Fundamental Tensor

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2016 267

ISSN 2250-3153

Fundamental Metric Tensors Fields on Riemannian

Geometry with Applications to Integration of Tensor
Mohamed M.Osman
Department of mathematics faculty of science
University of Al-Baha – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract- In this paper is to introduce the idea of integration of tensor field .The definitions of indefinite and definite for tensor fields are similar to
the analogous definitions for integrals functions differential calculus , and the definite integral tensor fields is also a tensor field of the sum type.

Index Terms- [1] The dual space of a vector space is defined as follows : the dual space V * ,[2] k ∈ N given a vector space V1 ,.....,Vk one
can define a vector space V1 ⊗ ..... ⊗ Vk called their tensor product . The definite integral tensor of f t′ on a closed interval [a, b ] is defined

[X , Y ] is
∫ f t ′ dt = f t = f (b) − f ( a ) .[4] the indefinite integral of a vector field
by the Newton –Leibniz formula a
of the form

∫ [X , Y ]t dt = Yt + Y0 , where Y is a differentiable vector field.


The metric tensor is called positive-definite it assigns a positive vault every non-zero vector , a manifold equipped with a positive
define metric tensor is a known a Riemannian manifold , having define vectors and one-form we can define tensor , a tensor of
rank ( m, n) also called ( m, n) tensor , is defined to be scalar function of m one-forms and v vectors that is linear in all of its
argument, if follow at once that scalars tensors of rank (0,0) , for example metric tensor scalar product equation
~  ~ 
P (V ) = P ,V requires a vector and one-form is possible to obtain a scalar from vectors or two one-forms vectors tensor the
definition of tensors , any tensor of (0,2) will give a scalar form two vectors and any tensor of rank (0,2) combines two one-forms
to given (0,2) tensor field g x called tensor the g x inverse metric tensor , the metric tensor is a symmetric bilinear scalar function
of two vectors that g x and g x is returns a scalar called the dot product .
       
(1.1) g (V ,W ) =V .W = W .V = g (W ,V ) .
~  ~  ~ ~
Next we introduce one-form is defined as linear scalar function of vector P (V ) is also scalar product P (V ) = P ,V
one-form ~
p satisfies the following relation.
~     ~  ~  ~  ~ 
(1.2) P (aV + bW ) = P, aV + bW = a P ,V + b P ,W = aP (V ) + bP (W )
~ ~ ~ ~
and given any two scalars a and b and one-forms P , Q we define the one-form a P + b Q by.
~ ~  ~ ~  ~  ~  ~   
(1.3) ( a P + bQ ) (V ) = aP + bQ ,V = a P ,V + b Q ,V = aP (V ) + bQ(V )
~  ~   ~
and scalar function one-form we may write P ,V = P (V ) = V ( P ) , for example m = 2 , n = 0 and
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
T ( aP + bQ , cR + dS ) = acT ( P , R ) + adT ( P , S ) + bcT (Q , R ) + bdT (Q , S ) tensor of a given rank form a liner algebra mining
that a liner combinations of tensor rank ( m, n) is also a tensor rank ( m, n) , and tensor product of two vectors A and B given a
  ~ ~  ~  ~
rank ( 2,0) , T = A ⊗ B , T ( P , Q ) ≡ A( P ).B (Q ) and ⊗ to denote the tensor product and non commutative
     
A ⊗ B ≠ B ⊗ A and B = cA for some scalar , we use the symbol ⊗ to denote the tensor product of any two tensor e.g
~ ~ ~
P ⊗ T = P ⊗ A ⊗ B is tensor of rank ( 2,1) . The tensor fields in inroad allows one to the tensor algebra AR (T p M ) the tensor
spaces obtained by tensor protects of space R , T p M and T * p M using tensor defined on each point p ∈ M field for example
M be n-dimensional manifolds a differentiable tensor t p ∈ AR (T p M ) are same have differentiable components with respect , given
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2016 268
ISSN 2250-3153

by tensor products of bases  ∂  ⊂ Tp M , k = 1,...., n and (dx ) k

p ⊂ T * p M induced by all systems on M . Laplace-
 ∂x  p

“Bltrami operator” plays a fundamental role in Riemannian geometric in real applications smooth metric surface is usually as
triangulated mesh the manifold including mesh parameterization segmentation let V is the space whose elements are linear functions
from V * is denote its dual space , we denote the of σ (V * ) then σ : V → R for the any v ∈ V we denote the value of σ on v by
σ (V ) or by v,σ .
Tensor Riemannian Geometry . A C ∞ covariant tensor field of order r on C ∞ manifold M is function M is assigns to
each p ∈ M an element ϕ p of f r (T p M ) and which has additional property that given any ( X 1 , X 2 ,....., X r ) , C ∞ vector fields
on an open subset U of M , then ϕ p ( X 1 , ...., X r ) is C ∞ function on U , defined
by ( X 1 , X 2 ,....., X r ) , P = ϕ p ( X 1 p , ...., X r p ) we denote by f r (M ) the set of all C ∞ covariant tensor fields of order r on M .
For each ϕ ∈ f r (U ) including the restriction to U of any covariant tensor field on M , has a unique expression form.
(1.4) ϕ = ∑ , ... , ∑ ai1 , ... , ai r (wi r ⊗,...., wi r )
i1 ir

where at each point U , ai 1 ,.., i r are ϕ (Ei1 ,..., Ei r ) are the component of ϕ in the basis (wi r ⊗,.....,⊗ wi r ) and is C ∞ function on
U . The tangent space T p M is defined as the vector space spanned by the tangents at p to all curves passing through point p in
the manifold M , and the cotangent T p* M of a manifold at p ∈ M is defined as the dual vector space to the tangent space T p M ,
we take the basis vectors Ei =  ∂ i  for T p M and we write the basis vectors T p* M as the differential line elements
 ∂x 
e i = dx i thus the inner product is given by ∂ / ∂x, dx = δ i .
i j

