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Simulation and Optimization of Hybrid Solar

PV-Biomass Power Plant for Rural Rajasthan
Prateek Malhotra, Tarun Naruka
Department of Electrical Engineering
Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India
Received 25 July 2017, received in revised form 30 September 2017, accepted 05 December 2017

Abstract: Energy scarcity is among the biggest challenge that India different aspects of optimization of renewable energy systems
is facing now-a-days. So, we are heading towards non-conventional especially solar, wind and biomass energy. Sachchidanand
sources of energy which are economical as well as available in Pandey et al. presented a paper on techno economic analysis of
ample quantity from nature. Reluctant effects of energy scarcity HES consisting of PV- Biomass energy for a village in
are clearly visible in today's era, hence there is a desperate need of
Gorakhpur District and concluded that hybrid system is a viable
sustainable energy to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. We
receive Solar energy for 5-6 hours per day and prices of Biomass green technology source for rural electrification[1]. W.S. Ho et
vary widely. Jointure of Solar energy with Biomass energy al. formulated MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programing) model
complements each other and provides balance to the system by for optimization of hybrid Solar- Biomass plant in Iskandar
overcoming individual demerits of both. Thus Hybrid Solar PV- Malaysia (IM) and concluded that it is indeed feasible for IM to
Biomass Power Plant supllies continuous and uniform electricity. rely on HES to satisfy average daily load of 16,900kWH/day[3].
Rajasthan receives solar radiation of 6-7 kWh/m2 according to data Ali Heydari et al. proposed a paper on optimization of biomass
taken from NREL(National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and is based PV Plant for off grid application using Harmony Search
blessed with bulk surplus quantity of biomass all around. Major Algorithm and proved that hybrid plant is better than PV only
biomass in Rajasthan that are used for generating electricity are plant for problems of agricultural well electricity demand in
Julie Flora, Guar Stalks, Cotton Stalks and Mustard Husk. The
Iran[4]. Mahadevan Mahalaxmi presented a paper on Economic
main objective is to find best configuration of Hybrid Solar PV-
Biomass Plant in terms of optimum sizing Total Net Present Cost and environmental analysis of biomass-solar hybrid system
(NPC) and Cost of Energy (COE). using HOMER Pro Software and concludes that from economic
point of view grid only system costs less than HES in present
scenario in India[5]. U.K. Rathod et al. presented a paper on
Keywords: Hybrid, HOMER, NREL, NPC, COE Modelling of Hybrid Power System for economic analysis and
environmental impact to reduce grid extension and concluded
1. INTRODUCTION that COE of Hybrid Energy system is lesser than single unit of
Renewable power generation technologies holds vital 250 MW of STP Plant[6] M. Chandel et al. presented a paper on
importance in preserving natural resources and reducing carbon Techno-economic analysis of solar PV plant for garment zone in
emissions. Rural electrification by off-grid hybrid energy Sitapura Industirial area in Jaipur. Energy required was 27,481
system may be better than extending the grid because power can kWh/day which was completely fed by the rooftop Solar-PV
be sourced from local renewable resources and due to short power plant. LCOE comes out to be Rs. 14.94/kWh, making the
distance between generator and consumer there are very little plant feasible and reliable[7]. Norat Mal Swarnkar et al.
electrical system losses. There is a growing interest in harnessing presented a paper on Analysis of Hybrid Energy system for
renewable energy sources since they are available in abundance, supplying residential load by HOMER and RETscreen software
pollution free and inexhaustible. However renewable energy has in Rajasthan and concluded that the PV-Wind system is feasible
some drawbacks such as poor reliability. We cannot depend with COE of Rs. 16.12/kWh and payback period of 7 years[8].
totally on renewable energy because solar energy is available for Anis Afzal et al. presented a paper on Hybrid Renewable energy
limited number of hours, affected by clouds and biomass such as system for energy security using optimization technique and
crops and their residue depends on whether condition and their concluded that sometimes optimal configuration simulated by
prices vary on wide scale. These combined drawbacks of solar the software are not practically possible to install, hence
and biomass energy can be removed by making the system compromise has to be made in favour of second or third most
hybrid [1]. Hybridization of solar with biomass will complement economical configuration[9]. Akash Kumar Shukla et al.
presented a paper on simulation and performance analysis of
each other both seasonally and diurnally and will overcome the
110kW grid connected Solar PV plant for residential hostel
drawbacks that they both individually possess [2].
building at MANIT, Bhopal and compared four types of PV
Technologies and paper concludes that PR of these PV systems
2. LITERATURE REVIEW varies from 70% to 88% and (a-si) and (CdTe) PV systems have
In past years in HES(Hybrid Energy Systems), various their PRs higher than 75%[10]. Kunal K Jagtap et al. presented
investigations are carried out in the literature which studies the paper on Techno Economic modelling with Wind-Solar PV and


