A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Public Health Expenditure in India: 2005-06 To 2014-15
A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Public Health Expenditure in India: 2005-06 To 2014-15
A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Public Health Expenditure in India: 2005-06 To 2014-15
Advisor: Dr. M Govinda Rao, Member, Fourteenth Finance Commission, and former Director,
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy.
This paper can be cited as “Pavan Srinath, et al, 2018, A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Public Health
Expenditure in India: 2005-06 to 2014-15, The Takshashila Institution, July, 2018”
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Acknowledgements v
Abbreviations vi
1. Introduction 9
2. Objective 11
3. Challenges of data collection and data comparability posed by public health
expenditures 12
4. Methodology and Sources 17
5. Analysis of Health Expenditure in India: Volume of Expenditures 32
6. Analysis of Health Expenditure in India: Inter-state analysis 44
8. Analysis of Health Expenditure in India: Impact on health indicators 51
9. Analysis of Health Expenditure in India: Responsiveness of Union transfers on State
Health Expenditures 55
10. Analysis of Health Expenditure in India: Impact of FFC recommendations on health
sector allocations 59
11. Issues 64
12. Conclusion 67
References 69
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List of Tables
Table 1. Disparate sources of salary expenditure in health at the State level .................................................... 27
Table 2. Sources of information for building a public health expenditure dataset ............................................ 31
Table 3. Public expenditure on health and related fields in India, as a percentage of GDP ........................... 32
Table 4. Expenditure shares of Union and State Governments in India including intergovernmental
transfers (in Rupees Crores, Current) ..................................................................................................................... 31
Table 5. Expenditure shares of Union and State Governments in India including intergovernmental
transfers (as a percentage of total public expenditure) .................................................................................... 35
Table 6. Total Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields at the State Level (Rupees per capita) ..... 37
Table 7. Total Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields at the State Level (as a percentage of
GSDP) .................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 8. Per Capita Expenditure at the State Level for the year 2013-14 (Rupees, Current) ...................... 39
Table 9. Share of Salary expenditure in total public expenditure on health at the State level (Percentage,
2009-10 to 2014-15) ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 10. Expenditure on Primary Health Institutions at the State Level as a percentage of public
expenditure on health (2009-10 to 2014-15) ...................................................................................................... 42
Table 11. Coefficients of variation in per capita health expenditures across major States, and correlation
with per capita GSDP ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
Table 12. Annual Average Growth Rate of Expenditures in Major States (CAGR, Percentage per year) 46
Table 13. Per Capita Specific Purpose Transfers from Union-to-State governments on health & allied
fields and its relation with per capita GSDP .......................................................................................................... 50
Table 14. Regression Results – Dependent Variable: Changes in States’ Own Expenditure on Health,
from a two-way fixed effects panel data model. .................................................................................................. 57
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List of Figures
Figure 1: Structure of public health expenditures in India relevant for the period 2005-06 to 2014-15 13
Figure 2: Boundaries of Public Expenditure on Health ............................................................................................... 19
Figure 3. Percentage of Union Transfers to States on Health Through Treasury Route and Direct to
Implementing Agencies ................................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 4. Percentage of Union Transfers to States on Health and Allied Fields Through Treasury Route
and Direct to Implementing Agencies ..................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 5. Health and Allied expenditures of Major States according to per capita GSDP (2013-14) ....... 44
Figure 6. Relation between initial level of GSDP and growth of public expenditure on health and allied
fields, 2005-06 to 2009-10 .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 7. Relation between initial level of GSDP and growth of public expenditure on health and allied
fields, 2009-10 to 2014-15 .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 8: Relation between growth in per capita public expenditure on health and allied fields and
growth in per capita tax revenues (2009-10 to 2014-15) ................................................................................ 48
Figure 9. Components of Per Capita Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields at the State Level for
2013-14 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 10. Per capita expenditure on Health and Allied Fields according to Infant Mortality Rate (2005-
06) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 11. Per capita expenditure on Health and Allied Fields according to Infant Mortality Rate ........... 53
Figure 12. Reduction in Infant Mortality Rate between NHFS-3 (2005-06) and NHFS-4 (2015-16)
According to Increase in Per Capita Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields ........................... 54
Figure 13. Improvement in Infant Mortality Rate between NHFS-3 (2005-06) and NHFS-4 (2015-16) 54
Figure 14. Percentage change in Central Transfers and Specific Transfers for Health in 2015-16 (R.E.)
over 2014-15 (Actuals) ................................................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 15: Percentage change in Health Sector Expenditures in 2015-16 (R.E.) over 2014-15 (Actual
Expenditure) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 16: Percentage change in Health Sector Revenue Expenditures in 2015-16 (R.E.) over 2014-15
(Actuals) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 17: Percentage change in Health Sector Capital Expenditures in 2015-16 (R.E.) over 2014-15
(Actuals) .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
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The authors would like to thank Dr M Govinda Rao for his untiring and extensive
support on both the research, as well as access to data and people;
Dr Mita Choudhury at the National Institute for Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP)
for her invaluable help in understanding health expenditures, as well as sharing
Mr Diwan Chand at NIPFP for help with the institutional databank; Mr Asif Khan
at the NIPFP library for access to archives;
Dr Sudhanshu Kumar at the National Institute for Public Finance and Policy
(NIPFP) for his help in panel data analysis;
Mr TK Jose IAS (Principal Secretary, Local Self Government, Kerala) for his help
with the Kerala local self-governments’ expenditure on health;
Mr Khalil at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, for data
support with the Karnataka budget;
And the authors’ colleagues at the Takshashila Institution for their support and
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AIIMS All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AFS Annual Financial Statement
AYUSH Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy
CAG Comptroller and Auditor General of India
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CGA Controller General of Accounts, Government of India
CHC Community Health Centre
DDG Detailed Demand for Grants
FFC Fourteenth Finance Commission
GiA / G-i-A Grants-in-Aid
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GSDP Gross State Domestic Product
HFW Health and Family Welfare
HSC Health Sub-Centre
JIPMER Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research
LSG Local Self-Government
MDWS Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
MOFHW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
MOSPI Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
MPH Medical and Public Health
MWCD Ministry of Women and Child Development
NFHS National Family Health Survey
NIPFP National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
NHM National Health Mission
NRHM National Rural Health Mission
NUHM National Urban Health Mission
PHI Primary Health Institutions
PHC Primary Health Centre
PIP Programme Implementation Plan (of NHM/NRHM)
PSU Public Sector Undertaking
ROP Record of Proceedings (of NHM/NRHM)
RSBY Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
SC Sub-Centre
TFC Thirteenth Finance Commission
WSS Water Supply and Sanitation
WATSAN Water Supply and Sanitation
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Executive Summary
Health policy is an essential pillar of human welfare. Given the high degree of
externality, the State has to play a significant role in health and healthcare
provision. Unfortunately, evidence shows that public spending on healthcare in
India is low and out of pocket spending by people is more than four times the
government spending. While the low level of public spending on health is a known
fact, reliable data on the actual public expenditure on health and its trend over
time is not easily accessible. The National Health Accounts, the most authoritative
and comprehensive source of health expenditure information in India, is highly
infrequent. The subsequent use of partial data sets available on public health
expenditures leads to flawed policymaking and less than desirable public health
Based on the data collected, the study goes on to make these preliminary
observations on health expenditures in India.
1. From the analysis of public expenditure in India, it is found that India spent
only 1.41 per cent of its GDP on health and allied fields in 2005-06, which
increased to 1.62 per cent in 2010-11 and then reduced again to 1.40 per cent
in 2014-15. Of this, States contributed between 70 and 75 per cent of the
overall public expenditure on health and allied fields.
2. In 2014-15, major States spent anywhere between Rs 617 and Rs 2,026 per
capita on health and allied subjects. Less populated, hilly or small Indian
States spent between Rs 2,289 and Rs 7,409 per person. The per capita
expenditure on health and allied subjects was correlated to per capita state
GSDPs. During the time period 2005-06 to 2014-15, the study finds that
expenditure inequality, which showed a declining trend, still remains very
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3. States with better basic health outcome indicators such as Infant Mortality
Rates (IMR) also show higher per capita expenditures. In other words, the
states with poor health indicators continue to spend low levels of per capita
expenditures. Inequality between states in health outcomes has not
reduced, and a major cause is the continuing inequality in public health
1. Introduction
Investment in social and physical infrastructure positively affects the poor
directly and indirectly in multiple ways. Infrastructure development is one of the
major factors contributing to economic growth and employment generation
directly and by creating externalities for investment in the private sector. 2
Investment in social infrastructure and human development enhances
productivity through better education, improved workforce, skill development,
lower absenteeism, greater mobility, faster demographic transition, increased
participation of women in workforce, and better targeting of social security and
welfare schemes3.
