Block - Welfare System
Block - Welfare System
Block - Welfare System
be little scope for private initiative such as their own. The ilies, they no longer look for a husband, they simply marry the
public sector should do the job. Reverend Allen Bush of the state.
St. Alban's Richmond Food Bank even goes so far as to claim Some commentators attempt to deny the view that black
that the B.C. government in its cutbacks was taking advantage families have been savaged by government welfarism run amok
of the kindly and loving people ministering to the poor. Accord- by charging that blacks never had much of a family structure
ing to Sylvia Russell of the Vancouver Food Bank, they have anyway. That is false. The black family was more than strong
no intention of expanding their base of operation to take up enough to survive the ordeal of slavery. There were cases of
the slack left by government. black men and women walking up and down the countryside
All this is in sharp contrast to the views of the old-time after the Civil War searching for wives, husbands or children
long-term private groups in B.C. which had been on the scene from whom they had become separated during the chaos and
for decades. Groups such as the Salvation Army Harbour Light the conflict. Advertisements for lost. spouses and children were
Centre, the Union Gospel Mission, and the Sisters of Atone- still appearing in the black newspapers as late as the 1880s, 25
ment Mission. Said one of their spokesmen, "our main pur- years after the Civil War.
pose is to feed the hungry and spread the gospel. That's what This survival continued right through the 1930s. One study
Jesus Christ was all about. It doesn't depend upon what gov- of ethnic groups in Boston in the early part of the century
ernment does or does not do." revealed that the rate of broken families among blacks was
But suppose that needs are so high even under free enter- actually lower than among most other ethnic groups. Only
prise, and in the absence of a government causing poverty on around ten percent at a time when illegitimacy in Irish fam-
a mass scale, and so that even with an unstinting church and ilies was running over 30 percent.
private effort, there are still needs that are not met. Then I Black social patterns were ruined only when liberals arrived
would introduce for our consideration, a second principle of on the scene in the 1930s with their aid to families with depen-
welfare. dent children and other blandishments to let the state do for
In this perspective state welfare should be parsimonious, people what they aren't capable of doing for themselves. The
not generous to a fault, as at present. Welfare of whatever kind tragedy occurred because blacks trusted the system. They
should be as low as possible consistent with maintaining ade- didn't have the inherent suspicions to resist government assis-
quate financial support. Specifically, it should not be compet- tance and avoid sympathetic bureaucrats like the plague as
itive with low wage employment, otherwise, incentives de- many ethnic groups did then and still do today. No, the black
crease. family was more than strong enough to survive slavery. It was
Perhaps the greatest example of the deleterious effects of just not strong enough to survive the welfare system.
welfarism run amok has to do with the black family in the Principle three. Whatever the welfare system, however gen-
United States. And here I quote from the American Spectator: erous, whether it is private or public, it is economically more
The facts about the black family are brutal. More than half the efficient to make the disbursements in the form of money rather
black children born in the U.S. today are illegitimate. Almost than in the form of goods and services in kind. It is a basic
half of these, 23 percent of all black children, are born to axiom of economics that money gifts are more efficient than
unwed teenage mothers. Every year more black girls drop out gifts in kind. Let me try to illustrate this in several different
of high school to have a baby than graduate from college. Over ways.
50 percent of all black children are now bring raised in single During the recent B.C. restraint program, the following gov-
parent households, meaning by unmarried black women. ernment operations were closed down: Janice Child Care Cen-
About 75 percent of all poor black children are in these fam- tre, Consumers Association of B.C., Planned Parenthood,
ilies. This is a social tragedy of truly frightening proportions. Health Collective, Rape Relief, Rape Crisis Centre, Family
It has never happened before in history. Mao Tse Tung's delib- Crisis, Vancouver Transition House, Legal Aid and Post-
erate efforts to break up the nuclear family on the Chinese- partum Depression Centre. What type of person was hurt by
ruled communes didn't have even a fraction of the effect that these closures: rich or poor? One hypothesis is that it was
contemporary American social policies have had on black mainly the poor, the needy, the poverty stricken who were
Americans. harmed. I claim that this hypothesis is untenable and I will try
The welfare system makes an irresistible offer to every eli- to prove it to you by means of a thought experiment.