A alternating covariant tensor field of order r on M will be called an exterior differential form of degree r , or some time simply r-
form , the set Λr (M ) of all such forms is a subspace of f r (M ) , for example Λ (M ) denote the vector space over R of all
exterior differential forms , then for ϕ ∈ Λr (M ) and ψ ∈ Λs (M ) the formula (ϕ ∧ ψ )p = ϕ p ∧ ψ p defines an associative product
satisfying (ϕ ∧ ψ ) = (− 1) (ψ ∧ ϕ ) with this product Λ (M ) is algebra over R if f ∈ C ∞ (M ) we also have

(1.5) f (ϕ ψ ) = ϕ ∧ ( fψ ) = ψ ∧ ( fϕ )
is a field of co frames on M or an open set U of M , an oriented vector space is a vector space plus an equivalence class of
allowable bases choose a basis to determine the orientations those equivalents to will be called oriented or positively oriented bases or
frames this concept is related to the choice of a basis Ω of Λn (V ) , say that M is oriented if is possible to define a C ∞ n-form
Ω on Ω which is not zero at any point in which case M is said to be oriented by the choice .


2.1 Tensors
In this section some fundamental constructions for a real vector space V are introduced . The dual space V * the tensor spaces
T k (V ) and the alternating tensor spaces A k (V ) . The presentation is based purely on linear algebra , and it is independent of all the
following , where we shall apply the theory of the present section to the study of manifolds. The linear space V will then be the
tangent space T p M at a given point. Let V be a vector space over R .For our purposes only finite dimensional space are needed ,
so we shall assume dim. V ≤ ∞ whenever it is convenient .

2.2 The dual space

We recall that the dual space of a vector space is defined as follows : the dual space V * is the space of linear maps ζ : V → R a
liner map ζ ∈ V * is often called a linear form equipped with the V * becomes a vector space on its own. The basic theorem about
V * ,for V finite dimensional , is the following .

Definition 2.2.1
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ISSN 2250-3153

The dual space V is the space of linear maps ζ :V → R a linear map ζ ∈ V * is often called a linear form . Equipped with the

natural algebraic operations of addition and scalar multiplication of maps V * becomes a vector space on its own. The basic theorem
about V * for V finite dimensional is the following .

Theorem 2.2.2
Assume dim V = n ∈ N and let e1 ,...., en ∈ R be a basis (i) For each i = 1,...., n an element ζ i ∈ V * is defined by
ζ i ( a1e1 + ..... + an en ) = ai , a1 ,...., an ∈ R . (ii) the elements ζ 1 ,...., ζ n form a basis for V * ( called the dual basis )
Proof :
Is easy for (ii) notice first that tow linear forms on vector space are equal, if they agree on each element of a basis . Notice also that it
follows from the definition ζ i that ζ i (e j ) = δ i , j let ζ ∈ V * , then

ζ = ∑ ζ (ei )ζ i

i =1

Because the two sides agree on each e j .This shows that the vectors ζ 1 , ......, ζ n space V * . They are also linearly independent, for
∑ bζ = 0 then b j = ∑ bi ζ i (e j ) = 0 for all j .
i i

Corollary 2.2.3
If dim V = n then dim V * if a linear form ζ ∈ V * satisfies that ζ (V ) = 0 for all v ∈ V , then by definition ζ = 0 then similar
for elements v ∈ V needs.

Corollary 2.2.4
Let v ∈ V if v ≠ 0 then ζ (v) ≠ 0 for some ζ ∈ V * .
Proof :
For simplicity we assume dim v  ∞ ( although the result is true in general ) . Assume v ≠ 0 . Then there exists a basis
e1 ,...., en for V . This can be seen from the following theorem , which shows the elements of V * can be used to detect whether a
given belongs to a given subspace .

2.3 The dual of a linear map

Let V , W be vector space over R , and let T :V → W be liner . By definition, the dual map T * : W * → V * takes a linear form
η ∈ W * to its pull-back by T , that is T * (η ) = η  T . It is easily seen that T * liner. For example assume V and W are finite
dimensional and let T :V → W be linear . If T is represented by a matrix ( ai j ) with respect to the dual base.

Lemma 2.3.1
Assume V and W are finite dimensional, and let T : V → W be linear . If T is represented by a matrix ( e j ,i ) with respect to
some given bases then T * is represented by the transposed matrix ( e j ,i ) with respect to the dual spaces .
Proof :
Let e1 ,...., en and f 1 ,...., f m denote the given base for V and W the fact that T is represented by ( ai , j ) is expressed in the
equality Te j = ∑ ai , j f i . Let ζ 1 ,...., ζ n and η1 ,....,η m denote the dual bases for V * and W * then ai , j = ηi (Te j ) we now

obtain with ζ = T *η k that .

