Manual D00125190 1 PDF
Manual D00125190 1 PDF
Manual D00125190 1 PDF
This document contains information that was believed correct at the date of issue.
There may be a more up to date document on the Sperry-Sun web site.
This operation manual covers the Sperry-Sun Geo-Pilot Rotary Steerable System 7600 system
(6-3/4"/171mm nominal OD) and 9600 series (9 5/8"244mm) tools.
Manual Version 1 2003 © 30/11/03 Sperry-Sun Drilling Services Downhole Tool Development
Group, Nisku, Alberta, Canada
are trademarks of Halliburton Energy Services Inc.
1 SAFETY .................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 OPERATOR SAFETY ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Lithium hazard .........................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Pressurized fluids ....................................................................................................................1
1.1.3 Weight of tool...........................................................................................................................1
1.1.4 Sharp threads...........................................................................................................................1
1.2 TOOL SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Clamp ......................................................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Lithium battery pack ................................................................................................................1
1.2.3 Seal failure...............................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Temperature ............................................................................................................................2
1.2.5 Vibration ..................................................................................................................................2
1.2.6 Length of use............................................................................................................................2
1.2.7 Damage and wear to the outside of the tool ............................................................................2
1.2.8 Thread damage ........................................................................................................................2
1.2.9 Electronic connection ..............................................................................................................2
1.2.10 Tong damage ...........................................................................................................................2
1.2.11 Fishing requirements ...............................................................................................................3
2 DESCRIPTION OF THE GEO-PILOT ..............................................................................................4
2.1 THE SYSTEM’S ADVANTAGES ...........................................................................................................4
2.2 HOW THE GEO-PILOT STEERS ...........................................................................................................4
2.3 HOW THE GEO-PILOT’S TOOLFACE IS CONTROLLED .........................................................................5
2.4 THE COMPLETE DRILLING PACKAGE ................................................................................................5
3 RIG SET UP...........................................................................................................................................6
3.1 SHIPPED GOODS ...............................................................................................................................6
3.2 THE LITHIUM BATTERY PACK LOG ....................................................................................................6
3.2.1 Checking the battery log ..........................................................................................................6
3.2.2 Battery pack failure .................................................................................................................6
3.3 PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE TOOL ................................................................................................6
3.3.1 Measure oil level .....................................................................................................................6
3.3.2 Check rollers & Avoiding Damage ..........................................................................................6
4 SETTING UP TO RUN IN HOLE .......................................................................................................8
4.1 SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY ..............................................................................................................8
4.1.1 Surface and Downhole Software Compatibility table ..............................................................8
4.2 GEO-PILOT CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................9
4.2.1 Scope of the following set-up procedures ................................................................................9
4.2.2 Bottom hole assembly configuration........................................................................................9
4.2.3 Rig Floor Offset .....................................................................................................................10
4.3 CONFIDENCE TEST .........................................................................................................................11
4.3.1 Electronics Confidence Test Available in INSITE. ................................................................11
4.4 DOWNLOAD SCREEN SETUP ...........................................................................................................13
4.4.1 Tdelay ....................................................................................................................................13
4.4.2 Temperature Sample Period ..................................................................................................13
4.4.3 Toolface/Azimuthal Gamma Sample Period ..........................................................................13
4.4.4 Brake/Clutch Slip Rate Sample Period).................................................................................14
4.4.5 Housing Slip Rate Sample Period ..........................................................................................14
4.4.6 Threshold for RPM ON ..........................................................................................................14
Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
4.4.7 Resume Previous Toolface Timeout .......................................................................................14
4.4.8 Percent Deflection Steering Mode .........................................................................................14
4.4.9 Max ABI G total error ..............................................................................................................14
4.4.10 Bit Toolface Sample Rate.......................................................................................................15
4.4.11 Sample Rate for Diagnostic Values .......................................................................................15
4.4.12 DM Toolface Age ...................................................................................................................15
4.4.13 Mode B Gamma Off Delay ....................................................................................................15
4.5 REAL -TIME DATA TRANSMISSION .................................................................................................15
4.5.1 DS – Deflection Setting..........................................................................................................17
4.5.2 TT - Toolface setting ..............................................................................................................17
4.5.3 RI - GP inclination ................................................................................................................17
4.5.4 RD - GP deflection ................................................................................................................17
4.5.5 RR - GP rpm ..........................................................................................................................17
4.5.6 RG - GP G total ........................................................................................................................18
4.5.7 RB - GP battery current.........................................................................................................18
4.5.8 RT - GP battery voltage .........................................................................................................18
4.5.9 RS - GP status ........................................................................................................................18
4.5.10 DF – DM/GP toolface/“The Smart Toolface”.......................................................................19
4.5.11 DDS Download Thresholds ...................................................................................................20
4.6 SAMPLE VDF DEFINITIONS DOWNLOAD SCREEN ...........................................................................21
4.7 A TYPICAL VDF DOWNLOAD LIST.................................................................................................22
5 MONITORING GEO-PILOT PERFORMANCE ............................................................................23
5.1 CUSTOMER PRESENTATIONS ..........................................................................................................23
5.2 EOW LOG REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................23
5.3 RECOMMENDED REAL TIME LOG SET-UP .......................................................................................24
5.4 RECOMMENDED RECORDED LOG SET-UP .......................................................................................25
5.5 REAL TIME DISPLAY ......................................................................................................................26
5.6 OIL STATUS ....................................................................................................................................27
5.7 DDU ..............................................................................................................................................28
6 CONTROLLING THE GEO-PILOT ................................................................................................29
6.1 DOWNLINK CONTROL.....................................................................................................................29
6.2 CRUISE CONTROL ...........................................................................................................................29
6.2.1 Inclination within Tolerance..................................................................................................29
6.2.2 Inclination ouside Tolerance .................................................................................................30
6.2.3 Starting, Stopping and Running the Cruise Algorithm ..........................................................30
6.3 MANUAL CONTROL ........................................................................................................................31
6.3.1 Deflection Off ........................................................................................................................31
6.3.2 Alignment Toolface and turn Deflection On ..........................................................................31
6.3.3 Deflection On To Previous Setting ........................................................................................32
6.4 TOOL CONTROL FLOW-CHART .......................................................................................................33
6.5 FINDING THE “HOME” POSITION ...................................................................................................34
6.6 VERTICAL KICK-OFF ......................................................................................................................34
6.7 ADDITIONAL NOTES .......................................................................................................................34
6.7.1 Software locking up – Reading the tool standalone...............................................................34
7 RECOMMENDED RUNNING PROCEDURES ..............................................................................36
7.1 PICKING UP TOOL............................................................................................................................36
7.1.1 Brace......................................................................................................................................36
7.1.2 Flex collar .............................................................................................................................36
7.2 TRIPPING IN ....................................................................................................................................36
7.2.1 Setting deflection ...................................................................................................................36
7.2.2 Seal lubrication......................................................................................................................36
7.3 DISPLACING FLUIDS: ......................................................................................................................37
7.4 INSIDE THE CASING: .......................................................................................................................37
Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
7.4.1 Before starting to drill ...........................................................................................................37
7.4.2 Drilling cement, float and shoe track ....................................................................................37
7.5 RATHOLE:.......................................................................................................................................37
7.6 TRIPPING AND REAMING IN & OUT OF OPEN HOLE ..........................................................................38
7.6.1 Tight hole conditions .............................................................................................................38
7.7 REAMING IN HOLE (EXPECTING TIGHT HOLE)..................................................................................38
7.7.1 Tight hole ...............................................................................................................................38
7.8 OPEN HOLE DRILLING: ....................................................................................................................38
7.8.1 Good drilling procedures ......................................................................................................38