Wind-Solar PV-Biomass Hybrid energy system using HOMER

Pro software and MATLAB. Paper concluded that the reliability
of Wind-Solar PV-Biomass combination is 75.01% with COE of
Rs. 4.70/kWh while reliability of Wind-Solar PV combination is
28.37% with COE of Rs. 4.98/kWh[11].

Jaiprakashpura is a small village in Chaksu district, merely 52
km from the state capital of Rajasthan.

Table 1 Study Location Description

Location Jaiprakashpura, Rajasthan, 303901, India Figure 2 Daily load demand of village school

Latitude 26 degrees 33.15 minutes North

Longitude 76 degrees 1.48 minutes East
Time Zone Asia/Kolkata


Jaiprakashpura village consists of 38 households out of which 26
are electrified[20]. Each house comprises of 4 led bulbs(7W
each), 2 fans(60W each), TV (60W), regular appliances. 5 street
lights of 15W each and load of village school is also considered.
So average load considered in this paper is 190 kWh/day with
peak load of 11.5kW and 6 kWh/day with peak load of 0.75 kW
for school and street lights. Figure 3 Daily load demand of street lights

Figure 1 represents the daily load demand of the village houses, 3.2 POTENTIAL OF SOLAR ENERGY
Figure 2 represents daily load demand of the school (9-15 hours) Rajasthan is blessed with abundant solar energy and if harnessed
and Figure 3 represents the daily load demand of the street light efficiently, the state is capable of producing electricity on a large
(0-5 and 19-23 hours). scale[2]. Figure 4 represents daily radiation data and clearness
index of the proposed area.


Figure 4 Solar Radiation and Clearness Index

Figure 1 Daily load demand of village houses Data of Jaiprakashpura[14]


3.3. POTENTIAL OF BIOMASS ENERGY Energy Laboratory (NREL). HOMER Pro allows simulation of
Biomass is the oldest source of energy known to humans. The various combinations of Solar PV modules, Wind turbines, and
term biomass encompasses a large variety of materials, Biomass based generators[12].Working effectively with
including wood from various resources, agricultural residues, HOMER requires understanding of its three core capabilities[19] –
and animal and human waste[3]. In comparison with many
renewable energy options, biomass has the merit of dispatch
ability. This means that biomass energy is controllable and
available when it is required. However, the disadvantage of such
system is that the fuel needs to be procured, delivered, stored and
paid for. One of the technologies for the extraction of energy
from biomass resource is anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic
digestion is a series of biological processes in which
microorganisms break down biodegradable materials such as
livestock manure, municipal wastewater solids, food waste, fats,
oils and various other organic wastes in the absence of oxygen.
One of the end products is biogas which is used to generate
electricity and heat. Biogas produced in anaerobic digesters
consists of methane (45–75%), carbon dioxide (25–55%) and
trace levels of other gases. For conversion of bio-methane into Figure 5 Three capabilities of HOMER
heat and electricity, a biogas engine–generator is used[4].
Simulation: At its core, HOMER is a simulation model.
Table 2 Potential of biomass in Rajasthan
HOMER simulates a viable system for all possible combinations
of the equipment that is to be considered. Depending on the
Major biomass Mustard stalks and husk
consumed by Guar stalks Prosopis problem, HOMER may simulate hundreds or even thousands of
power plant Juliflora wood Cotton stalks systems.

