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Chapter I



The notion of quasi-Einstein manifold was introduced by M.C.Chaki and

R.K.Maity [10]. A non-flat Riemannian manifold (Mn,g) (n > 2) is defined to be
a quasi-Einstein manifold if its Ricci tensor S of type (0, 2) is not identically zero
and satisfies the condition

S{X,Y)^ag{X,Y) + bA{X)A(Y) (I.i.l)

where a, b are scalars of which 6^0 and A is a non-zero 1-form such that

9{X, U) = A(X) (I.i.2)

for all vector fields X; U being a unit vector field. In such a case a, b are called
associated scalars. A is called the associated 1-form and U is called the generator of
the manifold. If either the 1-form A or the associated scalar b, or both of them are
zero, then the manifold reduces to an Einstein manifold. An n-dimensional manifold
of this kind is denoted by the symbol (QE)n.

A Riemannian manifold of quasi-constant curvature was given by B.Y.Chen and

K.Yano [19] as a conformally flat manifold with the curvature tensor 'R of type
(0,4) satisfies the condition

'R(X, Y, Z, W) = plg(Y, Z)g(X, W) - g{X, Z)g(Y, W)]

+g|9{X, W)T(Y)T(Z) - g(X, Z)T(Y)T(W) (1.1-3)
+g{Yt Z)T{X)T{W) - g[Y, W)T{X)T(Z)\
where 'R{X, Y, Z, W) = g{R{X, Y)Z, W), R is the curvature tensor of type (1, 3),
p, q are scalar functions and T is a non-zero 1-form defined by

9{X,p) = T{X), (I.i.4)

°The equations of the thesis are in the form (C.S.E), where C stands for chapter, 5 for section
number and E for equation number. Thus (1.1.1) means the equation (1) of section 1 of chapter I,
(IV.2.5) means the equation (5) of section 2 of chapter IV etc.

p is a unit vector field.

It can be easily seen that if the curvature tensor 'R is of the form (I.i.3),
then the manifold is conformally flat. On the otherhand, Gh.Veanceanu [66]
defined the notion of almost constant curvature by the same expression (I.i.3). Later
A.L.Mocanu [46] pointed out that the manifold introduced by Chen and Yano
and the manifold introduced by Gh.Vranceanu are the same. Hence a Riemannian
manifold is said to be of quasi-constant curvature if the curvature tensor 'R satisfies
the relation (I.i.3). If q = 0, then the manifold reduces to a manifold of constant

In this chapter after preliminaries, we give some examples of a quasi-Einstein

manifold. In section 2, we prove a theorem for the existence of a (QE)n. Next we
study conformally flat (QE)n (n > 3). In section 4, we study quasi-conformally
flat {QE)n. Next we look for a sufficient condition in order that a (QE)n (n > 3)
may be quasi-conformally conservative. In section 6, we obtain a theorem on Ricci
semi-symmetric (QE)n. Then we study Ricci-recurrent quasi-Einstein manifold. In
section 8, we prove that if the generator U of a (QE)n (n > 2) is either a parallel
or a concurrent vector field, then the sum of the associated scalars is zero. Then we
obtain sufficient condition for a pseudo symmetric manifold to be a quasi-Einstein
manifold. In section 10, the hypersurfaces of a Euclidean space have been studied.
Finally we study quasi-umbilical hypersurfaces of a (QE)n.


We consider a {QE)n with associated scalars a, 6; associated 1-form A and

generator U. Since U is a unit vector field,

9(U,U) = 1. (I.p.l)

Contracting (I.i.l) over X and Y we get

r = na + 6 (I.p.2)

where r denotes the scalar curvature of the manifold.

Let L be the symmetric endomorphism of the tangent space at each point


corresponding to the Ricci tensor S . Then

9{LX, Y) = S{X,Y). (I.p.3)

From (I.i.l) we obtain

LX = aX + bA{X)U. (I.p.4)

Examples of a Quasi-Einstein Manifold

Example 1.1.1 A manifold of quasi-constant curvature defined by (I.i.3) is a

quasi-Einstein manifold.

