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Soil Mechanics 2018

TITLE: “A Study on Soil Consistency in 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas”

 To determine the soil consistency by analyzing the plastic limit, liquid limit and
shrinkage limit of soil sample in selected barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas.
 To determine the physical properties of soil in Agoncillo, Batangas.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

 Apply mathematical and analytical skills in researching and performing the experiment
 Know the process of determining liquidity and plasticity and shrinkage.
 Have comprehensive knowledge regarding different properties of soil.
 Acknowledge all principles governed by the course Soil Mechanics.



In this paper the researchers tackle about the soil consistency of 8 different barangays in

Agoncillo, Batangas. Soil Consistency is the strength with which soil materials are held

together or the resistance of soils of deformation rupture. Soil consistency is measured for wet

moist and dry soil sample. Nowadays people considered the soil consistency whether if their

building or infrastructure are built in a soft ground, or solid ground and also, they should

considered the physical property of the soil as well.

The purpose of this study is to identify the soil consistency in 8 barangays in Agoncillo,

Batangas. The soil consistency which incudes moisture content, liquid limit, plastic limit and

plasticity index of soil and also the shrinkage limit test. We also analyze the physical properties

of the 8 barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas. The researcher use the liquid limit device to obtain

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its water content and moisture content of the soil sample. And for the plastic limit the

researcher crumbles the soil to find the plastic state or semi-plastic state.

In this study the researcher will be able to know if the soil in Agoncillo, Batangas are

fine-grain soil type, clay type and silky type.

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Background of The Study

Consistency is an important characteristic in the case of fine soil, the term consistency

describing the ability of a soil to undergo and recoverable deformation without cracking of

crumbing. The consistency of clays and other cohesive soil is usually described as soft,

medium, stiff, or hard.

The Atterberg Limits represent the qualitative limits of soil with varying water content

where the consistence of a soil is changed from plastic state (plastic Limit PL) to a liquid state

(liquid limit LL) and form a semi-solid state (shrinkage limit SL) to a plastic state. There is

probably no single cause of landslides because a number of factors usually interact to make a

soil or rock prone to land sliding. Parameters like the swelling of soil and the rate of water that

infiltrates the soil at depth helps trigger landslides (Kitutu et al, 2009). Atterberg limits will help

determine the condition of the soil and evaluate its properties in order to know which state soils

from landslide prone areas are behaving.

Statement of the Problem

The following questions would be answered according from the data and results of the tests;

• What are the atterberg limits of the soil in Agoncillo, batangas, specifically plasticity,

liquidity and shrinkage limit?

• On what classification/type are the soil samples fall into?

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• How this study will benefit the Municipality of Agoncillo, Batangas?

Significance of The Problem

• Government – It will serve as an informative study that will help in continuing search for

determining how these properties affect the quality of the soil in the field of civil


• Profession – This study will help civil engineering profession advancement by utilizing

new products to be adopted as engineering materials.

• Research – This paper will serve as a basis and reference for future research works

and studies related on soil properties.

• Society – This study will greatly benefit the municipality of Agoncillo, Batangas because

soil depicts an integral and vital role in construction and structural processes.

Conceptual Framework

 Soil Samples  Result of the
 Collecting different tests
from Agoncillo,
 Observing that are
Batangas  Testing subjected to the
soil samples.


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Scope and Delimitation

This paper would only focus on determining the soil consistency at Agoncillo, Batangas

using its Atterberg limits of the soil collected from the selected 8 out of 16 barangays. The

experiment will be done by liquid limit, Plastic limit and Shrinkage limit tests. Testing will be

done using oven-drying method to measure the moisture content. Shrinkage limit would be

measure using TRL method. Liquid limits would be measured using Casagrande method. This

experiment will only use 1 soil sample each from the selected areas in Agoncillo, Batangas.

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Review of Related Literature

This Study entitled “Liquid limit determination of clayey material by Casagrande method, fall

cone test and EBS parameter” demonstrates that Casagrande and fall cone tests are standard

methods widely used for liquid limit determination. This is a parameter that, in addition to the

information provided by plastic limit assessment, allows the evaluation of the plasticity of soils.

This study carried out the determination of liquid limit of 18 clayey samples by Casagrande and

fall cone methods in order to compare them. A high correlation was found between the results

of both methods. Moreover, the most recent equation proposed on literature for the

comparison between methods was applied, and it seems suitable for the prediction of liquid

limit assessed by fall cone test and the experimental value achieved by Casagrande device.

As expected, good correlations between liquid limit, phyllosilicate amount and type of clay

minerals was noticed. As complement, equivalent basal spacing (EBS) parameter was

calculated and tested. Good correlations between this parameter and liquid limit measured

were observed only for samples with <70% of phyllosilicate content; when the analysis is

applied to the samples with higher amount of phyllosilicates, there is not a good match,

suggesting that EBS calculation is not reliable in those cases.”

(C. Costa (2014). Liquid limit determination of clayey material by Casagrande method, fall cone test and EBS parameter.

This study entitled “Determination of consistency Limits of Soil by Moisture-Tension Method”

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introduces the aftereffects of a research facility examination of the connection between as far

as possible and the dampness content as acquired by the dampness pressure technique.

Thirty-eight soils from Indiana were utilized as a part of this examination. The clay plate

mechanical assembly was utilized for the dampness strain strategy. The impact of technique

for arrangement of soil tests on the dampness pressure strategy comes about was assessed.

The reproducibility of both the standard ASTM test and the dampness strain strategy comes

about were contemplated. The aftereffects of this examination showed that a straight

relationship exists between as far as possible (LL and PL) and the dampness content, WC-,

got at different weight powers, (6, 10, 12 and 18 psi) . The consequences of the examination

firmly recommend that the dampness strain test can be utilized on a standard reason for

deciding the consistency furthest reaches of soils.

(Ahmed Atef Gadallah, (2000) Determination Of Consistency Limits Of Soils By Moisture -Tension Method.

This study entitled “A Study to correlate Soil Consistency Limits with Soil Moisture Tension”

shows that the unsaturated soil is reliant on soil-water trademark bend (SWCC), it is a

graphical portrayal between water substance and level of saturation. This ponder assesses the

consistency and pertinence of utilizing four diverse SWCC conditions for characterizing the

connection between water substance and soil suction. Enhancement methods were utilized to

get the best attack of the model parameters for three primary soil classes: coarse-finished (i.e.,

sand), medium-finished (i.e., silt), and fine-finished (i.e., clay) soils. Both show expectations

additionally display similarity with tests extending from low to high soil water content. The

outcomes demonstrate that the Brooks and Corey display and altered Gardner show was the

most predictable in portraying the SWCC for sand soils and dirt soils, separately. Both model

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expectations additionally show similarity with tests extending from low to high soil water


(E.R. Russell, (1965) A Study To Correlate Soil Consistency Limits With Soil Moisture Tensions.

This study entitled “Determination of the consistency of soils by the fall cone test” shows the

that the liquid and plastic limits for a variety of natural and artificial soils covering a wide range

of plasticity, as determined by the Casagrande method and the fall cone test and based on a

strength criterion, were compared. To check the validity of the strength criterion, the undrained

shear strength of these soils has been determined with a laboratory vane over the water

content range between these limits. A limited comparison of the undrained strength values

obtained from the vane test and fall cone test is also given.

(Y. Wasti, M. H. Bezirci, (1999). Determination of the consistency limits of soils by the fall cone test.

This article entitled “A review of soils and crops in the Bukidnon Highlands of Northern

Mindanao, the Philippines” reviews soil and crop production information from Bukidnon, Northern

Mindanao, the Philippines. It focuses on the parent materials involved in forming Bukidnon

soils, clay forming minerals, soil classification, types and location distribution, physico-chemical

characteristics, soil potentialities and constraints, and the yields of the major crops. Literature.

The information discussed was gathered from on-line journals, a compilation of agricultural

research reports published in Northern Mindanao, published theses, government data and

reports, and books. Bukidnon has existing soil information that could be useful for assessing

and monitoring soil fertility and in establishing a regional Land Information System (LandIS).

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Soils in the Province are classified according to Soil Order, Great Group and soil type under

the USDA Soil Taxonomic Classification. Data on crop production yields are also available.

