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XMH-1 Death in Darguun

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A One-Round Dungeons and Dragons® Adventure
for 1st-Level Characters

Design: Charles Peacock, William Muench, Shawn Merwin, Richard Marflak, David Lotempio, and
Kevin Lawson
Editing and Development: Shawn Merwin and Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Illustrations: David Lotempio
Cartography: Joseph Marflak and Matthew Stevens
Eberron Created by Keith Baker
Playtesters: Jeffrey Barnes, Michael Barnes, Charles Lotempio, Beth Merwin

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. The Eberron setting
created by Keith Baker. Eberron game design by Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of
Wizards of the Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit

This is an official RPGA play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.rpga.com.

Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. © 2005 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Visit the MARK OF HEROES website at www.rpga.com

For rules questions specific to this document and the MARK OF HEROES campaign email rpgahq@wizards.com
events) the senior gamemaster is also the table DM. You
Introduction don’t have to be a HERALD-LEVEL GM to run this
adventure if you are not the senior GM.
This adventure is optimized for 1st-level characters. This
means that it’s designed and balanced for a group of four By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you
to five 1st-level characters. If your group deviates from accomplish a few things. First, it allows the PCs
this size and strength, each encounter features a section participating in play to accumulate experience points (XP)
titled “Scaling the Encounter” so that you, the Dungeon and gold pieces (gp) to advance their MARK OF HEROES
Master (DM), can create a more balanced encounter. If characters. Second, it allows the RPGA to track and
there are only four of five PCs of the same level it is easy record what character did during the adventure, and
to use this section: just use the level entry that future adventures a written with what the majority of
corresponds with the PCs’ level (the optimized entry is player did in mind—in this way characters’ action shape
given in the main adventure text). For groups of mixed the future of the campaign. Lastly, player and DMs gain
levels and groups with six PCs, determine the average rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are members
level of the PCs, and add increase that average by one for of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS REWARDS program.
groups of six PCs. Treat that level as the groups level. Playing this adventure is worth four (4) points.
That said, as DM you have discretion when it comes to This adventure retires from RPGA sanctioned play
fitting the challenges of the adventure. If the PCs are on April 1, 2005.
having too hard or too easy of a time, feel free to increase
or decrease the level of challenge. The goal is to challenge To learn more about the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS
the PCs, and entertain the players, not to overwhelm or CAMPAIGNS: MARK OF HEROES character creation and
even underwhelm them. The most enjoyable D&D development, RPGA event sanctioning, and DUNGEONS
games are ones where failure and character death are & DRAGONS REWARDS, visit the RPGA website at
possible, but success and reward are attainable through www.rpga.com.
daring and smart play.
This adventure has been designed to be part of the Players Read No Farther
HEROES program. Like all DUNGEONS & DRAGONS If you are planning on playing this adventure, stop
CAMPAIGNS adventures, it’s recommended that parties reading now. The rest of the information in this
undertaking its challenges have at least one arcane adventure is for the DM only. If you read farther than
spellcaster, a divine spellcaster (preferably a cleric), a this section, you’ll know too much about its challenges,
strong warrior, and a rogue. Parties missing these valuable which kills the fun. Also, if you’re playing this adventure
adventuring components may find Death in Darguun very as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, reading beyond
challenging, and the percentages of character death this point makes you ineligible to do so.
higher. Please warn the players of this before play starts.
“take one for the team;” that is to play a fastplay wizard,
fighter, rogue, or cleric in place of one of their characters, Preparing for Play
and gain experience point for their character. If the group To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies of
lacks one of these vital four classes, suggest to your the following D&D books: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon
players to take advantage of this option. Master’s Guide, Monster Manual, and the Eberron Campaign
Setting. It is also a good idea to have a copy of the RPGA
RPGA-Sanctioned Play Extend Psionics Handbook Primer, a PDF document that
you can find on the RPGA website (www.rpga.com) as it
This adventures was designed for play at WINTER is possible that some character playing in this adventure
FANTASY 2005, and the RPGA EXTENDED PREMIERE will be kalashtar utilizing the psionics rules. This
events following WINTER FANTASY 2005. adventure also features so psionic challenges, so it is good
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a to be familiar as possible with the basics of those rules.
HERALD-LEVEL gamemaster. The person who sanctions Throughout this adventure, bold italics provide
the event is called the senior gamemaster, and is in charge player information for you to paraphrase or read aloud
of making sure the event is sanctioned before play, runs when appropriate. Sidebars contain important
smoothly on the date sanctioned, and then reported back information for you, including special instruction on
to the RPGA in a timely manner. The person who runs running the adventure. Information on nonplayer
the game is called the table DM (or usually just DM). characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated
Sometimes (and almost all the time in the cases of home form in the adventure text. Full information on NPCs

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 2

and monsters are given in a section directly after each somewhere under the present-day capital of Darguun—
encounter, or can be found in the Monster Manual. Rhukaan Draal. The Heirs believe this dragonshard—and
the warlord trapped inside it—might be the key to
Attached to this adventure, you’ll find a special
overthrowing Haruuc and the rule of the Ghaal’dar clan,
RPGA Table Tracking sheet tailored for this adventure.
and then the glory of the Dhakaani Empire truly can be
If you’re playing this adventure as part of an RPGA-
sanctioned event, complete and turn in this sheet to your
Other groups have also learned of the location of the
senior GM directly after play.
dragonshard—specifically the Order of the Emerald Claw
Miniature Suggestions: and Morgrave University researchers working in
Area 1: Giants of Legend #6/Warforged Fighter, Darguun. Morgrave University has decided to hire a
Aberrations #20/Sharn Cutthroat. group of inexperienced but eager adventurers (the PCs)
Area 2: Giants of Legend #6/Warforged Fighter. to travel to Rhukaan Draal and bring back the
Area 3: Aberrations #19/Longtooth Barbarian, dragonshard. Morgrave University has an interested, but
Aberrations #44/Carrion Tribe Barbarian unknown (at least to the PCs) buyer. The Emerald Claw
Area 4: Archfiends #30/Warrior Skeleton believes that the shard might be used as the focus for a
Area 5: Archfiends #18/Halfling Wizard spell or magical item that can steal souls and transfer life
Area 6: Harbinger #5/Evoker’s Apprentice energy to the wielder. Thus, the Emerald Claw also
Area 7: Dragoneye #32/Goblin Warrior, Dragoneye moves to secure the dragonshard for its own fell
#31/6 Goblin Skirmishers (if needed) purposes.
Area 8: Harbinger #47/Human Thug Into the maelstrom stumble the PCs. The adventure
Area 3b: Archfiends #30/7 Warrior Skeletons begins with the PCs’ arrival at the outskirts of Rhukaan
Area 4: Giants of Legend #29/Blue, Giants of Legend Draal, a metropolis deep within the goblinoid nation. A
#20/2 Medium Astral Constructs celebration is currently taking place there—the 29th
Area 5: Archfiends #35/Human Cleric of Bane, anniversary of the revolt that led to the establishment of
Aberrations #30/3 Emerald Claw Soldiers the nation of Darguun. While the PCs are not in any
Area 6: Giants of Legend #57/Quasit immediate danger from the goblinoids, Rhukaan Draal is
an even less comfortable place for nongoblinoids right
now than usual.
Adventure Background
During the collapse of the Dhakaani Empire over 5000 Adventure Summary
years ago, a powerful hobgoblin warlord named Juulak The PCs are members of the Morgrave University
Vrek realized his entire clan was about to be destroyed as Digger’s Union. By way of their current patron (Probably
a result of the mass warfare and infighting that ultimately Matron Martra) they discover that a Morgrave University
decimated that empire. Understanding his own life would professor has learned of a potentially important
undoubtedly be forfeit when his clan fell, Vrek used a archeological find beneath the city of Rhukaan Draal in
powerful Khyber dragonshard to trap his own soul, the goblinoid nation of Darguun. Their patron sends the
hoping that he could be released to live again when the PCs a message from the professor to meet with a
situation was more stable. His followers, acting on his warforged contact on a bridge in one of the nongoblinoid
orders, placed the dragonshard deep within a vault ghettos of the sprawling metropolis. (Give PCs a copy of
protected by magical and mechanical traps. Vrek Handout 1). This leads them to Part One: Jhollo Ghetto.
instructed his followers to retrieve the dragonshard and The PCs have been instructed to meet their
release his soul into a willing host once the danger had warforged contact on a bridge in one of the humanoid
passed. (nongoblinoid) ghettos of Rhukaan Draal. The warforged
His clan’s bards created records of this sealing, but is waiting for them there in the rain; however, the contact
the destruction of the clan and the collapse of the is an impostor—a changeling working with the Emerald
Dhakaani Empire led to chaos and the loss of much of Claw, who rendered inert the real warforged contact and
the goblinoid civilization, including the records of the took his place. The PCs have a chance of penetrating the
soul’s entrapment and the location of the vault that held disguise and getting on the right track immediately or
the dragonshard. following the directions of the impostor and getting on
When the Lhesh Haruuc began his reunification of the wrong track.
the goblinoid clans and established the nation of If the PCs realize their contact is an imposter and
Darguun 29 years ago, the Dhakaani clan known as Kech capture her, they can either question her or find clues on
Volaar unearthed these records. The legend of the her body, thus learning the real warforged contact is
dragonshard and the trapped warlord finally reached the located at the mill. Searching the mill, the PCs can find
ears of the Heirs of Dhakaan, and they used divinations and reactivate their true contact, and he can point them
and historical documents to learn the tomb was

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 3

to the entrance of the underground tomb where the goblinoid ghetto of Jhollok, usually inhabited by mostly
dragonshard is secured. Traps guard the entrance. humans, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, and other non-
If the PCs fail to realize the changeling contact is an goblinoid humanoids. For this reason, the normal
imposter, or if they kill the imposter and cannot follow residents are in hiding or have fled for the length of the
the clues to the real warforged contact at the mill, the celebration.
PCs might follow the wrong trail. The imposter sends the The goblinoids, though loud and raucous, are not
PCs through an alley to an old Cyran church. A shifter necessarily violent or even rude to non-goblinoids. In
mugger and his accomplice attack the PCs, and a fact, the normal goblinoids that are everywhere in the
Kharrnathi skeleton left by the Order of the Emerald Jhollok ghetto ignore the PCs completely unless the PCs
Claw guards the church. The Emerald Claw breached the initiate the interaction. For example, if the PCs attack the
church floor, which opened into a side passage of the changeling Moll on the bridge or fight with the muggers
tomb area. There are four other buildings of interest in in the alleyway, the goblins effectively ignore the
the urban setting, allowing PCs to gather a bit more altercation. The only time this changes is if the PCs
information, get healed, buy mundane but useful items, assault a goblinoid. Then woe to the poor PCs . . .
and interact with the local population to possibly secure If the PCs physically assault a goblinoid in the view
help or run afoul of those who might threaten them. of the revelers, a mob quickly forms. The PCs are chased
From there, the proceed on to Part Two: Juulak Vrek’s out of Rhukaan Draal if they choose to run. If they refuse
Tomb to run, the goblinoids pummel them into
The tomb under Rhukaan Draal is a series of long- unconsciousness and carry them out of the city. The
buried passages and rooms created by the ancient adventure is over for those PCs. Before a PC assaults a
Dhakaani to protect the dragonshard containing the soul goblinoid in such a manner, give the PC sufficient
of their warlord Juulak Vrek. The PCs initially encounter warning about the potential consequences.
some traps left to defeat anyone trying to rob the tomb.
The PCs have the opportunity to gain the friendship and
assistance of a goblin Blue, who asks the PCs to stop the Adventure Start: An Anniversary
Emerald Claw from gaining possession of the
dragonshard. If the PCs can defeat the Emerald Claw, Celebration
they can retrieve the dragonshard, which triggers the The PCs have used the retained to pay for travel and
collapse of the underground complex. The PCs must lodging, so now they only have their Coin on Hand to
then fight a running battle with a furtive filcher while buy goods.
trying to escape the destruction. After swimming out of Read or paraphrase the following after giving the
the tomb, the PCs must decide whether to give the PCs Handout 1 and allowing them to read it:
dragonshard to the goblin blue, return to Morgrave
University with it, or keep it for themselves. If the adventure that awaits you in the metropolis of
Rhukaan Draal is any more harrowing than the trip
here, the excitement just may kill you. After
Troubleshooting the Adventure receiving the note from Professor Jorgenvelt, you
Time Limit hopped on the lightning rail at the nearest station
If the PCs rest for 8 hours or more in the urban section, and made your way to Sterngate, located on the far
they suffer no adverse affects. However, if they rest eastern border of Breland. There you met a House
longer than that, the Emerald Claw retrieves the Orien trade caravan, which led you through the ever-
dragonshard and escapes. The collapse of the tomb still dangerous Marguul Pass. Barely escaping the
occurs. Once the PCs enter the dungeon section (Part attacks of the goblinoid raiders threatening that area,
Two), resting for 8 hours triggers the success of the you and the caravan finally arrived in Rhukaan
Emerald Claw in gaining the dragonshard, as well as the Draal. You were able to rest the night on the
collapse of the tomb area. The PCs are then possibly outskirts of the metropolis, and now you are here to
caught in the collapse, so there could be a running battle meet your contact.
with the Emerald Claw amid the collapsing tomb.
The PCs should now place their miniatures on one of the
six predetermined spaces marked on the western portion
The Atmosphere in Rhukaan Draal of the map. The PCs reach this place at dawn (8 a.m.).
In the metropolis of Rhukaan Draal at the time when the
encounters of Death in Darguun take place, there is a
festival underway. This festival celebrates the 29th Part One: Jhollo Ghetto
anniversary of the establishment of the nation of
Darguun by the Lhesh Haruuc. Goblinoid revelers Area 1 – At the Bridge (EL 3)
celebrating the anniversary have overrun the non- Light: Morning sunlight through rainclouds.