Putting X = W = 6i in (I.i.3) where {e*} is an orthonormal basis of the tangent

space at each point of the manifold and taking summation over i, 1 < i < n, we get

S(Y, Z) = [p(n - 1) + q]g{Y, Z) + q{n - 2)T{Y)T{Z). (I.U)

Hence the manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Example 1.1,2 A conformally flat weakly Ricci symmetric manifold is a quasi-

Einstein manifold.

The notion of weakly Ricci symmetric manifold was introduced by L. Tam assy
and T.Q.Binh [61]. A non-flat Riemannian manifold is called weakly Ricci sym­
metric and denoted by (WRS)n if the Ricci tensor S is non-zero and satisfies the

(V*S)(T. Z) = A{X)S{Y, Z) + B{Y)S{X, Z) + C{Z)S{X, Y) (1.1.2)

where A, B, C are 1-forms ( non-zero simultaneously) and V denotes the Levi-

Civita connection. In a recent paper U.C.De and S.K.Ghosh [24] proved that a
conformally flat (WRS)n is a manifold of quasi-constant curvature if B{X)-C{X) ^
0. Since a manifold of quasi-constant curvature is a quasi-Einstein manifold, hence
a conformally flat (WRS)n is a quasi-Einstein manifold if B{X) - C{X) ± 0.

Example 1.1.3 A special para-Sasakian manifold with vanishing D-concircular

curvature tensor V is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Let Mn be a Riemannian manifold admitting a unit concircular vector field £ such

that = e(—.X + r]{X)£), ri{X) = g{X, £), e = ±1, then Mn is called a special
para-Sasakian manifold ([1], [2], [3]). Recently G. Chum an [20] introduced the
notion of a D-concircular curvature tensor V. V is given by the following equation

V(X, y, z, w) = 'R(X, y z, w) + [<>(*, z)9(y, w)

- g(Y, Z)g{X, W)] - Z)l,(Y)g(W) (1.1.3)
- g(Y, ZHXHW) + g(Y, WMZ)g{X) - g(X, WHY)v(Z)].

If V{X, Y, Z, W) — 0, then from (1.1.3) we get that the curvature tensor 'R{X, Z, W)
is of the form (I.i.3) . Hence a special para-Sasakian manifold with vanishing D-
concircular curvature tensor is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Example 1.1.4 A semi-Riemannian manifold (Mn, g) is said to be pseudo

symmetric in the sence of R.Deszcz [33] if the Riemannian curvature tensor R
satisfies the equality
R- R = fQ(g, R) where / is some function and the tensors R ■ R and Q{g, R) are
defined by

{R[X, Y) • R){U, V)W = R{X, Y)R{U, V)W - R{R{X, Y)U, V)W 1

-R{U} R{X, Y)V)W - R{U, V)R{X, Y)W
Q{g, R) = {X A Y)R{U, V)W - R{{X A Y)U, V)W x g)
-R(U, {X A Y)V)W - R{U, V){X A Y)W
for all X, Y, U, V, Wex(M). Here the endomorphism is defined by

(A A Y)Z = g{YZ)X-giX,Z)Y.

It is known [33] that the Ricci tensor S' of a 3-dimensional pseudo symmtric semi-
Riemannian manifold satisfies at every point x e M the relation

S{X>Y) = ag{X,Y) + 0u{X)u{Y), a, ^eR

where u is a non-zero 1-form. Thus by (I.i.l) this (Mn, g) is a quasi-Einstein

manifold. Hence a 3-dimensional pseudo symmetric semi-Riemannian manifold in
the sense of Deszcz is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Existence Theorem of (QE)n

Theorem 1.2.1 If the Ricci tensorS of a Riemannian manifold satisfies the relation
S(V, Z)S(X, W) - S{X, Z)S{Y, W) = p[g{Y, Z)g{X, W)-g(X, Z)g{Yt W)], (1.2.1)
then the manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Proof : If the rank of the Ricci tensor is equal to 1, then the relation (1.2.1) satisfies
trivially. Hence we assume that the rank of the Ricci tensor is > 1, so p is non-zero.

