Traitors in Our Midst
Traitors in Our Midst
Traitors in Our Midst
PRISONER #04565-059
RESTORED ASSEMBLY OF ELOHIM®. It is made possible by the voluntary, freely given tithes and offerings
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Greetings, Senator! I'm sure you'll be surprised to receive this letter and your first concern will no doubt be
why I'm even bothering to write.
The reasons are several. I have heard over the past few years that you have exhibited some interest
concerning our case. Just what that interest is, I don't know. Some have suggested that there may be some sympathy
on your part toward the tragic and completely unjust conclusion of our trial and other matters. I will assume that it
may be possible, as I am aware of some of the efforts of your father to curtail the aggressive and exploitative
powers to deigning to destroy American sovereignty and dissolve Western civilization.
Your record – from the standpoint of an American patriot – is not very impressive. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate
to say that in another age, you, along with the majority of our so-called statesmen, would no doubt have been
lynched long ago for your part(s) in infringing upon our destiny, which should and could have been unsurpassed in
I am not politically naive and as such must conclude that your many years of political activities – successful,
I might add, in relation to the powers that have usurped control of our destiny – leaves you without excuse for your
role in our demise.
Yet, I doubt you are a happy man and content with the realization of what you and your ambitious peers have
wrought upon us. I'm sure as well, that you do see the impoverishing burden you have either helped to keep upon
the shoulders of our children, or you have aided and abetted in by willingly closing your eyes to, as was no doubt
the politically expedient thing for you to do, as far as your self-interest was concerned.
Yet, surely you must occasionally hear the cry of your own soul when looking at the world today and
tomorrow and knowing that our people and culture have passed from life into death. It was not a natural death – this
you well know – but a death committed by an insidious power that harnessed the minds of ambitious and
unprincipled men. You have been among them.
No doubt what I have said has infuriated you. That is not my intention at all. However, if my words have
offended you, it is only because they are true.
For many years – under the guidance of my father – I have found myself puzzled many a time over the
contrary actions of our political leaders. Their brazen efforts to destabilize our nationalism disturbed me greatly at
an early age.
The Constitution of the United States was a part of my childhood. My father gave a copy to me when I was
around age twelve. Contrary to most Americans, I both read and studied the document and the history surrounding
it. And over the years, I have pursued that study and have read the wisdom of the creators of this Republic.
Naturally, as my father had been involved with numerous nationalist and constitutional organizations and
movements for longer than I can remember, numerous subjects concerning American politics (even world politics)
and American history through to our present have interested me, as well as baffled me.
As you know, my father opposed the “income tax” since the last 60's and had been with the anti-communist
movement long before. He opposed the policy of integration/mongrelization of America and her 'building race'.
His research – which consisted of several decades' study and included first-hand information obtained from
congressmen, senators, FBI agents, among other sources – concluded in realization that the hard turn toward
socialism in America was not a matter of bio-political evolution, as it was intense manipulation.
He became acutely aware of the involvement of Freemasonry in politics, as well as in education, religion
and numerous other organizations linked directly to the social life of the nation.
You are no stranger to Masonry. In fact, being a Mason, you are well aware of the effect masonry has had
upon our destiny. My question to you is – are you content seeing the quality of life, the destiny that should have
been ours, sacrificed upon this altar of international egalitarian socialism? To see our great cities swarm with
elements whose nature is destructive toward quality of life? To know our blood is not reproducing itself and is
gradually dissolved into a pool that holds no hope to a future?
Even many Masons that I know are disillusioned with the conclusions of this “great experiment”.
There is a great polarization in America and this is also quite evident in Europe as well. This is a “re-action”
toward the efforts of manipulation over the past century, and particularly over the past 50 years.
Rumor indicates that there may be a split among these powerful forces; that this split is between the
ideologists of internationalism and those of a reform nationalism. Various new trends and this unusual polarization
appear to at least offer a bit of credibility to such rumor. However, I remain unconvinced.
Due to the applause of various well-known internationalists and their public mediums, I feel that the West is
under a very well prepared and ingeniously orchestrated program to rid us of our drive towards nationalism once
and for all. One day we shall know.
I do know that through 1983 – the year of our incident, trial and death of my father – these forces were
intensely against American nationalism.
Our incident – rather the confrontation and “shootout” we had with the U.S. Marshals in North Dakota – was
in reality a product of my father's opposition to this campaign to wreck America from within.
You know we were trying to organize the farmers into a force that could defeat this sytematic liquidation of
the agrarian backbone of our nation.
You also know that for those many years my father tried desperately to make Americans understand how the
income tax was being used as a fund to build international socialism and to destory the pillars of Western
You damned well know that the reason those Marshals were there in Medina that day didn't have the
slightest relation to this asinine theory that “Gordon Kahl had a probation misdemeanor violation and the marshals
were merely trying to arrest him.”
He had already completed more penalty on the sentence Judge Suttle gave him before the so-called
“violation” occurred than the law allowed! What could they possibly do with him once arrested? And to consider
that this Judge (Suttle) placed a million-dollar cash bnd on a man for a misdemeanor, rather than the “violation” of a
misdemeanor probation stemming from a sentence five years old is more than enough to consider an alternative to
the government's and media's desperate explanation.
I knew when I was arraigned while in the hospital in Jamestown that when Magistrate William Hill, U.S.