Estimated average price of Optimization: The optimization step follows all simulations.
all biomass in 2017 HOMER sorts all the simulated systems and filter them
(excluding storage and Rs. 2797
according to criteria define defined by us, so that we can see the
feeding cost) Rs./ton best possible fits.
Average escalation of Sensitivity analysis: This is an optional step that HOMER
all major biomass cost 10.50%
allows to model the impact of variables that are beyond our
control, such as wind speed, fuel costs, etc., and see how the
Average storage and optimal system changes with these variations.
feeding cost (Rs./ton) Rs. 220


Biomass storage and
handling cost 2% To represent the life cycle cost of the system, HOMER uses total
Net Present Cost (NPC). The total NPC consists of all the costs
and revenue that occurs within the project lifetime. The NPC
It is found that, the biomass generated from agricultural activity includes the cost of initial construction, component replacement
is 5,26,89,79 tons/year, about 4,78,13,642 tons/year (90.75 %) and fuel. For calculation of NPC, HOMER uses the following
consumed by local people for fodder, manure, fuel for thermal equation :
energy consuming industries, biomass power plants, brick kiln,
etc. and about only 48,76,155 Tons/year(9.25%) is available as
Cann,tot is the total annualized cost,
4. HOMER PRO SOFTWARE i is the annual interest rate (the discount rate),
For the past few years much research has been conducted CRF is the Capital Recovery Factor.
regarding standalone and grid-connected Renewable Energy CRF is given by the following equation :
(RE) sources all over the world. The HOMER tool has been used
to analyze a hybrid electric supply system (hydro/PV/wind/
biomass) and to find the optimum sizing of components for a
diesel-based RE system [5]. The name HOMER is an Where, i is the annual interest rate,
abbreviation of Hybrid Optimization Model for Electrical N is the number of years.
Renewable and it is developed by U.S. National Renewable For calculation of COE, HOMER uses the following equation :


to the system when sun is not present. The Storage Capacity (Cwh)
is calculated using following equation :
Cann,tot is the total annualized cost,
Eprim and Edef are the total amount of primary and deferrable
load that the system serves per year, Where,
EL = Total energy demand;
5. MODELING OF POWER PLANT AD = Daily autonomy;
ηinv = Inverter efficiency;
5.1. Modeling of Solar PV Plant ηb = Battery efficiency.
DOD = Depth of Discharge [13].

DOD is the complement of State of Charge (SOC).It describes

the degree to which a battery is emptied relative to its total
capacity. This affects the length of the battery's operational life,
as well as the total number of kilowatt-hours it will be able to
store over its lifetime. DOD in this paper is taken as 50%. If a
lead-acid battery is discharged 100% every time its electrolyte
will quickly degrade compared to if it were only discharged to a
maximum of 50%. In this study, the capital cost and replacement
cost of 1 kWh 12V 100 Ah battery is taken as 9000 Rs.