T *η k = ∑ T *η k (e j )ζ j = ∑ηk (Te j )ζ j = ∑ ak , jζ j
j j j

2.4 Tensors vector spaces

We now proceed to define tensors . Let k ∈ N given a vector space V1 ,.....,Vk one can define a vector space V1 ⊗ ..... ⊗ Vk called
their tensor product . The element of this vector space are called tensors with the situation where the vector space V1 ,.....,Vk are all
equal to the same space. In fact the tensor space T kV we define below corresponds to V *1 ⊗ ..... ⊗ V * k in the general notation.
And we define V k = V × .... × V be the Cartesian product of k copies of V .A map ϕ from V k to a vector space U is called
multiline if in each variable separately ( i.e with the other variables held fixed ) .
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ISSN 2250-3153

Definition 2.4.1
Let V K = V × ..... × V be the Cartesian product of k copies of V . A map ϕ from V k to a vector space U is called multiline if
it is linear in each variable separately ( i.e with the other variables held fixed )

Definition 2.4.2
A(covariant) k-tensor on V is a multilinear map T : V k → R . The set of k-tensors on V is denoted T k (V ) . In particular,
a 1-tensor is a linear form , T 1 (V ) = V * . It is convenient to add the convention that T 0 (V ) = R . The set T k (V ) is called tensor
space, it is a vector space because sums and scalar products of multilinear maps are again multilinear.

2.5Alternating tensors
Let V be a real vector space . In the preceding section the tensor spaces T kV were defined , together with the tensor product
( S , T ) → S ⊗ T , T k ( V ) × T l (V ) → T k + l (V ) there is an important construction of vector spaces which resemble tensor
powers of V , but for which there is a more refined structure, These are the so-called exterior powers V , which play an important
role in differential geometry because the theory of differential forms is built on them. They are also of importance in algebraic
topology and many other fields. A multiline map ϕ :V k = V × .... × V → U where k ≥ 1 is said to be alternating if for all
v1 ,......, vk are inter-changed that is ϕ (v1 ,......, vi ,...., v k ) = −ϕ (vi ,....., v j ,....., vi ,...., v k ) since every permutation of numbers
1,......, k can be decomposed into transpositions, it follows that ϕ (vσ 1 ,...., vσ k ) = sgn ϕ (v1 ,....., v k ) for all permutations
σ ∈ S k of the numbers 1,....., k .For example let V = R 3 the vector product (v1 , v1 ) → v1 × v2 ∈ V is alternating for
V × V → V .And let V = R the n × n determinant is multinear and alternating in its columns, hence it can be viewed as an
alternating map ( R n ) n → R .

Lemma 2.5.1
Let ϕ : V k → U be multilinear . The following conditions are equivalent : (a) ϕ is alternating . (b) ϕ ( v1 ,..., vk ) = 0 whenever
two of vectors v1 ,...., vk are linearly dependent.
Proof :
(a) ⇒ (b) if so implies ϕ (v1 ,...., vk ) = 0 ,(a) ⇒ (b) consider for example the interchange of v1 and v 2 . By linearity
0 = φ (v1 + v2 , v1 + v2 , .... ) = ϕ (v1 , v2 ,.... ) ϕ (v1 , v2 ,.....) + ϕ (v1 , v2 ,.....) + ϕ (v1 , v2 ,.....) = ϕ (v1 , v2 ,....) + ϕ (v1 , v2 ,.....)
If follows that ϕ (v1 ,...., vk ) = −ϕ (v1 , v2 ,....) (a) ⇒ (c) if the vector ( v1 ,..., vk ) are linearly dependent then one of then can be

written as a linear combination of the others. It then follows that

ϕ (v1 ,...., vk ) is a linear combination of terms in each of which
some vi appears twice (a) ⇒ (b) obvious . In particular , if k ≥ dim .V then every set of k vectors is linearly dependent, and hence
ϕ = 0 is the only alternating map V k → U .

Definition 2.5.2
An alternating k-form is an alternating k-tensor V k → R the space of these is denoted Ak (V ) , it is a linear subspace of T k (V )

Theorem 2.5.3
Assume dim V = n with e1 ,...., en a basis . let ζ 1 ,...., ζ n ∈ V * denote the dual basis . The elements ζ 1 ⊗ .... ⊗ ζ i ,k where
I = ( i1 ,...., ik ) is an arbitrary sequence of k numbers in {1,...., n } ,form a basis for T k (V ) .
Proof :
Let T1 = ζ i1 ⊗ ...... ⊗ ζ i k . Notice that if J = ( j1 ,....., jk ) is another sequence of k integers , and we denote by e j the element
e j1 ,...., e j k ∈ V k then T I (e j ) = δ I j that is T I (e j ) = 1 if J = I and 0 otherwise . If follows that the T I
are linearly
independent, for if a liner combination T = ∑ aI TI is zero, then a j = T (e j ) = 0 . It follows from the multilinearity that a k-tensor

is uniquely determined by its values on all elements in V k of the form e j . For any given k-tensor T we have that the k-tensor
∑ T (eI )TI agrees with T on all e j hence ∑ T (eI )TI and we conclude that the TI span T
(V ) .
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2.6 The wedge product

In analogy with the tensor product ( S , T ) → S ⊗ T form T k (V ) × T l (V ) → T k +1 (V ) , there is a construction of a product
Ak (V ) × Al (V ) → Ak +1 since tensor products of alternating tensors are not alternating , it does not suffice just to take S ⊗ T .

Definition 2.6.1
Let S ∈ Ak (V ) and T ∈ Al (V ) . The wedge product S ∧ T ∈ Ak +1 (V ) is defined by S ∧ T = ALt ( S ⊗ T ) .Notice that in
the case k = 0 ,where Ak (V ) = R , the wedge product is just scalar multiplication .

