XMH-1 Death in Darguun
XMH-1 Death in Darguun
XMH-1 Death in Darguun
A One-Round Dungeons and Dragons® Adventure
for 1st-Level Characters
Design: Charles Peacock, William Muench, Shawn Merwin, Richard Marflak, David Lotempio, and
Kevin Lawson
Editing and Development: Shawn Merwin and Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Illustrations: David Lotempio
Cartography: Joseph Marflak and Matthew Stevens
Eberron Created by Keith Baker
Playtesters: Jeffrey Barnes, Michael Barnes, Charles Lotempio, Beth Merwin
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. The Eberron setting
created by Keith Baker. Eberron game design by Keith Baker, Bill Slavicsek, and James Wyatt
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The mill is churning. Graffiti is absent from this Chopper hurries into the damp basement, urging the PCs
building, and the structure is well maintained in to follow him. Go to Part Two, area 1.
contrast to the slovenly properties in the area.
Players can open the doors easily if they captured Moll Male-Personality Warforged Ftr1/Exp2
and found the key. If Moll escaped to the mill, she has N Medium Living Construct
extinguished any lanterns and is hiding among the Init -1; Senses Normal vision; Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common; Goblin
many shadows, unless she had already fled.
Tactics: If Moll escaped the PCs and is still present, AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 11
hp 21 (3 HD)
she attempts to sneak attack the first player who steps
Immune poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease,
through the door. This is Moll’s last stand, and she nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the
fights to the death. sickened condition, energy drain.
Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +4
Small windows high on the walls dimly light the Weakness affected by heat metal, chill metal, repel
interior of the mill. The main room is devoted largely metal or stone, repel wood, rusting grasp
to the millstone. Sacks of grain are stacked neatly Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
along the walls. Two tool benches are situated Atk melee slam +4 (1d4+2)
against the walls. To the right, a stone staircase Base Atk +2; Grp +4
climbs to the dark upper story. Atk Option Power Attack
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12
Creature: Agents of the Emerald Claw attacked Feats Power Attack, Skill Focus (Profession [Miller]),
Chopper and replaced him with Moll. Chopper is now Weapon Focus (longsword)B
inert (-1 hp) beneath one of the tool benches, covered by Skills Appraise +3, Bluff +3, Climb +6, Diplomacy +3,
a blanket. A Search check of DC 10 is required to find Jump +6, Profession (Miller) +10, Sense Motive +3,
Chopper. A successful DC 10 Craft check from an Swim +6
Possessions None
appropriate craft (armorsmithing, blacksmithing,
gemcutting, or sculpting). Once repaired, he awakens. He
is disorientated after nearly being destroyed by the agents. Area 3 - Mugged (EL 4)
Chopper: Male-personality warforged fighter In order to get to the church, the PCs must pass through
1/expert 2; hp 21; see below. an area used by a shifter and his henchman to prey on
Development: If the PCs are able to reactivate likely targets. They ambush any group that walks through
Chopper, he can show them the portal in the basement of the alleys adjacent to the Church. All the alleys are filled
his mill. This leads the PCs immediately to Area 1. with filth and debris, and is difficult terrain. The alley
Chopper thanks the PCs for reactivating him. If the walls are brick and dried mud covered with filth and
PCs have no means to heal him, they can find help at slime (Climb check DC 23). Don’t allow the PCs to leave
some of the other places in the Jhollok ghetto: the the playmat. Tell them areas off the playmat are either
Jorasco healer (Area 5) or the magewright (Area 7) walls or structures that impede progress.
specifically. If the PCs are able to reactivate Chopper,
read the following. Chopper’s voice is deep but animated, The smell of the filth from the alleys is overpowering,
unlike the stereotypical warforged: and so powerful that it stings the eyes. Piles of trash
impede foot travel. A strange oily substance is
“Thank you. I’m not sure what happened to me. I smeared on the walls. It is difficult to breathe here.
was talking to some humans about contracting to
provide them with flour, and suddenly they attacked Other features of the alleys:
me. That’s all I remember. I was supposed to meet Light: The alleys are clearly lit during the day.
with some members of the Digger’s Union this Sound: There is the sound of celebration carrying
morning! What time is it?” throughout the area.