Figure 6 Modeling of Solar PV Plant
Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) is a kind of charge
5.1.1. SOLAR PV PANEL controller that utilizes the solar panel power to its maximum
potential. The MPPT fools the panels by giving output with
It converts sun's rays into electricity by exciting electrons in
different voltage and current which will allow more power to go
silicon cells using the photons of light from sun. The power
into the batteries [16]. Output voltage and current from the solar
output of the Solar PV panel is given by following equation [13]. panel is monitored by MPPT and operating point that will deliver
that maximum amount of power to the batteries will be
determined. MPPT can accurately track the always-changing
operating point where the power is at its maximum, thus the
Where, efficiency of the solar cell will be increased[17]. Many
algorithms have been developed for tracking maximum power
P PVout= Output power from the PV cell;
point of a PV generator such as Perturb and Observe (P&O),
P NPV = Rated power at the reference conditions; Incremental Conductance, and fuzzy logic based tracking
G = Solar radiation (W/m2); techniques. These algorithms vary in effectiveness, complexity,
Gref= Solar radiation at reference conditions (Gref= 1000W/m2); convergence speed, sensors required and cost [18].
Tref = Cell temperature at reference conditions (Tref= 25oC
KT= Temperature coefficient of the maximum power 5.1.4. POWER CONVERTER
(KT = -3.7 x 10-3 (1/oC) for mono and polycrystalline Si. HES that contains both AC and DC elements requires a
The cell temperature TC is given by following equation : TC converter. It acts as both rectifier and inverter accordingly. In this
Tamb + (0.0256 x G) study, capital cost and replacement cost of power converter is
taken as 7,000 Rs.
Tambis the ambient temperature. 5.2. Modeling of Biomass Plant
Practically the Performance Ratio (PR) of the solar panel varies
from 70% to 88% [10]. Slope angle for the panel is taken as 26.55
degrees. In this study, the capital cost and replacement cost of PV
Panel is taken as 60,000 Rs/kW and 40,000 Rs/kW including
cost of MPPT charge controller and mounting structure .


For Solar plant lead acid deep-cycle storage batteries are used for
storing the energy generated by PV panels for providing backup Figure 7 Modeling of Biomass Plant


Gasification means the conversion of biomass into mixture of 5.2.2. MAJOR BIOMASS IN RAJASTHAN
combustible gasses called producer gas by partial oxidation of Biomass dispatch ability depends on the seasonality. Propis
biomass at high temperatures of about 800°C-900°C The Juliflora Wood grows throughout the year and also grows on
producer gas (with low calorific value) can be directly burned or wasteland, thus suits well for Biomass Energy production. Table
can be used as a fuel for gas engines [21]. The system consists of 3 represents generation, consumption surplus quantity, and other
updraft or downdraft gasifier[22], gas cleaning filters, and an parameters of four major biomass available in Rajasthan[15].
engine that generates electricity from producer gas. In this paper,
cost of biomass generator is considered to be 96000 Rs./kW.
Table 3 Major Biomass in Rajasthan

Name of Biomass Mustard Stalks and Husk Guar Stalks Propis Juliflora Wood Cotton Stalks
Generation Point Agro-Field Agro-Field Waste Land Agro-Field
Generation(tons/year) 61,55,994 45,78,265 2,92,36,340 9,34,938
Consumption(tons/year) 47,36,157 34,10,774 2,56,42,750 5,26,886
Surplus(tons/year) 14,19,837 11,67,491 35,93,590 4,08,052
Cost(Rs./ton) 2,632 2,436 3,020 2,050
Seasonality Feb-May Oct-Dec Throughout the year Nov-Jan
Calorific Value(Kcal/kg) 3,363 3,784 3,217 3839
Moisture (%) 10.07 11.78 26.21 21.90

