XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn
XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn
XMH-2 Fallen of Sharn
A One-Round Dungeons & Dragons® Adventure for 5th-
Level Characters
Gen Con 2005 Version
Design: David Lotempio, Kevin Lawson, Shawn Merwin, William Muench, and Chuck Peacock
Development: Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Playtesters: Alex Harn, Steve Lorenz, Rich Marflak, Craig Nakashian, Chad Valdez, and Sean
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. The Eberron setting
created by Keith Baker. Eberron game design by Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt
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Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Treasure: Each raver has one vial of acid that they do Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
not use during the combat, and the raver swordsman and SQ elude touch, psychic enervation
raver wilder each also have 2 flasks of alchemist’s fire. Feats Combat Reflexes, Psionic Weapon, Iron Will
They were hoping to use the substances on the inmate. Skills Autohypnosis +5, Bluff +9, Concentration +8, Intimidate
+10, Tumble +7
They do not consider the idea of using them against the Possessions combat gear plus longspear, chain shirt
PCs. Wild Surge (Su): When she chooses to invoke a wild surge
when manifesting a power, she gains +2 to her manifester
Scaling the Encounter level with that manifestation of the power. Can augment
6th-level characters (EL 7): There are 3 elite raver her power more than she otherwise could and pays no
extra power points for this wild surge. Level-dependent
thugs (hp 24, 24, 24; 33 each when raging) instead of 3
power effects are also improved. Only the unaugmented
taver thugs; see “Combat Statistics”, below. power point cost is subtracted from the wilder’s power
7th-level characters (EL 8): There are 3 elite raver point reserve.
thugs (hp 24, 24, 24; 33 each when raging), an elite raver Elude Touch (Ex): She gains a bonus to Armor Class against
wilder (hp 33), and an elite raver swordsman (hp 50; 60 all touch attacks equal to her Charisma bonus; however,
her touch AC can never exceed her Armor Class against
when raging); see “Combat Statistics”, below. normal attacks.
Psychic Enervation (Ex): Immediately following each wild
Combat Statistics surge, there is a 5% per manifester level chance of being
RAVER THUG (RAGING) (3) CR 1 dazed until the end of her next turn and losing a number
Male human warrior 1/barbarian 1 of power points equal to her wilder level.
CN Medium humanoid (human)
This degenerate wears the tattered remains of a Brelish military RAVER SWORDSMAN (RAGING) CR 4
uniform and carries a great club studded with glass and nails Male half-elf barbarian 2 / fighter 2
across one shoulder. Bloody streaks line his arms where he NE Medium humanoid (elf)
has cut himself on his own weapon, although he doesn’t seem This half-elf wears a breastplate covered in grime and dried
to have noticed. blood that seems to be engraved with equine designs. He
Init +0; caresses a finely made falchion with a streamer of horsehair
Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 that trails from the pommel that looks very out of place in his
Languages Common hands.
AC 7, touch 6, flat-footed 7 Init +1;
hp 21 (2 HD) Senses Low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +2
Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +2 Languages Common, Elven
AC 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14
Essa, Channa politely but firmly informs them that Essa’s Improved Natural Attack (claw), Weapon Finesse
Skills Balance +7, Bluff +12*, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +12*
mental state precludes release. She also informs them that (+14* acting), Escape Artist +17, Jump +3 (+7 as insect),
the Essa south the school’s aid of her own free will, and Sense Motive +13, Spot +13, Tumble +17, Use Rope +5
the paperwork can be displayed to prove it. (+7 with bindings).
The roach thrall has no intention of starting a fight at *While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
this time, but will do so to protect the school, her
when attempting to pass itself off as its human host.
master’s plans or if she thinks that the PCs can’t be Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall
dissuaded from taking Essa. can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body
If the PCs do not dispatch Channa, the PCs discover has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the
on their way out of the building that the Citadel agents roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
killed her on their way in. As the party leaves, read this emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action.
brief description: Multiple Limbs: Once emerged from its human host, a roach
thrall walks upright for a few days before reverting to the
Lying behind the desk is the carcass of a multi- gait of a cockroach. This is a preference, not a mandate;
legged, insectoid creature that has been torn apart. the roach thrall can choose whether to be upright or not
once per round as a free action. An upright roach thrall
Lying next to the bug is the fleshy shell that was has a speed of 30 feet and can use four limbs to attack.
once Mistress Channa, piled in a disjointed heap. Otherwise it has a speed of 40 feet and can only use two
limbs to attack.
