Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Hide Mind (Su): A puppeteer cannot be identified as psionic by Base Atk +5; Grp +21
divination spells or clairsentience powers. Atk Options enervating crush, improved grab, Improved

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 21

Special Actions reality distortion (3/day) Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Abilities Str 26, Dex 18, Con –, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 18 Melee +1 morningstar +5* melee (1d8+3)
SQ trap light, undead traits, unholy toughness Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Feats Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple , Atk Options Divine Spell Power
Improved Natural Armor Special Actions rebuke undead 4/day (+3, 2d6+7, 6th),
Skills Hide +6*, Listen +8, Spot +9 spontaneous casting (inflict spells)
*A vasuthant gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas Combat Gear tower shield (* -2 penalty to attack for using the
of shadowy illumination. In areas of bright illumination, it tower shield already included, above)
takes a -4 penalty on Hide checks. Spells Prepared (CL 6th):
Enervating Crush (Su): A successful grapple attempt against 3rd – bestow curse (DC 16), confusion (DC 16), dispel
a living creature of the same size or smaller pulls the magic, prayer
victim into the center of the vasuthant. In that round and 2nd – eagle’s splendor, hold person (DC 15), silence (DC
every round thereafter, a grappled victim takes 1d8+8 14), sound burst (DC 14), Tasha’s hideous laughter (DC
points of damage plus 1d4 points of Strength damage. A 14)
creature reduced to 0 Strength by a vasuthant dies. This 1st – bane (DC 13), cause fear (DC 13), cure light wounds
is a negative energy effect. (DC 13), shield of faith
Every point of Strength damage dealt by a vasuthant 0 – cure minor wounds (2), detect magic, guidance,
heals the creature of 1 point of damage, or gives it 1 resistance
temporary hit point if the creature is at full hit points. = Domain spell. Deity: The Fury. Domains: Madness
These temporary hit points last for 10 minutes. (subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will
A vasuthant can grapple with one creature of its size, or saves (already included above); 1/day, add 1 to a single
can simultaneously grapple one or two creatures one size Wisdom-based skill check or Will save), Passion (act as if
smaller or up to four creatures two or more sizes smaller. under the effects of the rage spell for up to 6 rounds per
Creatures that become pinned are suspended inside the day as a supernatural ability; these rounds need not be
vasuthant while their life energy is crushed out of their consecutive).
bodies. Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
The use of enervating crush ability does not prevent a SQ aura of evil
vasuthant from making slam attacks or using its spell-like Feats Combat Casting, Divine Spell Power, Improved Initiative,
abilities. Tower Shield Proficiency
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a vasuthant must first Skills Concentration +10, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge
hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a (religion) +8, Spellcraft +7
grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of Possessions puppeteer (see above), +1 morningstar, +1
opportunity. If it wins a grapple check, a vasuthant tower shield, potion of mage armor, cleric’s vestments,
immediately employs its enervating crush attack. unholy symbol of The Fury (2), ring of keys to open the
Reality Distortion (Ex): A vasuthant has limited influence over isolation chambers in Room 4
the forces of time and reality. Three times per day (but
only once per round), a vasuthant can take a free action to XANTOMORKAL, SENIOR PRIEST OF THE FURY CR 7
reroll any unfavorable die roll or force its opponent to reroll Male human cleric 7
a favorable die roll. The vasuthant must accept the result CE Medium humanoid (human)
of the reroll. Init +3;
Immunity to Light (Ex): Unlike many other undead creatures, Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
a vasuthant is immune to any harmful effects of light, Languages Common
either natural or magical. All cleric spells of the Sun AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 21
domain as well as other spells with the light descriptor hp 45 (7 HD)
(such as daylight) produce no adverse effects on a Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7
vasuthant. Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Trap Light (Ex): A vasuthant effectively absorbs nearly Melee +1 morningstar +6* melee (1d8+3)
magical and nonmagical light, creating a 60-foot Base Atk +5; Grp +7
emanation of shadow. All creatures within this area, Atk Options Divine Spell Power
including the vasuthant, gain concealment. Creatures with Special Actions rebuke undead 4/day (+3, 2d6+8, 7th),
low-light vision or darkvision can see normally within the spontaneous casting (inflict spells)
area of the emanation. Light sources within the area are Combat Gear tower shield (* -2 penalty to attack for using the
suppressed, not dispelled. If a vasuthant moves out of tower shield already included, above)
range before the light source’s duration expires, the light Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
source illuminates again (though its illumination still 4th – crushing despair (DC 17), poison (DC 16)
cannot extend within the area of the vasuthant’s trap light D
3rd – bestow curse (DC 16), confusion (DC 16), dispel
effect). magic, prayer
Unholy Toughness (Ex): A vasuthant gains a bonus to its hit 2nd – eagle’s splendor, hold person (DC 15), silence (DC
points equal to its Charisma modifier × its Hit Dice. 14), sound burst (DC 14), Tasha’s hideous laughter (DC

1st – bane (DC 13), bless, cause fear (DC 13), cure light
Male human cleric 6 wounds (DC 13), shield of faith
CE Medium humanoid (human) 0 – cure minor wounds (3), detect magic, guidance,
Init +3; resistance
Senses Listen +2, Spot +2 = Domain spell. Deity: The Fury. Domains: Madness
Languages Common (subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 saves (already included above); 1/day, add 1 to a single
hp 39 (6 HD) Wisdom-based skill check or Will save), Passion (act as if
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7 under the effects of the rage spell for up to 7 rounds per

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 22

day as a supernatural ability; these rounds need not be a favorable die roll. The vasuthant must accept the result
consecutive). of the reroll.
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12 Immunity to Light (Ex): Unlike many other undead creatures,
SQ aura of evil a vasuthant is immune to any harmful effects of light,
Feats Combat Casting, Divine Spell Power, Improved Initiative, either natural or magical. All cleric spells of the Sun
Tower Shield Proficiency domain as well as other spells with the light descriptor
Skills Concentration +11, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (such as daylight) produce no adverse effects on a
(religion) +8, Spellcraft +9 vasuthant.
Possessions puppeteer (see above), +1 morningstar, +1 Trap Light (Ex): A vasuthant effectively absorbs nearly
tower shield, potion of mage armor, cleric’s vestments, magical and nonmagical light, creating a 60-foot
unholy symbol of The Fury (2), ring of keys to open the emanation of shadow. All creatures within this area,
isolation chambers in Room 4 including the vasuthant, gain concealment. Creatures with
low-light vision or darkvision can see normally within the
ELITE 14-HD VASUTHANT CR 7 area of the emanation. Light sources within the area are
CE Large undead suppressed, not dispelled. If a vasuthant moves out of
Init +4; range before the light source’s duration expires, the light
Senses Blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +10, Spot +11 source illuminates again (though its illumination still
Languages None cannot extend within the area of the vasuthant’s trap light
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 16
Unholy Toughness (Ex): A vasuthant gains a bonus to its hit
hp 147 (14 HD)
points equal to its Charisma modifier × its Hit Dice.
Immune acid, cold, light
Resist electricity 5, fire 5; turn resistance +2
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +11 10. The Secret Passage
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect) (6 squares); Flyby Attack Light: There are no lights in any sections of the
Melee slam +14 melee (1d8+8 plus improved grab) and up to 4 secret passage. To see through the one-way glass that
enervating crushes (1d8+8 plus 1d4 Str)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. makes up the walls of much of this passage, there must be
Base Atk +7; Grp +23 very little light in the passage (nothing more than
Atk Options enervating crush, improved grab, Improved torchlight) in conjunction with the bright light in the
Grapple rooms on the other side of the walls.
Special Actions reality distortion (3/day)
Sound: The glass that makes up the walls of this
Abilities Str 27, Dex 18, Con –, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 18
SQ trap light, undead traits, unholy toughness passage is essentially soundproof. Within the passage
Feats Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple ,
B itself, however, the chattering and clicking of swarms of
Improved Natural Armor (2) cockroaches makes it almost impossible to hear (-10
Skills Hide +6*, Listen +10, Spot +11 penalty to all Listen checks made by creatures within the
*A vasuthant gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in areas
of shadowy illumination. In areas of bright illumination, it
takes a -4 penalty on Hide checks.
Enervating Crush (Su): A successful grapple attempt against The secret passage (Room 10 on the Main Map) was used
a living creature of the same size or smaller pulls the by the clerics of the Fury to keep close watch over their
victim into the center of the vasuthant. In that round and inmates without being noticed. The walls where the secret
every round thereafter, a grappled victim takes 1d8+8 passage meets another room are made of a special glass
points of damage plus 1d4 points of Strength damage. A
creature reduced to 0 Strength by a vasuthant dies. This salvaged from the wreckage of the fallen sky tower.
is a negative energy effect. Anyone in the room just sees mirrored glass, while
Every point of Strength damage dealt by a vasuthant heals the anyone looking from the secret passage side of the glass
creature of 1 point of damage, or gives it 1 temporary hit can see directly into the rooms on the other side of the
point if the creature is at full hit points. These temporary
hit points last for 10 minutes.
A vasuthant can grapple with one creature of its size, or can
simultaneously grapple one or two creatures one size Beyond the secret door, the sickening sound of
smaller or up to four creatures two or more sizes smaller. clicking and chittering deafens you. As the light
Creatures that become pinned are suspended inside the spills into the secret passage on the other side of the
vasuthant while their life energy is crushed out of their
bodies. wall, scores of cockroaches scatter to get away from
The use of enervating crush ability does not prevent a the radiance. Piles of discarded food and refuse litter
vasuthant from making slam attacks or using its spell-like the floor. Like the rest of the asylum, the walls in the
abilities. secret passage are made of alternating slabs of stone
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a vasuthant must first
hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a
and glass. Some of the glass seems to be transparent,
grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of giving you the ability to see into other areas of the
opportunity. If it wins a grapple check, a vasuthant asylum.
immediately employs its enervating crush attack.
Reality Distortion (Ex): A vasuthant has limited influence over PCs can enter this passageway and move within the walls
the forces of time and reality. Three times per day (but
only once per round), a vasuthant can take a free action to of the asylum, using the one-way glass to view events in
reroll any unfavorable die roll or force its opponent to reroll other rooms. What they see depends on their previous
path and actions, as well as the actions of the King’s