5.3. HYBRID SOLAR PV – BIOMASS POWER PLANT Figure 8 shows a schematic diagram of Hybrid Solar PV-
Both Solar Energy and Biomass Energy have their individual Biomass-Battery power plant model of HOMER Pro software.
strengths and weaknesses. Solar energy requires very less As indicated, scaled annual energy consumption is 190 kWh/day
maintenance but is limited only for 5-6 hours per day on an with peak load of 11.58 kW for village houses and 6 kWh/day
average. Biomass energy has an advantage of dispatch ability but with peak load of 0.75 kW for school and street lights. PV is
biomass prices vary on a wide scale every year. Solar PV- connected on the DC bus while Biomass Generator is connected
Biomass Hybrid power plant which will enhance the potential of to the AC bus and converter acts as both rectifier and inverter.
the plant by balancing their individual strengths and weaknesses. Whenever battery gets discharged below DOD i.e. 50% and
there is not sufficient solar energy, then the battery will be
6. IMPLEMENTATION ON HOMER charged from Biomass Generator through a rectifier.
HOMER Pro software simulates every possible system
configuration and sorts the feasible ones and arrange them in
decreasing order of NPC. Figure 9 represents Optimization
Results and the most optimal Hybrid Solar PV-Biomass power
plant and only Biomass power plant. Most optimal Solar PV-
Biomass hybrid power plant comprises of 4.75 kW solar array, 9
kW biomass generator, 20 lead-acid batteries and 6.9 kW
converter with NPC and COE of Rs.11.2M and Rs.12.15. While
most optimal Biomass system comprises of 9 kW biomass
generator, 32 lead-acid batteries 2.26 kW converter with NPC
and COE of Rs. 11.8M and Rs. 12.72. Table 5 represents NPC of
the hybrid system considering capital cost, replacement cost,
Figure 8 Model of Hybrid System fuel cost and salvage value of all the equipments used.


Figure 9 Optimization Results

Table 5 NPC of Hybrid Solar PV-Biomass power plant

Component(Rs.) Capital(Rs.) Replacement(Rs.) Fuel(Rs.) Salvage(Rs.) Total(Rs.)

PV system 285,006 0 0 0 285,006
Biogas Genset 864,000 2,352,792 7,268,851 -5,390 10,480,253
1 kWh Lead Acid Battery 180,000 250,416 0 -22,976 407,439
Converter 48,268 20,479 0 -3,854 64,893
System 1,377,274 2,623,687 7,268,851 -32,221 11,237,591

6.3. Simulation Results of Hybrid Solar 6.3.2. Biomass Generator Output

PV-Biomass power plant

6.3.1. PV Output

Figure 11 Biomass Generator Output

Figure 10 PV Output

Table 6 PV Output Constraints Table 7 Biomass Generator Output Constraints

Quantity Value Quantity Value

Rated Capacity 4.75 kW Rated Capacity 9 kW
Mean Output 0.42 kW Mean Output 7.87 kW
Mean Output 9.89 kWh/d Minimum Output 5.15 kW
Minimum Output 0.00 kW Maximum Output 9 kW
Maximum Output 1.00 kW Capacity Factor 87.5 %
Capacity Factor 8.68 % Total Production 68,946 kWh
Total Production 3611.39 kWh Fuel Consumption 208 tons/yr
Hours of Operation 4373 hours/yr Specific Fuel Consumption 2.11 kg/kWh


6.3.3. Battery State of Charge Table 9 Converter Output Constraints

Quantity Inverter Rectifier

Hours of operation 5,924 hrs/yr 2,829 hrs/yr
Energy In 5,420 Kwh/yr 2,554 Kwh/yr
Energy Out 5,149 Kwh/yr 2,299 Kwh/yr
Losses 271 Kwh/yr 255 Kwh/yr

Figure 12 Battery State of Charge 7. CONCLUSION

In this research work, Hybrid Solar PV/Biomass Plant is
Table 8 Battery Constraints modeled, simulated and optimized for Jaiprakashpura village in
Quantity Value Rajasthan. HOMER Pro software is used in designing and
modeling the optimal system. To serve the daily load
Batteries 20 requirement of the village the optimal system consists of 4.75
String Size 4 kW PV, 9 kW Biomass generator, 20 Lead-Acid batteries
(12V,100Ah) and 6.90 kW Converter. NPC and COE for the
Strings in parallel 5 optimal system are Rs.11,237,591 and Rs.12.15. Hybrid
Bus Voltage 48 configuration of the plant is Rs. 0.57 cheaper than only Biomass
plant. Thus, it is clearly seen that the hybrid system is feasible
Autonomy 1.23 hour and can deliver reliable power at lower rates with zero unmet
Energy In 2,475.50 kWh/yr load.
Energy Out 1,984.72 kWh/yr REFERENCES
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