Polyvance The Book
Polyvance The Book
Polyvance The Book
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table of contents
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Repair Method
AW-1, N2-1 AW-2 AW-3 AD-1 PF-1
Page 5 Page 11-14 Page 6 Page 7 Page 15 Page 16
Identify ABS, HDPE*, LDPE*, PP, TPO, TEO, Thermoset SMC, UP, FRP, ABS, Acrylic,
1 Plastic
Page 3
PA-6 (nylon), PBT, PC,
TPE, PE, or
Polyurethane Fiberglass,
SMC, Fiber-
glass, PC blend
2 Clean
Page 4
Clean part with soap & water and plastic cleaner
3 Page 5 - 13
Nitrogen Welding
4 Fill
Page 12
Grind, then apply filler that matches the hardness of the substrate
5 Prime
Page 13 -16
6 Paint
Page 16
Apply Top Coat *
* Polyethylenes cannot be painted without special preparation. Go to www.polyvance.com for complete instructions.
identify plastic & determine repair method
800.633.3047 Page 3
Identify the type of plastic by looking for the plastic ID symbol on the backside of the part. Match the symbol on the part with the table
below. The recommended repair method is listed first. See the next page for tips when the identification symbol or abbreviation is missing.
SMC, UP, FRP Rigid, polyester matrix Rigid body panels, fenders, Method AD-1 Two-part adhe- Use backing plate over
Fiberglass reinforced with glass hoods, deck lids, header panels, sive repair with fiberglass holes, layer in fiberglass
fibers, sands finely. spoilers. reinforcement cloth for extra strength.
DCPD, Metton ® Rigid material, no fibers, Large truck and tractor panels Method AD-1 w/ 2510 Use backing plate over
gray in color. and hoods. PlastiFix two-part methacry- holes, layer in fiberglass
late adhesive cloth for extra strength.
XPE, XLPE, PE-Xb, Semi-flexible, waxy or Gas tanks, kayaks, canoes, trash Method AW-3 with Applying filler or painting
PEX, Crosslinked greasy feel, softens when cans, use is declining polyethylene (R04) rod, use is difficult or impossible.
Polyethylene heated but does not melt. as hot melt adhesive Browns when heated
ABS Rigid, often white but may Instrument panels, grilles, trim Method AW-1 or N2-1 w/ ABS PlastiFix is an optimal
Acrylonitrile Butadi- be molded in any color, moldings, consoles, armrest sup- (R03 series) rod or methods repair method. Weld
ene Styrene sands finely. ports, street bike fairings, canoes, PF-1 or AD-1 repairs may be backed with
aircraft wing tips and interiors. epoxy for extra strength.
PBT Polybutylene Semi-rigid or rigid, sands Automotive panels, electrical con- Method AW-1 or N2-1 with Crystalline type plastic. Has
terephthalate finely. nectors, under-hood parts slivers cut from scrap low coefficient of friction.
(polyester) Use heavy pressure and
reinforce with 2045 mesh.
PA, PA-6 Semi-rigid or rigid, sands Radiator tanks, head lamp bezels, Method AW-1 or N2-1 w/ Preheat plastic with heat
Polyamide (Nylon) finely. exterior trim parts, mirrors, plastic nylon (R06 series) rod gun before welding, mix
engine parts. completely with base mat’l.
PC + ABS Rigid, sands finely, usu- Door skins (Saturn), instrument Method AW-1 or N2-1 w/ PC Preheat plastic with heat
Pulse (Polycarbon- ally dark in color. panels, street bike fairings. (R07 series) rod or methods gun before welding.
ate & ABS) PF-1 or AD-1
PC + PBT Very rigid, sands finely, Bumper covers (84-95 Ford Method AW-1 or N2-1 w/ PC Preheat plastic with heat
Xenoy (Polycarbon- usually dark in color. Taurus, Aerostar, some M-B and (R07 series) rod or methods gun before welding.
ate blend) Hyundai). PF-1 or AD-1
HDPE Semi-flexible, melts & Overflow tanks, inner fender Method AW-1 or N2-1 with Applying filler or painting is
Polyethylene smears when grinding, panels, ATV fenders, RV water high density polyethylene impossible.
usually semi-translucent, storage tanks, gas tanks, kayaks (R12 series) rod
waxy or greasy feel. canoes, playground equipment
PE/LDPE Semi-flexible, melts & Overflow tanks, inner fender Method AW-1 or N2-1 with Applying filler or painting is
Polyethylene smears when grinding, panels, ATV fenders, RV water polyethylene (R04 series) rod impossible.