7.8.2 Backreaming, or an interruption to drilling in an open hole-hole ........................................39
7.9 OPEN HOLE SIDETRACKS ................................................................................................................39
7.10 GENERAL INFORMATION: ...............................................................................................................39
7.10.1 Superior hole quality .............................................................................................................39
7.10.2 Entering sections with FullDrift systems ...............................................................................39
8 TROUBLESHOOTING & POST RUN ANALYSIS........................................................................40
8.1 DOWNHOLE SIGNS OF A BAD TOOL ................................................................................................40
8.2 REALTIME ERROR CODES ...............................................................................................................41
8.3 PHYSICAL SURFACE CHECKS OOH ................................................................................................41
8.4 GEO-PILOT PARAMETER REPORT ...................................................................................................42
8.4.1 Sample Geo-Pilot Parameter Report .....................................................................................42
8.4.2 Definitions for the Geo-Pilot Parameter Report Terms .........................................................46
8.5 OTHER DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION IN MEMORY ............................................................................51
8.6 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ...........................................................................................................52
9 DEMOBILISATION ...........................................................................................................................55
9.1 CLEANING/PREPARATIONS BEFORE SHIPPING .................................................................................55
9.1.1 Compensator cavity ...............................................................................................................55
9.1.2 Mud Invaded Tools ................................................................................................................55
9.1.3 Acidised Tools........................................................................................................................55
9.1.4 Threads ..................................................................................................................................55
9.1.5 Coloured tape ........................................................................................................................55
9.1.6 Battery log sheet ....................................................................................................................55
9.1.7 Geo-Pilot Perceived Problem & Peformance Report ............................................................56
9.1.8 Memory Data / Images ..........................................................................................................56
9.2 TRANSPORTATION ..........................................................................................................................56
9.3 SHIPPING DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................56
9.3.1 Documentation for Geo-Pilot shipment .................................................................................56
9.3.2 Shipping by air.......................................................................................................................57
9.3.3 Documentation Installation and Labeling .............................................................................57
10 FIELD SERVICING .......................................................................................................................58
10.1 OIL REFILL PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................58
10.1.1 Geo-Pilot Compensator piston measuring device .................................................................59
10.1.2 To measure the compensator piston position.........................................................................59
10.1.3 Before refilling with oil past the three inch mark ..................................................................59
10.1.4 Refilling a tool after use ........................................................................................................59
10.1.5 Tools that have sent a low or no oil status.............................................................................61
10.1.6 Blocked relief valve ...............................................................................................................61
10.2 ROLLER CHANGE PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................62
10.2.1 Removal of the Carriages ......................................................................................................62
10.2.2 Preparation and Installation of Carriage Assemblies ...........................................................63
11 APPENDICES..................................................................................................................................70
Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Figure 1 The point the bit concept ....................................................................................................4
Figure 2 Geo-Pilot INSITE Confidence Test ................................................................................. 11
Figure 3 Geo-Pilot Download Screen ............................................................................................ 13
Figure 4 Geo-Pilot RPM Sensor .................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5 DF TF Logic ..................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 6 Sample VDF Definitions Screen ...................................................................................... 21
Figure 7 VDF Download Example ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 8 Recommended RT Log Display ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 9 Recommended Recorded Log Display ........................................................................... 25
Figure 10 Real Time Display ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 11 DDU Display .................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 12 Geo-Pilot Downhole Manual Control Flow Chart .......................................................... 33
Figure 13 Double Hits on Clutch.................................................................................................... 51
Figure 14Tool repsonse with only one eccentric working.............................................................. 54
Figure 15 Measuring the Oil Level................................................................................................. 58
Figure 16 Oil Level Dipstick ........................................................................................................... 59
Figure 17 7600 Series Reference Stabilizer Roller assembly ....................................................... 62
Table 1 Software Compatability........................................................................................................8
Table 2 Uplink Items ...................................................................................................................... 16
Table 3 Recommended Set up for DDS Limits ............................................................................. 20
Table 4 Recommended RT Plot Set-up ........................................................................................ 24
Table 5 Recommended Recorded Plot Set-up .............................................................................. 25
Table 6 Determining Oil Status from INSITE ................................................................................. 27
Table 7 Downlinkable Commands ................................................................................................. 29
Table 8 Cruise Control Commands ............................................................................................... 30
Table 9 Trouble Shooting Guide.................................................................................................... 53
Appendix A Tool Specifications Sheet ........................................................................................ 71
Appendix B Geo-Pilot Performance / Perceived Problem Report ................................................ 73
Appendix C Geo-Pilot Battery Log................................................................................................ 75
Appendix D Standard Field Toolkits ............................................................................................. 76
Appendix E Standard BHA Configurations ................................................................................... 77
Appendix F SPE 74458: Robotic Controlled Drilling: A New Rotary Steerable Drilling System
for the Oil and Gas Industry ................................................................................................... 94
Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 1-Safety
1 Safety
1.1 Operator safety
Ensure that relevant PPE equipment is worn at all times to avoid any injury.
Never use the clamp to lift the Geo-Pilot. The clamp is aluminium and not
designed to take the weight of the whole Geo-Pilot. Any attachment points on the
clamp are only to be used to lift the clamp alone.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 1-Safety
• The battery section is hot to the touch
• Gases are venting from the tool
• There are signs of heat damage specifically in the battery pack area
• The battery has low or no voltage
Water is particularly dangerous when brought into contact with a failing battery pack. Follow
district guidelines for handling a failed lithium battery pack, or contact the document centre on the
Sperry-Sun web site for the correct procedure.
The tool cannot be airfreighted while the battery is discharged, although surface transportation is
Note: A new series of tools with field replaceable/removable batteries will alter these guidelines.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 1-Safety
circumstances are the connections on the tool to be torqued or checked at the rigsite.
This may upset the internal tolerances in the tool, and result in tool malfunction, and/or damage.
There should be no need to grip the tool with tongs on any places other than the lower pin end of
the driveshaft and the repeater sub, and the top/bottom of the flex joint.
1.2.11 Fishing requirements
Always measure the tool before making up the string. The length and relative position of the sub
components of the tool will vary slightly over time as cut backs are made.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 2-Description of the Geo-Pilot
The Geo-Pilot is designed with the concept of bending a shaft to point the bit in the direction that
the hole should be steered. The bendable shaft runs inside a slowly-rotating control housing. A
reference stabilizer with friction carriages prevents the control housing from freely rotating with
the drillstring and provides a stable reference from which the tool can work.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 2-Description of the Geo-Pilot
The heart of the tool is the bias unit that resides inside the lower part of the housing. The bias unit
is made up of two eccentric rings that bend the shaft that runs through the tool. An upper
cantilever bearing and a lower focal bearing support the shaft section that runs through the bias
unit. When the shaft is bent the cantilever bearing acts as fixed point not allowing the shaft to
bend above it. The focal bearing allows the bit box on the end of the shaft to be tilted in the
opposite direction to the eccentrics. This gives the operator 360° of positional control for the
toolface selection. By positioning the eccentric rings appropriately any bend magnitude from zero
to full deflection can be attained.
2.3 How the Geo-Pilot’s Toolface is controlled
To control the toolface the Geo-Pilot utilises a tri-axial accelerometer stack located inside the
At-Bit-Inclination (ABI) insert. The ABI tracks the Geo-Pilot housing toolface relative to the high
side of the hole. The downhole software inside the Geo-Pilot monitors the relative position of the
housing, and also the position of the eccentric rings relative to this highside and thus controls the
tool. When the Geo-Pilot calculates that either the toolface or percentage deflection has drifted
out of the target range; the Geo-Pilot will automatically rotate one or both of the eccentric rings to
bring the actual value back into the target range.
In order to maintain the position of the eccentric rings each eccentric has a home sensor and two
quad counters. At the home position, the tool knows the precise location of the eccentric ring
relative to the ABI and can re-calibrate its position tracked by the algorithm. The quad counters
are used to monitor how far the rings have been moved, and thus the tool can calculate the
relative position of the eccentric rings at all times.
2.4 The Complete Drilling Package
The Geo-Pilot is part of an integrated drilling package consisting of the Geo-Pilot, a Geo-Span
Downlink system, a Sperry-Sun MWD system, INSITE and a SDBS Extended Gauge Bit.
The MWD pulser is used to transmit information back to the surface from the Geo-Pilot through
the normal VDF data lists. Either MPT negative pulse telemetry or P4M positive pulse telemetry
can be used. As a minimum, the MWD tools must contain a DM directional probe, an HCIM and
for operations using downlink, a PWD sensor.
The Geo-Span Downlink system (or Downlink skid) creates a brief negative pressure pulse in the
drilling mud without interrupting the drilling process. Advantages of the Geo-Span Downlink
System include:
• the signal transmission time is significantly shortened. (Max approx 90 seconds)
• drilling is not interrupted. – on the fly transmission on bottom is possible
• uplink communication is not interrupted. – no gaps in the real time logs
Approximately 15 per cent of the drilling fluids pass through the Geo-Span Downlink skid. By
controlling a valve a brief pressure drop in the downstream drill fluid is generated. The pressure
drop generates a low frequency pulse that is transmitted through the drilling fluid and is detected
by the PWD bore pressure transducer. The pulses encode signals using pulse position
The operation of the Geo-Span system is outside the scope of this manual, and addressed in a
separate field operations manual. (SSDS p/n 074336)
Integral to the performance of the system is also an extended gauge bit, either PDC or Roller
Cone. If a roller cone bit is used, then a sleeve must be used to convert the bit to give an
equivalent long gauge performance. The point the bit Geo-Pilot concept will not work with a short
gauge bit.