Soil information is intended more for crop fertilization planning at the broader scale. Studies on

geomorphopedology and the interactions of elements within the soil are scarce. The

relationship between soil formation and its characteristics and plant responses is not discussed

here. Conclusion. The recommendations arising from this study are: (1) to conduct in-depth

geomorphopedological studies in marginal areas of undifferentiated soils, (2) to study the

relationship between soil characteristics and crop responses including nutrient assimilation by

plants, focusing on phosphorus (P), and (3) to develop a generic protocol and establish a

LandIS for mountain areas that can be replicated in other areas in Mindanao, the Philippines.

(Guadalupe Dejarme Calalang, Gilles Colinet, (2002). A review of soils and crops in the Bukidnon Highlands of Northern

Mindanao, the Philippines.

This study entitled “Assessment for agriculture Potential in Philippine Sciance High School-

Central Visayas Campus” demonstrates that Soil quality is important in the alleviation of the

rising need of agriculture due to the depleting lands caused by industrialization. The purpose of

this study is to assess the soil quality of the different areas in PSHS-CVisC in accordance to its

indicators of soil quality. Furthermore, it is also for the benefit of the Agriculture Elective offered

in PSHS – CVisC as a result of the newly implemented K-12 curriculum. The data collected will

be provided to the Department of Agriculture’s National ColorCoded Agriculture Guide Map

database, and Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Argao, Cebu. The

indicators include moisture content, soil pH, total phosphorus, and organic matter content. The

four areas with three trials each were analyzed using tests for the said indicators. The findings

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show that the soil samples have low quantities of total phosphorus, with average values

ranging from 6.10-18.00 ppm and organic matter, with average values ranging from 1.13-1.91

%. They are all neutral to slightly basic, with pH values ranging from 7.03-8.02, and have

moisture contents within the range of 15-16%, which indicated soil moisture stress. All the four

areas are not suitable for agricultural plants. Statistical analysis showed that in the test for

organic matter content, pH, and available phosphorus, all sample areas had a significant

difference between each other. For the moisture content test, the four areas had no significant

difference between each other. In conclusion, the soil samples are in need of

additives/fertilizers to enhance the soil quality for optimal crop growth.

(Jairo I. Monte, Stephanie C. Cabasan, Mikko Martin S. Geyrozaga (2005). Soil Quality Assessment for Agriculture Potential in

Philippine Science High School- Central Visayas Campus.

This study entitled “Soil Atterberg limits and consistency indices as influenced by land use and

slope position” for classifications of cohesive (fine-grained) soils in relation with compaction and

tillage practices. They also provide information for interpreting several soil mechanical and

physical properties such as shear strength, compressibility, shrinkage and swelling potentials.

Although, several studies have been conducted regarding the land use effects on various soil

mechanical properties, little is known about the effects of land use and slope positions on

Atterberg limits and consistency indices. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of

land use and slope position on selected soil physical and chemical properties, Atterberg limits

and consistency indices in hilly region of western Iran. Three land uses including dryland

farming, irrigated farming and pasture and four slope positions (i.e., shoulder, backslope,

footslope, and toeslope) were used for soil samplings.

(Zalira Zolfaghar, Mohamamd Reza Mosaddeghi (2015) Soil atterberg limits and consistency indices as influenced by land use

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and slope position.

This study entitled “Liquid and Plastic Limits” shows that Plasticity is the property that

allows a soil to be deformed without cracking in response to an applied stress. A soil may

exhibit plasticity, and hence be remolded, over a range of water contents, first quantified by the

Swedish scientist Atterberg (1911, 1912). Above this range, the soil behaves as a liquid, while

below it, it behaves as a brittle solid and eventually fractures in response to increasing applied

stress. The upper limit of plasticity, known as the liquid limit, is at the water content at which a

small slope, forming part of a groove in a sample of the soil, just collapses under the action of

a standardized shock force. The corresponding lower limit, the ‘‘plastic limit,’’ is at the water

content at which a sample of the soil, when rolled into a thread by the palm of the hand, splits

and crumbles when the thread diameter reaches 3 mm. By convention, both water contents

are expressed gravimetrically on a percentage basis. The numerical difference between the

liquid and plastic limits is defined as the plasticity index. Remarkably, these simple empirical

tests have been used, essentially unchanged, for nearly a century by soil engineers and soil

scientists (BSI, 1990).

(Campbell DJ (2001) Liquid and plastic limits. -14)

This study entitled “Properties and Nutrient Status of Degraded Soils in Luzon, Philippines”

demonstrates that a prerequisite to soil management, particularly in degraded soils, is a good

knowledge of the characteristics and fertility status of degraded soil, which is fundamental to

planning suitable soil management strategies for crop production purposes. The aim of this

study was to determine the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties and fertility

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constraints of degraded soils in Luzon, Philippines. Ten surface soil samples were collected

from 10 degraded soils representing the dominant soil series in Luzon Island. These soils were

analyzed for physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. Results revealed that all soils

have high clay content (except Bantay soil), which impedes cultivation. All soils were acidic,

have a very low organic matter (OM), total N, available P, and low to moderately low

exchangeable cations. X-ray diffraction reveals the dominance of halloysite/kaolinite, quartz

and hematite in all soils. Results further revealed that all soils have fertility constraints,

particularly acidic soils, low OM, low total N, and low available P. All soils contain sufficient

exchangeable Ca, but low to high exchangeable K, particularly in soils of Annam, Bolinao,

Bantay and Cervantes. Together, these results suggest that all soils possess physical and

chemical constraints to crop production and the occurrence of constraints varies with soil type,

location in the landscape, slope and parent material. The recognition of these fertility

constraints is essential for the long-term planning of soil management strategies essential to

sustainable utilization of these degraded soils.

(Michelle Ann M. Calubaquib, Ian A. Navarrete, Pearl B. Sanchez (2016). Properties and Nutrient Status of Degraded Soils in

Luzon, Philippines


This research entitled “Determination of Plasticity Indez ans Compression Index of Soil at

Perlis” conducted as an initiative to determine Plasticity Index (PI) and Compression Index (Cc)

of soil samples taken at several locations around Perlis. For each location, the disturbed soils

samples are taken at three different points and are indicated by P1, P2 and P3. In addition,

Particle Size Distribution, Specific Gravity and pH test is also conducted to obtain more

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detailed information for the soil samples. Preparation of soil sample and the experimental

procedure is based on BS1377 (1990). The results of this study have shown that, when the

value of Plasticity Index (PI) increases, the Compression Index (Cc) will also be increased.

From this research, relationship between Plasticity Index (PI) and Compression Index (Cc) is

established. The Compression Index (Cc) of soil sample can be identified by executing the

Plasticity Index (PI).

(Ibrahim, Rahim, Amat, Salehuddin, & Ariffin (2012). Determination of Plasticity Index and Compression Index of Soil at Perlis.

APCBEE Procedia 4 94 – 98

This study entitled “Compressibilty of remoulded, fine-grained soils and correaion with index

properties” shows that 10 soils covering a sufficiently wide range of liquid limit, plastic limit, and

shrinkage limit were selected and conventional consolidation tests were carried out starting

with their initial water contents almost equal to their respective liquid limits. The compressibility

behaviour is vastly different for pairs of soils having nearly the same liquid limit, but different

plasticity characteristics. The relationship between void ratio and consolidation pressure is

more closely related to the shrinkage index (shrinkage index = liquid limit – shrinkage limit)

than to the plasticity index. Wide variations are seen with the liquid limit. For the soils

investigated, the compression index relates better with the shrinkage index than with the

plasticity index or liquid limit.

(Sridharan & Nagaraj (2000). Compressibility behaviour of remoulded, finegrained soils and correlation with index properties.

Can. Geotech. J. 37: 712–722.

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This study entitled “Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit and Undrained shear Strength of Soil” show that

the concept of plasticity index of soils can be defined as a range of water contents producing a

100-fold variation in undrained shear strength has been experimentally verified with the help of

a large number of tests on soils of diverse nature. This has led to the redefinition of the plastic

limit as the water content at which undrained shear strength is around 170 kN/m2. Undrained

shear strength of a soil at the liquid limit can be considered to be around 1.7 kN/m2.