Additionally, the Zilargo spies have placed an alarm
spell inside the reception area to alert them to the return MISTRESS CHANNA CR 7
Roach thrall rogue 7
of the PCs or the Citadel Agents. It has been set to alert NE Medium aberration
the gnome diplomat mentally. Init +9;
Tactics: The roach thrall leader fully intends to keep Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +14
up her ruse and does not attack the PCs unless absolutely Languages Common
necessary. If combat is unavoidable, however, she fights AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 21; uncanny dodge
to the death and also calls the other two roach thralls hp 73 (10 HD)
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +6; evasion
from Area 2 to join her, if available, in an attempt to Speed 30 ft. (bipedal) (6 squares), 40 ft. (as insect)
dispatch the party as quickly as possible. If she does call Melee 2 or 4 claws +12 melee (1d6+1)
for the acolytes, it takes them 3 full rounds to arrive from Base Atk +7; Grp +8
their posts. Atk Options Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, sneak attack
Scaling the Encounter Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
SQ humanoid host, multiple limbs, trapfinding, trap sense +2
6th-level Characters (EL 7): Mistress Channa is a Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Improved Initiative ,
Roach Thrall Rog7; hp 73, see “Combat Statistics”, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Weapon Finesse
below. Skills Balance +7, Bluff +13*, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +13*
7th-level Characters (EL 9): Mistress Channa is a (+15* acting), Escape Artist +18, Jump +6 (+10 as insect),
Sense Motive +14, Spot +14, Tumble +18, Use Rope +5
Roach Thrall Rog9; hp 87, see “Combat Statistics” below. (+7 with bindings).
*While it lives inside its human host, a roach thrall gains a +10
Combat Statistics racial bonus on Disguise checks and on Bluff checks
MISTRESS CHANNA CR 6 when attempting to pass itself off as its human host.
Roach thrall rogue Human Host (Ex): When inside its human host, the roach thrall
NE Medium aberration can’t use its natural weapons or darkvision. The host body
This elderly woman is dressed in a white doublet and has 10 hit points; if it’s reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, the
hose, and wears a threadbare shawl around her shoulder. Her roach thrall automatically spends a full-round action
pinched face and bun of gray hair gives the impression of a emerging from the ruined host. The roach thrall can
stern but kindly aunt. voluntarily cast aside its host body as a full-round action.
Cell c: Dead Artificer Alid is a highly skilled and creative magewright from
A dried pool extends from inside this cell. The smell Aundair. He has lived in the asylum since the end of the
of effluent and death also escape as you open the Last War. He’s quite mad but his lunacy has been
door. Toward the back, you can see a figure whose channeled into productive pursuits. The chair, skylights
head and limbs relax in deep torpidity. It is short in and bed are realistic illusory paintings given more depth
stature. Arcane sigils are written on the walls but by magical pigments crafted by Alid (based upon silent
they are covered by bloody handprints. image spell). PCs who fail a Will save DC 14 takes 1d4
points of nonlethal damage from the wall if they attempt
This is the body of the dwarven artificer Hurn Lond to walk into the alcoves. The puppeteer has removed
Phoroeth. He was the original host of the puppeteer. Alid’s access to the ingredients necessary to making the
Hurn Lond worked extensively with the Karrnath during pigments, which Alid thinks is a beastly, uncivilized thing
the Last War, where he learned some of their secret to do.
codes. He began work with House Kundarak after the If the PCs rest after their encounter in Room 9 then
war. He came to Fallen searching for the House Sivis the King’s Citadel has been through this room. Read the
speaking stone, which is rumored to hold the encrypted following description.
location of stolen Karrnathi gold. During his quest he
encountered the puppeteer Quarquiz. Hurn Lond fought All of the isolation chambers have been smashed
against the dominance of the tiny aberration but the open. A foul odor of chemicals and fire assaults the
mental battle pushed him into schizophrenia. Hurn Lond air. Each of the cells has been sanitized by the King’s
eventually came to the asylum for assistance. Instead of Citadel. Walls that once held graffiti now only hint at
aid, he found only death. A Heal check (DC 10) reveals strange secrets.
that Hurn Lond perished by smashing his head against
the wall. He preferred this to further dealings with the The King’s Citadel has eliminated all secrets in this room
Fury cleric and the vasuthant. with acid and fire. They disabled the gas traps, which are
now inactive.