A more comprehensive description of the tool can be found in “SPE 74458: Robotic Controlled
Drilling: A New Rotary Steerable Drilling System for the Oil and Gas Industry” located in the
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 3-Rig Set Up
3 Rig Set Up
3.1 Shipped Goods
On arrival at the rig-site ensure that you have all the necessary items required for the job. This
will include suitably configured MWD strings, bits, a Geo-Span skid, surface plumbing gear and
field support kits. With additional connections to make offshore, the FE kit should be expanded to
include and increased number of CIM hanger adapter tips, Teflon spacers and test cables.
on the size of tool. The typical drain on capacity is about 0.12 amp-hours, if the
tool is powered and not firing the clutches. Since the tool will almost always fire its
clutches, the battery log should always error on the side of having enough reserve
to cover the job.
A new battery will typically be sufficient for 200 hours of steering.
This drain will go up if the Gamma ABI is installed in the tool. These numbers apply to ABI only
When testing the Geo-Pilot, confirm that the battery pack voltage is correct. (20Vdc)
Note: See the next section for the procedure if-
• The voltage is not correct.
• The battery compartment is venting or there are signs of heat.
• The Geo-Pilot suddenly fails in the hole.
3.2.2 Battery pack failure
If a Geo-Pilot fails in the hole or on surface, if its voltage is too low or if there are signs of heat or
venting, or have any other reason to suspect a battery problem, you should -
• Have a hazardous lithium battery kit ready before lifting the Geo-Pilot above the rotary table.
• Clear the area and proceed as per standard MWD procedure.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 3-Rig Set Up
The tool should be transported in such a manner that the rollers are protected from damage –
e.g. shipping basket or cradle. Also when laid on the deck the Geo-Pilot should be supported on
timber or tool racks so that the tool is not resting on the roller assemblies.
There are 2 different roller profiles available; standard and salt. The salt rollers have a sharper
profile, and give more rotational resistance. They are however more liable to chipping. Ensure
that the tool is dressed with rollers suitable style to the proposed application.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
The following table shows the current software that is compatible for the Geo-Pilot system. For
the latest versions release subsequent to the manual, please refer to Sperryweb software
compatibility pages. The Geo-Pilot can be configured to run with either negative (MPT) or
positive (P4M) pulse telemetry systems. Both systems can be run together with the Geo-Span
Minimum version
Software Versions
Geo-Pilot 3.10
PWD 3.70
HCIM 66.37
SDC 1.28
INSITE 5.3.5+
• The Geo-Pilot must currently be run in conjunction with a DM directional
• To run the Geo-Span downlink, a PWD with correct software must be
present in the string
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
4.2 Geo-Pilot Configuration
4.2.1 Scope of the following set-up procedures
The following section concerns the Geo-Pilot and the INSITE surface system. There are
references specific to INSITE release version 5.3.5. This manual assumes the user is familiar
with the basic operation of INSITE FEWD, downloading, reading, log generation / setup and
FEWD surface systems.
This section does not address the Geo-Span Downlink System.
Failing to properly stabilize the Configure the BHA will result in poor or
unpredictable dogleg performance, damage to the upper bearings, and eventually
lead to a tool failure.
All RLLs must be configured with a hard connect at bottom to connect into the Geo-Pilot flex
collar for bus communications. This generally requires a Box down connection on the RLL. For
non-box down configurations – e.g. directional-PWD and directional-PWD-DGR – an annular
connector conversion sub can be used to cross over to a box down configuration suitable for a
hard connect at bottom.
In addition, for assemblies where stabilisation would be problematic to place “in line stabilizers”
are available.
The Geo-Pilot has a reference stabilizer on the tool body and no other stabilization features.
The first stabilizer in the string should be immediately above the flex collar and have a gauge of
8.405” (for 8 ½” hole). This will generally be a long pin/pin stabilizer with a hard connect through.
The next stabilizer should then be placed with a spacing of 20 to 35 feet (6.1 to 10.6metres) away
from this first stabilizer. In the case of triple combo strings this is generally the SLD stabilizer.
For non-triple combo, it will either be a pin/pin stab between the MPT and DM/PM sub, or a
stabilizer on top of the MPT/HOC, dependent upon the sensor configuration being run.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
The Rig Floor Directional Offset must be set to zero in the MWD Tool Parameters
The “Rig Floor Toolface Offset” must always be set to 0° in the Directional Info in MWD Tool
Parameters screen prior to your run. There is no rig floor offset to measure when picking up the
Geo-Pilot. If you enter any number here, INSITE will add the offset to the Smart Toolface value
coming up, but the Geo-Pilot assumes the value is always zero.
The software will not allow you to download the string with a non-zero rig floor offset.
Any value entered in here would result, in the case of manual steering cause the Geo-Pilot to drill
off in the wrong direction.
For downlinked commands, the Geo-Pilot toolface would not appear to have gone to the
downlinked value but be offset.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
The Geo-Pilot’s ABI highside is decoupled from the rest of the drill string. It calculates its own
gravity toolface constantly so there is no need for an offset and there is no need to perform a rig
floor toolface offset measurement with the Geo-Pilot in the string.
For a true confidence test, because the Geo-Pilot is an electronic and mechanical device, the tool
must be run on a beam so the performance of the mechanical parts can be assessed. This is not
currently possible outside of a level 1 repair and maintenance facility. An electronics and
communications test is available from within INSITE.
28-Feb-02 14:35:55
GP HC11 VERSION [] 3.10
BATTERY VOLTAGE [V] 18.000 20.000 22.000
CAPACITOR VOLTAGE [V] 18.000 21.021 22.000
QUIESCENT CURRENT [mA] 15.000 104.790 50.000 H
CLUTCHES ON CURRENT [mA] 800.000 1112.770 1200.000
SURVEY CURRENT [mA] 90.000 59.880 140.000 L
+14 VOLTAGE [V] 13.500 14.539 15.000
-14 VOLTAGE [V] -15.000 -15.040 -13.000 L
HOUSING TOOLFACE [] -180.000 -159.662 180.000
HOUSING INCLINATION [] 0.000 90.567 180.000
GTOTAL [] 0.980 1.001 1.020
UPPER CAM POSITION [] 0.000 0.000 360.000
LOWER CAM POSITION [] 0.000 0.000 360.000
BIT DEFLECTION [] 0.000 0.000 100.000
GP confidence test completed successfully.
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Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
In addition be aware that the 9600 series tools draw significantly less power with clutches on
(300mA per clutch) compared to the 7600 series tools. The limits in the confidence test do not
change to cope with the different limits between the different tool sizes.
The ABI response can be verified for highside, inclination and G total . There is a highside scribe
line on the top of the lower housing of the Geo-Pilot. (approximately two meters from the bottom
of the control housing).
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Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
On Geo-Pilots with Gamma at Bit Inclination sensors, this will also be the Gamma
Sample Period.
Limit the 9600 tool deflection to 80% under normal circumstances. Only downlink
to exceed this when required to meet the wellplan.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
Pilot housing. Measurements made with G total errors above this threshold are discarded and a
new measurement is attempted only after another toolface sample interval. A value of 50 milli-g
is recommended as default. Note that G total is not normalized for any local gravity variations.
• Too high of a value and the Geo-Pilot could start accepting bad toolface
measurements when vibration occurs.
• Too low a value could render the Geo-Pilot inoperable in a high vibration
environment as there will be no valid ABI readings on which to base the
current highside reference of the housing.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
The following table lists all the active variables important to the Geo-Pilot.
Note: For Geo-Span Downlink related variables see the Geo-Span Operations manual.
Geo-Pilot Battery
RB - GP battery current Current Consumed Periodic if at all 900 900
since download
Voltage of Geo-Pilot
RT - GP battery voltage Periodic if at all 900 900
Battery Insert
Very Slow Periodic if planning to use Cruise Control. Could have just
Inclination Setting Used
IS – Inclination Setting in start-up format and then track differences using Geo-Span
by Cruise Control
verification when changes are transmitted to Geo-Pilot
Cruise Control
Z3 ** Slow Periodic e.g 600s - Data Dependent upon cruise being active
Configuration Settings
Geo-Pilot Gamma At
GGA As FE Dictates if Gamma Sensor in Geo-Pilot
Bit Bank A
Geo-Pilot Gamma At
GGB As FE Dictates if Gamma Sensor in Geo-Pilot
Bit Bank B
Geo-Pilot Gamma At
GGC As FE Dictates if Gamma Sensor in Geo-Pilot
Bit Bank C
Geo-Pilot Gamma
GGT Must be sent with GGA, GGB, GGC Triad
Highside Toolface
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
NOTE - An ABI receiver may be present in the FEWD string. It will not interfere
with the Geo-Pilot ABI, as these respond at different addresses on the bus
4.5.4 RD - GP deflection
This is the current actual percent deflection of the Geo-Pilot bit tilt.