usually semi-translucent, storage tanks, gas tanks, kayaks,
waxy or greasy feel. canoes, trash cans
PP Semi-flexible, melts & Bumper covers (usually blended Method AW-1 or N2-1 w/ Use 1060FP Filler Prep
Polypropylene smears when grinding, w/ EPDM), inner fenders, radiator (R02 series) or method AW-2 before applying two-part
waxy or greasy feel, usu- shrouds, gas tanks, battery cases, with (R10 series) Uni-Weld epoxy filler.
ally a bit stiffer than PEs. pallets FiberFlex
PPE, PPE+PS Semi-rigid, sands finely, Fenders, exterior trim, rear hatch Method AW-1 or N2-1 with Preheat plastic with heat
Polyphenylene usually off-white or black panels. slivers cut from scrap AD-1 gun before welding.
Ether in color. or PF-1
PPO+PA, PPE+PA Semi-rigid, sands finely, Fenders (Saturn & GM), exterior Method AW-1 or N2-1 with Preheat plastic with heat
Noryl GTX usually off-white in color. trim. GTX (R15 series) rod or gun before welding.
(Nylon blend) nylon (R06 series) rod
PVC Rigid, sands finely. Usu- Pipe, siding, window frames, Method AW-1 or N2-1 with
Polyvinyl chloride ally white or gray but can decking, gutters, speed bumps PVC (R09 series) welding
be made any color rod or AD-1 or PF-1
TPE Semi-flexible, usually Bumper covers, filler panels, Method AW-2 with (R10 Use 1060FP Filler Prep
Thermoplastic black or gray, melts & underhood parts. series) Uni-Weld FiberFlex before applying two-part
Elastomer smears when grinding. epoxy filler.
TPO, TEO, PP/ Semi-flexible, usually Bumper covers, air dams, grilles, Method AW-1 or N2-1 w/ PP Use 1060FP Filler Prep
EPDM, TSOP black or gray, melts & interior parts, instrument panels, (R02 series) rod or TPO (R05 before applying two-part
Thermoplastic smears when grinding. snowmobile cowls. series) rod or method AW-2 epoxy filler.
Olefin w/(R10 series) FiberFlex rod.
TPU, TPUR Flexible, sands finely. Bumper covers, soft filler panels, Method AW-3 w/ (R01 series)
Thermoplastic gravel deflectors, rocker panel rod or method AW-2 with
Polyurethane covers. (R10 series) FiberFlex rod
PETE, PET Flexible, strong Soda bottles, various yarn fibers, Method AW-1 or N2-1 with Can’t make as strong as
Polyethylene headliners, fuse boxes, door PET (R13 series) rod original part; manufactured
Terephthalate panels in crisscrossed layers and
can’t be duplicated
identify plastic & determine repair method
Page 4 www.polyvance.com
• V-groove halfway through the part with either the 6121-T Teardrop Cutter Bit and
a rotary tool or the sharp edge of the plastic welding tip.
• Remove the paint in the area surrounding the v-groove and radius into the
v-groove with coarse sandpaper.
• Lay the welder tip on the surface of the plastic and slowly melt the rod into the
v-groove. Pull the welder toward you so you can see the welding rod fill the
v-groove as you make your pass.
• Lay down no more than 2 inches of welding rod into the v-groove at a time.
Remove the rod from the welder tip, and before the melted rod has time to cool
down, go back over it with the hot welder tip and thoroughly melt the rod together
with the base material. It helps to press into the plastic with the edge of the
welder tip to mix the materials, then go back and smooth it out. Keep the heat on
it until you have a good mix between the rod and base.
Finish Sand
• After allowing the FiberFlex to cool completely, sand with 80 grit paper in a DA
sander at low speed. Progress to finer grits, ending with 320 grit.
• Fill any low spots with more FiberFlex or with a skim coat of 2000 Flex Filler 2
or 2020 SMC Hardset epoxy filler.
Repair Method AW-3: thermoset urethane
800.633.3047 Page 7
1 2
Taper both side of plastic to a point with a Melt 2045W Stainless Steel Reinforcing Allow FiberFlex to cool completely. Open
coarse sandpaper disc. Grind and taper Mesh into the plastic across the gap if the hole with a die grinder or drill bit, then
around the edges of the entire bolt hole. desired for extra strength. This step is often sand with 80 grit in a DA at low speed to
Taper back about 1 inch on all sides. not necessary because FiberFlex is blended finish the repair.
