Ymywil.: Slated Fifth

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Labor Union Adopts Resolution

Supporting Relocation Program



Resolution below was adopted by the Washington Indus-
trial Union Council of the C J.O. on last June 7. Not only was
the resolution passed by unanimous vote of all delegates pres-
ent shoe workers, office workers, transport workers, federal
workers, cafeteria workers but it received their enthusiastic
acclaim. This powerful body, rep- - J
resenting all CLO. members in
tne nation's capitoi, is tne first ELMER SHIRRELL
large group in the city to come
Senior Graduation out in positive support of the re- QUELLS RUMORS
Gigantic Two-Da- y Carnival Planned Tonight
location program and to welcome ABOUT CHICAGO
American people of Japanese de-
scent into its ranks as fully par-
Slated for Fourth, Fifth One hundred and fifteen sum-
mer graduates and eighty-thre- e
winter graduates of Manzanar
ticipating members ot a demo- center
cratic organization.
Rumors circulating around this
to the effect that no furth-
er indefinite leaves are being
High School, wearing royal blue "WHEREAS, 110,000 persons of issued to Chicago due to a des-
Responding to the cries for amusements, residents of Japanese ancestry were involun- perate housing situation "is mis-
' Manzanar will be treated to a gigantic carnival which will be caps and gowns will gather for
the last time as a group and re- tarily removed from the Pacific leading." according to Chicago
held in firebreak 16 and 17 tomorrow and Monday. This long-anticipa-
ceive their diplomas at the sec- Coast military areas last year, Relocation Supervisor Elmer L.
affair will open at 2 p jn. tomorrow afternoon and ond Commencement exercises to- regardless of citizenship-an- d loy- Shirrell, who expressed concern
night on the new stage between alty to the government of the over this matter and hoped
is scneauiea xor opening at o pjn. tne following day with a firebreaks 7. 16-1- United States, and are now con- steps will be taken to dispelthat it
carnival dance climaxing the Senior class president, Yoshi-kat- fined in relocation centers under
Shirrell believes that the rumor
y event
two-da- messhall 16. Nakayama will give the the supervision of the War Relo- originated
the carnival site cation Authority, and when he sent a tele
welcome speech following Invo- type to Manzanar requesting
CONTEST ACTIONS will be booths and concessions in- cation by Rev. Amos Kashitani. "WHEREAS, the War Reloca- only certain persons be sentthat to
cluding: penny arcade, wheel Valedictorians will be Roy Toda tion Authority is carrying out a Unicago from June 20 to 30 due
KASLO, Canada, June 2 In a games, fortune telling, movies, speaking on "Commencement program of helping the people so to the Furniture
bingo, dart games, Convention in
hurriedly called meeting, the e,
July 3, 1943," and Chizuko Sa-ku-
confined to find gainful employ- that city.
Japanese Amalgamated Property food booths, chicken raffle, snow "Our Next Step Reloca- ment outside the centers, and
balls, cold drinks and exhibits. tion" while Yoshiaki Nakayama's
Owners' Association of Canada
recently rendered final decision Various forms of entertainment topic will be "The Problem of
"WHEREAS, this program
helps to utilize more fully the CHURCH COUNCIL
to proceed court actions to con- will be offered on the new com- Minority Groups." nation's manpower during this
test the legality of their property munity stage every hour on both Highlighting the evening's ex- period of national war emergency PLEADS FOR NISEIS
liquidation by the Government. dates. Participating in the enter- ercises will be Project Director and sustains the democratic rights
In the past half a century of tainment will he the community Ralph P. Merritt's address. of residents of. this land, and "Every effort to resettle the
somewhat troubled life in the band, the Mandolin club, Swing The high school choir will give "WHEREAS, a smear campaign Japanese-America- ns
should be
northern country, the Japanese-Canadia-
band and concert orchestra; fash- a repeat performance of "Ballads recently undertaken by the Dies made now and "further invas-
ion demonstration by Mrs. Yoshi-zaw- a for Americans," and vocal solos Committee on Ac- ion of the rights of citizens and
encountered numerous and her students, selections

