Case Series of All-Arthroscopic Treatment For Terrible Triad of The Elbow: Indications and Clinical Outcomes
Case Series of All-Arthroscopic Treatment For Terrible Triad of The Elbow: Indications and Clinical Outcomes
Case Series of All-Arthroscopic Treatment For Terrible Triad of The Elbow: Indications and Clinical Outcomes
Purpose: To evaluate the results of all-arthroscopic treatment of the terrible triad of the elbow, a combination of elbow
dislocation, radial head dislocation, and coronoid process fracture, and its complications. Methods: We performed a
retrospective review of consecutive patients with terrible triad who underwent all-arthroscopic treatment between January
2011 and December 2016. All-arthroscopic treatment was performed in the unstable elbows after manual reduction. Clinical
evaluation was performed at least 2 years postoperatively. Patients with another fracture in the upper extremity and previous
fracture of the affected elbow were excluded. A radial head fracture that was stable enough to reduce or involved less than
25% of the articular surface for partial excision and Regan-Morrey classification type I and type II coronoid process fractures
were treated arthroscopically. Range of motion, radiologic outcomes, surgical complications, and the Mayo Elbow Perfor-
mance Score were evaluated at the final follow-up. The Mann-Whitney test was used for statistical analysis. Results: A total
of 24 patients met the inclusion criteria, and the average age was 47.6 years. Coronoid process fractures were fixed in all
patients, by use of Kirschner wires in 15 (62.5%) and pullout sutures in 9 (37.5%). Radial head fractures were treated using
screw or K-wire fixation in 4 patients (16.7%); only the fragment of the fracture was resected in 11 patients (45.8%). In all 24
cases (100%), the lateral collateral ligaments were repaired. At the final follow-up, the mean flexion contracture angle was
4.8 1.1 and the mean flexion angle was 132.5 6.3 . Clinical scores were satisfactory, with a mean Mayo Elbow Per-
formance Score of 93 points. However, nonunion of coronoid fractures was observed in 4 patients (16.7%). There was 1 case
of pin-site irritation. Conclusions: All-arthroscopic treatment for the terrible triad can provide an excellent safety profile
without the need for a large incision if the indications are met. Level of Evidence: Level IV, therapeutic case series.
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol -, No - (Month), 2019: pp 1-10 1
2 S. H. LEE ET AL.
of TTE, for which arthroscopic procedures are indicated, all-arthroscopic surgery, and (3) clinical assessment at a
would present satisfactory clinical results with low rates minimum of 2 years postoperatively. The exclusion
of complications. criteria were as follows: (1) another fracture in the
ipsilateral and contralateral upper extremity, (2) open
Methods reductioneinternal fixation (ORIF) of fractures of the
This study was approved by our institutional review radial head or coronoid process if not amenable to
board (No. WKUHIRB 208-03-013). arthroscopic management, and (3) previous fracture of
the affected elbow.
Patient Selection
We performed a retrospective review of consecutive Surgical Algorithm and Technique for All-Arthroscopic
patients with terrible triad who underwent all- Treatment
arthroscopic treatment between January 2011 and All surgical procedures were performed by 1 senior
December 2016. The inclusion criteria were as follows: surgeon (J.W.K.) within 1 week after the onset of
(1) terrible triad with elbow instability after manual trauma. The surgical treatment algorithm of open
reduction (positive drop sign),13,14 (2) treatment with treatment of TTE has been established in recently
Fig 1. Treatment algorithm and indications for all-arthroscopic treatment in patients with terrible triad of elbow. (LUCL, lateral
ulnar collateral ligament; OR/IF, open reductioneinternal fixation; Tx, treatment.)