1st – bane (DC 13), bless, cause fear (DC 13), cure light
Male human cleric 6 wounds (DC 13), shield of faith
CE Medium humanoid (human) 0 – cure minor wounds (3), detect magic, guidance,
Init +3; resistance
Senses Listen +2, Spot +2 = Domain spell. Deity: The Fury. Domains: Madness
Languages Common (subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 saves (already included above); 1/day, add 1 to a single
hp 39 (6 HD) Wisdom-based skill check or Will save), Passion (act as if
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7 under the effects of the rage spell for up to 7 rounds per
haphazard assault. They may go so far as to pretend to Skills Concentration +7, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +7,
Spellcraft +9
acquiesce to the PCs demands or pleas, moving in
Possessions Combat gear plus masterwork morningstar, +1
apparent peace until they are in the perfect position to mithral chain shirt, +1 light steel shield, vest of resistance
attack: this would be with the warforged between the +1, spell component pouch, traveler’s outfit, identification
other agents and the PCs, the scout in range for missile papers (two sets, one false).
attacks, and the warmage in the back and in range to cast Warmage Edge (Ex): The King’s Citadel Artillerist gains a +1
spells at any spellcasters, perhaps even readying a spell in bonus on damage dealt by any of her spells that deal hit
point damage. A single spell can never gain this extra
an attempt to interrupt spells cast at his companions. damage more than once per casting.
Tactics depend on the location of the encounter, so
judges are encouraged to be imaginative and play these KING’S CITADEL SCOUT CR 3
foes as well-trained killers if it comes to a battle. Also, if Male human scout 2 / fighter 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
the battle gets desperate, they target Essa, since silencing This man is dressed in darkweave clothing and carries a black-
her is more important than taking her alive. They only lacquered shortbow in his hands. A buckler covered in black
resort to this tactic, however, if the battle is quite leather is strapped to his right arm, and a longsword hangs
obviously lost. from his hip. He appears grizzled and well-capable of taking
care of himself.
Init +7;
Scaling the Encounter Senses Listen +5, Spot +5
6th-level characters (EL 7): King’s Citadel Languages Common, Goblin, Gnome
Scout (hp 22), Nosuson, Elite King’s Citadel’s Artillerist AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 19; uncanny dodge
(hp 27), King’s Citadel Soldier (hp 33, 39 when raging); hp 22 (3 HD)
see “Combat Statistics”, below. Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
7th-level characters (EL 8): Elite King’s Citadel Scout Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Ranged +1 mighty [+1] composite shortbow +5 (1d6+2/×3) or
(hp 34), Nosuson, Elite King’s Citadel Artillerist (hp 27),
What is sinister? I’ve seen the best minds of my generation devoured by the creations of war. Victory is a disease crawling under my flesh.
I try to cut it out, scrub it with steel, and bleed it but stains everything! I’m filth. I’m infected.
Is winning sinister? Galifar had centuries of peace and what did it produce? Five nations boiling their ambitions and derisions and
suspicions and conditions and kill-the-other-guy-cause-what-his-is-mine-tions… What is this? Who am I?
Am I sinister? It’s not the Karrnathis or the Droaamites or the Darguuls or the Thranes or the hundreds of nameless soldiers I killed.
They don’t bother me. It’s the friends I watched blister and melt. It’s their faces bloated by disease looking at me like I knew. Oh, I knew.
The mocking man with the skin waistcoat knows. And his fat friend the Keeper knows too. They explain it to me every night. Peace begets
war and war begets honor and honor begets treachery and treachery begets creation. What wicked little weapons I made. I didn’t know it
was for them. They live in me now. No matter how hard I purge myself.
There are always three of us. There was three of them… Brandford….Uzzal….Essa…all children of Lharvion. You could only see
the words and the symbols if you were born into that moon’s light. Lharvion showed us how to craft the plaguewind. It promised us easy
victory, but it didn’t show us how to control the wind. We could only hope three were enough to tame it. Three is never enough.
