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Sources of Financing :
Seaweed is one among the potential income earner today both in the local and
export markets. Whereby, Philippines stand as the world’s biggest supplier of the
commodity satisfying 80% of the total world demand. Studies show that Mindanao
accounts for 71% of the seaweeds production of the country. About 72% of the estimated
100,000 families involved in seaweeds farming of the entire Philippines come from
Davao del Sur is one among the provinces in Mindanao with areas devoted to
seaweed farming providing livelihood particularly to coastal inhabitants. At present, fresh
seaweeds are sold out in the local markets nearby the farming sites for consumption while
dried seaweeds are shipped to Cebu and Manila to be processed further and utilized for
various purposes like: solidifying agents, stabilizer, binder and thickener of processed
food and non-food products.
Being considered as a potential income earner which contributed to the country’s
economy, the thrust of the government at present for the seaweed development is to
increase production through improvement of culture techniques, post harvest and
processing activities for a sustainable economic activity especially among coastal
The first component shall include training of project leader and students on
entrepreneurship and marketing and students’ training on production technology for
seaweed farming and foliar fertilizer production. The training on the production of the
raw material for the foliar fertilizer will be done in collaboration with the Local
Government Unit (LGU) and the Bureau of Fisheries as well as the growers in the area
while the foliar fertilizer production will be conducted by the project leader.
The second component which is the foliar fertilizer production will follow the
production practices adopted in the project site. A 0.25 hectare area in Punta Biao, Davao
del Sur shall be rented for the seaweed production, the raw material of the proposed
project. The site shall also serve as demonstration farm for the students and seaweed
growers as well in the area, since the project requires certain age and quality of raw
The third component shall have the following features: In the project site, a
cleaning and 20m x 20m draining facility will be provided. In the processing site (which
will be established at SPAMAST-CAS Campus) will include the processing area with a
10m x 10m fabricated platform where seaweeds will be laid attached to the drippings
collector drums, packing area and storage room.
Students who are in their junior and senior years will venture on seaweed foliar
fertilizer enterprise to better prepare them for entrepreneurship after finishing their
respective courses. The proposed project will be implemented through a direct
supervision of a qualified project leader. The said enterprise will be operated by the
senior students on the last year of their academic program and/or the alumni. Each fourth
year student managing the project in each cycle shall have a third year student
counterpart. This immersion scheme will prepare the third year students for the next year
activity. The Fourth year students will do growing of seaweed, regular project
monitoring, recording, perform post production practices for seaweed, harvesting,
processing and marketing of the foliar fertilizer. Production facility and initial capital
investment will be provided by the institution. There will be 4 production cycles (2 cycles
per semester) during the whole duration of the project with an initial capital investment of
Php 640,643.00.
A total of 40 senior students and alumni will be grouped into four having 10
members per group. Each group of 10 members shall form part the team to manage each
cycle. Students will select from among them a leader who will stand as Enterprise
Manager. They will be supervised by a faculty as the Project Coordinator.
SPAMAST being one among the SUC preparing students to become entrepreneurs
has the expertise to undergo the proposed project that will enhance student’s technical
know-how. Thus, the proposed project includes the following objectives:
A. Business Description
1. Products
The foliar fertilizer utilizes Kappaphycus alvarezii is one of the highly
cultured seaweed in Davao del Sur with a high commercial value widely in the
market at present. Drippings coming from said species of seaweed will be used as
a raw material in the proposed project. Collected during the drying period this
material is left to drip into the ground and washed back into the sea during high
tide. In fact, drippings are considered as waste materials produced during drying
of harvested seaweeds which has been thought of as an ordinary waste product.
Verification studies show that Kappaphycus drippings contained nutrient contents,
an active component of foliar fertilizer. Since the product is organic, it is
definitely environment-friendly and therefore safe to use.
Matured seaweed (45 days old) shall be the age preferred for the source of
the potent liquid material. Processing will start initially by cleaning of the newly
harvested material, extraneous materials, infected parts and clinging epiphytes
must be removed then washed with sea water. Excess seawater should be drained
before placing them in plastic containers at 25 kilos per container, sealed and kept
in an open area. Gathered liquid shall be placed in storage containers and/or
recommended bottle sizes, sealed and stored and/or deliver to buyers.
Many farmers nowadays would want to utilize organic fertilizers but due
to the voluminous requirement in the production of the dried organic fertilizer
seaweed-based foliar fertilizers are again in demand in the local market and have
been increasing due to high cost of synthetic commercial fertilizers also.
3. S and T Content
Prior to the conduct of the study, the drippings collected from the seaweed
at drying time was subjected to nutrient analysis at the Regional Soils Laboratory
– Department of Agriculture Region XI. Result of the analysis :
4.1 Nutrient Content
Containers. PEP bottles at 4 liter, 1 liter and 500ml capacity are used.
Plastic bottles are cleaned thoroughly with soap and tap water and allowed to dry
before filling-up. After containers have been filled-up with the drippings, closed
tightly then kept in a cool, clean and dry place.