gible female over the age of 16. It says to every black female My own hypothesis is that the people who benefit from such
teenager, you may be poor, you may have family problems and programs, and who are thus hurt by their elimination, are not
you may be discouraged about your future, but if you have a the poor; rather, they are similar to the people in this room:
baby, right now, we will give you your own apartment, free white collar, highly-educated, articulate members of the new
medical care, food stamps and a regular income over the next class, many of them Marxist or leftist intellectuals. Why do I
20 years. If you have another baby soon after, we all increase say this? I quote here from Dwight Lee in the Cato Journal:
your allotment. How many black men, poor or even affluent, "The poor are in the minority, are less likely to vote than more
can match this offer? How many teenage girls anywhere, black affluent citizens and are seldom organized into politically
or white, poor or affluent, can afford their own apartment at focussed groups. It is unlikely then that the poor will be very
age 16? These teenaged girls who dropped out of school and effective in the competition for political influence. Indeed, if
have babies are not ignorant. They are not morally weak. They the poor had the skills and attributes that are necessary for
are not sexually lascivious. They are simply rational human effective political action, they would not be poor. So while the
beings making the most intelligent choice on how to improve political demands of the poor will no doubt push in the direc-
their economic condition. tion of increasing the funding for poverty programmes, the
Black families are not really breaking up at all. Instead, magnitude of this influence will probably be small.
black families are no longer forming. When women start fam- "A more effectively organized and politically potent group
with a vested interest in expanding government programmes The only possible objection to the foregoing analysis is one
to aid the disadvantaged is made up of those whose employ- of paternalism. In this perspective, we the social worker
ment depends upon these programmes. These people include bureaucrats know better than the poor what is best for them.
the several million people who are employed either directly by So, in effect, the hell with them and their decisions. They want
government welfare agencies or who, as private contractors to buy a TV set. Well, a TV set isn't what they need. They need
and academic researchers, assist and advise these agencies. a counselling service of which we happen to be the providers.
With the job security and income of these people tied to the Notice the danger of this type of argument. For one thing, it
funding of poverty, and poverty-related, programmes, they is self serving. For another, it is an attack on our democratic
have a common and dominant interest in the continuation and institutions. This sort of paternalism is certainly incompatible
expansion of this funding. When this focussed interest is cou- with allowing the recipients of welfare the right to vote.jf they
pled with the relative ease with which people can organize for are so stupid that they can't be trusted to spend their money
political action through their employee organizations, poverty intelligently, why allow them the vote? Why don't we put a
professionals become much more effective at obtaining polit- leash on them and walk them like a dog. his is a very demean-
ical funding for poverty programmes than the poor them- ing way to treat people. Notice, however, that this is the logical
selves." implication of the paternalistic argument.
These words of wisdom are, I contend, merely common Another point with regard to the welfare state that I am just
sense, but finely honed. itching to make concerns the internationalization of the wel-
In order to underscore the point even the more, consider fare state. I speak in this regard of "foreign aid" which is a
the following mental experiment. We take all the money that pejorative, in that it assumes that some sort of benefit is actu-
used to be spent on Janice Child Care, Rape Relief, Legal ally being created. A more neutral terminology would be
Aid, Post-Partum Depression, etc. This comes to several mil- "government-to-government transfers of funds," as Peter
lions of dollars. Now we calculate the number of people who Bauer calls it.
formerly received the services paid for with this money, and Unfortunately, the usual effect of such expenditures, benev-
divide the one by the other. Assume that we calculate that on olent intentions aside, is to prop up dictators by undergirding
a per capita basis each person got $10,000 worth of services of their centrally planned Marxist economic systems. For exam-
this sort. Now, we do the following experiment. We go over to ple, in the Soviet Union, the 97 percent of the land that is
some recipient and say, "Look, Mrs. Jones, previously, before farmed in the public sector accounts for only 75 percent of the
the down-sizing,you would have got $10,000 worth of services. crops. Private farming is allowed on only three percent of the
But now, you have a choice. We can give you the $10,000 in cold land, but this accounts for fully 25 percent of the crops. There
hard cash. Here's a cheque. You can spend it on anything you is famine in Ethiopia because of the Marxist dictatorship which
want. You can spend it on a new car, a new hat, food, or imposes price and other controls on agriculture, not because
vacation, or on rape relief, or crisis centres, or whatever it is. of drought.