published studies.10-12 However, the surgical proced- additional K-wire was inserted 0.5 cm distally and 1 cm
ures were performed step by step with a different medially to guide the wire in a parallel direction. Two
sequence for all-arthroscopic surgery. Arthroscopic or three K-wires were then used, depending on the size
fixation or partial excision of radial head fractures was of the fragment. Thereafter, the K-wire was advanced
performed as the first step, fixation of coronoid process and passed through the fragment while the fragment
fractures or anterior capsular repair was performed as was held using a grasper and the reduction was main-
the second step, and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) tained. Otherwise, coronoid fractures were fixed via
complex repair was performed as the third step. The suture repair. FiberWire (Arthrex, Naples, FL) was used
management of radial head fractures, coronoid process as a fixation suture because of the small fragment of the
fractures, and ligament injuries was based on the fracture. Reduction was performed arthroscopically by
intraoperative findings. The surgical algorithm and in- suturing the surrounding anterior capsule of the coro-
dications for all-arthroscopic treatment of TTE are pre- noid. Moreover, a 2.7-mm drill bit was used to create 2
sented in Figure 1. holes in the ulna toward the coronoid process. These
holes passed through the fracture site and the Fiber-
Radial Head Fracture Wire to create an interosseous suture on the ulna.
As arthroscopic reduction of a radial head fracture When anterior capsular repair was performed, suture
was performed using a probe via the lever-arm method, fixation of the coronoid process was followed by repair
a completely displaced fracture that was not able to be of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LUCL).
reduced was treated with open surgery (when the
fracture fragment involved >25% of the articular sur- LCL Complex Repair
face) or arthroscopic fracture fragment excision (when Arthroscopic LCL complex repair was performed us-
the fracture fragment involved <25% of the articular ing a previously described technique2 (Fig 6). Mason-
surface) (Figs 2 and 3). When the fracture fragment of Allen sutures were passed via a shuttle technique, and
the radial head was reducible using a probe, radial head the lateral epicondyle was then fixed with a knotless
fractures were fixed using headless screws or smooth anchor (PopLok; Linvatec, Largo, FL). A spinal needle
Kirschner wires. When the radial head fracture was was passed through the radial head portal to penetrate
stable and the displacement of the articular surface was the LCL complex stump at the joint capsule. A poly-
less than 2 mm, an operation was not performed for the dioxanone suture (PDS; Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) was
radial head fracture. passed through the spinal needle and pulled out
through the proximal anterolateral portal using a
Coronoid Process Fracture grasper (Fig 6 A and B). A shuttle relay was performed
For patients with coronoid process fractures, by connecting the PDS with a high-strength nonab-
arthroscopy-assisted fixation was performed using 1 sorbable suture and was then pulled out through the
of 2 techniques: K-wire fixation or suture repair2,3 proximal anterolateral portal. A second PDS was passed
(Figs 4 and 5). Coronoid fractures were fixed using a through the proximal anterolateral portal from the
K-wire when the fracture fragment was large enough radial head portal, and the nonabsorbable suture was
to penetrate using such a K-wire. To prevent iatrogenic connected with the second PDS. The nonabsorbable
cartilage injury, 1.6-mm K-wires were inserted from suture was then moved back to the radial head portal
the posterior aspect of the ulna in an anterior direction (Fig 6C). One more sequence was repeated with a
to the radial head. With this K-wire used as a guide, an 10-mm gap left between it and the previous stitches.
4 S. H. LEE ET AL.
Both paired strands of the nonabsorbable suture were removed at an average of 8 to 12 weeks postoperatively
knotted using the modified Mason-Allen method when bone union was identified on radiography in the
(Fig 6D). An anterolateral portal was created using a clinic with patients under local anesthesia.