The extent of germination was 100% from the seeds soaked in 50% and
25% drippings whereas, 93.33% and 9.67% for seed soaked in 75% drippings and
tap water, respectively. The least germination was observed in 100% drippings
Number of leaves, average leaf area index, and yield (grams) with and
without roots of pechay
Maximum tiller development was observed in direct seeded rice at 30 DAS while
in transplanted rice was in 60 DAT. All plots sprayed with kappaphycus drippings
(farmer’s practice, 20 ml, 20 ml + 90-30-30 and 10 ml + 45-15-15) did not show
significant difference with the rice applied with the recommended commercial
fertilizer but significantly different with the control (no application).
The least number of tillers were observed from plots with no fertilizer applied at
4.25 tillers/hill (direct seeded at 30 DAS) and 4.33 tillers/hill (transplanted at 60
Yield (tons/ha)
Overall results from the fresh and dry yield of rice fertilized with
kappaphycus drippings showed significant difference among treatments. All
fertilized plots either with single application of kappaphycus drippings or in
combination with the recommended rate of commercial fertilizer did not show
significant difference in plots applied with the recommended commercial
fertilizer. The highest fresh yield was between 4.88 tons/ha and 4.22 tons/ha for
transplanted rice while 4.91 tons/ha to 4.22 tons/ha for direct seeded rice. For dry
yield, the highest yield was 3.88 tons/ha to 3.56tons/ha for transplanted rice and
3.86 tons/ha to 3.54 tons/ha for direct seeded rice.
The results implied that the application of kappaphycus drippings have the
capacity to equate the effect of the recommended commercial fertilizer in terms of
yield of rice either transplanted of direct seeded. Although the result is way
behind the optimum yield for PSBRc72H rice, low yield attained can be attributed
to pest damage since no pesticides were applied during the conduct of the study.
The most number of nodules per plant was observed from fertilized plots
with kappaphycus drippings at the rate of 15 ml per liter of water at 289.67 pieces
per plant, followed by plants sprayed 20 ml kappaphycus drippings per liter of
water 252.67 pieces, T2 with 237.67 pieces, T4 with 196 pieces, and T6 and T5
with 109.33 pieces.
Significant number of pods per plant was taken from 30kg N-30kg P- 30
kg K, 20 ml kappaphycus drippings, 30kg N-30kg P- 30 kg K + 20 ml
kappaphycus drippings, and 10 ml kappaphycus drippings + 30-30-30 kg/ha with
42.70, 40.07, 38.37, and 37.90 pods per plant. The lowest was registered in 15kg
N-15kg P- 15 kg K+ 20 ml kappaphycus drippings and without treatment with
36.60 and 34.70 pods per plant.
1. Pricing
2. Promotion
The institution through the students involved in the project will adopt pilot
areas to continue conduct of pilot test on the effect of the product on plants,
specifically high valued vegetables, fruit trees and rice and corn. Conduct of
demonstration farms showcasing the use of the foliar fertilizer shall be established
in strategic locations where there is easy access on the part of the farmers
especially during the conduct of harvest festival. Attendance to trade fairs and
conduct of technology forum will also be done.
3. Distribution
Foliar fertilizer that will be produced from the project will made available
in selected retail outlets. It will be packaged at 4-liter, 1-liter, and 500 ml per
containers. Channel of distribution will be done through farmers’ cooperatives in
the province. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) will be signed between the
cooperatives and the institution.
There will be 4 cycles in the proposed project. Each cycle will involve the
5 major activities: farming, harvesting, drying, collection, and packing.
ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Project x
orientation and
action plan
2. Organization and x
assignment of
duties and
3. Trainings x
4. Farm/Site x x x x x x x x x x x
5. Selection of x x x x x x x x x x x
6. Planting x x x x x x x x x x x
7. Monitoring and x x x x x x x x x x x
Farm Maintenance
8. Harvesting x x x x x x x x x x x
9. Drying and x x x x x x x x x x x
Collection of
10.Packaging/ x x x x x x x x x x x
11. Marketing x x x x x x x x x x x
12. Report Writing x x x x x x x x x x x
Administrative Support
Business Mentor/Project
Contractual Laborers
Target clients are expected to patronize the said product of the proposed
project, the seaweed foliar fertilizer. Thus, they will be convinced that aside from
being economical to use it is also environment-friendly product. Target clients are
also expected to serve as agents for other prospective clients.
D.5 Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
TOTAL 53,000.00
The total project cost for the proposed production of seaweed foliar
fertilizer is Php 640,643.00 for 4 production cycles in twelve months. The Php
338,011.00 will be used for the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
(MOOE), Php 169,632.00 is allotted for the Personal Services for twelve months
operation of the project and Php 133,000.00 for the capital outlay.