Remove paint and radius into taper with 80 with glass fibers for strength.
grit in a DA. Apply FiberFlex to area using the instruc-
Apply 6481 Aluminum Tape across the gap tions on Page 6. After cooling, remove
to support the melted rod while it’s hot. aluminum tape and repeat on opposite side.
Using the (R01 series) Urethane Welding Rod, start your weld at the bottom of the cavity using your Air-
less Plastic Welder. Fill the cavity up with melted plastic and spread it out so that it overlaps the edges
of the vinyl cover about 1/4”.
After allowing the weld area to cool, grind the weld area smooth with a drum sander. Rough up the
surrounding area to improve adhesion of the filler. Mix 2050-9 Padded Dash Filler and apply with plastic
squeegee. Cover an area larger than the weld in order to feather out the repair to a smooth contour.
Allow the filler to cure at least 15 minutes, then sand to a smooth contour. Finish sand with 220 grit
paper. Retexture the panel with 3803 Flextex VT texture material according to directions on Page 17.
Do not try to spot retexture. Retexture and blend the leading edge or most visible area of the pad all the
way across. If there is a noticeable difference in texture, retexture the entire pad.
repair method N2-1: nitrogen welding / overview
800.633.3047 Page 9
R01 Urethane
01 1/8" 01 5 ft. BK Black
R02 Polypropylene
R03 ABS 02 3/16" 03 30 ft. BL Blue
R04 Polyethylene 7/16" 04 1 lb. GN Green
03 x 1/16"
R05 TPO GY Gray
04 3/8" x 05 Small spool
R06 Nylon 1/16" NT Natural*
R07 Polycarbonate 5/8" x 08 Bulk*
05 1/16" OR Orange
06 1/2" x RD Red
R10 Fiberflex 3/32"
• Clean the bumper before you grind it. Before you touch the bumper with sandpaper or a die grinder, make sure it’s
clean first. First, clean the entire bumper by washing with 1020 Scuff Magic soap using a red scuff pad to spread the soap and scuff
the plastic. This will put small sanding scratches into the bumper to help further improve adhesion. Rinse the soap off and allow
the bumper to dry. Once dry, clean the bumper with Urethane Supply 1000 Super Clean plastic cleaner or 1001 EcoClean This will
remove all solvent-soluble contaminants like silicone, wax, mold release agents, etc. Spray on in a heavy, wet coat, let it sit on the
surface for a few seconds, then wipe dry with a clean paper towel before it evaporates. Don’t just soak a rag and wipe it around—
that only moves the contamination around on the surface and does not remove it.
k sid
e • Weld the backside of the crack. For maximum strength,
use the R02-05 wide ribbon on the backside. This wide ribbon
spreads the load over a large area for maximum strength. To do the
weld, start by preheating the end of the welding rod and the bumper
at the end of the crack. The plastic will start to turn glossy. At this
point, push the end of the ribbon rod down into the plastic and bend
it toward the welder. Make your pass by melting the bottom surface
of the rod and the top surface of the bumper simultaneously, forcing
the melted plastics together with steady downward pressure on
the welding rod. The proper welding pace is 4” to 6” per minute. It
is most important to melt both the rod and the bumper at the same
• Prep the front side for welding. After the backside weld
is cool, peel the aluminum tape off the front side. Using a 6121-T
or 6125 cutter bit in a rotary tool, grind out a v-groove down the
crack in the plastic about 1/16” to 3/32” deep. The width of the
v-groove should match the kind of rod you want to use on the
front side. Most of the time the R01-01 1/8” diameter round rod
is the best choice because it is easier to finish being a narrow
rod. In this case, grind the v-groove about 1/8” wide. For stressed
areas or anywhere you want some extra strength, you may
choose to use a ribbon on the frontside. In that case, grind the
v-groove a little wider than the width of the ribbon. Sand off the
paint immediately adjacent to the v-groove with 80 grit in a DA
• Trace out the tab in the polypropylene sheet. If you have the old
tab, lay it down on the 5010 polypropylene sheet and trace the edges and any
holes with a marker. Put a dotted line where the hinge line is supposed to be.