4.5.5 RR - GP rpm
This is the 15-second rolling averaged RPM value of the Geo-Pilot shaft. This is the differential
RPM of the shaft relative to the control housing.
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Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
4.5.6 RG - GP Gtotal
This is the G total for the Geo-Pilot ABI accelerometers. RG should ideally be sent together with
an RI transmission to ensure that the G total is related to an inclination measurement. Inclination
measurements and G total are updated every time the toolface is sampled within the Geo-Pilot.
4.5.7 RB - GP battery current
This is the Amp Hours Consumed by the Geo-Pilot battery and not the actual Geo-Pilot current.
The variable counts in two Amp-hour increments. An 8-1/2” Hole Geo-Pilot has a 48 Amp-hour
battery. A 12-1/4” hole Geo-Pilot has a 60 Amp-hour battery.
A mode switch of the HCIM will not reset the Geo-Pilot as it operates on its own power. The Geo-
Pilot will power down 30 minutes after there has ceased to be HCIM comms on the bus.
4.5.8 RT - GP battery voltage
This is the present battery voltage of the Geo-Pilot battery insert. The nominal battery voltage of
the Geo-Pilot is 20 Volts.
4.5.9 RS - GP status
This variable consists of eight “dummy lights” or status bits, with the logic described below. It is
worth noting that the Status Flags are summed using an “OR” function over the period between
transmissions of the list, such that several lights may light simultaneously, although the individual
events have been at different times.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
be barely within a quadrant. If the housing roll exceeds this 45 rolls per hour
threshold the Housing Roll and TF Tracking Error flags will be set and the tool will
abandon its attempts at TF correction (regardless of the maximum correction rate).
45 rolls per hour equates to 75% of maximum corrections rate at 180rpm on the
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Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
Deflection On/Off
Off On
Figure 5 DF TF Logic
The DDS should be set up in accordance to the OPTEC advisory limits. VC, AY and PY should
all be sent realtime. This will also pick up strong vibrations in the Y axis only, which would not be
seen in the VC item. All three items are data dependent pulsing parameters.
For 9600 Series tools the DDS thresholds should be set up as if running a 9 ½” LWD tool, even if
running an 8” MWD string. Refer to table below.
It is important that the vibration be actively monitored and where persistent vibration occurs,
parameters are adjusted to try to eliminate the downhole vibrations.
Further information regarding vibration tools and dealing with downhole vibration is available in
the DDS manual.
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Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
This screen shows a typical VDF definition table for a Geo-Pilot run, with triple combo, PWD,
downlink, and cruise control.
Make sure all relevant Geo-Pilot variables in Section 4.5 can be found in the definition table on
the left before proceeding with list creation.
• In the list V0, the actual deflection RD is as relevant as DF (smart toolface) when running the
Geo-Pilot since there is not a fixed bend and the deflection does vary in real-time downhole.
• Ensuring that both PW and BP are transmitted is the most accurate method to get the actual
pressure drop across the PWD for purposes of sizing the bypass jet in the Geo-Span
downlink skid
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 4-Setting Up to Run in Hole
4.7 A Typical VDF Download List
VDF list definitions are as per Figure 6 Sample VDF Definitions Screen.
In general, the most practical way to configure the list transmission is to keep all the Geo-Pilot
parameters as periodic transmissions, and FE as continuous format.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 5- Monitoring Geo-Pilot Performance
A DDU is normally sufficient for display of information on the rigfloor. However in contrast to
regular directional drilling operations with mud motors, other data presentations should be readily
available for viewing.
Since in addition, the directional driller will still have to run standard directional software such as
Compass or Drillquest, as a minimum an extra workstation should be provided, preferably with a
dual video capability.
In addition, it is strongly recommended that the PC for the direction driller be equipped with a
network card and INSITE, such that downlink control of the Geo-Pilot can be done from the
directional driller’s computer.
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Chapter 5- Monitoring Geo-Pilot Performance
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Chapter 5- Monitoring Geo-Pilot Performance
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Chapter 5- Monitoring Geo-Pilot Performance
The Geo-Pilot image contains more detailed information. A plot of these can be used to identify
problems encountered, and assess the general operating performance of the tool. Suggested
plot set-up is shown below. Much data is processed out into specific records, rather than being
grouped into the GP RT record. In addition it should be noted that the contents of some
record/variables has a completely different meaning between the realtime and recorded data,
such as the toolface in the GP toolface record.
There is a default real time display installed together with INSITE as shown below. This shows
most of the relevant parameters required to monitor the tool and drilling performance.
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Chapter 5- Monitoring Geo-Pilot Performance
The tool’s internal piston displacement transducer reflects the level of the oil reservoir inside the
tool. The oil in the tool is used to lubricate and protect all the mechanical parts. The transducer’s
position will be sent up in the Geo-Pilot status (RS) list.
Note: the Geo-Pilot status list must always be included in the download items,
transmitted in all modes
If the tool begins to report “Low Oil” or “Piston Position 1” status, then the tool has lost 90% of the
oil from its oil reservoir. If the “No Oil” or “Piston Position 2” status is achieved, then the positive
oil pressure within the tool has been lost, and it will be possible for mud to easily invade the tool.
Mud solids will damage the internal components, and result in escalated repair costs at best.
The unknown status definition “No Oil*” or “Position Unknown” will result when the No oil switch is
enabled without the Low Oil; a situation which should not be possible. This would indicate a
problem with either the switch or the circuitry. Before deciding on a course of action, the general
situation should be considered; namely whether there have been any pressure surges or pack-
offs that could have compromised the seal integrity. As a general rule of thumb one should pull
the tool out of hole if the unknown status light is sustained.
There is a bug in INSITE 5.3 in reporting of the transducer position, but the true status can be
established by examining the GP Status record using Data Manager.
It is considered acceptable to continue operations for the same period of time after first "no oil"
status as it took for the tool to go from first "low oil" occurrence to first "no oil" occurrence
provided there has been no pack off indications in the period between low and no occurrences.·
All low, no and N/A statuses are to be confirmed by checking the data
base and reported in to the DD/Geo-Pilot coordinator as soon as
possible. Failure to do so and continuing operations without the
acceptance of district management can result in disciplinary action. If
one is unable to contact the appropriate person, then preparations
should be started to POOH rather than continuing operations.
A note of caution, the oil status light only indicates the switch position. In the case where there
is a no seal integrity after a “No Oil” light, it may be possible for the tool to have well bore fluid
invasion thus potentially moving the switch back to the “Low Oil” or “OK Oil” switch positions.
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Chapter 5- Monitoring Geo-Pilot Performance
If a customer wishes to continue drilling against Sperry-Sun advice to pull the tool out of hole,
they should be informed of the scale of possible repair charges before they decide to continue
drilling with a tool with no oil. A repair charge of up to $100,000US is possible if drilling is
resumed and mud enters the Geo-Pilot.
5.7 DDU
When steering as the toolface rolls to the right with the roll of
the tool, every correction of the eccentric rings will be seen
as an adjustment to the left.
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
Currently the following commands are available, and must be included as active commands on
the DL tab on the MWD Download if they are to be used.
Command Parameters
Toolface Setting & Deflection Setting 0 – 360 Highside (3degree steps)
0 to 100% Deflection (8% and 5% steps)
Toolface Correction ±20º (5º increments) Applies toolface
correction to current TF setting
Deflection Correction ±20% (5% increments) Applies Deflection
setting to current deflection setting
Toolface and Deflection Correction ±20º & ±20% Applies both above
corrections simultaneously
Special Command Home – Will send eccentrics to home
Special Command Reset – Will restart downhole code.
Inclination Cruise Refer to Section below
Azi GR Power Control Turn the Gamma Sensor on or off at all
times. Mode switch will reset to
downloaded VDFA/VDFB settings.
Table 7 Downlinkable Commands
The Correction commands are shorter commands to send, requiring fewer downlink pulses, and
are faster to send, and easier to detect if there are any downhole detection issues.
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
6.2.2 Inclination Outside Tolerance
If the average of the last 12 ABI samples is outside of the target inclination ±tolerance, then the
tool will steer with maximum allowed deflection in the appropriate direction to come back within its
desired inclination setting. Once within this setting, it will continue to steer, and adjust deflection
to achieve a steady inclination, as per described in the previous section.
Command Function
Cruise Off Will leave the Cruise Control function, and the tool will continue
steering at the current TF and Deflection settings being used by the
Cruise Algorithm
Cruise On Will Engage the Cruise algorithm using the last Inclination Setting, and
Configuration settings
Use ABI Inc Will Engage the Cruise Control, and set the Inclination Setting to the
Current ABI Inclination
Inclination Setting Adjust the Inclination setting. Adjustable in 0.1º increments by ±12.7º
This command will also engage the Cruise Control.