Alternatively, you can participate in the old system, where we The best way to remember the effects of international wel-
give you not $10,000, but services which cost us $10,000 to farism is with the three M's, which stand for Mercedes, mon-
provide. Is there anyone in this audience so besotted by self uments and machine guns. That's what the money really goes
importance that he thinks the average person would prefer the for. Those little kids, the starving children you see in the heart
services to the $10,000? No? Good. That shows there is still a rending newspaper ads, they don't get the money. It is given to
vestige of common sense floating around here. the Marxist dictatorships or the right wing dictatorships, the
Consider the $10,000 now fervently clutched in the hand of ones who ran their economies into the ground.
Mrs. Jones. What proportion of this do you think this typical Further, these funds exacerbate conflict in the recipient
recipient would spend on these crisis centres? Ninety percent? nations. Foreign aid might only be one or two percent of the
No. Eighty? Sixty? Forty? Twenty? None? Whenever I have donor country's GNP, but this is a significant amount of money
asked this question, the typical response I get is something in in the third world. There, it is a gigantic proportion of the
the neighborhood of three to five percent. Which is obviously GNP, because they are so poor. an^ of these countries are
true. The point is, then, that if the lady would only voluntarily tribal. If the state is limited to the night watchman role of
spend five percent of the $10,000 on these crisis centres, then Adam Smith, it really doesn't matter all that much who forms
she is only benefitting from them to the tune of five percent. the government. But when the government is the be-all and
If she would take the money on her own and spend it else- end-all, making all sorts of life and death decisions, then it
where, this shows that, at least in her mind, she values the becomes crucially important to take over the reins of control.
other things more importantly than the crisis centres. That's when you have masses of people killed in tribal warfare.
When these programs are eliminated, she only loses out to In effect, tens of thousands of people dying because of well-
this small extent. intentioned foreign aid. Well, we all know what the way to hell
Other examples of the giving out of services instead of money is paved with. Good intentions. I want to conclude by discuss-
would include health care, day care, and public schooling. ing the question of'whether welfare, education, health care,
These are also cases where we do not give people the money day care, etc., are rights. I think this is a perversion of lan-
and let them choose for themselves, but rather give them the guage. In order to show this, I shall contrast the negative rights
services themselves and we say, "here they are, go use them, of classical liberalism with the new class idea of positive rights.
they are 'free."' The right to food, the right to clothing, the right to shelter, the
The only case where these services are worth as much as the right to medical care, the right to education, the right to day
money is if the poor would have taken the money and spent it care, or what have you.
on the identical services. To the extent they would spend less Traditionally, negative rights were the right to be free of
in this manner, they lose out. violence. This was entirely consistent with a philosophy of pri-
vate property rights, and the non-aggression axiom. In this are positive rights it is logically impossible for me to engage in
view, you can do anything you want as long as you do not invade a charitable act. If I attempt to do so, by offering someone
anyone else's person or property. The philosophy undergirding some money, he could reply "What do you mean by offering me
this is democratic capitalism, which limits government to pro- charity. How dare you. That's not charity, I have a right to it.
viding police, army, courts, fire protection, roads . . . and a You are morally obliged to give it to me. I'm collecting this
safety net under income, as a last resort. In contrast, there are money as a debt."
positive rights. The right to food, clothing, shelter, meaningful The point is that if you consistently carried through the
experiences, whatever. These are communal rights, for the philosophy of positive rights, charity will be impossible to give.
enforcement of which is needed a socialist state. We will have in one fell swoop, eliminated a perfectly good
Rights, no matter whether they are of positive or negative word from the English language. The very existence of the
sort, operate in such a way that if I have a right, you have an word "charity" is incompatible with the doctrine of positive
obligation. If I have a right to be left alone, you have an obli- rights. From this I deduce that since charity is indeed a mean-
gation to keep your mitts off of me. If I have a right to food, ingful word, the doctrine of positive rights is incorrect.
you have an obligation to feed me. If I have a right to clothing, The sixth is Occam's Razor. Simplicity is revered in science.
