86 Different Kinds of Herbal Tea

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The document discusses over 80 different herbal teas and their reported health benefits.

Some common herbal teas discussed include chamomile, peppermint, ginger, and green tea which can help with digestion, relaxation, cold/flu symptoms, and more.

Herbal teas that can help digestion include anise, caraway, ginger, and peppermint which can help reduce gas, nausea and promote digestion.

86 Different Kinds of Herbal Tea (and their

surprising health benefits!)

PDF by James | Mother Nature’s Planet

This page is a quick list of herbal teas and benefits from specific plants.
Check it when deciding which herbs to use in making an herbal tea, or
times when you want to know what each herb may do for you.
List of Herbal Teas and Their Uses
Alfalfa – Arabs call this the “father of all foods” while westerners treat it
as cattle fodder. It is rich in minerals and nutrients, so useful against
heart disease and cancer, and good for cystitis or inflammation of the
bladder, and rheumatism. It boosts a sluggish appetite, and gives relief
from bloating and water retention, and it relieves constipation.
Angelica Root – tonic for stomach troubles, colds, fevers, colic, and
strengthens heart. The tea can also be put into eyes and ears as drops,
and will help marvelously. Notice that you don’t always have to drink
to get the herbal tea benefits.
Anise (Star Anise) – helps expel gas, promotes digestion, relieves
nausea and abdominal pain, soothes coughs and colds, and helps clear
up congestion. It stimulates milk production in nursing mothers, and
may reduce menopausal symptoms. It is also a spice, and can help
other herbs taste better.
Black Cohosh – relieves menopausal symptoms, and when used
as a muscle relaxant, a natural anti-inflammatory treatment for
rheumatoid arthritis. Devotees love these herbal tea benefits.
Boneset – brings down a fever, relieves flu symptoms, has a calming
effect, and in a warm drink/tea is an excellent exporant – that is, it gets
rid of the phlegm. In a cold drink, or herbal tea, it benefits as a mild
Borage – this herbal tea can be used to bathe inflamed eyes, drunk as a
tea, it is good for cleansing the blood, for fevers and jaundice, and to
expel poisons. Can also be used as a gargle to loosen phlegm.
Burdock – is nature’s best blood purifier, it helps rid the body of excess
water weight, soothes pain of arthritis, rheumatism and backache, and
relieves skin irritations. Isn’t that a great list of herbal tea benefits?
Butcher’s Broom – is popular in Europe to treat poor circulation in
the legs (restless leg syndrome). It improves circulation in hands and
feet, reduces edema in legs or feet, and reduces swelling from arthritis
and rheumatism. It has also reduced pain from hemorrhoids.
Calendula – externally, it smooths skin irritations, and promotes
healing. Taken internally, as in a tea, it may help prevent macular
degeneration. Fortunately, I grow this in my garden; I need to enjoy
this herbal tea benefits more often!
Caraway Seeds – used in baking is an excellent digestive aid, expels gas,
reduces nausea, and improves the appetite. Helps to bring out phlegm in
coughs and colds, and increases breast milk in nursing mothers.
Cascara Sagrada – one of the best herbal tea remedies for
constipation, but not habit-forming, also for gallstones, and bile or
liver complaints, Native peoples called it “sacred bark” because of the
wonderful results, however, it has a bitter, disagreeable taste, so it is
wise to go buy the chocolate covered tablets instead of taking it
Catnip – excellent herbal tea benefits for clearing up colic and gas
and cramps in bowels, safe for babies and children too.
Chamomile or Camomile – good for digestion, relaxing, rheumatoid
arthritis, relieves back pain, soothes skin irritations, and good for
sunburns, and much more! Perhaps you are familiar with this plant’s
herbal tea benefits?
Chickweed – while considered a nuisance by gardeners, it can be
eaten like spinach, and makes a fine salve. It can also be used fresh,
dried, or powdered. It is useful for bronchitis, pleurisy, coughs, colds,
hoarseness, and inflammations. It heals and soothes anything it comes
in contact with. One of the best herbal tea benefits in God’s Pharmacy.
Guess what, it is probably growing wild as a weed in your garden or
flower beds!
Cinnamon – clears the brain and thought processes, excellent for upset
stomach gas and diarrhea. It is also a spice. My brother Ernie swears by
cinnamon and honey with hot water as his guard against getting a cold
or flu bug.
Cleavers (galium aparine) – can be eaten like spinach, good herbal
tea benefits for kidney and bladder troubles, makes a good wash to
clear complexion, and has cooling down effect in fevers, and good for
stone in bladder, for scurvy and dropsy/edema.
Cloves (or clove blossoms) – relieves toothache, controls vomiting.
You could try the dried clove, but the herbal tea might be better. You get
more of the herbal tea benefits.
Corn silk – a good remedy for kidney and bladder troubles,
especially when there is pain in the prostate gland in urinating, and
for any painful urination. It can be useful to prevent bedwetting too.
Dandelion – a natural diuretic and digestive aid, rich in potassium
and lecithin, so protects the liver, excellent source of vitamin A, and
protects against iron-deficiency anemia. Did you know that dandelion
has so many herbal tea benefits?
Dong Quai – overall tonic for female reproductive system,
reduces menstrual cramping and PMS, prevents anemia, and
lowers high blood pressure. You can get this as a supplement.