Example 2.6.2
Let η1 ,η 2 ∈ A1 (V ) = V * then by definition η1 ∧ η 2 = 1 / 2(η1 ⊗ η 2 − η 2 ⊗ η1 ) since the operator . Alt is linear the wedge
product depends linearly on the factors S and T . It is more cumbersome to verify the associative rule for ∧ . In order to do this we
need the following .

Lemma 2.6.3
Let R ∈ Ak (V ) , S ∈ Al (V ) and T ∈ Am (V ) then
(2.1) ( R ∧ S ) ∧ T = R ∧ ( S ∧ T ) = Alt ( R ⊗ S ⊗ T ) And R ∧ ( S ∧ T ) = Alt ( R ⊗ Alt ( S ⊗ T ) = Alt ( R ⊗ S ⊗ T )
The wedge product is associative, we can write any product T1 ∧ ..... ∧ Tr of tensor Ti ∈ Ak i (V ) without specifying brackets. In
fact it follows by induction from that T1 ∧ ..... ∧ Tr = Alt ( T1 ⊗ ...... ⊗ Tr ) regardless of how brackets are inserted in the wedge
product in particular, it follows from η1 ∧ ..... ∧ η k (v1 ,...., vk ) =
[ ]
det ηi (v j )i , j for all v1 ,...., vk ∈ V and η1 ,....,η 2 ∈ V * are

viewed as 1-forms, the basis elements ζ I are written in this fashion as ζ I = ζ i I ∧ ..... ∧ ζ i k where I = (i1 ,...., ik ) is an increasing
sequence form 1,...., n this will be our notation for ζ I from now on . The wedge product is not commutative . Instead, it satisfies the
following relation for interchange of factors.
In this defined a tensor φ on V is by definition a multiline V * denoting the dual space to V , r its covariant order and s its contra
variant order , assume r ≥ 0 or s ≥ 0 thus φ assigns to each r-tupe of elements of V and s tupelo of elements of V * a real number
and if for each k , 1 ≤ k ≤ r + s we hold every variable except the φ fixed the k − th satisfies the linearity condition
(2.2) φ (v1 , ....,α vk + α ′ vk′ , ..)= (v1 , ..., vk ) + α ′φ (v1′, ....., vk )
For all α , α ′ ∈ R and vk , v′k ∈ V or V respectively for a fixed r , s we let f sr (V ) be the collection of all tensors on V of covariant
order s and contra variant order r , we know that as a function from ( V × .... × V × V * × ... × V ) to order R they may by added
and multiplied by scalars elements R with this addition and scalar multiplication f sr (V ) is a vector space so that
if φ1 , φ 2 ∈ f sr (V ) and α1 ,α 2 ∈ R then α φ + α φ defined in the way alluded to above that is by.
1 1 2 2

(2.3) (α φ + α φ ) (v , v ,....) = α φ (v , v ,...) + α φ (v , v ,...)

1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2

Is multiline and therefore in f sr (V ) this f sr (V ) has a natural vector space structure. In properties come naturally interims of the
metric defined those spaces are known interims differential geometry as Riemannian manifolds a convector tensor on a vector V is
simply a real valued ϕ ( v1 , v2 ,...., vr ) of several vector variables ( v1 , .... , vr ) of V the multiline number of variables is called the
order of the tensor , a tensor field ϕ of order r on linear in each on a manifold M is an assignment to each point p ∈ M of tensor
ϕ p on the vector space T p M which satisfies a suitable regularity condition C 0 , C ∞ or C r as P on M .

With the natural definitions of addition and multiplication by elements of R the set f sr (V ) of all tensors of order r , s on V forms a
vector space of dimension n r + s .

We shall say that φ ∈ f sr (V ) , V a vector space is symmetric if for each 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r ,we φ (v1 , v2 ,..., v j ,..., vi ,..., vr ) similarly if
interchanging the i − th and j − th variables 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r changes the sign, − φ (v1 , v2 ,..., v j ,..., vi ,..., vr ) then we say φ is skew or
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ISSN 2250-3153

anti symmetric or alternating covariant tensors are often called exterior forms, a tensor field is symmetric respective alternating if it
has this property at each point.

Definition 2.6.7 [ Summarizing and Al-treating Transformations ]

We define two liner transformations on the vector space f sr (V ) , a symmertrizing mapping f : f sr (V ) → f sr (V ) , alternating

A : f sr (V ) → f sr by the formula ( f φ )(v1 ,...., v r ) = ∑ σφ (vσ 1 ,....., vσ r )

r! σ
And ( A φ )(v1 ,...., v r ) =∑ σφ (vσ 1 ,....., vσ r ) the summation being over all σ ∈ Gr , the group of permutations of r letter it is
r! σ
immediate that these maps linear transformation on f sr (V ) in fact φ → φ σ defined by φ σ (vr ) = φ (vσ r ) is such that a linear
transformations and any linear combination of linear transformations of a vector space is again a linear transformation.

Theorem 2.6.8
The product f r (V ) × f s (V ) → f r+s
(V ) just defined is bilinear associative if w1 , ...., w n is abasis1 V * = f 1 (V ) then
wi (1) ⊗,....,⊗ wi ( r ) and 1 ≤ i1 ,...., ir ≤ n is a basis of f r (V ) finally F * : W → V is linear , then
each statement is proved by straightforward computation to say that bilinear means that α , β are
numbers φ1 , φ 2 ∈ f (V ) andψ ∈ f (V ) then (αφ1 + βφ 2 ) ⊗ ψ = α (φ1 ⊗ ψ ) + β (φ2 ⊗ ψ ) Similarly for the second variable
r r

this is checked by evaluating side on r + s vectors of V in fact basis vectors suffice because of linearity associatively is
similarly (φ ⊗ψ ) ⊗ ϕ = ϕ (ψ ⊗ φ ) , the defined in natural way this allows us to drop the parentheses to
both ( wi (1) ⊗,....,⊗ wi ( r ) ) from a basis it is sufficient to note that if e1 ,...., en is the basis of V dual to ( w1 ⊗ .... ⊗ w n ) then the
tensor previously Ω ( i1,...,i r ) defined is exactly ( wi (1) ⊗,....,⊗ wi ( r ) ) this follows from the two definitions.
 0 if (i1 ,..., ir ) ≠ ( j1 ,...., jr )
(2.5) Ω ( i 1,...,i r ) (e j (1) ,....., e j ( r ) ) = 
 1 if (i1 ,..., ir ) = ( j1 ,....., jr )
(2.6) ( w ⊗,...,⊗ w ) (e j (1) ,..., e j ( r ) ) = w i (1) (e j (1) ) w i ( 2 ) (e j ( 2 ) ),.., w i ( r ) = δ ji ((11)) ,.., δ ji (( rr ))
i (1) i(r )

which show that both tensors have the same values on any order set of r basis vectors and are thus equal finally
given F * : W → V if w1 ,...., wr + s then
F * (ϕ ⊗ψ )(w1 ,...., wr + s ) = ϕ ⊗ψ (F * ( w1 ),......, F * ( wr + s ) )
= ϕ (F * ( w1 ),......, F * ( wr ) ) ψ (F * ( w1 ),...., F * ( wr + s ) ) = (F *ϕ ) ⊗ (F *ψ )(w1 ,...., wr + s )
Which proves F * (ϕ ⊗ψ ) = ( F *ϕ ) ⊗ ( F *ψ ) and completes tensor field.

Remark 2.6.9
The rule for differentiating the wedge product of a p-form α p and q-form β q is
(2.8) d (α p ∧ β q ) = dα p ∧ β q + ( −1) p α p ∧ dβ q

Definition 2.6.10
Let f : M → N be a C ∞ map of C ∞ manifolds , then each C ∞ covariant tensor field ϕ on N determines a C ∞ covariant tensor
field F *ϕ on M by the formula ( F *ϕ ) p ( X 1 p ,...., X rP ) = ϕ F ( p ) ( F * X 1 p ,......, F * X r p ) the map F * : f r ( N ) → f r ( M ) so
defined is linear and takes symmetry alternating tensor to symmetric alternating tensors.

Lemma 2.6.11
Let Ω ≠ 0 be an alternating covariant tensor V of order n=dim. V and let e1 , .... , en be a basis of V then for any set of
vectors v1 ,..., vn with vi = ∑ α i j e j we have, Ω(v1 , ...., vn ) = det α i .
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ISSN 2250-3153

Example 2.6.12
I. Possible p-forms α p in two dimensional space are .
α 0 = f ( x, y )
(2.9) α 1 = u ( x, y ) dx + v ( x, y ) dy
α 2 = φ ( x, y ) dx ∧ dy
The exterior derivative of line element givens the two dimensional curl times the area
d [u ( x, y ) dx + v ( x, y ) dy ] = (∂ x v − ∂ y u )dx ∧ dy .
II. the three space p-forms α p are .
α 0 = f ( x)
α 1 = v1 dx1 + v2 dx 2 + v3 dx 3
α 2 = w1 dx 2 ∧ dx 3 + w2 dx 3 ∧ dx1 + w3 dx1 ∧ dx 2
α 3 = ϕ ( x) dx1 ∧ dx 2 ∧ dx 3
We see that α 1 ∧ α 2 = (v1 w1 + v2 w2 + v1 w3 ) dx1 ∧ dx 2 ∧ dx 3 and

dα1 = ( ε i j k ∂ j vk ) ε i j m dx1 ∧ dx m
dα 2 = ( ∂1w1 + ∂ 2 w2 + ∂ 3 w3 )dx1 ∧ dx1 ∧ dx 3

Where ε i j k is the totally anti-symmetric tensor in 3-dimensions.The isomorphism vectors tensor field we saw in the equation
~    ~ ~
V ≡ g (V ,⋅) ≡ g (⋅,V ) and V ≡ g −1 (V ,⋅) ≡ g −1 (⋅,V ) the link between the vector and dual vector spaces is provided by g and
  ~ ~
g −1 if A = B components A µ = B µ then A = B components Bµ = g µν B so where Aµ ≡ g µν A and Bµ ≡ g µν B so why
ν ν ν

do we bother one-forms when vector are sufficient the answer is that tensors may by function of both one-form and vectors , there is
also an isomorphism a mongo tensors of different rank , we have just argued that the tensor space of rank ( 1.0) vectors and (0.1) are
isomorphic , in fact all 2 m+ n tensor space of rank ( m + n) with fixed ( m + n ) are isomorphic, the metric tensor like together these
λ  
spaces as exempla field by equation Tµν ≡ g (eµ , T k νλ ek ) we could now use the inverse metric
 
(2.11) Tµνλ ≡ g −1 ( e λ , Tµνk e k ) g λ k Tµ ν k ≡ g λ k g µ pTν pk
The isomorphism of different tensor space allows us to introduce a notation that unifies them , we could effect such a unification by
discarding basis vectors and one-forms only with components, in general isomorphism tensor vector A defined by
  
(2.12) A = Aµ e − µ = Aµ g µν eν ≡ A µ eµ

And A = Aµ e µ is invariant under a change of basis because e µ transforms like a basis one-form .
2.7 Tensor fields
The introduced definitions allows one to introduce the tensor algebra AR (T p M ) of tensor spaces obtained by tensor products of
space R and (T p M ) and (T * p M ) . Using tensor defined on each point p ∈ M one may define tensor fields.

Definition 2.7.1
Let M be a n-dimensional manifold . A differentiable tensor field t is an assignment p → t p where tensors t p ∈ AR (T p M ) are of
the same kind and have differentiable components with respect to all the canonical bases of AR (T p M ) given by product of bases
 ∂ 
 K p  k = 1,..., n ⊂ T p M and dx p k = 1,..., n ⊂ Tp M induced by all of local coordinate system M .
k *

 ∂x 
In particular a differentiable vector field and a differentiable 1-form ( equivalently called coveter field ) are assignments of tangent
vectors and 1-forms respectively as stated above.
For tensor fields the same terminology referred to tensor is used .For instance, a tensor field t which is represented in local

coordinates by t j ( p ) ⊗ dx j is said to of order (1,1) .
∂x i p
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ISSN 2250-3153

(1) It is clear that to assign on a differentiable manifold M a differentiable tensor field T ( of any kind and order ) it necessary and
sufficient to assign a set of differentiable functions . ( x1 ,...., x n ) → T i1,...., i m j1,..., j k ( x1 ,...., x n )
In every local coordinate patch ( of the whole differentiable structure M or, more simply , of an atlas of M ) such that they satisfy
the usual rule of transformation of comports of tensors of tensors if (x 1 ,...., x n ) and ( y 1 ,...., y n ) are the coordinates of the same
point p ∈ M in two different local charts .
∂ ∂
⊗ .... ⊗
T i 1,...,i m j 1,...., j k ⊗ dx j 1 p ⊗ ... ⊗ dx j k p
∂x i 1 p ∂x i m p
(2) it is obvious that the differentiability requirement of the comports of a tensor field can be choked using the bases induced by a
single atlas of local charts. It is not necessary to consider all the charts of the differentiable structure of the manifold.
(3) If X is a differentiable vector field on a differentiable manifold, M defines a derivation at each point

p ∈ M : if f ∈ D(M ) , X p ( f ) = X i ( p ) i where (x 1 ,...., x n ) are coordinates defined about p . More generally every
∂x p
differentiable vector field X defines a linear mapping from D (M ) to D (M ) given by f → X ( f ) for every
f ∈ D (M ) where X ( f ) ∈ D ( M ) is defined as X ( f ) ( P ) = X p ( f ) for every p ∈ M .
(4) for (contra variant ) vector field X on a differentiable manifold M , a requirement equivalent to the differentiability is the
following the function X ( f ) : P → X p ( f ) , ( where we use X p as a derivation ) is differentiable for all of f ∈ D (M ) .
Indeed if X is a differentiable contra variant vector field and if f ∈ D (M ) , one has that X ( f ) : P → X p ( f ) is a
differentiable function too as having a coordinate representation .
X ( f )  φ −1 : φ (U ) ∈ (x 1 ,..., x n ) → X i (x 1 ,...., x n )
∂x i ( x ,..., x )
1 n

In every local coordinate chart (U , φ ) and all the involved function being differentiable . Conversely p → X p ( f ) defines a
function in D (M ) , X ( f ) for every f ∈ D (M ) the components of p → X p ( f ) in every local chart (U , φ ) must be
differentiable . This is because in a neighborhood of q ∈ U , X i ( q ) = X ( f (1)
Where the function f (1)
∈ D ( M ) vanishes outside U and is defined as r → x i (r ) , h(r ) in U where x i is the i-th component
of φ ( the coordinate x i ) and h a hat function centered on q with support in U . Similarly the differentiability of a covariant vector
field w is equivalent to the differentiability of each function p → X p .w p for all differentiable vector fields X .
(5) If f ∈ D (M ) the differential of f in p , df p is the 1-form defined by df p = dx i in local coordinates about p .
∂x i p

The definition does not depend on the chosen coordinates .As a consequence , the point p ∈ M , p → df p defines a covariant
differentiable vector field denoted by df and called the differential of f .
(6) The set of contra variant differentiable vector fields on any differentiable manifold M defines a vector space with field given by
R is replaced by D (M ) , the obtained algebraic structure is not a vector space because D (M ) is a commutative ring with
multiplicative and addictive unit elements but fails to be a field . However the incoming algebraic structure given by a vector space
with the field replaced by a commutative ring with multiplicative and addictive unit elements is well know and it is called module.


In the previous in this section we defined the Lie derivative of tensor field along a few at = exp tX of a vector field X .
Analogously , one can spank about an integration of tensor fields. In particular we need to recover a tensor field its known Lie
derivative with respect to the vector field X .
Definition 3.1
The indefinite integral of a function f t ′ with respect to the parameter t is defined as the set of all ant derivatives of f t ′ along flow
ai of X symbolized by .
(3.1) ∫ f i ′ dt = f i + f 0
Where f 0 is an invariant of X i.e X f 0 = 0 .
Definition 3.2
The definite integral of f t ′ on a closed interval [a, b ] is defined by the Newton –Leibniz formula.
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ISSN 2250-3153

∫ f t ′ dt = f t = f (b) − f ( a )
(3.3) a

f is a tensor field, then along with the Lie differentiation one can speak about an integration of tensor fields along the flow of X .
Let S and Q be smooth tensor fields of the same type on M .
Definition 3.3
A tensor fields , Q is said to be an ant derivative of S along the flow X if Q′ = l X Q = S .Let Q1 and Q2 be tensor fields of the
same ant derivative of S .then the second one is an ant derivative of S if and only if Q1 − Q2 = Q0 where Q0 is an invariant tensor
field along the flow of X ,i.e l X Q0 = 0 .
Definition 3.4
The indefinite integral of the tensor field S with respect to t is defined as the set of all ant derivatives of S along the flow ai of
X ,symbolized by .
(3.4) ∫ S t dt = Qt − Q0
Where Q is a ant derivative of S and l X Q0 = 0 the next proposition relates the integration and the Lie differential of tensor fields.
Proposition 3.5
Let Q be an ant derivative of S along the flow ai of X and suppose S is continuous on a closed interval [a, b] .Then the definite
integral of S is defined by .
(3.5) ∫ S t dt = Qb − Qa
Let the closed interval [a, b] be partitioned by points a = t 0 ≤ t1 ≤ ..... ≤ t i −1 ≤ t i ≤ t i +1 ≤ .... ≤ t n−1 ≤ t n = b then the definite
integral of S is defined by taking the limit of the sum.
b n
∫ S t dt = lim max ∆ti→0 ∑ S ξi ∆t i
a i =1

Where S ξ i is the value of S at an arbitrary point ξ i ∈ (t i−1 , t i ) and ∆ t i = t i − t i−1 is the length of the subinterval
i = 1,2,..., n According to the mean value theorem there is one point ξ i in each open interval ( t i − t i−1 ) such that
S ξ i ∆ t i = Qt i − Qt i −1 we have Qb − Qa = ∑ ( Qt i − Qt i −1 ) which can be rewritten as .
i =1

Qb − Qa = ∑ S ξ i ∆ t i
i =1

Then taking the limit of sum in the right-hand side (3.6) as n → ∞ we obtain . Let Y be differentiable vector field on M .
∫ [X , Y ] dt = Y
(3.7) a − Yb
a t

Example 3.6 ( Geometrical examples )

∂ ∂
Let us consider the linear vector field X = − y + on the x,y plane the flow ai of X is a uniform circular motion around the
∂x ∂y
origin ai : ( x, y ) → ( x cos t − y sin t , y cos t + x sin t ) the indefinite integral of a function along the flow ai is defined by
(3.1) , where f 0 = f 0 ( I ) is a function of invariant I = x 2 + y 2 of X form (3.3) it follows that the indefinite integral of a vector
field [X , Y ] is of the form ∫ [X , Y ]t dt = Yt + Y0 , where Y is a differentiable vector field on the xy plane , and Y0 is of the form
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Y0 = ξ ( x, y ) + η ( x, y ) . According to condition [X , Y0 ]= ( Xξ + η ) + ( Xη − ξ ) = 0 the functions ξ and
∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
η must satisfy the system of linear ODEs .
ξ ′′ + ξ ′ = 0

η ′′ + η ′ = 0
Where prime denotes the derivative with respect to X . Supposes two function f = x and g = y be given on the x, y plan .The
dragging of those functions and the function f + g = x + y along the flow of X are described by f t = xt , g t = y t and
 π
( f + g ) t = ( x + y ) t respectively . Let us calculate the corresponding definite integrals on the closed interval [a, b] = 0, .
 2 
By (3.2) we have.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2016 276
ISSN 2250-3153

π π
2 2 π
∫ f t ′dt = ∫ xt′dt = xt 2
= −x − y
0 0
π π
2 2 π
∫ g t dt = ∫ y t dt = y t 2
=x− y
0 0
π π
2 2
∫ ( f + g ) dt = ∫ ( xt − y t ) dt = ( xt + y t ) 02 = −2 y
/ /
0 0

Consider the vector field Y = the Lie derivatives of Y with respect to X is described the vector – function
∂ ∂
Y ′ = [X .Y ] = , Y ′′ = [X .Y ′] = − = −Y thus we have Y ′′ + Y ′ = 0 and the dragging of Y along the flow of X is
∂x ∂y
∂ ∂ ∂
described by the vector-function Yt = Tai Y = sin t + cos t then using we obtain the definite integral of field Y ′ = on
∂x ∂y ∂x
 π
the closed interval 0, 
 2
2  ∂  π
∂ ∂  ∂  ∂ ∂
∫  dt = Yt 2 = − ,  = cos t − sin t
0  ∂x 
∂x ∂y  ∂x  t ∂x ∂y

The figure (1) illustrate the meaning of the definite integral of a vector field on the .