Auras: Faint evil (Tarval), and faint chaos (Alemey).
If you haven’t already, this is a good time to inform those This natural fissure appears to have been recently
PCs who chose the correct path that they now appear to expanded by further excavation. Despite the efforts
be hobgoblins adorned in ancient gear. This may present to widen this passage, it is still necessary to squeeze
the opportunity for some interesting role- playing, and through certain sections. After a long, sloping
their new appearance may be especially helpful later in descent, the fissure runs into a worked stone tunnel,
the module. and cold, stale air drifts past you from that hallway.
Through an open stone door looms an ornate crypt.
Now that the water has been emptied from the room,
you can see that the floor is only eight feet below the
level of the platform upon which you stand. The rise Area 3b - Honor Guard (EL 2)
of the stone panel has revealed three exits from the Light: There are no light sources.
room—archways on the east, west, and north walls. Sound: No sound is evident to the PCs until they
Each archway has a large symbol engraved above it. enter the room—then they hear the sound of bone
There is also text engraved beneath your feet on the scraping on stone.
platform. Auras: faint evil and undead (skeletons), faint
necromancy magic (scroll fragment).
The text is in Ancient Goblin: Reaction: The hobgoblin skeletons attack as soon as
From the platform you must choose the first PC enters the crypt.
Earth or Water or Air When the PCs enter the crypt area, either from the
Choose well and walk with courage water chute room or the passage from the Church of the
To that which is no longer there Silver Flame, read or paraphrase the following:
Give the PCs “Handout 3,” and if they can read the text Seven niches are hollowed out on the east and west
in Goblin on the platform, show them “Translation of sides of this room. Faded tapestries over each niche
Handout 3.” The symbols over the archways are ancient proclaim that the occupants of each sarcophagus
Area 6 – The Shard Room (EL 4 plus EL 1 Creatures: In the room, agents of the Emerald Claw are
preparing to obtain the Khyber dragonshard. If any PC
Trap) attempts to enter the room by stealth, roll Spot and
Light: Torches have been placed around the room, Listen checks for the one Emerald Claw warrior, opposed
lighting the room thoroughly. by PC’s Hide and Move Silently rolls. The Emerald Claw
Sound: The Emerald Claw agents are talking agents do not negotiate and attack the party as soon as
examining the pedestal that the shard rests on. they become aware of them.
Reaction: Only one Emerald Claw warrior is Melex, Emerald Claw Cleric: Male human Blood
watching the door, so the PCs might be able to sneak in. of Vol cleric 2: hp 16; see “Combat Statistic,” below.
Once the PCs are noticed, the Emerald Claw agents Hort and Wyn, Emerald Claw Warrior: Male
attack immediately. human warrior 2; hp 14, 14; see “Combat Statistics,”
When the players approach the shard pedestal, show below.
them Illustration 5. Tactics: The cleric uses his offensive spells first (ray
of enfeeblement and cause fear), while his two warrior escorts
The entrance before you must be the destination you protect him. Then the cleric casts bless and joins the
seek. The doorway’s architecture is a testament to warriors in melee. The cleric can convert his comprehend
the glory and ingenuity of the ancient hobgoblin languages spell into an inflict light wounds if the situation
empire’s culture and sophistication. Stern looking warrants.
stone sentinels with elaborate headdresses and alien Development: Although the room might be a
wardrobe flank the opening. The depiction of a large curiosity for PCs interested in history and archeology, the
Khyber dragonshard with glorious beams emanating only object of consequence is the pedestal in the middle
from it has been carved into the lintel over the door. of the room containing the dragonshard (and in it the
The center of the dragonshard has been inscribed soul of the ancient hobgoblin warlord.) The Emerald
with the goblinoid letters JV. Claw agents have erased the fifth part of the riddle before
the party entered this chamber, leaving the PCs to their
The PCs must approach and look into the room to see own devices from this point forward. A removable trap
the following: on the shard can be overcome to allow the party to take
possession of the shard. Another trap—this one virtually
The inside of the room is just as stunning. The walls undetectable—is set off as soon as the shard is removed
have been etched into a panorama that illustrates the from the chamber.