Accordingly, both the liquid limit and the plastic limit have been determined in the present work

by a single consistent method. The undrained shear strength-water content relationship has

been found to be log-linear for a wide range of water contents beginning from lower than the

plastic limit to higher than the liquid limit. This resulted in the formulation of an expression for

predicting undrained shear strength of a remolded soil at any water content based solely on its

liquid limit and plastic.

(Binu Sharma and Padma K. Bora, (2003). Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit and Undrained Shear Strength of Soil.

This study entitled “A study on consistency Limits of acidified Soil by air drying” investigate

the consistency limits of acidified soil by air drying, liquid limit and plastic limit tests were

performed on soils sampled from the excavation slope. the hydrogen-ion concentration

exponent (pH) values decreased with preserving time and the decreasing degree was

influenced by preserving temperature. It was found that the consistency limits decreased with a

decrease of pH, the classified group for engineering purpose transmitted from C'H-group to

ML-group. Therefore, pH is the most important factor in considering geotechnical


(Hiroaki Sano, Mikio Yamada, Minoru Ohta, Masachika Nozawa, Koji Watanabe (1998). A study on consistency limits of

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acidified soil by air drying

This study entitled “A Re-examination of alternative Test Procedures for Soil Consistency Limit

Determination” show that a static uniaxial (drained) compression test procedure using

effectively saturated, remoulded soil samples is proposed which unifies soil consistency limit

determination procedurally under similar experimental conditions. It yields numerically

comparative (r2 = 0.786–0.931), rather than only correlative, indices of the upper and lower

limits of soil plasticity while providing ancillary information on the effective stress regime when

in these states of consistency. For the 44 soil horizon samples used in this study, apparent

equivalent stresses at the Atterberg consistency limits ranged from 0.26 to 1.84 MPa for the

lower plastic limit and 3.9 to 268 kPa for the upper plastic limit. Clay and organic matter

contents had a significant influence on defining these equivalent static loadings. Organic

matter was further shown to expand the range of moisture contents representative of the

semisolid consistency state while constricting the plastic range.

(R.A. Mcbride (1989). A Re-Examination of Alternative Test Procedures for Soil Consistency Limit Determination.


This study entitled “Determination of Consistency Limits of Different Agricultural Soils” shows

the decay of the total of a few Dutch earth soils amid the period after furrowing is by all

accounts caused by a plastic change of the dirt totals under impact of mechanical powers,

coming about because of strolling and riding on the dirt surface and gravity. It relies upon the

consistency and dampness attributes of the dirt, on the seepage of the best soil and on

different components impacting the dampness level of the dirt. The area of the point pF 1.9

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("field limit") on the dampness rate scale with respect to the upper plastic breaking point, the

sticky point and the lower plastic farthest point shows up tö be a superior list for the structure

of dirt soils than figures got from a wet sieving examination. A few aftereffects of examinations

on the impacts of lime, gypsum and soil conditioners in regard of soil structure are outlining


(Mahedi Hasan, Abu Sayed, M. A Hossain, Mosharaf Hossain, Mehedi Hashan Sohel (2017). Determination of Consistency

Limits of Different Agricultural Soils

This study entitled “Soil Consistency as A Factor Determining the Soil Structure of Clay Soils”

shows that the fluid and plastic points of confinement of a dirt are consistency restricts that

were self-assertively picked by Albert Atterberg in 1911. Their assurance is by entirely

experimental testing methods. With the exception of the improvement of a fluid point of

confinement gadget and subsequent minor refinements the strategy has read essentially

unaltered for over 50 years. The exact determination of a self-assertive farthest point would

appear to be as opposed to the plain establishments of logical systems. In any case, the tests

are moderately straightforward and the outcomes are by and large adequate and valuc.ole in

all:lost each possible utilization of soil from a building stan point.

(P. Boekel And P. K. Peerlkamp (1948). Soil Consistency as A Factor Determining the Soil Structure of Clay Soils; Agricultural

Experiment Station and Institute for Soil Research, Groningen, Netherlands.

Soil erosion gives off an impression of being the most widespread procedure of soil

degradation and is additionally the most studied. Other critical yet less considered soil

degradation forms incorporate loss of nutrients and organic matter, salinization, acidification,

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contamination, compaction, and subsidence.

(Victor B. Asio, Reinhold Jahn, Federico O. Perez, Ian A. Navarrete, Sergio M. Abit Jr. (2009). Soil Erosion and Degration.

Consistency limits are extensively used in geotechnical engineering practice. Besides

the consistency limits, the plasticity index, liquidity index, and consistency index have been

used to correlate with engineering properties. The test procedures that have been developed

to determine liquid limit are based on the strength criterion, and the liquid limit corresponds to

a shearing resistance of 1.7 to 2.0 kPa. However, the mechanisms controlling the test

procedures do not simulate the mechanisms controlling the water-holding capacity of soils that

the liquid limit is supposed to represent. In this paper an attempt has been made to devise a

test procedure, known as the absorption test, which simulates the mechanisms controlling the

water holding-capacity of soils. The equilibrium water content reached by the dry soil pats +)

Fine Clayey Soil from Various Regions In France Was Subjected To Consistency

Penetrometer (Fall Cone) Tests. A Statistical Study Is Presented of The Results Of Those

Tests And Of Those Of Laboratory And In-Situ Vane Tests And Triaxial Test. Findings Show

That The Cone Penetration Test Can Be Used For Accurate Measurement Of The

Unconsolidated Undrained Cohesion Of Soft Clayey Soil, And To Obtain Atterberg Limits.

Details Are Also Given Of A Comparative Study Between Karlsson's Method (Liquid Limit) And

The Casagrande Liquid Limit Test. The Plastic Limit Can Also Be Obtained By This Method.

(The Consistency Penetrometer - Evaluation of The Consistency of Fine Soil.

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Multiple correlations were determined between liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity

index and various combinations of standard physical and chemical determinations (cation-

exchange capacity, percent of organic carbon, percent of <0.002-mm. clay, percent of

montmorillonite in the clay separate, percent of illite in the clay separate, and percent of 0.05-

to 0.002-mm. silt) on a wide range of Illinois soils. Multiple correlation coefficients of 0.959,

0.887, and 0.938 were obtained between liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index,

respectively, and three soil properties (percent of organic carbon, percent of clay, and percent

of montmorillonite in the clay separate), indicating that there is a very close relationship

between Atterberg limits and these three soil properties. If additional soil properties, such as

percent of silt and percent of illite in the clay separate, are included in the analysis the

correlation coefficients are increased only slightly. Lower, but highly significant correlations

were also obtained between each of the Atterberg limits and cation-exchange capacity, and a

combination of percent of organic carbon and percent of clay.

(R. T. Odell, T. H. Thornburn and L. J. McKenzie, Relationships of Atterberg Limits to Some Other Properties of Illinois Soils

This technical note examines the hypothesis that the liquid limit state may serve as a

reference state, with respect to which the water-holding capacity of fine-grained soils at other

states may be referred, or, equivalently, that the moisture characteristic curve at a given void

ratio is uniquely related to that for the liquid limit state. The hypothesis is considered in relation

to experimental observations on several soil mixtures, made by the authors and other

investigators. The authors used mixtures of fine sand and pure clay minerals to generate soils

with different liquid limits. Samples were prepared as slurries, whose water contents exceeded

their liquid limits, placed in standard consolidation rings, and consolidated in consolidometers

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until liquid limit void ratios were achieved. A scanning electron microscope was used to view

the microstructure of selected samples in an attempt to assess qualitatively the uniqueness of

the structure at the liquid limit state. The results of the tests indicate that the liquid limit state is

a useful state, with respect to which the water retention properties of fine-grained soils at other

states may be referred. Air-entry suction and pore-size distribution index were found to vary

linearly, as the void ratio decreased from the liquid limit state.

(Reddi, L N, PODURI, R, Use of Liquid Limit State to Generalize Water Retention Properties Of Fine-Grained Soils.

Previous thread rolling methods for the plastic limit are shown to be inadequate and

inaccurate. Alternative methods for the plastic limit are shown to be imprecise and unreliable.