One of the most important pillars of social infrastructure and human development
is healthcare. In India, the Constitution assigns a predominant role in providing
social infrastructure to the States. More specifically, Entry 6 of the State List in
the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution assigns legislative responsibility to the
States on matters related to “Public health and sanitation; hospitals and
dispensaries”. Similarly, Entry 17 assigns the responsibility for water supplies to
the States. Other interrelated matters such as medical education and medical
professions are placed in Entries 25 and 26 of the Concurrent List.
However, States are not the only players in the public health sector. The Union
government intervenes in the health sector in two ways. First, in establishing and
funding institutions of national importance and institutions of scientific or
technical education such as the All India Institutes of Medical Sciences
(mentioned as Entries 63, 64 and 65 in the Union List). As explained earlier,
medical education and matters relating to (including regulation of) medical
professionals is placed in the Concurrent List (Entries 25 and 26). Second, in
addition to the direct spending, the Union government can give specific purpose
grants to the States to ensure a given minimum standard of healthcare throughout
the country. Healthcare is a meritorious service with significant inter-state
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With this in mind, the Union government has been intervening in the health sector
through various specific purpose transfers such as on the National Rural Health
Mission (NRHM) and other smaller schemes. Launched in 2005, the NRHM has
expanded substantially over the years, and in recent times, it has come to
constitute an important element of health expenditure in Indian States. In 2010-
11, the scheme constituted about two-thirds of the total health spending by the
Central government, and has been a focus of discussions on health sector policies
of the country5. Besides NRHM, expenditures on health are incurred by the Union
government departments such as Defence and Railways and other Union
government enterprises and parastatals. In addition to the Union government’s
role, decentralisation has meant that health expenditures in some States are
directly incurred by some urban and/or rural local bodies.
Given that all three levels of governments are involved in the provision of health
services, it is important to understand public expenditure on health in greater
detail — the levels, trends, and the distribution across States. This is especially
important because India’s health infrastructure is characterised by low levels of
public spending making it imperative to target expenditures in places (States)
where they are needed the most. Despite its importance, comparable data on
healthcare expenditure across different States and over time is simply not
available for a variety of reasons including multiple departments spending on the
sector, changes in budgetary practices over time as well as varying
decentralisation practices across different States. The study attempts to develop
a comprehensive, comparable dataset of public health expenditures in India over
the last decade: 2005-06 to 2014-15 and undertake some preliminary analysis
based on this dataset.
The paper has twelve sections. In the second section, the objectives of this study
are listed. The third section explains the challenges faced during data collection
and in data comparability. The fourth section expands on the methodology used
to analyse the data and the relevant sources for the data. Sections five to ten
present a comprehensive analysis of the public health expenditure data gathered
in this exercise. Section eleven lists the issues encountered. Finally, the
conclusion summarises our major findings.
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2. Objective
This study’s main contribution is the creation of a systematic database containing
estimates of health expenditures across the country, comparable over time and
across States. Specifically, we set out to undertake the following:
7. Evaluate how the 14th Finance Commission affected the above allocations.
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Thus, the Union government also spends a substantial amount on public health.
Much of this expenditure is in the form of transfers for Centrally Sponsored
Schemes such as National Health Mission (previously, NRHM). Similarly,
institutions declared to be of national importance by the Parliament, such as All
India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), and institutions for professional and
technical training and research are in the domain of the Union government.
Separately, many of these expenditures occur outside of the health ministry at the
Union level and health departments at State levels. For example, public
expenditure on drinking water, sanitation and nutrition occurs outside the
Ministry of Health. Moreover, the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Railways
also finance and run institutions that deal with healthcare.
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transfers to Rural and Urban Local Bodies for health spending. Some local bodies
also incur health expenditure from their own resources.
Figure 1 below depicts the sources of public health expenditures in India7. As there
are several intergovernmental transfers through various routes, coming up with
a robust estimate of expenditure needs a careful exclusion so as to circumvent
any overestimation.
Notionally, all States now follow the same accounting practices from the major
head to the minor head levels, which should make aggregation of comparable data
easy. But that’s where the similarities end. There is no consistency in the
expenditures listed under the sub-minor heads, detailing heads, and object heads,
making comparison difficult.
Figure 1: Structure of public health expenditures in India relevant for the period 2005-06 to
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central grants for NRHM and other central schemes and scaling up of donor
funded projects, several agencies and autonomous implementing agencies got set
up at the State level for implementing programmes. In order to reduce delays in
the transfer of funds at the level of implementation the Union government started
giving grants to these agencies directly bypassing the States8. Of course, this also
served the electoral objective of the ruling party/coalition at the centre to claim
its ownership to the projects with the people.
With these implementing agencies in place, the Union government bypassed the
State treasury route and started disbursing direct transfers to these autonomous
agencies instead. The States were, however required to include their matching
portions in their budgets as these are shared cost programmes. However, based
on the recommendation of the High Level Expert Committee on Efficient
Management of Public Expenditures, the practice was changed and the grants for
the central schemes were routed though the States from 2014-15 budget9. Such
changes in accounting practices do not provide a complete picture of public
spending on health in different states and therefore vitiate comparability.
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Many of the challenges mentioned above could have been solved if India had
annual National Health Accounts (NHA), which make the data internationally
comparable, and also include private expenditure. However, the last NHA exercise
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that India undertook was in 2013-14, which was released as late as August 201610.
Before 2013-14, this exercise was undertaken in 2004-0511.
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Annual Finance Accounts for Goa, Delhi and Pondicherry are not available online,
and were accessed from the NIPFP library for the years that were available. For
the year 2015-16 and to plug data gaps, budget documents were utilised when
Finance Accounts were not released or were inaccessible. For example, Annual
Finance accounts for West Bengal are not available for 2013-14 and 2014-15 as the
accounts were not tabled in the West Bengal Assembly, and are hence not
available for public access. To the extent possible, some data was instead taken
from the budget documents of West Bengal.
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Most annual finance accounts were accessed online, and some pre-tabulated
information on expenditure by major heads was obtained from the National
Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP). Budget documents were accessed
online to the extent available. About 20-22 of the 30 States have shared their full
budget documents online, though most do not share the files for more than a year
or two. Some annual finance accounts were accessed from the NIPFP library, and
the bulk of the budget documents were accessed from the library as well.
As highlighted earlier, in the study period 2005-06 to 2013-14, a large share of the
specific purpose transfers from Union to States in the form of Centrally
Sponsored Schemes/Central Plan Schemes were directly transferred to
implementing agencies in the States (known as the “non-treasury route”, and
avoided going through the State budget (or the “treasury route”). For example, the
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare transfers its NRHM releases for
Karnataka to the “Karnataka Health & Family Welfare Society” which will
subsequently devolve that money to district-level societies. Similar societies or
organisations have been set up in all States for many of the social sector schemes
and transfers.
This mechanism has subsequently been changed from 2014-15 onwards, where all
transfers now take place via the treasury route.
All transfers and expenditures that take place via the treasury route get accounted
and audited by the CAG on a routine basis, and presented in the Annual Finance
Accounts of the States. The direct transfers are only audited on a case-by-case
basis by the CAG, and the implementing agencies’ accounts are independently
audited by privately hired auditors under prescribed guidelines. These audited
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accounts are not publicly available, nor are they accessible from the Union
The bulk of the non-health ministry direct transfers comes from the Ministry of
Drinking Water & Sanitation (earlier: The Department of Drinking Water &
Sanitation under the Ministry of Rural Development). Complete and comparable
State-wise releases (actuals) are available for water & sanitation schemes only
between 2010-11 and 2014-15.
The National Health Mission (formerly, National Rural Health Mission) has an
independent system of accounting that does not follow the State budget heads.
NRHM/NHM are typically administered by State-level societies which then
devolve the funds to district-level societies to spend money on a range of health-
related activities. NRHM’s reporting of budget allocations had a variable and non-
comparable format till the year 2009-10, after which a reasonably standardised
system of reporting budget allocations is now available for most States.
Funds for the NRHM/NHM span four major heads and NRHM combines them
seamlessly: 2210, 2211, 4210, 4211. For the bulk of the study period, the mechanism
of planning and reporting expenditure on NRHM is as follows:
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o The unspent opening balance of the society at the start of the year.
o The allocation for transfers from the Union government for NRHM
(or the ‘Total Resource Envelope’).
o Performance incentives
In recent years, we also see some States filing supplementary PIPs and
receiving supplementary ROPs against them, with additional allocations
Based on the ROP, the Government of India is expected to release the funds
in instalments. The sum of this over a year is called “GoI Releases”, and
varies from the allocation. The society spends the funds over the year and
reports the unspent expenditures in the next PIP.