Attorney Rodney Webb (now federal judge) and the U.S. Marshal who accompanied them all walked into my room
sporting their Masonic rings, that we were up against a force that we had no real ability to contend with.
Then to find that the Chief U.S. Marshal Muir who had ben killed in the incident was also a “brother” and
that Judge Benson was not only a high-degree Mason, but a close friend and “political god-father” to Muir, I knew
what the outcome of this thing the media called a “trial” was to be.
U.S. Attorney Lynn Crooks showed up along with Special Agent Ken Aldrich, both of whom were also
This portion of the facts surrounding our case went entirely unnoticed by the public. Not surprisingly, since
for all practical purposes the public really has no idea of the power and influence of this enourmous secret society.
Our history books are for all practical purposes completely void of the relationship of Masonry to American
(European and World) politics and history.
Was I surprised when Crooks motioned the court to forbid us to bring into our defense our political and
religious views, which in essence was our defence? Not at all! Neither was I surprised when Benson gave a positive
ruling on that motion. Then very neatly Benson placed a “gag order” against us so we could not speak to the public.
Are there no limits to the onds of the “Brotherhood”?
At the close of the trial (sic) was I surprised to see Crooks stand facing his “brother” Benson with his feet on
“the square”, his right hand perpendicular to his body with palm down rotating his Masonic ring clock-wise with
this left hand? No, indeed, I was not!
Did that jury of completely ignorant and naive comon fold (excepting the 32 degree Mason I deliberately left
on that jury) have any idea of what had actually taken place? In fact, they never knew! To their simplistic minds,
they actually thought they were making decisions themselves. And it's true, they “made” their decisions, yet sadly,
we were never allowed to offer our defense.
Strange, is it not, that the courts make us swear to 'tell the truth, the whole truth' and then forbid us to do so –
all in the same breath?!
Of course, I did my share of damage to us by challenging Benson as a Mason before trial. A federal jedge – a
high degree Mason – told someone relatively close to us, that had we not brought up that issue, we would not have
been convicted, at least not on the murder charges.
I acknowledge my aggressive action in that matter as a mistake; hindsight rewards us if we measure.
Not that I feel I was entirely wrong, but granted that my perspective was a bit off and that action itself was
naive, if not stupid.
Realizing that some of our best blood have joined the ranks on Masonry, I found in my perspective a
troubling dilemma. Can our best blood – our finest intellectuals – be knowingly killing our culture and great
heritage? After long and exceeding study Iv'e been forced to conclude that many of these men never realized the
irrepairable damage they were doing. I found that many of them had sincerely adopted the dogmatic teachings of
internationalism – or as Masonry prefers to call “Universalism”.
I have also realized that there are indeed men among Masonry who are so corrupt, so treacherous, for the
sake of money, power, prestige, etc..., that they have wormed their way into top positions throughout the order (and
consequently throughout governmental and social positions), and as a consequence have guided our nation (and
Western Culture) to the brink of total disaster.
You no doubt know, or have heard the motto of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite – Ordero ab Chao. When
we observe that Masonry has guided the world (especially the West) into a state of chaos, meanwhile building their
one-world government to be the “savior” from this same state of chaos they have designed, we understand the true
meaning of that motto.
To save arguing the issue, I will simply quote your famous “Grand Sovereign Commander of Scottish Rite
Masonry” Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma (of which I'm sure you have a copy.)
“The blind force of the people is a force that must be economized, and also managed”
“To attack the citadels built up on all sides... The force must have a brain and a law”
“When all these forces are combined... The great revolution prepared for by the ages will begin to march”
It has indeed been “marching” and the “citadels” of our culture to a great extent have already been damaged
under this “attack” to the point that the future looks almost hopeless.
But the real enemy in this plot is that external enemy who has, throughout the annals of history, been the
great parasite and destroyer to all the high cultures – the Jew!
Yet, when we observe the unfolding of the plot, it becomes thoroughly clear that Masonry has been the
conduit through which this “revolution prepared for by the ages” has manifested itself into reality.
Those treasonous acts of our Congress – the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment – both passed in
1913 (the same year Masonry self-admittedly plotted the murder of the Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand to
begin the first of a series of wars and revolutions to destroy Western Nationalism) represented the beginning of the
end of America as a Western nation.
The finances, secured through the income tax, served to finance the “great revolutionary machinery” (amd
this the independent sovereignty) of American nationalism.
Having read so many writings by Masonic authors – writings written for the “Craft” - I noticed the
importance that is stresed on “symbolism”. On the front side of the “Great Seal of the United States” we see the
“out-stretched eagle”, as on the U.S. One-dollar bill. Manly P. Hall, the renoun 33 degree Mason and author of a
number of books written exclusivily for the “Craft” has partially revealed the meanings of this seal. One thing is
clear – Masonry designed the seal and is itself represented by the eagle with the “outstretched wings”, the
breastplate with 13 bars or stripes, the olive branch with 13 leaves in the right talon and the 13 arows in the left
talon. I don't feel it necessary to explan the meaning of these specifics at this point, but I do want to point out the
most signifigant detail of the seal, because within it lies the 'key” to the developments concerning our Western
The “key” is the “six-pointed star” which stands above the head of the eagle. (I realized that in fact this was
orginally no eagle, but a Phoenix. That for reasons expedient to Masonry it was altered to an eagle shortly after the
turn of the 20th century. This date can be found in Manly P. Hall's “Secret Teachings of All Ages”, published
originally and exclusively for 500 Masonic Lodges.)