I’m with you Third Company! Brandford hangs in the Barrakas light warning me with his stretched neck that I’m a coward too scared to
join him. Uzzal already gone.
I’m with you Breland! As you nurse your children on the plaguewind made by our hands.
I’m with you Sharn! Dropping your inconvenient insanity to the bottom of your towers.
I’m with you Fallen! The bottom of despair. The end of the line. You deserve me and I deserve you.
Handout 2: Excerpts Regarding Essa from the Regression Codex
Entry 3264 – I am delightfully perplexed by Essa. At first, she displayed rather mundane paranoia and ague brought on by her War
experiences, but the darkeye draught has brought forth intimations of more intriguing traumas.
Entry 3272 – Nearly lost Essa to the darkeye but the risk was worth it. Under its influence, she recalled working with a group
called The Third Company during the Last War. It was a conclave of engineers and magewrights of which she was a member. They
built secret magicks for Breland. The Fury can appreciate conception fueled by the mad desperation of war. Essa’s trauma was
birthed in an incident involving something she identified as a plaguewind. It was something she crafted. It got loose and spread
among a Brelish hamlet. I recall some propaganda about Thrane resorting to necromancy against a border town. It had to be burned
to the ground. Perhaps the two incidents are related? I can only surmise Essa and her fellows were able to find some solution because
she entered a seizure, ending the session. This information is of extreme interest to my friends in the Zilargo’s Trust.
Entry 3294 – Received word to proceed with extraction of the plaguewind formula.
Entry 3302 – DISASTER! The alcolytes mistook patient Essa for Ilsa and submitted her to a round of Ilsa’s shock treatment.
IDIOTS! The process seems to have benefited Essa who is more composed than previously but the procedure is notorious for
eliminating memories. Essa’s regression session revealed nothing about the plaguewind. The information is clouded. My only recourse
is to attempt a distillation of Aelia’s Tonic. It will push her into a deeper vision but it could kill her. Still, the Fury approves. Such
deadly magicks must be preserved.
Entry 3314 – Nothing new. Patient Essa is more dead than alive now. I have decided to place her inside an isolation chamber to help
her focus better once she recovers. As luck would have it, a dwarven artificer has turned up. I suspect he offers equally tempting
Entry 3350 – Removed Essa from rest of human population. Highly skilled. Versed in magic. Malleable. She can replace difficult
Hurn Lond. Use her, ip’Sacco, Alid as engineers on the project. I approve of human host’s suggestion to continue regression therapy.
Recovery of plaguewind important. Useful alternate weapon.
Entray 3360 – Essa’s memory fragmented. Obtained first stanza for plaguewind. Nothing else. Human host hypocritical. Praises
passion. Afraid to punish underlings. Such delights I have shown it. He enjoyed the consumption of underlings by roach thralls.
Entry 3373 – Last regression therapy. No plaguewind. Formula gone. Gnomish spy sneaked into compound. Looked for patient
Essa. Food for thralls. Disappearance likely brings other gnomes. Imperative to complete necro-project! Protect us. Wreck
Entry 3325 – Patient Hurn Lond is a goldmine of information! The artificer knows secret codes used by Karrnath. Zilargo’s Trust
will pay a fortune for what he knows. I must ensure the alcolytes don’t subject Hurn Lond to the electro-shock. I know they will be
disappointed; they do so love their work.
Entry 3335 – Patient Hurn Lond refused to cooperate with regression therapy. The arrogant persona denied access to memories of the
codes. I will attempt a combination of Aelia’s tonic and the darkeye. The infamous dwarf constitution should reduce any risk.
Entry 3341 – Induced a deep narcosis but the patient still refused to cooperate. I’m at my wits end. Never have I encountered such
an impasse. Perhaps refusal is too strong a word. The devious alien mind suggested a compact between us: it will give up the codes if
I give it freedom. I’m not sure what it meant but I will explore further in our next session.
Entry 3348 – Domination complete. Human host willing. Expediency must be applied to feeding of the dark sphere. Need to prepare
Sharn for infestation. Destruction. Chaos. The seeds of new rule. Too long have we watched from our burrows beneath. Time to shake
the foundations and upend the steeples. Use inmates to feed dark sphere.
Entry 3358 – Recovered Sivis Speaking Stone. Dwarf artificer continues to rebel. Consign him to isolation until he bores us.