Thus, while the releases of funds by Union and State governments are counted as
expenditures on their part, it need not translate automatically to expenditure on
the ground – with the balance remaining unspent with the implementing
Apart from NHM, there are other health schemes such as the National AIDS
mission, as well as water & sanitation schemes such as the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan, the National Rural Drinking Water Programme; and nutrition schemes
like ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme). For health schemes, data was
obtained from Appendix V of the Finance Accounts from 2009 onwards, and was
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obtained from Dr Mita Choudhury (NIPFP) for previous years. Each of the schemes
often has its own implementing agency and a corresponding entry in the finance
For water and sanitation schemes, data was taken from 2010 onwards from the
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation’s data portal.22
Health Sub Centres (SCs), with each covering a population of about 5,000
in the plains and about 3,000 in hilly and difficult terrain. Only paramedical
staff is available in these sub-centres.
Primary Health Centres (PHCs) which are the first points of contact with a
doctor, with each covering about 30,000 people in the plains and about
20,000 in hilly and difficult terrain.
Community Health Centres (CHCs) which provide secondary care and are
organised at the block levels23.
This study also includes expenditures on Family Welfare Centres (under major-
head 2211) in the overall expenditure on “Primary Health Institutions”, as they
often see cross-budgeting. Notionally, expenditures on PHCs and CHCs have their
own minor heads, i.e.:
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However, less than half the States show all of their expenditure on PHCs and CHCs
under those minor heads. Instead, here are a few sample challenges encountered
while trying to calculate expenditure on primary health institutions:
Tamil Nadu has created health sub-Centres for adi-dravidar colonies under 2211-
00-793-SA, the sub-plan for the adi-dravidar community living in Tamil Nadu.
Tamil Nadu is also unique in introducing wings for Ayurveda / Unani / Siddha
and other alternative systems of medicines at the Primary Health Centre-level,
and has separate budget heads under 2210-04 (AYUSH).
All these budget heads have been included in Tamil Nadu’s expenditure on
Primary Health Institutions.
West Bengal has an active Externally Aided Project called DFID Assisted
Programme for Health System Development Initiative, which includes
expenditures on improving and deepening the PHC and CHC system in the State.
However, there are no explicit budget heads for expenditures on PHCs and CHCs
as opposed to other elements of the State’s health system. All activities are jointly
listed under 2210-03-789-SP-007, 2210-03-796-SP-008, 2210-03-800-SP-012 –
essentially, under the SC sub-plan, ST Sub-plan and ‘Other expenditure’ minor
heads under rural health.
Such budget heads which only have a proportion of their expenditure on PHCs,
CHCs and SCs have not been included in our calculation.
4.5.3. Karnataka
In most States, PHCs and CHCs expenditures also include budget heads for
medicines that are consumed by the primary health institutions. However, in
Karnataka, all drug procurement by the government healthcare system is
centralised into one agency called the Karnataka State Drug Logistic & Ware
Housing Society (2210-01-104-0-01) which is tasked with collating the drug needs
of all government health institutions from PHCs and CHCs to hospitals and
specialist units – and then procuring the same and distributing it to the respective
institutions. Thus, expenditure on the drug logistic & warehousing society
becomes an in-kind subsidy on drugs for the health institutions including PHIs.
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Since the drug society’s expenditures cannot be split into that of PHCs and CHCs
using the budget documents, its expenditures have not been included in the
calculation of Karnataka’s expenditure on PHIs.
Revenue expenditure for PHIs under Major Head 2210 could not be located even
though the corresponding capital expenditure under Major Head 4210 is clearly
outlined. One of the possibilities could be that PHIs under 2210 have been
subsumed under the major head 2211, as part of rural/urban family welfare
Centres. This assumption needs confirmation. We tried to obtain clarification
from the Uttar Pradesh health department on this issue, but failed.
4.5.6. Meghalaya
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Pay – Officers
Pay – Staff
Interim Relief
Dearness Allowance
Other Allowances
Medical Allowance
The object heads for these are not standardised across States, nor are all of them
necessarily split into separate object heads.
The Twelfth Finance Commission felt that State Finance Accounts need to be
more amenable to analysis and comparison, and thus recommended that the
finance accounts need to start having appendices for the overall salary
expenditure, subsidies and other components of expenditure at the major head
level. Thus, salary expenses are available in the Appendix I of States’ Annual
Finance Accounts since 2005-06 for most States, and since 2006-07 or 2007-08
for a few States.
However, it should be noted that the appendix gives an account of the total
salaries of State government employees – but not of the salaries of autonomous
institutions who receive grants from the State government, nor of local bodies
which receive grants from the State government.
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PHI expenditures to overall NRHM expenditures for 2013-14 was used to estimate
the expenditure under the same heads for previous years.
Salary expenditures of Grantee Budgetary grants towards salaries of autonomous institutions like
Autonomous Institutions governmental medical colleges, hospitals and others.
Other government salary Salary component of grants to local bodies on health, nutrition, etc.
3 expenditures including local Budgetary expenditure on incentives for ASHA workers and other informal
bodies hires.
NRHM/NHM salary Most staff are contractual in nature. Salary expenditures in the form of
expenditures staff salaries, emoluments, contractual payments, awards, and incentives.
Many States have moved beyond having all expenditures fall under line
departments and their subsidiaries, and instead foster autonomous institutions
which operate independently. Most autonomous institutions come under the
budget heads 2210/4210, and are usually medical colleges, super-speciality
hospitals and other organisations. For example, most medical colleges in
Karnataka, hospitals like the Kidwai Institute of Oncology, etc. are all autonomous
institutions. These autonomous institutions receive grants for specific
expenditures for salaries, construction of capital assets, and towards other
maintenance expenditure.
Grants-in-Aid in States have a separate object code that varies across States. (For
example: Rajasthan (93), Karnataka (101), Gujarat (3131), Punjab (31)). However,
Grants-in-Aid-Salaries appear to have received their own separate object code
around 2009-10 in most States. For example, the object code 311 (Grants-in-Aid-
Salaries) was used in a form distinguishable from 310 (Grants-in-Aid) since 2009-
10. Similarly, in Gujarat the object code 3131 was preceded by a blanket 3100
(Grants-in-Aid) code before 2008-09.
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Thus, in this study, Grants-in-Aid-Salaries have been manually computed for all
States from the detailed demand for grants, in all the States where they exist, from
the year 2009-10.
4.7.1. Kerala
The State of Kerala is far more fiscally decentralised, having fostered bottom-up
participatory planning within the State for several years now. Within the health
sector, the Kerala government continues to spend via the usual budget heads like
2210 and 2211, including funds for PHCs (especially doctors’ salaries, etc.). Kerala
also does not provide much by way of specific purpose transfers to panchayats
and Municipal Councils in health. PHCs are typically controlled by Gram
Panchayats and CHCs by Block Panchayats.
Instead, Kerala gives large amounts of general purpose transfers to local bodies,
some of which can be used for health and other expenditures:
LSGs also receive devolved funding from NRHM for certain local activities.
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4.7.2. Karnataka
All health institutions with 30 beds or less in Karnataka are managed by the Zilla
and Taluk Panchayats across the State of Karnataka. The State budget provides
large block grants to ZPs, TPs and GPs – both general and specific purposes
within, say, the health sector. The State budget presents a separate set of “ZP
Sector” books which contain the Budget Estimates (only) for each component of
the block grants. This includes specific components on PHCs and CHCs, as well
as on salaries.
Though the ZP sector contains only budget estimates and not actual expenses of
the detailed heads and object heads, it is found that the variation between the two
at the block grant (minor head) level is less than 0.5%. Thus, estimates of the
actual expenditure at the detailed level have been calculated by scaling the
estimates accordingly.
4.7.3. Orissa
Orissa has a separate “District Sector” apart from the “State Sector” in the State
budget, and some of the health-related expenditures happen within the district
All data can be taken directly from the district sector section of the budget as the
Detailed Demand for Grants documents provide this information.
Madhya Pradesh awards large block grants to ZPs and TPs for health-related
expenditures. However, the State budget provides all relevant details and break-
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up of the grants which can be obtained direct from budget documents (Detailed
Demand for Grants).
The Central Statistical Office (CSO) is yet to provide GDP data for previous years
using the 2011-12 series, where a change in methodology has made it difficult to
obtain comparable data for older years. The new GDP series data have created a
controversy since their release, and one report shows that extending the new
series backwards has resulted in significant changes in GDP values. 26
GSDP numbers obtained from NITI Aayog27 (compiled by MOSPI): For the period
under consideration, all States’ GSDP data is available under the 2004-05 series.
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If one adds public expenditure on nutrition, water supply and sanitation to health
expenditures, the total public expenditure on “Health and Allied Fields” rises to
1.40 per cent of the GDP in 2014-15.