Turn Setting Set the amount of LH/RH turn applied. Downlinkable in 10% steps
from 100%L to 100%R. Current default value on initialisation of tool is
20%L. This command will also engage the Cruise Control.
Configuration This will downlink 3 different parameters.
The tolerance on the inclination, which is how wide the window around
the inclination setting is. 0.3º to 1.0º in 0.1º steps. Default value on
initialization is 0.5deg.
The maximum deflection from 10% to 100% that it will allow the cruise
control routine to apply up or down when controlling the tool. This can
be used to limit the amount of dogleg that the tool is allowed to
generate, and therefore also the wellbore tortuosity. Default value on
initialization is 60%. The tool may steer larger deflections if combined
with turn.
The Factor is a measure of how aggressively the tool will respond to
changes in inclination. Default value on initialization is 7. As a
general rule for faster drilling, use a lower factor, and for slow drilling
use a higher factor. The range is 0 to 15 in steps of 1.
This command will change settings but will neither engage or
disengage the Cruise Control.
Any regular downlink command – e.g. TF/Def, TF Corr, Def Corr, TF & Def Corr or Special Home
will take the Geo-Pilot out of Cruise Control Mode. TF or Deflection Corrections will be applied to
the current settings with which the Geo-pilot is steering in Cruise mode.
Similarly, cycling the pumps and performing a manual setting will take disable the Cruise Control.
If the tool was in Cruise Control prior to a connection, a manual shortcut will return the tool to
Cruise mode.
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
With INSITE 5.3, the cruise must be run using files Z3.txt, Z3.clc and ICDL.EXE. Z3 will contain
the tolerance, max deflection, aggressiveness, and turn settings. In addition, the standalone
program ICDL.EXE must be used to convert commands into data values for downlink
transmission. Refer to Techfax 000375 for details on how to operate the cruise control using
When using these algorithms it is important to remember that the “pumps on” refers to the time at
which the MWD registers pumps on. For SDC negative pulsers this will be after 3 consecutive
pressure samples greater than Delta P. For P4M systems this will be related to the impellor rpm.
The emulation of the pressure transducer goes to pressure up 8 seconds after the impellor speed
is over circa 800rpm. The HCIM will still require 3 pressure samples (potentially an additional 12
seconds), before it registers pumps on status.
Similarly the RPM is the differential rpm between the Geo-Pilot’s housing and the shaft. If there is
no differential rpm, due to the housing slipping, it will not be possible to adjust the Geo-Pilot’s
settings manually. Similarly to the pumps algorithms, the Geo-Pilot uses a rolling 15 second
average of the RPM
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
6.3.3 Deflection On To Previous Setting
In order make rig operations more efficient, a pumps and rpm command is available to return to
the last toolface/deflection or cruise control setting the tool was using. This enables you to return
to previous settings even after a period of non-deflected activity.
• Start with the pumps off and the rotation off for 60 seconds.
• Turn on the pumps.
• Wait minimum 20 seconds for the HCIM to recognize that the pumps are on. You can wait up
to the time specified in the “Resume Previous Toolface Timeout” parameter in the download.
• Turn on the RPM above the RPM On Threshold, preferably at your standard drilling RPM.
• Return to drilling and watch the session log/displays to verify the Geo-Pilot has accepted the
command and has turned on the deflection and set the toolface to the last setting.
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
Deflection Rotation Deflection
Pumps Off
ON For 60s OFF
Target Wait 60
Setting Is Seconds
Now Active
Start Rotating
above RPM
ON Threshold
GP sets
Target Toolface
to a 30-sec old
toolface from DM
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
In the Geo-Pilot tool there are a set of position sensors that monitor the position of the eccentric
rings which ultimately control which way the shaft is bent inside the tool. When a tool is sent out
from an R&M facility it should already be in the home position.
After downloading to run in hole, the tool checks to see if the home sensors are engaged. If they
are not engaged, then the tool will need to find home in order to know the orientation of the
eccentric rings. Locating the home sensors will take priority over all other tool activities.
In order to do this the tool will engage the clutches and rotate the eccentrics until the home
position is achieved on each eccentric ring. The home position always has a deflection of 0%.
Until the home postion is found, the Geo-Pilot will not be able to accept any toolface or deflection
commands. It may take up to 180 rotations of the drillpipe before the Geo-Pilot has found home
position due to the gearing ratios inside the tool that control the movement of the eccentric rings.
In general, a tool will find the home position without this even being noticed at surface; either
while breaking in the seals, or just when setting up to start drilling. The only time that the tool
may otherwise need to find home is if it has had a downhole reset, and needs to re-establish the
locations of the eccentric rings.
As a general procedure and good practice, wherever possible, the tool should be downlinked a
home command before pulling out of hole, to ensure it is ready to re-run.
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Chapter 6- Controlling the Geo-Pilot
With a string that will take a long time to read (i.e. 2 hrs plus), consider the feasibility of removing
the Geo-Pilot from the string, and reading the MWD and Geo-pilot separately. Every 30 minutes
while reading the RLL tool, there will be a risk of a Geo-Pilot lock up.
In tools with external batteries, such tools can be reset by pulling and reseating the battery.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 7-Recommended Running Procedures
final Teflon COMPRESSION of between 0.031” and 0.063”.
• If the Repeater is FITTED WITH A TAPERLOCK there should be
ZERO Teflon compression. The GAP should be between 0.00” to
Compression will have the effect of unloading the taperlock ring, negating it’s
7.2 Tripping In
7.2.1 Setting deflection
The deflection should always be set at zero per cent while tripping in and out of the hole.
After downloading the tool, the Geo-Pilot will want to find home first. Allow the Geo-Pilot to do this
before sending the tool a command. The Geo-Pilot will show zero deflection when it is at the
home position.
There is a danger of accidental sidetracking if the tool is deflected when reaming/washing down
to bottom.
7.2.2 Seal lubrication
To lubricate the seals, rotate the drill string at five RPM for the first three minutes. Then gradually
increase the string RPM to the maximum speed over the next five minutes.
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Chapter 7-Recommended Running Procedures
Sudden pressure spikes and differentials could damage sensors and seals in
the Geo-Pilot, resulting in a failure.
The Geo-Pilot tool should not be downhole while displacing from fluids such as brine to fully
weighted mud systems unless there is a controlled discharge route.
If displacement operations are undertaken then care must be taken to ensure that system
volumes and pressures are controlled throughout the procedure. Suggested precautions should
include the venting off of displaced fluids through a restriction to prevent “U-tubing”. This can be
achieved in most cases by closing the Annular Preventer and discharging through a choke, thus
providing an annular backpressure of 200 – 500 psi.
Consideration should also be given to introducing a semi-weighted spacer in order to reduce the
effective pressure/shock differential.
During normal mud displacement programs, pump rates should be reduced to a minimum-to
minimise any sudden pressure spikes or shock waves damaging the seals as the heavier mud
hits the bit also causing unequal pressure balances around the rotary seals or pressure
compensator piston area. Once certain that the new weighted mud system is circulating around
the Geo-Pilot tool downhole, gradually increase the pump rates again to full rate.
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Chapter 7-Recommended Running Procedures
Be especially vigilant, when there are stabilizers in the BHA, with the transition from rat-hole to
newly drilled hole.
If an extended rat hole or any overgauged section (hole section larger than the bit OD) is to be
drilled/reamed etc., Firstly suggest running a dedicated drill out assembly prior to running the
Geo-Pilot in hole.
Failing this, ensure that the concerns with the rat hole (overgauged hole) are clearly
communicated to all. Proceed with extreme caution, 0% deflection, minimum RPM and gently
guide through the rat hole section and continue drilling new formation until the upper LWD
stabilizer/Roller Reamer is in contact with the new hole of the same OD as the bit.
If the Geo-Pilot is to be run through a section of poor quality hole drilled by a short gauge bit, the
customer should be made aware that a certain amount of reaming may be required to straighten
up the hole. If possible a dedicated clean up run should be made in such circumstances with a
long gauge bit to condition the hole.
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Chapter 7-Recommended Running Procedures
7.8.2 Backreaming, or an interruption to drilling in an open hole-hole
Ensure that the Geo-Pilot is set to the “Zero” deflection position. This will prevent the tool trying to
orient while circulating, using battery unnecessarily, and adding wear onto the internal
mechanical componentry.
In addition for Geo-Pilots with Gamma Sensors, consider turning off the Gamma Sensor by
downlinking GP Azi GR Power Control to “OFF” to conserve battery.
Rotate and reciprocate the drill-string as normal. Regard the BHA as a normal rotary assembly.