Its meaning is really self-explanatory. Masonry is guided and directed by Jewry. The rays of light emanating
from these inter-faced triangles represent the “enlightenment” or wisdom of Jewry, and between these two powers,
upon the universe. And not to forget that the “left talon” with its 13 arrows is there to “enforce” this “Jewish
enlightenment” upon those “nations going into darkness” (as Jewry has declared), meaning those unwilling to
abandon their race, religion or traditional nationalistic pillars – the “citadels built up on all sides”.
Ronald Reagan, when President of the United States, gave a spech to the B'nai B'rith – the highest order of
exclusively Jewish Masonry, his closing statement of that Spetember 6, 1984, speech did not go unnoticed by me.
The entire speech demonstrated Reagan's total and unwavering submission to Jewry, but his closing statement was
most revealing to the intitiated -
“For make no mistake – in a world where so many are hostile to freedom, where millions live in pverty and
oppression, those few nations who share the light of liberty must stand together. If we do not, we take the awful
chance that the darkness will overwhelm is one by one. But standing together, we can pierce the darkness and shed
our light over all the earth.”
Oh, that infamous “light of liberty”! Where have we seen that “light” of Jewish Masonry before? We saw it
bring forth its fruit in France in 1789, as it undermined French nationalism through murder and chaos. We saw it
unleashed in Russia, after failed attempts, in the Jewish Bolshevic revolution when it “pierced the darkness” with its
murderous sword. In fact, we have seen it, and see it today in the form of numerous anti-national revolutions and
wars around the entire globe.
Do you doubt that Masonry is directed and controlled by jewry? I believe you realize this, but to satisfy you
that this is an unchallengable fact, I will merely quote from those in the high ranks of this powerful empire -
“Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe, and choose
their successors from among themselves.” (Walter Rathenau, 1909; head of the German General Electric Co.; a Jew,
and one of the 300.)
“The meaning of history of the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers, all Master of Lodges, rule the
world.” Jean Izoulet, 1929; prominent member of the Jewish Alliance Israelite Universalle.)
“At the head of all those secret societies which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be
found.” (Jeiwsh Prime Minister of England Benjamin Disraeli in his “The Life of George Bentick.)
Most importantly, the following reveals the true and final objective of the political progress of this “great
revolution prepared for by the ages”, as well as the significance of the symbolism of the “Great Seal”-
“It concerns less a struggle for the interest of humanity than a struggle for the interest and domination of Judaism
(World Jewry). And in that struggle Judaism reveals itself as the dominant power to which Freemasonry must
yield.” (Jewish author Findel in his Die Juden als Freimaurer”).
And indeed Freemasonry does yield! If of course you would like more documentation on the matter, rest
assured I have done my homework and would be more than happy to send you what seems to be virtually endless
evidence. (For the purpose of this letter however) I feel that I have made my point on that particular matter. I must
go on into the depths of the abyss.
Were you surprised at the recent “revelation” that Eisenhower deliberately starved to death over a million
German soldiers after they had disarmed themselves and surrendered? Not long ago, the Soviets revealed that good
ole “Uncle Joe” Stalin – America's “ally” in the “War to make the world safe for Democracy” - killed 48 millions of
Russian, Ukranian and other Eastern European people. Did that surprise you? Or did you know these things all
Yet, even as these “atrocities” are admitted, do our Statesmen demand “justice” in these matters? Or are they
still too busy with their “campaigns” against such “tyrannies” as that “evil white imperium” South Africa? Or
maybe the great “drug war” takes precedence over the murder of hapless millions – after all, they were only white
White Nationalists! Are there any white nationalists anywhere in the world who have not suffered under the
banner of Jewish Masonry?
Many whotes don't understand this strange campaign against “White Nationalism”. Especially so since our
leading representatives are in the forefront – along with that “eternal enemy” of high culture I mentioned earlier – of
this crusade to elevate the minorities (those non-white minorities that is) and pull down the race who gave to us life
and culture as we know and enjoy it.
Black consciousness, which is rapidly turning into “Black nationalism”, is a favorite of our Jewish liberal
press. Our represntatives – on that Jewish leash – cater to this demise of our own racial imperative and support the
growing forces against us.
White nationalism – the basis upon which all of Western Civilization owes its existence and its duties is
being killed. The killers are primarily and respectively Jewry and Masonry. Realizing, of course, that our people
having adopted this materialistic way of life has been a grave determining factor to this escalating sickness within
us, nonetheless, it was the duty of our political and religious leaders to us from these overwhelming “viruses” of
human nature. In fact, they have done the opposite. They have supported and encouraged this “live for today – dog
eat dog” way of life. They have encouraged that “Blind Force of the people: to consume itself, as well as to feed the
means of other forces – equally blind – to eat up, throuogh varying methods, the very pillars of our Western life –
those “citadels built up on all sides”.
For the most part it has been a “war of attrition”, but a very real and definable war nonetheless.
The killing of all those millions of European Nationalists was only a part of it. The infusion of alien blood
into our Western culture is the most crucial, because it destroys forever.
We can build and re-build forever, so long as the soul, which emenates from the blood, remains. But as we
know from the anals of history, no nation ever returned from the death caused bu destruction, through misegenation,
of its founding blood.
Our educational system – which by the way began in America as part of the function and duties of our
Christian churches, specifically to teach morals, duty and honor – has been completely undermined.