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 23

Citadel agents moving through the asylum after them. against their enemies during the Last War. They are the
Use the following description when the PCs look into law in Breland (and therefore in Sharn as well), and they
either Room 3A or Room 3B. The first area the look into do not take kindly to anyone—including adventuring
is the path the King’s Citadel agents take. Change the text members of the Digger’s Union—failing to comply with
based on the PCs previous actions in the rooms. orders.
Where this encounter takes place depends entirely on
As you peer through the glass into the room how the PCs choose to act after defeating the cleric,
containing the inmates, who are agitated and puppeteer, and vasuthant. If the PCs rest in any of the
verging on rioting, two humans and a warforged rooms (except the secret passageway) after defeating the
march into their midst. These three are dressed in vasuthant and its keeper in Room 9, they encounter the
uniforms bearing the crest of Breland. As some of Citadel agents in that room. If the PCs leave Room 9
the inmates hurl themselves at the uniformed men, immediately after the battle with the vasuthant, they
they are struck back with the flats of blades. Even encounter the agents in the first room they come to after
some of the inmates who simply stand in the way of leaving Room 9. If the PCs use the secret passage (Room
the Brelish military personnel are knocked to the 10) to spot the agents, they can try to avoid them by
floor. After a dozen inmates are knocked going in the opposite direction—but they are still forced
unconscious and pushed aside, the uniformed to have this encounter after dealing with Zilargo
Brelish men and warforged march through the room operatives in the next encounter. If the PCs hide in the
and continue toward the rear of the asylum. secret passage, the King’s Citadel agents search the
asylum for three hours, then they leave empty-handed.
A Spot check (DC 15) reveals that the weapons of the As the Citadel agents move through the asylum, they
Brelish are covered in blood, but not blood from the deal with any threats the PCs may have missed or fled
inmates. A Knowledge (local – Breland) check (DC 20) from, including the roach thralls in the first two
gives the knowledge that these are indeed members of the chambers. When they do finally come into contact with
King’s Citadel, a Brelish organization that dispenses the the PCs, use the descriptions below as a guide to running
King’s justice swiftly and unerringly. the encounter. Use your best judgment when running this
Developments: The King’s Citadel agents are after encounter, as it could take place in many different
Essa, as they believe she carries the knowledge of the situations or locations.
Plaguewind and how Breland used in it in the Last War. The leader of the King’s Citadel agents sent to find
She used to carry the knowledge of the Plaguewind, of Essa is a human warmage named Nosuson. He is blunt,
course, but that has been removed from her mind by the authoritative, and not prone to putting up with nonsense.
viscous experiment of the cleric of the Fury and the He doesn’t ask questions, he orders people to give him
puppeteer. The agents have orders to capture Essa alive, answers. The other two members of his party answer to
but if she can’t be taken alive she is to be terminated with him, following his orders to the best of their ability. They
extreme prejudice. See Encounter 11 for the various ways do not want to attack innocent people, but they certainly
that the PCs can peacefully deal with the Citadel agents. do not shy away from combat if someone or something
(One of those ways is to hide in the secret passageway stands in the way of their mission.
[Room 10] until they leave.) The Citadel agents draw weapons upon seeing the
PCs, but as long as the PCs don’t take any offensive
Treasure: The clerics of the Fury, when they were in action, the agents do not attack. The leader of the Citadel
charge of the asylum, stashed away two scrolls of lesser agents orders the PCs to turn over Essa to them in a tone
restoration and two potions of cure moderate wounds. They the leaves little room for misinterpretation. At this point,
have been covered in the trash that was eventually piled if Essa is with the PCs, have everyone make a Sense
up here, but they can be found with a Search check (DC Motive check (DC 17). Anyone succeeding at this check
20). The stash is located in the square to the right on the notices that although he gave the order, he did not look at
secret door into Room 9. Essa when saying it. This should be a clue to the PCs that
these agents were dispatched in haste and do not know
Part 3: Breland Citadel Justice exactly what Essa looks like. This allows the PCs to
possibly bluff the Citadel agents into believing Essa is
(EL 6) somewhere else in the asylum. The agents are working on
Auras: The Brelish Citadel agents detect as lawful highly trustworthy information that she is in the asylum,
(faint), and any of their magical equipment detect as such. so saying that she is not here does not work as a bluff.
Important Rules: diplomacy, bluff The PCs can attempt the Bluff against the Sense Motive
Reaction: The King’s Citadel agents know that Essa roll of the leader of the Citadel agents, but the leader gets
is here in the asylum, and they are aware that she holds a +5 bonus to this roll because of his suspicion and
within her brain not just the secret of the Plaguewind, but training. On the other hand, award a +2 bonus to the
also knowledge of how Breland used the Plaguewind Bluff check if the PC roleplays the encounter well (judge’s

