06_chapter 1-1
06_chapter 1-1
06_chapter 1-1
Chapter I
where a, b are scalars of which 6^0 and A is a non-zero 1-form such that
for all vector fields X; U being a unit vector field. In such a case a, b are called
associated scalars. A is called the associated 1-form and U is called the generator of
the manifold. If either the 1-form A or the associated scalar b, or both of them are
zero, then the manifold reduces to an Einstein manifold. An n-dimensional manifold
of this kind is denoted by the symbol (QE)n.
It can be easily seen that if the curvature tensor 'R is of the form (I.i.3),
then the manifold is conformally flat. On the otherhand, Gh.Veanceanu [66]
defined the notion of almost constant curvature by the same expression (I.i.3). Later
A.L.Mocanu [46] pointed out that the manifold introduced by Chen and Yano
and the manifold introduced by Gh.Vranceanu are the same. Hence a Riemannian
manifold is said to be of quasi-constant curvature if the curvature tensor 'R satisfies
the relation (I.i.3). If q = 0, then the manifold reduces to a manifold of constant
9(U,U) = 1. (I.p.l)
r = na + 6 (I.p.2)
Examples of a Quasi-Einstein Manifold
The notion of weakly Ricci symmetric manifold was introduced by L. Tam assy
and T.Q.Binh [61]. A non-flat Riemannian manifold is called weakly Ricci sym
metric and denoted by (WRS)n if the Ricci tensor S is non-zero and satisfies the
If V{X, Y, Z, W) — 0, then from (1.1.3) we get that the curvature tensor 'R{X, Z, W)
is of the form (I.i.3) . Hence a special para-Sasakian manifold with vanishing D-
concircular curvature tensor is a quasi-Einstein manifold.
(A A Y)Z = g{YZ)X-giX,Z)Y.
It is known [33] that the Ricci tensor S' of a 3-dimensional pseudo symmtric semi-
Riemannian manifold satisfies at every point x e M the relation
Existence Theorem of (QE)n
Theorem 1.2.1 If the Ricci tensorS of a Riemannian manifold satisfies the relation
S(V, Z)S(X, W) - S{X, Z)S{Y, W) = p[g{Y, Z)g{X, W)-g(X, Z)g{Yt W)], (1.2.1)
then the manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold.
Proof : If the rank of the Ricci tensor is equal to 1, then the relation (1.2.1) satisfies
trivially. Hence we assume that the rank of the Ricci tensor is > 1, so p is non-zero.
B{X)^A{X). (1.2.6)
Conformally Flat (QE)n (n > 3)
Quasi-Conformally Flat Quasi-Einstein Manifold
C*{X,Y)Z = R{X,Y)Z~^[S{Y,Z)X-S{X,Z)Y
+ g{Y, Z)QX - g{X, Z)QY] (1.4.2)
" tnfc=S!\9(Y,Z)X-g(XtZ)Y]=C(X,Y)Z
where C is the conformal curvature tensor [74]. Thus the conformal curvature
tensor C is a particular case of the tensor C*. For this reason C* is called the
quasi-conformal curvature tensor.
(QE)„ (n > 3) with Divergence Free Quasi-Conformal
Curvature Tensor
In this section we look for a sufficient condition in order that a (QE)n (n > 3)
may be quasi-conformally conservative. Quasi-conformal curvature tensor is said to
be conservative [42] if the divergence of C* vanishes, i.e., div C* = 0.
In a (QE)n if we consider a and b are both constant, then from (I.p.2) we have
r =constant, where r is the scalar curvature, i.e., dr = 0. Using this from (1.4.1) we
Imposing the condition that the generator U of the manifold is a recurrent vector
field [59] with associated 1-form A not being the 1-form of recurrence, gives VXU =
B{X)U, where B is the 1-form of recurrence. Hence g{VxU, Y) = g{B{X)U,Y),
that is,
WxA){Y) = B{X)A{Y). (1.5.3)
i&vCr){XtY,Z) = b{a1+b1){B{X)A{Y)AiZ)-B{Z)A{X)AiY)]
+ 2bb1B{U)A{X)g{Y,Z)-2bblg{X,Z)B{U)A{Y).
