The Diamond Way and National Socialism
The Diamond Way and National Socialism
The Diamond Way and National Socialism
Translated by Oregoncoug
“No one can kill a Dragon without becoming a Dragon himself. So it was with Saint George the
Dragon-Slayer. He was the greatest among Dragons.”
In the north of India, in the year 600 A.D., a set of practices were gathered and encoded that
became known as the Diamond Way, in Tantric Yoga. This way, in fact, is a compendium of
ancestral teachings in which ancient initiatic orders took part, such as, for example, the
Mithraists, the Fedele d’Amore and the initiates of the long-ago Mysteries, the hermetic work
and alchemy.
Nietzsche, the prophet of the superman, is a great scholar of the ancient world, gathering in his
work much of that knowledge. In his book “The Twilight of the Idols,” which dramatizes a
conversation between the diamond and its relative the cooking coal, Nietzsche refers to the
initiation process by which the vulgar carbon becomes the pure diamond. This is the Diamond
“Why so hard?” the kitchen coal once said to the diamond. “After all, are we not close kin?”
Why so soft? O my brothers, thus I ask you: are you not after all my brothers?
Why so soft, so pliant and yielding? Why is there so much denial, self-denial, in your hearts?
So little destiny in your eyes?
And if you do not want to be destinies and inexorable ones, how can you one day triumph with
And if your hardness does not wish to flash and cut through, how can you one day create with
For all creators are hard. And it must seem blessedness to you to impress your hand on
millennia as on wax.
Blessedness to write on the will of millennia as on bronze, harder than bronze, nobler than
bronze. Only the noblest is altogether hard.
“Only be tough, firm as the Aryan rocks of the Exsternsteine, and you can modify destiny in the
darkest time.”
Miguel Serrano
In Tantric Yoga, who has carried the yogic process to a successful conclusion has awakened and
developed the serpent energy of kundalini. This sleeps at the base of the spine, and on
reaching the highest seat, (located not in the physical body but on the head, as the crown
aureole of the saints over the head), deconditions the physical body and bases it on the
reintegrated I. This is the fundamental method of all this way of initiation. The physical body
itself is no longer lived with the heavy weight of materiality, but as energy, alive and active.
Then one has achieved the body of the “diamond bolt.” To achieve this, force and dedication
are required until one hardens oneself like a rock (or diamond) and becomes insensible to
human weakness and cowardice.
We cannot think it casual that Miguel Serrano as well as Julius Evola, two well-known in esoteric
circles of the phenomena of National Socialism and Fascism, were great personalities in Tantric
Yoga who dedicated many of their studies to this topic.
Julius Evola states in his book “Tantric Yoga” that “the particularity of the Tantras is in the
particularity of their practice. Neither a lamentation nor contrition, nor repentance before a
divinity. This is the practice of the union of Purusha and Prakriti.”
We understand Purusha is the masculine principle, purely spiritual, immutable and luminous,
that Tantrism identifies with Shiva. For its part, Prakriti is the nature opposite to Shiva, the
feminine principle or Shakti, the active and creative energy of the universe. Shakti is the wife
of Shiva.
Evola continues stating Tantric Yoga “is the practice or discipline (sadhana) of the union of
Purusha and Prakriti, the practice destined to unite in the body the masculine principle and the
feminine or maternal principle, to free from attributes what has attributes (i.e., deconditioning
being)… This practice is achieved with the awakening the forces of the body… This is not
pure philosophy; does not worry about weighing empty formulas, but with something practical.”
The Tantras state: “Begin exercising under the supervision of a qualified teacher. If you do
not get positive results quickly, you are free to leave.” The powerful do not go around wearing
a neither Brahmin or ascetic robe nor lecture on yoga practice: Only practice leads to success.
About that there is no doubt.
The man of “the age of shadows” or Kali-Yuga is closely tied to his physical body and cannot
disregard it. The way that suits him is not that of pure distancing, but rather that of awakening
and dominating the hidden energies enclosed within the body. Moreover, in Kali-Yuga, Kali,
goddess of the first importance in Tantrism signifying the elemental and abyssal forces, is in a
free state for what Tantra teaches us to take on, deal with, “to ride the tiger,” or to dominate and
transform them according to the Tantric principle of “turning poison into medicine.” Tantra
does not exclude the ascesis of joyful pleasure; indeed, the two are tied one to the other. In
Tantrism, an essential change occurs when the liberated one is alive and in his body, having
obtained deconditioning, sahaja. In other words, there is a discipline that can “be free and
invulnerable” concerning the full enjoyment of everything the world has to offer, while we take
from this world all its characteristics of appearance, illusion, mirroring and attachment the
Vedanta has attributed to it. According to the Tantra, the world is not Maya (illusion), but
And this paradoxical coexistence of freedom and the dimension of self-transcendence and joy in
the world, the free experience of the world, is closely linked to the essential task or formula of
Tantrism: The union of impassable Shiva with ardent Shakti in our own being and on all the
planes of reality.