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 24

discretion). Only one Bluff attempt should be allowed Elite King’s Citadel Soldier (hp 51, 61 when raging); see
because the agents do not hesitate long enough to listen “Combat Statistics”, below.
to nonsense more than once.
The Citadel agents are not likely to release Essa into Combat Statistics
the custody of the PCs unless tricked, fought, or avoided. NOSUSON, KING’S CITADEL ARTILLERIST CR 3
However, a PC with an incredibly high Diplomacy check Male human warmage 3
(DC 35) can talk the King’s Citadel agents to let them LN Medium humanoid (human)
This man is dressed in dark shades and wears a blackened
leave peacefully with Essa. Use the chart below to chain shirt. A black light shield is held on his left arm, and a
determine any modifiers to the Diplomacy check: morningstar hangs from his belt, along with a number of
pouches and a wand.
What the PCs says or do: Modifier to check Init +6;
Show Essa remembers nothing +2 Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Common, Gnome
Show Essa’s journal +2 AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17
Turn over notes on her treatment +2 hp 17 (3 HD)
If at least half the PCs are Brelish +2 Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Creatures: The King’s Citadel agents are well-trained and Melee masterwork morningstar +2 melee (1d8) or
masterwork sickle +3 melee (1d6)
well-equipped soldiers. They have their orders, and unless Base Atk +1; Grp +1
persuaded otherwise, they fight to the death to perform Atk Options Point Blank Shot
their mission. Special Actions warmage edge +1
Nosuson, King’s Citadel Artillerist: hp 17; see Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2), wand of
lesser acid orb (CL 1, 10 charges)
“Combat Statistics” below; Suggested Miniature – Warmage Spells Known (CL 3rd, can cast in light armor &
Warmage (GIANTS OF LEGEND 7/72) shields without failure):
King’s Citadel Scout: hp 22; see “Combat Statistics” 1st o– accuracy, burning hands (DC 13), chill
below; Suggested Miniature – Daleland Militia touch (+1 melee touch; DC 13), fist of stone, hail of stone,
(ARCHFIENDS 2/60) magic missile, lesser orb of acid (+2 ranged touch), lesser
orb of cold (+2 ranged touch), lesser orb of electricity (+2
King’s Citadel Soldier: hp 33; see “Combat ranged touch), lesser orb of fire (+2 ranged touch), lesser
Statistics” below; Suggested Miniature – Warforged Hero orb of sound (+2 ranged touch), shocking grasp (+1 melee
(ABERRATIONS 10/60) touch), Tenser’s floating disk, true strike
Tactics: The King’s Citadel agents give the PCs an 0 o– acid splash (+2 ranged touch), disrupt
undead (+2 ranged touch), light, ray of frost (+2 ranged
opportunity to hand over Essa without violence. If the touch)
PCs fail to comply with their demands or convince the Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 15
agents to let them keep possession of Essa, they attack. SQ armored mage (light)
The agents are smart enough to not simply pull a B
Feats Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot , Precise Shot

haphazard assault. They may go so far as to pretend to Skills Concentration +7, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +7,
Spellcraft +9
acquiesce to the PCs demands or pleas, moving in
Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork morningstar, +1
apparent peace until they are in the perfect position to mithral chain shirt, +1 light steel shield, vest of resistance
attack: this would be with the warforged between the +1, spell component pouch, traveler’s outfit, identification
other agents and the PCs, the scout in range for missile papers (two sets, one false).
attacks, and the warmage in the back and in range to cast Warmage Edge (Ex): The King’s Citadel Artillerist gains a +1
spells at any spellcasters, perhaps even readying a spell in bonus on damage dealt by any of her spells that deal hit
point damage. A single spell can never gain this extra
an attempt to interrupt spells cast at his companions. damage more than once per casting.
Tactics depend on the location of the encounter, so
judges are encouraged to be imaginative and play these KING’S CITADEL SCOUT CR 3
foes as well-trained killers if it comes to a battle. Also, if Male human scout 2 / fighter 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
the battle gets desperate, they target Essa, since silencing This man is dressed in darkweave clothing and carries a black-
her is more important than taking her alive. They only lacquered shortbow in his hands. A buckler covered in black
resort to this tactic, however, if the battle is quite leather is strapped to his right arm, and a longsword hangs
obviously lost. from his hip. He appears grizzled and well-capable of taking
care of himself.
Init +7;
Scaling the Encounter Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
6th-level characters (EL 7): King’s Citadel Languages Common, Goblin, Gnome
Scout (hp 22), Nosuson, Elite King’s Citadel’s Artillerist AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 19; uncanny dodge
(hp 27), King’s Citadel Soldier (hp 33, 39 when raging); hp 22 (3 HD)
see “Combat Statistics”, below. Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
7th-level characters (EL 8): Elite King’s Citadel Scout Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Ranged +1 mighty [+1] composite shortbow +5 (1d6+2/×3) or
(hp 34), Nosuson, Elite King’s Citadel Artillerist (hp 27),

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 25

Melee +1 longsword +4 melee (1d8+2/19-20) or masterwork javelin +5 ranged (1d6+2); Grp +5; Abilities Str
Base Atk +2; Grp +3 15, Con 16
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, skirmish +1d6
Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2) NOSUSON, ELITE KING’S CITADEL ARTILLERIST CR 5
Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8 Male human warmage 5
SQ battle fortitude +1, trapfinding LN Medium humanoid (human)
Feats Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot , Precise Shot Init +6;
Skills Balance +4, Climb +1 (+3 with ropes), Diplomacy +1, Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Escape Artist +7 (+9 with ropes), Hide +9 (+10 in Languages Common, Gnome
shadows), Jump +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17
Listen +5, Search +8, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Survival hp 27 (5 HD)
+5 (+7 underground, +7 when searching for tracks), Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5
Tumble +10, Use Rope +7 (+9 binding) Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Possessions Combat gear plus +1 longsword, +1 mighty [+1] Akt masterwork morningstar +3 melee (1d8) or
composite shortbow, arrows (20), +1 mithral chain shirt, masterwork sickle +3 melee (1d6)
+1 buckler, masterwork thieves’ tools, darkweave Base Atk +2; Grp +2
explorer’s outfit, identification papers (two sets, one false) Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Skirmish (Ex): The King’s Citadel Scout deals an extra 1d6 Special Actions warmage edge +1
points of damage on all attacks during any round in which Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2), wand of
he moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only lesser acid orb (CL 1, 10 charges)
to attacks taken during his turn. This damage also applies Warmage Spells Known (CL 5th, can cast in light armor &
to ranged attacks against targets up to 30 feet away. shields without failure):
Creatures with concealment, creatures without 2nd – blades of fire, continual flame, fire trap
discernable anatomies, and creatures immune to extra (DC 15), fireburst (DC 15), flaming sphere (DC 15), ice
damage from critical hits are all immune to this extra knife (+7 ranged; DC 15), Melf’s acid arrow (+3 ranged
damage. The King’s Citadel Scout loses this ability when touch), pyrotechnics, scorching ray (+3 ranged touch),
wearing medium or heavy armor of when carrying a shatter, whirling blade
medium or heavy load. 1st – accuracy, burning hands (DC 13),
chill touch (+1 melee touch; DC 13), fist of stone, hail of
KING’S CITADEL SOLDIER (RAGING) CR 3 stone, magic missile, lesser orb of acid (+2 ranged touch),
Female-Personality warforged barbarian 1/ fighter 2 lesser orb of cold (+2 ranged touch), lesser orb of
LN Medium construct (living construct) electricity (+2 ranged touch), lesser orb of fire (+2 ranged
This large warforged is covered in blackened plating and wears touch), lesser orb of sound (+2 ranged touch), shocking
a bandoleer across its chest with numerous pouches and a grasp (+1 melee touch), Tenser’s floating disk, true strike
quiver of javelins across its back. In its power hands it holds a 0 – acid splash (+2 ranged touch), disrupt
heavy flail made of a dark purplish-black metal. undead (+2 ranged touch), light, ray of frost (+2 ranged
Init +1; touch)
Senses Listen +4, Spot +0 Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16
Languages Common SQ armored mage (light)
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 17 Feats Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot , Precise Shot
hp 39 (3 HD); DR 2/adamantine Skills Concentration +9, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana)
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, +9, Spellcraft +11
fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork morningstar, +1
condition, energy drain mithral chain shirt, +1 light steel shield, vest of resistance
Fort +10, Ref +1, Will +2 +1, spell component pouch, traveler’s outfit, identification
Weakness heat metal, chill metal, repel metal or stone, repel papers (two sets, one false).
wood, rusting grasp Warmage Edge (Ex): The King’s Citadel Artillerist gains a +1
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) bonus on damage dealt by any of her spells that deal hit
Atk adamantine heavy flail +9 melee (1d10+6/19-20) or slam point damage. A single spell can never gain this extra
+7 melee (1d4+6) or masterwork javelin +5 ranged damage more than once per casting.
Atk Options Construct Lock, Power Attack, rage 1/day (8 Male human scout 4 / fighter 1
rounds) LN Medium humanoid (human)
Combat Gear oil of bless weapon, oil of repair moderate Init +10;
damage (2), potion of protection from evil Senses Listen +8, Spot +8; Quick Reconnoiter
Abilities Str 19, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8 Languages Common, Goblin, Gnome
SQ fast movement, warforged traits AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 20; uncanny dodge
Feats Adamantine Body, Construct Lock, Power Attack , hp 34 (5 HD)
Weapon Focus (heavy flail) Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3
Skills Climb +1, Jump -3, Listen +4 Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Possessions Combat gear plus adamantine heavy flail, Alt +1 mighty [+1] composite shortbow +8 ranged (1d6+2/×3)
masterwork javelin (3), +1 enhancement on adamantine or +1 longsword +6 melee (1d8+2/19-20)
body, identification papers (two sets, one false) Base Atk +2; Grp +3
When the King’s Citadel Soldier is not raging, the following Atk Options Point Blank Shot, skirmish (+1d6, +1 AC)
changes apply to the above statistics: AC 20, touch 11, flat- Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of
footed 19; hp 33 (3 HD); Fort +8, Will +0; Atk adamantine protection from evil
heavy flail +7 melee (1d10+3/19-20) or slam +5 melee (1d4+3)
Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 26