whole of Darguun as if viewed from the heights of Trap: There are two traps on the pedestal. The first
the Seawall Mountains. Fluted columns of polished is fairly obvious to even an inexperienced rogue. The
green marble have been stylized to represent the second, however, is magical and triggers the collapse of
powerful goblinoid ancestors that the Dhakaani the underground tomb area. As soon as the dragonshard
revered. The columns surround a three-foot-tall is removed the pedestal, the second trap is triggered.
pedestal. The pedestal, located in the center of the Fusillade of Darts: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger;
room, has been carved to resemble two Dhakaani manual reset; Atk +6 ranged (1d4+1, dart); multiple
warriors facing each other with arms outstretched. targets (fires 1d4 darts at each target in 4 adjacent 5-ft.
The pedestal has been recently defaced, as there are squares surrounding pedestal); Search DC 12; Disable
chips of marble littering the floor around it. Atop the Device 12.
pedestal rests an enormous dark jewel shining with a Earthquake Trap: CR 7; magic device; touch
light too bright to be just a reflection. trigger; bypass hidden lock (Search DC 35, Open Lock
DC 40); no reset; Search DC 39, Disable Device DC 39.
If the PCs have been able to sneak this far, they see the Note: Replacing the dragonshard on the pedestal
cleric Melex and one of the warriors (Hort) crouching does not stop the collapse of the tomb once it has begun.
down to examine the shard and the pedestal. The other Once a PC removes the Khyber dragonshard from
warrior (Wyn) is supposed to be watching the door, but the pedestal, read or paraphase the following:
occasionally he peers around the room in wonder (no
bonus or penalty to his Spot check to see PCs
After being bounced around in the water like a ship The strange blue goblin that you spoke with in the
in a storm, the sweet light of salvation can be seen tomb stands at the edge of the river. He steps
just ahead. The brightness at the end of the tunnel is forward as you extract yourselves from the cold
not a lightning rail heading in your direction but water. “Heroes! The Heirs of Dhakaan can never
rather an exit out to the Ghaal River. After what repay your bravery. The glory of the new Dhakaani
you’ve gone through, this adventure better be worth Empire that is foretold shall go forward with you at
something extraordinary! the vanguard!” He holds out his hand for the shard,
offering you the map in his other hand.
If the PCs hand over the shard to Blue and take the map,
read of paraphrase the following:
A most rare and wondrous discovery has caught the attention of all of us here in the Dhakaani
Studies department. A warforged adventurer named Chopper—who once did field work for me—has
settled down in the metropolis of Rhukaan Draal, the capital of goblinoid nation of Darguun. By the
most fortuitous set of circumstances, he came across an ancient tomb that he believes to date back to the
original Dhakaani Empire of 5000 years ago.
While the unearthing of an ancient Dhakaani tomb would be something monumental in its own
right, this particular tomb may be something far beyond that. If my calculations are correct, this tomb
may house a Khyber dragonshard of immeasurable historical value. Its existence may be connected to
the downfall of a very powerful Dhakaani clan that disappeared from the historical records during the
collapse of the Dhakaani Empire. I have no reason to believe the dragonshard itself poses any threat,
The mission is not without danger, of course, which is why I call on you. While Darguun is
more civilized than one might expect, there might be some resistance to the excavation and exportation of
an artifact dating back to the Dhakaani Empire. Your mission should remain as secret as possible, and
you should make your stay in Rhukaan Draal as brief as possible. The other standard hazards of the
exploration of ancient tombs and travel in unfriendly territories can be expected, but I’m sure a group
with talents such as yours should have no problems.
You are to meet Chopper at sunrise on the first Wir of Olarune in the Jhollok ghetto of
Rhukaan Draal, on the bridge where a small tributary of the Ghaal River passes through the
metropolis. This section of the city houses a large nongoblinoid population, so you might be able to find
suitable merchants or even Dragonmark House offices within the city. Enclosed is a retainer to pay for
your travels and lodging; the rest will be paid upon deliver of the dragonshard. I have also scheduled
you to travel with an Orien trade caravan through the Marguul Pass. I have enclosed proper traveling
papers, and I look forward to speaking with you in person soon.
The symbols over the archways look like (West, North, and East walls respectively):
Earth Water Air
The PCs must cross the chasm using the follow symbols in order: