Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India 1978 SC 597: Facts of The Case

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Maneka Gandhi vs.

Union of India 1978 Sc 597


On the 4th of July, 1977, Smt. Maneka Gandhi received a letter from the Regional Passport
Office, Delhi, asking her to submit her passport (No. K-869668) within seven days from the day
on which she had received such letter, i.e. before 11th July 1977. The letter stated that it had been
the decision of the Government of India to impound her passport under Section 10(3) (c) of the
Passport Act 1967. The grounds for such an impounding, as told to her, were “public interest.”

Smt. Maneka Gandhi immediately sent a letter to the Regional Passport Officer, inquiring about
the grounds on which her passport had been impounded. She also requested him to provide a
copy of the ‘Statement of Reasons’ for making of such an order. The reply sent by the Ministry
of External Affairs was that it was the decision of the Government of India to impound the
passport in the interest of the general public. Also, there were orders to not issue her a copy of
the Statement of Reasons. Smt. Maneka Gandhi thus filed a petition with regards to the matter.


It was held that Section 10(3)(c) of the Passport Act confers vague and undefined power on the
passport authorities, it is violative of Article 14 of the Constitution since it doesn’t provide for an
opportunity for the aggrieved party to be heard. It was also held violative of Article 21 since it
does not affirm to the word “procedure” as mentioned in the clause, and the present procedure
performed was the worst possible one. The Court, however, refrained from passing any formal
answer on the matter, and ruled that the passport would remain with the authorities till they deem


Ratio Decidendi is commonly defined as the reasons for the judgement. It basically refers to the
material part of the judgement without which the judge would have been unable to reach to the
present conclusion of the case.

Before stating the ratio of the case and the reasons for the same, let’s first look at Section
10(3)(c) of the Passports Act 1967 – “if the passport authority deems it necessary so to do in the
interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of India, friendly relations of India
with any foreign country, or in the interests of the general public;”

Following is the ratio of the case, with an analysis of the same –

1. Section 10(3)(c) of the Passport Act is violative of Article 14 of the Indian Constitution –

Article 14 of the Constitution talks about equality before law. This provision is absolutely
against arbitrariness or vagueness of any sort as far as the actions of the executive are concerned.
Section 10(3) (c) of the Passports Act confers unlimited powers on the passport authorities. Since
it is vague in its wordings, the application of such a provision has not been very clearly defined
in the Act. Thus, this leaves a lot of scope for the executive to interpret it in whichever way they
want, and hence get away with a lot of actions under the guise of varied interpretation.

The provision also leads to arbitrariness in the actions of the executive. The arbitrariness comes
from the fact that it is completely in the hands of the passport authorities to decide whether or
not, and how to proceed in a particular case. The words ‘deems it necessary’ give the passport
authorities complete freedom to act in whichever manner they want, and in whichever cases they
want. Thus there is no uniformity or reasonableness in the actions of the passport authorities, and
their actions could differ from case to case.

E.P Royappa v. State of Tamil Nadu & Another, [1974] 2 SCR 348, was the judgement applied
by the Supreme Court to further justify their views. It was held in this case that Article 14 is one
of the pillars of the Indian Constitution and hence cannot be bound by a narrow and inflexible
interpretation. Article 14 should thus be given the widest interpretation possible, which also
includes reasonableness and arbitrariness of certain provisions of the legislations.

Based on these observations the Court held Section 10(3) (c) of The Passport Act violative of
Article 14 of the Constitution.

2. Violation of the Principle of Natural Justice: The Audi AlteramPartem Rule –

The audi alteram partem rule is one of the three principles of natural justice, and forms an
important part in defining the constitutionality and fairness of any procedure. The literal
translation of audi alteram partem is “hear the other side”. In a layman’s language it basically
means that both the sides should be given the opportunity to present their case before a decision
is formulated for the case. In the present case, Maneka Gandhi was denied reasons for the
impounding of her passport, which is unfair since every person has the right to know the grounds
on which any executive action is being taken against him/her. Also, she was never given a
chance to present her own case before the authorities.

The principle of audi alteram partem requires that before the final order for the impounding of
her passport was passed, Smt. Maneka Gandhi should have been given a chance to approach the
authorities and to bring to light her part of the story so that the order for impounding of the
passport would have been just. There is always the possibility of arriving at a one sided
conclusion when only one party has been heard and the other is denied that opportunity. Thus to
keep the orders completely objective and free from bias, it is absolutely imperative that both
parties to a situation must be given a chance to put forward their side of the story.

In the present case, during the Court proceedings itself, the passport authorities ultimately ceded
to the fact that they had been wrong in not providing Smt. Maneka Gandhi a chance to present
her case. Thus, they ultimately agreed to withhold the order and give her a chance to present her
case before the concerned authorities. But what is important to note is that the authorities had
been held wrong in the first place, and only to mitigate the blame had they accepted to let her
present her case. The final change of events prevented them from being held liable. Otherwise,
they were definitely in the wrong and even the Court had held that their action had been arbitrary
and contrary to the principles of natural justice.

3. Section 10(3) (c) not Violative of Article 19(1)(A) and Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution-

Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution talks about the freedom of speech and expression guaranteed
to all citizens of the country. Article 19(1)(g), on the other hand, talks about freedom to carry out
any trade and profession. Smt. Maneka Gandhi had alleged that the order to impound her
passport also violates these two rights of hers. She alleged that the freedom of speech and

expression also includes in its ambit the right to travel abroad to express oneself among the
people of other nations. Thus according to her, the freedom of speech and expression also
included the right to go abroad to mingle with people, to carry out an exchange of ideas, to be
able to converse with the people of other nations, and thus to be able to freely speak and express
oneself outside India as well. Now since she had been denied the right to travel out of India due
to the impounding of her passport, she alleged that her right to freedom of speech and expression
had been violated. The same way, she said that since she was a journalist, it was part of her
profession to travel to different parts of the world, to cover news issues. Thus by denying her the
opportunity to travel abroad, the passport authorities had violated her right of trade and

It was held by the Court that even though the above mentioned contentions were correct and that
such an order would in fact amount to violations of Article 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(g), there was
nothing to prove that Ms. Gandhi was scheduled to travel on an official tour at the time the
impugned order was passed and her passport was impounded. Neither was there anything to
prove that she had some earnest need to travel abroad towards realization of her right of
expression under article 19(1), for eg. Public speaking, dancing, literature, art, etc. Thus this
argument was rejected and the order was not held to be violative of Articles 19(1)(a) and

However, the Court did go on to clarify that if at any point of time in the future she was denied
her passport from the government when she needed or wanted to travel abroad to exercise either
of the two rights under 19(1)(a) and 19(1)(g) and the government denied such rights it would be
considered to be an infringement of these two fundamental rights.

4. The order is violative of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.

In the case of Satwant Singh Sawhney v D. Ramarathnam, Assistant Passport Officer,

Government of India, New Delhi & Ors, the Supreme Court held by a majority judgement that
the expression 'personal liberty' in Article 21 takes in the right of locomotion and travel abroad,
and under Article 21 no person can be deprived of his right to go abroad except according to the

procedure established by law. This decision was accepted by the Parliament and the infirmity
pointed out by it was set right by the enactment of the Passports Act, 1967.

Keeping in mind this right, Smt. Maneka Gandhi alleged that her right to travel abroad had been
violated by the passport authorities. Also, the clause talking about ‘procedure established by law’
was contended in that the procedure adopted in this case was arbitrary and unfair. Maneka
Gandhi contested that the procedure in this particular case was violative of the audi alteram
partem rule; it was arbitrary in that she was denied the statement of reasons for the impounding
of her passport; and it was also violative of her fundamental rights because she was being denied
the right to travel abroad under Article 21, without being given valid reasons for the same.


1. Freedom of Speech and Expression {Article 19(1)(a)} is not bound only to the national
territories of India –

This was a landmark opinion of the Court and one that was highly celebrated by the entire
country. The Court in the course of this case opined that the right to freedom of speech and
expression, as guaranteed to all the citizens of the country, was limitless in that it had given to
the citizens a vast number of rights irrespective of whether they were in India or abroad. The
Court held that if the Constitution makers had intended this right to be bound by the territories of
the country, then they would have expressly mentioned so as they have done for various other
rights, such as the right to settle down freely, or the right to assemble freely. However, since no
such words had been added at the end of this provision, the Court felt that it was its duty to give
it the widest interpretation possible.

Also, supporting this view was the fact that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was
adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December, 1948 and most of
the fundamental rights which we find included in Part III were recognised and adopted by the
United Nations as the inalienable rights of man in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This further supported the view of the Court in that even though Indian Courts may not have
jurisdiction outside the territory of India, but these rights as guaranteed by the Indian

Constitution would still be maintained since they were now fortified by the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by almost all the countries around the globe.

Giving this kind of an opinion was a landmark judgement and even though it may not have the
value of a precedent (since it is an orbiter),Courts all over the country have adopted this view of
the Supreme Court, and used it in their judgments’.

2. Article 21 is not to be read in isolation; all violations and procedural requirement under
Article 21 are to be tested for Article 14 and Article 19 also.

The Supreme Court in the present case had adopted the widest possible interpretation of the right
to life and personal liberty, guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. Bhagwati, J.

“The expression ‘personal liberty’ in Article 21 is of widest amplitude and it covers a variety of
rights which go to constitute the personal liberty of man and some of them have raised to the
status of distinct fundamental rights and given additional protection under Article 19.”

Also, with respect to the relationship between Article 19 and Article 21, the Court held that
Article 21 is controlled by Article 19, i.e., it must satisfy the requirement of Article 19. The
Court observed:“The law must therefore now be settled that Article 21 does not exclude Article
19 and that even if there is a law prescribing a procedure for depriving a person of personal
liberty, and there is consequently no infringement of the fundamental right conferred by Article
21 such a law in so far as it abridges or takes away any fundamental right under Article 19
would have to meet the challenges of that Article.”Thus a law “depriving a person of ‘personal
liberty’ has not only to stand the test” of Article 21, but it must stand the test of Article 19 and
Article 14 of the Constitution as well.

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