The strength-based concept and use of the fall-cone test to determine the plastic limit are

shown to be flawed. An apparatus that replicates Atterberg’s rolling technique, devised and

developed by the author, is described, referred to as the Barnes Apparatus. A thread of soil is

rolled between two plates configured to permit extrusion and reduction of diameter with much

less operator interference than with the standard test and judgement of the crumbling condition

is eliminated. Using a loading device nominal stresses are derived and from dial gauge

readings diametral strains are determined for each rolling traverse of the soil thread.

Toughness has previously only been studied in an empirical or qualitative manner. From plots

of nominal stress vs. strain the workability or toughness of the plastic soil is determined as the

work/unit volume. The apparatus and test are appropriate to a wide range of soils. Threads are

tested over a range of water contents from near the sticky limit to the brittle state. Good

correlations between toughness and water content display an abrupt ductilebrittle transition

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and give an accurate definition of the plastic limit. From the correlations useful properties are

obtained such as the maximum toughness at the plastic limit, the toughness limit, the water

content at zero toughness, the stiffness transition, the toughness coefficients, the toughness

index and the workability index. An investigation into the significance of the soil thread

diameter of 3 mm in the standard plastic limit test has found that as the water content of a soil

reduces it undergoes a transition from fully plastic, to cracked, to brittle, largely regardless of

the diameter of the thread. It is recommended that the 3 mm diameter requirement is

withdrawn from the standard test procedure as unnecessary and emphasis placed on

observing the behaviour of the soil thread as it is rolled by hand. A review of the relationship

between the clay matrix and the granular particles in a soil has found that the linear law of

mixtures and activity index are appropriate only at high clay contents. The terms granular

spacing ratio and matrix porosity are introduced to explain the effect of the granular particles

on the toughness and plastic limit. An analysis confirms that with small diameter soil threads

large granular particles affect the results disproportionately. An aggregation ratio term is

introduced to explain the change in toughness in the clay matrix as its water content reduces

towards the plastic limit. To assess the effect of granular particles in a clay matrix on the

toughness and plastic limit the results of tests conducted on mixtures of a high plasticity clay

and silt, and sand particles of two different sizes are discussed. Smaller particle sizes are

found to have a greater effect on reducing the toughness and the plastic limit of the clay. In the

ceramics industry mixing different clays together to obtain suitable properties is common. The

toughness and plastic limits of two pairs of mixed clays do not follow the linear law of mixtures

but are dependent on the total clay content and the content of a dominant clay mineral.

(Graham Edward Barnes, (2013). The Plastic Limit and Workability of Soils

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Australia has approximately 300,000km of sealed roads and maintenance of these roads

imposes a significant financial burden on road agencies. Premature pavement failure

exacerbates this burden. Longitudinal pavement cracking often occurs independent of traffic

loading and may be attributed in many instances to moisture changes in expansive subgrade

soils. This project investigates a possible relationship between the Atterberg limits of low

strength subgrade materials (CBR < 3) and the incidence of longitudinal cracking in unbound

granular (flexible) pavements supported by them. Unbound granular pavements are the most

common form of pavement construction in Australia. Design of these pavements is undertaken

in accordance with individual authorities’ empirical design charts. These design charts are

usually presented as a series of curves whereby the depth of pavement is set by the

relationship between subgrade strength, expressed in terms of a four day soaked California

Bearing Ratio (CBR) and traffic loading over the pavement’s design life, expressed in

Equivalent Standard Axles (ESAs). These charts typically provide pavement depths for

subgrade CBR values of 3 and above. Where the subgrade CBR is less than 3, the guidelines

recommend an additional depth of pavement gravel depending on the CBR. The primary

objective of this research is to determine if any of the Atterberg limits can be used as a

predictor of longitudinal cracking in unbound granular pavements designed in accordance with

authority guidelines. This would enable consultants and authorities to determine if alternate

methods of pavement construction should be considered (using tensile reinforcement for

example) in lieu of unbound granular construction. Analysis of results indicated that a

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relationship exists between two of the Atterberg limits of a subgrade material and longitudinal

cracking in unbound granular pavements designed in accordance with existing authority

empirical design charts. Due to the small sample size, recommendation on specific values of

these limits to determine when alternate pavement designs should be considered would be


(Dale John Stanton, (2010). Atterberg Limits and Their Relationship To Longitudinal Cracking In Granular Pavements.

In this experimental work, we investigated the effects of various fall cone parameters

such as cone apex angle, diameter, overload, cone surface roughness on Atterberg Limits of

both homogeneous and non-homogenous (layered) type soil samples. The liquid limit of

cohesive clayey silt as well as silty-clay soil samples were determined based on fall cone tests

with four different cones with 30o and 60o apex angles, two different diameters and also

different surface roughness. The results showed that the apex angle of cone may play a more

important role in determining the Liquid limit of soil. Furthermore, it is found that the dropped

cone behavior in soil sample changes from a dynamic to quasi-static by increasing the cone

apex angle from 30 to 60. It is also shown that the penetration vs. moisture content response

curves in non-homogenous type soil samples have changed rather considerably near the

boundary of layers compared to the homogeneous soil counterparts. The results of this study

have also shown that this variation would depend on the layering structure of soil. The current

study has also shown that for non-homogeneous soils 20mm penetration may not be accurate

for determining the liquid limit of soil compared to homogeneous samples. The findings also

indicated that fall cone test results may also be applied for determining the plastic limit of

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clayey and silty soil samples. The obtained results based on different cones might also be

used to determine the undrained shear strength (Su) of clayey or silty soil samples at the lower

bound limits of penetration vs. moisture content curves

(M. Reza Emami Azadi (2010). Fall Cone Test Parameters and Their Effects on the Liquid and Plastic Limits of Homogeneous

and Non-Homogeneous Soil Samples

The influence of different proportions of clay minerals on the moisture density

relationship and index properties of clay soils are not clearly understood because of the

different factors that come into play in natural soil formation. This study used 11 different

remolded samples prepared by combining double mixtures of commercially available

powdered kaolinite, montmorillonite and quartz in proportions of 30%, 50%, 70% and 100%

based on dry unit weight to investigate the relationship between different proportions of clay

minerals with index properties and compaction characteristics of clay soils. The results

described the influence of different proportions of clay minerals on the liquid limit, plastic limit

and plasticity index measured using the fall cone penetration test. Also, the variation of

maximum dry density and optimum moisture content with different clay mineral proportions has

been analyzed. In addition, equations are presented with significant correlations to show the

relationship between Atterberg limits, compaction parameters and the proportion of clay

minerals. Knowledge on the effect of the different clay minerals on the moisture density

relationship and index properties can be used to predict the behavior of compacted clay soils

encountered in engineering practices and reduce the time and effort needed for assessing the

suitability of clay soils and clay liners for engineering use.

(Zhang Kunyong and Charkley Nai Frederick, (2016). Experimental investigation on compaction and Atterberg limits

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characteristics of soils: Aspects of clay content using artificial mixtures.


The undrained shear strength of remolded soils is of concern in certain geotechnical

engineering applications. Several methods for determining this parameter exist, including the

laboratory vane test. This study proposes a new method to estimate the undrained shear

strength, particularly at the plastic and liquid limits. For 30 inorganic soil samples of different

plasticity levels, we determined the Atterberg limits, then performed a series of reverse

extrusion tests at different water contents. The plastic and liquid limits are derived from the

linear relationship between the logarithm of the extrusion pressure and water content. The

tests show that the average undrained shear strength determined from the extrusion pressures

at the plastic limit is about 180 kPa, whereas the average undrained shear strength at the

liquid limit is 2.3 kPa. We show that the undrained shear strength of remolded soils at any

water content can be estimated from the Atterberg limits alone. Although the laboratory vane

test provides a reasonable undrained shear strength value at the plastic limit, it overestimates

the undrained shear strength at the liquid limit and thus, care must be taken when the

laboratory vane test is used to determine undrained shear strengths at water contents near the

liquid limit.

