Modelo de Sesion Tipo Ib
Modelo de Sesion Tipo Ib
Modelo de Sesion Tipo Ib
Unit title: 10 - We are the world Teachers: Marvin Flores & Bimester: IV
Karina Alejandro
No: ___X___
Sí: ______ Título: _______________________________________________
● Brinda opiniones en inglés como sobre contenidos específicos logrando propósito comunicativo del texto
oral, considerando las intenciones de los interlocutores y el efecto de lo dicho en ellos a partir de su
experiencia y contexto en el que se lleva el acto comunicativo.
Day 1 ● Ss make a list of the five most interesting places in the city centre
07/11 (related to the place they come from). After they finish, T elicits
their answer. 10 mins
Laptops Ss will use
● Ss mention some knowledge about Atanta if they know, if not they expressions for
will inquire some information about it as for example in what is its asking and giving
state?, Olympic games there? etc. 10 mins directions in a city.
● Ss discuss the questions in page 40 exercise number 1. They Internet
have to notice the difference between a map (a plan of a city’s
streets) and a travel guide (a description of interesting places to
visit) 5 mins
Life Elementary
● Ss look at the map of Atlanta and answer what places can you
see?. Then Ss match the places on the map to the activities. They book
check their answers in pairs. 10 mins
● T writes on the board some vocabulary about giving directions as
for example prepositions of place (in, on, at, next to, behind, radio
between, in front of, near, opposite, etc). Ss understand all the
prepositions and practise the pronunciation of them. 15 mins
● Ss listen to a conversation in exercise 3. They have to answer
What places on the map do they talk about? 10 mins
● T focus now on the vocabulary about directions and phrases
related to it. ( Go straight, go across, go past, turn right, turn left,
walk along the block, take the first street, I’d like to go and the
questions: Where is …? Is it near here? 15 mins
● Ss review the expressions for giving directions and do the exercise
number 4 in pairs. Then the T pays the recording and Ss check
their answers. 10 mins
● Ss practise a similar conversations at the visitors’ centre. They ask
for and give directions to different places on the map. 15 mins.
Day 2 ● T checks the progress of the Ss about the creation of their comics.
08/11 10 mins
● Ss write the dialogues each drawing of their comics. 40 mins
● T monitors the class walking around students’ seats and check
and if they finish their drawings, they can start painting it. 35 mins
● Ss make a reflection about the topic for the comic: Having an
ecological awareness 15 mins
Day 3 ● Ss. practise with some phrasal verbs: with an introduction of a
09/11 phrasal verb sheet e.g. Come out, die down, cover up, come up
etc. and create and share sentences with examples around the
topic of sensationalism 10 mins.
● T. hands out the checked quiz papers to students and goes over
the mistakes to have a clear usage and accuracy in Zero and First
conditional 20 mins
● Ss read an extract from a debate website to discuss different
opinions around sensationalism and answer some questions about
the website 15 mins
● Ss get into 5 groups of 4 and the T hands out some basic news
stories on a piece of paper to each group. The group then have to
try and exaggerate and sensationalise each story to retell to the
rest of the class. 45 mins
● Ss continue with my ELT. 20 mins
● T. will introduce the irregular verbs list to the class, for them to
Day 4 efficiently recall the base, past simple and past participle forms.
10/11 ● Ss. workout with a worksheet to test their speed and accuracy on
recalling irregular verbs in past simple and past participle.
● T. Projects some active and passive voice examples in a slide
● Students surf the link to look up
● Ss will discuss public reaction to sensationalism in the media and
film industry trying to use active and passive voice.
_______________________ ______________________
Jack V. Delgado C. Lily K. Roberts
Teacher of English Teacher of English
_______________________ _______________________
V. B. Edith F. Chia E. V. B. Ruben Medina V.
Directora General Director Académico