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 4

Sound: Frequent shouts and cheers from goblinoids University. “Papers please,” it demands in a voice
celebrating. without emotion.
Auras: None.
Reaction: The changeling impostor simply wants to Situation: The changeling Moll works for the Order
get the PCs to go to the church, where the trap is waiting of the Emerald Claw and has replaced the warforged
to be sprung. contact Chopper (see Area 2, below). Because the
changeling is impersonating a warforged and has
After the PCs approach the bridge closer to the bridge, difficulty moving or sounding like a living construct, it
show the players “Illustration 1.” takes a -10 penalty on its Disguise check. Players can
The PCs begin play at the edge of the map, with make a Spot check (DC 18) to see through the disguise,
the bridge nearer the center. On the bridge is a figure but they must ask to make the check. They automatically
that seems to be their warforged contact. It is, however, get a Listen check (DC 18) to hear that the warforged
a changeling who has taken his form in order to send doesn’t sound quite right. Don’t forget the there is a –1
the PCs into a trap. to the Listen check for each 10 feet away from Moll. Moll
inspects the papers from Morgrave University (Player
Through the gray rain spattering the streets of Handout 1) and then directs players to go through a
Rhukaan Draal, the rose-colored marble of the dangerous section of town to the old Church of the Silver
imperial tower of Khaar Mbar’ost appears an Flame where a trap is waiting to be sprung.
unsettling arterial red in the distance. The fortress’s Moll impersonates the warforged by speaking in a
dim reflection in the rain-filled gutters resembles monotone, stilled manner. She moves stiffly and shows
nothing so much as an open wound. The no emotion or inflection. (Anyone who knows Chopper,
inhospitable atmosphere has not quenched the such as the goblin merchant Lhushush or the halfling
passions of the Darguun locals, though. This day— healer Norissa, can tell the PCs that Chopper actually
their Independence Day—stokes their revels. The speaks in an animated manner and makes a lot of
goblins, bugbears, and hobgoblins cavort with clunking and grinding sounds when he walks.)
unbridled ferocity and shout of their triumph over
the ghosts of Cyre to the bleak sky, which is “Glad you got here. The Lhesh Haruuc--he is
fortunate for you. Consumed by their celebration, coming from Khaar Mbar’ost soon to lead a big
they have taken no notice of your presence. parade. You best be quick about your business. His
The throngs thin a bit as you approach the clan better not find you poaching where you don’t
designated meeting place: a stone bridge spanning a belong. The place you come to see is in the old
tributary of the Ghaal River. Around the bridge, you church. Looking for stone for my mill there I came
see a rude clash of slums and derelict, vandalized across a big crack in the floor one day. There are
Cyran structures. The steeple of an old church of the funny markings inside, the kind you see tattooed on
Silver Flame rises tenuously above a series of broken the Dhakaani goblinfolk. I don’t know what waits
brick and mud huts. Human parishioners have further in, but the church is deserted, so you can
abandoned the structure to cutthroats and vermin. investigate without worrying about goblins. When
Some buildings are intact and in good repair, you get finished, come to the mill and I’ll see about
although most have been recently abandoned and sneaking you out of town.”
boarded in preparation for the goblins’ raucous
celebration. A shingle carved with the device of Development: If the PCs realize Moll is
House Jorasco swings wanly in the wind before an impersonating their warforged contact and confront her
old Cyran mansion past the bridge. Further on, a in any way (including just asking suspicious questions that
mill grinds under pressure from the muddy Ghaal calls her disguise into doubt), she attacks and then tries to
River. Several goblins stand outside a butcher’s escape. If the PCs capture her, they can question her and
shop, staring longingly at the sausages that hang in possibly discover the location of the true contact (Area
his window. A goblin merchant stands in front of his 2). Moll wears a simple iron key on a chain around her
storefront and invites you to come inspect his wares, neck. This is a key to the mill, and was taken from
while a ragtag goblin band plays a snappy and Chopper.
patriotic march. If they fail to penetrate her disguise or are unable to
At the center of the bridge stands a stout, ascertain the location of the true contact, PCs most likely
cloaked figure, tall for a man. As you approach, it proceed to the church, as that is where Moll instructed
turns toward you. In the shadowy folds of its cloak them to go. She returns to the mill to wait. Moll waits in
you make out the distinctive metal and wood the mill for 8 hours, after which she leaves the city.
features of a warforged matching the description of If Moll is captured and questioned, PCs must make
your contact given by the professor from Morgrave an Intimidate check (DC 12) to get her to reveal details

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 5

about her mission, allies, or the true location of the
entrance. (Roll secretly so the PCs won’t know if they Combat Statistics
succeeded.) If the PCs are unable to intimidate her, she MOLL, CHANGELING INFILTRATOR CR 3
attempts to lie and confuse them: Female Changeling Rog3
• “The butcher put me up to this. He knew you N Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)
were coming.” She hopes to lure PCs into the open Init +6; Senses Normal vision; Listen -1, Spot +5.
and use the opportunity to change into goblinoid Auras faint abjuration (from mage armor)
form and escape into the crowd. Languages Common; Goblin
• “I know the way in. You’ll never make it through AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
without me.” She plans to lure the PCs into the hp 14 (3 HD)
church and escape their clutches when they Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0; +2 racial bonus on saving
encounter the Karnatthi skeleton archer. throws vs. sleep and charm effects
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
If the Intimidate check is successful, Moll pleads for her Atk melee masterwork dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20
life then reveals the following: Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Special Atk sneak attack +2d6
• “The warforged, Chopper, is in the mill.”
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 15
• “There’s a trap in the Church. The Emerald Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Claw left one of their soldiers there.” Skills Balance +4, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +8
• “The Emerald Claw say the Khyber dragonshard (+10 acting, +18 using minor shape change, +20
holds the soul of an ancient Dhakaani warlord.” using minor shape change and acting), Escape
Artist +8, Forgery +7, Hide +8, Intimidate +6, Jump
If the PCs kill Moll, they may not be able to find their +3, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +5,
real contact at the mill. Searching Moll’s body with the Tumble +8, Use Rope +2 (+4 binding)
Investigate feat (Search check DC 10) reveals a fine white Possessions masterwork dagger, potion of mage
powder on the cloak she was wearing. A further DC 15 armor, miller’s clothing, leather apron, 8 gp, 13 sp.
Changeling Traits: Changelings have a +2 racial
check reveals the white powder powder is fresh flour
bonus on saving throws against sleep and charm
dust, as one might find at a mill. effects.
Moll: Changeling rogue 3; hp 14; see “Combat
Statistics,” below.
Tactics: If she gains initiative, Moll attempts to bull
rush (and follow) a susceptible PC off the bridge into the Area 2 – At the Mill
mucky water below. The bridge is 15 feet above water Light: Morning sunlight outside; dim light filtering
level, and neither Moll nor her victim take damage from into the mill through windows.
the fall, though both are covered in muck. The water near Sound: Frequent shouts and cheers from goblinoids
the bridge is only 6 feet deep, and a move action is celebrating outside; silent inside.
needed to emerge. Moll attempts to change forms to Auras: None.
resemble the bull rushed PC and confuse her enemies. Reaction: The changeling impostor, if she escaped
PCs must succeed at a Spot check (DC 18) to discern the from the PCs at the bridge in Area 1, waits to attack them
true enemy. Adjust this check based on situation, granting here. If 8 hours have passed since the start of the event,
circumstance modifiers (up to a +10) if a PC points out the changeling has fled. Chopper, the true warforged
reasons that the changeling couldn’t possibly be the PC. contact, is inert beneath a bench.
For example, the changeling is still wearing the same
clothes as before, so if a PC states he is looking at their If the PCs are able to question the imposter Moll and/or
clothes, give that PC a +10 modifier to his Spot check. If follow clues back to the mill, they can find Chopper, the
the weapon wielded by her opposite number is different real warforged contact. Chopper was created late in the
from her own, she claims “the changeling wrestled it war and only served a short time before the Thronehold
from me.” Moll flees the combat when her hit points Accords. After spending a brief time as an adventurer, he
drop below 8, and she tries to lose herself by changing used his earnings to purchase this old mill, where he now
into a hobgoblin and running into the crowd. Thereafter, earns his keep milling grain for local residents and
she withdraws to the mill (Area 2), where she uses her businesses.
Hide and Move Silently skills to prepare sneak attacks The mill is situated along the banks of the Ghaal
against opponents who follow her that far. She leaves the River, which drives the wheel. The building is old but
mill after 8 hours to escape the city completely. well maintained by Chopper, whom the goblins fear and
respect. The structure is made of rough stone (Climb DC
10) and has three stories with several open windows. The

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 6

first floor contains the mill proper, the second floor is If the PCs assure him that they are the adventurers he
Chopper’s living space, and the third floor is devoted to was supposed to be meeting, he continues:
storage. The basement of the mill is detailed in Area 1. A
pair of wooden doors serves as the entrance to the mill. “Thank goodness you are safe. Someone else must
Locked Wooden Door: 1-inch thick; hardness 5, hp have learned about the tomb. They may have already
20; Break DC 25; Average lock (Open Lock DC 25). entered. Follow me!”

The mill is churning. Graffiti is absent from this Chopper hurries into the damp basement, urging the PCs
building, and the structure is well maintained in to follow him. Go to Part Two, area 1.
contrast to the slovenly properties in the area.
Players can open the doors easily if they captured Moll Male-Personality Warforged Ftr1/Exp2
and found the key. If Moll escaped to the mill, she has N Medium Living Construct
extinguished any lanterns and is hiding among the Init -1; Senses Normal vision; Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common; Goblin
many shadows, unless she had already fled.
Tactics: If Moll escaped the PCs and is still present, AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11
hp 21 (3 HD)
she attempts to sneak attack the first player who steps
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease,
through the door. This is Moll’s last stand, and she nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the
fights to the death. sickened condition, energy drain.
Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +4
Small windows high on the walls dimly light the Weakness affected by heat metal, chill metal, repel
interior of the mill. The main room is devoted largely metal or stone, repel wood, rusting grasp
to the millstone. Sacks of grain are stacked neatly Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
along the walls. Two tool benches are situated Atk melee slam +4 (1d4+2)
against the walls. To the right, a stone staircase Base Atk +2; Grp +4
climbs to the dark upper story. Atk Option Power Attack
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12
Creature: Agents of the Emerald Claw attacked Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Profession [Miller]),
Chopper and replaced him with Moll. Chopper is now Weapon Focus (longsword)B
inert (-1 hp) beneath one of the tool benches, covered by Skills Appraise +3, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplomacy +3,
a blanket. A Search check of DC 10 is required to find Jump +6, Profession (Miller) +10, Sense Motive +3,
Chopper. A successful DC 10 Craft check from an Swim +6
Possessions None
appropriate craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing,
gemcutting, or sculpting). Once repaired, he awakens. He
is disorientated after nearly being destroyed by the agents. Area 3 - Mugged (EL 4)
Chopper: Male-personality warforged fighter In order to get to the church, the PCs must pass through
1/expert 2; hp 21; see below. an area used by a shifter and his henchman to prey on
Development: If the PCs are able to reactivate likely targets. They ambush any group that walks through
Chopper, he can show them the portal in the basement of the alleys adjacent to the Church. All the alleys are filled
his mill. This leads the PCs immediately to Area 1. with filth and debris, and is difficult terrain. The alley
Chopper thanks the PCs for reactivating him. If the walls are brick and dried mud covered with filth and
PCs have no means to heal him, they can find help at slime (Climb check DC 23). Don’t allow the PCs to leave
some of the other places in the Jhollok ghetto: the the playmat. Tell them areas off the playmat are either
Jorasco healer (Area 5) or the magewright (Area 7) walls or structures that impede progress.
specifically. If the PCs are able to reactivate Chopper,
read the following. Chopper’s voice is deep but animated, The smell of the filth from the alleys is overpowering,
unlike the stereotypical warforged: and so powerful that it stings the eyes. Piles of trash
impede foot travel. A strange oily substance is
“Thank you. I’m not sure what happened to me. I smeared on the walls. It is difficult to breathe here.
was talking to some humans about contracting to
provide them with flour, and suddenly they attacked Other features of the alleys:
me. That’s all I remember. I was supposed to meet Light: The alleys are clearly lit during the day.
with some members of the Digger’s Union this Sound: There is the sound of celebration carrying
morning! What time is it?” throughout the area.
Auras: Faint evil (Tarval), and faint chaos (Alemey).