(Kamil Kayabali, Osman Oguz Tufenkci (2010). Shear strength of remolded soils at consistency limits

The present work investigates the influence of compositional factors on the liquid limit of

montmorillonite soils. The results showed that the percent clay fraction and surface area

values did not relate with the liquid limit of the soils; the latter, however, were essentially

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controlled by the diffuse double layer thickness. Examination of the relations between

compositional factors that affect the double layer thickness and liquid limit showed that the

latter did not have a significant bearing with cation exchange capacity, while a near perfect

correlation was obtained with the amount of exchangeable sodium ions present. Such a

dependence resulted because of the greater ease of dissociation of adsorbed sodium ions

from the clay surface in presence of water and subsequent contribution to the double layer

thickness; the other exchangeable cations, namely, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, were

strongly adsorbed by the clay surface and did not contribute appreciably to the double layer


(Sridharan, A, Rao, SM, Murthy, NS (2009). Liquid Limit of Montmorillonite Soils.

This paper elucidates the relative importance of soil structure and various compositional

factors in influencing the liquid limit of natural kaolinitic soils. It was anticipated that kaolinitic

soils with a greater degree of particle flocculation and a higher liquid would shrink less and

occupy a higher sedimentation volume. As expected, an increase in liquid limit was

accompanied by an increase in shrinkage limit and sediment volume in water.

(A. Sridharan, N. S. Murthy, S. M. Rao (1988). Liquid limit of kaolinitic soils.




In order to improve the utilization of high liquid limit soil, the fundamental properties of

high liquid limit soil and its direct utilization method are studied in this paper. This work

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involves both laboratory and fieldwork experiments. The results show that clay and sandy clay

both with high liquid limit can be directly used for the road embankment, and the degree of

compaction can be controlled at 88 %. The pack-and-cover method in accordance with

Chinese technical specifications is recommended to be operated in the engineering practice.

The packed height should be less than 8 meters and the total height of embankment no more

than 12 meters in the interests of settlement. From the view of stability, the optimal thickness

value of top sealing soil layer and edge sealing soil layer is about 1.5 meter respectively, and

the geogrid reinforcement spacing should be about 2.0 meters. In addition, based on Yun-Luo

expressway in China filled with high liquid limit soil, the construction techniques and key points

of quality control in subgrade with pack-and-cover method are compared and discussed in

detail, and the feasibility of these schemes are verified by the experimental results.

(X. Liu, K. Sheng, J.H. Hua, B.N. Hong, J.J. Zhu (2015). Utilization of high liquid limit soil as subgrade materials with pack and

cover method in road embankment construction.

Samples from fifty‐eight arable topsoils in south‐eastern Scotland were analyzed for

compactability, plasticity, organic matter content, particle density, and particle‐size distribution.

The samples were classified by the methods employed for engineering soils and the groupings

so obtained were compared with the textural classes. The criteria for the classification of

engineering soils provide useful information on the likely mechanical behaviour of arable soils

in the field. Tests were made for correlation between fifteen soil properties. The organic matter

content, which in the samples studied ranged from 2 to 10 per cent, was shown to influence

several mechanical properties, including optimum moisture content, maximum dry bulk density,

liquid limit, and plastic limit. Maximum bulk density and optimum moisture content were

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strongly correlated with Atterberg limits and organic matter content. The liquid limit was more

closely correlated with particle‐size distribution than was the plastic limit. Unlike soils

encountered in engineering, the particle density of these soils was not correlated with

particle‐size distribution but, like the Atterberg limits, was strongly correlated with organic

matter content.

(B. D. Soane D. J. Campbell S. M. Herkes (2010). The Characterization of Some Scottish Arable Topsoils By Agricultural And

Engineering Methods.

The concept that plasticity index of soils can be defined as a range of water contents

producing a 100-fold variation in undrained shear strength has been experimentally verified

with the help of a large number of tests on soils of diverse nature. This has led to the

redefinition of the plastic limit as the water content at which undrained shear strength is around

170 kN/m2. Undrained shear strength of a soil at the liquid limit can be considered to be

around 1.7 kN/m2. Accordingly, both the liquid limit and the plastic limit have been determined

in the present work by a single consistent method, i.e., the Swedish fall cone method. The

undrained shear strength-water content relationship has been found to be log-linear for a wide

range of water contents beginning from lower than the plastic limit to higher than the liquid

limit. This resulted in the formulation of an expression for predicting undrained shear strength

of a remolded soil at any water content based solely on its liquid limit and plastic limit.

(Binu Sharma and Padma K. Bora (2006). Plastic Limit, Liquid Limit and Undrained Shear Strength of Soil—Reappraisal.

Consistency limits are fundamental properties of fine grained soils. The techniques used

today to determine these parameters are operator dependent; their repeatability is low. In

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order to overcome and/or reduce those factors affecting the results of conventional testing

methods, the reverse extrusion technique was evaluated. Thirty-one inorganic soil samples

were used in the experiments. In order to produce a reliable basis for the plastic and liquid

limits, a relatively broad database was constituted using the conventional consistency limit

tests. Extrusion pressures were then obtained and plotted for different water contents for each

sample. A linear relationship was observed among the water content and the logarithm of the

extrusion pressure. The extrusion pressures corresponding to the average plastic and liquid

limits of the conventional method show a normal distribution about certain values. A more

reliable, economical, and robust device with greater repeatability is proposed. The presented

approach shows promise in providing a better index parameter to characterize fine grained


(Kayabali, K. and Tufenkci, O. (2008). Determination of Plastic and Liquid Limits Using the Reverse Extrusion Technique.

For liquid limit determination, the European Standards require the cone penetrometer

technique or, alternatively, the Casagrande cup method; but the latter is widely used in

practice. As most European soil classification systems are not adapted to the new European

Standards, a systematic study was carried out to verify the differences between the two

techniques for liquid limit determination, examining clayey soils from various geologic units.

Comparison of 100 liquid limit values ranging between 20 and 50% indicates that the liquid

limit obtained by the fall cone method is generally 2.2% points higher than that obtained by the

hard base Casagrande apparatus. Comparison of data from different sources consistently

indicates that the equation proposed in this study may be useful in revising existing soil

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classification systems, avoiding problems of soil classification due to the technique used for

liquid limit.

(Lucio Di Matteo (2015). Liquid limit of low- to medium-plasticity soils: comparison between Casagrande cup and cone

penetrometer test.

The liquid limit test is one of the most widely used tests in the soil engineering practice.

Several properties, including mechanical properties (for example, compressive index), have

correlations with the liquid limit. In this paper detailed investigations of the liquid limit of soil

mixturs have been carried out using bentonite, kaolinite, sand (coarse grained, fine grained,

rounded and angular shaped), and silts. Based on the results obtained, it has been shown that

the liquid limits of soil mixtures are not governed by the linear law of mixtures. While the shape

of the sand was not found to influence the liquid limit, the size of the sand particles had a

definite influence. Liquid limit obtained by the cone method is lesser than the limit obtained by

using the Casagrande apparatus. A good relationship exists between the results of these two

methods. A procedure for obtaining the liquid limit of low plastic soil has been suggested.

(Sivapullaiah, P. and Sridharan, A., (1999). Liquid Limit of Soil Mixtures.

According to two present China national standards, a software as Soil Liquid Limit and

Plastic Limit Data Treating System, with analytic method, was developed using object-oriented

visual programming tool. The analytic method used in the developed system was different to

traditional method of treating soil liquid limit and plastic limit data. N-S algorithm flowchart

demonstrated that switch statement and condition statement were taken as main algorithm and

second level select nested structure was taken as main frame for the developed system. Three

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kinds of soil specimens were tested with liquid and plastic limit combined test and the test data

was treated with graphic method, Excel software and Soil Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Data

Treating System. The comparative conclusion indicated that Soil Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit

Data Treating System improved efficiency and accuracy evidently for treating soil liquid and

plastic limit data and had advantages of easy operation and high reliability.

(LI Jianqiao, (2012). Soil Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Treating System Based on Analytic Method.

Experimental evidence is produced to show that it is reasonable to assign a unique

strength to all soils when at their respective liquid limits, and to redefine the plastic limit as the

water content at which the strength is 100 times that at the liquid limit. Combining these

assumptions with ideas of critical state soil mechanics it is then possible to relate the

compression index of the remoulded soil to its plasticity index, and to suggest a unique relation

between remoulded strength and liquidity index, irrespective of actual values of liquid and

plastic limits. Field data from the Gulf of Mexico and from the North Sea are presented in

support of these relations. The predictions of strength are best for overconsolidated clays,

having water contents near the plastic limit.Recently in the United Kingdom the cone

penetrometer has become the recommended test for determination of the liquid limit, in

preference to the Casagrande test. Having redefined the plastic limit it would be logical to use

the cone penetrometer to determine this too, by using cones with different weights.

