Chapters 7-9 - Biomolecule Presentations
Chapters 7-9 - Biomolecule Presentations
Chapters 7-9 - Biomolecule Presentations
9 Biotin
● Biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7, is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in
● This water-soluble vitamin catalyzes critical steps in the metabolism of fatty acids,
● Biotin also plays key roles in histone modifications, gene regulation (by modifying the
Sources of Biotin:
● Many foods contain some biotin. Foods that contain the most biotin include organ meats,
eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and certain vegetables (such as sweet potatoes).
● The biotin content of food can vary; for example, plant variety and season can affect the
biotin content of cereal grains, and certain processing techniques (e.g., canning) can
● It has many important functions in the body.
● Biotin regulates blood sugar, helps with proper functioning of your nervous system, and
● It's necessary for the function of several enzymes known as carboxylases. These biotin-
● Your body needs biotin to help convert certain nutrients into energy.
● It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin, and nails.
● Signs of biotin deficiency include skin rashes, hair loss, and brittle nails. Therefore,
biotin supplements are often promoted for hair, skin, and nail health.
7.9 Biotin
● Biotin also plays key roles in histone modifications, gene regulation (by modifying the
Sources of Biotin:
● Many foods contain some biotin. Foods that contain the most biotin include organ meats,
eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and certain vegetables (such as sweet potatoes).
● The biotin content of food can vary; for example, plant variety and season can affect the
biotin content of cereal grains, and certain processing techniques (e.g., canning) can
● Biotin blood sugar, helps with proper functioning of your nervous system,
● It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin, and nails.
biotin supplements are often promoted for hair, skin, and nail health.
● There are several that biotin helps keep healthy. Some of these include
Pyranose Rings
Furanose Rings:
● The chemical structure that includes a five-member ring system, or also known as a
● The highest numbered chiral carbon determines whether or not the structure has a D-
conformation or L-conformation.
Pyranose Rings:
● A cyclic isomer that has a six-member ring system, consisting of five carbon atoms and
● The pyranose ring is formed by the reaction of the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 (C-5) of a
● The pyranose form is thermodynamically more stable than the furanose form, which can
● There are a total of 38 distinct basic pyranose conformations: 2 chairs, 6 boats, 6 skew-
● These conformers can interconvert with one another; however, each form may have very
Pyranose Rings
Furanose Rings:
● The highest numbered carbon determines whether or not the structure has a D-
conformation or -conformation.
conformation is pointed .
● Consists of or beta conformations, depending on the of the
Pyranose Rings:
● A cyclic isomer that has a -member ring system, consisting of five carbon atoms and
● The pyranose ring is formed by the of the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 (C-5)
● If reaction is between the C-4 hydroxyl and the aldehyde, a is formed instead.
● The pyranose form is thermodynamically more than the furanose form, which
● There are a total of distinct basic pyranose conformations: 2 chairs, 6 boats, 6 skew-
● These conformers can with one another; however, each form may have
8.7 Glycoproteins
● Glycoproteins are proteins that have sugars attached to them. They do many important
jobs for the body, such as helping the immune, digestive, and reproductive systems.
● The sugars can be attached to a protein in two locations in the cell, the endoplasmic
reticulum, which produces N-linked sugars, and the Golgi apparatus, which produces O-
linked sugars.
● The different structure of N- and O-linked sugars give them different functions.
● They have diverse functions such as in our immune system, protection of our
● White blood cells roll along your blood vessels, looking for potential invaders. The way
they attach to the blood vessel lining is through glycoproteins called lectins. Without
these, our immune system would be pretty weak, since our white blood cells wouldn't be
● Glycoproteins are also important for red blood cells. Blood type refers to the type of
glycoprotein on our red blood cells. If you have type A blood, you have A antigens, or A
glycoproteins, on your red blood cells. This helps the body to identify that your blood is
● Glycoproteins also help to stimulate the process of coagulation of platelets to clot blood
● Many organs in your body need to secrete mucus to function properly. Cells lining these
body cavities secrete, or send out, glycoproteins. The sugars mixed with water in your
● Glycoproteins are also involved in keeping our skin healthy. They help to attach our skin
Glycoproteins are always found on the outside of the plasma membrane, with the sugar
facing out. This is an image of the plasma membrane with glycoproteins labeled.
8.7 Glycoproteins
● The sugars can be attached to a protein in locations in the cell, the endoplasmic
reticulum, which produces N-linked sugars, and the Golgi apparatus, which produces O-
linked sugars.
● blood cells roll along your blood vessels, looking for potential invaders. The
way they attach to the blood vessel lining is through glycoproteins called .