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 7

Reaction: The two are muggers, and they attack PCs ranged masterwork throwing axe +5 (1d6+2) or
as per the Tactics section below. ranged masterwork throwing axe +3 (1d6+2) and
masterwork throwing axe +3 (1d6+1)
If the PCs do not penetrate the disguise and lies of Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Moll at the bridge, they may have to pass through the Atk Option Beasthide Shifter Trait (Su): While shifting,
this warrior gains a +2 bonus to Con and gains a +4
alleys to get to the church. Movement is restricted to ½
natural armor bonus to AC. He can shift 2/day and it
speed in the alley. A shifter and his human companion lasts 8 rounds. When the shifting ends, he heals 3
beset them en route to the abandoned church. It is also hit points due to his Healing Factor feat.
possible that the butcher Brgas Blanthu (Area 8) has Special Atk Favored Enemy (Human +2), Sneak Attack
recommended the alley as quick passage to the Church. +1d6
He is in cahoots with the muggers: they take the money Combat Gear masterwork throwing axe ×3, potion of
and he disposes of the bodies. cure light wounds
Tarvral: Male beasthide shifter ranger 2/rouge 1; hp Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 6
23; see “Combat Statistics,” below. Feats Beasthide Elite, Healing Factor, TrackB, Two-
Alamey: Male human warrior 2: hp 17; see “Combat Weapon Fighting
Statistics,” below. Skills Balance +4, Climb +4, Hide +8, Jump +4, Listen
Tactics: Alamey is hiding atop an adjacent roof (DC +7, Move Silently +8, Spot +7, Survival +7, Tumble
15 Spot check to see him). Before the first character exits +4
the alley, he drops a smokestick on the character closest Possessions masterwork studded leather, combat gear
to the middle of the group. He wants to separate the
group while he and Tarvral finish off the leaders. Tarvral
is hiding behind a building ahead of the PCs. He shifts ALAMEY, HUMAN THUG CR 1
into his beasthide form before making a ranged attack at Male Human War2
the lead PC with one of his masterwork throwing axes. In CN Medium Humanoid (Human)
the second round of combat, Alamey jumps down from Init +1; Senses Normal; Listen +1, Spot +1.
the 10-foot-high roof near the smokestick (Jump check Aura faint chaos
DC 15 to avoid taking damage and falling prone) and Languages Common.
attacks any PCs between the smoke and the lead PC, AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16; Dodge.
hoping to flank with Tarvral. Tarvral engages in two- hp 17 (2 HD)
weapon melee with the lead PC. If Tarvral dies, Alamey Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1
attempts to flee. Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Treasure: Tarvral has a potion of cure light wounds. Atk melee masterwork Morningstar +6 (1d8+2)
Developments: If questioned, neither Tarvral nor Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Alamey know of the Emerald Claw presence in the Combat Gear masterwork Morningstar, smokestick
Church. They have seen the crack in the church floor but Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
have never bothered to investigate it. They are unhelpful Feats Dodge, Weapon Focus (Morningstar)
to the PCs. If they knock out or kill any of the PCs, the Skills Intimidate +4, Jump +7
muggers do not coup de grace until other PCs have fled. Possessions chain shirt, heavy wooden shield, combat
Then they loot the bodies completely, kill any remaining gear
unconscious PCs, and carry the corpses—wrapped in
tarps—to the butcher’s shop.
Area 4 – At the Church (EL 3)
Light: Plenty of light streams in from the broken
Combat Statistics windows. Players can find bits of wood to make torches
TARVRAL, SHIFTER THUG CR 3 if necessary.
Male Beasthide Shifter Rgr2/Rog1 Sound: Except for the squawking of birds that have
NE Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger) made a home in the bell tower, the church is silent.
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +7, Spot +7.
Auras: moderate evil (Karrnathi skeleton).
Aura faint evil
Reaction: Sergeant Ossien, a Karrnathi skeleton,
Languages Common
hides among debris atop the loft (Spot check DC 18 to
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13
see him). Sergeant Ossien waits until the first two PCs
hp 23 (3 HD)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1
descend safely into the hole in the floor before attacking
those remaining.
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Atk melee masterwork throwing axe +5 (1d6+2) or
melee masterwork throwing axe +3 (1d6+2) and The church is in a sad state of disrepair. The steeple
masterwork throwing axe +3 (1d6+1) teeters, threatening to crush the hovels in its shadow.

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 8

Graffiti and refuse befouls this once proud edifice. hides among debris atop the loft (Spot check DC 18). Sgt.
Blood is caked upon the stout wooden doors and Ossien waits until the first two PCs descend safely into
shards of stained glass ring the window frames like the hole before attacking.
broken teeth. It is apparent that there is no love lost Sergeant Ossien: Karrnathi skeleton archer; hp 19,
between the goblins of Darguun and the former see “Combat Statistics,” below.
human rulers of this city. Tactics: Sergeant Ossien lets out a piercing screech
with his first attack. He prefers to attack clerics but if
The Order of the Emerald Claw broke through the none are present he directs arrows at arcane casters. His
floor of this abandoned Church of the Silver Flame and job is to stand guard and eliminate intruders. He only
found a passageway leading to the hobgoblin burial engages in melee if players corner him. Sergeant Ossien is
chambers. The walls and floor are made of stone (Climb the last member of the Screeching Skulls, an elite squad
check DC 20). The ceiling is 40 feet high at its peak and of undead who famously fought in the Last War.
20 feet high at the walls. The front doors are made of Undeath has made him fairly belligerent toward the
wood and iron; they aren’t locked but have obviously living, and he freely taunts his foes:
been jammed shut to keep people from entering.
Stuck Wooden Doors: 1-inch thick; hardness 5, hp “Stand still so Sergeant Ossy can pop you like a
10; Break DC 15. melon” or “Hug the ground, breathers! I like to see
Light streams in through the broken stained-glass flesh crawl” or “The Screeching Skulls take no
windows. A staircase and archway are located prisoners.”
immediately to the left of the front doors. The archway
leads to the bell tower. The iron bell sits on the floor of He only descends from the loft and follows intruders that
the bell tower, its anchors long since rusted away. A descended into the crack after he kills those remaining on
staircase climbs up inside the tower, but many of the the main floor. He’s confident his superiors can handle
planks are rotten. Players can climb them at one-half two or three adventurers on their own.
movement but must make a Reflex save (DC 15) halfway Developments: If captured, Sergeant Ossien only
up or they fall to the floor (damage 2d6 for the 20-foot reveals his name, rank, and the triumphs of the
fall). Players receive a dramatic view of Rhukaan Draal Screeching Skulls during the Last War. He doesn’t know
and Khaar Mbar’ost at the top. anything about the shard or the warforged. Defeating the
The staircase and archway to the right of the doors Karrnathi skeleton gives the PCs unhindered access to
leads up 20 feet to a wooden loft littered with debris. the rift in the church floor, leading to Area 3a.
These stairs are in the same rotten shape as stairs in the Treasure: Sergeant Ossien has a mighty [+2]
bell tower (one-half movement rate; Reflex save DC 15 composite longbow with 20 arrows, two masterwork
or fall). The floor of the loft is relatively stable. The loft is scimitars, and a masterwork chain shirt.
held up by four wooden beams (Break DC 24, hardness
5, 30 hp). Sundering a beam results in the collapse of a Combat Statistics
10-foot section of the loft. Any character directly beneath SERGEANT OSSIEN
the loft must make a Reflex save (DC 15) to avoid 1d6 MODIFIED KARRNATHI SKELETON ARCHER CR 3
damage from the falling debris. Anyone atop the loft LE Medium Undead
when it falls takes 2d6 damage from the 20-foot fall, as Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +6, Spot +6.
does the Karrnathi skeleton. Aura faint evil, faint law
Languages Common
Directly ahead of you, four stout wooden pillars AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18
support a wooden loft. To the right, you see a set of hp 19 (3 HD); DR 5/bludgeoning
stairs leading to the loft. To the left is a second flight Immune cold
of stairs leading to the bell tower. The bell from the Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
tower has fallen and rests on the floor. Directly in the Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
center of the church floor is a rift 3 feet wide and 10 Atk ranged mighty [+2] composite longbow +3
feet long, which has been partially excavated with a (1d8+2/x3) or
pick. An iron spike has been driven into the floor melee masterwork scimitar +4 (1d6+2/18-20 or
beside the crack. A knotted rope leads from the spike melee masterwork scimitar +0 (1d6+2/18-20) and
masterwork scimitar +0 (1d6+2/18-20)
down into hole. The church is otherwise vacant; its
Base Atk +1; Grp +3
pews, altar and reliquary have been long since stolen. Atk Option Point Blank Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting
Combat Gear mighty [+2] composite longbow, 20
Creature: The agents of the Emerald Claw left a arrows, two masterwork scimitars
Karrnathi skeleton here to make sure no one followed Abilities Str 15, Dex 15, Con -, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 1
them into the tomb. Sgt. Ossien, a Karrnathi skeleton, Feats Point Blank Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 9

Skills Climb +4, Jump +4, Listen +6, Search +4, Spot either. Norissa, who is glad to encounter “civilized folk,”
+6 greets the party jubilantly. She presses the group on their
Possessions masterwork chain shirt, combat gear business in Rhukaan Draal and freely offers her opinion
on how they should conduct the mission.
Norissa, Jorasco Healer: Female halfling adept 4
Area 5 – A Jorasco Healer (Boldrei)/Dragonmark Heir2: hp 34, see below.
Light: The entire guildhouse is well lit.
Norissa’s Rat Familiar, Bitey: hp 17, see below.
Sound: Unless someone is talking, the only sound in
Developments: If the players bring the inert
the guildhouse is Norissa’s familiar Bitey chewing on a
Chopper to Norissa, she casts cure light wounds on him free
bone atop the contribution box.
of charge, since he has helped her in the past with unruly
Reaction: Norissa is happy to see some non-
patrons. She charges players for any other healing per
House Jorasco rates (Eberron Campaign Setting page 121).
She has two fresh healer kits in her back room, and she
A small, run-down Healer’s Guildhouse exists in this part
offers to sell one at the standard price (50 gp; see Player’s
of Rhukaan Draal. A female halfling bearing the Lesser
Handbook page 128).
Mark of Healing operates the guildhouse, although she
If Norissa learns about the Khyber dragonshard, she
feels her assignment is more a prison sentence than a
recommends that players return with it directly to the
career. PCs find healing available here.
guildhouse so she can aid them. In truth, she knows an
opportunity when she sees one and wants to use the
House Jorasco has apparently established a Guild shard as a means of reestablishing her career. If given the
house in this well-built old Cyran home. A bugbear shard, she asks to examine it and then says she needs to
stumbles out of the guildhouse door. He is grab a fresh healer’s kit from the back room. She uses the
bandaged, bloody, and bruised, likely from the day’s opportunity to leave out the backdoor and into the streets
violent festivities. A female halfling leaps out of the of Rhukaan Draal with the shard in hand.
Guildhouse and scans the street. She spots the Tactics: Necessity has made Norissa into a scrappy
bugbear, runs up to him and cruelly rips off one of fighter. She’ll prefer to use her strong personality to
the dressings from his left arm, plus a good chunk of charm or intimidate individuals, but she gladly uses her
hair. A swift kick in the backside knocks him against dagger if cornered. Bitey comes to her aid if necessary.
the wall. “No freebies!” yells the halfling as she She doesn’t typically have protection or defensive spells
stomps back to her business. prepared.
Treasure: small dagger, healer’s outfit, 2 healer’s
If players enter the guildhouse, they find a large public
kits, arcane signet ring (House Jorasco), identification
room that has seen better days:
papers, 2 potions of cure light wounds
A trio of chairs with primitive reclining mechanisms
sits against the left wall. Three workbenches flank
the chairs; the healing kits on the benches are half- Female Halfling Adp4 (Boldrei)/Dragonmark Heir2
stocked. Several dilapidated benches and stools (Jorasco)
surround the room. Some goblin regulars must have NG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
begun using the right wall for dagger throwing
practice, as many cuts are chopped into the wood. “Hold still, you big baby. This’ll just hurt for a
Dried blood, torn bandages, and other matter litters moment.”
the floor. A rat sits atop the contribution box, Init +0; Senses Normal; Listen +5, Spot +3.
Aura faint good
gnawing a piece of bone. The halfling is forlornly
Languages Common, Halfling; Goblin.
sweeping bits of bandage into a pile. A back door
leads to other rooms in the building. AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 11
hp 34 (6 HD)
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +11
The rat is Norissa’s familiar Bitey. The other rooms
Spd 20 ft. (4 squares)
contain nothing of value or importance.
Atk melee dagger +3 (1d3-1/19-20)
Creature: Norissa is a highly opinionated and
Base Atk +3; Grp -2
talented adept in the House Jorasco. At one time, she Combat Gear small dagger, potion of cure light wounds
envisioned a grand, luxurious career in the House, based (2)
on her savvy business skills, charisma and dragonmark. Adept Spells Prepared (CL 4; 1d20+4 to overcome
Unfortunately, she offended one too many peers and SR)
supervisors with her snooty attitude and was ostensibly 2nd – cure moderate wounds (DC 15)
sent to Darguun to build the Jorasco franchise. She can’t 1st – cure light wounds (3) (DC 14)
stand the goblinoids, and they don’t particularly like her 0 – create water, cure minor wounds x2 (DC 13)

