MVC Model
1 Overview
These days, many businesses are moving part or all of their business by electronic means.
Buying and selling products or services through the internet and other electronic devices
is a hot trend. Therefore, in this project, I will use PHP programming language and MVC
model to develop an online shopping site. Admin of website can add, delete and update
information of products. Customers can view information of product and buy product.
I use PHP because PHP is easy to use and can run on various platforms such as Window,
Linux and Mac OS. Moreover, I use MVC model because it provides faster development
process, easier to modify and maintenance. It is also way of or organizing my code
following Model, View and Controller.
2 Aim
The aim of this project is developing an online shopping site by using PHP language
and follow MVC model.
3 Objectives
Legal: This website must conform to the Data Protection Act & GDPR. This site must
state how any personal data is handled and processed. Moreover, I also have method to
protect user’s personal data if this website face to attack of hackers.
Social: This website can be accessed in many different countries. Therefore, the
website needs to match the culture of each country.
Ethical: This website avoiding plagiarism or the unethical or even illegal use of
software components built by others. I also need refusing to work for companies
involved in activities that might be interpreted as being harmful to society.
5 Planning (see appendix A)
6 Initial References
Figure 5: Example Model file to insert an account into database by PHP and MVC model
Then, I will create file c_account.php in Controller folder. This file is connection
between View and Model. It will get data input from View and save data into
database through Model.