7.9 Open hole sidetracks
Open hole sidetracks are achievable and have been performed in horizontal hole. Determine the
sidetrack point based first on drillability and then on hole geometry. If it is in a section previously
drilled using the Geo-Pilot, use a plot of the ABI against depth to find the best location.
Time the drill at a setting between 150 left and 150 right of highside. Monitor the ABI and
determine the ROP for the time drilling. If digging a ledge at lowside, then remember that the
housing will roll more at higher running rates. As the ledge develops, more weight can gradually
be applied. If the bit “jumps” into the old hole, then this will be seen quickly on the ABI, and the
bit should be pulled back up 1 ft, and time drilled down onto the ledge again.
Remember that a Geo-Pilot/Long gauge bit is not an aggressively sidecutting combination, and
the sidetrack will take time. Previous open hole sidetracks have taken from two and a half to
eight hours.
7.10 General Information:
7.10.1 Superior hole quality
Previous experience with Geo-Pilot has demonstrated that reaming each stand can be limited to
a minimum. There is substantial evidence to prove superior hole quality when using long gauge
bits. It is however recommended to ream through any stringers after drilling them, as per normal
good drilling practice to ensure that any ledges or unconformities are reamed out.
Ensure that the directional driller on site is consulted about any abnormal drilling performance, or
other non-standard operations that may impact the tool.
It is also recommended that when coming off bottom, the string be pulled in a slow and controlled
manner through fresh hole. This is to ensure that if the hole has come in behind the bit, that this
will be reamed in a controlled manner, rather than pulling the bit hard into this tight formation.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
An interim solution to this if this issue is encountered It is recommended that the tools be heated
prior to use.
The decision to rerun a tool is based primarily upon it’s downhole performance on the previous
run, the physical condition of the tool at surface, and diagnostics obtained from the memory.
It is important not to speculate about cause of failure on location, as full root cause analysis can
only be completed using a rotation beam to aid in full mechanical performance analysis.
There are a limited number of signs that could indicate a bad tool downhole. These include, but
are not limited to:
• Oil Warnings.
The tool must be pulled to prevent significant internal damage. Refer to section 5.4
• Failure to track toolface/deflection
There may be cases where partially effective steering is possible, with poor toolface and/or
deflection control. Instances such as where there is excessive rotation of the control housing
would lead to impaired steering ability. An assessment of the housing roll rate is possible by
sending zero deflection, and observing the rate at which the housing toolface rolls.
Instances where one clutch is failing to perform will typically be seen as a “roller-coaster”
pattern in actual deflection, together with poor toolface control. This is caused as the other
clutch continues to adjust for housing roll. It is possible to continue with impaired steering
control, and reduced dogleg performance. It may be possible to enhance the steering
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
performance of such a tool by pulling periodically a small distance off bottom to roll the
control housing.
• Repetitive Clutch Slip statuses
• Clutch overrun corrections being applied (Indicated by the brake slip light – refer to
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
INSITE stores the Geo-Pilot parameter report as an ASCII file in the INSITE>Data>Tool Read
Reports folder. Open this file with any text editor (Wordpad, MicroSoft Word, Notepad, etc.) to
view the contents or to print a copy.
TOTAL RESETS........................ 1
ILLEGAL OPCODE RESETS............... 0
MAX ANN TEMPERATURE................. 0
NUM PRESS SAMPLES................... 0
MAX ANN PRESS....................... 0
PRESS SAMPLE PERIOD(Sec)............ 0
SUBBUS LV ERROR..................... 0
NUM UNIV COMMANDS................... 36578
FLASH ERROR.................. NO
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
Average Bit TF Error 0.00 degrees
Average Deflection Error 0.00
Low Oil First Occurence 31-Oct-03 17:54:33
No Oil First Occurence 31-Oct-03 18:40:01
Oil Level Sensor Error Yes
Upper Brake Slip Error No
Lower Brake Slip Error No
Upper Missed Targets 0
Lower Missed Targets 2
Upper Found Home Yes
Lower Found Home Yes
Rotating Hours 73.7 hours
Downhole Hours 110.0 hours
Amp Hours Used 9.91 Amp-Hrs
Maximum Current 1.34 Amps
Average Current 0.09 Amps
Average RPM 99.1 RPM
Maximum RPM 6451.7 RPM
Average Roll Rate 11.1 revs/hour
Maximum Roll Rate 655.3 revs/hour
Percent Bad Surveys 0.1 percent
Average Gtotal Error 2 milliGs
Communication Errors 20
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
Communication Errors 0
Turned Upper Cam OFF for Unknown Reason 0
Turned Upper Cam ON for Unknown Reason 0
Turned Lower Cam OFF for Unknown Reason 0
Turned Lower Cam ON for Unknown Reason 0
Downlink Commands Received 67
Invalid Downlink Commands 0
Settings Received 61
Percent Adjusting 15.9 percent
Average Overshoot 2.8 degrees
Average Error 654.16 degrees
Average Clutch Slip 0 ticks
Average Home Error 6547.6 ticks
Total Brake Slip 0.0 degrees
Timeout Finding Target 0
Percent Adjusting 18.7 percent
Average Overshoot 3.2 degrees
Average Error 654.60 degrees
Average Clutch Slip 0 ticks
Average Home Error 6547.8 ticks
Total Brake Slip 0.0 degrees
Timeout Finding Target 0
Time Type Value1 Value2 Value3
01-Nov-03 21:36:50 3 10 10 0
02-Nov-03 02:37:08 1 20 226 0
02-Nov-03 03:08:23 2 246 251 0
01-Nov-03 05:52:19 1 10 50 7
01-Nov-03 06:43:26 2 236 206 0
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
Time Type Setting
03-Nov-03 02:36:49 1 52
03-Nov-03 02:38:45 1 0
03-Nov-03 04:10:41 1 106
03-Nov-03 04:59:05 1 15
04-Dec-93 03:12:00
13:23:51 3550 Trip Out OK Slip Slip OK OK OK OK
13:24:46 3551 Trip Out OK Slip Slip OK OK OK OK
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
The ID Number in the Geo-Pilot’s EEPROM
The version of the downhole software used by the Geo-Pilot
The PIC version of the Geo-Pilot Tool
The date and time at which the tool was initialized as reported by the Geo-Pilot
The time at which the Geo-Pilot stored the first ABI sample after initialization
The tool time at which the Geo-Pilot was read.
The time at which the sensor was read on the INSITE surface computer. The difference in
time between the surface read time and sensor read time should equal the time taken to
read the HCIM
The number of kilobytes of memory used during the run
The number of kilobytes of memory read by INSITE. This should match the MEMORY
Percentage of the 2MB memory used
Number of hours from tool initialization to tool read
Date and Time at which the tool’s memory filled. The tool will continue to operate after this
time, but diagnostic and Gamma data will not be recorded.
Number of times the tool has reset during the run. The tool will always have at least 1
reset which occurs at the time of download. Other resets can be present but you should
check that these occur at the time of tool reads or tests from offshore otherwise there may
be a problem with the tool. There is a table of all the reset times at the bottom of the
parameter report.
These are where the software has stopped running, and the tool tries to execute invalid
commands. There should never be any illegal opcode resets, if any are listed then there is
a problem with the tool and it should be investigated.
These items are not used.
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
Number of Low voltage errors on the Sub Bus
Number of Universal Commands received by the Geo-Pilot
Number of errors in the Flash memory
The number of Time synchronizations completed with the HCIM
The number of Time synchronizations attempted. This should match the number
The number of Time synchronization errors
The time at which the downloaded time delay expired
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot is storing temperature samples
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot is sampling toolface
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot is storing brake slip samples
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot is storing housing slip rates
The downloaded value of the RPM threshold
The downloaded value of resume previous toolface for the manual steering settings
The downloaded deflection setting to be used for manual steering
The downloaded Gtotal error to be allowed for the ABI
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot is storing diagnositic samples
Status of the Vibration severity sensor
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot is storing toolface and deflection positions
The downloaded status of whether to enable the downlinkable commands
The rate at which the Geo-Pilot stores the downhole RPM values
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
Average Bit TF Error
Average Deflection Error
This section of the parameter report is not in use, and these values are always listed as zero.
The time at which the tool first registered a low oil/position 1 status
The time at which the tool first registered a no oil/position 2 status
If the tool has seen a Low/No or N/A Oil status
This does not work at this time, and will always be “NO”
This does not work at this time, and will always be “NO”
This is an incremental counter registering every time the cam misses its target angle.
This is an incremental counter registering every time the cam misses its target angle.