Then create a notch back into the bumper about 1/2” deep and extend the tab
about 1/2” on each side of the tab. Cut the tab out of the PP sheet with a jigsaw,
and drill out the mounting hole.
continued on next page...
• Create hinge line. To create the hinge line, put the tab in a vise and fold it
back and forth several times along the dotted line you drew on the tab. Take it out
of the vise, then fold it over double a few times to make it more limber. This is flex-
ible and much stronger than the original bumper’s hinge. If there’s a hook or fold in
the tab, you can create it by folding it in the vise one time.
• Notch back the bumper. Place the new tab in position on the bumper and
mark the cut line on the bumper with a black marker. Cut out the notch with a
• Prep the bumper by removing paint and applying sanding scratches the
bumper on the backside.
• Tape the tab in position using 6481-1 or 6485 aluminum tape on the outer
• Weld the backside of the tab using the R02-04 or R02-05 profile PP rod.
Start by focusing the stream of hot nitrogen about 1/2” beyond the tab until the
bumper turns glossy. Stab the rod down and start making your pass using the
same technique as described earlier.
• Prep the outer surface by grinding a shallow v-groove about 3/8” wide along
the seam. Feather back paint and put down some sand scratches with 80 grit in a
DA. Blow dust free.
• Weld the front side of the bumper with the R02-04 profile PP rod. Lay
one strip down along the long seam, then weld each end and wrap the welding rod
around the edge. If you have an airless welder, you can melt and burnish every-
thing down and make it easier to sand flush.
• Let cool and finish the repair by sanding smooth with 80 grit in a DA.
Use filler if necessary to fill out any low spots, then sand with 180 and 320 grit to
prepare for primer.
repair method AD-1: adhesive repair
800.633.3047 Page 15
• Clean both sides of the plastic in the damaged area with 1000
Super Clean or 1001-4 EcoClean plastic cleaner. Fixture the front
side with clamps or aluminum tape to hold the part together while
the adhesive on the backside cures.
• Sand the backside of the area to be repaired with 50 grit sand
si d
paper or coarser. A v-groove is not required unless you need
to sand the backside flat for cosmetic reasons. Remove paint in
the surrounding area with 80 grit in a DA. Heavy grooving of the
plastic is desirable to maximize the mechanical strength of the
bond. Blow dust free with clean, dry compressed air.
Adhesive Substrate
Fr • Mix the two-part adhesive and apply into the v-groove with a body
spreader. Slightly overfill the v-groove so that it can be sanded
flush when finished.
• When the adhesive on the front side is fully cured, sand with 80
grit in a DA sander, then progress to finer grits to finish.
repair method PF-1: PlastiFix repair
Page 16 www.polyvance.com
Dispense powder into cup. Use pipet to dispense liquid into Insert dropper tip into bottle and
the dropper bottle. place applicator needle onto
dropper tip.
Squeeze one drop of liquid into Pick up liquid/powder mix with tip Squeeze bottle to apply liquid/
powder. of needle. powder mix to repair area.
Place FlexMold bar in very hot Shape FlexMold bar over pat- When FlexMold bar cools, posi- Fill mold with PlastiFix powder/
water until it softens. tern. Caution! Very hot! tion in repair area. liquid mix, allow to cure 30 min.,
remove mold.
Cut fiberglass cloth to cover Cover fiberglass cloth with thin Saturate powder with PlastiFix Cover with plastic sheet, press to
damage on backside. layer of PlastiFix powder. liquid. shape, allow to cure.
Repairing Threads
Drill or file threads from hole. Apply lubricant to screw threads. Apply PlastiFix powder/liquid While adhesive is wet, insert
mixture to screw threads. into hole.
retexturing plastic
800.633.3047 Page 17
Texturing Reference: Use a test panel for determining the textured desired. Paint
with no reducer and low air pressure at the gun will produce the coarsest texture. For finer
textures, reduce the paint with lacquer thinner up to 100%.
Using 3803 Flextex VT Heavy Texture: Spray Flextex VT straight from the can using a 1.8 mm spray gun
and low air pressure.
Flextex VT is a tough, durable variable texture material Medium Texture: Reduce Flextex VT by adding thinner 25% by volume and spray
with a 1.4 mm gun using moderate air pressure.
formulated to simulate textured automotive plastics and metal.