In 1954 the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION struck a fatal
blow upon our educational system. That blow was dealt against us by none other than the hand of Masonry. Eight of
the nine justices that betrayed their people in that decision were publicly known Masons. The “non-Mason” was the
“super Jew” Felix Frankfurter! (Frankfurter was publicly known as the mastermind of the “New Deal”, an ardent
communist as is evidenced by his many rulings and opinions attacking the Constitution and the founding fathers and
was called a “Bolshevic” by none other than Theodore Roosevelt.)
The product of that fatal attack against America and her building race is too great to measure!
Yet, through the years there has been a resistance to this underminding of our people, our culture and our
My father resisted. He died a violent death at the hands of the U.S. Marshal under the comand of the Jew,
Howard Safir, head of all U.S. Marshal field operations, whose parents slithered into America from Russia.
George Lincoln Rockwell resisted, and was assassinated and the culprits, undoubtedly Jews, managed to
escape justice.
Ezra Pound resisted. He tried to stop jewish forced World War II – the war brought about with the objective
of destroying European nationalism. He was imprisoned for what – 13 years with no trial! Again American
jurisprudence was “overruled” by Jewish jurisprudence.
Huey Long, one of the most gifted American statesmen, was murdered by the Jew, Weiss, in the state captial
of Louisiana.
Joe McCarthy resisted and mysteriously died shortly after giving a speech revealing that he found masonry
the culprit to the destruction of America.
General George S. Patton, Jr., after realizing he had served the whim of a powerful alien force and had
“fought the wrong enemy” was conveniently run over by a truck.
General Douglas MacArthur resisted when it finally dawned on him that our (sic) government had betrayed
him, is soldiers and America. And he was a 33rd degree Mason and had been loyal to the “Craft” his entire career!
He was “retired”, because he would not knowingly betray his country. Not a “good Mason”?
Larry McDonald, a unique statesman in our day, defied the powers that rule America and was killed along
with other Americans on Korean flight 007 – a flight that Richard Nixon was mysteriously removed from enroute to
South Korea.
The list is endless. Surely you know these things. You have no right to plead 'ignorance'.
All of the above were true patriots and true Nationalists. In fact, the terms are entirely interchangeable.
Did you vote for the Genocide Treaty? The treaty of ultimate treason, which your father patriotically
According to government statistics a minimum of 500 white women are brutally raped – and sometimes
murdered – every week in America by non-whites. Criminal investigators, however, say that the number could well
be as high as 3500 per week, as 6 of every 7 rape victims don't report the crime.
I don't see any reaction from you or your peers to prevent these aggressive acts upon our defensless women
by these alien races. Do you therefore support them? Are you “aiding and abetting” by your silence?
Could it be you are cowards? Or is it just that you don't give a damn? Afraid to be called a “racist” maybe?
Forbes' Magazine in its June 1, 1987, issue states:
“ contemporary politics any hint of racism is a live rail issue, sudden death to anyone maneuvered into
contact with it.”
It should have said “white racism” (which is “white nationalism”), as that is what it obviously meant. Quite a
“warning” at any rate.
When the “desegregation” of America began in 1954, it was supported whole-heartedly by the entire
judiciary system. Even justice Hugo Black, a renown member of the Ku Klux Klan, voted with his brother Masons
in that decision. His bond to the Brotherhood was obviously greater than his bond to his blood, his oath to the Klan
and his oath of public office. The one oath apparently superceded all others!
In fact, the same thing occurs daily among the memebers of the Brotherhood, having taken their oaths to
“uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic”, they
nonetheless, do just the opposite – they aid and abet both our enemies, foreign and domestic! Their “obligations to
the lodge” obviously are far more binding than their oath to their country and people.
I have these oaths and have confirmed them with members of the order.
Are you aware, Senator, that after the Bolshevics took control of Russia that they “liquidated” the non-Jew
Masons who prepared the country for overthrow? After all, who would trust a traitor?
Masonry was imported into Russia from France and two Major lodges – the Northern Star and the Southern
Star -were instituted. Numerous secret societies were organized under the umbrella of Masonry and the “revolution
began to march”. The “light of liberty” went to work undermining the pillars of Russian society. “Liberty, equality,
fraternity” - the battlecry of Jewish Masonry – gathered the “blind force of the masses” and trampled a great and
growing culture.
It is true, as you well know, that the masses always degenerate when given ulimited “freedom”. The masses
know not moderation, thus become easy prey once their “freedom” is exhausted. Their over-indulgence in every
luxury, reachable by their greedy and insatiable urges, destroys any ruggedness and strength of spirit they may have
had. This is merely the nature of man. I see this daily among this sewer of our “democracy”. “Give them” and they
react with abuse and drown themselves.
And such was the case in Russia. The “self-interest” of the masses was aroused against the interests of the
nation and its furture. When this intoxication of self-interest – engaged through the false dreams of “Socialism”
(The “take from the haves” ideal) – wore off, the “blind masses” found themselves dressed in chains.
The Freemasons – at least those non-Jewish idealists – who conspired with the Jews, were slaughtered by the
Bolshevic regime. The “bonds of Brotherhood” sounded like a nice ideal, but political reality is an entirely different
matter. They were used – as they have been and are being used today in America and Europe – in Russia, as been
and are being used today in America and Europe – in Russia, as ideological mercenaries, and then terminated to
insure that the new Jewish/Bolshevic/Communist government could not be overthrown by them, once they would
realize that the product was not what they were promised.