Theorem 1.5.1 If in a {QE)n (n > 3) the associated scalars are constants and
the generator U of the manifold is a recurrent vector field with the associated 1-
form A not being the 1-form of recurrence, then the manifold is guasi-conformally
Ricci Semi-Symmetric (QE)n (n > 3)
R{XyY)-S^ 0 (1.6.1)
A(R(X,Y)Z) = 0. (1.6.2)
f(Yf) = fa(Y).
Therefore we get
Since the left hand side of the above equation is identically zero and // 0 on Mn,
we obtain
da{X,Y) = 0 (1.6.9)
Ricci-Recurrent Quasi-Einstein Manifold
which implies
Taking covariant differentiation of (1.7.1) we obtain
(VzA){X) = 0, (1.7.7)
Conversely, if b = -a/0, and U a parallel vector field, then using (I.i.l) in (I.p.2)
we obtain
iVzS){Xf Y) = aa{Z)[giX, Y) - A{X)A{Y)\
= a{Z)S{Xt Y)
which implies that the manifold is Ricci-recurrent.
Thus we can state the following:
The Generator U is Either a Concurrent or a Parallel
Vector Field
In this section we suppose that the generator U is a concurrent vector field [58].
VXV = cX, (1.8.1)
where c is a constant.
If c — 0, then the vector field U reduces to a parallel vector field [58].
Prom (1.6.1) we have
R{X,Y)U = 0. (1.8.2)
S{Yt U) = 0. (1.8.3)
aA{X) + bA{X) = 0.
Since 0, a + b = 0.
Hence we can state the following :
Conformally Flat Pseudo Symmetric Manifolds
and V denotes the operator of covariant differentiation with respect to the metric
tensor g. Such a manifold is denoted by {PS)n (n>2).
L denotes the symmetric endomorphism of the tangent space at each point corre
sponding to the Ricci tensor S i.e., g{LX,Y) = S{XtY) for every vector fields X,
Putting Z = U in (1.9.3) where g{X, U) = B{X) we get
where t is a scalar.
Using (1.9.6), it follows from (1.9.3) that
Sufficient Condition for a Pseudo Symmetric Manifold to be
a Quasi-Einstein Manifold
We suppose that a (PS)n admits a unit concircular vector field defined by (1.10.3)
where a is a non-zero constant.
Applying Ricci idetity to (1.10.3) we obtain
where L is the symmetric endomorphism of the tangent space at each point corre
sponding to the Ricci tensor S, i.e., g{LX, Y) — S{X, Y) for every vector fields X,
Y, which implies
S(X,p) = {n-l)a2A{X). (1.10.5)
where a = a+B(p)
b= (a+B(p))(n-1)
Thus we can state
Hypersurfaces of a Euclidean Space
g{R{X, Y)Z, W) = g{H{X, W), H{Y, Z)) - g{H{Y, W), H{X, Z)) (1.11.1)
g{A^X),Y)=g{H{X,Y),0 (1.11.2)
where ( is the unit normal vector field and X,Y are tangent vector fields.
where a; is a 1-form. The vector field corresponding to the 1-form u is a unit vector
field, and a, p are scalars. If a = 0 (resp. /3 = 0ora=/? = 0) holds, then Mn is
called cylindrical (resp. umbilical or geodesic).
since ( is the only unit normal vector field. Let us suppose that the hypersurface is
quasi-umbilical. Then from (1.11.5) and (1.11.1) it follows that
g{R{X, Y)Z, W) = a2 {g{X, W)g{Y, Z) - g{Y, W)g{Xi Z))
+ap{g{XtW)u(Y)u{Z) + g{Y, Z)u}{X)uj{W) (1.11.6)
-g{Y, WMXMZ) - g{X, ZMYMW)).
Prom (1.11.6) we get on contraction
Quasi-Umbilical Hypersurfaces of a (QE)n
where S is the Ricci tensor of the hypersurface. Here in this section we suppose that
R(t,Y)Z = 0.
Now if the manifold (Mn g) is a quasi-Einstein manifold i.e.,
if S{Y, Z) — ag(Y, Z) + bA(Y)A(Z) then from (1.12.3) we obtain