It can be used over or under most finishes and may be top- Fine Texture: Reduce Flextex VT by adding thinner 50% by volume and spray using
a 1.4 mm gun and a higher air pressure.
coated with Bumper and Cladding Coat paint, base/clear or
Smooth Texture: Reduce Flextex VT by adding thinner 100% by volume and spray
single stage systems. Flextex VT has excellent durability and at the optimal air pressure for the gun used to produce a smooth finish.
may be used as the finish coat where black texture is needed.
a. Clean surface to be textured with 1020 Scuff Magic Prep Soap and water. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with a clean cloth or
b. Spray on a heavy wet coat of 1000 Super Clean Plastic Cleaner or 1001-4 EcoClean over a 1 - 2 square foot area. Wipe dry with
a clean cloth.
c. Sand surface with 180-240 grit sand paper to remove gloss. Blow dust free with clean, dry air.
d. For repairs on textured TPO plastics, it is difficult to blend the Flextex with the original texture due to the “fuzz” generated when
TPO is sanded. It is often best to sand the entire textured area and apply two coats of 3043 waterborne primer over the area to
fill the texture and bury the fuzz first, then respray the entire area with Flextex. To do so, apply one medium coat of 1050 or 1051
Plastic Magic adhesion promoter. Allow to dry. Apply 2-3 coats of 3043 All Seasons waterborne primer surfacer, sanding with 320
grit between coats. Once the TPO fuzz is buried, you may apply the Flextex according the the following steps.
e. Choose your desired texture using the “texturing reference” box above. Using the suggested gun setup, build texture by applying
3 to 5 light coats of Flextex allowing for flash time between coats. Reduce fluid flow at gun for light coats. Once you achieve your
desired texture, let dry 30 minutes if light coats are applied or 2 to 3 hours for heavier applications before topcoating. Flextex VT
can be topcoated at any time after the minimum dry time.
f. After Flextex VT has completely dried, (if desired) topcoat with a light coat of 3700-series Bumper and Cladding Color Coat
followed by one or two more wet coats. If another type of topcoat is needed, use a lacquer compatible top coat system.
b. If the material is a polyolefin (PP, TEO, or TPO), apply 1060FP Filler Prep or 1050 Plastic Magic Adhesion Promoter.
c. Choose a two-part epoxy filler system to match the hardness of the substrate. Use 2020 Hardset Filler for rigid plastics, like
SMC, fiberglass, ABS and others. For flexible plastics like urethane, PP, TEO, and TPO use 2000 Flex Filler.
d. On a mixing board, mix equal parts of epoxy filler until a uniform gray color with no streaks is obtained. Apply with a body
spreader. Build up slightly higher than the surface to allow for sanding. Sandable in 30 minutes, but for best featheredging
results, allow the epoxy to cure completely before sanding. Complete cure requires 24 hours at room temperature or two hours at
130°F. Allow epoxy to gel before applying heat and to cool completely before sanding. Contour and smooth the surface with 80
and 180 grit paper. Finish sand and apply a high build primer surfacer such as our 3041 or 3043 All Seasons Waterborne Primer
priming plastics: primer / sealer selection & use
Page 18 www.polyvance.com
Types of Bumpers
RAW TPO Bumpers OEM Primed Bumpers RAW PUR Bumpers OEM Painted Bumpers
Identify Bumper
Toyota, Nissan, Kia and Subaru Domestic bumpers (GM, Ford, May be PUR if Toyota or Lexus High Gloss. Color matches body
are usually raw, unprimed Chrysler) usually have OEM with light gray color. All yellow color. Base material different
TPO. ID symbol is PP, PP/ primer. Color is usually black plastic bumpers are PUR. ID color than top coat.
EPDM, TSOP, TPO, TEO, or with high sheen and uniform symbol is PUR. When lightly
TPE. Usually black with dull appearance. Occasionally sanded with 400 grit sandpaper
finish, sometimes non-uniform gray. Sanding the surface lightly will produce virtually no dust.
in appearance, may have tacky with 400 grit sandpaper will
mold release agent on surface. produce fine dust. The color or
When sanded lightly with 400 grit appearance of the painted side is
sandpaper, virtually no dust is different or if overspray is visible
produced. on the inside of the bumper.