Let U be a vector field as defined in (Li.2). Putting X = W = U in (1.2.1) we


S{U, U)S{Y, Z) - S{U, Z)S{Y, U) = p{g{U, U)g{Y, Z) - g(U, Z)g{Y> U))

or, 7S(V, Z) - A(LY)A(LZ) = p(|(/|2g(Y, Z) - A(Z)A(Y)),

where S(U,U)=’f and A(LY) = g(LY,U) = SiYJJ)

or, S(Y, Z) = 7A(LY)A(LZ) + fi7(IUj2g(Y, Z) - A(Y)A{Z)),

where 7 = =

or, S{Y, Z) = jB(Y)B{Z) + fn{\U\2g{Y, Z) - A{Y)A{Z)), g

where B{Y) = A{LY). ' ’ ;

Again putting X = U in (1.2.1) we have

S{U, W)S{Y, Z) - S{U, Z)S(Y, W) = p{A{W)g{Y, Z) - A{Z)g{Y, W))

i.e., B{W)S(Y, Z) - B{Z)S{Y, W) = p{A{W)g{Y, Z) - A{Z)g{Y, W)). (1.2.3)

Similarly we can write

BPOS(F, Z) - B(Z)S(Yt X) = p{A{X)g(Y, Z) - A{Z)g{Y, X)). (1.2.4)

Using (1.2.2) in (1.2.4) we get

pj(\UpB(X)S{Y. Z) - \U\*B(Z)g(Y, X) - B(X)A{Y)A(Z) 2

+B(Z)A(Y)A(X)) = p (A(X)g(Y, Z) - A(Z)g(Y,X)).

Putting Y = Z = ei in (1.2.5) and taking g{U, U) ■

— \U\2 = 1 we obtain

B{X)^A{X). (1.2.6)

Putting the value of B{X) in (1.2.2) we have

S{Yt Z) = /yyg{Y, Z) + (7 - py)A{Y)A{Z)

i.e., S(V, Z) = ag(Y, Z) + bA{Y)A{Z) where a — /ry and b = 7 - fry

which shows that the manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Conformally Flat (QE)n (n > 3)

In Example 1.1.1, we have seen that a manifold of quasi-constant curvature is a

quasi-Einstein manifold. But the converse is not true, in general. It is easily seen
that a 3-dimensional quasi-Einstein manifold is of quasi-constant curvature.

Now we consider a conformally flat manifold (Mn, g) (n > 3) which is quasi-

Einstein. It is know that in a conformally flat Riemannian manifold (Mn, g) (n > 3)
([39], p.92)

'R(X, Y, Z, W) = Z)g(X, W) - S(X, Z)g(Y, W) + S(X, W)g(Y, Z)

-S(Y, W)g(X, Z)| + („_ife_2)[g(X, Z)g(Y, W) - g{Y, Z)g{X, W)]
Using (I.i.l) in (1.3.1) we obtain

-R(X, Y, Z, W) = [^5 - Z)g(X, W) - g(X, Z)g(Y, W)]

+^5[«(^, W)A(Y)A(Z) - g(Y, W)A{X)A(Z) (1.3.2)
+g{Y, Z)A{X)A{W) - g(X, Z)A(Y)A(W)]

Prom the above discussion we can state the following :

Theorem 1.3.1 A S-dimensional (QE)n is a manifold of quasi-constant curvature

and a conformally fiat (QE)n (n > 3) is also a manifold of quasi-constant curvature.

Quasi-Conformally Flat Quasi-Einstein Manifold

Quasi-conformal curvature tensor is the generalized notion of conformal curvature

tensor [17]. In this section we consider quasi-conformally flat (QE)n (n > 3). Quasi-
conformal curvature tensor C* of type (1, 3) in a Riemannian manifold (Mn, g)
{n > 3) is introduced by Yano and Sawaki [71]. According to them a quasi-
conformal curvature tensor is defined by

C*(X, Y)Z = aiR(XiY)Z + bl[S(Y1Z)X -S(X,Z)Y

4- g{YtZ)LX~g{X,Z)LY] (1.4.1)
- $ l£i+vn] w* z)* -g(x>z)y\
where a\ and fei are constants, R is the Riemannian curvature tensor of type (1, 3),
S is the Ricci tensor of type (0, 2), L is the symmetric endomorphism of the tangent
space at each point corresponding to the Ricci tensor S and r is the scalar curvature
of the manifold. If ai = 1 and b\ = — then (1.4.1) takes the form

C*{X,Y)Z = R{X,Y)Z~^[S{Y,Z)X-S{X,Z)Y
+ g{Y, Z)QX - g{X, Z)QY] (1.4.2)
" tnfc=S!\9(Y,Z)X-g(XtZ)Y]=C(X,Y)Z

where C is the conformal curvature tensor [74]. Thus the conformal curvature
tensor C is a particular case of the tensor C*. For this reason C* is called the
quasi-conformal curvature tensor.