SQ battle fortitude +1, trackless step, trapfinding
Important Rules: Bard’s fascinate ability
Feats Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot , Precise Shot Reaction: The Trust operatives from Zilargo know
Skills Balance +4, Climb +1 (+3 with ropes), Diplomacy +1,
Escape Artist +7 (+9 with ropes), Hide +9 (+10 in what Essa looks like, and any attempts to trick them fail.
shadows), Jump +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, They want what she knows at all costs, and they do not
Listen +5, Search +8, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Survival wait around to talk. They try to take Essa alive, but they
+5 (+7 underground, +7 when searching for tracks), have no compunctions about killing the PCs.
Tumble +10, Use Rope +7 (+9 binding)
Possessions Combat gear plus +1 longsword, +1 mighty [+1]
composite shortbow, arrows (20), +1 mithral chain shirt, This encounter takes place as the PCs exit Room 1 of the
+1 buckler, masterwork thieves’ tools, darkweave asylum into the outdoors of Fallen. The Zilargo Trust
explorer’s outfit, identification papers (two sets, one false) operatives have set up an ambush here, waiting for Essa
Skirmish (Ex): The King’s Citadel Scout gains a +1 (and whoever escorts Essa) to leave the asylum.
competence bonus to AC and deals an extra 1d6 points of
damage on all attacks during any round in which he
moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only to At last the smell of madness, filth and death fades
attacks taken during his turn. This damage also applies to behind you. The air of Fallen is by no means that of
ranged attacks against targets up to 30 feet away. a spring meadow, but it is welcome in comparison to
Creatures with concealment, creatures without the foul den you are leaving. Outside the doors of
discernable anatomies, and creatures immune to extra
damage from critical hits are all immune to this extra
this place of madness and horror stands a filth-
damage. The King’s Citadel Scout loses this ability when covered gnome. By his looks, he might have been a
wearing medium or heavy armor of when carrying a recent occupant of the terrible place you are now
medium or heavy load. leaving. He raises a hand and speaks. Unlike the
insane gibbering of those you met inside, he speaks
Female-Personality warforged barbarian 1/ fighter 4 clearly and firmly. “You must hear what I have to
LN Medium construct (living construct) say. It concerns one who is inside the asylum. Her
Init +1; story is one of great treachery. She betrayed an entire
Senses Listen +4, Spot +0 continent by bringing death down upon all living
Languages Common creatures.”
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 17
hp 61 (5 HD); DR 2/adamantine
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, This gnome is a bard, the leader of the Zilargo operatives
fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened who have been sent to capture Essa and return her to
condition, energy drain Zilargo to find out what she can tell them about the
Fort +11, Ref +2, Will +3 Plaguewind. He has disguised himself to look like a
Weakness heat metal, chill metal, repel metal or stone, repel
wood, rusting grasp
resident of Fallen. He is attempting to use his words to
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) fascinate the first two PCs out of the asylum, thus allowing
Melee +1 adamantine heavy flail +12 melee (1d10+10/19-20) his team to get into position for sneak attacks and spells.
or slam +10 melee (1d4+7) or masterwork javelin +7 Creatures: The Zilargo operatives are at least as well
ranged (1d6+5) trained as the King’s Citadel agents, and they have the
Base Atk +5; Grp +10
Atk Options Construct Lock, Power Attack, rage 1/day (8
element of surprise on their side.
rounds) Gnome Diplomat: hp 27; see “Combat Statistics”
Combat Gear oil of bless weapon, oil of repair moderate below; Suggested miniature – Gnome Recruit
damage (2), potion of protection from evil (HARBINGER 24/80)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8 Gnome Gadgeteers (3): hp 15; see “Combat
SQ fast movement, warforged traits
Feats Adamantine Body, Construct Lock, Power Attack ,
B Statistics” below; Suggested miniature – Gnome Figher
Weapon Focus (heavy flail) , Weapon Specialization (DRAGONEYE 3/60)
(heavy flail)
Gnome Mages (2): hp 9; see “Combat Statistics”
Skills Climb +2, Jump +0, Listen +4 below; Suggested miniature – Halfling Wizard
Possessions Combat gear plus adamantine heavy flail, (ARCHFIENDS 18/60)
masterwork javelin (3), +1 enhancement on adamantine
body, identification papers (two sets, one false) Tactics: The gnomes focus their attacks on anyone
When the King’s Citadel Soldier is not raging, the following carrying or assisting Essa. They first want to secure her
changes apply to the above statistics: AC 20, touch 11, (she does not put up a fight). If they do secure her, they
flat-footed 19; hp 51 (5 HD); Fort +9, Will +1; Atk +1 attempt to retreat off the map and escape, letting the PCs
adamantine heavy flail +10 melee (1d10+7/19-20) or slam
+8 melee (1d4+4) or masterwork javelin +7 ranged
live if they do not follow them. If the PCs pursue, the
(1d6+3); Grp +8; Abilities Str 16, Con 16 gnomes stay and fight.
Development: This encounter could be complicated
by many factors—specifically, what happened previously
Part 4: Gnome Treachery (EL 7) with the King’s Citadel agents. If the PCs bluffed or
Auras: The Zilargo gnomes detect as chaotic (faint), snuck past them, the agents may still be behind the PCs in
and any of their magical equipment detect as such. the asylum. In that case, the agents may actually save the