The House Sivis network is often used to convey sensitive information. Several years ago, a message was mistakenly
routed through an old speaking stone from the Glass Tower. House Sivis hadn’t even realized the speaking stone was
still functional. The message was effectively lost to them, and only recently did House Sivis figure out what happened to
the message. Unfortunately, something must have happened to the speaking stone since then because House Sivis has
been unable to retrieve the message. House Sivis has hired the PC to retrieve the speaking stone and bring back its
Siberys shard, which should contain the message.
The speaking stone stayed intact for years, until the roach thralls gathered it up along with other garbage and deposited it
all inside the Shambles. The Siberys shard can currently be found in the Roach Motel (Room 5), while its original
housing can be found in the alcolytes’ room (Room 2).
Since Godsgate became Fallen, a strange madness has taken hold in the slum. While interest in this madness is not
entirely profitable, some of the less mercenary members of House Jorasco have decided that such an investigation is
worthwhile. They are particularly interested in the raver tribes that have appeared in Fallen. These packs of ravenous,
feral humanoids are a great danger to anyone who venture into Fallen, but the root cause of their madness is all but
unknown. House Jorasco has asked you to look into the situation and gather any information you can about the ravers
and the strange madness that has settled on Fallen.
The fact that the Shamballah School is being run by an acolyte of the Fury is good enough for House Jorasco. Any
details the PC(s) can provide regarding the ravers is also welcomed. Knowledge of the puppeteer is also valuable.
The dwarven artificer Hurn Lond Phoroeth has gone missing. Hurn Lond is a member of House Kundarak who worked
extensively with Karrnath during the Last War. He learned many secrets during his association with the Karrnathi,
including how to decipher Karrnathi secret messages. Hurn Lond no longer works for Karrnathi and was on a mission
for House Kundarak to find a lost Sivis Speaking Stone which reportedly contained an encrypted message revealing the
location of a lost treasure. Hurn Lond has disappeared somewhere in Fallen while searching for the Stone. The PC has
been hired by House Kundarak to find him or any clues to his current location and has been provided with a good
description of the artificer, as well as a description of the arcane signet ring he wears.
The discovery of Hurn Lond’s body in the Isolation Chamber (Room 4) and the return of his signet ring is sufficient for
House Kundarak. Knowledge of how he died is also very welcome.
House Deneith has had a long and profitable relationship with Matron Martra’s family over the years. A younger
member of House Deneith named Malkfar d’Deneith heard Essa’s disappearance and is hoping to make a name for
himself by recovering her. His last destination was the Shamballan School. They have hired the PC to find out where he
is and return him, as well as recover Essa.
An Aberrant Infestation
Hook applies to: Druids, rangers, and characters from the Shadow Marches and Eldeen Reaches, except for those who
belong to the Children of Winter sect.
Word has reached the various druidic circles that there has been an increasingly heavy concentration of aberrations and
vermin creating a home in Sharn. A druidic circle has asked the PC to investigate this occurrence and report back with
what you have found out. They want him or her to cleanse the area of as many aberrations and vermin as he or she can.
The druidic circle wants to know about the infestation of roach thralls and the puppeteer. Any direct evidence the PC(s)
can provide is welcome.
The Path of Light would like to know about the Raver Wilder’s abilities (so the judge should not tell the PCs that she is a
Wilder unless they figure it out) and the Puppeteer. Ideally, the PC would bring the corpse of the Puppeteer back with
Necromantic and madness ethers are congealing in Fallen. Insane homeless are disappearing near the Shambles and
returning frighteningly composed but disinterested in their fellow neighbors. Faela, who tends the remaining church of
the Silver Flame in Fallen, Blackstone Church, wants the PCs to investigate what is going on in the asylum and report
back to her.
Any information regarding the acolyte of the Fury, the roach thralls, the puppeteer, and any other information gains the
PC(s) the favor of Faela and the Blackstone Church.
Accuracy (Complete Arcane page 96)
Level: Warmage 1, wu jen 1
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Targets: One thrown weapon/level touched or one projectile weapon touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless object)
When you cast this spell, you enhance one or more thrown weapons or one projectile weapon to improve its chance
of hitting distant targets. For the duration of the spell, the range increment for the affected weapon or weapons is
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Part One