A manifold (Mn, g) (n > 3) shall be called quasi-conformally flat or quasi-

conformally conservative according as C* = 0 or divC* = 0. It is known [7] that
a quasi-conformally flat manifold is either conformally flat or Einstein . Since an
Einstein manifold need not be conformally flat, a quasi-conformally flat manifold
need not be conformally flat.

Prom (1.4.1) we can write

'C*(*,y,Z,W0 = al,RiXtYtZtW) + bi[S{YtZ)g(XtW)-S{XtZ)g(YtW)

+ S{X, W)g{Yt Z) - S{Y, W)g{X, Z)]
- i fe + 2*i] W, ZHX, W) - g(X, Z)g{Y, W)\

where 'C*(X, Y, Z, W) = g{C*{X, Y)Z, W) and 'R{X, Y, Z, W) = p(fl(X, y)Z, W).

If the manifold is quasi-conformally flat, then we have

ai 'R(X, y, z, w) + b! [5(y, zw*, wo - su, z^r, wo + s{x, w)9(y, z)

- S(Y, H0»(*, Z)| - i [* + 2(1,] [s(y, Z)j(X, HO - s(*. z)s(E W)\ = 0
Using (I.i.l) in (1.4.4) we have

>R(X, Y.Z,W) = -X [26,a + + 26.)] |9(F, Z)9(X, W) - g(X, Z)g(Y, W)]

- % Ig(X, W)A(Y)A{Z) - g(Y W)A(X)A(Z)
+ g(Y,z)A(X)A(W)-g(x,z)A(Y)A{w)\
which implies that the manifold is a manifold of quasi-constant curvature.
Hence we can state that

Theorem 1.4.1 A quasi-conformally flat quasi-Einstein manifold (QE)n (n > 3) is

a manifold of quasi-constant curvature.

(QE)„ (n > 3) with Divergence Free Quasi-Conformal
Curvature Tensor

In this section we look for a sufficient condition in order that a (QE)n (n > 3)
may be quasi-conformally conservative. Quasi-conformal curvature tensor is said to
be conservative [42] if the divergence of C* vanishes, i.e., div C* = 0.

In a (QE)n if we consider a and b are both constant, then from (I.p.2) we have
r =constant, where r is the scalar curvature, i.e., dr = 0. Using this from (1.4.1) we

{VwC*){X, y, Z) = ai(VwR)(X, Y)Z + h [(Vw5)(y, Z)X

-{VWS){X, Z)Y + g{Y, Z){VWL)X - g{X, Z){VWL)Y]

where V is the covariant differentiation with respect to the Riemannian metric g.

We know that (div RflX, Y, Z) = (VXS){Y., Z) - {VySflX, Z) [39], and from (I.i.l)

we get (V*S)(y, Z) = b[{S/xA){Y)A{Z) + {VXA){Z)A(Y)], since a and 6 are both

constant. Hence contracting (I.5.1)we obtain

(div C*){X, Y, Z) = b{ai + h)[{VxA){Y)A{Z) + {VXA){Z)A{Y)

-{VyA){X)A{Z) - {VyA){Z)A{X)] + (1.5.2)
+A{X)div U]g{Y, Z) - bbi[{VvA){Y) + A{Y)div U]g{X, Z).

