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Watershed Management
Some Facts about Water
• Only 2.5% of the world’s water is freshwater and most of this are
in the form of polar ice-caps.
• Water use has increased by 70% since 1970
• A recent report by Credit Suisse stated that by 2025 18 countries
will experience water demand beyond supply capabilities
• It takes up to 5000 lt of water to produce 1kg of rice.
• Every square mile of developed land causes 16 million gallons of
rain water to directly enter the rivers on a rainy day!
• Each person uses about 150 litres of water every day. About 60
litres of this is for toilet flushing
• Toilet flushing is the single largest user of household water, 30-
40%, up to 90% for offices.
What is Water harvesting??
Models of RWH
There are two main models of rainwater
harvesting done in India:-
Rural model of RWH
• Rural areas generally use traditional methods of
rainwater harvesting.
• Main motive of rainwater harvesting in these
areas is to facilitate irrigation for agriculture and
use of water for domestic and drinking purposes.
• Nowadays practices are also been followed to as
to recharge groundwater levels.
• Many of the traditional structures include
Tankas, Nadis, Talabs, Bavdis, Rapats, Kuis,
Virdas, Kunds, Khadins, Johads etc.
Bawodi Kunds
Traditional step wells Covered underground
are called vavadi in tank, developed
Gujarat, or baoris or primarily for tackling
bavadis in Rajasthan drinking water
and northern India. problems.
Khadin Bund
Urban Model of RWH
• More modernized system of rainwater
• The main components of the urban model are:-
a) Roof catchment
b) Gutters
c) Down pipe
d) First flush pipe
e) Filter unit
f) Storage tank
g) Collection pit.
Components of Urban RWH models
Water conservation
and groundwater
recharge techniques
Rain water harvesting system
The typical roof top rain water harvesting system comprises
• Roof catchment
• Gutters
• Down pipe & first flushing pipe
• Filter Unit
• Storage Tank
Roof Catchment
The roof of the house is used as the catchment
for collecting rain water. The style construction
and material of the roof effect its suitability as a
catchment, Roofs made of corrugated iron sheet ,
asbestos sheet, Tiles or Concrete can be utilized
for harvesting the rain water
Gutters are channels fixed to the edges of roof
all around to collect & transport the rainwater
from the roof. Gutters can be made in semi-
circular and rectangular shape with cement
pipe, plain galvanized iron sheet, PVC pipes,
bamboos etc. Use of locally available material
reduce the overall cost of the system.
Down Pipe
It is the pipe which carries the rainwater from
the gutters to the filter & storage tank. Down
pipe is joined with the gutters at one end &
the other end is connected to the filter unit of
the storage tank. PVC or GI pipe of 50mm to
75mm (2 to”) are commonly used for down
pipe. Bamboo can be also used wherever
available and possible
First Flush Pipe
Debris, dust & dirt collect on the roof during
non rainy periods when the first rain arrive. A
first flush system arrangement is made to
avoid the entering unwanted material into the
Filter media & storage tank. This is a simple
manually operated arrangement or semi-
automatic system with a valve below the ‘T’
Filter Unit
The filter unit is a container or chamber filled
with filter media such as coarse sand,
charcoal, coconut fiber, pebbles & gravels to
remove the debris & dirt from water that
enters the tank. The filter unit is placed over
the storage tank or separately. It may be of
Ferro cement filter unit, Aluminum, Cement
rings or Plastic bucket etc.
Storage Tank
It is used to store the water that is collected from the roof
through filter. For small scale water storage plastic
buckets, jerry cans, clay or cement jars, ceramic jars,
drums may be used. For larger quantities of water, the
system will require a bigger tank with cylindrical or
rectangular or square in shape constructed with Ferro
cement or cement rings or plain cement concrete or
reinforced cement concrete or brick or stone etc. The
storage tank is provided with a cover on the top to avoid
the contamination of water from external sources. The
storage tank is provided with pipe fixtures at appropriate
places to draw the water to clean the tank & to dispose of
extra water. A provision for keeping the vessel to collect
the water is to be made. 23
Size of Storage Tank
• Based on
– No. of person in the House hold
– Per capita water requirement
– No. of days for which water is required
Water available from Roof
Watershed Management
• What is a watershed??
• Watersheds can be defined as a geo-hydrological
unit draining to a common point by a system of
drains. All lands on earth are part of one
watershed or other. Watershed is thus the land
and water area, which contributes runoff to a
common point.
• For example, the watershed of a lake would
include not only the streams entering that lake
but also the land area that drains into those
streams and eventually the lake.
Water Shed
Water shed
Water Shed
Watershed Management – Definition
• The process of creating and implementing plans,
programs, and projects to sustain and enhance
watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and
human communities within a watershed boundary.
• Watershed management is the integrated use of land,
vegetation and water in a geographically discrete
drainage area for the benefit of its residents, with the
objective of protecting or conserving the hydrologic
services that the watershed provides and of reducing
or avoiding negative downstream or groundwater
impacts. Fresh water, and freshwater ecosystems, is the
most basic components of watershed management.
Need for Watershed Management.
• In spite of sufficient rainfall, people have to
depend upon tankers for their domestic water
supply in summers in most of the areas. This is
mainly due to large runoff which is responsible
for water loss as well as soil loss of the land.
