This document lists the stock of 20 dental supply items, including the item name, stock quantity, and number of sets available. Items include excavator parts, mirrors, filling tools, cement spatulas, tongue depressors, forceps, and medical equipment like a stethoscope and tensimeter. Quantities range from 1 to 20 sets.
This document lists the stock of 20 dental supply items, including the item name, stock quantity, and number of sets available. Items include excavator parts, mirrors, filling tools, cement spatulas, tongue depressors, forceps, and medical equipment like a stethoscope and tensimeter. Quantities range from 1 to 20 sets.
This document lists the stock of 20 dental supply items, including the item name, stock quantity, and number of sets available. Items include excavator parts, mirrors, filling tools, cement spatulas, tongue depressors, forceps, and medical equipment like a stethoscope and tensimeter. Quantities range from 1 to 20 sets.
This document lists the stock of 20 dental supply items, including the item name, stock quantity, and number of sets available. Items include excavator parts, mirrors, filling tools, cement spatulas, tongue depressors, forceps, and medical equipment like a stethoscope and tensimeter. Quantities range from 1 to 20 sets.
2 Bein Lurus Besar Otto 2 set 3 Cryer Kanan Otto 2 set 4 Cryer Kiri Otto 2 set 5 Excavator Otto No. 18 5 set 6 Excavator Otto No. 16 5 set 7 Kaca Mulut No. 4 Otto 20 set 8 Mirror Handle Solid 10 set 9 Matrik Holder/ Tofflemire Matrix 2 set 10 Filling Otto 4 set 11 Semen Stopper Big 4 set 12 Light Curing Starlight Pro 1 set Gross-Maier Sponge and Dressing Forceps 18 cm Straight 13 3 set
14 Cemen Spatula Small Size 10 set
15 Bruenings Tongue Depressor 19 cm 4 pcs 16 Tang Cabut Sulung Atas 2 set 17 Tang Cabut Sulung Bawah 2 set 18 Tang Cabut Permanen Atas 3 set 19 Tang Cabut Permanen Bawah 3 set 20 Tang Cabut Permanen Molor Atas Kiri 3 set 21 Stetoskop ERKA 1 set 22 Tensimeter Adcuff 1 set AMPRAHAN TGL TERIMA JUMLAH PARAF KET