Echinacea – boosts immune system, and can reduce at least twelve

clinical symptoms of bad colds. The native Indians of the Great Plains
used this herb as a remedy for snakebites and skin wounds, and applied
it directly to the mouth for toothaches and sore throats. It has also been
successful in treating candida.
Earl Mindell warns that since it stimulates the immune functions, those
with autoimmune diseases should not take echinacea.
Elderberry – used for centuries by gypsies for colds, influenza, and
neuralgia. A tea of the flowers is good for inflammation and twitching
of eyelids. As an ointment and/or a tea, it is valuable for all skin
diseases, and a blood purifier. Useful herbal tea benefits for headaches
in colds, and much, much more.

Elecampane – good for coughs, asthma, and bronchitis, and works

well for tuberculosis when combined with echinacea. It relaxes and is a
tonic to the mucous membranes, bringing out phlegm, so it strengthens
the lungs and a tea of elecampane is good for whooping cough. It has
other herbal tea benefits too.
Eucalyptus – just a few whiffs, will clear upper respiratory tightness
in colds and flu. It is good for bringing up phlegm, as an antiseptic, it
can help sooth stiffness and swelling brought on by arthritis and
Eyebright – especially useful for eyestrain, eye inflammations, and
other eye ailments. It can greatly relieve runny, sore, itchy eyes due to
colds or allergies.

Fennel seeds and leaves – good for flavouring foods and medicines.
A good eye wash, and for gas, acid stomach, gout, cramps, colic, and
spams. Okay for small children if given in small doses. The herbal tea
benefits also good for snake bites, insect bites, food poisoning, and for
obstructions in the liver, spleen and gall, clearing up jaundice. Increases
both urine and menstrual flow.
Feverfew – reduces fever, and reduces migraine symptoms,
including nausea, vomiting and head pain.
Garlic – helps prevent heart disease, reduces blood pressure and
blood lipids, helps fight infection, and can even destroy some cancer
cells. It is an excellent digestive aid.

Ginger – relieves nausea and restores appetite. Also good for

morning sickness. It is a spice as well.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) – Most researched/prescribed herb.
Improves circulation through the body, improves mental functioning
and the ability to concentrate, maybe be useful to relieve symptoms of
Alzheimer’s disease, and has been used to treat hemorrhoids.
Ginsing (Panax quinquefolia) – used a lot in hot, tropic climates to
prevent all kinds of diseases. Effective herbal tea benefits for cold, chest
troubles, and coughs. Taken hot will cause perspiration. Also good for
stomach troubles and constipation. It promotes appetite, and heals
digestive disturbances.
Goldenrod – used internally to treat kidney and bladder stones and
infections, as well as general urinary infections. It is sometimes
included in cough medicine and is used to treat rheumatism.
Gotu Kola – improves memory, has a calming effect, good
expectorant, that is, it can eliminate congestion due to colds,
promotes healing after childbirth, improves circulation, and it
reduces pain and swelling in phlebitis.
Green Tea – this herbal tea keeps free radicals under control, reduces
risk of cancer, and helps prevent heart disease. Oh-oh, we’ve been
overlooking these herbal tea benefits!
Honey – soothes the throat and is loaded with immune-
stimulating antioxidants.
Hops – contrary to its name, hops has a calming effect, relieves indigestion,
and is an old-time pain-reliever. Another good after -dinner tea. It also
relieves cramps and muscle spasms, and stimulates the appetite. It used to be
used in ale as a preservative. Sprinkle in your pillowcase for insomnia.
Horsetail – (also known as fleabane, and silica, among other
names). It helps the body to absorb calcium and nourishes the nails,
skin, hair, and connective tissues. It will remove excess oil from skin
and hair and makes individual hairs stronger, thicker and more
Hyssop – helps relieve that stuffed head feeling and congestion in the
chest, it is a good expectorant, relieves gas, improves the appetite, and
is a good gargle for a sore throat.
Jasmine – the flowers make a delicious and appetizing tea (many
commercial varieties now). Jasmine has a calming effect, and makes a
good after-dinner drink. Some think it is an aphrodisiac.