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 10

Domains: Protection (protective ward 1/day, adds converted into workspaces. Blik sleeps on the floor of the
+4 resistance bonus to the target’s next saving main room. The main room is 15 feet by 15 feet and the
throw, lasts 1 hour). bedroom is 5 feet by 15 feet.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8; 1d20+8 to overcome SR): Creature: Blik ir’Goobin is extremely paranoid, as
2/day – cure light wounds (DC 13), 1/day – cure he believes a secret cadre of goblin assassins stalks him.
serious wounds (DC 15), lesser restoration. He is positive that Cyre’s Day of Mourning was one of
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14 their failed attempts. Living alone in Darguun for so long
Feats Brew Potion, Favored in House, Least has only aggravated his condition. He is enraged by the
Dragonmark, Lesser Dragonmark
goblin festivities and would much prefer a nice, quiet,
Skills Concentration +8, Gather Information +7, Heal
+14, Profession (herbalist) +10, Sense Motive +8
rainy day to ply his experiments. The notion of a parade
Possessions healer’s outfit, healer’s kit, arcane signet really has him so irked that he plans to disrupt it as it
ring (House Jorasco), identification papers, combat passes his house.
gear Blik ir’Goobin: Gnome magewright 4: hp 10; see
Summon Familiar: Norissa has a rat familiar below.
named Bitey. Development: Blik has trapped the area
immediately surrounding within 5 feet his abode with
Area 6 – Paranoid Magewright (EL 2) several stink bombs spaced at 10-foot intervals. They do
Blik, a reclusive gnomish magewright, runs a business not cause any damage but unleash a 10-foot cloud of
here. A few years of living in the goblin nation, and the noxious smoke. Once a trap is sprung, Blik comes out
threats of robbery or worse by some of its inhabitants has firing his goblin candle.
made him extremely paranoid. He has trapped his home Stink Bomb Trap: CR 1; magic; proximity trigger;
with annoying but nonlethal traps, and he has a few items no reset; Fortitude DC 15 or suffer nausea for 1d4
that could assist PCs in their mission. rounds, Search DC 12, Disable Device DC 12.
Light: The house is poorly lit except around the Tactics: If a trap is sprung, Blik rushes out the front
workbenches, which have covered lanterns containing door on the third round with his goblin candle, a modified
continual flame spells. version of an alchemist’s spark. The goblin candle has 6
Sound: PCs hear Blik muttering to himself while he charges. Once it is lit, the goblin candle shoots one
works if they are able to approach his shop without charge per round and cannot be shut off. Each charge is
setting off the traps. Otherwise he comes out yelling at a ranged touch attack that fires a flaming ball of
the PCs to get away from his shop. alchemical materials that does 1d4 points of electricity
Reaction: Blik is focusing on his work. The loud damage. It lets off a terrible racket before it fires. Blik
explosions of the traps tell him if anyone is trying to enter attacks the closest PC when he emerges. He yells at the
his home. If he does here someone near his home and PCs to get off of his property and follows them until they
thinks they are trying to enter, he attacks with his goblin leave. Blik is so irrational that he may accidentally set off
candle. his own traps.
Treasure: 1 noxious smokestick (Eberron Campaign
The Church is surrounded by several goblin hovels, Setting page 121); 3 alchemist’s sparks (Eberron Campaign
but one stands out from the others. This foreboding Setting page 120). Players find an overdue bill from
structure is gloomy but in better repair than the Lhushush Acks’on (Area 7) for unusual spell
surrounding slums. Damage to the building seems components.
more a consequence of neglect than vandalism. Development: With a DC 20 Diplomacy check, Blik
Unlike the other structures in this area, it is not can be calmed enough to be dealt with rationally.
festooned for the festival. All windows are shuttered. Defeating Blik results in a +2 circumstance bonus to
A sign is affixed to the front door that reads “GO negotiations with Lhushush Acks’on (Area 7), who
AWAY!” in both Goblin and Common. dislikes the gnome greatly. Blik is aware of the muggers in
Area 3 because they buy smokesticks from him. He
The hovel is made of are brick and dried mud (Climb DC knows about their relationship with the butcher as well.
17). The door is made of good wood and is locked. The He has seen some activity around the church recently and
shutters are made of wood and secured from the inside. suspects the (imaginary) goblin assassins are spying upon
Barred Wooden Doors: 1-inch thick; hardness 5, hp him from the bell tower.
15; Break DC 18.
Barred Shutters: 1-inch thick; hardness 5, hp 5, BLIK, GNOME FREELANCE MAGEWRIGHT CR 3
Break DC 12. Male Gnome Mag4
The interior of Blik’s home is cluttered with spell NG Small Humanoid (Gnome)
components, several work benches, and other strange Init +1; Senses Low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot -1
equipment. There is a main room and a bedroom; both Aura faint good

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 11

Languages Common, Gnome; Goblin. light as he sees your group passing. He beckons you
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 to enter his shop.
hp 15 (4 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3; +1 vs. Illusions Creatures: Lhushush Acks’on is everything he appears to
Spd 20 ft. (4 squares) be: a “charming salesman” of cheap trinkets. He sees the
Atk melee light mace +2 melee (1d4-1) PCs as good marks since they likely have more money
Base Atk +2; Grp -3 than the locals. He knows much about local politics and
Combat Gear light mace, goblin candle all of the NPCs in the immediate area. For instance, he
Magewright Spells Prepared (CL 4; 1d20+4 to knows that Brgas the butcher is involved with criminals
overcome SR) and not to be trusted. He gives information truthfully but
2nd – make whole only for a price; he lets the PCs decide what they’re
1st – magecraft x2, unseen servant
willing to spend. He tries to ingratiate himself to one or
0 – arcane mark x3
two players with praise and affection.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1; 1d20+1 to overcome SR):
1/day – dancing lights (10), ghost sound (10), • “You remind me of a dog I had once. She was –
prestidigitation, speak with animals (burrowing how you say it – tasty? No, no, I meant lovely,
mammals only) just like you. Lovely, not tasty.”
Abilities Str 9, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10 • “Is that studded leather? You make it look like
Feats Skill Focus (Craft [Alchemy]), Skill Focus silk! I have a beautiful scarf that would match
(Knowledge [History]), Toughness those studs.”
Skills Concentration +1, Craft (alchemy) +14,
Knowledge (history) +12, Spellcraft +9 Lhushush Acks’on: Male goblin expert 3: hp 11,
Possessions various alchemical supplies for sale (see see below.
text), potion of repair light damage, combat gear Goblin (6): hp 5, see Monster Manual page 133.
Gnome Traits
Tactics: Lhushush is no fighter. He calls to his
clerks or customers for aid if attacked. He is much loved
Area 7 – Goblin Market (EL 2) in this section of town, and six goblins immediately come
A shady goblin merchant has set up shop in Jhollok. to protect him if he calls, then a mob forms to run the
Lhushush Acks’on is a merchant of cheap wares who offending PCs out of town.
fancies himself as the de facto mayor of Jhollok. Among Developments: PCs can gain some useful clues
the junk and trinkets of his shop are some potentially about the immediate urban area and acquire some
useful spell components. potentially useful spell components. If the PCs enter
Light: The area in and around the store is well lit. Lhushush’s store after defeating Blik the Magewright
Sound: Musicians in front of his store are making a (Area 6) or the muggers (Area 3), he gives one of the
big racket. Listen checks suffer a -2 circumstance penalty. special spell components (player’s choice) to the party for
Reaction: Lhushush Acks’on understands that the free. This offer is only available once.
PCs probably have more money to spend than anyone he PCs can purchase normal equipment from the Players
might see over the course of a month. He tries to sell Handbook and Eberron Campaign Setting that costs below
them anything he can and is very pushy about it. 100 gp and is allowed by the Mark of Heroes Campaign
Standards. A Spot check (DC 15)—or a Search check
When the PCs interact with Lhushush, show the (DC 10) if the PCs are actively looking through the goods
players “Illustration 2.” in the shop—allows a PC to notice a box of odd spell
components. Lhushush has a vague idea of their worth
Festive banners and stalls line the front of this shop. because he ordered them for the eccentric magewright
Residents bounce from stall to stall, purchasing Blik (Area 6). He gladly sells them at list price to the
gaudy trinkets and loud noisemakers. A band of players, although it breaks his heart, or so he says:
goblin musicians play beneath a large tarp, keeping
an unorthodox rhythm with the frantic pace of the “You’re stealing from me! It’s a good thing I love
dripping rain. Large bunting and streamers proudly you like family.”
display the national flag of Darguun. The grim
visage of the Lhesh Huraac stares down at the If the PCs try to sell anything to him, he never offers
milling crowds from a mural extending across the more than 1 gp for any item, regardless of how much it is
side of the store. In the midst of this fervor, a worth. And he only purchases 5 gp worth of goods.
swarthy goblin dressed in sumptuous clothes directs Spell components available for purchase (see Eberron
the sellers and buyers like a general. Occasionally, he Campaign Setting pages 90-92 for further details on these
stops to kiss a hobgoblin or hug a bugbear, who spell components):
responds accordingly. His eyes sparkle in the gray