Projected 5-Year Cash Flow Statement of Proposed Seaweed Foliar Fertilizer for
0 1 2 3 4 5
Cash Beginning - 640,643.00 569,132.00 483,601.95 486,438.03 620,480.11
Proceeds from 640,643.00 - - - - -
Collection from ----- 397,500.00 194,107.00 301,495.00 442,341.95 631,058.47
Total Cash 1,038,143.00 763,239.00 785,096.95 928,779.98 1,251,538.58
Empty Gallons
Gal (4 li
capacity) 20,000.00 21,000.00 22,050.00 23,152.50 24,310.13
Empty bottles 40,000.00
(1 lit) 42,000.00 44,100.00 46,305.00 48,620.25
Empty bottles
(500 ml) 24,000.00 25,200.00 26,460.00 27,783.00 29,172.15
Seal* 955.00 1,002.75 1,052.89 1,105.53 1,160.81
Drum/Storage 20,000.00 ---------- ---------- --------- -----------
Label* 4,750.00 4,987.50 5,236.88 5,498.72 5,773.66
Cellophane* 4,800.00 ----------- 5,040.00 -------------- 5,292.00
Bamboo Basket 5,500.00 --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
Weighing Scale 10,000.00 ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Fine Mesh Net 4,000.0
(Pamo) 0 ----------- ---------- ------------ ------------
Tarpaulin 2,400.00
------------ ------------- ----------- -------------
Seaweeds* 40,000.00 46,200.00 48,510.00 50,935.50 53,482.28
Tie back* 100.00 115.50 121.28 127.34 133.71
Direct Labor 27,000.00 28,350.00 29,767.50 31,255.88 32,818.67
Utilities 7,000.00 7,350.00 7,717.50 8,103.38 8,508.54
Communication 3,000.00 3,150.00 3,307.50 3,472.88 3,646.52
Transportation 12,000.00 12,600.00 13,230.00 13,891.50 14,586.08
Cost 169,632.00 169,632.00 169,632.00 169,632.00 169,632.00
Patenting 40,000.00 ----------- ------------- ------------ --------
Training 40,000.00 ----------- -------------- -------------- -------------
Seaweed Farm 53,000.00
development ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------
Fabricated 20,000.00
draining facility ------------ ----------- ------------- -------------
I dripping 60,000.00
processing and
storage area --------- ----------- --------- ---------
Rental 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Miscellaneous 20,506.00 ---------- ------------- ----------- --------------
Total Cash -
Outflow 469,011.00 279637.05 298,658.92 308,299.87 314,420.78
Cash Balance, 640,643.00 569,132.00 483,601.95 486,438.03 620,480.11 937,117.80
1 2 3 4
1. Acceptance of junior and senior students x
and/or alumni for involvement in the IGP –
Production of Seaweed Foliar Fertilizer
2. Training of project leader and students. x
Lectures and hands-on training will be done.
3. Purchase of supplies and materials x x x x
4. Construction and development of x x x x
demonstration farms of raw materials
5. Monitoring of raw materials for seaweed foliar x x x x
fertilizer production.
6. Construction of support facilities. x
7. Production of foliar fertilizer. x x x x
8. Marketing of the product. x x x x
9. Project evaluation. x x x x
10. Post-training evaluation of student trainees. x x x x
11. Evaluation and grading of student trainees x x x x
12. Submission of project report. x x x x
Increase employment Increased number June 2009- Tracer studies Graduates are
percentage of SPAMAST of enrollees by 50 November still in constant
graduates Increased number 2009 communication
of employed Case studies on with the
graduates by 25 successful institution and
Increased number graduates their co-
of entrepreneurs graduates for
by 25 future linkages
1. To enhance technical Increase number of November Conduct follow – Graduates adopt
and entrepreneurial students involved in 2008 – ups and surveys the technical
know-how of the enterprise December know – how
graduating students designed for them; 2009 learned from the
and graduates as involvement of institution
well, through hands students in managing during their
on application of their own enterprise senior year’s in
business management in school school by
skills by establishing establishing
profit-oriented their own home
ventures as a source – based
of future livelihood enterprise
2. To showcase the
student’s capability in
managing Conduct follow – Eagerness of
economically and At least 20 of November ups and surveys; students to put
financially viable graduates per year 2008 – monitored their own initial
enterprise engaged in the December graduates engaged capital to take
production of 2009 in the production off on their own
seaweed and seaweed of seaweed and home – based
foliar fertilizer as seaweed foliar enterprise
learned from their fertilizer
involvement in the
institution’s IGP
1. Graduates are At least 20 of After the Increase number Availability of
completely enhanced graduates per year training of graduates initial capital
and trained with the engaged in the engaged in the intended for the
necessary production of production of enterprise,
entrepreneurial skills seaweed and seaweed and access to
a potential seaweed foliar seaweed foliar prospective
livelihood / income fertilizer as learned fertilizer after buyers of the
generating from their graduation product
opportunities involvement in the
institution’s IGP
2. Faculties are more Training Willingness of
competitive in 10 of faculty After the Certificates/ faculty to be
teaching /mentoring members per training Increase number trained and
income generating / semester are trained of faculty extend
business enterprise in managing of involvement as mentoring
business/ income student – mentors services to
generating enterprise students willing
to undergo
Number of
3. Establishment of Students
home-based Involvement of senior successfully
November completed the IGP
production of students in direct implemented the
2008 – enterprise of the
seaweed foliar management of the IGP as reflected
December school and able to
fertilizer and enterprise by a positive
2009 return their initial
marketing as a pilot profitability
enterprise indicators upon
evaluation after
the training