instances of test cases in the high- will be rendered by Mary Kage-yam- a tivities and the Hearst press unquestionably loyal resident
est court, in the legislative build- by the high school orchestra and singing "Shubert's Sere- against the War Relocation Au- Japanese jeopardizes the national
ing, in the local council halls. Al- chorus, novelties hy the Hill Billy nade" and Karie Shindo, "Ave thority and every American resi- unity and dangerously raises the
though they did not meet with Band, dances and skits under the Maria." dent of Japanese descent has the racial issue as a barrier to a just
successes, those, .cases are looked direction of Mr. Y. Tanaka. Superintendent of Education, effect of arousing fear and hatred and durable peace," is theopin-io- n
upon to serve as milestones that Committees are headed by Paul Dr. Genevieve Carter will present of the American people against expressed by the Northern
will mark their long and rocky Uyemura as general chairman diplomas to the class who in turn persons of Japanese descent, re- California Council of Churches in
road to citizenship as surely as and all last minute questions or will be presented to the audience gardless of loyalty to this coun a letter to President Roosevelt on
this present action will be noted requests should be referred to by Principal Leon C. High. try and to the democratic way of June 7.
on the record as a fight for demo- him' or to the respective commit- Following the commencement life, and of diverting attention The Council told the President
cratic principles involving Can- tee heads. the graduates will be honored at from a Second Front in Europe of the recent statement attribut-
adians of every birth. a reception spoasored by the PTA this year, and ed to Senator Buck of Delaware.
Ha viJCr. . WHEREAS, a wmihpr.nf .gfir J.
f lit view(9f ulU5i"fe"succeK, the 'AU-f- ee
ia people-jwith--who- m.

Property Owners' Association JHgh Schoof Efocts sons of Japanese ancestry 're talked in California vigorously
leased rrom .Relocation centers opjSsed the return of Japanese"
warned the people of the Jong,
hard and expensive fight ahead. Nishiniura President OIERLIN PRAISES have found employment in the dftes not represent "the feeling
(Connnuad on Pag Two)
The whole-hearte- d support of Manzanar Senior and Junior
NISEI STUDENTS I it a genuine cross-secti- of Cali- -