Table 3. Public expenditure on health and related fields in India, as a percentage of GDP
2005-06* 2006-07* 2007-08* 2008-09* 2009-10* 2010-11* 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Health 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.92 0.97 0.94 0.92 0.93 0.90 0.91
Water Supply &
0.46 0.44 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.43 0.39 0.40 0.37 0.32
Nutrition 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.17
Total Health &
1.41 1.40 1.47 1.55 1.62 1.55 1.51 1.52 1.45 1.40
Allied Fields
*GDP data for 2005-06 to 2010-11 from the 2004-05 series, and for subsequent years from the 2011-12 series. See
section 4.8 for more details.
Table 3 provides a first look at the trends in public expenditure on health and
allied fields. Starting from 1.41 per cent of GDP in 2005-06, expenditures climbed
up till 1.62 per cent in 2009-10, before falling steadily back to 1.40 per cent in 2014-
15. Corresponding to this, health expenditures varied from 0.83 per cent of GDP
in 2005-06, rising to 0.97 per cent of GDP in 2009-10, and falling back to 0.91 per
cent in 2014-15. Further, water supply and sanitation expenditures have dropped
quickly from 2010-11 onwards from over 0.47 per cent of GDP down to 0.32 per
Choudhury and Nath (2012)28 note that several governmental documents argue for
raising the level of public expenditure on health between 2 and 3 per cent of GDP,
including the Approach Paper to the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017), Programme
Implementation Framework of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), and
other documents. This typically refers to public expenditure on health alone, and
does not include water and sanitation, or nutrition.
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Whether a target of 2 or 3 per cent is chosen, this report provides evidence that
public expenditure on health is found to be declining for multiple reasons.
Increases in public expenditure on health and allied fields was unable to keep pace
with the growth of India’s GDP after 2009-10. Beyond this, public expenditure on
water and sanitation has declined more than other components, going from 0.49
per cent of GDP in 2007-08 & 2008-09 to only 0.32 per cent in 2014-15.
On an absolute basis, India’s governments combined, spent over 1.74 lakh crore
rupees in 2014-15 on health and allied fields, a 3.3-fold increase in nominal terms
in a decade. In real terms (deflated using the GDP deflator) expenditures
increased by over 1.8 times in the decade. On a per capita basis, public expenditure
in India on health and allied fields was Rs 1,338 in 2014-15, with Rs 870 on health,
Rs 303 on water and sanitation and Rs 166 on nutrition per person.29
Choudhury, et al note30 that the Union government focuses on health issues that
are considered national priorities, as well as on issues that have significant inter-
state externalities. Till the mid-nineties, they note that the Union government
primarily focused on family planning, national-level institutes like AIIMS, select
disease control programmes, and regulatory bodies around medicine and health.
Since then, the focus has expanded to include maternal and child health –
culminating in the National Rural Health Mission starting in April 2005. The NRHM
– now the National Health Mission or NHM, also involved the Union government
focusing on primary and secondary healthcare31.
Union government’s share in health expenditure increased from 15 per cent of the
total ? in the nineties to about 30 per cent by 2005, which is when this paper’s
study period begins. In health alone, the ratio of Union to State expenditures
started at 27:73 in 2005-06, increased to 30:70 in 2008-09, and dropped back
down to 25:75 in 2014-15. Tables 4 and 5 show the share of Union and State
government expenses on health and allied fields both in absolute terms and as a
percentage share of the total.
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Table 4. Expenditure shares of Union and State Governments in India on Health & Allied
Fields including intergovernmental transfers (in Rupees Crores, Current)
06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Union Government -
1 3,345 4,051 7,314 10,918 14,511 14,148 13,896 13,010 12,106 12,472
Direct Expenditure
Union Government -
Direct Transfers to
2 5,740 6,818 7,172 6,818 9,516 15,651 17,033 20,527 23,810 0
Implementing Agencies at
the State Level
Union Government -
Grants-in-Aid to State and
3 UT Budgets on health and 5,013 5,110 7,205 8,024 6,194 5,028 6,026 6,573 5,896 31,772
allied subjects ("Treasury
Total Budgetary
Expenditure at the State
6 43,079 49,265 58,816 69,752 81,177 91,212 1,00,613 1,17,808 1,27,385 1,61,919
Level (Sum of all States)
Apart from direct expenditure by the Union government, it also provided grants
to States – both to State budgets, and directly to implementing agencies at the
State level. Further to this, State governments make their own budgetary
allocations from their funds above and beyond what the Union government
allocates and transfers to them.
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in India is spent at the state level. Even this is a floor value, as the remaining funds
include allocations to national medical institutions that provide health services
for the State they are located in. For example, AIIMS provides health facilities for
residents of Delhi and nearby regions, JIPMER for Pondicherry and nearby regions
of Tamil Nadu, and so on.
Table 5. Expenditure shares of Union and State Governments in India on Health and Allied
Fields including intergovernmental transfers (as a percentage of total public expenditure)
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Union Government -
1 6.4 6.7 10.0 12.5 13.8 11.7 10.6 8.6 7.4 7.2
Direct Expenditure
Union Government -
Direct Transfers to
2 11.0 11.3 9.8 7.8 9.0 12.9 12.9 13.6 14.6 0.0
Implementing Agencies at
the State Level
Union Government -
Grants-in-Aid to State and
3 UT Budgets on health and 9.6 8.5 9.8 9.2 5.9 4.2 4.6 4.3 3.6 18.2
allied subjects ("Treasury
Total Budgetary
Expenditure at the State
6 82.6 81.9 80.2 79.7 77.2 75.4 76.5 77.8 78.0 92.8
Level (Sum of all States)
Indian States together spend about three rupees on health and allied fields for
every rupee spent by the Government of India. However, national news and focus
remains on flagship missions by the Government of India including the National
Health Mission, the National Rural Drinking Water Programme, Swachh Bharat
Mission and others. Union government expenditure on health and allied fields is
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only a quarter of the total public expenditure, having declined from a high of 30
per cent in 2007-08.
Within health expenditure (excluding nutrition and water and sanitation), policy
documents such as the Rajya Sabha departmental standing committee32 continue
to advocate for a 40:60 split in expenditure on health between the Union and State
governments. The Union government's share of health expenditure has decreased
from a high of 34.5 per cent in 2007-08 to 28.2 per cent in 2014-15.
Both, the absolute levels of public expenditure, as well as the Union government’s
share of expenditure appear to be sub-par on health and allied fields. One report
of the health and family welfare departmental standing committee of Rajya Sabha
(2016)33 laid out how health and family welfare expenditure by the Union
government over the twelfth five-year plan is just 46.6 per cent of the plan outlay
– showing the massive deficit between set targets of expenditure, and reality.
Spending on health and allied fields shows a remarkable variation across India’s
States (Tables 6 and 7). Among major States34, Rajasthan had the highest per capita
expenditure on health and allied fields – at Rs 2,026 per person in 2014-15. This
was over three times that of the per capita expenditure of Bihar, which was at Rs
617 for the same year. Rajasthan, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu have the highest per
capita expenditure on health and allied fields in 2014-15, with Bihar, Uttar Pradesh
and Jharkhand having the lowest. In 2005-06, Haryana, Rajasthan and Gujarat
showed the highest expenditure per capita, with Bihar, West Bengal and Madhya
Pradesh being the lowest.
The smaller, hilly States are more sparsely populated than most major States –
and have different challenges in deploying State infrastructure and services on
health. Thereby, they incur different costs, and the Union government plays a
larger role in expenditure on what are called ‘Special Category States’.