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 12

• 2 Laskin Horns: 55gp each; Benefit – 40% A mob of goblins and hobgoblins are yelling angry
chance of +1 to touch attack spells. epithets at the local butcher shop. The proprietor—a
• 2 Irian Crystals: 115gp each; Benefit – 15% burly human with a meat cleaver for a right hand—is
chance of maximizing conjuration (healing) spells. hollering at the crowd to leave him alone. A chant (of
• 2 Dragonseye Acorns: 60gp each; Benefit – 10% “Boycott Brgas” if the PCs speak Goblin) slowly
chance of empowering evocation spells with an begins among the protestors. The butcher steps into
energy descriptor. the crowd swinging his cleaver-ed arm, but doesn’t
hit anyone. A young goblin breaks from the crowd
• Scroll of Repair Light Wounds: 25gp. (Caster
and passes the butcher. He grabs a small old bench
Level 1)
sitting outside the shop and, as the crowd cheers
him on, he tosses it through the shop’s front window,
Male Goblin Exp3
scattering glass and sausage links. Content with the
NE Small Humanoid (Goblinoid) carnage, the crowd jubilantly tosses the boy in the air
and head toward the nearest tavern. The butcher is
“My goods are the finest in all of Khorvaire. And my left trying to scare away the stray dogs that run from
prices cannot be beat. How do I do it?! Volume, the storefront trailing lengths of sausage links.
my friend!”
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +1 Creature: Brgas the butcher is a notorious butcher
Aura faint evil in this section of town, famous for his savory sausages.
Languages Common, Goblin; Draconic
The locals began truly enjoying his sausage one day when
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 Brgas accidentally lopped off his own hand, which ended
hp 11 (3 HD)
up in the sausage meat. His supply of “special meat” has
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +4
dwindled, and the locals are upset at the drop in the
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares) quality and taste of his new batch of sausages. It hasn’t
Atk melee club +1 (1d4-1)
helped that Brgas has a belligerent, crooked demeanor.
Base Atk +2; Grp -3
Brgas has an alliance with a pair of criminals—Tarvral
Combat Gear small club
and Alamey—who mug unsuspecting visitors and then
Abilities Str 7, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11
dispose of the bodies with Brgas. The trio is eager to add
Feats Negotiator, Persuasive
Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +12, Gather
the PCs to their list of victims.
Information +6, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (lcaol) Brgas Blanthu: Male human commoner 4: hp 12;
+7, Sense Motive +9 see below.
Possessions small club Brgas gladly accepts any help from PCs and treat
Goblin traits them with rough goodwill. He knows about many rumors
and bits of information, including the following:
• A crazy magewright lives near the church, and
Area 8 – The Butcher (EL 3) PCs should avoid his house
The human butcher residing here specializes in sausage. • Rumors say a hole in the church leads to tunnels
It is a favored delicacy of the local goblinoid population. below the town.
This is because the butcher often uses more than animal
• An unusual goblin with deep blue skin has been
flesh in his sausages. He can share some rumors with the
lurking around the slums, looking for something.
PCs, trying to urge them toward the old church where the
Rumor has it that the goblin is a member of the
muggers can attack them and provide him with more
Dhakaani clan.
stuffing for his sausage. He may also attack PCs who
come into his shop alone. • Members of the Razor Crown clan jumped the
Light: The area in and around the store is well lit. strange goblin. Only a single warrior survived. He
Sound: There is no noise of note in the butcher’s claimed the Dhakaani conjured demons from the air.
shop. • Rumors of a group of Karrnathi who also have
Auras: Faint evil (Brgas). been investigating the area. They had a tall, pasty guy
Reaction: Brgas is desperate for the goblins to with them.
patronize his shop again, and for that to happen he • If PCs ask about the church, Brgas recommends
knows he needs some “special meat” for his sausages. He that they cut through the alleys to the church.
does everything in his power to get the PCs to go Tactics: Brgas won’t engage the PCs as a group. He
through the alley (Area 3), and he attacks any PC whom attacks a single PC if he successfully lures her into his
he can get alone. store alone, or if he finds a PC lurking in his shop. He’d
much rather let Tarvral and Alamey handle the rough

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Developments: Players can learn important bits of reveal a strangely crafted door. Though it appears to
information about the area, but Brgas uses this have been encased behind rock for a long time, no
information as a means of earning the trust of the PCs. scratches or pitting mar the metal door. Even in the
He recommends that the players approach the church via meager light available, an impressive gleam reflects
the alleys, which are watched by his mugger associates. from its mirror polished surface. The portal could
have easily been crafted yesterday, gauging from its
BRGAS BLANTHU, HUMAN BUTCHER CR 3 pristine appearance. No lock or hinge is noticeable.
Female Human Com4 The door has strange text engraved upon its surface.
NE Humanoid (Human)
“Sausage is my business. Would you like to try a The PCs might have some questions at this point for
sample of my best meat?” Chopper. The following are the relevant points that the
Init -1; Senses Normal; Listen +0, Spot +3 warforged knows:
Languages Common; Goblin • He bought the mill two years ago after making a
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 small sum adventuring. He wanted to get in touch with
hp 16 (4 HD) the earth, but he found farming boring. The mill lets him
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1 work both with crops and complex machinery.
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares) • He was rooting around in the basement when he saw
Atk melee butcher’s knife (handaxe) +3 (1d6+1/x3) some loose stones in the foundation. Some fell away
Base Atk +2; Grp +3 easily, and he noticed the door.
Combat Gear butcher’s knife (as handaxe) • He knows how to speak Goblin but he can’t read it,
Abilities Str 13, Dex 9, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8 and he has done enough work for Morgrave University to
Feats Endurance, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus realize that this might be something important, so he
(Profession [butcher]) contacted them right away.
Skills Craft (blacksmith) +4, Profession (butcher) +10,
The text on the door is in Goblin. The PCs may not
Spot +3
Possessions Combat gear
be able to read Goblin, but they have other options. They
can ask the goblin merchant what it means, although he
charges them 5 gold pieces to do the translating. They
Part Two: Juulak Vrek’s Tomb can find possibly ask one of the other NPCs to translate,
as many of them speak Goblin. Give the PCs “Handout
Area 1 – Water Chutes (EL 2) 2” to show how the untranslated text appears. If the PCs
Light: Four lanterns light the mill’s basement, find some way to read or translate, show them
although they may need to be lit. “Translation for Handout 2,” which reads as follows:
Sound: There is the noticeable sound of running Perseverance was challenged by strength
water and the mill’s waterwheel creaking nearby. While pursuing his true course
Auras: faint evocation magic (burning hands trap on Though pinned for a moment or millennium
the door). He continued none the worse
Having learned about the true entrance to the
ancient Dhakaani tomb, the PCs can descend into the In the end he won out
basement of the mill. Here they find the magical door And continued on his way
and can attempt to solve the riddle in order to gain access What he could not win right now
to the tomb. He would win another day
Descending the stone stairs, this place is damp, and Let the element of perseverance flow
smells of an oppressively offensive odor. The Against this shining strength you see
dampness upon your skin and a strong musty odor Then follow in his truest path
in your nose are oppressive as you descend a set of A step closer you will be
well-made stone stairs. The sound of rushing water
and the creaking of the millstone and waterwheel are To open the door, a PC must splash or pour water on the
ever-present. The basement foundation, though portal. Making contact with the door in any other way
made of stone, weeps moisture that pools upon the sets off the trap in a 15-foot cone in front of the door.
hard-packed floor. The refuse of many years of mill Burning Hands Trap: CR 2; magical device; touch
operation has collected here, and navigating to the trigger; automatic reset; spell effect (burning hands, 1st level
far side of the basement is like traveling a maze. wizard, 1d4 fire, DC 11 Reflex save half damage); Search
Upon reaching the far wall, a sight presents itself to DC 20, Disable Device 26.
startle even the most well traveled adventurer. A
section of the stone foundation has collapsed away to

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 14

If an incorrect solution is used or if the PCs make Bane Trap: CR 2; magical device; proximity trigger;
contact with the door in another way, read the following automatic reset; spell effect (bane, 1st level cleric, DC 11
text: Will save resists); Search DC 20, Disable Device 26.
Those PCs who choose the correct center passage
Azure flames of great intensity are propelled from the can be read the following description:
door, springing from the very words carved into the
door. The heat washes over you in a painful A feeling of warmth and acceptance washes over you
embrace. as you hurtle down the chute. The water seems to
purify you in some way. An indescribable feeling of
After three unsuccessful tries, allow PCs to roll a wellness settles upon you before you exit into the
Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), or Intelligence light at the end of the tunnel.
check against DC 15. A successful check indicates to the
PC that water is involved in the solution of the puzzle. Any PC that enters the correct chute is under the effect
Once the riddle is successfully solved, the PCs see of a disguise self for as long as they remain in the dungeon.
the following: This illusion makes the character appear to be a
hobgoblin Dhakaani warrior outfitted in an ancient style
Upon providing the solution to the riddle by of armor and weapons. The PCs are not allowed a saving
splashing water upon the door, the metallic door throw and the effect cannot be dispelled or covered by
swings open noiselessly, as if of its own volition. magic. The PCs’ equipment functions normally. A
Behind the doors are three round openings. Water successful Will save (DC 15) lets PCs see the effect is an
gushes into each of them from somewhere above, the illusion. PCs realize that while it looks like they are
clear liquid cascading down some sort of chute or dressed differently and have different weapons, they
flume. Each circular passage leads downward at a really have all their own possessions.
steep angle, one sloping and curving to the right, one Do not tell the PCs about these effects until all of
to the left, and the center one plummeting straight the PCs have traveled down the water chutes. Even if a
ahead. PC is already a goblinoid, his appearance still changes to
show him in ancient Dhakaani gear.
The penultimate line of the door riddle indicates which The reason for this that creators of this tomb
chute is the correct one—the center chute, as the truest understood that nongoblinoids might be the ones of find
path of flowing water is a straight line. Those characters the tomb. Their beliefs stated that only goblinoids could
choosing to slide down either of the incorrect chutes enter the tomb and carry out the retrieval and release of
should be read the following: Juulak Vrek. This illusion magic was put in place to turn
anyone who answered the riddles and passed the tests
Sliding down at an ever-increasing speed and into metaphorical hobgoblins, thus hoping to facilitate
drenched in frigid water, you catch fleeting glimpses the release of Vrek even if the individuals who found the
of a creature that defied description at the far edges shard were not true goblins.
of your vision. You are being propelled into the
waiting claws of a nameless horror.
Area 2 – Invisible Bridges (EL 2)
Any character that has chosen to enter an incorrect (left Light: Continual flame urns light the chamber fully.
or right) chute passes through a magical trap (bane spell). Sound: Water drips from the walls into the standing
Anyone failing the save is under the effect of a bane spell water around the central platform.
for as long as they remain in the dungeon section. Auras: The continual flame spells in the urns radiate
Concentrating long enough to search or disable the trap faint evocation magic. The urns cannot be removed.
in the chute is impossible as the water cascades down When all of the PCs have entered the room via the
upon the PC. Once a PC goes down a chute, they cannot chutes, show the players Illustration 3.
be heard over the rushing water by those still in the mill This room is 35 feet by 35 feet with a 15-foot
basement. Attempts to tie a rope to someone going down octagonal platform in the middle surrounded by water.
a chute fail—either the rope breaks, or the rope is pulled As the PCs slide down the chutes, stone troughs extend
from the hands of the person holding the rope, or the from the mouths of the hobgoblin statues (see
person is yanked off his feet and pulled down the same description below and Illustration 3). Each PC is
chute. Use your best judgment in finding a way to thwart propelled from the water chutes through these stone
PC attempts to finagle their way around being brave and troughs with sufficient force to land on the platform,
embracing the pulp action of the water chutes. regardless of which chute they chose. The fall is not far
enough to deal damage. The troughs then retract quickly
into the mouths of the hobgoblin statues.

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As soon as the PCs have all landed on the platform, but still recognizable symbols for Earth (west), Water
read the following: (north) and Air (east). PCs who make a DC 7 Knowledge
(history) or bardic knowledge check, or a DC 10
Awash in the glow of continual flame urns placed on Intelligence check, recognize the symbols and what those
the walls and ceiling, this room is a study in symbols represent.
opposites. The most striking feature is the three The riddle provides the clue to determine which exit
enormous bas-relief statues of hobgoblin warriors is the proper path to take. The exit marked with the
that spew water from their mouths—and from which Water symbol is the correct choice. Invisible force
you were recently spat out into this room. Along bridges connect the platform to all three archways. Thus
each wall are carved stone panels. Each panel PCs can simply march out onto these invisible bridges to
depicts a scene from the ancient Dhakaani Empire. any of the archways.
The reliefs show the rise of the hobgoblin race, the Passing through the correct portal (the one in the
unification of the various tribes, the conquests of the north wall) grants the PCs the ability to speak, understand
empire at the height of its power and, finally, its and read Goblin for the remainder of this adventure. Any
decline resulting from war with strange demons PC who exits by either of the other two openings (east or
leading hosts of horrid aberrations. In stark contrast west) is outlined in a faerie fire spell (no save) for as long as
to the ancient carvings, large metal rods with hinges they remain in the dungeon. (The faerie fire can give the
and gears attached to them, not unlike those found PCs some faint light in unlit rooms.)
on House Orien’s Lightning Rail, rest in the corners The archways out of this chamber seal once the PCs
of the room. leave, so there is no way back into this room once exited.
Your landing appears to have triggered Also, PCs who enter the underground complex via the
something. The mechanical devices in the corners Church of the Silver Flame cannot enter this room.
begin to pump up and down. At the same time, the
water in the room begins to drain away. As the water Area 3a – From the Church
level drops, stone panels in the mouths of the statues Light: There are no light sources in the fissure.
slide down and close off the openings. The water Sound: No sounds are evident to the PCs while in
chutes that unceremoniously dumped you here are the fissure.
now completely covered! At the same time, the Give the following description only to those parties
carved panels that covered the north, east, and west entering the dungeon from the abandoned Church of the
walls begin to rise. Silver Flame (Area 4).