Thus, Tantra offers both joy and release. Dionysus was regarded by the ancients as analogous
with Shiva beneath one of his principal aspects that puts into relief the Tantrism of the Left
Hand. A conception of the world as power. In the forms assumed by Tantrism, Shiva keeps
the specific traits of pure transcendence or purusha, being especially associated with a Shakti of
terrible type, above all Kali or Durga, personification of his own indomitable and unleashed
When Hinduism adopted the doctrine of the Trinity, or the triple aspect of the Principle,
personified in three divinities, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the significance of the two ways
becomes clear to us: Right Hand and Left Hand. The first term of the Trinity is Brahma, the
creator God; the second is Vishnu, the God who conserves creation and cosmic order; and the
third is Shiva, the God who destroys (with the action of his transcendence over what is done and
conditioned). The Way of the Right Hand is beneath the sign of the first two divinities, the first
two aspects of the divine, the Way of the Left Hand is beneath the sign of third divinity, Shiva.
This is the road that essentially takes the form of Tantrism and Shaivism.
But it is especially Hatha Yoga (exercise, physical postures and breathing techniques of Yoga) that
has a specifically Tantric character. The correct translation of the term Hatha Yoga is “violent”
yoga and in no way the usual translation of the term as “physical” yoga. This Hatha Yoga is to
be understood as yoga of the power of the serpent, as kundalini-yoga, and is based on the
awakening of the primordial Shakti, latent in the Indo-European organism, and in its use for
liberation. (Non-whites may use these techniques to better understand and associate with
Indo-Europeans, but only racially pure Indo-Europeans can actually achieve the power. But this
achievement will then benefit all sentient beings.) Physical strengthening through physical
postures, breathing and sexual energy are considered as the only two roads that remain open to
man in the Kali-Yuga. They must be based on practice. Only practice can lead us to know.
As the diamond is hard and practically indestructible, as the lightening bolt is powerful and
irresistible, so the word vajra designates what is strong, permanent, indestructible, powerful and
irresistible. Vajra is immortal matter, red, hard like a diamond, immortalised and finally the
Vajra-rupa is the immortal body, of Vajra. In truth, this corresponds to resurrection and
materialization of the astral body, the Lingasarira. This is obtained in the Red Opus, the
Rubedo of the “Opus Alchimicum.”
The highest initiates in National Socialism would have awakened their latent abilities through
practice and the use of techniques aimed at superior developments, such as:
1) Hardening practices through physical exercises, gymnastics and yoga, such as breathing.
2) Thought control: Use of the mind in such a way that one can handle their thoughts and
visualise objects as if they were objects held within their bare hands.
3) Visualisation.
4) Astral projection.
5) Transcendental consciousness, etc.
The Diamond Way and Tantric Yoga help awaken and develop the nature and powers or latent
and “hidden” abilities in Aryan man: the astral body. Thus, according to this way,
Hyperborean knowledge is recovered, that is, making the two hemispheres of the brain work
together at the same time, since the “normal man” uses nothing more than the left, where the
mind and rational technology are located. Vril is that power or spiritual, magic organ the
Hyperboreans possess and that connects with all the universes and “parallel worlds,” with the
other dimensions. Hyperboreans once possessed them and through the Diamond Way modern
white Indo-European men can recover them, for the benefit of everyone.
Modern man generally knows only the use of his left brain, which is the rational mind, but the
initiate learns to balance his two cerebral hemispheres, becoming conscious and awake to the
right hemisphere that is of intuition and paranormal abilities.
According to the Royal Art of Alchemy, on the Path of Heroes three magic steps, or states, are
fulfilled: nigredo, albedo and rubedo:
1) Nigredo means dissolution. As the initiate awakens his hidden nature, he internally
produces a process of fall and dissolution or what is esoterically defined as “mystic death,”
where the “I” risks its demise. Here the unblocking of the subconscious is produced that is
symbolised in the “descent into hell” and is considered the most critical moment on the way of
the spirit. Carl G. Jung states that without taking this challenge there can not be a genuine
mystical experience, given that the goal of both ways, mystical and initiatic, is to achieve the
coincidentia oppositorum, the union of two contrary principles in a new unity, and this is only
possible “making the unconscious conscious and living it as if it were real.” At this stage, there
is the death of the old “I” (the lower self, purely physical and rational) and the initiate sees how
the old world crumbles before his eyes. It is a process equivalent to death, dissolution or
something also identified with the putrefaction of the old personality, which is peeling away in
so far as the nature of the initiate is transfigured. In the rocks of the Exsternsteine, in
Westphalia, a large open sarcophagus is found, where the initiates must pass a night, perhaps
nine nights like Wotan, to arise from there resurrected as Kristos. That was the culmination of
nigredo. The black magician king gives his gift to the newborn child.