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Table 6. Total Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields at the State Level
(Rupees per capita)
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Major States
1 Andhra Pradesh 408 515 666 954 1,002 1,116 1,229 1,340 1,466 NA
2 Bihar 203 234 273 285 342 390 454 530 618 617
3 Chhattisgarh 436 502 606 699 776 778 974 1,018 1,139 1,386
4 Gujarat 541 632 704 859 1,039 1,310 1,243 1,614 1,704 1,871
5 Haryana 728 882 1,135 1,339 1,572 1,592 1,606 1,619 1,823 1,695
6 Jharkhand 414 529 676 759 700 785 934 968 840 912
7 Karnataka 431 441 616 686 946 1,119 1,355 1,438 1,392 1,598
8 Kerala 505 571 847 866 1,014 1,008 1,330 1,492 1,634 1,641
9 Madhya Pradesh 317 317 389 404 545 754 830 915 1,066 1,015
10 Maharashtra 507 524 594 586 675 844 986 1,054 1,093 1,169
11 Orissa 361 410 585 707 720 778 842 890 1,170 1,159
12 Punjab 519 502 567 605 667 877 994 1,127 1,111 1,095
13 Rajasthan 563 684 801 1,031 1,184 1,125 1,333 1,469 1,806 2,026
14 Tamil Nadu 535 550 613 786 1,009 1,357 1,382 1,536 1,865 1,827
15 Uttar Pradesh 324 421 401 423 506 525 469 633 675 694
16 West Bengal 263 284 347 432 598 655 736 794 875 956
Other States
1 Arunachal Pradesh 2,532 2,960 3,542 3,087 4,473 4,589 5,452 6,478 7,697 7,409
2 Assam 387 474 584 784 1,231 1,109 1,523 1,511 1,413 1,522
3 Himachal Pradesh 1,439 1,932 1,955 2,216 2,437 3,091 2,822 3,169 3,472 3,522
4 Jammu and Kashmir 1,256 1,616 1,919 1,533 2,504 2,392 3,018 2,775 3,034 2,898
5 Manipur 899 1,539 1,438 1,735 2,195 3,333 2,970 2,602 2,758 3,286
6 Meghalaya NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3,807
7 Mizoram 2,611 2,795 3,511 3,244 5,690 4,723 4,439 5,071 5,551 5,403
8 Nagaland 1,327 1,647 3,586 3,066 2,081 2,439 2,623 3,009 2,622 2,709
9 Sikkim 2,600 2,732 2,868 3,745 4,227 4,455 5,797 6,160 5,357 5,223
10 Tripura 945 912 953 1,328 1,750 1,644 2,203 2,274 2,863 2,706
11 Uttarakhand 906 990 1,045 1,175 1,100 1,356 1,572 1,674 1,868 2,289
12 Goa 2,137 2,246 2,373 3,266 3,640 3,861 4,498 4,149 4,400 4,502
13 Puducherry NA NA NA NA NA 3,220 3,553 3,116 3,618 3,531
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Table 7. Total Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields at the State Level
(as a percentage of GSDP)
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Major States
1 Andhra Pradesh 1.28 1.39 1.50 1.85 1.76 1.61 1.57 1.52 1.48 NA
2 Bihar 2.21 2.12 2.24 1.89 2.01 1.86 1.84 1.80 1.81 1.56
3 Chhattisgarh 1.83 1.71 1.74 1.69 1.86 1.57 1.65 1.52 1.54 1.67
4 Gujarat 1.21 1.23 1.20 1.33 1.39 1.47 1.23 1.47 1.36 1.30
5 Haryana 1.55 1.61 1.79 1.79 1.74 1.54 1.38 1.24 1.24 1.05
6 Jharkhand 1.98 2.33 2.41 2.63 2.18 1.95 2.18 2.05 1.58 1.52
7 Karnataka 1.23 1.10 1.30 1.28 1.64 1.61 1.78 1.66 1.38 1.40
8 Kerala 1.22 1.24 1.63 1.45 1.49 1.32 1.48 1.50 1.45 1.29
9 Madhya Pradesh 1.68 1.47 1.64 1.42 1.69 2.05 1.98 1.87 1.84 1.52
10 Maharashtra 1.08 0.95 0.93 0.85 0.87 0.90 0.96 0.92 0.84 0.82
11 Orissa 1.64 1.57 1.79 1.90 1.78 1.60 1.56 1.46 1.78 1.56
12 Punjab 1.24 1.04 0.99 0.93 0.92 1.07 1.08 1.11 0.99 0.90
13 Rajasthan 2.45 2.52 2.63 2.91 2.95 2.24 2.20 2.17 2.46 2.52
14 Tamil Nadu 1.34 1.16 1.15 1.30 1.40 1.56 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.29
15 Uttar Pradesh 2.00 2.32 1.98 1.83 1.89 1.74 1.39 1.67 1.64 1.51
16 West Bengal 0.97 0.93 1.00 1.10 1.32 1.26 1.25 1.19 1.13 1.10
Other States
1 Arunachal Pradesh 7.84 8.48 8.77 6.54 7.30 6.28 6.31 6.91 7.26 6.14
2 Assam 1.85 2.12 2.40 2.87 3.85 2.99 3.72 3.40 2.79 2.64
3 Himachal Pradesh 3.41 4.14 3.78 3.54 3.39 3.64 2.97 2.96 2.92 2.67
Jammu and 4.56 5.36 5.85 4.16 5.95 4.80 5.22 4.31 4.19 4.03
5 Manipur 3.61 5.70 4.88 5.58 6.40 8.88 6.60 5.11 4.85 5.18
6 Meghalaya NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.10
7 Mizoram 8.27 8.09 8.87 6.91 10.68 7.38 6.51 6.20 5.57 4.45
8 Nagaland 4.24 4.84 5.14 3.85 4.37 4.64 4.28 4.39 3.42 3.15
9 Sikkim 7.47 7.33 6.72 6.90 4.15 3.66 4.01 3.66 3.16 2.63
10 Tripura 3.26 2.86 2.80 3.44 4.04 3.31 4.01 3.69 3.97 3.22
11 Uttarakhand 2.77 2.50 2.15 2.01 1.51 1.59 1.61 1.57 1.56 1.72
12 Goa 2.19 2.06 1.90 2.09 2.11 2.00 1.86 1.80 1.70 1.54
13 Puducherry NA NA NA NA NA 3.35 3.44 2.75 2.65 2.19
After 2013-14, the ninth year in this study, Union-to-State transfers on health,
water and other development sector schemes underwent a complete overhaul in
the mode of transfer, along with the accounting practices for the same. This has
been explained in Section 4.3.
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If one were to examine just the major heads of expenditure (2210, 2211, etc.) at the
Union level – the discontinuation of direct transfers from the Union government
to implementing agencies leads to a significant reduction in expenditure. This is
because the expenditures got subsumed under 3601 and 3601 major heads for
inter-budgetary transfers. Correspondingly, the budgetary expenditures of States
on health jumped up in 2014-15.
Table 8 illustrates the difference in per capita expenditures at the State level that
comes from excluding direct transfers.
Table 8. Per Capita Expenditure at the State Level for the year 2013-14
(Rupees, Current)
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As Figures 3 and 4 show, till 2013-14, up to 67 per cent of health transfers and up
to 80 per cent of health & allied transfers were given as direct transfers, outside
the control and purview of State government budgets.
100% 0.0
50% 100.0
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Direct Transfers to Implementing agencies "Non-treasury Route" 3601 Grants "Treasury Route"
Figure 3. Percentage of Union Transfers to States on Health Through Treasury Route and
Direct to Implementing Agencies
100% 0.0
49.9 45.9
53.4 57.2
70% 60.6
75.7 73.9 75.7
60% 80.2
50% 100.0
50.1 54.1
46.6 42.8
20% 39.4
24.3 26.1 24.3
10% 19.8
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Direct Transfers to Implementing agencies "Non-treasury Route" 3601 Grants "Treasury Route"
Figure 4. Percentage of Union Transfers to States on Health and Allied Fields Through
Treasury Route and Direct to Implementing Agencies
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Within health expenditure, Table 1 from earlier in the report shows how officially
reported salary expenditure by States is only a fraction of the overall salary-
related expenses of States on health. Table 9 provides the most comprehensive
estimate of salary-related expenditure on health in India. This is only available for
the period of 2009-10 onwards, thanks to updates to object codes and other
accounting improvements that allowed the tracking of all salary-related
expenditures in States. For major States, the share of salary expenditure in health
ranges from about 30 per cent to almost 80 per cent.
Table 9. Share of Salary expenditure in total public expenditure on health at the State level
(Percentage, 2009-10 to 2014-15)
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Unlike sectors such as, say, the defence sector, it is not easy to infer the quality
of health services delivered based on the share of salaries. Some States likely need
more doctors, nurses and specialists to work across regions, and additional
expenditure on salaries could lead to better health outcomes. In other States,
complementing existing healthcare staff with both capital investments in better
hospitals, and greater share of expenses on consumables such as medicines, could
lead to better health outcomes.
Table 10. Expenditure on Primary Health Institutions at the State Level as a percentage of
public expenditure on health (2009-10 to 2014-15)
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Primary healthcare – the first level of contact with individuals and families by the
healthcare system – is a critical part of public expenditure on health. However,
both the complexity and the inadequacy of India’s governmental health
infrastructure result in a multitude of institutions delivering primary healthcare
services. This study estimates the share of expenditure on primary health
institutions (defined in the previous section) in overall public expenditure on
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Public Expenditure per capita (Rs)
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000
GSDP per capita 2013-14 (Rs)
India’s States have significant variations in incomes, and thus in GSDP per capita.
The analysis of per capita expenditures on health and allied fields provides useful
results, especially when compared against per capita GSDP figures.
Generally, it is seen that richer States spend more on health and allied fields.
Figure 5 shows the variation in per capita health and allied expenditures with per
capita GSDP for the year 2013-14. Both for health alone, and for health together
with allied fields, it is generally seen that higher GSDP per capita States have
higher targeted expenditures. From Table 6 earlier, in 2014-15, Rajasthan spent
3.28 times the per capita expenditure of Bihar on health and allied fields. Thus,
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when the unit costs of providing health and allied services are equal, the standard
of services in Rajasthan are 3.28 times that of Bihar.