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 27

PCs from the gnomes. If the PCs handed over Essa to These gnomes wear light leather armor that seems to absorb
the Brelish agents, the gnomes attack them—so the PCs the light and shields on their left arms. Numerous tools and
pouches hang from their belts, and they hold very complicated
could turn that battle either way, or they may try to take looking crossbows replete with pulleys and gears.
advantage of the confusion to attempt to escape with Init +2;
Essa in tow. If the PCs can get past the gnomes with Essa Senses Low-light vision; Listen +6, Spot +4
still alive, move on to the Conclusion. Languages Common, Gnome, Goblin
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18; +4 against giants
Scaling the Encounter hp 15 (2 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 against Illusion spells
6th-level characters (EL 8): Elite Gnome Diplomat
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
(hp 39), Gnome Gadgeteers (3) (hp 15, 15, 15), Elite Atk masterwork light crossbow +4 ranged (1d6/19-20)
Gnome Mages (2) (hp 17, 17); see “Combat Statistics”, Base Atk +0; Grp -6
below Atk Options +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds
7th-level characters (EL 9): Elite Gnome Diplomat and goblinoids, sneak attack +1d6
Combat Gear arcane scroll of shield (included in AC, above),
(hp 39), Elite Gnome Gadgeteers (3) (hp 27, 27, 27), Elite potion of cure light wounds (2)
Gnome Mages (2) (hp 17, 17); see “Combat Statistics”, Infusions (CL 1st): The gadgeteers have used the lesser
below. armor enhancement infusion to imbue their leather armor
with the shadow enhancement (+5 competence bonus to
Hide checks, already included above) and the personal
Combat Statistics weapon augmentation infusion to imbue their crossbows
GNOME DIPLOMAT CR 4 with the bane property most appropriate to the player
Male gnome bard 4 characters. Assuming a racially diverse party, mix up the
LN Small humanoid (gnome) bane properties to cover as many races as possible. The
This gnome is covered in filth and looks like he may be a gnomes have used their Gather Information skills to learn
recent occupant of the Shambles. He is dressed in tattered the racial composition of the party. Use your judgment.
rags and sores are evident on his exposed flesh. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st):
Init +2; 1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak
Senses Low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot -1 with animals (burrowing mammals only)
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome Abilities Str 6, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16; +4 against giants SQ artisan bonus, artificer knowledge, craft reserve, disable
hp 27 (4 HD) trap, item creation, trapfinding
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 against Illusion spells Feats Point Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Skills Appraise +6, Disable Device +8, Hide +15, Listen +6,
Atk masterwork club +2 melee (1d4-1) Move Silently +6, Open Lock +9, Search +6 (+8 for secret
Base Atk +3; Grp -2 compartments/doors), Spot +4, Use Magic Device +7
Atk Options +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork light crossbow,
and goblinoids bolts (10), +1 leather armor, +1 buckler, masterwork
Special Actions bardic music 4/day (countersong, fascinate 2 thieves’ tools, explorer’s outfit, identification papers (two
creatures, inspire courage +2, inspire competence); Song sets, one false)
of the Heart
Combat Gear eternal wand of magic missile, arcane scroll of GNOME MAGES CR 1
shield, arcane scroll of alarm Male gnome evoker 1
Bard Spells Known (CL 4th, can cast in light armor without LN Small humanoid (gnome)
failure): These young gnomes dress in rough traveling outfits and carry
2 – glitterdust (DC 15), sound burst (DC 15) crossbows. The many pouches of their outfits seem to be full to
1 – disguise self (DC 16), grease (DC 14), Tasha’s bursting.
hideous laughter (DC 14) Init +6;
0 – daze (DC 13), flare (DC 13), light, mage hand, Senses Low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +2
message, read magic Languages Common, Elven, Gnome
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st): AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19; +4 against giants
1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak hp 9 (1 HD)
with animals (burrowing mammals only) Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 against Illusion spells
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16 Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
SQ bardic knowledge +5 Ranged masterwork light crossbow +4 (1d6/19-20)
Feats Skill Focus (Perform [Oratory]), Song of the Heart Base Atk +0; Grp -6
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +12, Atk Options +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds
Knowledge (local) +6, Perform (Oratory) +13, Sense and goblinoids
Motive +6, Tumble +4, Use Magic Device +10 Combat Gear arcane scroll of mage armor, arcane scroll of
Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork club (crafted to shield
resemble a cane), darkleaf breastplate, glamerweave Spells Prepared (CL 1st; prohibited schools enchantment and
courtier’s outfit, spell component pouch, identification necromancy):
papers (two sets, one false) 1st – color spray (DC 14), magic missile, magic missile
0– acid splash (ranged touch +3), daze (DC 13), detect
GNOME GADGETEERS CR 2 magic, open/close
Male and female gnome artificer 1 / rogue 1 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st):
LN Small humanoid (gnome) 1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak
with animals (burrowing mammals only)

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 28

Abilities Str 6, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 12 Combat Gear arcane scroll of shield (included in AC, above),
SQ familiar (toad) potion of cure light wounds (2)
Feats Alertness (if familiar is within 5 ft.), Improved Initiative, Infusions (CL 1st): The gadgeteers have used the lesser
Scribe Scroll armor enhancement infusion to imbue their leather armor
Skills Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge with the shadow enhancement (+5 competence bonus to
(the planes) +6, Spellcraft +6 Hide checks, already included above) and the personal
Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork light crossbow, weapon augmentation infusion to imbue their crossbows
bolts (10), spell component pouch, explorer’s outfit, with the bane property most appropriate to the player
identification papers (two sets, one false) characters. Assuming a racially diverse party, mix up the
bane properties to cover as many races as possible. The
ELITE GNOME DIPLOMAT CR 6 gnomes have used their Gather Information skills to learn
Male gnome bard 6 the racial composition of the party. Use your judgment.
LN Small humanoid (gnome) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st):
Init +6; 1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak
Senses Low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot -1 with animals (burrowing mammals only)
Languages Common, Elven, Gnome Abilities Str 6, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17; +4 against giants SQ artisan bonus, artificer knowledge, craft reserve, disable
hp 39 (6 HD) trap, item creation, trap sense +1, trapfinding
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +4; +2 against illusion spells Feats Point Blank Shot, Rapid Reload (light crossbow), Scribe
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Scroll
Melee masterwork club +4 (1d4-1) Skills Appraise +6, Disable Device +10, Hide +19, Listen +7,
Base Atk +4; Grp -1 Move Silently +10, Open Lock +12, Search +8 (+10 for
Atk Options +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds secret compartments/doors), Spot +7, Use Magic Device
and goblinoids +9
Special Actions bardic music 6/day (countersong, fascinate 2 Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork light crossbow,
creatures, inspire courage +2, inspire competence, bolts (10), +1 leather armor, +1 buckler, masterwork
suggestion [DC 16]); Song of the Heart thieves’ tools, explorer’s outfit, identification papers (two
Combat Gear eternal wand of magic missile, arcane scroll of sets, one false)
color spray, arcane scroll of invisibility, arcane scroll of
shield, arcane scroll of alarm ELITE GNOME MAGES CR 3
Bard Spells Known (CL 6th, can cast in light armor without Male gnome evoker 3
failure): LN Small humanoid (gnome)
2nd – glitterdust (DC 15), sound burst (DC 15), swift Init +6;
invisibility Senses Low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +2
1st – disguise self (DC 16), grease (DC 14), Languages Common, Elven, Gnome
inspirational boost, Tasha’s hideous laughter (DC 14) AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19; +4 against giants
0 – daze (DC 13), flare (DC 13), light, mage hand, hp 17 (3 HD)
message, read magic Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 against Illusion spells
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st): Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak Atk masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d6/19-20)
with animals (burrowing mammals only) Base Atk +1; Grp -5
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16 Atk Options +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds
SQ bardic knowledge +5 and goblinoids
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perform [Oratory]), Song Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds
of the Heart Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; prohibited schools enchantment and
Skills Bluff +15, Diplomacy +20, Gather Information +17, necromancy):
Knowledge (local) +6, Perform (Oratory) +18, Sense 2nd– enlarged color spray (DC 16), flaming sphere (DC
Motive +8, Tumble +6, Use Magic Device +15 16), scorching ray (ranged touch +4)
Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork club (crafted to 1st– burning hands (DC 15), grease (DC 15), magic
resemble a cane), +1 darkleaf breastplate, circlet of missile, magic missile
persuasion, glamerweave courtier’s outfit, spell 0 (– acid splash (ranged touch +3), daze (DC 13), detect
component pouch, identification papers (two sets, one magic, open/close, ray of frost (ranged touch +4)
false) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st):
1/day – dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak
ELITE GNOME GADGETEERS CR 4 with animals (burrowing mammals only)
Male and female gnome artificer 1 / rogue 3 Abilities Str 6, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 15 (19), Wis 10, Cha 12
LN Small humanoid (gnome) SQ familiar (toad)
Init +3; Feats Alertness (if familiar is within 5 ft.), Enlarge Spell,
Senses Low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +7 Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll
Languages Common, Gnome, Goblin Skills Concentration +8, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 18; +4 against giants (the planes) +8, Spellcraft +10
hp 27 (4 HD) Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork light crossbow,
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 against Illusion spells, evasion bolts (10), spell component pouch, explorer’s outfit,
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) identification papers (two sets, one false)
Atk masterwork light crossbow +7 ranged (1d6/19-20)
Base Atk +2; Grp -4
Atk Options +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds
and goblinoids, sneak attack +3d6 PCs who survive the adventure can return to Matron
Martra’s office to report on their mission. Their reception

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 29

depends entirely on the level of success. Read or
paraphrase the following to PCs who return with Essa
safely in tow:

Fresh sun and the smells of Wroat are a delight after

the foulness of Fallen. Clerks and attendants shirk at
your presence since you seem to have acquired a
lingering stench from the foul dregs of Sharn. But
you don’t care and neither does Matron Martra, who
rushes into your group to grasp her emaciated niece
in comforting arms.
“Well done, Diggers,” she says. “Well done!
You have rendered me a service unparalleled. My
niece has a long road of recovery but she will receive
all the aid my family and I can muster. You will be
justly rewarded for your service and I will keep you
in mind for the next plum assignment.

