Cempatch S

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Cempatch S

One component high build high strength cemen ous repair mortar

Technical Properties:
Cempatch S is a one component polymer modified and
Compressive strength:
fibre reinforced repair mortar. Cempatch S is a blend of > 50 MPa @ 7 days
(wet cure)
dry powders, selected aggregates and fibres which when > 60 MPa @ 28 days
ASTM C109/109M-02
mixed with water produces a thixotropic mortar suitable
for ver cal and overhead applica on. Water penetra on:
< 5 mm
DIN1048, Part 5
Applications Colour: Grey & white
 Repair of all types of structural concrete where high Drying shrinkage: < 300 microstrain @ 7 days
strength and extremely low shrinkage proper es are ASTM C157 - 93 < 500 microstrain @ 28 days
Rapid chloride perme-
 For the repair of ver cal and overhead elements.
ability: < 500 Coulombs
 As a repair mortar for all structural elements in
AASHTO 277-93
buildings, water retaining structures, industrial plants,
bridges, etc. Tensile strength:
5 MPa @ 28 days
BS6319, Part 7 : 1985
Flexural strength:
> 11 MPa @ 28 days
BS6319, Part 3 : 1990
 Shrinkage controlled polymer modified cemen ous
repair mortar. 4.5 litre of water for 25 kg
Mixing ra o:
 Easy to apply, single component, requires only addi on bag of Cempatch S
of water.
 Extremely low permeability to water, providing Fresh wet density: 2.1 ± 0.1 g/cm³
excellent protec on to steel reinforcements and host Minimum applica on
concrete. 5°C
 Thixotropic proper es allowing extra high build for
ver cal and overhead applica ons. VOC:
< 10 g/ltr
 Suitable for internal and external applica on. ASTM D2369
 Water vapour permeable.
 Cost effec ve, hand applied no formwork is required. Priming

Method of Use All grit blasted steel reinforcements should be primed

within 2 to 4 hours with one or two coats of zinc rich
Substrate Preparation epoxy coa ng Repcoat ZR.

All damaged and weak concrete should be cut back to Areas to be repaired with Cempatch S should be soaked
reach sound concrete and/or to a minimum depth of at with clean water before applying the repair mortar. All
least 10 mm. excess water should be removed prior to applying one
coat of acrylic bonding agent Cempatch AB.
Corroded steel reinforcement should be grit blasted to
remove all rust traces. In case of significant loss in the Cempatch AB should be le to become tacky before
steel reinforcement cross sec on, the steel should be applying the repair mortar.
replaced. Remove all concrete form around exposed steel
reinforcements by 10 mm thickness. The perimeters of Mixing
the repair area should be saw cut to a minimum depth of
10 mm. The prepared area should be cleaned thoroughly To ensure proper mixing, a mechanically powered mixer
by brush and/or compressed air. or drill fi ed with suitable paddle should be used. 4.5
litre of clean water should be added to clean container.
Cempatch S
The powder is then added slowly to the water while If these condi ons are exceeded, DCP Technical
mixing con nuously with low speed mixer/drill (400 - 600 Department should be contacted for advise.
rpm). Mixing me should be con nued for 3 minutes
un l uniform consistency is obtained. Cautions

Placing and Finishing Health and Safety

Cempatch S can be applied by trowel or hand. The mixed Cempatch S may cause irrita on to skin or eyes.
mortar should be applied using firm pressure to fully
compact the mortar to ensure good adhesion with the In case of accidental contact with eyes, immediately flush
steel reinforcements and the substrate. Finishing and with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes and seek
leveling should be carried out ini ally by wooden or medical advise if necessary.
plas c float. Final finishing should be carried out using
steel float. For further informa on refer to the Material Safety Data
As Cempatch S is a cemen ous based material, it should
be cured in a similar method to concrete. Curing can Cempatch S is nonflammable.
be conducted by using Cempatch AB or by wet hessian
sheets covered with polyethylene sheets. More from Don Construction Products

Cleaning A wide range of construc on chemical products are

manufactured by DCP which include:
All tools should be cleaned immediately a er applica on
using fresh water. Hardened materials must be cleaned  Concrete admixtures.
mechanically.  Surface treatments
 Grouts and anchors.
Packaging  Concrete repair.
 Flooring systems.
Cempatch S is available in 25 kg bags.  Protec ve coa ngs.
 Sealants.
Thicknesses and Size Limitations  Waterproofing.
 Adhesives.
Cempatch S can be applied in a single applica on for  Tile adhesives and grouts.
sec ons up to 50 mm thick in overhead applica ons and  Building products.
75 mm thick in ver cal applica ons. Thickness should not  Structural strengthening.
be less than 10 mm deep in all applica ons.

Cempatch S repair area should not exceed 2.5 m² in single

applica on.


Approximately 13.5 - 14 litre/25 kg bag. (76 bags/m³).


Cempatch S has a shelf life of 12 months from date of

manufacture if stored at temperatures between 2°C and
50°C in original unopened bags.



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