Imposing the condition that the generator U of the manifold is a recurrent vector
field [59] with associated 1-form A not being the 1-form of recurrence, gives VXU =
B{X)U, where B is the 1-form of recurrence. Hence g{VxU, Y) = g{B{X)U,Y),
that is,
WxA){Y) = B{X)A{Y). (1.5.3)

In view of (1.5.3), (1.5.2) is expressed as follows

i&vCr){XtY,Z) = b{a1+b1){B{X)A{Y)AiZ)-B{Z)A{X)AiY)]
+ 2bb1B{U)A{X)g{Y,Z)-2bblg{X,Z)B{U)A{Y).

Since (VxA){U) = 0, it follows from (1.5.3) that B{X) = 0.

Hence from (1.5.4) it follows that {div C*){X, Y, Z) = 0.

Theorem 1.5.1 If in a {QE)n (n > 3) the associated scalars are constants and
the generator U of the manifold is a recurrent vector field with the associated 1-
form A not being the 1-form of recurrence, then the manifold is guasi-conformally

Ricci Semi-Symmetric (QE)n (n > 3)

A Riemannian manifold is said to be Ricci semi-symmetric [67] if

R{XyY)-S^ 0 (1.6.1)

where R{X, Y) denotes the curvature operator.

In [10] Chaki and Maity proved that a {QE)n (n > 3) is Ricci semi-symmetric if
and only if A{R{X, Y)Z) = 0.

Let us suppose that (QE)n (n > 3) is Ricci semi-symmetric. Then

A(R(X,Y)Z) = 0. (1.6.2)

Prom (1.6.2) it follows that

A(LX) = 0, (1.6.3)

where L is defined by (I.p.3). Then from (I.p.4) we get

A(LX) = (a + 6)Apf). (1.6.4)

Prom (1.6.3) and (1.6.4) it follows that a + b = 0.

Theorem 1.6.1 If a quasi-Einstein manifold is Ricci semi-symmetric, then a+b =


A Riemannian manifold M" is said to be Ricci-recurrent [54] if the Ricci tensor

S is non-zero and satisfying the condition

CVxS){Y,Z) = a{X)S{Y,Z) (1.6.5)

where a is a non-zero 1-form.

We now define a function / on Mn by f2 = g{L,L) where L^O such that

g{LX, Y) = S{X, Y) and the Riemannian metric g is extended to the inner product
between the tensor fields in the standard fashion. Then we obtain

f(Yf) = fa(Y).

So from this we have

Yf = fa{Y) (1.6.6)

Prom (1.6.6), we have

X{Yf) - Y(Xf) = {X(a{Y) - Yc(X))f. (1.6.7)

Therefore we get

{VxVy - Vy Vx - Vjx.y]}/ = {Aa(Y) - Ya{X) - a[X, Y]}f. (1.6.8)

Since the left hand side of the above equation is identically zero and // 0 on Mn,
we obtain
da{X,Y) = 0 (1.6.9)

that is, the 1-form a is closed.

Now from (VyS)(Z, W) = a{Y)S{Z, W), we get

{VxVyS){U, V) - {Xa{Y) + a{X)a{Y)}S{U, V).

Hence from (1.6.9) we get

{R{X, Y).S)(Z, W) = 2da(X, Y)S{Z, W).

That is, our manifold satisfies R{X,Y).S = 0. Thus a Ricci-recurrent manifold is

Ricci semi-symmetric. Hence we can state the following

Corollary 1.6.1. If a (QE)n{n >3) is Ricci-recurrent, then the sum of the

associated scalars is zero.

Ricci-Recurrent Quasi-Einstein Manifold

We assume that (QE)n is Ricci-recurrent. In section 6, we have proved that if a

(QE)n is Ricci-recurrent, then a + b — 0. Hence b — -a^O, therefore (1.1.1) can be
written as
S(X,Y) = V) - A(JST)A(V')]- (1.7.1)

Prom (1.7.1) we get

r = (n - l)a (1.7.2)

where r denotes the scalar curvature.

A Riemannian manifold is said to be Ricci-recurrent [54], if the Ricci tensor S is

non-zero and satisfies the condition

(VXS){Y, Z) = a(X)S(Y, Z) (1.7.3)

where a is a non-zero 1-form.

Prom (1.7.3) we get
dr(X) = a(X)r

which implies

Using (1.7.2) in (1.7.4) we get

Taking covariant differentiation of (1.7.1) we obtain

(V*S)(*, Y) = da{Z)[g{X, Y) - A{X)A(Y)\ y

-a[VzA){X)A{Y) + A{X){VZA){Y)].