NOTE: Sometimes the inside is 3043 Black Jack ALL SEASONS
primed also. Waterborne Primer Surfacer
3611, 3612, 3601, or 3602 3050, 3051, or 3052 3050, 3051, or 3052 Light Gray Waterborne Primer
Bumper & Cladding Coat ALL SEASONS Waterborne ALL SEASONS Waterborne Surfacer
Adhesion Primer Sealer Sealer
Product Selection
Surface Preparation
Clean entire surface to be Clean with 1000 Super Clean Clean entire surface to be Clean Bumper with 1020 Scuff
primed with 1000 Super Clean or or 1001-4 Clean plastic cleaner. primed with 1000 Super Clean Magic Prep Soap and a gray
1001-4 EcoClean plastic cleaner. Scuff entire bumper with 1020 or 1001-4 Clean plastic cleaner. scuff pad.
Spray heavy, wet coat over a Scuff Magic Prep Soap and a Spray heavy, wet coat over a
1 to 2 square foot area, wipe red scuff pad. 1 to 2 square foot area, wipe Allow to Dry.
dry with a clean cloth, exposing dry with a clean cloth, exposing
clean surface to plastic with each Rinse with clean water. clean surface to plastic with each Clean entire surface to be primed
wipe. wipe. with 1000 Super Clean or 1001-4
Allow to Dry. Clean plastic cleaner. Spray
Repeat until the entire surface Repeat until the entire surface heavy, wet coat over a 1 to 2
has been cleaned. has been cleaned. square foot area, wipe dry with a
clean cloth, exposing the clean
NOTE: Scuff or sanding is not Clean Bumper with 1020 Scuff face of the cloth to the plastic
required! Magic Prep Soap and a gray with each wipe. Repeat until the
scuff pad. entire surface has been cleaned.
RAW TPO Bumpers OEM Primed Bumpers RAW PUR Bumpers OEM Painted Bumpers
Paint Preparation
Shake or stir Bumper and Stir ALL SEASONS Waterborne Stir ALL SEASONS Waterborne Stir waterborne primers, do
Cladding Coat. Pour appropri- Sealer, do not shake. Mix Sealer, do not shake. Mix not shake. If desired, ALL
ate amount into gun to meet the appropriate shade of ALL the appropriate shade of SEASONS primers may be
job requirements. SEASONS Waterborne Sealer ALL SEASONS Waterborne thinned with water up to 5%
using the 3050, 3051, and 3052 Sealer using the 3050, 3051, by volume to optimize spray
toners. If using the optional and 3052 toners. If using the viscosity. If using the optional
catalyst, catalyze only the optional catalyst, catalyze only catalyst, catalyze only the
amount of sealer needed for the amount of sealer needed amount of sealer needed for
immediate use. Once catalyzed, for immediate use. Once immediate use. Once catalyzed,
pot life is about 8 hours. catalyzed, pot life is about 8 pot life is about 8 hours.
Catalyst Mix Ratio
Bumper & Cladding Coat does If desired, mix 3104 catalyst If desired, mix 3104 catalyst If desired, mix 3104 catalyst
not use a catalyst. with ALL SEASONS Waterborne with ALL SEASONS Waterborne with ALL SEASONS Waterborne
Sealer 4% to 6% by weight. Sealer 4% to 6% by weight. primers 4% to 6% by weight.
For example, if you are using For example, if you are using For example, if you are using
100 grams of sealer add 4 to 6 100 grams of sealer add 4 to 6 100 grams of sealer add 4 to 6
grams of 3104 catalyst. If no grams of 3104 catalyst. If no grams of 3104 catalyst. If no
scale is available, then mix 4 to scale is available, then mix 4 scale is available, then mix 4
6 teaspoons of catalyst per pint to 6 teaspoons of catalyst per to 6 teaspoons of catalyst per
thoroughly. Do not shake. Use thoroughly. Do not shake. Use thoroughly. Do not shake. Use
as soon as possible. If thinning as soon as possible. If thinning as soon as possible. If thinning
is required, up to 5% by volume is required, up to 5% by volume is required, up to 5% by volume
of water may be added to of water may be added to of water may be added to
optimize viscosity. optimize viscosity. optimize viscosity.
Paint Gun
Base coat gun with a 0.8 Base coat gun with a 1.3 mm Base coat gun with a 1.3 mm to Base coat gun with a 1.3 mm
mm to 1.3 mm nozzle. to 1.5 mm nozzle. 1.5 mm nozzle. to 1.5 mm nozzle for smoother
finish or a primer gun with a
1.8 mm to 2.0 mm nozzle for
high build.