If you haven’t already, this is a good time to inform those This natural fissure appears to have been recently
PCs who chose the correct path that they now appear to expanded by further excavation. Despite the efforts
be hobgoblins adorned in ancient gear. This may present to widen this passage, it is still necessary to squeeze
the opportunity for some interesting role- playing, and through certain sections. After a long, sloping
their new appearance may be especially helpful later in descent, the fissure runs into a worked stone tunnel,
the module. and cold, stale air drifts past you from that hallway.
Through an open stone door looms an ornate crypt.
Now that the water has been emptied from the room,
you can see that the floor is only eight feet below the
level of the platform upon which you stand. The rise Area 3b - Honor Guard (EL 2)
of the stone panel has revealed three exits from the Light: There are no light sources.
room—archways on the east, west, and north walls. Sound: No sound is evident to the PCs until they
Each archway has a large symbol engraved above it. enter the room—then they hear the sound of bone
There is also text engraved beneath your feet on the scraping on stone.
platform. Auras: faint evil and undead (skeletons), faint
necromancy magic (scroll fragment).
The text is in Ancient Goblin: Reaction: The hobgoblin skeletons attack as soon as
From the platform you must choose the first PC enters the crypt.
Earth or Water or Air When the PCs enter the crypt area, either from the
Choose well and walk with courage water chute room or the passage from the Church of the
To that which is no longer there Silver Flame, read or paraphrase the following:

Give the PCs “Handout 3,” and if they can read the text Seven niches are hollowed out on the east and west
in Goblin on the platform, show them “Translation of sides of this room. Faded tapestries over each niche
Handout 3.” The symbols over the archways are ancient proclaim that the occupants of each sarcophagus

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 16

were of a different hobgoblin clan. A carving along Auras faint evil and undead
the east wall depicts seven Dhakaani warriors Languages --
prostrating themselves before a regal looking AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
hobgoblin wearing royal robes. Opposite this hp 6 (1 HD); DR 5/bludgeoning
sculpture and text is an exit on the west wall. Immune cold, sleep, charm, mind-affecting spells
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
The Emerald Claw agents have already passed through Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
this area, using animate dead on the skeletons of Juulak Atk melee longsword +1 (1d8+1/19-20)
Vrek’s former honor guard to stop any other adventurers Base Atk +0; Grp +1
from following them into the dungeon. As soon as the Combat Gear longsword
first PC enters the crypt, the skeletons stand up from Abilities Str 13, Dex 15, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1
their sarcophagi as a move action in the surprise round. Feats Improved Initiative
On the following round, they can charge from their Possessions combat gear
niches to attack.
Creatures: The skeletons are the remains of Vrek’s Area 4 - Bottomless Chasm (EL 2)
bodyguards, who were interred with the dragonshard as a Light: There are no light sources in this room.
form of symbolic protection. They wield ancient Sound: No sound is evident to the PCs.
longswords in two hands. Auras: The floating columns radiate strong universal
Hobgoblin Skeletons (7): hp 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; see magic (permanency) and moderate evocation magic (levitate).
“Combat Statistics,” below.
The only item of interest in the room, besides the A canyon of unfathomable depth cuts across your
longswords wielded by the skeletons, is a used scroll lying path as if gouged by the gods themselves. Curiously,
on the floor near the exit. The scroll contained the animate a series of stone columns, each engraved with a
dead spell used on the skeletons, and still lets off a faint single symbol that is repeated many times across its
necromancy aura if magic is detected on it. surface, rise from the blackness and appear to be
While it is possible that the party may investigate the your only means across this divide. At the edge of
long hallway and submerged chamber before continuing the precipice, a metal plaque is inlaid into the stone
toward the final resting place of Juulak Vrek, this area has floor.
no importance until the end of the adventure. Should the
PCs explore the water chamber before crossing the The plaque is written in Goblin and states the following:
chasm (Area 4), give them the following description:
By now you know who Perseverance is
The long, winding corridor ends in a room that is To not would be a shame
mostly submerged in water. The floor angles For to pass this chasm deep
downward from the entrance. A rotted wooden pier You must follow his name
rests beneath the surface of the water. A current
flows beneath the water from your right to your left Give the PCs “Handout 4.” If they can read Goblin,
as you look into the room. The broken remains of an show the PCs the “Translation to Handout 4.” The
ancient skiff lies washed up on the ramp—indicating correct path across the chasm follows the symbols
this complex could be connected to the Ghaal River. representing the letters W, A, T, E, and R. The riddle
provides the clue for determining the correct path across
If any PC ventures into and under the water at this time, the columns. Jumping from one column to an adjacent
she finds tunnel openings on the east and west walls of column is considered an automatic success and does not
the room. These tunnels are currently 6 feet underwater. require a Jump check. The symbols for each column are
Any PC attempting to explore the tunnel now is swept on the map. If they can read Goblin, show them the
away by the current unless she is tethered by a rope or translation text.
make a DC 15 Swim check. Should any character be Trap: All of the incorrect columns are magically
swept down the tunnel, the character must hold his trapped. Any character stepping onto an incorrect
breath for 10 rounds to avoid drowning. That PC is safe column triggers the trap.
but effectively removed from play for the rest of the Ray of Frost Trap: CR 1; magical device; proximity
adventure. See more about this room in area 8 below. trigger (alarm); automatic reset; Atk +1 ranged touch;
spell effect (ray of frost, 6th level wizard, 1d3 cold; Search
Combat Statistics DC 20, Disable Device 26.
HOBGOBLIN SKELETONS CR 1/6 It is unlikely that the party has the capability to dispel
N Medium Undead (Aumented Humanoid, [goblinoid]) or disable the trap. Any attempt to cover the columns in
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft. order to make it easier to cross, such as a ladder or a

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 17

plank, still triggers the trap as soon as a PC passes over goblin blue—who has been seriously weakened a
an incorrect column. previous fight with Emerald Claw agents. If the PCs do
If a character attempts to jump across the entire appear to be hobgoblins, Blue shows himself and calls off
canyon, whether naturally or aided by a spell, determine his astral constructs after two rounds of combat.
the PCs path over the columns. Any incorrect column Creatures: A pair of extended 2nd-level astral
that is crossed triggers the trap. A PC may try to jump to constructs created with the Boost Construct feat stand
non-adjacent columns. If this is attempted, have the PC between the PCs and the hidden Blue. Blue used both his
indicate between which 2 rows of columns he intends to own psionic focus and the psionic focus embedded in his
jump. Check the path against the map. If the Jump check psicrystal to extend and boost two astral constructs.
is not successful, the PC plummets to his death into the Assume the constructs were created 4 rounds before the
seemingly bottomless chasm unless he is tied off or PCs entered the room—thus they last for 6 rounds of
otherwise protected from the fall. A feather fall spell does combat once the PCs first enter the room. This time can
not save the PC, as the spell’s duration runs out before change depending on the actions of the PCs.
the PC reaches the bottom of the bottomless chasm. If Boosted 2nd-Level Astral Construct (2): hp 31,
the Jump check is successful, draw a straight line between 31; see “Combat Statistics,” below.
the two points of the jump. Any incorrect columns Development: Blue hides in the northwest corner of
passed over trigger the traps on those columns. the room, amid some rubble. He assumes that the
approaching figures are more Emerald Claw agents
coming to finish him off. If the PCs appear as hobgoblins
due to the magic of the water chute, he calls off the astral
Area 5 – He’s Blue (EL 4) constructs after two rounds of combat. If the PCs defeat
The goblin blue learned about the tomb from the Heirs the constructs or survive until the constructs disappear,
of Dhakaan, and he immediately came to explore the Blue steps out of his hiding place to confront them,
place and attempt retrieve the dragonshard. He entered thinking the PCs are Emerald Claw agents.
the tomb via the church before the Emerald Claw. They
caught up to him here, where a pitched battle recently A strange goblin with blue-tinted skin stands up
took place. Blue is slightly battered and his psionic power from the rubble in the northwestern part of the room
is mostly depleted. and speaks in a strange language.
Light: The room is lit with torches placed around
the room. If the party cannot understand Goblin, he repeats himself
Sound: No noise initially, and then the astral in Common after a few seconds.
constructs attacking is the most prevalent noise.
Reaction: The astral constructs attack immediately “More scum serving the Emerald Claw, I see. I am
when the PCs enter the room. The goblin blue calls off afraid that I cannot allow you to continue with your
the astral constructs in certain circumstances. The goblin foul efforts. Your friends may have won their way
blue is willing to parley with the PCs. past this point, but you shall not join them! You will
Auras: faint metacreativity (astral constructs) die like these two!”
Illustration: When the goblin Blue appears, show
the players Illustration 4. Give the party a chance to understand that blue could be
an ally. To tell that blue lacks confidence and would be
The door beyond the chasm is ajar, and it bears a willing to negotiate rather than fight, the PCs may make
high quality locking system that has obviously been Sense Motive checks (DC 10).
smashed. Past the door is an entryway, and then If the PCs wish to negotiate with the blue, they may
another smashed door. Beyond that door is pillared roll Diplomacy checks (DC 10). Read the following only
room. The corners of the room have collapsed into if the PCs attempt to negotiate and convince the blue
great piles of rubble, and there is another door in the that they are not Emerald Claw with a successful
middle of the north wall. Two bloody humans Diplomacy check. (Blue takes the time to listen to the
dressed in armor and holding flails rest crumpled on PCs before attacking, so the Diplomacy check does not
the floor in the center of the room have to be rushed. Also give up to +4 circumstance
bonuses to PCs who put forth a convincing and sincere
Upon entering this room, the party is set upon by two argument for a peaceful end to the standoff.)
astral constructs summoned by a goblin blue—a member
of the Heirs of Dhakaan. The constructs hide in the “What choice have I but to trust you?” ponders the
southwest and northeast corners of the room. Unless the strange goblin. “I came here to retrieve the
entire party appears to be hobgoblins, the party must dragonshard that rests beyond. It belongs to my
defeat the constructs before they can encounter the people. If you would help me protect it from the

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 18

Emerald Claw, I may be able to offer you something GOBLIN BLUE, HEIR OF DHAKAAN PSION CR 5
just as valuable to you. If you could defeat them and Male Goblin Blue Psion5 (Shaper)
retrieve the shard, I have a most interesting item I LN Small Humanoid (Goblin)
could trade. Here is some healing magic, if you are “For the greater glory of the Dhakaani! The empire
in need of it, but you must hurry. They continued shall rise again!”
past this chamber and may have already taken the Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +0
shard”. Aura faint law
Languages Common, goblin; draconic, elven, orc
The item the blue offers is a treasure map. He’s not sure AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17
where it leads to, but he knows it has something to do hp 26 plus 15 temporary HP (5 HD)
with a valuable shipment of gems buried in Cyre just Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4
before the Day of Mourning. One of the Heirs of Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Dhakaan came across it during some archaeological Atk melee masterwork club +2 (1d4-2)
digging, and it was given to Blue to investigate. As far as ranged psionic power +4
Blue knows, it is genuine. Base Atk +2; Grp -4
PCs unwilling to negotiate must fight the blue, Special Atk Psionic Powers
whose resources have been greatly depleted. He has 3 Combat Gear masterwork club
potions of cure light wounds available to aid injured PCs, Psionic Powers Known (ML 5; 1d20+5 to overcome
whether obtained by diplomacy or taken as spoils. PCs SR; PP 6*)
who agree to a deal with the goblin blue but then later 3rd – ectoplasmic cocoon (DC 17), greater
concealing amphora
renege earn the enmity of the Heirs of Dhakaan.
2nd – ego whip (DC 16), identify (psionic),
If all the PCs appear to be hobgoblins, the blue mental disruption (DC 16)
automatically parleys with them, giving them the 1st – astral construct, daze (psionic) (DC 15),
following speech: energy ray (DC 15), entangling ectoplasm (DC 15),
inertial armor, vigor
“Victory shall be ours! Hurry into the next chamber * The goblin Blue has already manifested four
and defeat the humans who come to plunder our extended 2nd-level astral constructs (5 PP each),
treasure. The Dhakaani Empire shall rise again. an augmented inertial armor (5 PP), and an
Retrieve the dragonshard and bring it to me, and you extended augmented vigor (5 PP). He normally has
shall be heroes forever! Your reward shall be a 36 PP.
treasure map, offering you the gold and riches of an Abilities Str 6, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 10
emperor.” Feats Boost ConstructB, Extend PowerB, Psicrystal
Affinity, Psicrystal Containment
Male Goblin Blue Psion5 (Shaper): hp 26 plus 15 Skills Autohypnosis +1, Concentration +10, Knowledge
(history) +12, Knowledge (psionics) +12, Move
temporary hp; see “Combat Statistic,” below.
Silently +9, Psicraft +12
* The goblin Blue has previously manifested four Possessions Masterwork studded leather armor,
extended 2nd-level astral constructs (5 PP each), an combat gear.
augmented inertial armor (5 PP), and an extended
augmented vigor (5 PP). This includes the two astral
constructs facing the PCs currently. He normally has 36 BOOSTED 2ND-LEVEL ASTRAL CONSTRUCT CR 2
PP, but he has only 6 left. N Medium Construct
To summarize, Blue does anything in his power to
Astral constructs perform the will of their
help the PCs if they agree to help him defeat the Emerald
Claw agents and retrieve the dragonshard for him. If they
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen
refuse to help him and try to get past him to the shard +0, Spot +0
room, he summons another extended 2nd-level astral Aura faint metacreativity
construct and attacks. Languages None
Assuming the PCs befriend Blue and agree to help AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16
him, he waits here until the tomb begins to collapse, at hp 31 (2 HD)
which time he flees through the underground rivers and Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
waits for the PCs there. If asked to accompany the PCs Spd 40 ft. (8 squares)
to fight the Emerald Claw and retrieve the dragonshard, Atk melee slam +4 (1d6+4)
he admits he has no more power left (which isn’t quite Base Atk +1; Grp +4
true, but almost). Atk Option Improved Bull Rush
Special Atk Trip (Ex): If the astral construct hits with its
Combat Statistics slam attack, it can attempt to trip the opponent as a