The plan of centuries is still being carried out. Freemasonry is the machinery that is destroying our Western
nations. At the turn of the century a document called the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” made its way to
England. This document has never been challenged as to the strategy outlined within it. In fact, many Western
intellects have declared the sibstance itself provable by mere political and historical unfoldings of more than the
past century. Jewry has declared it “forgery”. Mouthpieces on the “Jewish leash” have reiterated the cry of
“forgery”. Nonetheless, it is completely consistent with histroy prior to its unveiling, and if possible, even more so
throughout this century. I would like to point out some of these consistencies:
“We shall create and multiply Freemasonic lodges in all countries of the world, absorb into them all who
may become or are prominent in public activity, for in these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office
and means of influence. All these lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known to us alone, which
will be composed of our Learned Elders. The Lodges will have their representatives, who will serve to screen the
abovementioned administration of Masonry and from whom will issue the watchword and program... Their
composition shall be made up of all strata of society.
….It is natural that we and no other should lead Masonic activities, for we know whether we are leading, we know
the final goal of every form of activity, whereas they have knowledge of nothing”. (Protocol XV).
What important field of society has not been completely filled with Masons? There are none! The same
“drive” can be witnessed from every pillar of our civilization.
Do you believe in and consent to this “New World Order” of international socialism that is being built up
around us? The mortar used in the bricks of this “one-worldness” (as David Rockefeller frequently refers to it) is
being built with the blood of our people. And it will consume every last drop of our blood – the blood of the Aryan
– to set the cornerstone!
What is really happening in Eastern Europe today, Senator? Is it truly a resurgence of nationalism that we
see? Or is the unbroken spirit of nationalism, among our Eastern European brothers, merely being used as a means
of reharnessing the exploitative powers of Jewry with a new binding?
Recently, I was listening to a radio talk show host who was interviewing a representative from the Soviet
Union. Two comments in particular struck me hard. When asked what “they” were driving for in Eastern Europe,
the Soviet representative defined it as “Democratic Socialism”. The second interesting issue entered when the host
asked the Soviet if it was true that private property was to be permitted. His reply was “not exactly”. He went on to
explain that in fact the idea was to enroll these people in “cooperatives” and trhough them they would be allowed
certain properties. In other words, private property would be “licensable” and therefore revokable at the discretion
of the State.
“Social Democracy” - what does this mean? Since 1933, we have driven toward this same goal – have we
It is obvious that this international financial system is eager to enter Eastern Europe to exploit. David
Rockefeller has his Chase Bank established in Moscow (since 1972) at #1 Karl Marx Square. Coincidence? The
world famous Jewish bankers and industrialists have forever had an open road to the communist world. And now
these financiers are excited over the prospective markets openeing up in these economically disposed nations.
But I see nothing about this maneuver that surprises me. I can see so clearly in my mind that “Great Seal” of
“Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New World Order) with the 13 arrows in the left talon, and the 13 leaves of the olive
branch – which has always been symbolic of wealth throughout recorded history – in the right talon. Both under the
six-pointed star of World Jewry!
I will return to this goal of “Social Democracy” shortly. First I'd like to demonstrate the meaning of the two
“talons” of this Jew/Masonic eagle (Phoenix).
The “left” talon we've already discussed – it is the political/military and revolutionary arm of the
Jew/Masonic “New World Order”. The weapons of war being held by the “left” talon has it's own obvious
significance. The “right” talon, as I mentioned above, is the wealth, the financial/economic system of the “New
World Order.” Financial Capitalism.
Both of these powers are extensions of the “eagle” (Phoenix) which represents Masonry. Yes, as you know,
both the military (the final instrument of politics) and this international financial system, although dominated,
directed and ultimately controlled by Jewry, are nonetheless, part of the Maosnic web.
I will get to the history of Masonry's involvement with international banking before I close this letter!
The point in question – i.e. the control of both money (Capitalism) and politics (war and revolutionary
machinery) being in the hands of Jewry can be demonstrated by the following unimpeachable sources:
“Jewish elements provide the driving power for both Capitalism and Communism.” (Dr. Oscar Levy in the preface
to the book “The World Signifigance of the Russian Revolution”, by George Pitt-Rivers, 1920.)
“There is a conspiracy against all nations. It occupies everywhere the avenues of power – the double assault of
Jewish Revolution and Jewish Finance.” (From the Jew, Rene Groos in the French weekly “La Vieille France”).
“Capitalism was born from the money loan. The Jews made an art of lending money. They were taught early to look
for their chirf happiness in the possessions of money. They fathomed all the secrets that lay hid in money. They
became Lords of Money and Lords of the World.” (Prof. Werner Sombart in his “Jews and Modern Capitalism”).
“The Jews evolved organized capitalism with its work-instrumen tality, the banking system.” (The American
Hebrew, Sept. 20, 1920).
“Our race has given the world a new prophet. He has two faces and two names. On the one side his name is
Rothschild (Red Shield), leader of the Capitalists; on the other Karl Marx (Communist).” (Blumenthal, Jewish
editor in “Judisk Tidskrift”. Sweden, 1929, Issue No. 57).