every evacuee was also empha- OBERLIN, Ohio Expressing Miornians." as a matter oi ract.
High Schools held elections for the letter said,
anti-Japane- se
sized by the committee. student body offices for the fall its friendship for Japanese-America- n
students at Oberlin Col
Events Planned In statements "supposedly made by
semester, last week. persons in responsible positions"
Officers for the Senior High
lege, the Oberlin News-Tribu-
said in a leading editorial: "As
Buddhist Meeting and frequently reported in the
NEW CHANGES IN School ,are: president, George
Nishimura; boys the school year nears its close it At the block representative and nia." "leading newspapers of Califor-
are "open to serious ques-
is appropriate that we in Oberlin cabinet meeting of the Young tion."
PAYROLL MADE Seizo Tanlbata; girls'
should be conscious or the fact Buddhist Association, Wednes- .
Yoshikb Kusunoki; secre- that not once since their arrival day, following results took place:
Changes in the payroll and tary, Haruko Uyeda; treasurer, on the college campus last fall Toshiye Higashida replaced Kiyo
timekeeping procedures put into Grace Nishi; girls' athletic man-
ager, Chiyeko Hiraoka; boys' ath- have we had cause to regret the Nishimori as women's REMINDER ISSUED
euect as a result or teletypes friendly welcome we extended at Joanne Fukuda replaced ON PARK RULES
from Washington received at pro- letic manager, Takashi Osumi; that time to the group of nisei Toshiye Higashida as recording
ject directors office within the and yell leader, Tom Hashimoto. students who e have-becom- our secretary and Yoshiya Okumura
Officers for the Junior High fellow Oberlinites. Though of replaced Bob Minami as auditor. ses"All residents must secure pas-
last few months have been in- are: president, Mamoru Ogi; to the picnic areas from-thei- r
corporated in an Administrative Japanese ancestry, they have in respective block managers," re-
Instruction released by WkA on girls' Mary Hira-m- i; every way behaved according to The regular "Shotsu-ki- " serv-
boys' Yukio the best traditions of the land of ice scheduled for the first Sun- iterated Block Assembly Chair
June 10.
Takikawa; secretary, Reiko man Kiyoharu Anzai yesterday.
The instruction states that any
a; Ku-bot-
their birth and rearms and cit-- i day of every month has been "Passes for special group pic-
and treasurer, Herbert zenship the United States. We postponed to July 11 at 7:30 pjn. nics
worker absent for more than Amamoto. hope that the 'nisei themselves are to be secured at the Town
three days must secure a doctor's have found the people of Oberlin Meeting of the Buddhist coun- HalL These special groups would
certificate and limits sick leave "In many instances, the voting
to fifteen days for any one ill- was very close in the election," to be as genuinely American in cil ("Sewanin-kai"- ) set for Thurs- include such outings as those in
participants come from
ness.- stated Mary Jean Kramer, head their attitudes as the nisei have day, has been postponed to July which several different blocks," he de-
of the Election Committee. proved to be." a.
clared. '
Outside workers, except those
paid on a. part-tim- e basis, who Anzai concluded that "Passes
report .for duty and in the judg- to these areas outside of the des-
ment of the division head are
unable to work because of wea-
ther conditions, will be given au-
MORE LINGUISTS NEEDED SOON ignated picnic zones may be se-
cured at Town HalL"
thorized absence for the day and
will be paid for such time, but Army has announced a plan in to enroll all nisei who have any vate being recommended for a NAIL WARNS OF
workers excused for reasons oth- line with the total war effort knowledge of Japanese and give commission as officer in the U. S.
er than illness or bad weather whereby the nisei will be given them the opportunity to serve Army. The nisei soldiers on the BOUNDARY LINES
will be given "leave without pay" an opportunity to participate ac- their country. front have not only made an en-
and will not be paid for such tively in the National Defense
-- CONTRIBUTION viable record of achievements Commandant of Military Po-
time. effort by utilizing most effective- With the spread of war to the and built a solid foundation for lice, Capt. Donald Nail, instructs
The instruction also provides ly the special abilities possessed Pacific, the nisei graduates of the future, but also at the same residents not to go under the
that evacuees inducted into the by them. This plan embraces the the school are fulfilling an indis- time they are laying the ground fence to go after baseballs, golf
Army may receive money pay- expansion of the School at Sav- pensable position as specialist work for generations to come. balls, or for any other purpose.
ments for overtime worked be- age by recruiting patriotic nisei personnel in the Army In every NOW IS THE TIME When a resident finds It neces-
from the various centers for sector of the Pacific war front. sary to go outside the area, they
fore their departure from the The time is now here when all must use the gates and secure
center: in all other instances training and was instituted by With the prolongation of the war, men who claim birth in America,
the authorities with the object of the demand for nisei technicians regardless of race, color, or creed, permission from the 1LP. on duty.
overtime must be taken in com- Captain Nail has received orders
pensatory leave. aiding the nisei to find their place on every front has greatly in- must arise to defend her either in
in American society. creased due to the conspicuous the battle front or the produc- to enforce this rule.
To insure that correct daily contribution they have made tion front The nisei are charged
time records are being kept, the The loyalty of hte nisei was
instruction authorizes the Finance recoenized by the authorities and wherever they have gone, and as with the mission of playing their YWCA ANNOUNCE
Section to make periodic audit in rapid succession many plans an inevitable result, this demand part at this time of national peril
endorsing tnis recognition oi has called for a rapid expansion by effectively and whole-hearted- ly
their loyalty and invaluableness of the school. utilizing their peculiar and Starting July 1, 1943 all YWCA
in the war effort were activated, Due to the nature of their work, special talent in the Japanese books and magazines have been
School such as the formation of the Ni the efforts of the Nisei techni- tongue. loaned out on a library basis.
sei Combat team and, presently, cians on the front have not been All over-du- e books will be
GOOD NEWS? their employment in war indus- publicized. Nevertheless their CAREFUL CONSIDERATION charged 1 cent for every over-du- e
tries. Thus at this time, the splendid efforts to pave the way In achieving this end the nisei day. Magazines and fiction books
.Hate to remind you but don't School at Savage, Minnesota, for the American citizens of Jap- are serving their nation most ef- are due in 7 days; reference
forget young 'uns, good ole school which trains Japanese Language anese ancestry have been such as fectively as specialist personnel books are due the day after bor-
again come September 14th. personnel will expand in order to warrant, reports of a nisei pri on graduation from the school. rowing.

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