spinal needle, and the nonabsorbable suture was then
transferred from the radial head portal to this portal for Clinical Evaluation
fixation at the LCL complex footprint. The footprint of ROM, surgical complications, and the Mayo Elbow
the humeral attachment of the LCL complex was gently Performance Score were evaluated at the final follow-
decorticated using a burr or shaver. A predrilled hole up by 2 surgeons (S.H.L. and K.H.L.). Delayed union
directed slightly upward was created using a 4.5-mm or nonunion was measured at the outpatient follow-up
drill bit before anchor fixation. The transferred nonab- via radiography. The anatomic integrity after LCL
sorbable sutures were fixed using 1 knotless suture complex repair was evaluated via magnetic resonance
anchor on the articular side of the LCL complex imaging 6 months after surgery and followed up yearly
footprint of the humeral attachment, with the elbow by ultrasonography.
in a valgus position, through the anterolateral portal
(Fig 6 E and F). Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS for
Postoperative Management Windows (version 12.0; IBM, Armonk, NY). The
Initially, the elbow was immobilized in a posterior Mann-Whitney test was used to assess the significance
splint while flexed at 90 for 2 to 3 days. Patients were of differences in ROM and clinical scores compared
instructed to perform passive range-of-motion (ROM) with the contralateral elbow at the final follow-up.
exercises, using a hinged brace with a 30 extension A power analysis was performed to evaluate the
block, approximately 3 times a day for 4 weeks after power of group comparisons of the clinical outcomes
surgery. The exercises involved full passive ROM after 4 between the affected and contralateral elbows;
weeks. At 6 weeks postoperatively, strengthening this study achieved a power of 0.75 for detecting
exercises were initiated, and patients returned to differences with an actual a value of .05. G*Power
full activity typically at 3 months. The K-wires were software (version; Heinrich-Heine-Universität
Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) was used for the post fractures (n ¼ 4), open surgery of radial fractures
hoc power analysis. (n ¼ 9), ORIF of coronoid process fractures (n ¼ 2), and
unavailability for a minimum of 2 years of follow-up
Results (n ¼ 3). Consequently, 18 men and 6 women with a
We initially identified 42 patients who underwent mean age of 47.6 years (range, 20-73 years) were
surgery for terrible triad between 2011 and 2016. Of finally included, and the mean follow-up period was
these patients, 18 were excluded in accordance with the 29.8 months (range, 24-50 months). The mean opera-
following exclusion criteria: combined upper-extremity tion time was 151 minutes (range, 95-270 minutes),
Fig 5. Arthroscopic technique for coronoid fracture treatment using FiberWire (right elbow). (A) Arthroscopic view of coronoid
fracture. By use of the arthroscope, the soft tissue is sutured around the fracture fragment. (B) With a 2.7-mm drill bit, 2 holes are
created in the coronoid process that pass through the fracture site. (C) The FiberWire is inserted through the drill hole to place an
interosseous suture on the ulna.
6 S. H. LEE ET AL.
Fig 6. Illustrations and arthroscopic views of arthroscopic lateral collateral ligament (LCL) complex repair (right elbow). (A)
Ruptured LCL complex with posterior arthroscopic soft-spot portal established as viewing portal for LCL complex repair. (C, LCL
complex footprint of humeral attachment; L, LCL complex stump; P, probe.) (B) A spinal needle is passed through the radial head
(RH) portal to penetrate the LCL complex stump and joint capsule. Polydioxanone suture (PDS) is then passed through the spinal
needle and moved outside of the proximal anterolateral (PAL) portal using a grasper. (C) The high-strength nonabsorbable
suture is moved back to the RH portal. (D) One more sequence is repeated with a 10-mm gap left between it and the previous
stitches. Both paired strands of the nonabsorbable suture are knotted using the modified Mason-Allen method. First, 1 limb of
the nonabsorbable suture is passed by a shuttle relay through the ligament. Then, the suture limb is passed in the opposite
direction at about 1 cm from the first passage. A horizontal loop is made. For the third passage, suture limb is passed just medial
to the horizontal strand and forms a modified Mason-Allen stitch. Thereafter, the non-passed limb of suture is passed near the
third passage point of the previously passed limb. (E) An anterolateral portal is made using a spinal needle, and the nonab-
sorbable suture is then transferred from the RH portal to the anterolateral portal for fixation at the LCL complex footprint. The
transferred nonabsorbable sutures are fixed using 1 knotless suture anchor on the articular side of the LCL complex footprint of
the humeral attachment through the anterolateral portal. (F) Complete arthroscopic LCL complex repair and stable elbow joint.