Kava or Kava kava – nature’s valium without side effects or affecting

one’s mind, or making one sluggish. It helps you get a good night’s sleep,
relaxes you, and reduces water retention – really good herbal tea
Lady’s Mantle – arabic women use this to restore beauty and youth. In
the western world used to stop bleeding, regulate menstruation and
stimulate appetite. It makes a soothing douche for vaginal irritations.
Lavender – relaxes and helps people sleep, and feel calm. Very
popular in aromatherapy. Recent studies show it has many other herbal
tea benefits, and one study shows it can replace sleeping pills.
Lemon Balm – (also known as balm or Melissa), this is a member of the
mint family, and a remedy for gas and colic. Herbalists have made it into a
syrup which they serve to those with upset stomachs, nervous tension and
insomnia. A tea of lemon balm induces perspiration when trying to break a
fever. A cream made from it is good for cold sores around the mouth.
Lemon Juice – prevents scurvy and is a great cleanser and healer for
the body. Diluted with water can be drunk daily for prevention of
diseases. How many are aware of these herbal tea benefits of lemon
Lemon grass – purifies the whole body.
Lemon Verbena – thought to increase feelings of love.
Licorice – multiple herbal tea benefits; reduces pain of ulcers, can relieve
menopausal symptoms, helps break up congestion due to colds, soothes
sore, hoarse throats, reduces pain and stiffness from arthritis, may help
retard growth of certain tumors, and is used to treat hepatitis B.
Linden flowers (Basswood) – old-fashioned remedy to make
one perspire, and cleanse out the kidneys, bladder and stomach;
valuable for coughs and hoarseness, sore throat (gargle), and also
epilepsy and headaches.
Malva – young leaves of this ornamental flowering plant can be eaten
like lettuce.
Marjoram – a good tonic, especially effective when combined with
camomile and gentian, good for sour stomach, and deals with loss of
appetite, cough, spleen and eruptive diseases, also good for poisonous
insect bites, snake bites, jaundice, and toothache.
Marshmallow – calming effect on body, soothes coughs and chest
irritation in colds, brings out phlegm, and also relieves pain from
ulcers, enteritis and colitis.
Peppermint or mint – best-tasting herb (in my opinion); good
for cramps and stomach pain, relieves gas, aids in digestion,
reduces sick feeling, and can help with insomnia.

Motherwort – well-known for menstrual problems and cramps,

strengthens the heart and helps nervous conditions, kills worms and
is a remedy for chest colds. Has great herbal tea benefits if taken
during pregnancy.

Mugwort – good for female complaints when mixed with marigold,

cramp bark and black haw. Also useful for inflammatory swellings, and
for getting rid of kidney and bladder stones and gravel, and gout.
Mullein – valuable for asthma, croup, bronchitis, and all lung
infections, and hay fever.
Nettles – many wonderful herbal tea benefits! Nettles prevent scrofula,
good remedy for kidney troubles and gravel, neuralgia, kills and expels
worms, and increases menstrual flow. Great for diarrhea, dysentery, piles,
hemorrhages, fevers and colds. The tea will expel phlegm from the lungs
and stomach. The leaves can be eaten as spinach. There’s much more!
Oregano – the spice of this name is actually a winter type of
marjoram. True oregano is thought to have been used as medicine for
hundreds of years as a natural disinfectant and antimicrobial, to help
beat a cold or flu, promotes healing of skin wounds. The oil of oregano
is used to disinfect a sick room. It is also growing very popular this
winter, as drops under the tongue.
Orange Peel – should have similar effect as whole oranges or orange
juice. Strengthening and refreshing, and healing as well as cleansing to
digestive tract.
Orris Root powder – made from the root of iris plants, may be taken
internally for coughs, mucus, and diarrhea. Externally for deep wounds.
Passion Flower – has a calming effect, great for an insomnia filled
with worry, can relieve nervous tension headaches, and is good for
muscle spasms due to nerves.
Pau D’Arco – herbal tea benefits but from tree bark in Brazil, this
helps cure fungal infections, fight parasitic infections, promotes good
digestion and lowers blood sugar.
Pleurisy Root – valuable for breaking up colds and pleurisy, and for all
sorts of fevers, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, lung fever, bilious fever
typhus, and measles. (Unfortunately, I found this herb hard to find in local
health food stores when I had pleurisy and was really eager to try it).
Raspberry leaves – prepares the uterus for childbirth, and is
believed to shorten labour. it alleviates menstrual cramps, and is also
good for sore throats and fever blisters.