• A raindrop, when flows along the slope, carries
the loose soil along it. In this case the topmost
layer of soil is lost rapidly. Due to high intensity
rainfall, it is estimated that, more than 100 tons
of soil is lost .
Objectives of Watershed management
• To control damaging runoff and degradation and thereby conservation
of soil and water.
• To manage and utilize the runoff water for useful purpose.
• To protect, conserve and improve the land of watershed for more
efficient and sustained production.
• To protect and enhance the water resource originating in the watershed.
• To check soil erosion and to reduce the effect of sediment yield on the
• To rehabilitate the deteriorating lands.
• To moderate the floods peaks at downstream areas.
• To increase infiltration of rainwater.
• To improve and increase the production of timbers, fodder and wild life
• To enhance the ground water recharge, wherever applicable.
Watershed Development
• Watershed development refers to the
conservation, regeneration and the judicious
use of all the resources (Natural and Human)
Within a watershed.
Steps Involved in Watershed
• Human Resource management
• Soil and land management
• Water management
• Crop management
• Afforestation
• Rural energy management
• Livestock management
Human Resource Management
• Training is essential to enhance the technical ,
social and managerial capacity of workers,
especially the NGO’s and VWC’s involved in
the watershed development
• The NGO staff, village watershed committee
and watershed committees have been
provided training through on field’ hands on’
structured and farmer to farmer extension
Soil and Land Management
• Soil Management: The soil Conservation
methods should be adopted in the catchment
area. The erosive power of natural agents
(Wind, Rain) and erodibility properties of the
soil combine to causes oil erosion
• The process gets accelerated with increase in
slope of the land surface and retarded by
decreasing in the slope
Soil Management
• The soil erosion can be decreased by
intercepting the erosive power of rain and
wind with vegetation cover, by increasing the
roughness of land surface by different tillage
operations by decreasing the slope of land by
adopting practices like bunds, terraces, and
other such structures.
Conserving Soil and Water
• Contour - Contour trenches trap rain water,
enable it to percolate to underground aquifers
and break the speed of fast moving water
• Gully control - Gully plugs help to control the
flow of water, sedimentation and recharge
ground water aquifers.
• Stone bunds - Building stone and nala bunds
across the slope arrest the flow of water and
control erosion in areas where soil work is not
Contour Bunds Stone Bunds
Check Dams Gully Control
Vegetation Cover
Land Management
• If the agriculture land is undulated the water is
lost by trapping, so the agricultural land should
be properly levelled to obtain uniform growth of
plants with optimum uniform quantity of water
• The deep ploughing by tractors is much efficient
to retain water and to get maximum yield with
optimum supply of water.
• Along the slops of hills area contours, bunds, or
terrace bunds should be constructed at different
levels which arrest the sediments and serve as
detention basin for heavy runoff season.
Deep Ploughing
Water Management
• Benefits may be obtained by utilizing
minimum volume of water, so the water
management is a science of proper
management of water by the cultivators
• •Methods of water management
• Reservoir management.
• Conveyance system management.
• Application of right amount of water
Reservoir Management
• The Reservoir management involves the
method of reducing evaporation losses (use of
chemicals like cethyl alcohol), absorption and
percolation losses (by making reservoir
Impervious by techniques like grouting)
Conveyance System Management
• The canals should be lined to reduce seepage
Application of right amount of water
• The right amount of water should be applied to the
land which is just sufficient to meet the water
requirement of crop.
• Eg. Different crops require different quantity of water
to come to maturity
• The amount of water required by them is known as
delta i.e. ht of water measured in cm required by the
• Sugarcane-120 cm
• Rice -120 cm
• Cotton 50 cm
Crop Management
• The crop management should be practices for
maintaining the fertility of the lands for
obtaining maximum yield with minimum supply
of water, correct method of irrigation
• •Border strip method-for wheat, vegetables
• •Furrow methods-for cotton, sugarcanes
• •Basin methods-For orchards
• •Sprinkler methods-for groundnuts, vegetables
• •Drip method-for all types of crops.
Furrow Irrigation
Basin Method
Sprinkler Method
Drip Method
• Planned growth of trees in wasted, restricted
area is a valued aspect of greening. These
conservation measures can reduce soil erosion
Rural Energy Management
• Prevention of local environment degradation
by replacing traditional fuel sources by
renewable energy sources.
• This reduces the agony of rural women
• It mitigates the indoor air pollution
Traditional methods of cooking food
Renewable energies
• Bio gas plant
• Solar cookers
• Solar panels
Livestock management
• The live stock population in the watershed
comprises of cows, bullocks, buffaloes, sheep,
goats, and camels, the live stock owner
normally provides water to large animals
either in the home or the animals are taken to
farmwells. Water availability situation, is also
found to be affecting livestock population. So
necessary steps should be taken to grow the
population of live stock provide them food
and shelter and health.
Live stocks
• Drinking water
• Health care for live stocks
Water Shed community
Advantages/Future Of WSM
• Watershed Development program is a revolutionary
program aimed at fulfilling the water needs in the water
scarce areas.
• In areas where there is inadequate water supply watershed
management offers an ideal solution.
• It helps in utilizing the primary source of water and
prevents the runoff from going into sewer or storm drains,
thereby reducing the load on treatment plants.
• If we take steps to encourage each drop of rainfall to
penetrate in the ground at the point where it strikes earth,
it will result in addition of one drop to our useful water
supply and subtraction of one drop from a potential flood.
Water Shed Community
Thank You