This is always YES, even if the home sensor fails
This is always YES, even if the home sensor fails
Number of hours the tool has been operating with RPM greater than RPM on threshold
Number of hours the tool has been downhole. This will be the same as the TOOL ON
The number of Amp Hours of battery that were consumed during the run
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
The peak current draw during the run. This will typically be from a period where both
clutches have been powered simultaneously
The average current draw during the run
The average RPM seen while the tool is registering RPM greater than the RPM on
The maximum RPM seen by the tool. This will typically be maxed out.
The average roll rate of the tool calculated from the ABI highside.
The maximum roll rate of the tool calculated from ABI highside. This will typically be
maxed out from a point where the housing has spun.
Percentage of ABI surveys outside the Gtotal error limits
Average G total Error of all ABI Surveys
The number of communication errors between the Geo-Pilot electronics and the ABI.
Some errors can be expected here, but an abnormally high number indicates a problem in
the tool.
The number of communication errors with the Clever Board
The number of times the respective upper or lower cams turned on or off unexpectedly
The total number of downlink commands received by the Geo-Pilot
The number of downlink commands sent to the Geo-Pilot that were invalid
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
The number of manual command settings received by the Geo-Pilot
Percent Adjusting
Amount of time that the cam was active as a percentage of Tool rotating hours
Average Overshoot
Average amount of angle that the cam overshoots each time an adjustment is made.
Formula used is (turn off angle – end angle)/number of adjustments
Average Error
The average Cam error after overshoot corrections have been applied. This should be a
small number.
Average Clutch Slip
Average amount of slip per adjustment expressed in ticks. There are 64 ticks per revolution
of a clutch. Formula used is (cam counts – rpm counts during clutch engagement)/ number
of adjustments.
Average Home Error
This is the average amount of ticks that the cam is short of per revolution. The tick counter
is reset each time the cam passes the home sensor and there are 11520 ticks per
revolution of the cam
Total Brake Slip
This is the total amount of cam movement seen over the run where the clutches were not
activated. This does not include cam overshoot.
Timeout Finding Target
The number of times the cam exceeds 300 seconds during an adjustment. The cam will
stop its movement after this time and then resume again 8 seconds later if the target is still
not reached
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
This will contain a list of the date and time of any time there has been a large shift in the
downhole clock’s time sync with the HCIM. There will typically be one dated to 04-Dec-93,
generated in association with the tool initialization
This will contain an entry every time that there has been a change on one of the status
flags during the run.
“Double Hit”
There is currently no method of knowing this “Double Hit” is happening while the run is in
progress. The Clutch Adjustment records processed out of INSITE shows a blank in places
where the clutch has “double hit”.
If there is a high proportion of “Double Hits” on the clutch during a run, then laying out the tool
post run should be considered. A tool showing these double hits would on previous versions of
software would most likely have failed for clutch slip. Contact GP Coordinator or DTDG group for
As there is no possibility to know if this is happening while the tool is downhole, the GP Image
should be processed and the GP Upper Adjust and GP Lower Adjust records examined to assess
if the tool is re-runable.
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
AdjustTime Exceded
ABI No Response
Toolface Traking
Piston Pos N/A
GP ABI Gtotal
Piston Pos 1
Piston Pos 2
TF Tracking
Gtotal Error
Clutch Slip
Brake Slip
Hsg Slip
One or Both Clutches Slipping
Check for Double Hits, change out at next opportunity.
Possible that one clutch is slipping or not engaging properly
It may be possible to drill on with reduced dogleg capability
Poor Undulating Tool may show better TF control while in ABI HS is in one 180º
section compared to the other
Check for Double Hits, change out at next opportunity
Housing is moving faster than the eccentrics can correct.
Increase rpm to increase rpm output from clutches
If not successful reduce rpm to try to reduce housing rotation
Control Housing spinning.
Highly Not able Reduce RPM to decrease torque required to hold housing
Zero Erratic
or Max
Max to
Not able to
If soft formation drill on to hard formation if possible and then catch
up on trajectory
If wash-outs are suspected, reduce flow rate and drill on.
Higher ABI surveys are out of downloaded Gtotal limits, and not used for
May be
or lower
Poor Poor
toolface control.
If running DDS check for vibrations, and reduce as per DDS SOP
Downloaded Gtotal should be min 50mg.
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
AdjustTime Exceded
ABI No Response
Toolface Traking
Piston Pos N/A
GP ABI Gtotal
Piston Pos 1
Piston Pos 2
TF Tracking
Gtotal Error
Clutch Slip
Brake Slip
Hsg Slip
Adjustment is taking too long.
Increase the rpm
ABI has lost comms with GP Electronics. Check to see if no
responses are constant . Consult with Co-Ordinator
Unable to
Zero OK OK Change Possible problem with RPM sensor.
Tool has problem with rpm sensor inducing false clutch slip errors. If
High or
TF and Deflection are OK then proceed with caution. Increasing
rpm may help to control toolface as all clutch actions may be limited
to 8seconds duration. If not consult with Town.
The above should be used as a guide only. Speculation about mode or cause of failure should be avoided.
The root cause may be complex, and the signs/symptoms may only be indications of a different problem.
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Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Post Run Analysis
In this example, one of the eccentric rings is not moving due to clutch slip. The result is a
characteristic “roller coaster” pattern in the deflection. The toolface also is not properly controlled,
with the actual toolface progressing clockwise as only one eccentric is corrected back.
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Geo-Pilot Field Operations Manual
Chapter 9 Demobilization
9 Demobilization
9.1 Cleaning/preparations before shipping
9.1.1 Compensator cavity
When returning a used tool from the rig use a wash gun to clean out the cavity while the tool is
lying down on its side. Drain excess water as best as reasonably possible. Pour approximately
three to four ounces of Mobil SHC6306, or spray WD-40 oil into the sand screen ports. Put three
to four wraps of packing tape over the sand screen ports to keep chamber sealed from salt-water
9.1.4 Threads
Place thread protectors on all exposed threads.
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Chapter 9 Demobilization
A Geo-Pilot Performance report(s) should be completed, and returned together with the battery
log with each tool returned to the R&M facility. In addition an electronic copy should be forwarded
to the job co-ordinator whenever possible.
9.1.8 Memory Data / Images
The Geo-Pilot image should be sent in for all runs.
For any tool failures, the PWD image should also be included as a minimum and the DDS where
9.2 Transportation
The Geo-Pilot must be shipped in a manner that will prevent excessive strain being placed on the
driver sub. There should be support both under the housing and the repeater areas of the tool.
In addition, the tool should not be strapped down with straps around the upper or lower seal
protectors. It is highly recommended that the Geo-Pilot be shipped in tool baskets to prevent
damage due to unsupervised handling at any point of transfer.
9.3 Shipping documentation
The Geo-Pilot contains a lithium battery insert inside the housing. This means that when the tool
is transported it must be declared as hazardous goods. A few things must be done when shipping
the tool to meet UN regulatory requirements, adopted by most countries as a minimum.
Each tool must have a “Hazardous Goods Declaration” and the proper labelling.
If you are shipping by land and sea you use either a bill of lading or a shipper’s declaration for
dangerous goods.
Note: If you are shipping by air you must use a shippers declaration for dangerous goods.
A bill of lading must contain the following information:
1. Type of Container: Collar
2. Proper Shipping Name: Lithium Batteries Contained in Equipment
3. Class Number: 9
4. UN Number: UN 3091
5. Packing Group: PG II
6. Indication of Hazardous Material: Containing
111.6 grams of lithium in the 7600 Geo-Pilot with internal battery
227 grams of lithium in the 7600 Geo-Pilot with “Battery on Top” configuration
139.5 grams in the 9600 Geo-Pilot with internal battery
Gross Weight of Container
The other type of document is a Dangerous Goods Declaration.
A Shipper’s Declaration of Dangerous Goods must contain the following information:
1. Shipment Type: Non-Radioactive
2. Proper Shipping Name: Lithium Battery Contained in Equipment
3. Class Number: 9
4. UN Number: UN 3091
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Chapter 9 Demobilization
5. Quantity and Type of Packaging: 1 Collar x (actual weight of collar) with XXXX grams lithium.
(Refer to quantities above)
6. Packing Instructions: PG II
7. Additional Handling Information: “This shipment is made under the provisions of 49 CFR
8. Emergency Contact Name & Number: Follow Local District Rules – usually local Materials
Coordinator and the main office line phone number.
9.3.2 Shipping by air
Note: It is Sperry-Sun’s policy not to ship the Geo-Pilot tool on passenger aircraft.
By law you must declare whether it is legal to ship by passenger or cargo aircraft even if there is
no intention to fly the tool via passenger aircraft. On the shipping form, you must cross out
passenger aircraft.
There is presently no need for quoting the Competent Authority Approval Number as stated in the
CP01231 procedure. Nor do you have to include the letter showing the certification approval. This
is handled at border crossings etc. when specifically asked for, which is rare.