Apply one light coat. Immedi- Apply one medium coat. If Apply one medium coat. If Apply one medium coat. If
ately apply second light coat if needed, apply second coat to needed, apply second coat to additional coats are needed,
needed to hide thin areas. If hide thin areas. Allow sealer hide thin areas. Allow sealer allow primer to flash off before
second full coat is desired, allow to flash off between coats. to flash off between coats. applying additional coats, sand
Bumper and Cladding Coat to Flash time varies depending Flash time varies depending between coats Flash time varies
flash off before applying second on temperature and humidity. on temperature and humidity. depending on temperature and
full coat. Flash time varies Flash time is usually between Flash time is usually between humidity. Flash time is usually
depending on temperature and 10 and 30 minutes. 10 and 30 minutes. between 10 and 30 minutes.
humidity. Flash time is usually
between 5 and 10 minutes.
Dry Time
Allow at least 60 minutes dry time Allow to dry completely at room Allow to dry completely at room Allow at least 30 minutes dry
at room temperature or 15 minutes temperature or allow to flash off temperature or allow to flash off time at room temperature or
at 130°F. Dry time will vary then force dry at 180°F for 20 then force dry at 180°F for 20 15 minutes at 120°F before
depending on temperature and minutes or 30 minutes at 120°F. minutes or 30 minutes at 120°F. dry sanding. ALL SEASONS
humidity. Bumper and Cladding Dry time will vary depending on Dry time will vary depending on primers may be wet or dry sanded
Coat must be completely dry temperature and humidity. ALL temperature and humidity. ALL after 6 hours dry time at room
before topcoating. Any unused SEASONS Waterborne Sealer SEASONS Waterborne Sealer temperature or after 60 minutes
paint may be returned to the can must be completely dry before must be completely dry before at 120°F. Dry time will vary
for future use. topcoating. The crosslinking topcoating. The crosslinking depending on temperature and
process takes six hours at process takes six hours at humidity. ALL SEASONS priimers
room temperature or one hour room temperature or one hour must be completely dry before
at 120°F. Because drying and at 120°F. Because drying and topcoating. The crosslinking
crosslinking are independent crosslinking are independent process takes six hours at room
processes, ALL SEASONS processes, ALL SEASONS temperature or one hour at 120°F.
Waterborne Sealer may be Waterborne Sealer may be Because drying and crosslinking
topcoated before crosslinking topcoated before crosslinking are independent processes,
is complete as long as it is is complete as long as it is primer may be topcoated before
completely dry. completely dry. crosslinking is complete as long
as it is completely dry.
RAW TPO Bumpers OEM Primed Bumpers RAW PUR Bumpers OEM Painted Bumpers
No sanding required before No sanding required before No sanding required before Finish sand with 400 to 600 grit
applying topcoat. Although applying the topcoat. If applying the topcoat. If sand paper. Apply any sealer,
sanding Bumper and Cladding required, surface may be lightly required, surface may be lightly Base/Clear or single stage
Coat Adhesion Primer is not scuffed or sanded to achieve scuffed or sanded to achieve topcoat system according to
recommended, trapped debris desired smoothness. If sanded, desired smoothness. If sanded, the manufacturer’s instructions.
may be removed with very light blow or wipe dust off surface blow or wipe dust off surface
sanding using 600 grit paper. before applying topcoat. Apply before applying topcoat. Apply
Apply any approved Base/ any Base/Clear or single stage any Base/Clear or single stage
Clear system according to the topcoat system according to topcoat system according to
manufacturer’s instructions. the manufacturer’s instructions. the manufacturer’s instructions.
Topcoating window does not Topcoating window does Topcoating window does
close. Bumper and Cladding not close. ALL SEASONS not close. ALL SEASONS
Coat Adhesion Primer may be Waterborne Sealer may be Waterborne Sealer may be
topcoated at any time once topcoated at any time once topcoated at any time once
fully dry. fully dry. fully dry.
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DVD - This fast-paced, professionally-produced 50 minute DVD on plastic repair is the best in the industry. Train your
whole crew in less than an hour and start making profits with plastic repair!
Book - “How to Repair Plastic Bodywork” is the world’s most comprehensive publication printed related to plastic repair.
Owning this book will not only teach you how to perform virtually any plastic repair, but it also explains why. You’ll find this
to be a truly valuable addition to your library.
Technical Support - Free technical support from our friendly staff is available at our toll free number. We’ll be
happy to help you identify a type of plastic, the best repair procedure, or help you to solve any problem you might be
having with plastic repair. Give us a call, we will help!
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