Skills Lesson Plan Level (LINC & CLB)

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Skills Lesson Plan

Level (LINC & CLB) CLB 5. LINC 4/LINC5.

The class is at the end of its “term”. Many students
are advancing from LINC 4 to LINC 5. The last unit
that they did was LINC 4, theme Canada, topic
Geography. It covered places to go and see
across Canada and mentioned a few in Ontario.
This lesson concentrates on speaking (CLB 5
Speaking fits LINC 4). The next lesson
concentrates on reading and writing (CLB 5 R/W
fits LINC 5) using the same theme and topic.
Theme & Topic LINC 5, Travel & Transportation, Cities & Places
(Content) of Interest.
We are starting with what is closest to the
students, downtown Toronto. And they may have
direct experiences of Toronto places to contribute
to real-world context.
Content Objectives Understand more places to go on their own time.
Be able to suggest or recommend, to someone
else, places to go that fit the other person’s
Language Skills Carry on a conversation. Perform a dialogue.
Objectives Increase vocabulary linking concepts they know
with English words (many in most-frequent 2000,
introduce a few from most-frequent 3000).
The students really need a review of modals. This
lesson makes them use many present modals, in
questions and answers, for ability, availability,
necessity (or lack), possibility, advice, and
Materials 1. Whiteboard. To draw a central bubble and lines
out to vocabulary (general and specific points of
interest). Or, in place of a bubble, a stylized of
central Toronto (before class, project a real map
onto the whiteboard, draw onto the board an
outline with a few major streets, add some dots as
reminders of major points of interest, then turn the
projector off).
2. Markers.
3. If the whiteboard and projector can be used at
the same time, some photos of major points of
interest. Or display on handheld laptop.
4. Handout: one side, vocabulary; other side,
instructions (with pairing letters and numbers) and
dialogue prompts.
Start and Greet.

1 min, Establish this lesson in the series of lessons.

just talk Content.
“We were talking about places to go and things to see in Canada
and then in Ontario. Today we want to talk about things to see
here, in Toronto.”
“We are going to talk about Toronto and keep talking about it for
the week.”
“We need to review our modals.”
“We use them in questions and answers.
‘Should I go?’ ‘I should go.’ ‘He should see that.’

Establish student’s perspective/role.

“You live in Toronto.”
“Maybe you have visited a place like the Toronto Islands or High
Park or Kensington Market. If not, you may have heard
something about them. And, I have some pictures.”
“Now, someone is visiting from far away.
Maybe a friend of a friend. Maybe you work in a hotel and the
person is a customer of the hotel.”
“That person asks, ‘What should I see in Toronto?’”
“What do you say?”

Activate Vocabulary
8 min, “What are some things to see in Toronto?”
whiteboard Get students to contribute general kinds of places of interest or
specific, named, Toronto places of interest.
If general one, prompt for specific: “outdoors” “Toronto Islands”.
If specific, prompt for general: “Toronto Islands” “outdoors”.
Try to prompt for words that will show up on the handout.
[If no projector, walk around with pictures on laptop.
If projector, display pictures on screen.]
If necessary, ask if have heard of a general/specific on handout.
Draw lines from point on map outwards. At outer end, write pairs
of general and specific words.
Write all that students contribute. Write all used in handout.
2 min, Re-Activate Modals
whiteboard “What are some modal verbs? What are some examples?”
Write on whiteboard away from map/vocab.
“He should see …
She could go …
I can drive my car ...
They must go …
Do I have to take the subway?
Would you show me on the map?

4 min Handout
handout Distribute the handout.
page “Look at the side with words and definitions. Not the other side.”
For each of the 2 general words and the 10 specific sights:
a) Student speaks: word, definition, example (that uses modal).
b) Ask for understanding.
At end, ask again for anything on the page.

Review/introduce “resident” “visitor”.

Main Activity & Task(s)

Produce speech. Do a conversation.

“Turn over the paper.”

Instructions on Talking
4 min One student reads, “One of you …”
handout Another student reads, “The other …”
page One is the resident. The other is the visitor.

“Have a conversation. Use modals.”

“If you need to, you can follow the order:
1. Make introductions. ….
2. Make the purpose …. Why are you talking?
3. The visitor says what he likes. ….
4. The resident suggests places to go …
5. Thank and say good-bye. ….

It is better to make your own sentences.

Turn the paper to the list of places
to get ideas or names of places.”
4 min Instructions on Pairing
handout “At the bottom of the page, you have a letter.
page First, you find the person with the same letter. One is the
resident and the other is visitor. Talk.
Second, you change roles. The resident and the visitor change.
Talk. OK?”
Ask a student to repeat instructions.
With another student, role play (model) the instructed activity.
“I want to hear those modals. You should see .. You could go …”
For now, do not give instructions for third and fourth part.

“Any questions?”
“Find the person with the same letter. Go.”

4 x 5 min Do Main Activity

= 20 min
handout In pairs, students speak roles.
Monitor speaking.
If difficulties, prompt for content.
Convert sentences into modal ones.
If pronunciation hampers production, assist pronunciation.

Monitor production, change of pairings, and clock time.

“If you have extra time, find another place the visitor could go.”

At good time, “Change roles!”

If there is enough time, give instructions for new pairs.

“At the bottom of the page, you have a number. Yes?
Find the person with the same number and talk.

“Change roles.”

“Are we finished?”
Confirm students use modals properly.
Confirm students can converse about main Toronto attractions.

“Where can you go in Toronto?”

Ask with modals. Expect modals. Correct for modals.
“If it is raining, where could you go to stay inside?
If you went to the Royal Ontario Museum, what would you see?
Can you get to the Toronto Islands by walking?
What can you see from the CN Tower?”
Start one-on-one (check individuals). Progress to class-wide.
Any further questions?
Transition out of lesson.
Further Topic Extension – Continued Skills

We are transitioning into LINC 5. We will continue with the

theme and topic that we just started: Transportation & Travel
and Cities & Places of Interest.
The next skills will be reading and writing. We will read
brochures from places of interest, web sites of Toronto
attractions for greater contextual background for future lessons.
Testing will be on content.
The context will shift from the present situation of suggestions
for a visitor currently in Toronto to the past situation of the known
experience of a recent visitor.
The language focus will progress from the present modals to
past modals. “He could have gone [but he didn’t] …. If they went
[but they didn’t], they would have seen …. She must have gotten
off at the wrong subway stop …. I could have been there.”
Students will write a short history of the visit (of their friend from
afar or a customer of a hotel) and reflect on the visit.

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