Figure (1) : the flow of X is the uniform circular motion around the origin in the counterclockwise direction . The Lie derivative of
∂ ∂
Y = ( south wind ) with respect to X is the field Y ′ = ( west wind) .
∂y ∂x

Figure (2) : The field Y is rotated in moving frame according to the law Yt = Y cos t + Y ′ sin t ( the wind changes own direction
∂ ∂
rotating clockwise ) . The calculating of definite integral ∫ [X .Y ]dt yields the field
, (north-west wind )
0 ∂x ∂y
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2016 277
ISSN 2250-3153

Figure (3): the summands for the integral sum are defined by the mean value theorem taking the limit of the integral sum. We obtain
the closing line to the hodograph of Yi , the hodograph is the velocity as function of time . The hodograph of the vector-function
Yi has the same trajectory as X but with opposite direction . The integral sum ∑ξ/ t Yξ′t ∆t t is a broken line to the hodograph and the
∂ ∂
integral − is a straight line closing this broken , see Figure (3) .
∂x ∂y
Example 3.7
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Let three vector fields −y X =z , Y = −z +x , Z = y −x
∂y ∂z ∂x ∂z ∂x ∂y
Be given in space in the space xyz . The flows of Y , X and Z are rotation about three axis xyz respectively . Let us consider the
dragging of Y along the flow of X the dragging of Z along the flow of Y and the dragging of X along the flow of Z :
Y ′ = [X , Y ] = Z , Y ′′ + Y = 0 ⇒ Yt = Y cos t + Z sin t
Z ′ = [Y , Z ] = X , Z ′′ + Z = 0 ⇒ Z t = Z cos t + X sin t
X ′ = [Z , Y ] = Y , X ′′ + X = 0 ⇒ X t = X cos t + Y sin t
Let us calculate the integrals of Y , X and Z on a closed interval [a, b ] .
a −b  a+b a+b
∫ Z t dt = ∫ [X , Y ] dt = Yb − Ya = 2 sin
b b
 Y sin − Z cos 
a a t 2  2 2 
a −b  a+b a+b
∫ X t dt = ∫ [Y , Z ] dt = Z b − Z a = 2 sin
b b
 Z sin − X cos 
a a t 2  2 2 
a −b  a+b a+b
∫ Yt dt = ∫ [Z , X ] dt = X b _ X a = 2 sin
b b
 X sin − Z cos 
a a t 2  2 2 
Taking a = 0 and b = we obtain three vector fields .
∂ ∂ ∂
∫ Z t dt = ( y − z )
(3.8) −x −x
0 ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ ∂ ∂
− (x + z )
(3.9) ∫ X t dt = − y −y
0 ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂ ∂ ∂
− (x + z )
(3.10) ∫ Yt dt = y −y
0 ∂x ∂y ∂z
The flow of the field (3.8) is .

( x, y , z ) → {xt = x cos 2t + ( y + z )
sin 2t
1 − cos
( x, y , z ) → {y t = y − x − (y + z)
sin 2t 2t
2 2
1 − cos
( x, y , z ) → {z t = z − x − (y + z)
sin 2t 2t
2 2
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2016 278
ISSN 2250-3153

From the equalities y t − z t = y − z and 2 xt + ( y + z ) = 2 x + ( y + z ) we obtain two invariants .

2 2 2 2

(3.11) I1 = 2 x 2 + ( y + z) 2 , I 2 = y − z
It means that the level surfaces of the trajectories of the field (3.9) are elliptic cylinders with axis of rotation y + z = 0 , x = 0 .
The trajectories are ellipse on the intersections of cylinders I 1 = c ≥ 0 with plane I 2 = c ≥ 0 perpendicular to the axis of rotation
the flow of the field (3.9) is .
1 − cos
( x, y , z ) → {xt = x − y − (x + z )
sin 2t 2t
2 2

( x, y , z ) → {y t = y cos 2t + (x + z )
sin 2t
1 − cos
( x, y , z ) → {z t = z − y − (x + z )
sin 2t 2t
2 2
And the invariants are 1 = 2 x 2
+ ( y + z ) 2
, I 2 = y − z the level surface the trajectories of the field (3.9) are elliptic with axis of
rotation y + z = 0 , x = 0 the trajectories are ellipses on the intersection of the cylinders I 1 = c ≥ 0 with planes
π π
I 2 = c ≥ 0 perpendicular to the of rotation from ∫02 Yt dt = − ∫02 X t dt it follows that the flow and invariants of the fields (3.9) and
(3.10) are the sume, but the trajectories of these fields are opposite directed.

For peer review send you research paper in IJSRP format to

(a) The introduced definitions allows one to introduce the tensor algebra AR (T p M ) of tensor spaces obtained by tensor products of space

R and (T p M ) and (T * p M ) . Using tensor defined on each point p ∈ M one may define tensor fields.

(b) the tensor product ( S , T ) → S ⊗ T form T k (V ) × T l (V ) → T k +1(V ) , there is a construction of a product

Ak (V ) × Al (V ) → Ak +1 since tensor products of alternating tensors are not alternating.

(c) The definite integral of f t′ on a closed interval [a, b ] is defined by the Newton –Leibniz formula.
b b
(d) ∫ f t′ dt = f t a
= f (b) − f ( a )
(e) f is a tensor field, then along with the Lie differentiation one can speak about an integration of tensor fields along the flow of
X . S and Q be smooth tensor fields of the same type on M .

[1] V.Retsnoi- Integration ot tensor fields , M.S.C. 2010: 34A30,37C10,16W25. Key words : Vector field flow , Lie derivatie .integration of tensor field.
[2] M.Valter , Tensor analysis on manifolds in mathematical physics with applications to relativistic theories, Lecture notes authored by Valter Moretti and freely
downloadable fro web page . unitn.
[3] S.Henrik .- differentiable manifolds – Lecture Notes for Geometry (II) –university of Copenhagen –December 2008.

First Author –
Dr. : Mohamed Mahmoud Osman- (phd)
Studentate the University of Al-Baha –Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Baha P.O.Box (1988) – Tel.Fax : 00966-7-7274111
Department of mathematics faculty of science
1- Email:
2- Email :
Tel. 00966535126844

Correspondence Author – Author name, email address, alternate email address (if any), contact number.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2016 279
ISSN 2250-3153

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