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 19

free action without making a touch attack or approaching). If the PCs are spotted or heard, upon
provoking attacks of opportunity. If the attempt fails, entering the room, read the following:
the opponent cannot react to trip the astral
construct. Although this spectacle bears further investigation,
Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con –, Int –, Wis 11, Cha 10 there are other occupants of the room who could be
Feats Improved Bull Rush less than thrilled by your appearance.
Skills None

Area 6 – The Shard Room (EL 4 plus EL 1 Creatures: In the room, agents of the Emerald Claw are
preparing to obtain the Khyber dragonshard. If any PC
Trap) attempts to enter the room by stealth, roll Spot and
Light: Torches have been placed around the room, Listen checks for the one Emerald Claw warrior, opposed
lighting the room thoroughly. by PC’s Hide and Move Silently rolls. The Emerald Claw
Sound: The Emerald Claw agents are talking agents do not negotiate and attack the party as soon as
examining the pedestal that the shard rests on. they become aware of them.
Reaction: Only one Emerald Claw warrior is Melex, Emerald Claw Cleric: Male human Blood
watching the door, so the PCs might be able to sneak in. of Vol cleric 2: hp 16; see “Combat Statistic,” below.
Once the PCs are noticed, the Emerald Claw agents Hort and Wyn, Emerald Claw Warrior: Male
attack immediately. human warrior 2; hp 14, 14; see “Combat Statistics,”
When the players approach the shard pedestal, show below.
them Illustration 5. Tactics: The cleric uses his offensive spells first (ray
of enfeeblement and cause fear), while his two warrior escorts
The entrance before you must be the destination you protect him. Then the cleric casts bless and joins the
seek. The doorway’s architecture is a testament to warriors in melee. The cleric can convert his comprehend
the glory and ingenuity of the ancient hobgoblin languages spell into an inflict light wounds if the situation
empire’s culture and sophistication. Stern looking warrants.
stone sentinels with elaborate headdresses and alien Development: Although the room might be a
wardrobe flank the opening. The depiction of a large curiosity for PCs interested in history and archeology, the
Khyber dragonshard with glorious beams emanating only object of consequence is the pedestal in the middle
from it has been carved into the lintel over the door. of the room containing the dragonshard (and in it the
The center of the dragonshard has been inscribed soul of the ancient hobgoblin warlord.) The Emerald
with the goblinoid letters JV. Claw agents have erased the fifth part of the riddle before
the party entered this chamber, leaving the PCs to their
The PCs must approach and look into the room to see own devices from this point forward. A removable trap
the following: on the shard can be overcome to allow the party to take
possession of the shard. Another trap—this one virtually
The inside of the room is just as stunning. The walls undetectable—is set off as soon as the shard is removed
have been etched into a panorama that illustrates the from the chamber.
whole of Darguun as if viewed from the heights of Trap: There are two traps on the pedestal. The first
the Seawall Mountains. Fluted columns of polished is fairly obvious to even an inexperienced rogue. The
green marble have been stylized to represent the second, however, is magical and triggers the collapse of
powerful goblinoid ancestors that the Dhakaani the underground tomb area. As soon as the dragonshard
revered. The columns surround a three-foot-tall is removed the pedestal, the second trap is triggered.
pedestal. The pedestal, located in the center of the Fusillade of Darts: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger;
room, has been carved to resemble two Dhakaani manual reset; Atk +6 ranged (1d4+1, dart); multiple
warriors facing each other with arms outstretched. targets (fires 1d4 darts at each target in 4 adjacent 5-ft.
The pedestal has been recently defaced, as there are squares surrounding pedestal); Search DC 12; Disable
chips of marble littering the floor around it. Atop the Device 12.
pedestal rests an enormous dark jewel shining with a Earthquake Trap: CR 7; magic device; touch
light too bright to be just a reflection. trigger; bypass hidden lock (Search DC 35, Open Lock
DC 40); no reset; Search DC 39, Disable Device DC 39.
If the PCs have been able to sneak this far, they see the Note: Replacing the dragonshard on the pedestal
cleric Melex and one of the warriors (Hort) crouching does not stop the collapse of the tomb once it has begun.
down to examine the shard and the pedestal. The other Once a PC removes the Khyber dragonshard from
warrior (Wyn) is supposed to be watching the door, but the pedestal, read or paraphase the following:
occasionally he peers around the room in wonder (no
bonus or penalty to his Spot check to see PCs

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 20

A feeling of great power surges through you, and a Languages Common
great silence fills the room. The silence lasts for one AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17
second, then another, until something catches your hp 14 (2 HD)
attention. The room has gotten very dusty quite Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
suddenly. Then more dust falls, then some tiny Spd 20 ft. (4 squares)
pebbles clatter from the ceiling to the floor. The Atk melee flail +3 (1d8+1)
room shifts violently as the walls begin to collapse ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
and the statues topple around you. Base Atk +2; Grp +3
Atk Option Power Attack
If a PC tries to grab the dragonshard before the battle Combat Gear flail, light crossbow, 20 bolts
with the Emerald Claw faction has ended, then there Abilities Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
could be a running battle, as the Emerald Claw members Feats Power Attack, Toughness
do not wait around to be crushed. They immediately run Skills Intimidate +3, Knowledge (religion) +1, Ride +3
for the exit. If the tomb begins to collapse and any Possessions chainmail, heavy wooden shield, sunrod,
tabard, pouch with 7 sp and 5 gp, identification papers
Emerald Claw members are still alive, have a huge block
(two sets, one false).
of stone crush one as he tries to escape. This should
serve as a proper warning for the PCs that it is time to
leave quickly. Area 7 – RUN! (EL 1)
Light: No light sources.
Combat Statistic Sound: Rumbling and crashing of collapsing tomb.
Male Human Clr2 Reaction: The furtive filcher is tasked to retrieve the
LE Medium Humanoid (Human) Khyber dragonshard and return it to its place on the
Init +2; Senses Normal; Listen +2, Spot +2 tomb.
Aura faint evil, faint law
Languages Common; Draconic As soon as the trap in Area 6 is triggered, the entire
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 complex begins to shake and starts to fall apart. The
hp 16 (2 HD) description of this effect is purely cinematic as long as the
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 PCs move toward the exit. Meant to scare the PCs, this
Spd 20 ft. (4 squares) situation is not meant to injure them as a result of the
Atk melee masterwork flail +3 (1d8) falling debris. Just don’t let the players know this! At this
ranged masterwork light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20) point start looking at your watch, make a point of
Base Atk +2; Grp +2 tracking rounds, and roll some random dice to give the
Atk Option Improved Disarm PCs the impression that they have limited time.
Combat Gear masterwork flail, masterwork light
crossbow, 20 bolts
Divine Spells Prepared (CL 2; 1d20+2 to overcome
All the magnificent accomplishments of the ancient
SR) Dhakaani builders begin to come crashing down
around you. What has lasted for millennia is being
0—Cure Minor Wounds; Detect Magic; Light; Read erased in a matter of seconds. The repository of the
Magic Khyber dragonshard may just become your tomb.
1st— Bless; Cause Fear (DC 13); Comprehend Stone statues crumble and crash to your right and
Languages, Ray of Enfeeblement
D left. The doorway to this room starts to buckle and
give way. Mere seconds may separate you between
D: Domain spell. Domains: Death, Necromancer
freedom and an eternity buried beneath tons of
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 8 rubble.
Feats Iron Will, Weapon Focus (flail)
Skills Intimidate +4, Knowledge (religion) +3, Ride +7 As the PCs flee back toward the entrance to the tomb,
Possessions +1 chainmail, heavy wooden shield, keep describing the rocks and debris falling around them.
sunrod, tabard, pouch with 7 sp and 5 gp, When they get back to the room where they encountered
identification papers (two sets, one false). Blue, he is gone (unless the PCs killed him or altered his
plans in some other way). He has escaped back to the
surface to wait for the PCs. In the room with the floating
HORT AND WYN, EMERALD CLAW WARRIORS CR 1 columns over the chasm, only the proper, untrapped
Male Human War2 columns remain. All the others have fallen away into the
LE Medium Humanoid (Human) chasm.
Init +0; Senses Normal; Listen +0, Spot +0
Aura faint evil, faint law

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 21

When they enter the long corridor outside the humanoid shadow about 18 inches tall lunging for
Chasm Puzzle Room, the PCs see that the passage to the the dragonshard.
east, the one from whence they came, has collapsed and
is completely blocked off. The only escape route is to the If the PCs lose the shard to the filcher and attempt to go
west. back and retrieve the shard, they are taking their lives into
Creature: The triggering of the earthquake trap has their own hands. For each round a PC spends back in the
also activated one final defense. A furtive filcher has been underground complex after the filcher has stolen the
released (appearing at the spot marked X on the DM’s shard (except in the flooded chamber), roll percentile dice
Map) to attempt to retrieve the dragonshard. It was for that PC. On a roll of 01 –10, a gigantic chuck of stone
intended that Juulak Vrek’s soul would be released from falls directly toward the PC. The PC then gets to attempt
the shard to inhabit another body. The builders of the a DC 12 Reflex save. On a failed save, the PC is crushed
tomb created the filcher and set it to activate and retrieve by the stone and killed instantly. (If the PC is carrying the
the shard should it be stolen by someone who activated shard when this happens, the PC’s hand or other body
the earthquake trap in the process. The furtive filcher has part where the shard is located is sticking out from
a connection to the shard, so it knows which PC is beneath the rock, allowing another PC to grab it.)
carrying it and where on the PC’s person the shard has
been secured. Combat Statistics
Advanced Furtive Filcher: hp 15, see “Combat ADVANCED FURTIVE FILCHER CR 1
Statistics,” below. LN Tiny Construct
Development: The filcher follows the party,
attempting to use its Sleight of Hand skill to steal the The Filcher’s only purpose is to return the shard to
its rightful spot on the pedestal.
shard off whichever character is carrying it. If the PC
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
carrying the shard has stashed it in a backpack or a sack,
Languages None
the filcher follows the party to the water and attempts to
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12
snatch the shard as the party prepares to swim to the
hp 15 (3 HD)
surface. If the filcher is successful in obtaining the shard,
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
it attempts to return the shard to its original resting place.
Spd 50 ft. (10 squares)
First, have the party roll Spot checks opposed by the
Atk melee bite +1 (1d4-1)
filcher’s Hide check to see if the Filcher is observed. Space 2 ½; Reach 0
Move Silently check against the PC’s Listen checks are Base Atk +1; Grp -7
not allowed as the sound of the crashing debris makes it
Abilities Str 8, Dex 19, Con –, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7
impossible to hear the filcher sneaking up. If the filcher is Feats Stealthy, Improved Initiative
not spotted, it attempts to steal the shard at an opportune Skills Hide +18, Move Silently +10, Sleight of Hand +8
moment. The check for the filcher to swipe the shard off
a PC by Sleight of Hand is DC 20, although this DC can
be modified depending on where the shard was placed. Area 8 – SWIM! (EL 1)
Have the entire party roll a Spot check against the Light: No light sources.
filcher’s Sleight of Hand roll to see if anyone is alerted to Sound: The light splashing of water before the
its attempted theft of the shard. If the Filcher is earthquake; the loud rushing of water after the
successful and escapes unobserved allow the PC who was earthquake.
carrying the shard to make a Search check (DC 10) to
realize the shard is missing. A Survival check of DC 12 Just as the party thinks they have navigated the worst of
allows the party to follow the Filcher back toward the the collapsing tomb, they come to the flooded chamber
shard room. If the filcher is observed, then continue with and must swim to find an exit before they are crushed
combat normally. If the filcher is unable to steal the shard and entombed within the collapsing underground
using Sleight of Hand, it attempts to use the Disarm complex. The party is able to prepare to enter the water
action in combat to take the shard away from the PC. (strip off armor, secure possessions, etc.) without being
Give the PC appropriate modifiers if the shard is stowed attacked or crushed as long as the furtive filcher and the
very securely (such as in a locked chest). If the shard is in Emerald Claw members have been dealt with. Continue
a container like a belt pouch, sack, or backpack, the to give the impression that time is being tracked to keep
Filcher simply tries to take the whole container. the players nervous.
Any PC that spots the filcher is given the following
description. Alter the text as needed: The long, winding corridor ends in a room that is
partly submerged in water. The floor angles down
A wisp of smoke moves toward you with unnatural from the entrance. A rotted wooden pier rests on the
precision. Upon closer inspection, you see a vaguely floor—the wood glistens as if it was recently