shelter, day care, you have an obligation to give them to me. But we already have a phrase depicting the desiderata of the
Here are six points of contrast which show that the classical advocates of "positive rights." It's called wealth. Why create a
liberal concept of negative rights are very different than the synonym for this perfectly good phrase in the English lan-
positive rights. guage? The only reason people concoct this etymological mon-
First is time. Negative rights are timeless. The caveman had strosity called "positive rights" is because we all subscribe to
a right a million years ago to be left alone. The spaceman a the view that if it is a right it has to be equal. Surely, we all have
hundred million years from now will have an equal right not an equal right not to be molested, for example. The not-so
to be raped, murdered or pillaged. We nowadays here have a hidden agenda of the new class intellectuals is to perpetrate
right to go unmolested as we walk down the street. So negative egalitarianism upon our society, and how better to do that than
rights are timeless. But the same does not hold for positive by tying their doctrines onto something we all respect, namely
rights. Does the caveman have a right to a 1988 level of food, "rights." But these people ought to have the courage of their
clothing, shelter, medical care? It's absurd. A caveman has no convictions to come out and call for equalization of the wealth,
right to running water, or electricity. It was impossible in those if that is what they want, and not attempt to hide behind the
days to give it to him. So it cannot be a right. doctrine of "positive rights."
Second point: realism versus utopianism. We could, with an Speaking of equality, there is an awful lot of hypocrisy that
act of will, if we all resolved to, keep our mitts to ourselves and goes on with regard to this philosophy. The typical advocate is
not murder, rape or commit mayhem on other people. We an owner of a late model automobile. Usually a Volvo. They
could d o this right now, if we all suddenly became so disposed. live in homes that would be the envy of people around the
Then, we would immediately have a world with no negative world. These palaces are stuffed to the gills with furniture and
rights violations. But could we, just like that, have a world knick-knacks. They have expensive wrist watches and clothing.
where all positive rights obligations are being met? No. It is They have color TVs, VCRs, home computers, compact disk
just impossible to immediately give everyone in the world, all music systems. All sorts of fripperies and frivolities. And they
the people in India, Ethiopia, and China, the same level of piously mouth off about the poor. Well, how do they reconcile
income that North Americans now enjoy. This would require their views with the fact that they still have that money? If they
vastly more resources than now available; it would take decades, really seriously believed in their own professed ideology, why
even with the best will in the world, and with the full imple- do they still have all this personal wealth? Why don't they give
mentation of free markets, to accomplish this goal. it away to the poor? This is certainly hypocritical.
The third point has to do with human agency. Consider Another element of hypocrisy is distinguishing between
ship-wrecks, drought, tropical storms, typhoons. Do these phe- Canadians and people in India or Afghanistan or Ethiopia.
nomena involve negative rights violations? No, not on your Why is it that a Canadian is more deserving of welfare than
life. Nobody's rights were violated in the negative sense any other person? If we are talking about human rights, surely
because a human agent is needed in order to have a violation the Bangladeshi is just as much human as is the Canadian.
of negative rights, and there was no person responsible. They How can they justify a welfare system that would make the
were acts of nature. But people's positive rights were violated, Canadian recipient a very rich person indeed were he to live
and on a massive scale, by Hurricane Gilbert, for example. in Bangladesh?
Houses were smashed to smithereens, people were killed out- Here is another, related hypocrisy. Why just redistribute
right, they had no food, they had no shelter, they had no cloth- wealth? Why just money? Suppose we had a machine that
ing. Notice the ludicrous results implied by the doctrine of could transfer beauty or IQ points or musical talent. Is it fair
positive rights: we have to acquiesce in the notion that acts of that Mozart exceeded me in musical talent, Einstein in intel-
nature can violate rights. ligence and Tom Selleck in beauty? Certainly not! Suppose we
Fourth is gain theory. If I have more positive rights, you have had a machine that could transfer 1Q or beauty or talent from
less of them. If I have more food, you have less food. But it one person to another. Should we force those who have "too
doesn't work that way with negative rights. If I have more much" of these attributes to share them, via this machine, with
peace and tranquility it doesn't mean necessarily that you have those of us who have too little? That would be real equality,
less. Notice how different the two concepts work. compared to which the cry for transfers of money from rich to
The fifth point is charity. In a regime of negative rights it is poor pales into insignificance. But such a nightmare vision is
logically possible for charity to exist. I give some money to a not compatible with negative liberty, to say the least. Rather,
poor person, and that is properly called charity. But if there it is part and parcel of a brave new world of indistinguishable
interchangeable human parts. That's where the philosophy of of government as a last resort, but not as a first step.
forced egalitarianism leads us to, ultimately. I would reiterate the three principles. Private charity is pre-
It is time to summarize. ferred to government welfare; limited state welfare is prefer-
What if any social services should the public sector provide? able to generous welfare; and third, welfare of whatever kind,
My own contention is little or none. In the classical liberal is more efficient and effective if it is given in the form of money
tradition, government is used for defence, judiciary, army, than if it is given in the form of objects.
police. The Fraser Institute philosophy would add a safety net Thank you for your attention.