Without these, our immune system would be pretty weak, since our white blood cells
● Glycoproteins are also important for blood cells. Blood type refers to the type
of on our red blood cells. If you have type A blood, you have A antigens,
or A glycoproteins, on your red blood cells. This helps the body to identify that your
● Many organs in your body need to secrete to function properly. Cells lining
these body cavities secrete, or send out, glycoproteins. The sugars mixed with water in
● Glycoproteins are also involved in keeping our healthy. They help to attach our
skin cells to each other, forming a tough barrier to protect our body.
Glycoproteins are always found on the of the plasma membrane, with the
sugar facing out. This is an image of the plasma membrane with glycoproteins labeled.
● Membrane proteins are generally broken down into the smaller classifications of integral
Integral Proteins:
● They cannot easily be removed from the cell membrane without the use of harsh
● Integral proteins are usually transmembrane proteins, extending through the lipid bilayer
so that one end contacts the interior of the cell and the other touches the exterior.
● When a protein crosses the lipid bilayer it adopts an alpha-helical configuration.
Peripheral Proteins:
● Peripheral proteins are attached to the exterior of the lipid bilayer. They are easily
separable from the lipid bilayer, able to be removed without harming the bilayer in any
way. Peripheral proteins are less mobile within the lipid bilayer.
● They can be involved in moving substances within or outside of a cell, activate other
● One of the main roles of peripheral proteins is to direct and maintain both the
● In the image below, several peripheral proteins are labeled. A peripheral protein does not
have a definite structure, but it has several key aspects which make it a peripheral protein.
Lipid-Anchored Proteins:
● Lipid-anchored proteins are proteins located on the surface of the cell membrane that are
● The lipid groups play a role in protein interaction and can contribute to the function of the
protein-protein interactions.
9.10 Three
Classes of
Membrane Proteins
Classifications of Membrane Proteins:
● Membrane proteins are generally broken down into the smaller classifications of integral
Integral Proteins:
● They cannot easily be removed from the cell membrane without the use of harsh
● Integral proteins are usually proteins, extending through the lipid bilayer
so that one end contacts the of the cell and the other touches the .
● When a protein crosses the lipid bilayer it adopts an alpha-helical configuration.
Peripheral Proteins:
● Peripheral proteins are attached to the of the lipid bilayer. They are easily
separable from the lipid bilayer, able to be removed without harming the bilayer in any
● One of the main roles of peripheral proteins is to direct and maintain both the
● In the image below, several peripheral proteins are labeled. A peripheral protein does not
have a definite structure, but it has several key aspects which make it a peripheral protein.
Lipid-Anchored Proteins:
● Lipid-anchored proteins are proteins located on the of the cell membrane that
● The lipid groups play a role in protein interaction and can contribute to the function of the
9.12 The
● The pathway that is activated when a signal molecule binds to the receptor of a trimeric G
● Catalyzes the phosphorylation of many target proteins, altering their catalytic activity
1. The binding of the signal molecule causes the GDP bound to the G protein to exchanged
for GTP
2. This induces a conformational change and the alpha subunit dissociates itself from the
beta and gamma subunits. The alpha subunit then activates phospholipase C.
3. The phospholipase C then cleaves phosphoinositol 4,5- biphosphate (PIP2); producing
Diacylglycerol (DAG)
4. DAG remains embedded in the phospholipid membrane, whereas IP3 moves into the
5. Ca2+ release channels on the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, which binds to
6. Finally, The PKC then phosphorylates various proteins in order to amplify the signal.
7. The Ca signal is short-lived because the channel eventually closes, and the Ca is pumped
● GTP is hydrolyzed, it returns to its inactive form and can no longer stimulate
phospholipase C.
● IP3 is rapidly hydrolyzed to other inositol phosphates or inositol, while DAG is converted
● The pathway that is activated when a signal molecule binds to the ________of a trimeric
G protein
● The binding of the signal molecule causes the ___bound to the G protein to exchanged
for ___
● This induces a conformational change and the alpha subunit ___________itself from the
beta and gamma subunits. The alpha subunit then activates phospholipase C.
______________ (DAG)
● DAG remains embedded in the phospholipid membrane, whereas IP3 moves into the
● Ca2+ release ________on the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, which binds to
● Finally, The PKC then phosphorylates various ________in order to amplify the signal.
● The Ca signal is short-lived because the channel eventually closes, and the Ca is pumped
● When GTP is hydrolyzed, it returns to its inactive form and can no longer
________phospholipase C.
● IP3 is rapidly hydrolyzed to other inositol phosphates or inositol, while DAG is converted