Need I bother Warburg and his “Federal Reserve, Schiff and his millions sent to the Bolsheviks to finance
the slaughter of our Russian brothers? Need I write the historical development of the strangling monopoly of
Jewish banking of the West? To assure that I CAN, if called upon to do so, I will give you a brief example from the
Jewish Encyclopdia (Vol. X. pp. 496-497, 1905):
“The Rothschilds were not, however, without competitors in the issue of public loans. Other Jewish families – the
Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, and Seligmans – adopted the Rothschild plan of establishing branches in European
capitals, each headed up by a brother, and after 1848 the governments of Europe adopted the plan of throwing loans
open to the public instead of resorting to one or two canking firms like the Rothschilds. In this way, the Sterns
secured the Chief Portugese loans, while a number of smaller Jewish firms began to combine their resources and
formed limited liability companies like Credit Mobilier, the Dresdener Bank, and the Deutsche Reichbank of
And thus the net of Jewish finance spread over the West. Because of the intense suspicions against Jewry
throughout the West, it was absolutely expedient to hide much of their political and economic enterprises under a
cloak. That cloak has primarily been Freemasonry and its numerous underlying societies.
At one time the great power of finance was headquartered in Paris. Through the Middle Ages it was
controlled almost exclusively by the Knight Templars. The role of the Knights Templars is of major importance to
understanding the histroy of Eurpoe since the time of the Crusades. Even though I believe that the Templars were
organized as a political unit of Jewry (a non-Jewish vanguard and extension of the “Order of Zion”, a super-secret
order of Jewish Gnosticism) this letter is not the place to direct that theme. I am only concerned with pointing out
the historical facts that are without question.
Imagine a time when Kings ruled. A King, sovereign of a nation, undisputed leader and defender of a people
and empire. Can we also imagine that a King would hand over to a group of people a “license” to undermine to his
empire? Can we imagine the King of a great empire granting the power to another to print money at will and to
utilize that money to undermine his economy and bankrupt his people and to “buy out” his empire?
It certainly sounds absurd – doesn't it? Yet, it remains a historical fact that shortly after William of Orange
secured the Throne of England, he did issue to “William Peterson and his friends” the charter to the Bank of
England, which stated in part that these “stockholders” were granted the “benefit of all monies it (the Bank of
England) created out of nothing.”
Carroll Quigley, member of the DFR, had written a voluminous book entitled “Tragedy and Hope”. This is a
several decades' study of the “history of our time”. No, he doesn't mention Freemasonry directly and mentions Jewy
only with great care. He does, however, bodly proclaim certain political and economic developments and their value
to world history. Significantly, he does point out that:
“...The Founding of the Bank of England by William Peterson and his friends in 1694 is one of the great
dates in world history”. (p. 48).
He goes on to state – equally significant – the long-range designs of the conspiratorial scheme by noting:
“...The powers of financial Capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of
financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the
world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudal fashion by the central banks of the world acting in
concert, by secret meetings arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”
Are you aware that the Bank of England is situated in “The City”, 677 acres in old London. This “City” also
houses the headquarters of numerous other international enterprises as well as Freemasonry's “Grand Lodge” -
sometimes called the “Mother Lodge of England”.
By 1721, the Bank of England was rapidly being “bought out” by numerous Portugese and Spanish Jews,
and in 1812, the Rothschilds began their great “buying up” of stock of all franchises being thrown on the market
due to the Napoleonic War.
Before the 19th century had passed France had lost her financial power to the Rothschilds. In face, in 1876
the desperate French nobility tried in vain to counter the growing threat of a Jewish financial monopoly.
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol X) states:
“Meanwhile the Nationalist and Reactionary parties in France desired to counter-balance the 'Semetic' influence of
the Rothschilds by establishing a banking concern which should be essentially Catholic. Acordingly, in 1876 the
Union Generale was founder... After various vicissitudes the Union failed, and brought many of the Catholic
nobility of France to ruin, leaving the Rothchilds still more absolutely the undisputed leaders of French finance.”
Thus we find both France and England – the two leading European nations – economically chained by the
But back to “the City”. At the close of WWII – the “war to make the world safe for DEMOCRACY” - E.C.
Knuth published a book entitled “Empire of the 'City'”. A facscinating and incredibly well-documented book on the
powerful and influential Cabal headquartered in this tiny section of old London. He states:
“This international oligarch uses the allegoric 'Crown' as its symbol of power and has its headquarters in the
ancient city of London, an area of 677 acres, which strangely in all the vast expanse of the 443,455 acres of
Metropolitan London alone is not under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police, but has its own private force of
about 2000 men, while its right population is under 9000.”
“This tiny area of a little over one square mile has in it the giant Bank of England, a privately owned institution;
which as is further elaborated hereinafter is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and is in effect a
sovereign world power. Within the City are located also the Stock Exchange and many institutions of world-wide
scope.” (p. 59-60).
Sounds incredibly similar to the Federal Reserve system imported by the Jew Paul Warburg to America
straight from the House of Rothschild – no?
In 1984 Stephen Knight published a book entitled “The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons”.
It became a best seller in England, even though Masonry ordered the suppression of the book. Mr. Knight did some
excellent research and came close in several areas to finding the whole truth, but he did fail in unveiling the whole
picture. Nonetheless, his intense research did reveal a great deal. He pointed out that:
“Banking is another stronghold of Freemasonry in the world of business.”
and that:
“The Bank of England is rife with Masons and has its own Lodge.” (p. 135).
