Nama: Nur Rahmawati Santi Nim: P1337420316039 Kelas: 3 Reguler A

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Nama : Nur Rahmawati Santi

Nim : P1337420316039
Kelas : 3 Reguler A

Topik 19: sepeda dan kulkas adalah dua penemuan yang sangat mempengaruhi kwalitas hdup
kita. Pilih penemuan mana yang menurut anada penting.

The history of technology is history that is related to tools and technology or

techniques of human discovery which can eventually be used to facilitate
human activities themselves. The first bike discovered in 1970 was the first
inventor of the bike was Baron von Drais.
Bicycles are one of the most important means of transportation in the world,
because besides being environmentally friendly, bicycles are also a milestone in
the emergence of other vehicles. It was noted that the bike was first created
from the car. In fact, many say that bicycles have been designed by ancient
people. Bicycles have a long history. First created by Baron von Drais. At first,
baron worked as a regulator or foreman of the royal park in Paris. Because the
royal park in Paris is very wide, the Baron has difficulty moving from one part
of the park to another. For this reason, Baron then took the initiative to create a
tool that could make it easier to move quickly without having to spend a lot of
In Indonesia, bicycles were also famous during the colonial era or in the first
world war. At that time the bicycle was the main means of transportation in the
community, as the development of the bicycle age also developed and became
one of the main transportation before there was a car.
In my opinion the bicycle is the simplest transportation tool and also very
environmentally friendly for the people. For now, bicycles have developed and
become the community's favorite. Bicycles or motorbikes are often said to be a
source of life for the community to seek fortune for the family. At present in
Indonesia the motorbike is the prima donna of the community because of the
cheap price and the ability to travel everywhere.
The history of technology is history that is related to tools and technology or
techniques of human discovery which can eventually be used to facilitate
human activities themselves. The first bike discovered in 1970 was the first
inventor of the bike was Baron von Drais.
Bicycles are one of the most important means of transportation in the world,
because besides being environmentally friendly, bicycles are also a milestone in
the emergence of other vehicles. It was noted that the bike was first created
from the car. In fact, many say that bicycles have been designed by ancient
people. Bicycles have a long history. First created by Baron von Drais. At first,
baron worked as a regulator or foreman of the royal park in Paris. Because the
royal park in Paris is very wide, the Baron has difficulty moving from one part
of the park to another. For this reason, Baron then took the initiative to create a
tool that could make it easier to move quickly without having to spend a lot of
In Indonesia, bicycles were also famous during the colonial era or in the first
world war. At that time the bicycle was the main means of transportation in the
community, as the development of the bicycle age also developed and became
one of the main transportation before there was a car.
In my opinion the bicycle is the simplest transportation tool and also very
environmentally friendly for the people. For now, bicycles have developed and
become the community's favorite. Bicycles or motorbikes are often said to be a
source of life for the community to seek fortune for the family. At present in
Indonesia the motorbike is the prima donna of the community because of the
cheap price and the ability to travel everywhere.
Sejarah teknologi adalah sejarah yang berkaitan dengan alat dan teknologi atau teknik hasil
penemuan manusia yang pada akhirnya dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan aktifitas
manusia itu sendiri. Sepeda pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1970 penemu pertama sepeda
adalah Baron von Drais.
Sepeda adalah salah satu alat transportasi yang paling penting di dunia, karena selain ramah
lingkungan, sepeda juga menjadi tonggak munculnya kendaraan-kendaraan lainya. Tercatat
bahwa sepeda lebih dulu diciptakan dari mobil. Bahkan banyak yang berkata bahwa sepeda
sudah dirancang oleh orang-orang jaman dulu. Sepeda mempunyai sejarah yang panjang.
Pertama kali diciptakan oleh Baron von Drais. Pada awalnya, baron bekerja sebagai pengatur
atau mandor taman kerajaan di Paris. Karena taman kerajaan di Paris sangat luas, Baron
kesusahan harus berpindah-pindah dari bagian taman satu ke taman yang lain. Untuk itulah
baron kemudian berinisiatif untuk menciptakan sebuah alat yang bisa memudahkannya
berpindah-pindah dengan cepat tanpa harus mengeluarkan banyak tenaga.
Di indonesiapun sepeda pun terkenal pada masa penjajahan atau pada perang dunia petama.
Pada masa itu sepeda sebagai alat trasportasi utama di kalangan masyarakat, seiring
berkembangannya jaman sepeda juga ikut berkembang dan menjadi salahsatu trasportasi
utama sebelum ada mobil.
Menurut saya sepeda adalan alat trasportasi yang paling sederhana dan juga sangat ramah
lingkungan bagi kalangan orang-orang. Untuk saat ini sepeda sudah berkembang dan menjadi
faforit masyarakat. Sepeda atau sering di katakan masyarakat motor juga bisa sebagai sumber
kehidupan masyarakat untuk mencari rejeki bagi keluarga. Saat ini di indonesia motor
menjadi primadona masyarakat karena harga yang murah dan bisa untuk berpergian kemana-

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