Chapter 776 April 2019 Newsletter

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The Spirit of ‘776 VIETNAM VETERANS

April 2019 OF AMERICA


“Never Again Will One

Meeting at Bettendorf Library Generation of Veterans
Abandon Another.”
April 24 at 7:00 P.M.
Volume 23 Issue 4

Service Officers
May Meeting
Clarke Barnes
309 944-3674
Ed Gaudet
563 343-9456 5PM
Ben Enlow
563 326-8723 Middle Park Lagoon
Ernest Ledjte
563 785-6182
Tom Lemon 2908 Parkway Rd
563 359-3201
Greg Paulline
Jack Rhinehart
Bring Chapter Provides
Honor Guard
John Lavelle Dish to share Meat
Denny Queal
563 340-9194 Dish/Utensils Water
Web Master
Roger Granbois

Officers and Board of Directors

President Ed Gaudet 563 343-9456 Dir. Ernest Ledjte 563-785-6182
Vice President Bruce Cheek 563 349-4129 Dir. Sonny Kempf 563-505-1609
Treasurer Harold Hansen 563 505-9674 Dir. Bill Mathews 563-355-5618
Secretary Ed Grillot 563-210-5355 Dir. Steve Satre 563-289-1776
Trustee Greg Paulline 563 650-3055 Dir. Larry Witt 563-579-6521
March 27, 2019 Minutes
VVA Chap. 776
Call to Order – Meeting called to order at 7pm by President Ed Gaudet. Officers present Vice-
President Bruce Cheek, Treasurer Harold Hansen and Secretary Ed/Chris Grillot. Pledge of Alle-
giance said and moment of silence for POW/MIA and those still serving in harm’s way across the
Speaker – Ed Gaudet introduced Roseanne Lewis. Lewis represented CASI and spoke regarding
Senior Olympics.
Introductions were given.
Secretary Report – Motion made by Joe Wessenberg, seconded by Jim Daxon to accept minutes as
published in newsletter. Carried
Treasurer Report – Financial report given.
Finance Report – No report
State President Report – Greg Paulline reported he will be attending the National State conference
in DC. Ed Gaudet will send a letter to Iowa VVA chapters requesting they contribute $250 each to
cover State President, Greg Paulline’s expense to the National VVA convention.
Correspondence – None
Members in Distress - 1)Ray Cheely is in hospice at Grand Haven, Eldridge. 2)Deceased members
are Jim Williams and Gerald Lawrence.
Hospital Visit Budget – Remaining funds in the hospital budget is $75. Motion made by Steve Sa-
tre, seconded by Woody to add $250 to the hospital budget. Carried.
Coin Stories – Stories told by Ed Guadet, Lyle Petersen, Denny Queal, Ernest Ledtje, Rolf Shave
and Ed Hildebrand.
Membership – 23 AVVA, 206 which includes 17 regular members.
Honor Guard – 1)Seven funerals in the last week. 2)Twenty funerals in the last month. 3)March 29
all honor guards will be at the Rock Island Arsenal cemetery, to commemorate National Vietnam
Veterans Day. 4)The new Davenport VA clinic will have a ribbon cutting ceremony April 1PM.
5)Need honor guard members. Chapter pays for uniforms.
New Business - a) Elections: Nominees are needed for officers and board directors. Election of
officers and board directors will be at the April meeting. 25% off members are needed to attend
April meeting to vote. Need volunteers to call members to remind to attend April meeting. b) Clo-
ver Sale -Funds from the April 27 sale will be dedicated to VSO expenses in Iowa City. Discussion
held regarding doing a clover sale with funds earmarked for State President to attend National
c) National VVA Conference – One slot remains for member to attend National VVA Conference.
John LaVelle will be the 3rd person attending the conference. d) Birdies for Charity – Birdies for
Charity is a way to raise money for the State VVA Council. Every $1 pledged comes to our chap-
ter. Chapter then forwards funds to the state council.
May Meeting will be a picnic at Bettendorf Lagoon Park 5-9pm. Scholarships and awards will be
given. Ed Hildebrand volunteered to assist Ed Gaudet with award selection. Members need to
bring their own table service, dish to share. Meat and water will be provided by the chapter.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm

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