Read or paraphrase the following to PCs who do not

return with Essa, whether she is dead or captured by
someone else:

Your clothes are fouled, you stink of Fallen, and the

rage of Matron Martra melts your ears. She holds you
responsible for the loss of her niece, despite the
unexpected intervention of other forces you
encountered. While you have rid Fallen and Sharn of
threatening monsters, these victories are minor in
the eyes of Matron Martra, whose niece is either
dead or still suffering in some unknown location.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 30

Handout 1: Essa’s Journal

What is sinister? I’ve seen the best minds of my generation devoured by the creations of war. Victory is a disease crawling under my flesh.
I try to cut it out, scrub it with steel, and bleed it but stains everything! I’m filth. I’m infected.

Is winning sinister? Galifar had centuries of peace and what did it produce? Five nations boiling their ambitions and derisions and
suspicions and conditions and kill-the-other-guy-cause-what-his-is-mine-tions… What is this? Who am I?

Am I sinister? It’s not the Karrnathis or the Droaamites or the Darguuls or the Thranes or the hundreds of nameless soldiers I killed.
They don’t bother me. It’s the friends I watched blister and melt. It’s their faces bloated by disease looking at me like I knew. Oh, I knew.

The mocking man with the skin waistcoat knows. And his fat friend the Keeper knows too. They explain it to me every night. Peace begets
war and war begets honor and honor begets treachery and treachery begets creation. What wicked little weapons I made. I didn’t know it
was for them. They live in me now. No matter how hard I purge myself.

There are always three of us. There was three of them… Brandford….Uzzal….Essa…all children of Lharvion. You could only see
the words and the symbols if you were born into that moon’s light. Lharvion showed us how to craft the plaguewind. It promised us easy
victory, but it didn’t show us how to control the wind. We could only hope three were enough to tame it. Three is never enough.

I’m with you Third Company! Brandford hangs in the Barrakas light warning me with his stretched neck that I’m a coward too scared to
join him. Uzzal already gone.

I’m with you Breland! As you nurse your children on the plaguewind made by our hands.

I’m with you Sharn! Dropping your inconvenient insanity to the bottom of your towers.

I’m with you Fallen! The bottom of despair. The end of the line. You deserve me and I deserve you.
Handout 2: Excerpts Regarding Essa from the Regression Codex
Entry 3264 – I am delightfully perplexed by Essa. At first, she displayed rather mundane paranoia and ague brought on by her War
experiences, but the darkeye draught has brought forth intimations of more intriguing traumas.

Entry 3272 – Nearly lost Essa to the darkeye but the risk was worth it. Under its influence, she recalled working with a group
called The Third Company during the Last War. It was a conclave of engineers and magewrights of which she was a member. They
built secret magicks for Breland. The Fury can appreciate conception fueled by the mad desperation of war. Essa’s trauma was
birthed in an incident involving something she identified as a plaguewind. It was something she crafted. It got loose and spread
among a Brelish hamlet. I recall some propaganda about Thrane resorting to necromancy against a border town. It had to be burned
to the ground. Perhaps the two incidents are related? I can only surmise Essa and her fellows were able to find some solution because
she entered a seizure, ending the session. This information is of extreme interest to my friends in the Zilargo’s Trust.

Entry 3294 – Received word to proceed with extraction of the plaguewind formula.

Entry 3302 – DISASTER! The alcolytes mistook patient Essa for Ilsa and submitted her to a round of Ilsa’s shock treatment.
IDIOTS! The process seems to have benefited Essa who is more composed than previously but the procedure is notorious for
eliminating memories. Essa’s regression session revealed nothing about the plaguewind. The information is clouded. My only recourse
is to attempt a distillation of Aelia’s Tonic. It will push her into a deeper vision but it could kill her. Still, the Fury approves. Such
deadly magicks must be preserved.

Entry 3314 – Nothing new. Patient Essa is more dead than alive now. I have decided to place her inside an isolation chamber to help
her focus better once she recovers. As luck would have it, a dwarven artificer has turned up. I suspect he offers equally tempting

[Handwriting becomes noticeably irregular at this point.]

Entry 3350 – Removed Essa from rest of human population. Highly skilled. Versed in magic. Malleable. She can replace difficult
Hurn Lond. Use her, ip’Sacco, Alid as engineers on the project. I approve of human host’s suggestion to continue regression therapy.
Recovery of plaguewind important. Useful alternate weapon.

Entray 3360 – Essa’s memory fragmented. Obtained first stanza for plaguewind. Nothing else. Human host hypocritical. Praises
passion. Afraid to punish underlings. Such delights I have shown it. He enjoyed the consumption of underlings by roach thralls.

Entry 3373 – Last regression therapy. No plaguewind. Formula gone. Gnomish spy sneaked into compound. Looked for patient
Essa. Food for thralls. Disappearance likely brings other gnomes. Imperative to complete necro-project! Protect us. Wreck

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 32

Handout 3: Excerpts Regarding Hurn Lond from the Regression Codex
Entry 3320 – The patient’s name is Hurn Lond Phoroeth. He is an artificer that worked with Karrnath during the Last War.
Fascinating subject! He alternates between two competing personalities: a dwarven male and an alien mind of supreme arrogance. I
surmise his dwarven persona is the original personality while the other is some mechanism to keep the world away. Curiously, the
alien persona seems to gain dominance when Hurn Lord succumbs to the darkeye. Additional research is warranted.

Entry 3325 – Patient Hurn Lond is a goldmine of information! The artificer knows secret codes used by Karrnath. Zilargo’s Trust
will pay a fortune for what he knows. I must ensure the alcolytes don’t subject Hurn Lond to the electro-shock. I know they will be
disappointed; they do so love their work.

Entry 3335 – Patient Hurn Lond refused to cooperate with regression therapy. The arrogant persona denied access to memories of the
codes. I will attempt a combination of Aelia’s tonic and the darkeye. The infamous dwarf constitution should reduce any risk.

Entry 3341 – Induced a deep narcosis but the patient still refused to cooperate. I’m at my wits end. Never have I encountered such
an impasse. Perhaps refusal is too strong a word. The devious alien mind suggested a compact between us: it will give up the codes if
I give it freedom. I’m not sure what it meant but I will explore further in our next session.

[Handwriting becomes noticeably irregular at this point.]

Entry 3348 – Domination complete. Human host willing. Expediency must be applied to feeding of the dark sphere. Need to prepare
Sharn for infestation. Destruction. Chaos. The seeds of new rule. Too long have we watched from our burrows beneath. Time to shake
the foundations and upend the steeples. Use inmates to feed dark sphere.

Entry 3358 – Recovered Sivis Speaking Stone. Dwarf artificer continues to rebel. Consign him to isolation until he bores us.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 33

Appendix 1: Personal Hook Handouts
Each PC can have only one hook. If a PC is eligible for more than one hook, the DM has the authority to choose the
appropriate hook. Whenever possible, try to make sure no two PCs have the same hook.

Hook: Sivis Speaking Stone

Hook Applies To: Members of House Sivis, House Tharashk, or roguish characters
The House Sivis network is often used to convey sensitive information. Several years ago, a message was mistakenly
routed through an old speaking stone from the Glass Tower. House Sivis hadn’t even realized the speaking stone was
still functional. The message was effectively lost to them, and only recently did House Sivis figure out what happened to
the message. Unfortunately, something must have happened to the speaking stone since then because House Sivis has
been unable to retrieve the message. House Sivis has hired the you to retrieve the speaking stone and bring back its
Siberys shard, which should contain the message.

Hook: The Madness is Spreading

Hook Applies To: Members of House Jorasco, clerics and other healers, any PC with the Favor of House Jorasco
Since Godsgate became Fallen, a strange madness has taken hold in the slum. While interest in this madness is not
entirely profitable, some of the less mercenary members of House Jorasco have decided that such an investigation is
worthwhile. They are particularly interested in the raver tribes that have appeared in Fallen. These packs of ravenous,
feral humanoids are a great danger to anyone who venture into Fallen, but the root cause of their madness is all but
unknown. House Jorasco has asked you to look into the situation and gather any information you can about the ravers
and the strange madness that has settled on Fallen.

