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The document discusses standards and guidelines for creating families in Revit including level of detail, parameters, and templates.

The document outlines criteria for testing families in the Family Editor and Revit Project including flexing parameters, maintaining relationships between types, and appearance in different views and styles.

The document provides additional criteria for hosted families including placement in different host thicknesses and modifying the host thickness to check for disconnected geometry.

Revit family

creation standards

Version 13 - UK Edition
bimstore bible (Version 13) by bimstore
Created August 2015 Printed August 2015

© copyright bimstore 2015

All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
scanning or otherwise without the prior permission of bimstore
These standards are structured from content within the following documents:

BS8541 -Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction.

BS1192:4 - COBie
BS1192:3 - Asset Management & Operation
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010 Families Guide
Autodesk Revit Model Content Style Guide
AEC (UK) BIM Standard for Autodesk Revit
Example of clearance zone around a boiler Example of a swing zone on a valve leaver

Typical product data template




Content Creation Checklist

Checn klist reation checklist

con te tc
Generic  Manufacture Specific 

Parameters required


Template File (select from list in Appendix 2)


Intent / Purpose

Design & Validate  Prototype & Design  Manufacture & Assembly  Operate & Maintain 

Level of Detail

Coarse Medium Fine

.................................................................................. ................................................................................... ...................................................................................
.................................................................................. ................................................................................. .................................................................................

Sketch Framework / Skeleton




n t c

re a ti o n c h e c k li st

Family editor testing criteria

Family Editor Revit Project

  Test all family parameters to ensure that the geometry flexes/adjusts correctly when the family parameters are modified.
  Test all family types – change the type, apply it, and inspect the geometry to verify that the dimensions and relationships
are maintained.
  In a host-based family, verify that the host flexes as expected. Change the host thickness and ensure that the family
geometry adjusts appropriately.
  Verify that the family preview image is using the Preview view.
  Check all views to ensure that the family displays appropriately in different detail levels and when different Model
Graphics styles are applied.
  Test constraints:
a) Test the handles on the edge of the geometry and make sure that all geometry is constrained to either a reference plane
or a reference line.
b) Test the dimension parameter to make sure that the reference plane or line is being adjusted by the parameter and not
the actual geometry.

Project testing criteria for Revit Architecture

These are items to be checked in families created for primary use in Revit Architecture.

Family Editor Revit Project For all families:

  Inspect the family appearance in all views (plan, reflected ceiling plan, elevation, Section, 3D) at all detail levels (Coarse,
Medium, Fine).
  Inspect the family appearance in different Model Graphics Styles: Wireframe, Hidden Line, Shading, and Shading
with Edges.
  T est all family types – change the type, apply it, and inspect the geometry to verify that the dimensions and relationships
are maintained.
  Create new types and modify all parameters, checking all views for anomalies.
  Modify all material assignments to verify that materials are associated to the geometry correctly. TIP: To better inspect family
geometry, modify all material type parameters to glass. Also, if any of the family geometry does not display as glass, then a
material parameter is assigned incorrectly.
  Modify category and subcategory materials to verify the family is not using material type parameters.

For hosted families:

  P
lace hosted families into the provided host thicknesses and confirm families work in all hosts appropriate to the families use,
including in-place walls and mass elements.
  M
odify the host thickness by 25% - 400%, and check for unconnected geometry and/or plan representations that may be
disconnected from the geometry.
  Re-inspect the family appearance in all views to ensure that the geometry displays as expected.
  Dimension to all references and snap all references to walls.
  Create a test rendering.

Test the following commands on geometry created in the family:

  Copy/Paste
  Rotate
  Mirror

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