States with high per capita GSDP also have higher taxable capacity person and
can spend more development needs and social sector needs such as health, water
and more.
For 2005-06 to 2014-15, the coefficient of variation in per capita health and allied
expenditures stands high between 0.30 and 0.37, as Table 11 shows. Beyond this,
health and allied expenditures show a strong positive correlation with per capita
GSDP. It appears that Union-to-State transfers, though they are meant to be
progressive and equalising in nature, are unable to offset the additional fiscal
space and governance capacity that comes with higher per capita GSDP.
The growth rate in per capita expenditures on health and allied fields varies
significantly across years and across States. If the study period is split in half, it is
found that the growth rates (CAGR) in the first 4-5 years is 16.1 per cent, and
growth rate in the second half drops to about 10.1 per cent (Table 12). 2005-06 to
2009-10 was a period of high economic growth across India, and it was also a time
when tax revenues were highly buoyant.37 After about 2011, both growth rates and
tax buoyancy came down significantly, also resulting in slower increases in per
capita health expenditure.
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Table 11. Coefficients of variation in per capita health expenditures across major States, and
correlation with per capita GSDP
Correlation Coefficients Per Capita State
Coefficient of Variation in Per Capita Level Expenditures with Per Capita
Expenditures GSDP
Year Health Health & Allied Health Health & Allied
2005-06 0.20 0.30 0.55 0.78
2006-07 0.20 0.32 0.57 0.65
2007-08 0.22 0.34 0.58 0.63
2008-09 0.21 0.37 0.55 0.60
2009-10 0.24 0.37 0.75 0.68
2010-11 0.25 0.34 0.81 0.81
2011-12 0.25 0.32 0.63 0.79
2012-13 0.31 0.31 0.79 0.80
2013-14 0.32 0.33 0.77 0.74
2014-15 0.30 0.34 0.73 0.68
2009-10 2010-11
1 Andhra Pradesh 25.2 10.0
2 Bihar 13.9 12.5
3 Chhattisgarh 15.6 12.3
4 Gujarat 17.7 12.5
5 Haryana 21.2 1.5
6 Jharkhand 14.0 5.4
7 Karnataka 21.7 11.1
8 Kerala 19.0 10.1
9 Madhya Pradesh 14.5 13.2
10 Maharashtra 7.4 11.6
11 Orissa 18.9 10.0
12 Punjab 6.5 10.4
13 Rajasthan 20.4 11.4
14 Tamil Nadu 17.2 12.6
15 Uttar Pradesh 11.8 6.5
16 West Bengal 22.8 9.8
Panagariya et al38 found that growth rates in public expenditure for a multi-year
period varied positively with the initial-year per capita GSDP when they examined
the 1990s. However, this variation with a positive slope turned zero or slightly
negative starting in the 2000s. This study extends the analysis further till 2014-15
for health and allied expenditures – and finds that the slope becomes more
negative over time again [Figures 6 and 7].
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25% AP
KA Har
CAGR of Expenditure
20% Raj
Odi Ker
TN Guj
15% Cht
MP Jha
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000
GSDP per capita 2005-06
Figure 6. Relation between initial level of GSDP and growth of public expenditure on health
and allied fields, 2005-06 to 2009-10
CAGR of Expenditure
Bih Cht KA
Raj Mah
10% Odi Pun
WB Ker
5% Jha
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000
GSDP per capita 2009-10
Figure 7. Relation between initial level of GSDP and growth of public expenditure on health
and allied fields, 2009-10 to 2014-15
The implication of this observed change in the slope is significant. It appears that
richer states are getting complacent about prioritising health expenditures, even
if it can be more difficult to achieve high growth rates over a larger base of per
capita health expenditures. In particular, Haryana, India’s richest large state on
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per capita GSDP terms in 2009-10, shows negligible increase in per capita public
expenditure on health and allied fields in the 5 years after then.
Additionally, Figures 6 and 7 show that with rising incomes, even low-income
States like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Odisha were able to prioritise health
spending over other competing areas. In contrast, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand
show no such promise of prioritising health expenditures given their limited fiscal
resources. In all, more needs to be done by governments at both Union and State
levels to ensure better health outcomes in poor states.
Growth in a state’s GSDP broadly correlates with higher tax revenues for the state,
especially with own source tax revenues coming from tax on sales of goods, and
from other sources. In Figure 8, we try to examine the relationship between the
rate of growth of per capita expenditure on health and allied sources against the
rate of growth of per capita tax revenues of the state. Data for the period of 2009-
10 to 2014-15 shows that generally, states that see faster growth in income in the
form of tax revenues, also increase health expenditure faster.
Cht Guj Bih
Mah Raj
CAGR of Per Capita Expenditure
10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24%
CAGR of Per Capita Tax Revenues
Figure 8: Relation between growth in per capita public expenditure on health and allied
fields and growth in per capita tax revenues (2009-10 to 2014-15)
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From Section 5, one finds that intergovernmental transfers account for between
18 and 20 per cent of the overall public expenditure on health and allied fields in
India. In order to ensure minimum levels of services, the transfers will likely have
to be progressive, and have an equalising nature – providing higher grants to
poorer States with poorer health outcomes, and lower grants per capita to richer
States with better health outcomes and services.
However, specific purpose transfers on health and allied fields appear to have
little relation to a State’s level of income. Figure 9 is a snapshot of the year 2013-
14, where the governmental components of expenditure on health and allied fields
is broken down. Both total per capita public expenditure, and per capita State’s
own expenditure vary positively with increases in per capita GSDP. But, per capita
health and allied transfers appear to stay the same across income. Table 12 shows
that per capita transfers are not correlated well with per capita GSDP for any of
the years in the study period. Had the transfer system been truly progressive and
equalising, it should have shown a strong negative correlation with per capita
Thus, Bihar and Tamil Nadu get roughly similar transfers on health and allied fields
per capita, in spite of the significantly different taxable capacity in either State.
As one can clearly see in Figure 9, even the poorest States have own expenditures
on health and allied fields being three to four times as much as the transfers they
receive. In order to ensure minimum levels of services, it might be necessary to
redistribute the transfers more heavily in the favour of poorer States – to the
extent that the transfers to poorer States doubles or triples. This will remain a
difficult bargain in a federal system like India’s.
A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Takshashila Working Paper 2018-01
Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
Total Expenditure
States' Own Expenditure
Union-to-State Specific Purpose Transfers
Per Capita Expenditure
0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000
GSDP Per Capita 2013-14
Figure 9. Components of Per Capita Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields at the
State Level for 2013-14
Table 13. Per Capita Specific Purpose Transfers from Union-to-State governments on health
& allied fields and its relation with per capita GSDP
Correlation Coefficients
Year Coefficient of Variation with per capita GSDP
2005-06 0.47 0.45
2006-07 0.50 0.36
2007-08 0.52 0.40
2008-09 0.54 0.42
2009-10 0.54 0.48
2010-11 0.47 0.57
2011-12 0.31 0.26
2012-13 0.26 0.44
2013-14 0.26 0.40
2014-15 0.30 0.31
Thus, Bihar and Tamil Nadu get roughly similar transfers on health and allied fields
per capita, despite the significantly different taxable capacity in either State. Since
the specific purpose transfers for health and allied fields do not seem to be
performing the equalising role that they were supposed to, a redesign of the
transfer mechanism is required.
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In order to do this, the study has used recently released data from the National
Family Health Survey-4 (NFHS-4)39 which provides key health indicators for the
year 2015-16. The study period of 2005-06 to 2014-15 coincides well with the last
two rounds of NFHS data on health outcomes. Thus, NFHS-3 data (which captures
health indicators from 2005-06)40 helps in taking stock of the state of public
expenditures and health outcomes at the start of the study period. And comparing
the change in public health expenditures over the next decade with changes in
health outcomes between NFHS-3 and NFHS-4 helps in establishing the impact
of public spending on changing health outcomes.
NFHS-4 provides data for a list of 114 key health outcome indicators across every
state in India. A detailed study should compare public health expenditures with
many of these key indicators but for the purposes of this study, only one indicator
has been examined: Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). IMR is defined as the number of
deaths in children under 1 year of age per 1000 live births in the same year. This
rate is often used as an indicator to measure the health and well-being of a nation,
because factors affecting the health of entire populations can also impact the
mortality rate of infants41. Because IMR is a good indicator of community health
status, this study specifically focuses on the relationship between IMR data from
NFHS-3/NFHS-4 and the corresponding changes in public health expenditures.