Red Clover Blossoms – relaxes the body, good for skin inflammation,
and menopausal symptoms. Jethro Kloss told stories in his book, Back to
Eden of red clover healing cancerour tumors, and being safe to drink as a
tea in place of water or coffee. Red Clover can only do you good.
Red Raspberry – both the dried leaves and the berries will remove
canker sours from mucous membranes, it is great for dysentery and
diarrhea in infants, it is able to increase menstrual flow, and will ease
nausea. It is always soothing in herbal tea benefits.
Rose hips – these are the bright red berries that remain after a rose,
particularly the wild prairie rose, dies off. Those berries, when dried are
chock full of vitamin C! Add them to just about any tea you make for the
rich vitamin C benefit.
Rosemary – recent studies indicate it may help prevent breast cancer. It is
an old-fashioned remedy for colds, colic and nervous conditions. Good for
nervous headaches, as a mouth wash, for sore throat and foul breath, and for
female complaints. (As an oil it is used for perfumes and shampoos).
Sage – popular for cooking, but also good for sore gums, and for
stomach cramps and for digestion, Recommended for people who
perspire a lot, often known as a cure-all.
Sassafras – many herbal tea benefits; a tonic to cleanse blood and entire
bodily system. It flavours other herbs that have a disagreeable taste. Tonic
for bowels and stomach, and will relieve gas, and colic. A good wash for
eyes, and good for kidneys, bladder, chest and throat troubles, also for
varicose veins. Oil of sassafras is wonderful for a toothache.
Sarsparilla – good remedy after taking poison; it will clean out the
stomach. Also good for internal inflammations, colds, phlegm and fever.
Slippery Elm – extremely soothing for scratchy, raw, sore throats
and mouths. Also feels good for raw throat, after vomiting.
Skullcap – very quieting to nerves, produces sleep in delirium
tremens, good for neuralgia aches and pains, and can be used as a
substitute for quinine without the side-effects. It is also the traditional
remedy for rabies, known as the mad-dog weed.
Spearmint – one of the mint family, especially highly regarded for
colic and gas in stomach and bowels, for dyspepsia, spasms, edema,
and in nausea and vomiting. (Warning: Do NOT boil spearmint!)
Stevia – first found in Paraguay, this herb is 200 times sweeter than
sugar, but totally natural. It is used in Japan and some other countries
as a sweetner. Both dried stevia leaves, and a liquid preparation maybe
be available at your health store.
St. John’s Wort – treats depression, has calming effect, relieves uterine
cramping, promotes healing of skins wounds and helps the body fight viral
infection. Not proven yet, but thought to help control appetite, and
thus weight-reduction.
Strawberry leaves – the dried leaves make a great tea that is a tonic
and tones up the body’s intestines and appetite. It cleanses the
stomach and is good for eczema and to prevent night sweats.
Thyme – an expectorant and disinfectant, and known for its antifungal
properties. Makes a good gargle for a sore throat. Good in fevers. Will make
you perspire when taken hot. Valuable in whooping cough, asthma and and
lung troubles. A good remedy for bowel gas and cramps in stomach and
diarrhea, even for children when given in small frequent doses. Can also
relieve headaches. Lemon thyme is of this family and smells of lemon.
Uva Ursi – (also known as bearberry) effective treatment for bladder
and kidney problems, it is a good diuretic, and relieves the pain of
cystitis and pephritis, it also gets rid of bloating due to water retention.

Vervain – wonderful help in fevers, often cures colds overnight.

Also remedies whooping cough, pneumonia,asthma, and expels
phlegm from throat and chest. It also produces profuses
Violet (leaves and flowers) – relieves severe headaches, combined
with other herbs it can be made into poultices for cancer, ulcers and bed
sores, or ointments for an itch. Of course, also as a tea.
Walnut leaves (black) – fights fungal infections, helps fight
bacterial infections, is an anti-parasitic, and helps to promote
regularity in the bowels.
White Oak Bark – very strong astringent, with herbal tea benefits like
– antiseptic and tonic. Excellent in leucorrhoea and womb troubles, and
will expel pin worms. It stops bleeding internally, removes gallstones
and kidney stones, and the tea is also good for bathing scabs and sores,
and varicose veins.
Wild Yam – very relaxing to nerves, expels gas, good for pain in
urinary tract, and during pregnancy and childbirth, combined with
ginger will prevent miscarriage. Fine herbal tea benefits for children.
Yarrow – excellent for hemorrhages and bleeding from lungs. If take
at beginning of cold with other simple remedies, it will break it up in
twenty -four hours. Good for fevers if taken hot, also for suppressed or
scanty urine, old wounds, and piles. As a tea, it makes a fine douche for
leucorrhoea too. It expels gas, and considered by some, more effective
than quinine.
Yellow Dock – tonic and blood purifier, and good for eruptive diseases
such as scrofula, glandular tumors, swellings, leprosy, cancer, ulcerated
eyelids, syphilis, running ears and itch. Apply tea on surface with a
cloth wetted and wrung out in the tea.
Yerba Santa – quiets a nagging cough, helps clear a chest of
phlegm, relieves congestion caused by allergies.

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