9.3.3 Documentation Installation and Labeling
When a Geo-Pilot tool is shipped the tool must have the UN required labels applied to the body of
the tool. If the tool is shipped in an enclosed container a separate declaration sticker must be
applied to the outer container.
Note: People who are handling the Geo-Pilot must be able to see a hazardous goods label to be
aware of the hazard.
1. Complete the Hazardous Goods declaration.
2. Place the declaration inside a clear plastic zip-lock bag obtained from your local district or use
P/N 074475 from Nisku Manufacturing.
3. Place inside the zip lock bag a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet for lithium batteries.
4. Place the required labels on the front of the bag such that they do not obscure the name of
the shipper and consignee on the Hazardous Goods Declaration form inside.
Note: The shipper and consignee must be clearly visible at all times.
5. Affix “Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Class 9” label (P/N 018536).
7. Affix “Cargo Aircraft Only” labels (P/N 014423)
Note: You must attach this label even if the tool will not be flown while in transit.
8. Affix “The Inner Packages Comply with Prescribed Specifications” label (P/N 014426)
9. Tape the zip lock bag, containing the Hazardous Goods Declaration and the labels on the
front of it, just below the reference stabilizer (Use 3″ clear packing tape).
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
10 Field Servicing
Both Pre and Post run, the oil level in the Geo-Pilot tool should be checked. In addition, it may be
necessary to top up the oil, or to test the integrity of the rotary seals. These issues are addressed
in this chapter.
Note: The compensator piston position should be measured and recorded prior to re-filling the
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
Should you lack a dipstick in the field kit, one can be made from a 3/8” wide stainless “Bandit”
strapping, or a thick cable tie approx. 13” long.
Referring to the photo (above) the left-hand end has a 3/8" length that is folded back and
flattened. This prevents the dipstick from getting stuck between the outside of the piston and the
inside of the housing. A hook is formed at the other end to help pull it out. The length of the
dipstick is formed at a 12" radius (to make insertion easier). A line is scribed at 3" from the left-
hand end. The number "3" is stamped at the right-hand side of this line. A second line is scribed
7-7/8" from the left-hand end. The letter "E" is stamped at the right-hand side of this line.
10.1.3 Before refilling with oil past the three inch mark
Prior to charging a tool past the three-inch compensator piston position always check that oil
bleeds off through the charging tools drain valve.
10.1.4 Refilling a tool after use
When using any Oil Filling Equipment or Adapters every effort needs to be made
NOT to introduce air into the hydraulics. Always purge the fill hoses and adapters
before connecting to the tool. DON’T fill the Simplex pump 5 minutes before you
need it. It can take several hours for the air to clear itself from the oil filling
Connect the Charge Valve Filling Assembly (Pic 1) to the Simplex Hand Pump (Pic 2) and purge
any air that may be in the system by pumping oil through the Charge Valve Filling Assembly.
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
Remove the Charge Valve Plug and screw the Charge Valve Filling Assembly into the Charge
Valve. Position the Charge Valve Filling Assembly Valve and the Simplex Hand Pump Valve
accordingly to recharge the Geo-Pilot. Pictures 1 and 2 show both valves in the filling position.
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
Monitor the piston position using the dipstick around the compensator.
• Tools should be recharged until the pressure relief valve opens at between 500 and 550 psi.
• The pressure can go as high as 600 psi.
• The pump is a 2 stage pump. As the pressure increases, it will become easier to pump.
Then a quantity of oil should be drained out to reset the compensator piston at three inches from
the downhole edge of the filter screen port.
Re-install the filter screen and retaining ring.
10.1.5 Tools that have sent a low or no oil status.
The refill procedure is the same as any used tool, with one additional step.
Check to make sure the pressure remains steady once the excess oil has bled off through the
relief valve.
If the tool is losing pressure, check for approval from the onshore co-ordinator before using the
tool again.
10.1.6 Blocked relief valve
If the pressure increases to 600 psi and holds steady this would indicate that the relief valve is
blocked. In this case the tool should be slowly increased in pressure until a maximum of 750 psi
is reached. If the relief valve still does not open, or oil leaks from any other area, then the tool
should be replaced.
If a tool with this problem has to be used again the excess oil should be bled off and the
compensator piston set three inches from the Filter Screen Port.
Note: This should only be done with approval from the onshore co-ordinator.
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
3 Remove all 4 x Spring Tension Pins using hammer or air hammer and special punch. Note
the punch is not long enough to punch these pins all the way though; a short extra length is
4 Carefully unscrew and remove the clamp.
5 Lift the carriage assembly out of the housing pocket.
The components that go into making up the Carriage Assemblies are ARH size
A lot of these parts look alike but if mixed can cause serious problems
The spreadsheet at the end of this section lists which parts go with which reference Stabilizer.
The photographs are there as a guide. If the dimensions do not agree with what you have then
contact your Global Support representative for clarification.
1. Smear ample amounts of Unirex grease or equivalent to all components before assembly.
2. Insert the Roller Shaft/Bushing assemblies into each Carrier Plate.
3. Slide a Roller Discs onto each end of the shaft. Pay close attention to the orientation of the
discs. Looking downhole and from left to right the orientation for Standard Discs is 2/1/1/2 and
for Salt Discs 2/1/2/3. See attached graphic for clarification.
4. The Carrier Assemblies are now ready for installation.
5. Liberally coat Compression Springs with Unirex grease.
6. Place the correct springs into the round recess at the bottom of the ARH pockets. Note the
9600 series tool has a Spring Insert which needs to be installed first
On 7600 series tools (except 10 5/8”) the Roller End Bushing must be oriented so
that the Chamfered leading edge is facing down towards the Anti-Rotation Housing.
If the tool is configured with “salt rollers”, these must be place into the tool with the correct
orientation. The flat edge should be to the right looking downhole, to present the most resistance
to the formation.
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
NOTE In addition to the items listed in the above table there are several obsolete versions of each item. Use the attached photographs as
a guide. If you are not sure ask. Getting these parts mixed up can cause serious problems downhole!
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
9600 Series
Carrier Plate
12 ¼” to 17
1.425” 1.875” ½” Hole size.
9600 Series
Carrier Plate
7600 Series
Carrier Plate
10 5/8” Hole
The middle Carrier Plate is for reference only to show how easily they can be mixed up.
Only two types of “two-hole” carrier plates should exist, one for all 9600 series tools and
one for the 7600 series 10 5/8” tool. WARNING ! there are another FIVE VERSIONS of
“two-hole” carrier plates that are OBSOLETE but may still be in stock. Double
check before using.
7600 Series
“3 hole”
Plate. 8 ¼”
to 9 7/8”
Holes size.
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
.433” .500”
8 ¼” – 9 7/8”
1.500” 1.712” 1.500”
10 5/8”
14 ¾” – 17 ½” 12 ¼”
10 5/8” 12 ¼” 14 ¾” – 17 ½”
If the Carrier Retainers do not conform to these measurements or patterns do not use them.
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
Nominal Spring
height is 3.0”. Nominal Spring
Diameter 1.20” heights are 3.0”.
Outer spring
diameter 0.975”
inner spring 0.580
Nominal Spring
height is 2.550”.
Diameter 0.975”
Spring Insert
1.00” 1.255”
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
3.200” 2 1 1 2
Note the orientation of disc #1. The larger polished face goes towards the Carrier Plate
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Chapter 10 Field Servicing
3.075” 2 1 1 2 2.925”
Note the orientation of disc #1. The larger polished face goes towards the Carrier Plate
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11 Appendices
Appendix A Geo-Pilot™ Specifications Sheet
Appendix B Geo-Pilot Performance/ Perceived Problem Report
Appendix C Geo-Pilot Battery Log
Appendix D Standard Field Toolkits
Appendix E Standard BHA Configurations
BHA Component Description
BHA Component Part Numbers
7600 Series BHA Configurations w/ 6 ¾” MWD
8 3/8” BHA Configuration
8 ½” BHA Configuration
8 ¾” BHA Configuration
9 ½” BHA Configuration
9 ¾” BHA Configuration
9 7/8” BHA Configuration
10 5/8” BHA Configuration
9600 Series BHA Configurations with 8” MWD
12 ¼” BHA Configuration w/ 8” MWD
12 ¼” BHA Configuration w/ 8” Hi Flow MWD
14 ¾” BHA Configuration w/ 8” Hi Flow MWD
9600 Series BHA Configurations with 9 ½” MWD
12 ¼” BHA Configuration w/ 9 ½” MWD
14 ¾” BHA Configuration w/ 9 ½” MWD
16” BHA Configuration w/ 9 ½” MWD
17 ½” BHA Configuration w/ 9 ½” MWD
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