Experimental data are shown to illustrate and support this proposal.

(C. P. Wroth and D. M. Wood, The correlation of index properties with some basic engineering properties of soils.

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As the water content is increased, the consistency of a fine-grained soil changes from a

semi-solid state to a plastic state and finally to a liquid state. The plastic limit (PL) is the point

at which the consistency, caused by the soil water content, is transformed from a semi-solid

state to a plastic state. The liquid limit (LL) is the point at which the consistency is transformed

from a plastic state to a liquid state. The plastic limit and liquid limit are often collectively

referred to as the Atterberg (or consistency) Limits. Although the liquid and plastic limits are

easily determined, fundamental interpretations of the limits and quantitative relationships

between their values and compositional factors are more complex. Previous studies examined

artificially-prepared soil samples that contained monomineralic clays and a non-clay substance

(quartz sand). These studies have shown that in soils without expandable clays the PL and LL

water contents were mostly related to surface area and clay content. For soils that contain

expandable clays, the PL and LL values are also dependent on interlayer water content.

Hence, expandable clay mineral contents are needed to calculate PL and LL values. These

relationships have been presented in a general analytical form. The aim of these investigations

was to identify practical applications. Mineral compositions and surface areas of five randomly

selected natural soil samples were used to estimate PL and LL values. The estimated values

were compared to experimentally measured liquid limits (by the 'fall-cone' test) and plastic limit

(by the 'rolling thread' test) values. The measured PL values ranged from 18.77 to 44.92% and

the LL values from 31.19 to 82.10%. The differences between estimated and measured

Atterberg Limits were 3.0–7.1% for the PL and 2.7–7.8% for the LL. Minor differences in

measured and estimated Atterberg Limits were probably due to soil organic matter (1.2–2.7%).

(Dolinar, Bojana; Miŝiĉ. Correlation between surface area and Atterberg limits of fine-grained soils.


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The Casagrande thread-rolling method for determining the plastic limit of fine-grained

soil is heavily dependent on operator judgement and can often give inconsistent or unreliable

results. This paper presents an energy-based approach used in the development of an

improved testing procedure for the plastic strength limit. A 0·727 kg cone is allowed to fall

freely through 200 mm before contacting the surface of the test specimen, with the plastic

strength limit determined for a cone penetration depth of 20 mm. For ten mineral clays of

intermediate to very high plasticity tested, the plastic limits deduced using the cone were in

good agreement with the measured Casagrande plastic limits. The values deduced using an 8

kg contacting cone were consistently lower than the Casagrande limits.

(Vinayagamoorthy Sivakuma. Measuring the plastic limit of fine soils: an experimental study.

In this paper a new method for determining the liquid limit of nonexpanding soils is

presented. The liquid limit value primarily depends on the type and quantity of clay minerals in

soils. This relationship, however, has never been presented in general analytical form that

would enable a consistent determination of the influence of mineralogical properties of different

soils on the liquid limit. The findings described in the article define those mineralogical

properties of soils, which determine the quantity of water at the liquid limit. It was found that the

water content at the liquid limit depends on the size and the quantity of clay grains in soils that

contain only nonexpanding minerals. In case of expanding minerals in soils, the size and the

quantity of clays determine only the quantity of intergrain water, while the total water content

depends on the quantity of interlayer water also.

(Dolinar, B and Trauner, L, (2002). Liquid Limit and Specific Surface of Clay Particles.

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Definition of Terms

Terms here are conceptually and operationally defined for better understanding of the


• Soil – is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquid, and countless organisms

that together support life on earth.

• Consistency – the relative ease with which a soil can be deformed.

• Atterberg Limits- are a basic measure of the critical water contents of a fine grained-


• Casagrande- A mechanical device consisting of a brass cup suspended from a carriage

designed to control its drop onto a hard rubber base.

• Oven drying - drying a soil to constant mass in an oven controlled to within certain

limits of temperature, as in the standard moisture content heat. Standard oven drying is

at a temperature of 105-110C.

• Liquid limit - the moisture content at which soil passes from the plastic to the liquid

state, as determined by the liquid limit test.

• Plastic limit - the moisture content at which soil passes from the plastic to the solid

state and becomes too dry to be in a plastic condition, as determined by the plastic limit


• Shrinkage limit - the moisture content at which a soil on being dried ceases to shrink.

• Sieve - a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining

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solids from liquids, for separating coarser from finer particles, or for reducing soft solids

to a pulp.

• ATSM - is an international standard organization that develops and publishes voluntary

consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and


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In this chapter the experimental design, materials and methods, treatment of data, and

the decision criteria were discussed. The main objective is to present the methodology and

research design.

Experimental Design

The experimental research in this study is primarily concerned on determining the soil

consistencies of different soil samples from selected areas. The researchers will determine the

soil consistencies using 1 sample for liquid limit test and plastic limit test and 1 sample for

shrinkage limit test.


In order to conduct this study, the soil was collected in its natural state from a depth of

1.0 – 1.5 meters. It is obtained from 8 barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas. The researcher

conducted the Atterberg limit test on the soil samples to determine the soil consistency.



1. Weigh a tin cup including its cover; identify the cover and its lid. Determine the weight of
the tin cup.

2. Place a representative sample of wet soil in the cup. Determine the weight of wet soul

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and tin cup.

3. Place the sample in the oven for at least 3 hours.

4. When the sample has dried to constant weight, obtain the weight of cup and dry soil.

5. Compute the water content. The difference between weight of wet soil plus cup and
weight of dry soil plus cup is the weight of water (W w). Also compute the weight of dry
soil (W s).

6. To determine the water content (%).

7. % = W w/Ws × 100
8. Repeat until three (3) trials are achieved. Determine the average moisture content.


Liquid Limit test

1. Weigh about 200g of the provided air-dried soil sample passing sieve no. 40

2. Add amount of water using squeeze bottle.

3. Mix the soil sample until it appears uniform. A proper blending could take up to 20

4. Before using the casagrande, inspect the apparatus to ensure it is in good working
condition, clean and dry the brass cup and set up the device.

5. Using the 1cm. block at the end of the grooving tool, adjust the height of the fall to
exactly 1 centimeter.

6. On the brass cup, place a portion of the previously mixed soil sample. Smooth the

7. Using the grooving tool, cut a groove at the middle.

8. Turn the handle of the device at a rate of 2 revolutions per second. Count the number of
blows until the two halves of the soil specimen come in contact at the bottom of the
groove along a distance of 12mm due to flow and not by sliding.

9. Take a portion of soil from the brass cup and place it to the tin cup. Then, repeat the
procedure 6-9 to at least 2-4 trials by adding certain amount of water to other soil

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10. Determine the moisture content by placing the sample in a tared aluminum can. Oven
dry the samples at 110C to a constant weight and weigh after cooling.

Plastic limit test

1. Take about 100g of air dried soil from a thoroughly mixed sample of the soil passing
sieve no. 40. Roll it with fingers or palm of hand on a glass plate. The rate of rolling
should be between 80 to 90 strokes per minute to form a 3mm diameter

2. When the diameter of the thread reaches the correct diameter, break the thread into
several pieces.

3. Continue the process of re-balling and rerolling until the thread crumbles under pressure
required for rolling and soil sample can no longer be rolled into threads.

4. Gather portions of the crumbled soil and place in a tin can and weigh about 15g used to
determine the moisture content. Repeat procedure 2-4 to at least 3 trials.

5. Place the tin cups with crumbled threads in oven. Maintain the temperature at 110o C.
After determining the average of the moisture content. The result is the plastic limit of
the soil.

Shrinkage limit test

1. Weigh the shrinkage dish (W sd). Fill the shrinkage dish with water and weigh again
(W sd+water). Determine the volume (V) by getting the difference of W sd+water and W sd and divide it
by the unit weight of water.

V = (W sd+water - Wsd) / γ w

2. Grease the inside surface of the shrinkage dish. Place a small portion of the soil pat and
carefully tap the dish to allow the soil pat to flow at the edges. Repeat again until the whole
shrinkage dish is filled. Strike of the excess soil using a straight edge. Record the mass of the
soil and dish.