“The Royal Exchange, the Corn Exchange, the Baltic Exchange, the Bank of England, the Merchant banks, the
insurance companies, the Merchantile houses, the Old Bailey, the inns of Court, the Guildhall, the schools and
colleges, the ancient markets, all of them have Freemasons in significant positions. Among the institutions with
their own Lodges are (among others – my note)... the bank of England (Bank of England Lodge No. 263)...”
On page 44, Mr. Knight makes an important statement which, after you read it, I suggest you reflect on the
quote I cited from the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. He says:
“The Supreme Council in London is one of many Supreme Councils in various parts of the globe, of which the
senior is the Supreme Council of Charleston, U.S.A., which effectively operates a world-wide network of
Freemasons in the most powerful positions in the executive, legislative, judiciary and armed forces as well as the
industry, commerce and professions of many nations.”
The sum-total of this documentation is that there is in fact an immeasurable Jew/Masonic network that
guides and controls, if not all nations of the world – politically and economically, at least the Western nations.
It is clear that this network is inter-national – more property “extra-national” - and has its own political and
economic imperatives that can be measured by effect over the past century (if not for a considerably longer period).
“One Worldness” is the goal according to David Rockefeller. (read any of the official reports of the
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, if you doubt.)
“Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New World Order) we find mysteriously glaring at us from the reverse side of the
“Great Seal of the United States” - admitted to be the symbolized artwork of Masonry.
We have seen numerous extra-national world institutions arising around us for the past century. We have our
“World Bank”, our “International Monetary Fund”, our “United Nations” and many other pillars of this “New World
Order” gradually usurping control over our destinies, and liquidating national sovereignties as they grow.
We've seen the deliberate influx of elements contrary to our culture being infused into our Western nations.
This plot is of Jewish origin and is driving forth toward that Jewish goal – Jewish dominion of the world.
Nationalism – especially white European nationalism – must be thrown down and destroyed before this
“One Worldness” can be fully achieved.
Through the arousal of the masses against their respective governments and traditional cultural orders;
through implanting alien forces with political prowess to rampage through our nations against our own people and
institutions; through the campaign of forcing our white middle-classes to fun and feed the non-white non-productive
world, the world which proposes to overrun and disposses us. - this is the true “progress” of DEMOCRACY!
Democracy in practice is at the bottom of the march against nationalism, and nationalism is the greatest
enemy of this extra – and anti-national Jew/Masonic hydra.
A resolution by the Central Conference of American Rabbis called for “a thoroughly Socialized Democracy”
for America. (printed in the New York Times, Sept. 13, 1936).
This was in fact the program of Roosevelt's (a 32 degree Mason) New Deal. The Socialization of America
through Democracy!
Note the following:
“The present program of palliative relief must give way to a program of fundamental reconstruction. American
Democracy must be socialized by subjecting industrial production and distribution to the will of the Peoples'
Congress. The first step is to abolish the Federal veto and to enlarge the expres powers of National Government
through immediate constitutional amendment. A gradual march in the direction of socialism will follow.”
And who said that – Karl Marx? No. It was one of his fellow tribesmen, Rabbi Victor Eppstein, graduate of
the Jewish Institute of Religion, who said those words in 1937. He followed that statement with this:
“At the same time, energetic measures must be adopted to prevent the inevitable reactionary attempt to overthrow
democracy. In America, let it be by systematically removing from Key positions in Army and National Guard all
officers whose loyalty to the United States has been proven.'
“What stands in our way everywhere in the world is Modern Nationalism. That is our chief enemy.”
The renown Rabbi Stephen S. Wise bodly proclaimed (from the New York Times of June 13, 1938):
“I am not an American citizen of Jewish faith! I am a Jew! I have been a Jew for 4000 years! Hitler was right – we
are a people! The object of the American Jewish Congress is to defend Jewish rights at home and abroad, of all Jews
– and to defend American Democracy!”
In a letter from the Jew Oscar Levy, July, 1920, from London to the Author of “The Significance of the
Russian Revolution,” Levy stated in perplexity:
“Now, Democracy pretends to proclaim everybody free and equal. It was therefore bound to destroy the bond
between master and servant; and it replaced it by the bond of wages and salaries. Democracy, as we all know,
abolished slavery – the natural slavery in which the master took an interest in his slaves because they were part of
his most valuable property. But it reintroduced it in the form of wage tyranny – by means of which the 'freed' serf
could be freely exploited. Thus ended the glorious liberty principle of reformation and the revolution – the finest
theory that has ever been invented for the most miserable of practices that have ever defiled this world. No doubt
the Jews were responsible for this, because they are the spiritual fathers of Democracy.”
On Nov. 30, 1928, the “Citizen Training Manual” (TM-2000-25 of the War Dept. of the United States) was
issued. The compilers of the manual stated:
“Democracy is a government of the Masses; authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of 'direct'
expression results in mobocracy; attitude toward property is communist – negating property rights' attitude toward
law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion,
prejudice and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences; results in demagogism, license, agitation,
discontent, anarchy. In practice... our form of government... is that of self-government by representation which is
the golden mean between autocracy and democracy.”
“The American Philosophy of Government emphasizes that the Government of the United States is not a
Democracy but a Republic.”
“We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last
generation of white children is now being born. Our control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping
out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the
dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white
means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.”