2) Albedo. By persisting in practice, the initiatie is out of the maze gaining access to the
astral world into which he enters in ecstatic state. Kundalini has awakened, the Golden
Serpent, the Ajna Chakra, and already the Phrygian Cap may be worn, of Mithras. The cap of
Mithras, like the representation of snakes on the heads of Pharaohs, is a sign that the wearer has
awakened Kundalini. Now the “I” is retrieved, but as an incombustible soul able to preserve
itself through the change of states. The hero is truly an Aryan, reborn, a Twice-Born. He who
survives the nigredo is “saved from the waters.” The God is now conscious and able to
continue his march towards Hyperborea. In the albedo, the Aryan resurrected as white-man,
with his blood purified, must journey through the deserts of the Exodus, still heading towards
the White Pole, Thule, Hyperborea, to Asgard. He will return to the Gobi Desert. Now the
white magic king brings his present to the reborn boy, the Hero.
3) Rubedo. This is a “miracle” that makes one immune to death and will occur at the end of
a road, after wandering in the wilderness, through the albedo. In the legend of the Grail,
Parzival, fighting with the Red Knight with red armor, which is the “resurrection of the body” of
matter, now coated with a substance or immortal, incorruptible energy, “hard as diamond, red
as the ruby,” with the name vajra, in Sanskrit. Thus, it has risen with the body, and in the coffin
or “grave” no one is found, only a Sword. The “Double Born” has risen with his indestructible
body of red immortal vajra. He is taken up to heaven in a chariot engulfed in flames.
Therefore the Aryans burned their dead, in memory of this lost ability to dissolve corruptible
matter in an inner fire, in the alchemical magic of transfiguration. Also nothing remains of the
cadaver on the funeral pyre, but a body of immortal vajra has risen. In the red Opus, rubedo,
the Boy that was born as an embryo in the nigredo and grew during the albedo has reached
adulthood. In the engravings of the Philosophorum Rosarium, a small boy rises from the Bath
of the Lovers. He is the astral body, Rebis (of double nature) the Homunculus being born.
And, at the end, he is the King and Queen with one body. And he is also the Crowned
Androgyne. Total Man. Absolute Man and Woman. The Alchemist and his soror. The
Hero and his Valkyrie. Magic red king carrying his gift to the resurrected Hero: he is Vajra,
Incorruptible Matter. And the Hero, as Enoch, ascends to his own Universe, in the direction of
the Ultimate Flower in a Chariot of Fire, in a Vimana. He has mutated into a star, a Vimana.
All symbols of the Third Reich and its concentrated martial spirit, self-controlled, and action,
signal this “Shaivist Principle.” National Socialism, become the embodiment of this spirit, is a
concrete moment in history.
As we have seen, Tantric Yoga uses the power of sexual energy. In the Way of the Right Hand it
does so without sexual intercourse with their partner. In the Tantra of the Left Hand, generally,
this sexual act with the partner is only realised once. This act is called Maithuna, and consists
in reactivating and recreating the chakras. This can open the third eye, inner vision and
achieve immortality, all together. As one can see, this is a sexual act that has nothing to do, not
for the priests who perform it, nor by its form, nor by the objective pursued, with the sexuality
of contemporary men. Through canalisation, the domination and transmutation of sexual
energy, mutation into the Superman and Absolute Personality is achieved.
Where modern man comes with anxiety and vice for the sexual desire that dominates and
degrades him and causes him to lose his dignity and will, the Tantric initiate works with and
strengthens his body-mind, his will, affirming himself above his own sexual desire, becoming the
Lord of himself. In this way, through magic love, he develops and learns to channel his own
sexual energy. There are initiatic exercises and tests that stimulate sexual desire for the Tantric
pair, but without ejaculating, that is, without allowing the sexual energy to be lost. This
dominion and accumulation of sexual power, efficiently canalised through physical exercises
(asanas) and breathing (prahnayana), will produce, as we have indicated, the Kundalini to
awaken, which as it develops and rises offers the initiate ecstatic states that permit him to access
and live in superior states of consciousness.
“Esoteric Hitlerism,” about which Miguel Serrano speaks to us, developed this approach in his
initiation to overcome the opposed pairs, achieving the creation of the astral body and
individuation, totality and the alchemical androgyne. In Wewelsburg Castle, Westphalia, the
innermost circle of the S.S. was initiated into this way. There, in that magically built room, they
developed anti-gravitational science, according to a numeral science and Hyperborean Aryan
mathematics, and there the S.S. achieved the disintegration of their physical bodies materialising
their Astral Body, the Eidelon, Lingasarira. But only very few and in the greatest secrecy.