3. Allow the soil to dry into the air until its color turns from dark to light. Oven dry the sample
to the oven kept at 105 oC. Record the mass of the soil and shrinkage dish. Determine the

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weight of the dry soil (mdry). Determine its moisture content.

4. Securely tie the soil pat in a sewing thread. Immerse the soil in molten wax. Allow the wax
coating to cool. Determine the mass of the soil with wax (m dry+wax). Determine the mass of the
wax (mwax). Determine its volume by dividing the mass with the unit weight of the wax (V wax).

Vwax = (mdry+wax - mdry) / γ wax

5. Using a spring balance, determine the mass of the soil and wax in air (m swa). Immerse the
soil and wax in water and determine its mass in water (msww). Determine the volume of the wax
and soil using the formula:

Vsoil+wax = (mswa-msww)/ γ w

6. Determine the dry volume of soil (Vd) by the difference of the Vsoil+wax and Vwax.

7. Calculate the shrinkage limit of the soil using the formula:

SL = w – (V-Vd) γ w/ms

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This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data gathered whose
main objective is to find out the Soil Consistency (Plastic limit, Liquid limit and Shrinkage limit)
in 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas.

4.1 Data gathered in 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas:

Table 4.1.1 SUBIC-ILAYA (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35

No of blows 20 25 32

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 44 g 49 g 50 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 11.25 g 6.25 g 5.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 18.75 g 23.75 g 24.75 g

Water Content (w) 62.93 % 26.316 % 21.212 %

Liquid Limit 59 %

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Figure 4.1.1 Liquid Limit (Subic – Ilaya):





30.00% LIMIT


0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.1 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 62.93%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 26.16%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 21.212%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Subic Ilaya is 59.00% and the soil sample is in liquid state.

Table 4.1.2 SUBIC-ILAYA (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 138 g 140 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 13 g 15 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 36.74 g 39.63 g

Water Content (w) 13.003 % 15.038 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 14.036 %

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Table 4.1.3 SUBIC-ILAYA (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Data Description Data

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 46.12

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 556.98 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.344

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 12.97

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 56

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 43.65

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.35

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.96

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 18.18

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.2.1 PANHULAN (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35

No of blows 18 28 33

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 48 g 50 g 53 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 7.25 g 5.25 g 2.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 22.75 g 24.75 g 27.75 g

Water Content (w) 30.77 % 20.20 % 7.21 %

Liquid Limit 29.21 %

Figure 4.2.1 Liquid Limit (Panhulan):


15.00% LIMIT
0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.2 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 20.20%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 7.21%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Panhulan is 29.21% and the soil sample is in plastic state.

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Table 4.2.2 PANHULAN (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 137 g 140 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 12 g 15 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 35.43 g 39.57 g

Water Content (w) 12.03 % 15.038 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 13.534 %

Table 4.2.3 PANHULAN (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 46.97

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 57.25 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.867

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 12.86

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 56

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 43.52

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.48

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.61

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 17.21

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.3.1 SUBIC - IBABA (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35

No of blows 22 25 34

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 46 g 48 g 50 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 9.25 g 7.25 g 5.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 20.75 g 22.75 g 24.75 g

Water Content (w) 43.37 % 30.77 % 20.20 %

Liquid Limit 31.447 %

Figure 4.3.1 Liquid Limit Subic – Ibaba):






0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.3 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 43.37%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 20.20%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Subic Ibaba is 31.447% and the soil sample is in plastic state.

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Table 4.3.2 SUBIC - IBABA (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 136 g 141 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 11 g 16 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 34.23 g 35.74 g

Water Content (w) 11.028 % 16.040 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 13.534 %

Table 4.3.3 SUBIC - IBABA (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 47.77

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 58.06 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.978

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 12.94

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 58

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 45.08

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.92

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.94

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 19.41

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.4.1 SANTO TOMAS (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35

No of blows 19 25 28

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 45 g 47 g 51 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 10.25 g 8.25 g 4.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 19.25 g 21.75 g 25.75 g

Water Content (w) 51.70 % 37.93 % 16.505 %

Liquid Limit 35.378 %

Figure 4.4.1 Liquid Limit (Santo Tomas):


0 10 20 30

In Figure 4.1.4 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 51.70%, and oil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 37.93%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 16.505%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Santo Tomas is 35.378% and the soil sample is in plastic state.

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Table 4.4.2 SANTO TOMAS (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 133 g 136 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 8g 11 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 37.67 g 33.84 g

Water Content (w) 8.020 % 11.028 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 9.524 %

Table 4.3.3 SANTO TOMAS (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 37.38

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.48

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 11.92

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 57

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 44.31

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.69

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.21

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 22.25

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.5.1 BAGONG SIKAT (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35

No of blows 15 29 34

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 44 g 49 g 50 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 11.25 g 6.25 g 5.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 18.75 g 23.75 g 24.75 g

Water Content (w) 60 % 26.316 % 21.212 %

Liquid Limit 35.843 %

Figure 4.5.1 Liquid Limit (Bagong Sikat):


0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.5 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 51.70%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 37.93%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 16.505%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Bagong Sikat is 35.843% and the soil sample is in plastic state.

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Table 4.5.2 BAGONG SIKAT (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 138 g 141 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 13 g 16 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 35.43 g 37.64 g

Water Content (w) 13.033 % 16.040 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 14.537 %

Table 4.5.3 BAGONG SIKAT (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 46.32

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 55.79 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.667

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 11.87

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 55

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 42.9

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.07

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.34

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 18.15

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.6.1 SAN TEODORO (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35

No of blows 18 23 30

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 47 g 48 g 52 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 8.25 g 7.25 g 3.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 21.75 g 22.75 g 26.75 g

Water Content (w) 37.93 % 31.87 % 12.15 %

Liquid Limit 27.317 %

Figure 4.6.1 Liquid Limit (San Teodoro):






0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.6 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 43.47%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 20.20%. Therefore, the liquid limit of San Teodoro is 27.317% and the soil sample is in plastic state.

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Table 4.4.2 SAN TEODORO (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 133 g 135 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 8g 10 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 37.23 g 39.99 g

Water Content (w) 8% 10.025 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 9.0125 %

Table 4.3.3 SAN TEODORO (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 47.05

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.07

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 12.12

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 60

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 47.6

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.4

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.39

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 8.53

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.7.1 PANSIPIT (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35

No of blows 18 20 30

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 46 g 49 g 50 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 10 g 6.25 g 5.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 20 g 23.75 g 24.75 g

Water Content (w) 50 % 26.31 % 21.212 %

Liquid Limit 39 %

Figure 4.7.1 Liquid Limit (Pansipit):


0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.7 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 43.37%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 20.20%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Pansipit is 39% and the soil sample is in plastic state.

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Table 4.7.2 PANSIPIT (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 139 g 141 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 14 g 16 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 36.57 g 38.65 g

Water Content (w) 14.035 % 16.040 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 15.038 %

Table 4.7.3 PANSIPIT (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 44.43

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & Volume of wax (Vmax) 3.19

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 12.88

Volume of Soil

Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 55

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 46.1

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 13.9

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.71

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 28.43

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.8.1 CORAL (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit

Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35

No of blows 19 25 33

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 44 g 48 g 50 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 11.25 g 7.25 g 5.25 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 18.75 g 22.75 g 24.75 g

Water Content (w) 60 % 31.87 % 21.212 %

Liquid Limit 53 %

Figure 4.8 Liquid Limit (Coral):


0 10 20 30 40

In Figure 4.1.8 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of 60%, and soil
sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 31.87%, and for soil sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a
water content of 21.212%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Coral is 53.00% and the soil sample is in liquid state.

