Allotment of Various Rating Capacitor Cells & 33 KV Rvts For Capacitor Banks For R&M Purpose

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[Corporate Identity Number(CIN):L40 109RJ2000SGCO 16485]
Regd. Office: VidyutBhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur-302005



No RVPNjZCEjT&C jRPMj Aj!:fi~ec~;./ngvl1·C~ ..; Dated \ b 11 '() 1 ) g

The Superintending Engineer (T&C)

AjmerjBabaijBhilwaraj ChittorgarhjMertaj Sikar jUdaipur

Sub.:- Allotment of various rating Capacitor Cells & 33 KV RVTs for Capacitor
Banks for R&M purpose.

Allotment of various rating Capacitor Cells & 33 KVRVTs is hereby made

as per details given in attached Annexure -I
You are, therefore, requested to kindly arrange to raise the indent of
allotted material in SAP duly approved by the Circle to the Zone so that allotment of
material may be done in SAP.

Encl.: - Annexure - I. -~
TA to Zonal Chief Engineer (T&C- AjZ)
()\-- RVPN,Ajmer.

Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action with request to
raise the indent jlift the material strictly as per quantity allotted, Material code,
Drawing No. & Serial No. of Cells as mentioned in Annexure - I against the name of
1. The Executive Engineer 220 KVGSS Khinvsarj Nagaurj Laxmangarhj Sikarj
Reengussj Khetrij Beawar j Ajmer j Madrij Chittorgarhj Nimbaheraj
Prtapgarhj Banswaraj Bhilwaraj Gulabpuraj RPM Ajmer.
2. The Assistant Enginner 132 KVGSS Bidiyadj Merta Cityj Nawa Cityj
Chitawaj Lamba Jatanj Merta Roadj Gotanj Bherundaj Fatahpur j
Khachariawasj Shri Madhopur j Pipralij Losalj Ranolij Udaipurwatij Sultanaj
Nawalgarhj Gudhagorji/ Baggar j Jhunjhunuj Buhanaj MDSUj Kishangarhj
Rishabhdeoj Partapnagar(Udr.)j Dungarpurj Kapasanj Mangalwarj Begunj
Raipur j Railaj Shahapura.
3. The ACOS (T&C),RVPN, Beawar.
4. The Assistant Engineer RPM Ajmer j Debari.

TA to Zonal Chief Engineer (T&C- AjZ)
~ ....
/RVPN, Ajmer.
Allotment of Various rating Cal2acitor Cell & 33 KV RVT For Cal2acitor Banks under A;mer Zone
1st DI Shreem (PO No. 4374 Dated 13.07.2018 & 4379 dated 23.07.2018 J
Cell Descril2tion 33 KV RVT Descril2tion
1.No. Location where Alloted No. eH3 KV RVT
KVAR No. Qf. Cr.IIIAllem/. Mllttrlg./ Cg[[r. Drm!!_ing No. 'ell5_R. No. MllttrlQ/ Cg[[C
SE IT&C) Merta
1 132 KV GSS BIDIYAD 400 9 1800000021 2 96 to 104
2 220 KV GSS KHINVSAR 200 10 1800000044 5 255 to 264
3 132 KV GSS MERTA CITY 92 9 1800000030 16 933 to 941
4 132 KV GSS NAWA CITY 150 19 1800000050 13 575 to 593
5 132 KV GSSChitawa 200 12 1800000044 10 487 to 498
6 220 KV GSSNagaur 92 1 1800000030 16 942
7 132 KV GSSLamba Jatan 200 1 1800000044 10 499
8 132 KV GSSMerta Road 2 1800000001
9 132 KV GSSGotan 2 1800000001
10 132 KV GSSBherunda 1 1800000001
SE IT&C) Sikar
1 132 KV GSSFatehpur 150 5 1800000050 14 723 to727
2 220 KV GSS LAXMANGARH 150 1 1800000050 13 594
3 132 KV GSSKachariyawas 150 24 1800000050 13 595 to 618
84 8 1800000052 17 1018 to 1025
4 220 KV GSSSikar
200 4 1800000044 6 305 to 308
5 132 KV GSSSrimadhopur 200 4 1800000022 3 133 to 136
6 220 KV GSSReengus 84 10 1800000052 18 1065 to 1074
7 132 KV GSSPiprali 200 1 1800000044 9 455
8 132 KV GSSLosal 1 1800000001
9 132 KV GSSRanoli 1 1800000001
SE IT&C) Babai
150 49 1800000050 15 884 to 932
1 220 KV GSS Khetri 2 1800000001
200 3 1800000044 9 450 to 452
2 132 KV GSS UDAIPURWATI 150 24 1800000050 13 619 to 642
150 5 1800000050 14 728 to 732
150 24 1800000050 13 643 to 666
4 132 KV GSSNawalgarh 84 12 1800000052 17 1026 to 1037
5 132 KV GSSGudhagorji 200 3 1800000044 6 312 to 314
6 132 KV GSS Baggar 400 1 1800000036 1 12
7 132 KV GSSJhunjhunu 200 1 1800000044 9 454
8 132 KV GSSNavalgarh 200 1 1800000044 9 456
9 132 KV GSSBuhana 1 1800000001
SEIT&C) Ajmer
200 10 1800000044 8 400 to 409
400 1 1800000021 2 95
2 220 KV GSS Beawar 200 3 1800000044 6 309 to 311
3 132 KV GSS Kishangarh 150 9 1800000050 14 733 to 741
4 220 KV GSSAjmer 200 1 1800000044 9 453
SEIT&C} Udaipur
1 132 KV GSSRishebdev 200 18 1800000044 8 420 to 437
2 132 KV GSS Pratapnagar 400 9 1800000021 2 105 to 113
3 132 KV GSS Dungarpur 150 36 1800000050 14 742 to 777
4 220 KV GSSMadri 1 1800000001
SEIT&C) Chittor
1 220 KV GSSChtttor 200 2 1800000044 10 500&501 1 1800000001
2 132 KV GSSKapasan 400 9 1800000036 1 13to 21
3 132 KV GSSMangalwar 1 1800000001
4 220 KV GSSNimbahera 1 1800000001
5 220 KV GSSPratapgarh 1 1800000001
6 132 KV GSSBegun 1 1800000001
7 220 KV GSSBanswara 1 1800000001
SE IT&C)' Bhilwara
1 220 KV GSSBhilwara 200 5 1800000044 10 502 to 506
2 132 KV GSSRaipur 150 18 1800000050 13 667 to 684 1 1800000001
3 220 KV GSSGulabpura 200 18 1800000044 5 237 to 254
4 132 KV GSSRaila 200 10 1800000044 8 410 to 419
132 KV GSS Shahpura
1 1800000001


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