He further added that Jewry would end up as Master of the world and:
“To convince you of that leadership, let me point out to you how we have turned all of the inventions of the white
man into weapons against him. His printing presses and radios are the mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy
industry manufacture the instruments which he sends out to arm Asia and Africs against him.”
No, I can assure you, Senator, your Masonic predecessors would never have allowed such treason! And
though it is not yet to a point where it is unlawful to cohabit with our own kind, it is nevertheless clear that through
the “democratic process” mescegenation is running rampant.
Statistical analysis is saying that by the year 2040 whites will be a minority in America. I believe that day is
much sooner.
We can be certain, regardless the day, that if our race dies, our nations and culture and everything that sprung
from them dies too. And like Egypt, and all the other High Cultures, other races will trample through the rubble that
was, and never will be again, a culture as distant from them and their visionless minds as the sun.
And you and your ambitious peers, whether blind or bought or bent, will be the grave-diggers and death-
mongers of the greatest race and culture known to the history of the world – if there be left anyone who can read.
“Bereft of Patriotism, the heart of a nation will be cold and cramped and sordid; the Arts will have no
enduring impulse and Commerce no invigorating soul; society will degenerate and the mean and vicious triumph (as
in Russia). Patriotism is not a wild and glittering passion, but a glorious reality. The virtue that gave to paganism its
dazzling lustre, to barbarism its redeeming trait, to Christianity its heroic form, is not dead. It still lives, to console,
to sanctify humanity. In every clime it has its altar.” (American General Thomas Meagher).
“We must realize the vitality of the great Spiritual Force we call Nationalism. The Spirit of Nationalism springs
from the deepest of human emotions. It rises from the yearning of men to be free of foreign domination; to govern
themselves. It springs from a thousand rills of race, of history, of sacrifice and pride in national achievement. Every
nation has laid its dead on the Altar of Country. They died with their National Hymns on their lips. Nationalism
does not mean Isolationism from the common interests of nations. We ourselves have proved that. Just as we valued
our own independence of other peoples. And equally do these emotions flow wide and deep in all free nations.
Within them and their religious faith is their Spirtual strength. It sustains their resolution against aggression and
domination. We hope that slumbering Nationalism will awaken to throw off the Moscow yoke.” (Former President
Hoover on june, 24, 1954, in a speech from Chicago radio broadcast.)
I hope that slumbering Nationalism will awaken to throw off the yoke of this Jew/Masonic hydra that is
strangling us to death!
These acts and effects, caused by this conspiratorial machinery, are making us slaves within our own house.
The final objective has not been fully met – yet. The consistency of the plot proves in itself that it is not mere
coincidence or hapchance.
In fact, it cannot be expressed clearer than Thomas Jefferson stated it:
“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions, begun at a
distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematical
plan of reducing is to slavery.”
I have had my life stripped from me, Senator, and my existence is comparable to a living death – a hell. I am
no criminal – this you well know. Yet, I am abandoned among the sewage of our “democracy”.
The family I was rearing is gone from me, forever. My father – my truest friend – has been brutally
butchered and murdered. A truer or more sincere patriot never lived. I knew him, I can say that!
I have but one fear and consequently one drive. I deeply fear for the future of my people, and with whatever
energy I can muster, by whatever means, through whatever sacrifices I must endure, I will endeavor to secure their
I admit, very often, if not all times, I feel like the loneliest man. I have nothing I can call my own save my
soul and love and duty to my people. My past is a vicious scar, never healing. Myy present a living hell. My future a
steep and rugged mountain; a peak I may never reach. Nonetheless, I struggle on daily. I struggle alone.
Your father, whatever his failings may have been, did struggle against these forces at one tome, as did others,
who were loyal to their people and nation. He would know to some extent my burden.
But he lived in an age of life. We live in an age of death. The mockeries on the Senate floors are merely
theatrical performances today. The spirity of life has been supressed or killed under this state of materialism, of
hopeless despair, our inability to know and understand our world – our loss of identity.
You're no longer a young man. Your ambitions are most likely attained – at least to the point of what Destiny
will grant you in this life.
You have suckled from the breast of Fortune, but surely in your aging days of wisdom that milk must be
bitter in your belly.
I cannot believe you are happy. Your soul must feel the sorrow of knowing that our nation has papssed from
its greatness; our people not yet realizing the pit they are in, nonetheless, are dying; and that you have been silent, or
in the worst light a traitor by your actions.
Were your father looking down on you, could he call you his son? Could you justify yourself to him? The
millions of souls, who carry the immeasurable burden of these chains your peers have bound them with, will
wonder who were the men who bound them to such a fate.
Your silence is appropriate. A man needs to be filled with life to speak and to stand as a man. You will go to
your death, more alone than I. I will have the countless souls of millions, the warriors, and the poets and the
dreamers to accompany me. Whereas, those tormented souls of scoundrels, cowards and devils – truly the lifeless 0
will abide with you.
Cicero in is oft-repeated speech in the Roman Senate in 42 B.C. Spoke these words truer than I can express:
“A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the
gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within
the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the
traitor appears not traitor – he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and garments, and he
appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and
alone in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A
murderer is less to be feared.”
And it is equally true, is it not, that when treason doth prosper, none dare call it treason!” But I dare and I do.
Even with the heel of this Jew/Masonic hydra on my throat, I remain adamantly loyal to my people and
Yorie Von Kahl
Prisoner No. 04565-059
P.O. BOX 1000
Lewisburg, PA 17837