Figure 10 places state wise IMR data against per capita expenditures on health and
allied fields at the start of the study period i.e. 2005-06. The negative correlation
provides evidence for the obvious assertion that States having lower IMR also
appear to be those that spend more, as of 2005-06. This further means that 2005-
06 onwards, states that were performing poorly on IMR needed a lot more fiscal
support from the Union government in order to ensure that minimum standards
of IMR are met across the country. Ideally, Centrally Sponsored Schemes such as
NHM (earlier NRHM), which began around the same time, should have addressed
this wide disparity over the next decade.
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Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
Per Capita Expenditure on Health and Allied
TN Guj
Mah Pun
Fields (2005-06)
500 Ker
KA Cht
400 Jha
300 MP UP
200 Bih
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) in 2005-06
Figure 10. Per capita expenditure on Health and Allied Fields according to Infant Mortality
Rate (2005-06)
Figure 11 repeats the same plot albeit with IMR numbers from NFHS-4 and overall
public health expenditure in the year 2014-1542. The same correlation that existed
in Figure 10 is repeated. Even though both IMR numbers and public health
expenditures have shown improvement, the inequity is sustained. States that do
better on IMR were still the ones that spent more on public health. In contrast,
the states that continue to fare badly in 2014-15 are also the ones that spend less
on public health. Evidently, equalising measures of specific transfers have not
yielded the results they were supposed to.
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Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
Per Capita Expenditure on Health and Allied
2,000 Raj
TN Guj
Ker Har
Fields (2014-15)
Mah Odi
1,000 MP
WB Jha
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) in 2015-16
Figure 11. Per capita expenditure on Health and Allied Fields according to Infant Mortality
Figure 13 shows a comparison of percentage change in IMR over the study period
with the initial levels of IMR at the beginning of the study period. It is observed
that states with the lowest initial IMR were also the ones that improved the
fastest. This, despite the fact that as IMR improves, there is a possibility that
further increases in public health expenditures will only yield diminishing
marginal returns.
Kerala is the biggest outlier, achieving a 60 per cent reduction in IMR even though
it already started with a low base in 2004-05. Even if Kerala is omitted, the trend
is sustained. Thus, it is clear that because of systemic issues, inequality in health
outcomes is not being reduced.
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Finally, the above discussion on health outcomes reemphasises two points: one,
the urgent need to rethink the specific transfer mechanism as it is not
progressive. Secondly, because of the large inequalities, there is no long-term
solution other than for poorer states to increase their economic growth rates.
Percentage reduction in IMR between
60% Ker
40% Odi
Jha Mah Raj
30% Pun Guj
20% Har Bih
8.0% 9.0% 10.0% 11.0% 12.0% 13.0% 14.0% 15.0% 16.0% 17.0%
CAGR of Per Capita Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields between 2004-05 and
Figure 12. Reduction in Infant Mortality Rate between NHFS-3 (2005-06) and NHFS-4 (2015-
16) According to Increase in Per Capita Public Expenditure on Health and Allied Fields
Percentage reduction in IMR between NHFS4
60% Ker
and NHFS3
Mah KA Raj Jha
Pun Guj
30% TN
20% Bih
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000 live births) in 2005-06
Figure 13. Improvement in Infant Mortality Rate between NHFS-3 (2005-06) and NHFS-4
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Centrally Sponsored Schemes such as the National Health Mission are means to
increase overall public expenditure on health. While the Union Government
provides specific purpose grants on health via the NHM, the scheme also expects
States to contribute funds to match the Union’s grants. Before 2014-15, the Union-
to-State funding ratio for 85:15 for major States in NHM, after which it changed to
75:25 for major States. This is expected to drop to 50:50 in subsequent years. The
intended design of NHM is to stimulate State government expenditure on health,
where if the Union increases its contributions, States follow and increase their
contributions too. However, it is also possible that State governments can
substitute their own expenditure with fresh grants coming from the Union
In India, given that States have a predominant role in the provision of health care,
the possibility of additional fiscal space at the State level can be due to:
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A two-way fixed effects panel data model can be used to estimate the effects of
health transfers from the Union government, as well as other factors that
influence health expenditure at the State level. The change in States’ own per
capita expenditures on health (PC_OHE) can be taken as the dependent variable.
The independent variables are changes in per capita specific purpose transfers on
health (PC_CGH), per capita State’s own revenues (PC_SOR), per capita general
purpose transfers received by the State (PC_GPGC) and States’ priority on health
spending in overall budgetary and extra-budgetary expenditures at the State level
(SPH). Thus, the equation used is:
Δ (PC_OHE) it = { (PC_OHE) it - (PC_OHE) it-1 } or changes in per capita own health
expenditure (from the previous year) of State i in year t;
Δ (PC_GPGC) it = changes in per capita general purpose grant by the central government
to State i in year t = (tax devolution + plan and non-plan grants).45
Based on this construction, Rao and Choudhury had concluded that for the entire
period 1991-2007, and for sub-periods 1991-2000 and 2001-2007 – increases in
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The panel data analysis was conducted for the years 2012-2015 on health
expenditures excluding water supply, sanitation and nutrition. The equations
have been estimated for a balanced data series. The analysis was conducted for
major States, of which only 11 States were used: Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand,
Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu
and Uttar Pradesh. All these are general category States, whose data are generally
more robust, and the pattern of expenditure from general category States is more
internally comparable than that of all States.
Of the general category States, Goa was dropped from the analysis because of its
small State size. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, Punjab and West Bengal are not
included in the study because of several data gaps. Data from the year 2011 was
also removed for the analysis because of incompleteness. In cases where there
were a few missing values, the values for the previous or succeeding years have
been used to estimate the equation. The data for general purpose grants has been
sourced from annual reports of the Reserve Bank of India on State finances. 46 All
other data used has been collected or generated based on the analysis conducted
in the study, described in section 4.1.
Table 14. Regression Results – Dependent Variable: Changes in States’ Own Expenditure on
Health, from a two-way fixed effects panel data model.
Coefficient of Variation
(and Standard Error)
Rao and Choudhury (2012) Analysis
1991-2007 1991-2000 2001-2007 2012-2015
# Independent Variable (Model I) (Model II) (Model III) (Model IV)
Specific Purpose Transfers from Union -0.952*** -0.777*** -1.059*** -0.360***
Government on Health (0.074) (0.114) (0.109) (0.137)
0.012*** 0.015*** 0.1545*** 0.012
2 State's Own Revenues
(0.003) (0.004) (0.006) (0.020)
17.649*** 15.03*** 19.487*** 38.644***
3 State's Priority for Health (as % of spending)
(1.828) (2.038) (4.231) (12.069)
General Purpose Transfers (Unconditional) 0.019*** 0.014 0.013 0.017**
from Union Government (0.007) (0.011) (0.01) (0.008)
18.252*** 17.17*** 3.552 58.204***
5 Constant
(3.561) (3.885) (5.035) (17.542)
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8 Number of States 14 14 14 11
The regression results are summarised in Table 14. In the analysis conducted for major
States for 2012-2015 (Model IV), a significant and large negative sign is found in the
correlation coefficient for specific health transfers from the Union Government, with
State’s own expenditures on health. This means that all other things being equal, a
unit increase in specific purpose transfers by the Union government on health will
lead to a reduction in States’ own expenditure on health. That is, there is a significant
substitution effect that continues to happen with the National Health Mission and
other centrally sponsored schemes in health. This re-confirms the findings of Rao and
Choudhury (2012) for 2012-2015. The magnitude of the substitution effect (measured
by the coefficient of correlation) appears to be much smaller than for previous periods.
It is possible that better and improving accounting systems under the National Health
Mission might have contributed to a smaller substitution effect, but with the available
evidence, this is just conjecture.
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Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
One of the terms of references of this study is to analyse the impact of FFC’s
recommendations on the health sector. For this analysis, data was collected from
State budget documents for the year 2016-17. Because estimates undergo
significant changes between the budget estimates (BE), the revised estimates (RE)
and actuals, this study limits its analysis to a comparison between Revised
Estimates of 2015-16 (the first year of FFC award period) and actual expenditures
of 2014-15 (the last year of the Thirteenth Finance Commission award period). The
analysis was conducted for all major States, excluding Andhra Pradesh49.
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Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
b) How have States altered their own health expenditures in response to the
FFC recommendations?
This study found that the extent of increase in overall central transfers to the
States was between 21 per cent and 65 per cent for the 15 major States under
consideration. In Figure 14, we overlay this change in Union transfers with
changes in specific transfers in health and allied sectors.
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Figure 14. Percentage change in Central Transfers and Specific Transfers for Health in 2015-
16 (R.E.) over 2014-15 (Actuals)
This study finds that the increase in overall central transfers has translated into
increases in specific transfers for the health sector in 13 out of 15 major States.
Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh saw a decline in the aggregate health transfers.
Thus, the increase in untied resources to the States has not led to a corresponding
withdrawal of transfers on CSS in the health sector.
The increase in central transfers to States has further translated into increases in
health expenditures by States. Figure 15 shows the percentage change in
expenditures during the transition period from TFC to FFC award periods.