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 22

submerged. A rushing current flows beneath the Conclusion
water from right to left, entering and exiting the
chamber through a partially submerged tunnel. The Assuming the PCs escape from the hobgoblin burial
broken remains of an ancient skiff lies washed up on chamber with the shard, they have the option of giving
the ramp—indicating this complex could be the shard back to the goblin blue (if they parleyed with
connected to the Ghaal River. him) and receiving the map he promised in trade; giving it
to Morgrave University and receiving their payment; or
If the PCs saw this room earlier, read or paraphrase the attempting to keep the shard for themselves. Various
following: outcomes for a PC are supplied based on the group’s
The rushing water before you appears to be the only Read or paraphrase the following as the PCs emerge
way out. The violent upheavals have caused the from their swim out of the tomb:
water level to drop and have not yet collapsed the
tunnel that this underground river courses through. Soaked through to the bone and gasping for the stale
It appears that water level is low enough that you can air of the Jhollok ghetto, you pull yourselves from the
now swim with your head above water if you use the Ghaal River. A small section of slum housing has
tunnel to make your escape. collapsed into the great hole that was once the tomb.
Dozens of goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, and a
Some players may choose to swim without removing couple of humans watch you emerge. They are
their armor. This is not a sound idea but do not pointing at the devastation and shouting in awe.
strenuously discourage it. The players may think to use Fortunately, all of the inhabitants of those houses
the wood planks of the skiff or the pier to help keep fled the area because of the goblin holiday, and no
them afloat. one was probably injured. You do have several dozen
If the PCs decide to remove their armor, see Table pair of goblinoid eyes staring at you though.
7-7 on page 123 of the Player’s Handbook for time needed
to remove armor. If the PCs made no deal with Blue or killed him, they are
The current carries any character that chooses to free to walk away. Read the following, altering the text as
float down the tunnel clinging to something—but doing appropriate:
so requires a Reflex save (DC 10). Failure results in 1d4
points of nonlethal damage as that character is slammed Battered, bloodied, but finally triumphant, you hold
against the tunnel wall by the force of the current. the Khyber dragonshard in your hand. Even the least
PCs that use the Swim skill must to succeed at a DC cerebral of your group realizes the great power that
15 check because of the swiftness of the current. Those must be held within such an object. A long road lies
characters that are swimming do not have to make saves between you and your award awaiting you at
to avoid slamming into the tunnel walls, but they still can Morgrave University, but as adventure is its own
be sucked underwater if they fail their swim check by 5 or reward, you can leave the goblin nation with a sense
more. The distance to the tunnel exit is 100 feet, but the of pride.
PCs can swim at twice the normal speed due to the
current pushing them out. Even if they fail the swim If the PCs agreed to help Blue, he is waiting for them,
check in a round, the PCs are pushed 10 feet closer to the similarly wet but smiling and ecstatic. Those who
exit and to freedom that round. appeared to be hobgoblins due to the magic of the tomb
The swim is a short one that leads to the surface of now appear as themselves. This development does not
the Ghaal River, but the PCs do not know that until they bother the goblin blue, as he understands that the power
swim or float for a few rounds in tense anticipation. of the tomb transformed others into hobgoblins:

After being bounced around in the water like a ship The strange blue goblin that you spoke with in the
in a storm, the sweet light of salvation can be seen tomb stands at the edge of the river. He steps
just ahead. The brightness at the end of the tunnel is forward as you extract yourselves from the cold
not a lightning rail heading in your direction but water. “Heroes! The Heirs of Dhakaan can never
rather an exit out to the Ghaal River. After what repay your bravery. The glory of the new Dhakaani
you’ve gone through, this adventure better be worth Empire that is foretold shall go forward with you at
something extraordinary! the vanguard!” He holds out his hand for the shard,
offering you the map in his other hand.

If the PCs hand over the shard to Blue and take the map,
read of paraphrase the following:

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 23

Battered, bloodied, but finally triumphant, you hold defeating it would? No. The reward for getting past an
the strange treasure map in your hand. You don’t encounter without actually interacting with it is having
know what you are going to tell your employer at extra resources to bear in the next encounter. Where is
Morgrave University, but adventure is its own the line? You are going to have to make that decision,
reward, and you can leave the goblin nation with a because you are the DM.
sense of pride. For traps, PCs get experience points just for
encountering them, whether or not they have been
If the PCs refuse to hand over the shard, read or disabled.
paraphrase the following:
Sometimes the PCs’ actions don’t really fit the actions
of a particular adventure question perfectly. This
The strange blue goblin realizes that you are not
especially happens when you play the adventure using the
going to give him the shard. His face wrinkles in
“Scaling the Encounter” options. In these cases find the
fury, and he points at you. “Thieves!” He looks at
answer that best fits the spirit of their results.
the gathered goblinoid crowd. “These ingrates have
come to steal our treasures. And during our
celebration of independence! We cannot let them
escape!” A murmuring of the crowd grows slowly 1. Did the PCs discover that Chopper was replaced
into a wild roar, and the crowd surges toward you. with the changeling Moll?
a. No. The changeling snowed them.
Let the PCs know they can probably outrun the crowd.
As long as the PCs don’t hesitate, they can escape with b. Yes. They were able to penetrate the changeling’s
the shard. If they try to be tricky, such as trying to get the disguise.
treasure map away from the Blue, they are grabbed by the
mob, beaten, stripped of all possessions, and deposited
on the outskirts of the city. If the PC holding the shard is 2. By which entrance did the PCs enter Juulak Vrek’s
captured, the PCs do not the shard and are therefore not Tomb?
rewarded for it. a. By way of the Mill
The judge is going to have to use discretion and common b. By way of the ruined Church of the Silver Flame
sense when dealing with any unusual conclusions that c. They never entered the tomb.
might come about as a result of misfortune, unusual
player choices, or other circumstances.
3. Did the PCs defeat the hobgoblin skeletons?
Adventure Question a. No. They were defeated by the guardians left by
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CAMPAIGNS (of which MARK the Order of the Emerald Claw.
OF HEORES is part of) tracks character progress digitally.
At the adventure’s end, you report what the characters b. Yes. Pesky undead were nothing to these guys.
did, by answering a number of questions. The answers to c. They never got this far.
those questions are tallied, and determine not only what
happens in the campaign, but also the experience points
(XP) and gold piece (gp) value increase each character
4. Were the PCs able to solve the bottomless chasm
At the end of this adventure, you’ll find the RPGA
a. Yes. They were a canny group.
Session Tracking form, tailored for this adventure. On
the section titled “Adventure Questions” fill in the b. No, but they fumbled though all the same.
bubble that corresponds to the best answer for the
c. The puzzle either defeated the PCs or they never
questions below.
got this far.
Many times the questions ask whether or not the PCs
defeated an encounter. Defeating doesn’t necessarily
mean killing all enemies, but many times such an event 5. How did the PCs deal with the blue?
suffices as defeating an encounter. Sometimes PCs
merely bypass an encounter. Through luck or a. They fought and defeated the strange goblinoid.
circumstance a group of PCs can avoid encounters b. They were able to parley or deal with the blue.
unscathed. Does bypassing an encounter earn the XP that

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 24

c. The blue defeated the PCs or they never got this

6. Did the PCs defeat the Order of the Emerald Claw

a. No. Either they didn’t get this far, or the order
agents defeated them.
b. Yes. No servants of evil could stand between
the PCs and their final goal.

7. What was the fate of the Khyber dragonshard

holding the soul of Juulak Vrek?
a. The PCs were defeated, and the shard is in the
hands of the Emerald Claw
b. The PCs handed the shard over to the blue
c. The PCs took the shard back to Morgrave

6. Rate the group’s roleplaying.

a. Fantastic. Everyone had interesting and engaging
characters the interacted with the adventure in
very fun ways.
b. Good. Most everyone had interesting and
engaging character that interacted with the
adventure in very fun ways.
c. Okay. There was some roleplaying.
d. None. They treated the adventure only as a set of
objectives. There was no roleplaying.

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 25

Handout 1: Message from Lilla Jorgenvelt
Brave and Talented Diggers,

A most rare and wondrous discovery has caught the attention of all of us here in the Dhakaani
Studies department. A warforged adventurer named Chopper—who once did field work for me—has
settled down in the metropolis of Rhukaan Draal, the capital of goblinoid nation of Darguun. By the
most fortuitous set of circumstances, he came across an ancient tomb that he believes to date back to the
original Dhakaani Empire of 5000 years ago.
While the unearthing of an ancient Dhakaani tomb would be something monumental in its own
right, this particular tomb may be something far beyond that. If my calculations are correct, this tomb
may house a Khyber dragonshard of immeasurable historical value. Its existence may be connected to
the downfall of a very powerful Dhakaani clan that disappeared from the historical records during the
collapse of the Dhakaani Empire. I have no reason to believe the dragonshard itself poses any threat,
The mission is not without danger, of course, which is why I call on you. While Darguun is
more civilized than one might expect, there might be some resistance to the excavation and exportation of
an artifact dating back to the Dhakaani Empire. Your mission should remain as secret as possible, and
you should make your stay in Rhukaan Draal as brief as possible. The other standard hazards of the
exploration of ancient tombs and travel in unfriendly territories can be expected, but I’m sure a group
with talents such as yours should have no problems.
You are to meet Chopper at sunrise on the first Wir of Olarune in the Jhollok ghetto of
Rhukaan Draal, on the bridge where a small tributary of the Ghaal River passes through the
metropolis. This section of the city houses a large nongoblinoid population, so you might be able to find
suitable merchants or even Dragonmark House offices within the city. Enclosed is a retainer to pay for
your travels and lodging; the rest will be paid upon deliver of the dragonshard. I have also scheduled
you to travel with an Orien trade caravan through the Marguul Pass. I have enclosed proper traveling
papers, and I look forward to speaking with you in person soon.

Professor Lilla Jorgenvelt

Morgrave University

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 26

Handout 2: Writing on the Mill’s Basement Wall
The text is in Goblin:


XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 27

Handout 3 – Writing on the Platform
The text is in Goblin:

The symbols over the archways look like (West, North, and East walls respectively):


XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 28

Handout 4 – Writing in the Floating Column Room
The text is in Goblin:

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 29

Translation for Handout 2 – Writing on the Mill
Basement Door
Perseverance was challenged by strength
While pursuing his true course
Though pinned for a moment or millennium
He continued none the worse

In the end he won out

And continued on his way
What he could not win right now
He would win another day

Let the element of perseverance flow

Against this shining strength you see
Then follow in his truest path
A step closer you will be

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 30

Translation for Handout 3 – Writing on the Platform

From the platform you must chose

Earth or Water or Air
Chose well and walk with courage
On that which is no longer there

The symbols over the archways look like:

Earth Water Air

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 31

Translation for Handout 4 – Writing in the Floating
Column Room
By now you know who Perseverance is
To not would be a shame
For to pass this chasm deep
You must know his name

The PCs must cross the chasm using the follow symbols in order:

(This spells “water.”)

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 32

Translation of Runes on the Floating Columns






XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 33

Map 1 – Part One: Jhollo Ghetto

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 34

Map 2 – Part Two: Juulak Verk’s Tomb

XMH-1 Death in Darguun Page 35

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