Application Form - Officer-Deck
Application Form - Officer-Deck
Application Form - Officer-Deck
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eExpense is the module in activ8 which allows you submit and track your expense claims along with any documentation or
receipts which you have scanned to support your expense claim.
Each expense claim can contain multiple claim items and can also be started and saved for submission at your convenience
allowing you to group all of your expenses for a trip or activity within one expense claim.
To create an expense claim, start by clicking the eExpense icon from the main menu on the left hand side.
Next, click the ‘my Claims’ option in the sub-menu below the eExpense icon.
This will present all of your expense claims that you have started, but not yet submitted.
You can view your claims that have been submitted for approval by clicking on the ‘Submitted Claims’ tab and your claims
that have been approved, denied or withdrawn by clicking the ‘Processed Claims’ tab.
To create a new expense claim, click the ‘Make a New Claim’ button.
You can now enter a summary description for the expense claim in the ‘Description’ field and select the type of expense you
wish to submit from the ‘Expense Type’ dropdown menu.
The Expense Types available within the dropdown menu have been selected and assigned to you by your employer.
Next, click the Save button to proceed to the Claim Items screen or click the Cancel button to not proceed with submitting
the claim.
At the top of the screen you will be presented with a Summary of your claim which includes the Claim ID, the Approver you
have selected, the Claim Status and the Request Date.
You will be presented with three buttons below the summary. The ‘Back’ button will return you to the ‘My Claims’ screen.
The ‘Withdraw’ button will cancel the claim you have created. The ‘Print’ button will provide you with a report view of your
expense claim you have created.
To add a new expense item to your Claim, click the ‘Add New Item’ button on the right hand side. This will present you with
the Claim Item form.
To complete your expense Claim Item form, start by selecting the date the expense occurred on by selecting a date from the
‘Expense Date’ field.
In the ‘Expense Value’ field enter the value of the claim item and then select the relevant currency from the ‘Expense
Currency’ dropdown menu.
The ‘Expense Currency’ dropdown will default to the currency of your agreement.
When you amend the currency to a currency other than your agreement currency, the conversion rate will automatically
populate for you.
When you amend the currency to a currency other than your default currency, you will have the ability to specify the
conversion rate that has been applied to the expense.
From the ‘Vessel’ dropdown menu, select the vessel in relation to where your expense has occurred.
The ‘Claimed Amount’ field will show the total amount converted to your agreement currency.
Below the ‘Total’ field, the ‘Claimed Amount’ field will show the total amount converted to your default currency.
You can enter any additional notes or information you wish the approver to see to support your claim in the notes field.
All claim items require a receipt to be attached before the expense claim can be submitted by you and will appear in red in
the claim grid until a receipt is attached.
To attach your scanned receipt or supporting document to your claim, click the ‘Attach Receipt’ button.
This will save your claim and direct you to the File Attachment screen. The description of the attachment will pre populate to
the Identifier of the claim item you are entering.
You can change the default description to a description that is more appropriate if required, and also enter any additional
notes in the ‘Notes’ field.
To select the file you wish to attach, click the ‘Choose File’ button. From the File Explorer window, click on the required file
and click ‘Open’.
Ensure the correct file has been selected, and click ‘Attach Receipt’ to save the attachment.
The file will appear under the ‘Attached Receipts and Supporting Documents’ section at the bottom of your claim.
At the bottom of the Claim Item you will be presented with three buttons.
Prepared by activpayroll’s activ8 Team - Updated October 2016. Page 5 of 8
The ‘Save Item’ button will save the claim item and return you to the top of your claim.
The ‘Save and New’ button will save your claim item and create a new claim item form for you to enter an additional
The ‘Close’ button will hide the claim item form and show you the claim item summary grid of all claim items currently
entered for the expense claim. Clicking the Close button will not save your claim.
Now that you have completed your expense claim, you will be presented with an additional button in the summary section
labelled ‘Submit’. Click the ‘Submit’ button to send the expense claim for approval to your chosen approver.
Once your claim has been submitted, you and your assigned approver will receive an email notifying that the expense has
been successfully submitted and an approval must be actioned. If you don’t receive an email notification, please ensure you
have checked your email spam folder before raising a help request via eHelp for further assistance.
To amend an expense that you have been requested to provide more information, click on the ‘My Claims’ option in the sub-
menu below the eExpense icon.
On the ‘Unsubmitted Claims’ tab, click the pencil icon in relation to the expense claim you have been requested to provide
additional information. The expense claim will have a ‘Claim Status’ of ‘More Info’. Please note, you may have multiple
expense claims which require additional information.
Next, click the pencil icon for the claim item with an ‘Item Status’ of ‘More Info’. Please note, you may have multiple claim
items which require additional information.
In the ‘Approver Comments’ field, you will have been provided feedback for which area of you claim item requires