Hook: Finding Artificer Hurn Lond Phoroeth

Hook applies to: dwarves, artificers, wizards, or members of House Kundarak
The dwarven artificer Hurn Lond Phoroeth has gone missing. Hurn Lond is a member of House Kundarak who worked
extensively with Karrnath during the Last War. He learned many secrets during his association with the Karrnathi,
including how to decipher Karrnathi secret messages. Hurn Lond no longer works for Karrnathi and was on a mission
for House Kundarak to find a lost Sivis Speaking Stone which reportedly contained an encrypted message revealing the
location of a lost treasure. Hurn Lond has disappeared somewhere in Fallen while searching for the Stone. You have
been hired by House Kundarak to find him or any clues to his current location and have been provided with a good
description of the artificer, as well as a description of the arcane signet ring he wears.

Hook: Finding Malkfar of House Deneith

Hook applies to: Members of House Deneith, inquisitives, trackers, or warriors
House Deneith has had a long and profitable relationship with Matron Martra’s family over the years. A younger
member of House Deneith named Malkfar d’Deneith heard Essa’s disappearance and is hoping to make a name for
himself by recovering her. His last destination was the Shamballan School. They have hired you to find out where he is
and return him, as well as recover Essa.

Hook: An Aberrant Infestation

Hook applies to: Druids, rangers, and characters from the Shadow Marches and Eldeen Reaches, except for those who
belong to the Children of Winter sect.
Word has reached the various druidic circles that there has been an increasingly heavy concentration of aberrations and
vermin creating a home in Sharn. A druidic circle has asked you to investigate this occurrence and report back with what
you have found out. They want you to cleanse the area of as many aberrations and vermin as you can.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 34

Seek the Psychic Well
Hook applies to: Kalashtar, psionic characters
The Path of Light has recently become aware of rumors of rampant psionic abilities occurring in random people in
Fallen. They would like the PC to investigate and try to locate any people with psionic abilities and report back.
Confirmation of the presence of psions is enough, but any evidence is appreciated.

Hook: Investigate the Shamballan School

Hook applies to: any PC who does not otherwise have a hook.
Necromatic and madness ethers are congealing in Fallen. Insane homeless are disappearing near the Shambles and
returning frighteningly composed but disinterested in their fellow neighbors. Faela, who tends the remaining church of
the Silver Flame in Fallen, Blackstone Church, wants the PCs to investigate what is going on in the asylum and report
back to her.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 35

Appendix 2: Personal Hooks, Expanded Info for Judges
This appendix provides the judge with additional information to help him or her determine whether each PC has
accomplished their individual hook.

Sivis Speaking Stone

Hook Applies To: Members of House Sivis, House Tharashk, or roguish characters

The House Sivis network is often used to convey sensitive information. Several years ago, a message was mistakenly
routed through an old speaking stone from the Glass Tower. House Sivis hadn’t even realized the speaking stone was
still functional. The message was effectively lost to them, and only recently did House Sivis figure out what happened to
the message. Unfortunately, something must have happened to the speaking stone since then because House Sivis has
been unable to retrieve the message. House Sivis has hired the PC to retrieve the speaking stone and bring back its
Siberys shard, which should contain the message.

The speaking stone stayed intact for years, until the roach thralls gathered it up along with other garbage and deposited it
all inside the Shambles. The Siberys shard can currently be found in the Roach Motel (Room 5), while its original
housing can be found in the alcolytes’ room (Room 2).

The Madness is Spreading

Hook Applies To: Members of House Jorasco, clerics and other healers, or any PC with the Favor of House Jorasco

Since Godsgate became Fallen, a strange madness has taken hold in the slum. While interest in this madness is not
entirely profitable, some of the less mercenary members of House Jorasco have decided that such an investigation is
worthwhile. They are particularly interested in the raver tribes that have appeared in Fallen. These packs of ravenous,
feral humanoids are a great danger to anyone who venture into Fallen, but the root cause of their madness is all but
unknown. House Jorasco has asked you to look into the situation and gather any information you can about the ravers
and the strange madness that has settled on Fallen.

The fact that the Shamballah School is being run by an acolyte of the Fury is good enough for House Jorasco. Any
details the PC(s) can provide regarding the ravers is also welcomed. Knowledge of the puppeteer is also valuable.

Finding Artificer Hurn Lond Phoroeth

Hook applies to: dwarves, artificers, wizards, or members of House Kundarak

The dwarven artificer Hurn Lond Phoroeth has gone missing. Hurn Lond is a member of House Kundarak who worked
extensively with Karrnath during the Last War. He learned many secrets during his association with the Karrnathi,
including how to decipher Karrnathi secret messages. Hurn Lond no longer works for Karrnathi and was on a mission
for House Kundarak to find a lost Sivis Speaking Stone which reportedly contained an encrypted message revealing the
location of a lost treasure. Hurn Lond has disappeared somewhere in Fallen while searching for the Stone. The PC has
been hired by House Kundarak to find him or any clues to his current location and has been provided with a good
description of the artificer, as well as a description of the arcane signet ring he wears.

The discovery of Hurn Lond’s body in the Isolation Chamber (Room 4) and the return of his signet ring is sufficient for
House Kundarak. Knowledge of how he died is also very welcome.

Finding Malkfar of House Deneith

Hook applies to: Members of House Deneith, inquisitives, trackers, or warriors

House Deneith has had a long and profitable relationship with Matron Martra’s family over the years. A younger
member of House Deneith named Malkfar d’Deneith heard Essa’s disappearance and is hoping to make a name for
himself by recovering her. His last destination was the Shamballan School. They have hired the PC to find out where he
is and return him, as well as recover Essa.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 36

Obviously, the recovery of Malkfar is problematical due to his death at the hands of the roach thralls. Knowledge of his
demise and the return of his personal papers (found in Room 2) or his ring (found on him) however, will please House

An Aberrant Infestation
Hook applies to: Druids, rangers, and characters from the Shadow Marches and Eldeen Reaches, except for those who
belong to the Children of Winter sect.

Word has reached the various druidic circles that there has been an increasingly heavy concentration of aberrations and
vermin creating a home in Sharn. A druidic circle has asked the PC to investigate this occurrence and report back with
what you have found out. They want him or her to cleanse the area of as many aberrations and vermin as he or she can.

The druidic circle wants to know about the infestation of roach thralls and the puppeteer. Any direct evidence the PC(s)
can provide is welcome.

Seek the Psychic Well

Hook applies to: Kalashtar, psionic characters
The Path of Light has recently become aware of rumors of rampant psionic abilities occurring in random people in
Fallen. They would like the PC to investigate and try to locate any people with psionic abilities and report back.
Confirmation of the presence of psions is enough, but any evidence is appreciated.

The Path of Light would like to know about the Raver Wilder’s abilities (so the judge should not tell the PCs that she is a
Wilder unless they figure it out) and the Puppeteer. Ideally, the PC would bring the corpse of the Puppeteer back with

Investigate the Shamballan School

Hook applies to: any other PCs.

Necromantic and madness ethers are congealing in Fallen. Insane homeless are disappearing near the Shambles and
returning frighteningly composed but disinterested in their fellow neighbors. Faela, who tends the remaining church of
the Silver Flame in Fallen, Blackstone Church, wants the PCs to investigate what is going on in the asylum and report
back to her.