Using (1.7.3) in (1.7.6) we obtain

{VZA){X)A{Y) 4- A{X){VZA){Y) = 0, since a^O.

Putting Y = U in the above equation, it follows that

(VzA){X) = 0, (1.7.7)

since U is a unit vector field.

The equation (1.7.7) implies that the generator U is a parallel vector field.

Conversely, if b = -a/0, and U a parallel vector field, then using (I.i.l) in (I.p.2)
we obtain
iVzS){Xf Y) = aa{Z)[giX, Y) - A{X)A{Y)\
= a{Z)S{Xt Y)
which implies that the manifold is Ricci-recurrent.
Thus we can state the following:

Theorem 1.7.1 A quasi-Einstein manifold is Ricci-recurrent if and only if the

generator U is a parallel vector field and a + b = 0.

Since a Ricci-recurrent manifold is Ricci symmetric if and only if a = 0, we have

Theorem 1.7.2 A quasi-Einstein manifold is Ricci symmetric if and only if the

generator U is a parallel vector field and b = —a is constant.

The Generator U is Either a Concurrent or a Parallel
Vector Field

In this section we suppose that the generator U is a concurrent vector field [58].
VXV = cX, (1.8.1)

where c is a constant.
If c — 0, then the vector field U reduces to a parallel vector field [58].
Prom (1.6.1) we have
R{X,Y)U = 0. (1.8.2)

Contracting X in (1.8.2) we get

S{Yt U) = 0. (1.8.3)

Using (1.8.3) in (I.i.l) we obtain

aA{X) + bA{X) = 0.

Since 0, a + b = 0.
Hence we can state the following :

Theorem 1.8.1 In a quasi-Einstein manifold if the generator U is either a con­

current vector field or a parallel vector field, then the sum of the associated scalars
is zero.

Conformally Flat Pseudo Symmetric Manifolds

A non-flat Riemannian manifold (Mn, g) (n>2) is said to be a pseudo symmetric

manifold [11] if its curvature tensor R satisfies the condition

{VXR){Y,Z)W = 2 B{X)R{Y,Z)W + B{Y)R{X,Z)W + B{Z)R(Y,X)W

+ B{W)R{Y,Z)X + g{R{Y,Z)W,X)U

where B is a non-zero 1-form defined by

9{X,U) = B{X) VI (1.9.2)

and V denotes the operator of covariant differentiation with respect to the metric
tensor g. Such a manifold is denoted by {PS)n (n>2).

It is known that [11] in a conformally flat (PS)n (n>3)

(n - 1 )B{X)S(Y, Z) — {n— 1 )B[Y)S{X, Z) - rB{X)g{Y, Z)

+rB(Y)g{X, Z) + D{X)g{Y, Z) - D{Y)g{X, Z) = 0
where D is a 1-form defined by

D{X) = B{LX), (1.9.4)

L denotes the symmetric endomorphism of the tangent space at each point corre­
sponding to the Ricci tensor S i.e., g{LX,Y) = S{XtY) for every vector fields X,
Putting Z = U in (1.9.3) where g{X, U) = B{X) we get

B{X)D{Y) - B{Y)D{X) = 0. (1.9.5)

Hence D{X) = tB{X) (1.9.6)

where t is a scalar.
Using (1.9.6), it follows from (1.9.3) that

S(Y, Z) = LZ\9(Y. Z) + (1.9.6)

which implies that the manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Thus we state

Theorem 1.9.1 A conformaily flat pseudo symmetric manifold (PS)n (n>3) is a

quasi-Einstein manifold.

Sufficient Condition for a Pseudo Symmetric Manifold to be
a Quasi-Einstein Manifold

We have defined a pseudo symmetric manifold in section 9,

Now contracting (1.9.1) we get

(Vx5)(y,Z) = 2B{X)S{Y, Z) -I- B{Y)S{X, Z) + B{Z)S{Y, X)

+ B{R{X,Y)Z) + B{R{X,Z)Y).