A S I LOOKED over the program of your annual meet- well. My industry has spent years learning to make farm prod-
ing I was struck by the wide variety of things you have ucts that conformed to requirements of law and public senti-
on your minds. During these two days you are address- ment. But even that is not enough. We no longer have the
ing subjects as sweeping as international trade, as practical as luxury of waiting for legislation to tell us what kind of products
new software packages and as necessary as updates on the to make. We must be proactive in dealing with issues involving
bankruptcy laws. the environment. We must give you products that don't foul
Your program brought to mind that old Chinese curse that the groundwater, are not harmful to wildlife, do not leave
we hear repeated now and again: "May You Live in Interesting residues and do not arrive in difficult-to-dispose-of plastic
Times." o u r times, in twentieth century American agriculture, containers. Today, as we develop new products for agriculture,
are certainly interesting. In fact, I believe that there may not every golno go decision is predicated as much - or more -
be a group of people anywhere today who are living in such on environmental and safety issues as on potential effective-
interesting times as we are. Not comfortable, perhaps, but ness, and this is not by accident. The people in my industry
definitely interesting. today grew up during the 1960s and 1970s. We listened to the
You asked me to come here today to talk with you about the early environmentalists and did our share of protesting and
Bioloeical Future of Pest Control. I will describe some of the marching for causes we believed in. Inside my company are
biolob-based tools that should be in your hands during the many men and women who work with the conviction that they
next decade, and why I believe they will be useful and impor- are making an important contribution that will safeguard the
tant to you. But first, I want to talk to you about our times, the environment for our children and for the generations that will
environmental movement and the biological revolution. And I follow.
want to point out how you, as leaders in American agriculture, Fortunately, the biological revolution of recent years offers
must play a part in insuring that farmers continue to have the us a way to meet the public's and our own growing environ-
tools they need to keep American agriculture competitive with mental expectations. I don't believe crop protection chemicals
the rest of the world. will ever be totally replaced, but with our new biological
First, a perspective on the times and the biological revolu- understanding, we can find alternatives to many chemical
tion. technologies. We can offer you options never possible before
A quarter century ago, the chemical-based progress that and, with proper testing and regulatory control, we can offer
had been driving U.S. agriculture was rudely interrupted by a environmental safety as well.
naturalist named Rachel Carson. She called for the end of I'm convinced that this new biology will be the key to our
harsh chemicals and urged that agriculture seek out biological agricultural success in the next century just as chemistry served
alternatives to control crop pests. At that time, my industry us in the past. It's neither black magic as its detractors would
believed she was a wild-eyed radical. However, she and her have you believe, nor a panacea as others might tell you. But
book identified a concern for the environment that had been the shift of emphasis from chemistry to biology as the basis for
growing in this country. Ultimately, it led to the passage of crop protection research, development and commercialization
early environmental laws, the update of FIFRA and the for- is important enough to our future to deserve careful attention.
mation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency. This change, if it is successful, has the long term potential to
Since then, environmentalism has become part of main- streamline farming, upgrade crops and solve some of our worst
stream American thought. It is no longer a fringe issue or a environmental problems, all at the same time.
liberal Demoractic issue. Contrary to what many will have you Let's talk about safety and environmental issues first.
believe, President Reagan's administration has been more You have heard, as I have, worries voiced by the likes of
active in prosecuting environmental offenders than Jimmy Jeremy Rifkin on the east coast, the Natural Resources
Carter's was. Both candidates in last week's election took firm Defense Council on the west coast, and the Green movement
stands on protecting the environment. I'm sure this is one in Europe. These worries trace back to the 1970s when biol-
issue that will not be overlooked in the new administration. ogists raised legitimate questions about the effects of altered
Nor should it be. organisms loose in the environment. In those early days, no
The concerns for the environment are yours - and mine as one was quite sure where the biotechnology discoveries would