Any information regarding the acolyte of the Fury, the roach thralls, the puppeteer, and any other information gains the
PC(s) the favor of Faela and the Blackstone Church.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 37

Appendix 3: New Rules
Construct Lock [Warforged] (Races of Eberron page 119)
Your knowledge of construct nature allows you to deal extra damage to or even immobilize such foes.
Prerequisites: Warforged, base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: You gain a +2 damage bonus against creatures with the construct type (including living constructs). If you
roll a critical threat against a construct, you can forego the confirmation roll to make another attack roll using the same
modifier. If this second attack also hits and deals at least 1 point of damage, the construct must succeed on a Fortitude
save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Con modifier) or be rendered immobile and helpless for 1 round (as if it
had been paralyzed).
Special: If you spend an action point to improve an attack roll against a construct and hit with the attack, the attack
roll is automatically considered to be a critical threat regardless of the number rolled on the die.
Divine Spell Power [Divine] (Complete Divine page 80)
You can channel positive or negative energy to enhance your spell casting ability.
Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, able to cast 1st level divine spells.
Benefits: You can spend a turn or rebuke attempt as a free action and roll a turning check (with a special +3 bonus,
plus any other modifiers you’d normally apply to your turning check). Treat the result of the turning check as a modifier
to your caster level on the next divine spell you cast in that round.
For example, if a cleric used this feat and rolled a 16 on his turning check, he would add a +2 bonus to his caster
level for the next divine spell he casts in the round. Had he rolled an 8, he would instead apply a –1 penalty to his caster
level for the next divine spell he cast in the round.
If you don’t cast a divine spell before your next turn, you lose the effect of the check result. This feat has no effect
on your arcane spell casting ability.
Reckless Offense [General] (Expanded Psionic’s Handbook page 51)
You can shift your focus from defense to offense.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you use the attack action or full attack action in melee, you can take a -4 penalty to your Armor
Class and add a +2 bonus on your melee attack roll. The bonus on attack rolls and penalty to Armor Class last until the
beginning of your next turn.
Reckless Rage [General] (Races of Stone page 143)
You are considered extreme even among other barbaric warriors, and you enter a deeper state of rage than others.
Goliath barbarians favor this feat.
Prerequisites: Con 13, rage ability
Benefit: Whenever you activate your rage ability, you take an additional –2 penalty to your armor class, but you gain
an additional +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution. These bonuses and penalties stack with the effects of rage, greater
rage, and mighty rage.

Accuracy (Complete Arcane page 96)
Level: Warmage 1, wu jen 1
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Targets: One thrown weapon/level touched or one projectile weapon touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless object)
When you cast this spell, you enhance one or more thrown weapons or one projectile weapon to improve its chance
of hitting distant targets. For the duration of the spell, the range increment for the affected weapon or weapons is

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 38

Material Component: Ink used to scribe a mystical character on each weapon affected by the spell.
Blades of Fire (Complete Arcane page 99)
Conjuration (Creation) [Fire]
Level: Ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, warmage 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Touch
Targets: Up to two melee weapons you are wielding
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Nne
Spell Resistance: No
Flames sheathe your melee weapons, harming neither you nor the weapons but possibly burning your opponents.
Your melee weapons each deal an extra 1d6 points of fire damage. This damage stacks with any energy damage your
weapons already deal.
Fireburst (Complete Arcane page 107)
Evocation [Fire)
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 2, warmage2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 5 ft.
Effect: Burst of fire extending 5 ft. from you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
Fireburst causes a powerful explosion of flame to burst from you, damaging anyone within 5 feet of you. All
creatures and objects within that area, except for you and any creatures or objects that share your space, take 1d8 points
of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d8).
Material Component: A bit of sulfur.
Fist of Stone (Complete Arcane page 107)
Transmutation [Earth]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1, warmage 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute
You transform one of your hands into a mighty fist of living stone, gaining a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength
for purposes of attacks, grapple checks, or breaking and crushing items. In addition, you gain the ability to make one
natural slam attack as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus your new Strength bonus (or 1-1/2 times
your Strength bonus if you make no other attacks that round). au can make the slam attack as a natural secondary attack
with the normal -5 penalty (or -2 penalty if you have the Multiattack feat; See page 304 of the Monster Manual) as part
of a full attack action. However, you cannot gain more than one slam attack per round with this spell due to a high base
attack bonus (+6 or higher).
Your fist undergoes no change in size or form, remaining as flexible and responsive as it would normally be while
under the spell's effect.
Material Component: A pebble inscribed with a stylized fist design.
Fly, Swift (Complete Adventurer page 149)
Level: Bard 2, druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
This spell functions like fly (see page 232 of the Player’s Handbook), except as noted above.

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 39

Hail of Stone (Complete Arcane page 110)
Conjuration (Creation) [Earth]
Level: Wu jen 1 (earth), warmage 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Cylinder (5-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a rain of stones that deals 1d4 points of damage per caster level (maximum 5d4) to creatures and objects
within the area.
Material Component: A piece of jade worth 5 gp.
Ice Knife (Complete Arcane page 112)
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Assassin 2, Wu Jen 2 (water), Warmage 2
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect: One icy missile
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes
A magical shard of ice blasts from your hand and speeds to its target. You must succeed on a normal ranged attack
to hit (with a +2 bonus on the attack roll for every two caster levels). If it hits, an ice knife deal 2d8 points of cold
damage plus 2 points of Dexterity damage (no Dexterity damage on a successful Fortitude save). Creatures that have
immunity to cold damage also take no Dexterity damage automatically.
A knife that misses creates a shower of ice crystals in a 10-foot-radius burst (see Missing with a Thrown Weapon,
page 158 of the player's Handbook, to determine where the shard hits). The icy burst deals ld8 points of cold damage to
all creatures within the area of the effect (Reflex half).
Material Component: A drop of water or piece of ice.
Inspirational Boost (Complete Adventurer page 153)
Enchantment (Compusion) [Mind-Affecting, Sonic]
Level: Bard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Targets: You
Duration: 1 round or special; see text
When you play your instrument, sing your song, recite your epic poem, or speak your words of encouragement, you
fill your allies with greater confidence than normal. When this spell is in effect, the morale bonus granted by your inspire
courage bardic music increases by 1.
The effect lasts until your inspire courage effect ends. If you don’t begin to use your inspire courage ability before
the beginning of your next turn, the spell’s effect ends.
Orb of Acid, Lesser (Complete Arcane page 115)
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1, warmage 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2Ievels)
Effect: One orb of acid
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn 40

An orb of acid about 2 inches across shoots from your palm at its target, dealing ld8 points of acid damage. You
must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target.
For every two caster levels beyond 1st, your orb deals an additional 1d8 points of damage: 2d8 at 3rd level, 3d8 at
5th level, 4d8 at 7th level, and the maximum of 5d8 at 9th level or higher.
Orb of Cold, Lesser (Complete Arcane page 116)
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1, warmage 1
Effect: One orb of cold
This spell functions like Lesser orb of acid, except that it deals cold damage.
Orb of Electricity, Lesser (Complete Arcane page 116)
Conjuration (Creation) [Electricity]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1, warmage 1
Effect: One orb of electricity
This spell functions like lesser orb of acid, except that it deals electricity damage.
Orb of Fire (Complete Arcane page 116)
Conjuration (Creation) [Fire]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 4, warmage 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 level )
Effect: One orb of fire
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: No
This spell functions like orb of acid, except that it deals fire damage. In addition, a creature struck by an orb of fire
must make a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round instead of being sickened.
Orb of Sound, Lesser (Complete Arcane page 116)
Conjuration (Creation) [Sonic]
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 1, warmage 1
Effect: One orb of sonic energy
This spell functions like lesser orb of acid, except it deals 1d6 points of sonic damage, plus an additional ld6 points
of damage per two caster levels beyond 1st: 2d6 at 3rd level, 3d6 at 5th level, 4d6 at 7th level, and the maximum of 5d6
at 9th level or higher.
Whirling Blade (Complete Arcane page 129)
Level: Bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, warmage 2
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Effect: 60-ft. line
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
As you cast this spell, you hurl a single slashing weapon at your foes, magically striking at all enemies along a line to
the extent of the spell's range. You make a normal melee attack, just as if you attacked with the weapon in melee, against
each foe in the weapon's path, but you can choose to substitute your Intelligence or Charisma modifier (as appropriate
for your spellcasting class) for your Strength modifier on the weapon's attack rolls and damage rolls. Even if your base
attack bonus would normally give you multiple attack rolls, a whirling blade gets only one attack (at your best attack
bonus) against each target. The weapon deals damage ju t as if you had swung it in melee, including any bonuses you
might have from ability scores or feats.
No matter how many targets your weapon hits or misses, it instantly and unerringly returns to your hand after
attempting the last of its attacks.
Focus: A slashing melee weapon that the caster hurls.

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Part One


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