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Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Figure 15: Percentage change in Health Sector Expenditures in 2015-16 (R.E.) over 2014-15
(Actual Expenditure)
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Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Figure 16: Percentage change in Health Sector Revenue Expenditures in 2015-16 (R.E.) over
2014-15 (Actuals)
Tamil Nadu
Madhya Pradesh
West Bengal
Uttar Pradesh
Figure 17: Percentage change in Health Sector Capital Expenditures in 2015-16 (R.E.) over
2014-15 (Actuals)
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While there has been an increase in nominal terms in revenue expenditures for
health for all States except West Bengal, the same cannot be said about capital
expenditures. Four States (Karnataka, Gujarat, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar
Pradesh) showed a decline in nominal terms. This analysis suggests that the
additionally created fiscal space as a result of FFC recommendations has been
dominated by increases in revenue expenditures.
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11. Issues
This section lists down some of the limitations of this study.
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Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
Lack of specific code in the budget for components such as Grants-in-Aid Salaries
before 2010-11/2009-10 makes it impossible to separate Grants-in-Aid data into
salary and non-salary components. This makes the data incomparable for the
initial study period.
There are also large inclusion and exclusion errors which make it difficult to
estimate primary health expenditures. For example, in addition to the Primary and
Community Health Centres, even tertiary hospitals play a role in primary health.
In certain cases, Primary Health Centres provide secondary health care services
as well. However, these effects are not specifically captured in the expenditure
data. Separating PHI expenditure from expenditures on other institutions is also
difficult as the object codes are not granular enough in some cases. For instance,
the object code for certain expenditure items such as loan-funded special projects
includes expenditure on primary health institutions and on other institutions.
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Data provided under the National Health Mission has a host of issues. One, each
year’s budget is not strictly comparable to the next year’s. This is primarily due to
the continuous evolution of the scheme. In line with the changes, the accounting
structures have also been modified at varying levels of details.
Two, as the audited expenditures are not made public. Only approved allocations,
as well as governmental releases are known. The study, therefore, relied upon
ROP (“Record of Proceedings”) documents, which list allocations approved by the
Union mission directorate. Moreover, as the implementing agencies are allowed
to roll over expenses, releases do not correlate perfectly with actual expenditures
on the ground. For instance, if in one year the releases from the government are
high, large components can be left unspent in the year leading to a large opening
balance the next year. It leads to a subsequent reduction in the next year’s release
of transfers. If only releases are studied, this would result in an apparent
downward trend in expenditure, however most of the expenditure could be made
using the deferred balance. Hence, the trends might be completely different from
the pattern of expenditure on the ground. In the study, we assumed that the
allocations to the subcomponents scale down in a common ratio to the actual
releases. When the releases are lower than the approved allocations, the
subsequent reduction in the expenditure in subcomponents of NRHM/NHM is
likely to be non-uniform. In such scenarios, some components may see dramatic
reduction in expenditures, and some would see no difference. However, we are
forced to assume a uniform reduction in expenditures given the lack of better
Three, the challenge of lack of granularity, mentioned in section 6.3.2 applies for
NHM data collection as well.
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12. Conclusion
Health policy is vital to a country like India, which lags behind others on many
important human development indicators, thereby adding more barriers to
Indians escaping poverty and entering relative prosperity. Given the nature of
information asymmetry and market failures in this policy area, governments have
a critical role to play.
Health policy debates and options are currently being hampered by the lack of
comparable datasets of public expenditure on health in India. The National Health
Accounts, the most authoritative source of health expenditure information in
India, is extremely infrequent. The subsequent use of partial data sets available on
public health expenditures leads to flawed policymaking and less than desirable
public health outcomes.
From the analysis of public expenditure in India, it is found that India spent only
1.41 per cent of its GDP on health and allied fields in 2005-06, which increased to
1.62 per cent in 2010-11 and then reduced again to 1.40 per cent in 2014-15. Of this,
States contribute between 70 and 75 per cent of the overall public expenditure on
health and allied fields.
In 2014-15, major States spent anywhere between Rs 617 and Rs 2,026 per capita
on health and allied subjects. Less populated, hilly or small Indian States spent
between Rs 2,289 and Rs 7,409 per person. The per capita expenditure on health
and allied subjects is correlated to per capita state GSDPs.
States with better basic health outcome indicators such as IMR also show higher
per capita expenditures, even though it can be argued that States with dire health
outcome challenges need better resources. Inequality between states in health
outcomes has not reduced, and one cause is the continuing inequality in public
health expenditure.
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The study finds that Centrally Sponsored Schemes have been unable to ensure
minimum standards of per capita expenditure, nor are transfers progressive or
redistributive. The study examined the responsiveness of State governments’ own
expenditures on health to specific purpose transfers for the same, and finds that
Centrally Sponsored Schemes in health and allied fields end up substituting States’
own expenditure on health instead of stimulating the states’ own expenditures on
A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Takshashila Working Paper 2018-01
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Development’, State Level Reforms, Growth, and Development in Indian States, Oxford University Press, 79-113
4 ibid
5 Choudhury, Nath, and Dash (2013), ‘Selected Aspects of NRHM Expenditure at the State-level: A Focus on
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Comptroller and Auditor General of India. http://cag.gov.in/
17 Controller General of Accounts, Government of India. http://www.cga.nic.in/
18 Usually in Appendix VI of the Annual Finance Accounts, presented for the last two years. Some States’ finance
accounts start reporting direct transfers only from 2010-11’s finance accounts.
19 The NCT of Delhi’s annual finance accounts do not have appendices which share the amount of direct transfers to
implementing agencies
20 From Dr Mita Choudhury, who shared data made available to her by the ministry for a previous study
21 In 2013-14 alone, the National Urban Health Mission featured as a separate scheme, since dovetailed into NHM.
23 Rao and Chaudhury (2012), Health Care Financing Reforms in India, NIPFP Working Paper 2012-100
24 CAG (2015), Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on State Finances for the year ended March
26 Arup Roychoudhury, “GDP back-series data may not be released,” Business Standard, Mar 7, 2017.
27 NITI Aayog, GSDP at Current Prices, 2004-05 series (2004-05 to 2014-15) http://niti.gov.in/content/gsdp-
28 Choudhury, Mita and HK Amar Nath (2012), “An Estimate of Public Expenditure on Health in India”, Research
Report, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, May 2012. Last accessed August 1, 2016.
29 There are no up-to-date state population tables available for the study period 2005-06 to 2014-15. State
population totals were taken from Census 2001 and Census 2011 and interpolated for the study period. Assuming
the same rate of exponential growth, the state population totals were projected for the remainder of the study
period. This is an approximation, and can be used until Census of India releases population projection tables.
Typically, population projection tables are released midway through the decade after a Census, however, nothing
has been published as of April 2017.
A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Takshashila Working Paper 2018-01
Of Public Health Expenditure in India July 2018
30 Choudhury, Mita, HK Amarnath and Pritam Datta, (2011) “Health Expenditure by the Central Government in
India: State level distribution”, National Institute for Public Finance and Policy, September 2011. Last accessed July
21, 2016. http://www.nipfp.org.in/media/medialibrary/2013/08/nipfp-report100911_1.pdf
31 ibid
32 Rajya Sabha (2016). "Ninety-third report on Demands for Grants 2016-17 (Demand No. 42) of the Department of
Health and Family Welfare (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare", Department- Related Standing Committee for
Health and Family Welfare, Rajya Sabha, Parliament of India
33 ibid
34 ‘Major States’ is defined for the subsequent part of the report as a set of 16 ‘General Category States’ with the
exclusion of the small, rich State of Goa. Telangana is also excluded as the State was created at the end of the study
35 Panagariya, Chakraborty and Rao (2014), ‘States' Development Expenditures and Implications for Regional
Development’, State Level Reforms, Growth, and Development in Indian States, Oxford University Press, 79-113
36 ibid
37 ibid
38 ibid
39 Data obtained from National Family Health Survey-4, International Institute of Population Sciences,
40 Ibid. NFHS-4 factsheets also mention estimates for indicators from NFHS-3.
42 NFHS-4 provides health indicators for the year 2015-16. Since 2015-16 actual expenditures are still not available
completely, we have used data for the year 2014-15 for comparison.
43 Rao, M. Govinda, and Mita Choudhury. "Health care financing reforms in India." National Institute of Public
45 ibid
46 RBI, “State Finances: A Study of State’s Budgets”, reports for the years 2010-11 to 2015-16.
47 NITI Aayog, “Report of the Sub-Group of Chief Ministers on Rationalisation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes”,
October 2015.
48 A. Kapur, V Srinivas, PR Chaudhury, “State of Social Sector Expenditure in 2015-16”, Accountability Initiative
49 The reorganisation of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh into two States complicates the analysis between 2014-15 and