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Table 4.8.2 CORAL (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 133 g 136 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 8g 11 g

Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 37.67 g 33.84 g

Water Content (w) 8.020 % 11.028 %

Plastic Limit (Average) 9.524 %

Table 4.8.3 CORAL (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit

Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3

Volume of Shrinkage Dish X Volume of Wax X

Weight of Shrinkage Dish (Wsd) 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + wax) 45.06

Weight of Shrinkage Dish & Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.11

Water (Wsd + water)

Volume of Shrinkage Dish (V) 11.59

Volume of Soil X

Water Content X Mass of the soil & wax in air (mswa) 58

Wt of tin cup (mc) Mass of soil & wax in water (mmsww) 45.8

Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + ws) Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + soil) 12.2

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (mc + dc) Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.09

Wt. of water (mv)

Wt. of dry soil (mdry) Shrinkage Limit (SL) 15.14

Water Content (w)

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Table 4.9 Computed Values of the 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas

Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Shrinkage Limit
SUBIC-ILAYA 10.5 59% 14.04% 18.18%
PANHULAN 21.07 29.21% 13.53% 17.21%
SUBIC - IBABA 11.48 31.45% 13.53% 19.41%
SANTO TOMAS 13.45 35.38% 9.52% 22.25%
BAGONG SIKAT 13.25 35.84% 14.54% 18.15%
SAN TEODORO 23.5 27.32% 9.01% 8.53%
PANSIPIT 11.01 39% 15.04% 28.43%
CORAL 10.7 53% 9.52% 15.14%

Figure 4.9

ANOVA - Single Factor

Alpha 0.05
Groups Count Sum Mean Variance
Column 1 8 114.96 14.37 25.49074286
Column 2 8 310.20% 38.77% 0.012972324
Column 3 8 98.74% 12.34% 0.000639509
Column 4 8 147.30% 18.41% 0.003228768

Source of
SS df MS F P-value F critical
1199.644933 3 399.8816442
62.70788369 1.52501E-12 2.946685266
Within Groups 178.5530842 28 6.376895864
Total 31

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Based on the trials in every sample that we obtained in Agoncillo Batangas, in subic ilaya the

liquid limit of this baranggay is 59% so it is more water content in this soil. So the mass has the

capacity to flow as liquid. In panhulan the liquid limit is 29.21% so it has less water content than in

subic-ilaya. In subic-ibaba the liquid limit is 31.447%. In bagong sikat the liquid limit is 35.853%. In

pansipit the liquid limit is 39%. In coral the liquid limit is 53%. These liquid limit defined between the

liquid and plastic states and as the lowest water content at which the mass has the capacity to flow as

liquid. So the Subic-Ilaya and Coral have a highest water content so the strength of this soil is poor

because it has a high water content compare to the Panhulan, bagong Sikat, Subic-Ibaba, and pansipit

has a less water content so we can say that the strength of this soil is high compare to the Subic-Ilaya

and coral because it is lesser a water content. This type of soil is fine-grained soil that good to use in

constructing a house or infrastructure. In San Teodoro the liquid limit is 27.317%. In Santo Tomas the

liquid limit is 35.378%. this type of soil is clay so its not good to use in constructing a buildings.

In plastic limit, it discussed between the plastic and semi-solid states and is defined as the lowest

water content at which a mass can be easily moulded. In Santo Tomas the plastic limit is 9.524%. In

Bagong Sikat the plastic limit is 14.537%. In San Teodoro the plastic limit is 38.61%. In Pansipit the

plastic limit is 15.038%. In coral the plastic limit is 10.527%. In Panhulan the plastic limit is 13.534%. In

Subic-Ibaba the plastic limit is 13.534%. In Subic-ilaya 14.036%. we can say easily that the San

teodoro is a semi-solid-state soil, so it has a good factor to use in constructing a building unlike the rest

that in the plastic state.

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Shrinkage limit of fine-grained soils is one of the parameters that are used for predicting the

volume stability of soils in the field. In we did the shringkage dish the pansipit have 28.43%, sto tomas

that have 22.25%, san teodoro have 8.53%. we conclude that the other barangay is consistent in the

stability and making the pansipit got the highest rate and more stabilized than the other and making

the san teodoro is the lowest rate of the stability of soil. In terms of stability we can say that pansipit will

give them satisfaction and if the wanted to build infrastructures in san teodoro we can say that it needs

a soil stability to help them more efficient and good quality of soil.


Based on the findings and conclusion presented the following recommendation are suggested:

1. The researcher recommend that you can also use the fall cone method in order to compare the

results in determining the liquid limit using Casagrande method.

2. The researcher recommends that in order to get accurate result, you need to consider all the

barangays in that particular places.

3. The researcher recommends that for further investigation about the soil consistency Agoncillo

Batangas they should consider different types of method.

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Water content Computation:

30.55 𝑔− 18.75 𝑔 30 𝑔− 23.75 𝑔

Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 62.93 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 26.316 %
18.75 𝑔 23.75 𝑔

30 𝑔− 24.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 21.212 %
24.75 𝑔

Liquid Limit:
62.93 + 26.316 + 21.212
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 59.00 %

Plastic Limit:
13.003 + 15.038
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 14.036 %

Plasticity Index:
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 59 − 14.036

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟒𝟒. 𝟗𝟔 %

Water content Computation:
29.75 𝑔− 22.75 𝑔 29.75 𝑔 − 24.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 30.77 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 20.20 %
22.75 𝑔 24.75 𝑔

29.75 𝑔−27.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 7.21 %
27.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
30.77 + 20.20 + 7.21
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 29.21 %

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Plastic Limit:
12.03 + 15.038
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 13.534 %

Plasticity Index:
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 29.21 − 13.534

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟔𝟖 %


Water content Computation:

29.75 𝑔− 20.75 𝑔 29.75 𝑔 − 22.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 43.37 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 30.77 %
20.75 𝑔 22.75 𝑔

29.75 𝑔−24.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 20.20 %
24.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
43.37 + 30.77 + 20.20
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 31.447 %

Plastic Limit:

11.028 + 16.040
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 13.534 %

Plasticity Index:

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 31.447 − 13.534

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟏𝟕. 𝟗𝟏𝟑 %

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Water content Computation:

30 𝑔− 19.25 𝑔 30 𝑔−21.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 51.70 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 37.93 %
19.26 𝑔 21.75 𝑔

30 𝑔−25.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 16.505 %
25.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
51.70 + 37.93 + 16. .505
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 35.378 %

Plastic Limit:

8.020 + 11.028
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 9.524 %

Plasticity Index:

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 35.378 − 9.524

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟐𝟓. 𝟖𝟓𝟒 %

Water content Computation:

30 𝑔− 18.75 𝑔 30 𝑔−21.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 51.70 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 37.93 %
18.75 𝑔 21.75 𝑔

30 𝑔−25.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 16.505 %
25.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
51.70 + 37.93 + 16.505
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 35.843 %

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Plastic Limit:

13.033 + 16.040
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 14.537 %

Plasticity Index:

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 35.843 − 14.537

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟐𝟏. 𝟑𝟎𝟔 %

Water content Computation:
29.75 𝑔− 20.75 𝑔 29.75 𝑔 − 22.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 43.37 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 30.77 %
20.75 𝑔 22.75 𝑔

29.75 𝑔−24.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 20.20 %
24.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
43.37 + 30.77 + 20.20
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 27.317 %

Plastic Limit:

8.00 + 10.025
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 9.0125 %

Plasticity Index:

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 27.317 − 9.0125

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟏𝟖. 𝟑𝟎𝟒𝟓 %

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Water content Computation:
29.75 𝑔− 20.75 𝑔 29.75 𝑔 − 22.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 43.37 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 30.77 %
20.75 𝑔 22.75 𝑔

29.75 𝑔−24.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 20.20 %
24.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
43.37 + 30.77 + 20.20
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 39 %

Plastic Limit:

14.035 + 16.040
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 15.038 %

Plasticity Index:

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 39 − 15.038

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟐𝟑. 𝟗𝟔𝟐 %

Water content Computation:
29.75 𝑔− 18.75 𝑔 29.75 𝑔 − 22.75
Sample 1: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 60 % Sample 2: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 31.87 %
18.75 𝑔 22.75 𝑔

29.75 𝑔−24.75 𝑔
Sample 3: 𝑊 = 𝑥 100 = 21.212 %
24.75 𝑔
Liquid Limit:
60 + 31.87 + 21.212
𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Liquid Limit = 53.00 %

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Plastic Limit:

8.020 + 11.028
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 =

Plastic Limit = 9.524 %

Plasticity Index:

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝐿 − 𝑃𝐿

= 53 − 9.524

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 = 𝟒𝟑. 𝟒𝟕𝟔%

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