In a Riemannian manifold, a vector field p defined by g(X,p) = A{X) for any

vector field X is said to be a concircular vector field [59] if

(VXA){Y) = ag(X, Y) + u{X)A{Y) (1.10.2)

where a is a non-zero scalar and u is a closed 1-form.

If p is a unit one, then the equation (1.10.2) can be written as

(VXA){Y) = a[g{X, Y) - A{X)A{Y)]. (1.10.3)

We suppose that a (PS)n admits a unit concircular vector field defined by (1.10.3)
where a is a non-zero constant.
Applying Ricci idetity to (1.10.3) we obtain

A(R(X, Y)Z) = -a2[g{X, Z)A(Y) - g{Y, Z)A{X)]. (1.10.4)

Putting Y = Z = 6i in (1.10.4) and taking summation over i, 1 <i<n, where {e*} is

an orthonormal basis of the tangent space at each point of the manifold, we get

A{LX) = (n- 1 )a2A(X)

where L is the symmetric endomorphism of the tangent space at each point corre­
sponding to the Ricci tensor S, i.e., g{LX, Y) — S{X, Y) for every vector fields X,
Y, which implies
S(X,p) = {n-l)a2A{X). (1.10.5)

Prom (1.10.5) we have

(Vy5)(X,p) = (n — l)a3g{X,Y) - aS{X,Y). (1.10.6)

Using (1.10.4) we obtain

g{R(X, Y)Z, p) = ~a2[g{X, Z)A{Y) - g{Y, Z)A(X)]
or, g(R{Z,p)X,Y) = -ot2[g{X,Z)g{Y,p) - g{Z,Y)A{X)]
or, R{Z,p)X = -a2{g{X, Z)p - A(X)Z],
which implies

B(R(Z,p)X) = -a2\g(X, Z)B(p) - A(X)B(Z)\

i.e., B(R(X,p)Y) = -c?\g{X,Y)B(p)-A(Y)B(X) |. (1-10 7)
Similarly we have

B(R{X, Y)p) = -a2[A{Y)B{X) - A{X)B{Y). ((1.10.8)

In (1.10.1) putting Z = p and using (1.10.5),(1.10.6), (1.10.7) and (1.10.8) we have

-ia + B(p))S(XtY) = -[a2B{p) + {n-l)a3]g{X,Y) Q[
4- 2{n-l)a2B{X)A{Y)+na2B(Y)A{X)'
Putting Y = p in (1.10.9) and using (1.10.5) we obtain

B(p)A{X) + {n~ 1MPO = 0 V X

i.e., B{X) = -J*!£La{X). (1.10.10)
Let us impose the condition
a 4- B{p)^0. (1.10.11)

Putting (1.10.10) in (1.10.9) we obtain

a2[B{p) 4- (n - l)a] g(X, Y) + , (3n .J\B{^a27.A{X)A{Y)
a + B{p) (a 4- B{p)){n - 1)
i.e., S{X,Y) ag{X,Y) + bA{X)A{Y) (1.10.12)

where a = a+B(p)
b= (a+B(p))(n-1)
Thus we can state

Theorem 1.10.1 If a pseudo symmetric manifold admits a unit concircular vec­

tor field whose associated scalar is a non-zero constant and satisfing the condition
(1.10.11), then the manifold reduces to a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Hypersurfaces of a Euclidean Space

LetMn be a hypersurface of a Euclidean space En+l, the metric tensor g of Mn

is induced by En+l. The Gauss equation of Mn in En+l can be written as follows

g{R{X, Y)Z, W) = g{H{X, W), H{Y, Z)) - g{H{Y, W), H{X, Z)) (1.11.1)

where R is the Riemannian curvature tensor corresponding to the induced metric

g, II is the second fundamental tensor of Mn (which is also orthogonal to Mn) and
X, Y, Z, W are vector fields tangent on Mn.

If A€ is the (1,1) tensor corresponding to the normal valued second fundamental

tensor H, then we have ( [16], p. 41)

g{A^X),Y)=g{H{X,Y),0 (1.11.2)

where ( is the unit normal vector field and X,Y are tangent vector fields.