and the mean tourniquet time was 107 minutes (range, patients with MCL and LCL injuries, stability was
55-210 minutes). obtained via only LCL repair. Patient characteristics,
Coronoid process fractures were fixed in all 24 comorbidities, and mechanisms of injury are
patients, by use of K-wires in 15 (62.5%) and ante- described in Table 1.
rior capsular repair including coronoid fracture At the final follow-up assessment, all 24 patients
fragments in 9 (37.5%). Radial head fractures were showed complete resolution of their elbow instability
treated via screw fixation in 4 patients (16.7%), only and a negative result for the lateral pivot-shift test.
the fragment of the fracture was resected in 11 Clinical scores and ROM showed no significant differ-
(45.8%), and nonoperative treatment was provided ence between the affected and contralateral elbows.
in 9 (37.5%). In the analysis of the collateral liga- According to the validated Mayo Elbow Performance
ments, 20 cases (83.3%) of medial collateral ligament Score, the elbow performance was rated excellent in 15
(MCL) injury and 24 cases (100%) of LCL injury patients and good in 9. Clinical scores and ROM are
were found on magnetic resonance imaging. In all described in Table 2.
complex healing
10 M/72 II K-wire fixation I Conservative Tx Yes No LUCL repair 30 Slip None
11 M/56 I Suture repair II Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 24 Fall from height None
12 M/20 I Suture repair I Conservative Tx Yes Yes LUCL repair 26 Fall from height None
13 M/39 II K-wire fixation II Fixation Yes Yes LUCL repair 28 Fall from height None
14 M/40 II K-wire fixation II Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 27 Passenger traffic None
15 F/61 II K-wire fixation II Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 32 Slip Nonunion
16 M/72 II K-wire fixation II Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 26 Passenger traffic Pin-site irritation
17 F/67 I Suture repair I Conservative Tx Yes Yes LUCL repair 24 Slip None
18 M/28 II K-wire fixation I Partial excision Yes No LUCL repair 36 Slip None
19 M/22 II K-wire fixation II Partial excision Yes No LUCL repair 36 Slip None
20 M/45 II K-wire fixation III Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 26 Fall from height None
21 M/46 I Suture repair II Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 27 Passenger traffic None
22 M/47 II K-wire fixation I Conservative Tx Yes Yes LUCL repair 26 Fall from height Nonunion
23 M/20 II Suture repair I Conservative Tx Yes Yes LUCL repair 26 Slip None
24 M/51 I Suture repair II Partial excision Yes Yes LUCL repair 26 Fall from height None
F, female; LCL, lateral collateral ligament; LUCL, lateral ulnar collateral ligament; M, male; MCL, medial collateral ligament; OP, operative; ROM, range of motion; Tx, treatment.
Table 2. Clinical Scores and ROM at Final Follow-Up nonrandomized nature of the study, which can lead to
selection bias. To prevent bias from the learning curve,
Affected Elbow Contralateral Elbow P Value
arthroscopic surgery was performed for fractures after
MEPS, points 93 (75-100) 100 .31
ROM, elbow arthroscopic surgery had been performed in
Extension 4.8 1.1 0 0.3 .24 more than 20 cases.
Flexion 132.5 6.3 140 2.4 .34
Supination 85 5.2 90 1.8 .41
Pronation 81.5 4.8 90 1.5 .28 Conclusions
NOTE. Data are presented as mean standard deviation or mean All-arthroscopic treatment for the terrible triad can
(range). provide an excellent safety profile without the need for
MEPS, Mayo Elbow Performance Score; ROM, range of motion. a large incision if the indications are met.
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