Let be the symmetric (0,2) tensor associated with A$ in the hypersurface

defined by
g{Ai{X),Y) = H^{X,Y). (1.11.3)

A hypersurface of a Riemannian manifold (Mn,g) is called quasi-umbilical ([16],

p.147) if its second fundamental tensor has the form

Ht(X, Y) = ag{X, Y) + 0w{X)u;{Y) (1.11.4)

where a; is a 1-form. The vector field corresponding to the 1-form u is a unit vector
field, and a, p are scalars. If a = 0 (resp. /3 = 0ora=/? = 0) holds, then Mn is
called cylindrical (resp. umbilical or geodesic).

Now from (1.11.2), (1.11.3) and(I.11.4) we obtain

g{H(X, Y), 0 = ag{X, ¥)&, 0 + 0a{X)u{Y)git 0

which implies that

H(X, Y) = ag{X, Y)£ + 0u{X)u{Y)t (1.11.5)


since ( is the only unit normal vector field. Let us suppose that the hypersurface is
quasi-umbilical. Then from (1.11.5) and (1.11.1) it follows that
g{R{X, Y)Z, W) = a2 {g{X, W)g{Y, Z) - g{Y, W)g{Xi Z))
+ap{g{XtW)u(Y)u{Z) + g{Y, Z)u}{X)uj{W) (1.11.6)
-g{Y, WMXMZ) - g{X, ZMYMW)).
Prom (1.11.6) we get on contraction

S(Y, Z) = (a2(n - 1) + a0)g(Y, Z) + a/3(n - 2)ut{Y)u{Z))

Thus we can state the following :

Theorem 1.11.1 A quasi-umbilical hypersurface of a Euclidean space is a quasi-

Einstein manifold.

Let us consider a conformally flat hypersurface of a Euclidean space. It is known

[58] that if a hypersurface of a conformally flat space is conformally flat, then the
hypersurface is quasi-umbilical. Hence from the above theorem we get the following

Corollary 1.11.1 A conformally flat hypersurface of a Euclidean space En is quasi-


Quasi-Umbilical Hypersurfaces of a (QE)n

Let (Mn, g) be a hypersurface of (Mn+1, g). We have the following equation of

Gauss ([16] p.45) for any vector fields X, Y, Z, W tangent to the hypersurface
g{R{X, Y)Z, W) = g(R{X, Y)Z, W) - g{H(X, W), H{Y; Z)) ^
+ g{H{Yt W)t H(X, Z)) '
where R is the curvature tensor of the hypersurface . Let us suppose that the
hypersurface is quasi-umbilical .Then from (1.11.5) and(I.12.1) it follows that
g{R{X, Y)Z, W) = g{R(X, Y)Z, W) + a\g{Y\ W)g{X, Z) - g(X, W)g{Y\ Z))
+afl{g{Y, W)A{X)A{Z) + g{X, Z)A{Y)A{W)
-g(X, W)A{Y)A{Z) - g{Yt Z)A{X)A(W))

From (1.12.2) we get on contraction

S{Y,Z)-gm,Y)Z,() = S{Y,Z) + [o0{\-n)-a0]g{Y,Z) }

+ a0{2 - n)A(Y)A(Z) [ '

where S is the Ricci tensor of the hypersurface. Here in this section we suppose that
R(t,Y)Z = 0.
Now if the manifold (Mn g) is a quasi-Einstein manifold i.e.,
if S{Y, Z) — ag(Y, Z) + bA(Y)A(Z) then from (1.12.3) we obtain

S(Y} Z) = [a + a\n - 1) + a0\g{Y, Z) + [a0{n - 2) + b]A{Y)A{Z),

which implies that the manifold (Mn, g) is a quasi-Einstein manifold.

Thus we have

Theorem 1.12.1 A quasi-umbilical hypersurface satisfying equation (1.11.4) of a

quasi-Einstein manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold, if /?(£, Y)Z — 0.

Since cylindrical, umbilical or geodesic hypersurfaces are a particular cases of a

quasi-umbilical hypersurface, we can state the following :

Corollary 1.12.1 A cylindrical, umbilical or geodesic hypersurfaces of a quasi-

Einstein manifold is a quasi-Einstein manifold, if /?(£, Y)Z = 0.

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